Choi Hong Hi - Enclyclopedia of Taekwon-Do - Vol 06

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TENETS OF TAEKWON - 00 (Taekwon-Do Jungshin) 10

Explanation of Tenets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Courtesy (Ye Ui) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Integrity (Yom Chi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Perseverance (In Nae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Self-Control (Guk Gi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolgoo/) . . . . . . . . . . 13

FUNDAMENTAL EXERCISES (Gibon Yonsup) . . . 17

• 0 • • • • • 19


METHOD OF EXERCISE (Yonsup Bop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384

SYNOPSIS . . . . . . . . ... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387

-z r ,


Presid ent

International Taekwon-D o Federation

in Chinese Char acter

in Korean Character

( Taekwon-Do Jungshin)


Courtesy (Ye Vi)

Integrity (Yom Chi) •
Perseverance (In Nae)
Self- Control (Guk Gi)
Indomitable Spirit
( Baekj ul Boolgool)


Needless to say. t he success or failure of Taekwon - Oo training depends

largely on how one observes and implements the tenets of Taekwon- Do which
should serve as a guide for all serious students of the art.


Taekwon - Do students should attempt to practise the fol lowing elements
of courtesy to build up their noble character and to conduct the training in an
orderly manner as well.

1) To promote the spirit of mutual concessions

2) To be ashamed of one's vices, contempting those of others
3) To be polite to one another
4) To encourage the sense of justice and humanity
5) To d istinguish instructor from student, senior from junior. and elder
from younger
6) To behave oneself according to etiquette
7) To respect others' possesions
8) To handle matters wit h fairness and sincerity
9) To refrain from giving or accepting any gift when in doubt


In Taekwon- Do, the word integrity assumes a looser definition than t he

one usually presented in Webster's dictionary. One must be able to def ine right
and wrong, and have the conscience, if wrong. to feel guilt. Listed are some
examples. where integrity is lacking:
1. The instructor who misrepresen ts himsel f and his art by presenting
improper techn iques to his students because of a lack of knowledge or
2. The student who misrepresents himself by " fixing" breaking materials
before demonstrations.
3. The instructor who camouflages bad techniques w ith luxurious
training halls and false flattery to his students.
4. The student who requests rank from an instructor. or attempts to
purchase it.
5. The student who gains rank for ego purposes or the feeling of power.
6. The instructor that teaches and promotes his art for materialistic gains.
7. The student whose actions do not live up the words.
8. The student who feels ashamed to seek opinions from his juniors.


There is an old Oriental saying, "Patience leads to virtue or merit" "One

can make a peaceful home by being patient for 100 times... Certainly,
happiness and prosperity are most likely brought to the patient person. To
achieve something, whether it is a higher degree or the perfection of a
technique, one must set his goal. then constantly persevere. Robert Bruce
learned his lesson of perseverance from the persistent efforts of a lowly spider.
lt was this perseverance and tenacity that finally enabled him to free Scotland
in the fourteenth century. One of the most important secrets in becoming a
leader of Taekwon -Do is to overcome every difficulty by perseverance.
Confucious said; "one who is impatient in trivial matters can seldom
achieve success in matters of great importance."


This tenet is extremely important inside and

outside the do jang, whether conducting oneself in
free sparring or in one·s personal affairs. A toss of se lf-

control in free sparring can prove disasterous to both
student and opponent. An inability to five and work
w ithin one's capability or sphere is also a tack of se lf-
Accord ing to Lao -Tzu "the term of stronger is the
person who w ins over oneself rather than someone

I NDOMITABLE SPIRIT (Baekj u/ Boolgoo/)

"Here lie 300, who did the ir duty," a simple

epitaph for one of the greatest acts of courage known
to mankind.
Although facing the superior forces of Xerxes.
leonidas end his 300 Spartans at Thermopyfae
showed the world the meaning of indomitable spirit . ft
is shown when a courageous person and his prin-
ciples are pined against overwhelming odds.
A serious student of Taekwon - Do will at all times
be modest and honest. If confronted w ith injustice, he
w ill deal with the belligerent without any fear or
hesitation at all, w ith indomitable spirit. regardless of
whosoever and however many the number may be.
Confuc ius declared, "it is an act of cowardice to "Punue oae'a own 10al·' '
fail to speak out against injustice."
As history has proven those who have pursued
their dreams earnestly and strenuously with indomit-
able Spirit have never fai led to achieved their goals.

Due to the distortion of distance apparent in photographs, the angle of
the feet in stances may appear slightly out of p06itioo. '1'he student,
therefore. is encouraged &O refer to the feet ill ustrations rather t han the
photograph itself.

Parallel !t:lllOO

Walking S~ance (Gunnun Sogi)

l 'ront \'iew
Daek View

L-Stance ( Nivnja Sogi)

Frool View

Back View

(Gibon Yonsup)
Certainly the most important asset any training hall can have is a good
instructor. There is no substitute for well-trained, intelligent, perceptive and
patient instructor. Occasionally, however. a student may f ind himsel f in an
area where he is not able to train under a qualified instructor; or a student
may find the need to practice by himself from time to time; or there may be
instances when an individual is sincerely anxious to learn Taekwon -Oo but
neither has the means nor time to travel to a d istant training hall. In these
cases. a dedicated person may be able to use this book as a guide. To truly
gain complete comprehension of these techniques. however. a student will
have to spend some t.i me under the tutelage of a black belt instructor.
The sequence of fundamental exercises described here is neither
absolute nor inflexible. lt is, however, a sequence found to be most
beneficial for the student, especially beg inners.
Fundamental exercises are considered the back bone of Taekwon -Do.
for the student.s cen le erne greet number of additional movements which are
found neither in patterns nor sparrings.
Obviously the pattern cannot be performed effectively w ithout suf-
f icient knowledge of the fundamental movements involved. The student is
therefore advised to exercise each fundamental movement correctly and
thoroughly one by one before attempting to practise his pattern or sparring.
The object of this volume is to give the students (from beginners to 2nd
degree black belt holders) clear purpose. principle method and a logical
procedure of exercise of each fundamental movement



This is a guide to show the four directions the student
will follow during the performance of an exercise.

This must be throughly studied by all students before
moving into exercise.


This is to avoid unnecessary repetition;. to show logical sequence of

movement; and to conduct trining. step by step, and gradually to the more
d ifficult movement.

1. The fundamental exercise is started from a stance on line AB facing D

with a few exceptions.

2. Blocking is beg un w ith the left hand or left foot and attacking with the
right hand or foot . There are only rare exceptions to the above. A student
should familiarize himself equally with both sides.

3. A middle attack or defence is usually executed before a high attack or

defense unless a special instruction is given.

4. Spot exercise is performed before the turning or stepping exercise in

most cases.

5. A forward stepping exercise is performed conjointly with backward

stepping or turning exercises w ith few exceptions.

6. Backward stepping and turning exercise are performed. assuming a left

walking, left low. left rear foot, and left l -stance toward D unless
specified otherwise.

7. As a rule bring the foot initially moved back to the ready posture after
completion each of exercise.

8. Every attack and block is performed toward the direction the stance is
facing unless specified otherwise.

9. All punches throughout this book are considered front punches unless
special instruction is given.

10. The other fist throughout this book is considered pulled to t he hip
simultaneously w hile attacking or blocking with one hand unless special
direction is given.

Ready Stance (Junbi Sogi )

Attention Stance (Charyot Sogi)


Bow Posture (Kyong Ye JacSe)

Pront View Side View Back Vi<>w

Parallel Ready S&ance (Narmti J1tnbi Sogi)

Front \·low

Sitting Ready Swmce ( Anmm Junbi Sogi)

Front. View

Side Vie"'

Walking Ready Stance (Ou•~nun Junbi Sogi)

Left Walking Jteady Stance


llac:k View
Siile Viow

ltighl Wallting Ready Stance

Front V'iew

SMJe riew

Close Ready Stance (Moa J un/)i Sogi )

Type A

Front View

TnJe B

Fron ~ View

Sid6 View
Side View

Type C

Fron& View

L-Ready Stance (N iunja Jur~ bi Sogi)
Ri~bt L-Ready Sla.1oe

Side View Fronl View

Lefl L· Ready Stance

i'ront View
Side View
X-Ready Stance ( Kyocha J unbi Sogi)

rught X-Ready Stance

r.-onl View

Side Viow

Len X-IUJady Stance

Side View

Baclt View


All Taekwon-Do exercises are conducted in two ways; by command

and without command using a command procedure with an instructor or
assistant instructor giving commands, the following procedure should be

1. At the command of " Charot" (attention). the student comes to attention

g iving the instructor his undivided attention as well.

