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ALE1_2023_Week 4_Writing

Exercise 1: Match the paragraphs of the letter with the functions below
a) Reason for writing
b) The lawyer’s proposed action
c) The lawyer’s advice
d) Summary of the facts

To: Joanna Staines

Subject: Burnett Tv Supplies
Dear Ms Staines
(1) Thank you for coming to see me this morning to discuss your problems with Burnett TV
Supplies. I am writing to summarize our discussion and to confirm your instructions.
(2) You told me that Berlingua recently bought a new satellite system (including built-in hard
drive) for education use at 50% of the normal price from Burnett TV Supplies. This was to be used
to record foreign-language TV programmes for use during lessons. When you first set up the
system up and tried to record, you realized that the timer function was broken. When you
contacted Mr Burnett to ask for a replacement, you were told that you could not expect it to
work perfectly at such a cheap price. They refused to replace the system, but did offer to repair
it at a cost of £130.
(3) The law is very clear on problems such as yours. If a reduction is offered due to a defect in the
product, this defect must be pointed out at the time of purchase. As Mr Burnett did not do this,
you may claim either a full refund (at the price you paid) or a replacement system.
(4) Could you please confirm which of the two options you would prefer? I will then write to Mr
Burnett on your behalf. I am quite sure that he will see sense. He would have little or no chance
in a small claims court.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Susan Carter
ALE1_2023_Week 4_Writing

Exercise 2: Parts of the letter are written in an inappropriate way. Rewrite the underlined
Ward Wilkinson LLP
1 Mermaid Quay

15 March 2011
Mr Robert Hopkins
5 Owl Bank

Dear Mr Hopkins
Draft Share Purchase Agreement
Following our telephone conversation of 12 March, please find (1) in the envelope with this letter
the latest version of your draft Share Purchase Agreement (SPA), which I have (2) changed
according to (3) what you told me. I sent you this document as a PDF by email earlier today but
as yet you have not confirmed (4) getting it.
As we have (5) chatted about during our last conversation, I have extended the indemnity clause
so that the seller of the shares, Mrs Alexa Frayne, will be obliged to (6) pay you money in the
even that you incur any costs in future in relation to your purchase of these shares. I have already
expressed to you (7) a lot of times my concern about the fact that Mrs Frayne has lost her share
certificate and I will also therefore require her as the seller to provide indemnity against any costs
that may occur in future as a result.
I would be most grateful if you would read through the SPA carefully and (8) tell me quickly if you
are unhappy to proceed on this basis. If that is the case, the next step is to send the document to
Mrs Frayne and hopefully she will be willing to complete without further delay. I understand that
there is some urgency to conclude this matter as Mrs Frayne is leaving the U.K. for Canada on 10
April and will therefore be (9) impossible to talk to for some months.
I look forward to hearing from you.
(10) Very kind regards to you
Edward Court-Hampton
ALE1_2023_Week 4_Writing

Exercise 3: Parts of the letter are written in an inappropriate way. Rewrite the underlined

Emery Smith LLP

21 Waterloo Square

20 February 2011
Mr Mark Dennison
4 Pond Street
Hill Grove

Dear Mr Dennison
Your (1) quarrel with your employer
Thank you for (2) hiring me to act on your behalf in the matter of your unfair (3) firing from your
position as Credit Manager at Echo Automotives Limited.
As I said to you at our initial meeting of Monday 16 February, I have written to Mrs Charlotte
Burns in the Human Resources Department of Echo Automotives setting out our (4) idea very
clearly. I have informed Mrs Burns that as your employer, the company has acted wrongly in
dealing with this situation and is without doubt in (5) disrespect of employment law.
I have also made clear to the company that we will not hesitate to (6) go to the court if this
situation is not (7) repaired to our satisfaction and that we are very confident of success should
this matter proceed to an Employment Tribunal.
I have had a very rapid (8) answer from Mrs Burns, who confirms in a letter of 17 February that
the situation was not handled well. She suggests that you are reinstated immediately, which may
or may not be an (9) approach you wish to take up. However, she makes no mention of any
payment of (10) money as compensation for the distress and inconvenience that you have
undoubtedly suffered to date and this is a claim that I think we should press without (11) waiting
for more time.
I would be grateful if you could contact me again when you have had the opportunity to consider
your options and we can proceed from there. I look forward to (12) you contacting me.
Yours sincerely
Jane McDonald

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