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The Novel TUESDAY WITH MORRIE is a story of friendship,love and the importance of

living a meaningful life.

In this novel Album shares mori's insights and life lessons on topics on human
condition such as love ,forgiveness ,death and the meaning of life, Which is
relevant to our thoughts and actions.

Morrie Schwartz is an extremely wise and brave man. Not many people can have such
anpositive outlook on life,
while knowing you have a fatal illness. Morrie makes death feel like it is
not something we should be afraid of. Instead, we should look at death for why we
need to live life with courage, with humour, with composure.

He knew he was going to die, decided to live the rest of his life to the fullest
instead of withering away and giving up. He did not give death the power to stop
him from being his untroubled self, rather he used death to make sure he lived the
rest of his limited time to be happy and to do everything he wanted. I wish to be
as wise as Morrie one day, and to be able to live without the fear of dying.

We can see it in the way that Morrie talks. and what he talks about. He says that
he feels like he can better relate to people who are suttering, because he himself
is suffering.
This is true, because when like that happen, we get a better understanding on how
that person feels. It also gives us the sense that we are not alone. It's easier to
comfort and be comforted by people who are in a similar situation as us

The book has lot of life lessons that i can learn from.
The book is actually an eve-onener on how should we see lite and death. It also
shows the importance of a relationship between students and teacher.
The story talks about the realitv about human beings that all-of us will eventually
Mori emphasizes the importance of discussing topics that really matter in our day
to day life as opposed to the more superficial topics often discussed in society.

He encourages album and ofcourse the readers to think about what is most important
to us and to live our life accordingly.
In the first phase of the book, As a reader I I have learn the importance of having
a plan and setting a goals for life and how having a syllabus for his own life
could help us stay on track and focused.
Just like Mitch introduced the ingredients or syllabus as a purpose or commitment
to learning and growth for the way we approaches life with intention.
The syllabus becomes a central part of their meetings structure and focus to their
conversations .
Mori insists on sticking to the syllabus
uses it to guide their discussions including the topics such as love death and
Through Mitch Albam Mori told his readers that people should focus on relationships
and love rather than material possessions and Career Success to find true

The story talks about the realitv about human beings that all ot us will eventually
Morrie taught us that we should positivelv and happilv live while we're still in
this world and that money can buv happiness. After reading the book, Mortie gave me
realization that should remember everv moment with my lovedones and to send guality
time with them.

lThe three most important lessons that i learns after reading the conversation
between Mori and Mitch are that love keeps us alive even after we're gone, we need
to forgive ourselves, and the third lesson is that without love, life loses its

The way Morrie has clearly put forgiving yourself before forgiving others shows how
important this is. We cannot completely forgive others if we are angry with
ourselves. Our life will not be happy if all we do is regret.

We always think that if we had acted ditterently that day, our life would have been
different, we think that if we had said it differently, then our life could have
been better than now, if this did not happen to us, now we would be in a different
place, but we cannot control everything and cannot know how your life will turn out
if we do this or that. But we need to be forgive ourselves for what we did not do
in the past or for what we did wrong and stop regretting, all that we have now and
what we can change is only the present and the future.
This is what Morrie wanted to teach us.

When talking about those life lessons about money and forgiveness there were a lot
of valuable things they were talking about. Morrie is
intrigued by anything other than money and material wealth, as is the cultural
standard. In someways. he claims, culture has fooled us into believing that money
can substitute love. and we try only to be left unfulfilled and hungry. Morrie had
lost all interest in material possessions after learning of his illness.
Mitch believes Morrie's home is loaded with great money, as it is embellished not
by stuff but by love. I personally love that view point of Mitch because ,
money is not everything, you can be the richest man in the world and will still get
lonely sometimes. Everyone in life always thinks that money is the root of all
problems and once you get the money, you're on top with nothing to worry about.
That is not the case at all because once more money comes in, then more problems
begin to come as well. I have personally seen money change people before and it is
not a joke,
because a lot of people get money hungry and money motivated that they forget about
everything else important in life.
money also does not contribute to happiness, it may for a while but in the end you
will know. Life is a precious
thing, and we all must really enjoy and love life for what it really is.

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it
come in.Which i have learned from Morie’ s quoted words.

It changed My life because i realized that people deserves love regardless of what
they have done or not done in their lives.
I realized that without love, our life becomes meaningless and without logic.
Sometimes, we think that we don't deserve love. But we need to have love in our
life. Because life without love has no purpose.
It becomes meaningless, meaningless to the point that it affects all our sorrow.
leading to pain and loss. Mori showed to us that love must come in.
If we choose to let it in, our life will be filled with joy and meaning.

By learning from Morrie. We must appreciate the most important thing that we have -
our time.
I understands how important it is to appreciate the time i have .
At this time, one must love, forgive, move on and live so that we will never be
forgotten, even atter we are gone.

One of the most important things it helps us to realize that ,we have other people
around us. They are more important than obiects and the trivial things that happen
around us, yet we tend to pay them no mind. Instead of reading the latest celebrity
we could be making friends or helping someone get through a tougn time.
we need to cherish the moments that we have with others. and make as many moments
as we can.
we never know when we'll never be able to have those moments again.

I think the ultimate lesson in the book is empathy. Through empathy ,Morrie cried
when he saw people on the television suffering. because he felt their pain.
He put himself in their shoes and understood what it must have felt like to suffer
the same way that they did.
He understood Mitch .MAY BE not in the sense that he justified Mich’ s actions
before he taught him his last curriculum.
But, in the sense that he knew what Mitch lacked. How? Through empathy. He put
himself in his shoes and saw life the wav Mitch did.
In life, empathy is the key to prevent oneself from hurting another person. Because
instead of filling our heads with the want to ensue vain. we o be reeling the pain
that somebody else must ve tee. we d understand each other too. Because people
might have all these barriers that kept us apart but empathy brings us together -
we all have a common ground that connects us if we look closer to what another
person must be going through. We have similar experiences. onlv ditterent
approaches. But the
approaches are common arviced ov two pains. love and nate. And in mis pain. More
teaches as to chose love: because at the end of life. it'll be the only thing that
matters most.

Tuesdays With Morrie made me realize that I should be more thankful for the life
that I
live. The book also helps readers to really evaluate lives. All in all, i think
that this book does a good job at what it was intended to do.
Thinking about it, helps us to change our outlook on life.

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