2. At the command of " Kyong Ye'' (bow). the student bows to the
instructor while remaining at attention stance.

3. After the instructor announces the title or number of exercise that will be
performed, the instructor gives the command of "junbi" (ready), the
student w ill then take the appropriate Junbi Sogi (ready stance).

4. At the command of "Si Jak" (commence), the student begins with the
initial movement as the instructor counts "Hana" (one) "dool" (two),
"Set" (three), "Net" (four), "Dasot" (five), "Yosot" (six), " llgop"
(Seven), "Yodul" (eight), "Ahop" (nine), and so on., until the command
of "guman " (stop) is given.

5. Atthe command of "Swiyo" (at ease). the student relaxes with a parall el
ready stance.

6. At command of " Hae san" (d ismiss), the student can walk away.


1 . Parallel Stance Punch (Narani So Jirugi)

Ready posture (Junbi Ja&) : Attention stance.
At the command of ·'parallel stance punch ready n (Na1·a.ui :.._, jirugi ju11bi)·
move t he left foot from an attention stance to form a parallel stance toward
D while extending t he left. fist to D

Ready Posture

Direction diagram
Side View

Top View
i. At. th~ co•nrutu:u.l o f ~~,~ouuo.;>u ce" (Sijak)
Punch to D wit h the right fist. while ma
int.aiJling the same stance toward D.

Previous po5ture

Side View

Keep bolh sligl•ily

off the pound.

u. Punch to D "oth the left f~>;t while maintaining
the same •tance to,.ard D.

Keq both heel• oli,blly Bring lbe let\ foot b""k

off the ~round . to a r·e.ady poswre.

.Alter repestin,; i and ii at the eommand of "Stop" ( r.umau):

bring the len foot baelc tu a ,.,ad!' po.""hll"f! or attenlion :.;;tanot.
At tl•e .:--tart o ft he puncl1. kH'p both heels s li~hdy off the ~round arl d then exeeute
1. puneh. 8 t" sure tn pt•rthM'n On* lwo action3 in one smooth motion. The
um!l principle i-" • J1J•lic.:able t..o a clo~e slam~ 1mnt:h.

2 . Close Stance Punch (Moa So Jirugi)
Ready posture (.lwrhi ./a..e): Parallel ready stance
At the command of clo!le stance punch (Moa So .J irugi
Junbi); Bring t he left foot. to the right foot, forming a
close stance toward D while exteudiug the left list to D

i. At the command of commence (Sijak);

PuiJCh to D with the right fist while maintaining the
same stance toward D.

Parallel road.r slaooe

Side View

Keep both heels slightly

off she ground.

u . Punch to D with the lef~ list while maintaining
Lhe I!Ame stance towenl D .

Keep both heelo di~tly Bring the left foot baek

off the ~und. to a ~ady po!lure.

Top View

A.fler re~a.ti111 i and H. ai &he command of 11Stop" (Guman); bri'-11 &he Jell foot back
to a ready poat~ 0< parallel ~ady alaoce.
The f11t mu11 bo ot the center of the atlaeker•o body al the moment of impact. The
aame principle la applicable 10 lhe parallel slaooe puneh , l!ittlng alanoe punch. and
walk ins aLanoe punoh aa far as a &on' punch it concerned.

3. Sitting Stance Punch (Annun So Jirugi)
Ready posture: Close ready slance B.
At the command of ,.sitting ~tanoe I'Wlch rc.Kdy"
Move the let\ foot to B. forming a &itt ing stance toward D while extending
the left r,t to D boriwnt31ly.

Ready Poslure

i. At l·he eommand of ··commenco''; Punch to D with the right

ti•t, while maint3ining t he same ~tance toward D.

Side View
u. Punch to D with the ldt fist wbilt maintaining
lhl• :-~-au1c ~t.aru.:\! l0\\'1\..f'f,} D.

R•ise the body sli~htly.

Hi. Punt h to I) \Vith the riJt~H. fi~;1 \\'hiJe maintninin~
tho some stance toward D.

llrio.g the l•fl fool back

lG a re~!' posturt-.

Side View

Raise ""' body •'ishlly.

After repeating ii and iii, . .. th.-, t;On lmarut nr ;.t'C.CIJI''; bring $he Jen roo~ back to a
ready p ..ltwe or el""" ready 31.\ooe B.

Allhea..,.tofthe punch, raite the body &li•hlly and then execute a pun•b. ~Sure
to perform these two actions in one stnooth mo&ion.

In parallel stance. close stance and s1ttong stanoa it is highly
desirable to conductthe punching exercise at a d istance of one full arm's
length against a forging post or a wall. This will prevent throwing the
shoulder sinoa the beginner cannot possibly punch beyond the hard

Parallel Stance

Si~ S<ance

4 . Walking Stance Spot Obverse Punch
(Gunnun So Gujari Baro Jirugi)
Ready posture: Pa..allel ready stance.
i. Commence (Sijak): :\love the right foot to D, forming a right walking
stance toward D while punching to D wit.h the right fist. ancl t hen
bring t he rig ht foot back to a ready post ure.

!«lady PoSiure

u. Mo,·c the left foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward D while
punching to D wit.h the left fist, and then bring t he leftfoot· back to a
ready posture. Repeat i and ii.

'top View

Side View

At the slart of the punch; pull the punching list toward the hip
while exteudiug the ot-her fis' ~ ahe &on'~ and 'ben .,xecute tbe
Be sure to perform these two o.c&ions in one smooth motion.

5. Walking Stance Forearm Spot Low Obverse Block
(Gunnun So Pelmok Gujari naiunde Baro Makgi)
Ready po~ture : Parallel r•.ady <tance.
1. Commence: MoYe t.hc· loft foot to B to form n loft wulking stunco
toward B wltile blocking to 13 with the left forearm, and t hen bring
the left foot back to • ready po8ture.

Re.Bdy Posture

ii. Move the right foot to A, forming a right walking stance wward A
while blocking to A with the right forearm. and then bring the right
foot back w n ready posture.
Repeat i and ii

Side View

Koep the bacl: foreanns crossed in front orthe

ri,«:ht c.ohesc, placin~ tht ten foream\ on the
other and \-iee·n~ru .

K.,..p lite bodJ half facint th•

l.&rJ;e1 at lhe Ol()m.eru or block.

The ,,..son for k ..pinA the baek r.,...ann

cro~qd at the or blookin5 i.IJ tu o~rve
tbe revolving principle.

6. Wa lking Stance Kni fe - Hand Spot Lo w Obverse Block
(Gunnun So Sonkal Gujari Najunde Baro Makgi)
This p10cedure of exercise is exactly the same
as that of the forearm spot low obverse block.

Keep &he bt.c.k forearm~ c•·usJtoed

in front or the rib cn:e.

Side View

7. Walking Stance Stepping Obverse Punch
(Gunnun So Omkyo Didimyo Baro Jirugi)
a. Forward Stepping Punch ( J illo N ogagi)
Parallel ready s&anc~.
i. Mnvc- t h~ right. foot to J) fortning A right " Alking S IIHil."e
lo\\onl 0 while ptmching tn L) with the ri~hl li•t.
lleJwl~ Postw-o

ii. MMn t.he left foot to D, forming 11 l~ft walking stance

t.owarrl 0 while punching to JJ with the left liet.
Repeat i &nd ii.
:Side View

b. Backward Stepping Punch (Jillo D1mwgi)
Assume a left walkin~ stance toward D.
1. Mc)ve t.he lell, foot to U, forming a right walking stance
toward 0 while p1mching to D with the right flirt..

