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My favorite day of the week is Sunday, because we share with
the whole family.

Usually in the morning I get up 8:30 am and I stay awake

watching TV in my bed until 9.00 am. Often the whole family
ate breakfast while listening to the news on the radio. After
breakfast, I help my mother to do the cleaning in the house
until 11:30 am.

Usually lunch at home about 1:00 pm, my mother makes a delicious lunch
for us, we had lunch while anecdotes commented, sometimes only we eat
away from home. After lunch, we rest a while and then continue with the
chores and study or work, finishing homework, my brother and I watch
movies, watch TV or play a board game.

At night, my mother and I usually prepare dinner at home, hardly ever went out for dinner at
about 8:00 pm we start dinner while watching the news on TV, finishing dinner services
collect and wash, then go to bed and sleep.

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