Previous Posture

ii. Move the right foot tu C, fcmning a lefl. w~lk ing •tance toward
U while punching to D wit.h the left. list. Repeat i and ii.

Side View
Pi•oting with the righl fool

c. Spot-Turning (Ch;jari Dolgi)

AMume a lefl walking slance loward D.
Turn clookwisc, ph•oting with the left foot or righl
fool to fo1·m a. right wa lkiug ~St.Mlc~ toward C
while punching to (.;with the r·ight fist.
Counter clockwise turning is not possihle.
The hall of the foot. must be used as a pivot.

Pivodng whh the left foot

8. Wa lking Stance Spot Reverse Punch
(Gunnun So Gujari Bandae Jirugi)

CIOS<l ready stance A.

a. Move the left foot tO 0 to form"' lefl. w~tlking •tance to,•ard 0 while
punching t o 0 with t he right (j•t•nu then bring thP left r()ot. bnck t~
a ready posture.

Ready Poalure

Side View

Top View

Side View

u. ~{ovc the right foot to D. forming n right wo.Jkingstnucc townrd D

while punching to D with the left fut and then bring the right
foot back to a ready posture.
Repeat. i and ii.

9. Walking Stance Stepping Forearm Low Obverse Block
(Gunnun So Nagamyo Palmok Najunde Baro Makgi)
a. Forward Steppinl( Block ( .liar!" N (lf!(l(fi)
l' arallel ready stance.
.. Mo ..e t he l<·ft foot to n. formi ng a left, wnlking 6 lD11CC toward D
while blookinu to D "ith llw IeO fm'f'n1·m.

lklldy Posture
n. Move the rig htfooHo U. forming a rig ht walk in !I"'nn<·•·\vn rrl 0
while blocking to U with the rig ht foren,·m.
Repeat- i anrl ii.
Sidt> V Kl.w

b. Backward Stepping Bloek ( .1tll{Ja LhmiO(Ji)
Assu.m e a left walkin!: Sl&nee klw~ D.

•· liO''~lhe left foot t o C, forming a right wa lking stance toward D

while blocking to D with t he right fo..,...rm .

Previous Posture

u. Move the right foot to C, fo rming a. Id \ walking • tan<:6 toward D

while blocking t o D wit h t ha left forcurm.

c . B ackw ard Step-Turning ( Dwiro 01111J1JO Di.dintyo Dolg-i)
Assume a left walking si&Doe lowari. D.
Move t he left foot to C, t urning counter-doekwise to form a left
walking stance t oward C while blocking to C wit h t-he left forea rm or
.lelt knife-hand .
Clockwi•e t urning is not logical booau"" t h• blocking tool ha.s to
pass t h&opponent before execut ion of block.

Side View

O&her View

10. Walking Stance Knife- Hand low Obverse Block (Gunnun
So Omgyo Didimyo Sonkal Najunde Baro Makgi)
a. Forward S~pping Block.
Righl walking ready sW.ce.
i. Move tbe left. foot to D, forming a. left walking stance
toward D while blocking to D with the left. knifo-he.nd.

Re.Wy Po•lure
ii. Mo,-e the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D
while blocking to D with the right knifo-hand.
Repeat i and ii.

Sicle View

b. Backward Stepping block
Assume a lef~ wall<in& ready stance toward D.
1. Move the left foot to C t o form a right walking stttnco towm-d D t>t
the same time blocking to D with the right knife-hand.

n. Mrove th~ rigl1t fooL to C, for·ming a left walking stance toward D

while blocking to D with the left knife-hand.
Repeat i and ti.

c. Spot-- Turuing

Auume a leh walkin& M&ooe lowAZ'd D.

Move the left foot on liue CD, and then turn clockwi!le to form a right
w"lking stanoo toward C. ~t tbe same time executing a low block with
the right knife·haod or right forearm or punching with either fist.

Other \'ie"'

Obve""' Punch

11 . Walking Stance Inner Forearm Obverse Side Block
(Gunnun So Anpalmok Baro Yop M akgi)
a. Spot Bloc.k
Parallel ready stance.
•· Move the left foot to BD, forming a left walking stance toward BD
while blocking to BDwith the left inner forearm , and then bring the
left foot back to a ready poeture.

U. Move the right foot to AD, forming a right walking stance toward
AD while blocking to AD with the right inner forearm, and then
bring the right foot back to a ready posture.

Side View

b. Forward Stepping B lock

•· Mo1·o I he left foot to D, forming a left walking stance toward D

while blocking to D with the left. inner forearm.
Other View

ii. Move the rig ht foot t o J), forming a right walking stance toward D
while blMking t.n ll wit.h the right inner forearm .

Side View

c. Backward Stepping Block
i. Mo\ c the left foot t.o C, forming a ri11ht walki11g stance t.oward D
while blookin!! to D with the ril(ht inner foreann .

Pl'\'! v iou~ Po~ tu rn

ii. Mnvo 1hP right fl)()t to C, forming a left walking stance toward D
"'hi le blocking t.o n with t.he loft. inner forearm.

d. Spot Turning

Move the right foot on line CD, and then turn clockwise to form &right
walking stance towa.r d C while executing &side block to C with the right
inner forearm or any other toolmique leamed already.
Counter·clockwise turning is not possible.

looet' rorearm block Forearm low bloek

Re\•erse punch

Parallol ready alance

Top View

Keep &be forearms (J"~ in rron& ol'the ri&ht chest

wiU. bolb ba<k fiall f~~<:od upward.• pl&cing the left
forearm under lbo olber allhe beginning oflbe block
&o obeftove the revolvin~ principle.

Tbe body becomes

half f~~<:io,o;.

12. Front Risi ng Kick (Apcha 0 /ligi)
a . Spo~ K ick (GuiBri ChBgi)
Right walkinr; ready st•nce.
i. Raise the left foot and then lowec it !A) C. fonuiug aready posture
!(>ward D.

Keep the forearm• er~

ln f'ronL of the IOJar ple!X'UJ..

IWte lhe root aa bJ«h u

poooible wb.ile koepiD(! the po-
llitioo ol lbo bancls •• the1
,.... in orcler lo deYelop the
muecles ol the I-s full7.
Side View

iL Repeat i.
After repeating i, bring the left. foot to the right foot to exercise with
the right foot,
Bond the elbow about 30 d"""eet,
keopin& the d.ista.noo belwoe.o ~
6st an.d lhi&b one fool.

Lefl waJJtin& read1 alance

Side View

b. Forward Stepping Kick ( Apclw Ollimyo Nagagi)
Bi~bl walking re.ody slanee.
o. Raise the left foot and then lower it to D to
form a left walking ready stance toward D.

ii. Rai"" t.he right. foot ond t.hen lower it to D to

form "'right walking ready stMce toward D.

c. Backward Steppin& Kick ( Apcl1a 0/limyo Dunwgi)
i. Raise 1be left foot and 1ben lower it to C. forming
a right walking ready stance toward D.

ii. Raise tho right foot Gnd t hen lowo•· it to C to

form a left walking ready stanco t oward D.
d. Spot-Turning
Turn clockwise, pivoting with t ho right foot or left foot to form a right
walking ready stance toward C.
Coun t•r·elockwi'!e turning is not possible.
PivotiD~ with U.o right foot

Pivoting with lbc Jof\ foot

13. Walking Stance Reverse Knife-Hand Obverse Side Block
(Gunnun So Sonkal Dung Baro Yop Makgi)
The procedure of exercise is the same as that of the
inner foream side block on page 57.

Side Vi~w

14. Sitting Stance Side Risin g Kick {Annun So Yopcha 01/igi)
1 ) Double Stepping Kick
Sitling Ready Stance.
a . Toward B ( B·llrmq)
•· Croll8 the right foot over the l•fi fool. to nti:<t•l,he left foot toll. and then
lower it to B to form a. ready pooturo toward D.
ii. Repeat i.

1(..,., lh• body half facin« lh• ..., ••

Ready Poslul<!
b. Toward A (A · Banq)
'· Croo• t he lefl; font. over t he right foot tor~i•~ the right foot to A, and
then lower it. W A, rurruing a ready pmd,ur.-· t.owaf'(J 0 .
ii. Repc&t i.

Kiekinp; foot sword should 1>0int t o tbe t<~rget diagorur11y. keeping the
bod~' halffacing the torg~:t at the start of raising the fnot. '!'he foot mUBt be
raised ns if grazing t he noor with a footsword at th~ beginning of the foot
'I'he toe.• nft he kicking foul nnr•t face slightly downward at t he mome11t of
im pact.

Jtai@Othe foot .. hi~b .. pouiblo

to de ve lop lho 1-. mu~~ fuUy.

K.cC!p 'he fore.a.rnu1 crossed

in front of the ehest~

Side View

o. Toward D (D·Bang)
AMUtne a sitting ready stance toward B.
i. Cross the left toot over the rigb&foot to raise the rightfoot toD, ..nd
then lower it t() D to form a ready posture toward B.
ii. Repeat i.

After repeatin~ i and ii. s1an

v.•ich the loR foot toward C.

2) Si ngl e Stepping Side Rising Kick
Both the method and p rocedure of exercise are the same as those of a
double stepping side rising kick except that the opposite foot is brought to
the raising foot instead of crossing over.
a . Toward B

b. Toward A

c. Toward C (G·Bang)
Auumo a sitlin& ready stance Coward A.


d. Forward Stepping Kick
A..ume a ojtlin& ready at.n<e &oward A.
i. Kick,. if.h lhe right foot while turning eounter-cloekwiee and then
D to form " sitting r -ly "'"'""'toward B.

ii. Kick with the left foot while turning rloekwioe. and then lower it
to 0 , forming a sitting reAdy •tAowe l,()w!<rd A.

e. Backwa..d S&epping Kick
Assume a sitting ready stance toward A.
1. Kick with tbe left foot while turning clockwise lind then lower it to
C to form a sitting ready stance toward B.

ii. Kick with the right foot while turning counter-clockwi"" and then
lower it to C, forming a sitting ready stance toward A.

f. Backward S\ep· Turn in'
Assume a sitting ready siJlnee toward A.
Mo•·o tbo left foo~ to C. turning counter·elockwise to form a 8ittiog
ready etance toward B.
Olodcwioe turning is not logical beoau.."<l the left arm bao to pll88 the opp.:ment..



Side View

11•• lel\ • icle of the body is eom·

plct4!1y exposed.1 thus the arm pi'- ill

15. D iagonal Stance Side Rising Kick (SasunSo Yopcha 0 1/ig i)
1 ) D o uble Stepping Side Rising Kick
T he prooedure of t~xerdlle remains the ""m• ...., that of & sitting stance
double stepJ)ing side rlalng kick.
a. Toward 8
Ri~b' diagonal stance
•· Cross th8 right foot over the lef' foot to rail!ll the left. foot to B, and then
lower it to B to form a ready posture tow&rd D.
ii. Repeat i.

b. Toward A
i. Move the left fnnl t,n t,hA.Ucle rear of the ri!!ht foot to raise the right
fool to A, "ml then lower it to A, forming a ready J)08tUI"etoward D.
ii. Repeat i.

Other View

c. Toward D
Assume a lefl di&«on•l •tanCfl lowanl n.
i. Cro.. the left foot over the right foot to raise the right foot and then
low~r it to D. forming a ready J){)olLure wwa rrl B.
U. Repeat i.

Ready l'o•lure

d. Toward C
i . Move th<1 right foot to t he•ido ronr of t he left foo t. to ra.i"" the left fooL
a nd then lower it t o C, forming a re~tdy po.•ture cowat<l B.
U. Repeat i.

Bad< View

Ualike a liq IIIDce, siD«Je

steppU., side riJI"' ldclt wilh a
c!iasooal olane>e io nO$ praelieal.

16. l -Stance Inner Forearm Outward Block
(Niunja So Anpa/mok Bakuro M akgi)
a. Spol Block
Parallel ready slance.
1. MO\'e the left foot to B to form a right L-•tanco- "'""rd B while
blocking to B with the l<>fl inner forearm. and then l.oriugtlu•lefl. font
bnck to o rcody l>OSture.

Rtady Pus:uu-e

ii. Mo,,c t ht" right foot. to A* fol'miuH u l~n, l_r~,ancc toward A whil o
hlocking t o .~-\ with the ri~bt inn ea· fot-.:unu , and then lwing the right fooL
hll( k to a. ready J>08tttrt•.

AI lhe >&art of blocltin8 keep Ihe fore·
anns cros.nd in front or lbe ehw ""ith
bolb back fi•'-' faetd upward, pla<:in~
the blocking one undf'r & he ucher.

Top View

K""p lho baok forearm full

fac-in, the oppoocnL at the
mom•nl of bloek.

b. Forward Stepping Block
•· )fo,·~ th~ l~ft foot to D to form a rij:!lll L-stanC(' toward
D whilo blocking to D with the ten inn<•r for"arm.

Top View

n. ~lovethe right foot to D. formin!l a loft L-stance tow&rct

D while blocking to D with the right inner forearm.

Boclt View

e. Backward Stepping Block
Assume o. lef\ L·Stllllce toward D.
>. J11o,·e the right foot to C. forming a right lrstance toward
D while. hiO<'king to )) wit h th<, left inno'f fMearm.

Previous Pos$u:re

ii. l\love t he left. foot t <> C, f01·ming a left L-stance toward

D while blocking to D with the right inner forearm.

Side \'iew

d. Spot-Turning a left L-•t&nte toward D.
Turn •·ount~r-clrw'k" ise. pivotin~t with the right foot to form a right
l..·•tsnce t<:>ward C while executinjla middle bi<X:k to C with the let! inner
forearm .

Previous Posture

17. l - Stance Reverse Knife-Hand Outward Block
(N iunja So Sonkal Dung B akuro M akgi)
Both the procedure and method of exercise are the
same as those of an L- Slance inner forearm block.

a. Forward Stepping Block

Side View

b. Backward Sleppmg Block

Top View

18. L- St ance Back Hand Outward B lock
(Niunja So Sondung Bak.uro

Both the method and procedure of exercise are also

the same as those of an L-stance inner forearm block.

a. Forward Stepping Block

IWady Posture

b. Backward Stepping Block

Side View

c. Spot-1'uming
Assume a left L-stance toward D.
'rum counter-clockwise, pi, oting with the left foot to form a right

L-stance toward C while blocking t.o C ";tb the left back hand.

Previous Pos:1ure

Side View

19. Front Snap K ick (Apcha Busigi)
a. Forward S~ping Kick
Lefl walkint; ready a~nce
i. Exooutea low front snap kick to D with the rij!ht ball ofth~ foot, ami
then lower it to D. foo•ming a right walking ready st01nce townrd D.

ii. Execute a low front •n~p kick to D with tloe luft. ball of the foot,
and then lower it toD, forming a left walking remly st.mcetowartl

Krep the forearms crossed in fronl of
the AOlar plexus.

Side View

b. Backwanl Slepping Kick
i. E xecut., a lu" frou~ •m•p kick t.o D with the Iell ball of th.l foot, and
then lower it to C forming a right walking ready stance toward D.

u. l':xeeute a. low front snap kick w D with the right b&U of the foct,
8lld then Iowe•· it to C, forming a. left walking rea.dy stance toward

e. Forward Step- Turning
M:o,·c tho right foot to D, turning olookwiac or countcr·clockwisc to
form a left wa lking roady stance toward C.

Previous Posive

Vlookwi>e Counler-cloclr.wise

* Both the method and procedure of exercise for & front snap kick
wit h an instep and toes are the same as those of the b&ll of t he

l.ostep ( Baldung)

Toes (Balktd)

To.. ( Ball-.t)

The procedure of exercis.> for the knee ia the

same aa tba~ of tbe ball of the foot.

Front View

20 . Side Front Snap Kick (Yop Apcha Busigi)

a. Forward Stepping Kick

Jti&bt L -ready stance.

i. Exceut,e a middle •idt• front snap kick to n "it h t lw right 1>811 of the
foot. and then lower it to D forming a lcfl. ),~-Ad~· •tanre toward D.

ii. Ext-ocule R mithih.· !Otidl· fruut. ~nap kif•k I{) n with • hf" lf"tl baJJof the
foot, nnd tht•n lower it W 0 , forming A right ) ,.rAAcl~• ;:!AnM>
toward D.

Keep ~he forearms cro$$ed in &ont
or the sola.r plexus.

b. Backward Stepping Kick

i. l~x<·rult• n midd le gide fro nt • nap kick to I) with the rig ht ball ol' tho
I'Mt., nnclo hen low<w it to C fol'lning t•l'ight l .. rcady stanoo towa•·d ]),

Puviou5 Po~dure

u. IO:X<'' " ' ''"' mirldle•ide front snfiJ) kick to]) wit,IJ the left ball ofUw
ruul . Auti t hl'l1 IOWf"l" it, t.o c•(l fc)l,ll i1 lt'ft 1.-rf"acly stan ce toward I).

Siclt• View

Bot h the method and proced ure of exercise fOf the inst ep and toes are the
sam e as those of the ball of the foot. However, only low side front snap kick
is possible.

a. Forward Stepping Kick

b. Backward Stepping Kick

" · Forward Stepping Kick

h. Backward Stepping Kick

21. L-Stance Knife- Hand Guarding Block
(Niunja So Sonkal Daebi Makgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Parallel ready stance.
'· Move t he left foot to D, forming a right L-stance wward D while
executing a middle guarding block to D with a l..'llife-band.

Ready Postlll'8

u. ~love t he right foot to D to form

left L-stance toward D while
executing a guarding block to D \\~th a knife· band.

Side View

b. Backward Stepping Block
r. Movel r·ight foot to C, forming a l'igbt lrstance toward D
while executing a guarding block t o D with a knife· hand.

ii. stove tho left foot to C. for·ming a loft L-stanco toward D

while execut ing a guarding block to 0 with a knife-hand.

Top View

c. Spot· Tum ing
Turn eouoter·cloekwise, pi,·uting "ith the lc!'t foot to form a right L·
•IRn<'<' toward C while executinj( a I(U•rdin!( block to C with a. knife·
C'loekwise turning is not possible.

Brin,~: lbe blockiog knife-hand in fron• of lbe opposiee
sboulden•·hile rail!in~; lbe olber knife·band until ito ~erlips
read\ lhe e.)'e 1e vel during &he sseppin' motion.

22. L-Stance Reverse Punch (Niunja So Bandae Jirugi)
a. Forward Stepping Punch
Close ready stance B.
I. MoYe t.he rig ht foot ton, forming 11. left L-stanee toward D while
punching to n with 1-h~ ··igbt fist, nnd then execute ... high side
piercu•g kick tu D with the left foot.
ii. Loweo· the left foot to D to form a right L-stance toward D while
punching to D wit h the left fist, and then execute a high side
piercing kick to D with the left foot.

b. Backward Stepping Punch

1, l .,ower the 1ight. foot to C t,o form 8 right l .rllfan<:e f:.t)W8rcJ 0 whiJU
puoohing to D with the !rut fost, und t hen execute" high side piercing
kick ton with the left foot.

ii. Lower Lhe 1<-n fooL to(' to fonn .... Jt-.ft. Tr~ hLIIC{' Lownrd
D whilt.' JHmching to D with th~ righ t fist.• and the n
~xccute • high •ide piercing kick to D wil:h the right

23. L- Stance Forearm Guarding Block
{Niunja So Pa/mok Oeebi Makgi)
a. Sp ol B lock
Uose ready stance A.
i. MoYo ~he left foot to B, forming a right L-stanoo toward B
whilo exoouting a foroarm guarding block to 6 .

ii. Bring tho left foot to t he right foot, and t hen move the light foot to A
to form aloft J. stnnco toward A while exooutin~ a fol'tJarm guard ing
block to A.

Keep the lefi hell •li«hlly

off '"" sround.
iii.Dring the right foot to t he left foot, and then move the lefi foot to B,
ro.·m ing 8 right !~stance toward J3 while executing a forearm
guarding block t.o B .
Repeat ii and ill.

Keep lhe rishl heel ali«hlly

off lbe cround.
b. Backward Stepping Block
i. Move the left foot to D. forming a rigM L-stnncc toward D while
executing & forearm guarding Block to D.
ii. Move the right foot to D to form a left L-stance toward 0 while
executing A. forearm guarding block ton.

c. Backward Steppin~ Block
i. Mo,.e the right foot t"() C to form a right lratance toward
1) while exeouting a fo.r earm guarding block to D

Ptenou. P. - -
ii. lfove the left, foot to C, forming a left L-etaooo toward
D whil~ exPCuling a forearm guardine block to C.
d. Spot-Turnin~
Move the o·ight foob on line CD, and then turn counl<lr-
clockwise to form n. right L ·stanoo toward D while executing
a forearm gunrding block to C . Clockwise turning i• not pos·
sib le.
PreriouJ P ottUI'e

24. Rear Foot Stance Forearm Guarding Block
fDwitbal So Palmok Daebi Makgi)
Both the method and procedure of exercise are the same as those of
an L- stance forearm guarding block.
a. Spot Block

b. Forward Stepping Block

Top View

26. Side Pierci ng Ki ck ( Yop cha Jirugi)
a. Spot Kick
Parallel ready stance B.
1. Rring t he right foot to the left knco joint. forming a left ~ndiog
rcu.Jy •tsnoo A toward A, and then kick to A with the right foot while
•xe<:utiug a high punch to A with the right fist.

R..4y Porture
ii. Lower the right foot to the left foot to form a right bendin)! ready
$tt\nce A toward B, and then kick to B with the left foot while
executing a high ptmch to B with the left; fist.

iii. Lowt>r thr· lo·n r,.. ,, to the right foot to form a l~n ho:-nd ing n>a<l.'·
~tan<.T A townnl A. and tht>n kick to A with t hl· ri~ht foot while-
forminl! a forearm ~uurdjng block .
Repeat ii and iii.

Applieat.i CM:l

I) Double Stepping K ick
a . Toward A
Sitting ready stance.

i. Cross the loft foot O\'Cr the right foot to form 11 l~ft be nd ing r<'udy
stance A tuwanl A. unci then kick to A with th~ til-(ht foot .

Ready Poo&ur~

ii. Lower the ri)!ht foot t\J A, for ming a sitting r('tldy •tance
toward D. tu m in~ the fac.:~ to A , aurl 1hnn I"PJ'"ll\t, i.

Keep d>e forea rms trosoed

in fronl of obt <htsl.

b. To ward B
i. ()ross the right foo~ O\"C.r the lefl, foot w form a right bt-ndjng n>ad,v
~tanee toward Band then kick to 8 " 'ith the lefl, foot.

ii. Lower the left foot to R, forming a sitting ready 8tancc toword D.
turning the face to B , and t hen rept!At i.
c. To ward 0
Assume • sitting stance toward B.
i. c....... t,lw lulL foot over the ril(ht foot w form a loft bonding ready
lll~nceA. and then kick to n with t,ho right, foot, p111ling bot.h fists in
the OpJ>Osite direction.

Ride View

d. t'orward Stepping Kick
Parallel ready stance.
1. K ick t.o 0 with the right foot, pullinj! both list,< in
Uu.• oppo~it f> direction, and t hen lower· it tu 1) to
form a lefL L-st.a ncc toward D while executing "
fo1•ea ,·m p;u>t1~liug block t n ll.

Ready Posture

ii. l( ic·k to D with tiH•Ic:·fl fm1t. pull in~ hoth fistA. in t he

opposite d il·ci·tion und t h t'tl low<•r it lQ D U> fot·m a
right 1. . -stt\JHi''
.. toword () whil<• executing a, f()rClll"tn
p;un ,<Jin~: oloek to D .

c. Backward Stepping Kick
Assume a left I.-stance foreamt guarding block.
I. Kic){ tO 1.> with t hr ri~ht foot, kecpiu~ the vos.itiun or t.he huntl~ as
t ht.·y W C'I'l'. aufl ch~u lower ir. to G t.o fo l'm n rig bt (_,.~1 a nee toward D
whih.• <"XC~.·uting a knife-hand gunrdin~ blocl{ to C.

ii. Kick to J) with t·hCIdb foot . keeping the position of t.he hands •• they
Wf'l'{~, and tht"n lo we r it to to fo rm a left r.-stnnce toward D while
<· " knife· h~nd g uar-ding b lock to lJ.

2) Single Stepping K ick
a. Toward D
Siuing ready st<>.nce toward B.
1. B•·iJ1g l·he left. foot to t he right foot to for·m • ld t
bending ready stance t.owMd U. and then kick to l)
with t.he right. fMt. forming a knife· hand g uarding

Ready pos$ure

ii. Lo wer the rigl1t f(Jot, to 1>. forming a sitting ready

sLn nee t,owa.l"<l B. and t he n repf".at i.

b. Toward C
1. Bring the right foot to tbo left foot to form a righ~ hen<ling ready stanc.-
toward C. and then kick to C with th~ lrO foot, fnrming a knife-hand
~ruarding block.

Top View

ii. Lower t.hc left foot to C. fot·ming o ijitting •·cudy

~:~tnnco tow&l'd H, and then repeaL 1.

26. Walking Stance S traight Fingertip Obverse Thrust
( Gunnun So Sunsonkut Baro Tulgi)

a. Forward Thru~t

Panllel ready stance

i . Move the right foot to 0. forming a right walking "'""""' toward U
while t.hruRI·ing to 0 with the l"ight strnight fin~-:crti p.

Ready Po01uro

ii. ;\love t he left, foot tu 0 , forrn ing rdr·ft wulkiJlg xt.nn<:to l.rownrd D while
th rustin~ to D with the lefl. ; tr• ight (jngertip.

b. Backward Stepping Thrus t.
1. Mn'·~ the h·ft fnnr tn f'. fnrming a right walking <lane~ tnwnnl 0
whill" 1lwmd ing- i o I) wilh the right straight fingt·rt it•·

Previous Pos&ure

ii. )love th• .-igl•t fout tu C, forrniug a left walking ~"lance toward 0
whil• thrusting tu D with the left straight, fmgcrtip.
\Vt~lkin,u !lt.Anc~ strai)lht fingertip rc,·erse thrust can be exercised in
the same way.

27. Sitting Stance Knife -Hand Side Strike
{Annun So Sonkal Yop Taerigi)
1) Single Stepping Strike
a. Toward A
X-ready stance.
1. M O\'C the right foot LOA, forming a. "itti_n~ :et<\ net-~ towi\NI
D while $triking to A with tbe right koifo-hnnd.

R.udy Poslure
ii. Bring the left, foot to the right foot , aud thon repeat i.
Kt<lp the loll heel s light-ly
off 1be grolull,d.

b. Toward B
Assume a sitting stance toward D.
'· Bring the right foot to the left foot . and then mo,·e tbc lcf~ fooHo U
t o form a ••ttins; •tance toward I) whil<· st riking to B wi~h the left
k 11 i fc·IHIIHI.
ii. Hcpcat i.

1'-« tht a~t ofstrikins-. keep the back forearms crossed m front
or lbe du:tct.. placill& the ~triking Oflf!; 00 the other.

2) Doub le Step pi ng St rike
a. Toward A
Assume a siUin-' stance cowanl D.
i. Cross the l~ft foot o,·~r t lw right fo<•l , anfl then move t he tight foot t o
i\ to fomt a sitting •tance towttnl D while•t.riking to A wit h t he right
knifc· hnnd .
ii. R.epeat i.

b. Towvd 8
c..,,.,, t l ~<• •ight foot O\'e•· t he !elL foot. and then lllO\'C 1ht·IPfl funt to B,
furmiug n. ~ance to,,·nrd D at the lillinw time :::t.J'ikinJZ to B ''ilia
thi• l;·fl kuifu-hand.

c. Toward D
As:!ume a •iUin' stance ~ward B.
i. {'roM the left foo~o,·cnhe right foot. and then mo,·cthc right fooHo
I) to form a .iltingstanret oward 8 while striking to 0 \\"ith the right
kni fo··IU\Itd .
ii. Re:pt:At i.

d. Backwurd Step·T uruing.

Movr t.ho l'ij!ht foot (,\) C turning clock"'iM" to l'ot'lll o stAnce
t uwnt•d A while • tr·ikinl( to C with t he r·ig ht k uifc·lmutl .
t:ountcr clook,'llisc. turning i.s not p11lt:tical.
Pre,·io115 l,oilure

28. Walking Stance Knife-Hand Reverse Front D ownward Strike
(Gunnun So Sonkal Bandae Ap Naeryo Taerigi)
:1. Forw:u-d Stepping S1rike
Walking ready stance .
•. Move the lr fl. foot ton to fo rru n lc~ft walking ~ta U(:t"
toward D while ::,Lriking with t.-he righ t kuife.hancl.

ii. i\•[oyc t he d~ht

foot to 0 , fo rming t~ right walkiug st<lfll'C
toward D whilr ~·t.riking with the l~ft knife-hand.

Side View

b. Backward Stc ppiu,; Strike
i. ~lu,·e
tll\' left foot 10 C. fo1111ing • right walking >'lance
toward D whil ~ .-rikins: with the left knife-hand.
ii. Mo\'e the ri!(ht foot to C to form a lefi. walking sta nce
wward f) while •trildnj! with the right knifc-hnnd.
Side View

The :J.U.a.cking tool rt:Lehe:s the

targl'l in a :Mai&llt lim•.
c. Spot-Turning
~Jo,·c the left foot on line CD nnd then tuna clookwisc to form n right
wnlkin!( !'lone<· toward (' while •H·iking \\'ith the left knifc· l>t~nd.
t'ount<·r'·(·lcwkwi:-ot· h rrrll nSt is rw1 JlO~ihle.

29. Walki ng Stance Pal m Obverse Hooking Block
(Gunnun So Sonbadak Baro Golcho Makgi)
a . Forward St~pping Block
Parallel ready stance.
i. l lo,·c the left foot to D to fonn a left walking >tance
toward D while blockmg to 0 with the lcfl pnlm.

Ready Posture K..p tbe left oide fi•t,

faced downward.

H. Mon· t,lu"' right. foot to U. fo•·miu~ n a·i~ht wnlkin~ stanoe

luwa~<l 1) wloiiP hlockin!I IO I) with t he ri~ht pohn.

b. Backward S~pping Block
i. lluv~ th• left foot to C. fom•inl( a ri~ht \\&lking ~tance
tow~<rd 0 while blocldnJ!: to D "·itb t he rit:ht palm.
ii. lion t la• right foot to C to fonn a lclt walking stanee
I " '"'rd D whil~ blocking to D with tho left palm.

AI the • IArl or bloekint:• k«p the

back funann~ cro:iS-ed i.n front orche
rib ea~ placiD« the blocltin~ on the

30. Walking Stance Palm Reverse Hooking Block
(Gunnun So Sonbadak Bondae Golcho Makgi),
a. Forward Stepping Block
Walking ready slatl<*.
1. Move the right foot to D, fo rming a right walking stance toward D
while biO<:king to D with the left palm.

R.c~ dy Po!tturt-

ii. ~1,,..,. tlw lrf1 loot to lJ. fo•·ming n left walking .1nnce
towou~l ll whilr hlockini! IO U with the right 1>alm.

Ke<!p the body lu1lf falling lhe opponcnl

Side View

b . Forward tep-Turn in~
)10\' C the left foor. t.o )) tu m ing cnu nt f•l'~('loc·k wise to frt uu J.l ),,n \\ 1t Iking
tdance towtu•d n wh ilr blocking 1.,(1 c with t ht" right p f\ 1111.
(Jiook wi~ tUI'tll ng il'\. uunatun-..1.

Previous Poslure

* Hooki11g blook with u11der fort-arm. knifc~hand of back hRnd

can bo cxcr<'i~d in t.h<' same wn~· a~ number tH and ~0.

Under Forea.n11
Bnck Hand

Knjf~· lfand

31 . Walking Stance Inner Forearm Circular Block
(Gunnun So Anpalmok Oollimyo M akgi)
a.. s ,ml Ulock
Close ready stance B.
i. MMI' thf" right foot to V. formin~: ft right walkin~ l'tftnce toward D
\\hile blocking tn no with the left mner forearm.

K..,p the lel\ hell •li&hlly

off lh• v oond.

ii. Bring the ri~ht foot tv i h« left fn ool , noorl th~n mO\'e the left D
Lo form a left walkinj:lst ance towAr;l 0 while blooking t,o AV with the
right inner forearm.

iii.Bring left foot to the right foot.. and t hen mo,·ctho right foot to D
to form a right walk1ng stance toward U while blocking to IlU with
the Jeft inner· fOrearm.

Keep lhe lel\ heel sighly

off lhe ground.

Keep the forearm.i: erosscd in front of

the lower abdomen W'itb bo'h back Keep dte itmt>.r forearm formed a
fh1.s fac~d upward, placin~ the bloc· $traigM tine with the opposite
king one und.P.r thtt o d 1er. shoulder.

Side view Top View

b. F«ward Slepping Block
Assume a let\ walking stance.
i. Move the nght foot to D. forming a nght walking stance toward D
while blocking to 81> with the left inner forearm. and then exooutea
low £runt •nap kick to n with the left knee.

ii. l.Qwer the left foot to D. forming n left walking stance toward D
while bloeking to AD wit.h t ho right innc1·forCBI'Oiand t hen exocutca
low fron t snap kick to 0 wi~h the ri!(ht knoo.

c. Backward St,epping Block
Assume a lefl walking stance.
i. ~lo,•e the left foot to C, a l'ight walking stance t<>ward D
while blocking to BD with U1c left inner forearm and then execute a
low front kick to D wiU1 t he ri"l1t irtst<~p.

ii. Lower the right foot to C. forming a left, wa Iking stance toward ))
while blocking to Ad with t he rig ht inne1· tOT'f'ann, and thf'n tWf·c~ut.r a.
lo w fr(mt, $nAp ki<!k t() n with t h(" (pft. instf:'p.

d. Backward Step-Turning
Move the left foot to C. t uming oounter-clockwisc to form ulcft walking
stance toward C while blocking to BC with tho l'ight. inner forctlrm .
CI()CkwiSM; tuming iii not prt.l<:tieul.

32. Walking Stan ce Double Forearm Obverse Block
(Gunnun So Doo Pa/mok Baro Makg1)
a . Forward Stepping Block
Parallel rt>ady stanre.
i . ~loveth~ left foot. to D, forming a left walking stanoo toward D while
bl~king to D wilh t.Jw left dnuhl~ fo~arm.
K..p the body half faein~.

Rtady Po!lture Keep both baek f!J«

fat.ed uP"'" rd.

ii. )IO\'t' tlu• right root.. ton, fonning t\. right. walki ng stance toward D
whil<~ blockillA to D with Lh~ right, 1lnublt· for't'nrm.

Side View

b. Back ward Stepping Block

'· Move t he left foot toC to form a right walking stance toward 0 while
blocking t o D with the right double forea rm.

ii. )Jo,•c the fight foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward D
while blocking toll with the left double forearm.

33 . L-Stan ce Twin Forearm Block (N iunja So Sang Palmok Makgi)
a. Spol Block
Parallel ready stance.
i. M o\·e the left fout lo B, forming a. l'iglll 1.-...ffUU'f-" t.owltl"fl B whil~

Reody Posture

ii. Bring the left foot to th~ right foot. and then mov~ tlw right foot to
A. forminl( a loft L atnn<l<! toward A while blocking.

Kccro lhe left heel •ligl11ly

off tloe growod.

Keep the fort'&rm.S ero~~sed in

froru of the risbt clle&t.
m. Bring the rigbtfoot to the left foot, and then mo,·c the left foot t o B.
forming a right L-stance toward B wrule blocking.

K"eep 't he right heel .~,hlly Keep 1he foroanns crossed in

oil" Lhc ground. from of 1he ten ehe.hi.

Front View

At the s tar< of blocking, keep both

back fists fi>Ccd front while plac ing
the side blocking forearm inside
of the o&h~r.

b. Forward Stepping Block
a. ~tove the left foot to D. forming a. right
L·atance toward D while blocking.

Ready Po$ture

ii. MoYc the l'ig ht foot to D. forming n l0ft

L·stancc toward D while blocking.

Odler View

c. Backward Slepping Uloek
I. i\lo\·e the ril!bt fool to C. forming 1t right
L-stancc LOward D "hil~ bluckiul(.

P·r~v iu us PusLurf"

ii. Mon~ th(> left foot ._, ( ' , furmiu~ n h..ft

L-stanCL' towu.rd 0 \\ hilc hlockiu~.

Pre,·ious Posture

d. Spot-Turning
)fuve the left foot on line CD. and then t urn counter·
clockwise to form a right L-stance town~tl C while

1 48
34. Rear Foot Stance Tw in Forearm Block
(Dwitbal So Sang Palmok Makgi)
Both the met hod and procedure of exercise remain the
same as those of an L·stance twin forearm block.
a. Spot. Block

b. Forward Stepping Block

Other View

36. L- Stance Twin K ni fe-Hand Block (Niunja So Sang Sonka/ Makgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Left L- ren~y ston ce.
i. Move the left foot to D to form a right L·st.nnec toward D while
blocking, and then a punch to D wit h t he left fist while forming a left
wA lking stAnOO t-ow~trd, •iipping t he left foot..

Ready l'oslure

ii. Move the rip;ht foot to D. fol'ming n. lef t L-sU.nce towi\rd D while
b lo<.>king, a nd then punch to 0 wit h th~ l'iHht. fi !olt. whil€' form ing a
right walking stance toward D, slipping the right foot.

Side \"iev.-

Top Vitw

b. Backward Stepping lliMk

Assume a left "·alltinr; stance.

o. ~loH• the k·ft foot to C to form a left I. ~tance toward I) whilo:

hl•wkon,:. And t hen punch to () wuh thr loft fist whilr forminjl 8
ri~lot "Hikin11 ~tAnr•· toward U. >lipl>ing tho left foot.

ii. )l u•·•· the rit-tht foot to(; to form ll oi~lll l,·•l<>ncc t owllrd I) while
block in$(. und then punch tu 11 wit,h llw ril(ht li>i whole fonnin~t I' left
wnlkinj;llltflll!.'C 1owanl 0. •lipving 1.1"· r i!(hl fool..

~idt View

36. Rear Foot Stance Twin Knife- Hand B lock (Dwitba/ So Sang Sonkal Makgi)
a. l<'orward Stepping Block
Parallel ready stance.
o. )1 0\·e the left foot to D to form n right rcnr foot stnncc townrd D
whiiA blO<'king, and t,hen punch t o D with the left list while fo rming
" lvfl. wn lking stance towartl the left foot.

Ready Posture

ii. Mo,·e t he right foot to D to form n left. ~u foot strmce toward D

while blockinjl, and t hen t)lmch to D with t he right fist while forming
a right. walking stM C<' toward 1>. slipping the right foot.
b. Back ward St-epping Bloc.k .
•. )lov~ the left. foot to c to form a left foot stance t.owa.xl n while
blocking. and then punch to D with the right fll.t while for·ming a r·ig ht;
walk ing st.nncc toward D, Alipping t he left. foot.

ii. ~love the rij(ht foot to C to form n rif(ht rfo r fool stunct towunl D
whil" blocking, a nd then punch to D with tlw Iell. fist whilt• formin~
ll lr fl wolking stance toward D, slipping t lw rij(ht foot.

37. L- Stance Kn ife-H and Outward St rike
(Niunia So Sonkal Bakuro Taerigi)
a. Spot Strike
Sitting ready stance.
i. Strike to A with the right knifo-hnnd while forming n
left (, -stnnco toward A. pivoting with t he left foot.

Ready ros&ure Keep the forearms crossed

in froni of the let\ chest.

ii. Strike to B wit h t,ho left knife-hand while forming o right

L-stnnce toword B. pivoting wit h the right foot.

Keep the back forearms crossed

in front or the right chest.

b. Forward repping Strike
i. ~lo\·~ the right foot to 0 to form a lefl (,otant<' toward
0 while striking to D with the ri~tht knifl'·hand.

K.eady Posture

ii. ~lo,·c
t he left foot to 0 , fon ninJ( n l'iJ(ht (,•• t.arH.'<' toward
()while o"triking to D with tlw left knif~·hnnrl .

Other \'iew

c. Bo.ckward Stepping Strike
1. Move the righl foot t.o C to fOmt a rigbt L-.stan ce t oward
D while SLI·iking lrO n with t hP lrft knife-hand.

ii. Move the lel\ foot. tl> <.;, formjng a left !,·stance toward
D whi le •triking t.c. 0 with the right, knife-hand.

Side View
d. Backward Step-Turning
l\Iove t he right foot to C. turning clo.:kwise to form a left !.·stance
t.oward C while >'triking to C \\'it h the right knife·hand.
Countcr·clockwisc huning is not reasonahle il~ 1.h~ at.ta~_:king hand ha:;
to pas.• the opponent..

At. the s.r.a.rtor ~triking keep Ihe back foreanns crossed in front of
the chco>. placing lbe striking one 01> the other.


38. Re ar Foot Stance Knife - Hand Outward Strike
(Dwitbal So Sonkal Bakuro Taerigi)
The method ol striking remains the same as that of an
L-stance knife- hand outward strike
a. Forward Stepping Strike
\Valking reatty stanee.
' · .l low the right foot to D to form " loft '"''"' foot •~MlCC toward D
whilc· striking to l) wit.h the r ight knifc-luuul, ""cl
t hen execute n
low f•·<ml s nap kick t o .D with the left foot. kl••:ping t he ll0$ition of
1 he ltmul~ R.:' Che,,~ were.

ii. l.owor t h~ l~ft foot tu I) I'' fn n n a right rear foot stnnC<' toward 0
whilt: t~t.riking to D with tlu~ left~ knlfe-ha.nd nncl then c•x<:cutc ll
low front • nn p kick tu I) with th~ •ii(hl. lhot. keeping t he po~ition
of t,Jw IH~ndf' o~ they wN·e.

S ide View

Side View

h. Oackward St<~pping Strike
Previous Posture
Assume a tea rear foo~ stance.

•· )love the left foot to C to form a left •>ear foot stance

toward D while std king t.o 0 with t he right knife-
hand ami then r.xecute a low ~ide front ~na.p kic.k to
I> wit,h t hr· •ight, foot, keeping the po•ition of t he
hA nd~ A~ t hey '''ere.

ii. Lower the right foot to C to form a right rear foot. stance toward D
wh ile striking to D with the left knife-hand. and then execute a low
sido front. •nttp kick to D with the left foot, keeping tho position of
the hands as they wc1-e.

C. Forward Step· Turning
Assume a lcfl rur fool stance.

Move I he l~fl footto D. tu ruing clockwi8{' to ro,·m0 left I'CI>r foot stonec
lownrd U whilr •tl"iking t o (; wilh t h• right kn ife· hand.
Countf'l'·('lo<-kw iR., tu1·n in~ i!\ nnt. rt..a~onablf".

39. Wa lki ng Stance Outer Fo rea rm Obverse Side Block
(Gunnun So Bakat Palmok Baro Yop Makgi)
a. Spot Block
Parallel ~ady stance.
1. Move the left foot. to B, fol'lning .... left w~tlkingst.ance toward .B while
blocking to B with ~he left outer foreal"ln .

ii. Bring the left foot to the right foot, and then move the rig ht foot to A
to form a right walking stance toward A while blocking to A with t h•
right out:A!r forearm.

iii.Bring t he right foot to t-he left foot, and t hen mo,·e t he left foot t.o B
to form a left walking st.ance toward B while blocki11g to B with the
lefb outer forearm .

b. Forward Stepping Block

1. Mo,·c the right foot to D. forming a rig ht, walking stance toward D
while blocking to D with the right outer for•.arm.

Keep the hack forearms crossed in

fronc. or l-he left chest~ placing the
right forearm on lhe other.

ii. Mo,·e t he left foot to D to form a left walk ing stance

towa rd D while blockinj! to D with t.he left outer

c. Backwanl Stepping Block
i. M uw tlw IeO. foaL to C, formin1.1 a right walking '<lance toward D
•dail~ blockiug to D with thP right out~r fnl'f'ann.

ii. Move the right fool to C to form 8 loft, walking ~tance loward
D while blocking to D with the left, nnt~r forearm.

d. Forward Step-Turning
)[o,·e the ri~:ht foot io D. 1urn ing counter clockwi;;e to form n left.
wal_kin~ stunc:~ t~oward C while blockin~: t;o C with tlu\ l<tft outer for"''lrm.
Clockwloo t unting is not. logiMJ.

ToJI Vit1"''

, 66
40. W al kin g Stance Knife-H and Obverse Side Block
(Gunnun So Sonkal Baro Yop M akgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Right walking ready stance.
i. Mo"e the lel't. foot. t.o n to form a, left walking stance townrd D while
blocking to D with the left knife. hand , ~nd then exccut.e a, low front
sna p kick to D with the right toes.

ii. Lo wer the right foot to n. forming a rigbt walking stance t.Ow~Lrd n
while blocking to D with the right knife-hand and then execute a low
front kick to D with I he left. toes.

b. Backward Stilpping Block
Left walking rea.dy stance.
' · Move the left foot to C, formil\g n right walking stance toward D
while blocking to D with the right knife-hand, and then execute a
side piercing kick to D with the right foot.

ii. l.ower the right foot to C to form R left wAlking ~tancc towarrl D
hilf" lJiuck ing to D wil,h t.J-m lef1 kuiff'·lutnd, ftfl(l then exec:ute a. side
piercing kick to D with the left foot.

41 . Walking Stance Reverse Punch (Gunnun So Bandae Jirugi)
o. Forward Stepping Puncb
Walking read.)' stan<""·
•· )lo,·r the !en foot to D. forming a lcfl ''nlking stane<>
toward U while punching to [) " ith the right fL<t.

ii. ~l ov•• tlw right foot to D. forming 1\ •·ight walking sMnce

luwtu•cl 0 whiJP punohing lo I) with the left JjEt .

Side View

b. Backward Stepping Punch
i. Mov~ t.he left foot to C, forming a right walking st.nnoo
toward D while punching to D with the left list.
Previous Posture

ii. Move the right foot. to C to form a left walking stance

toward D wbile punching to D with the ril(ht fist.

Previous Posture

42. W alking Stance Forearm Obverse Rising Block
(Gunnun So Palmok Baro Chookyo Makgi)
a. Forward St~pping Block
Parallel rea<ly stance.
i. llow the IeO. foot to 0 . forming &left. walking st.ancc toward D while
blocking " it h t he IeO. forearm, and t hen punch to 0 with t he r igh'
fist, maintaining t he li8.01C Stl:\llC{o I OWI\.rd D.

Forearms must day at tho

cenler of the forehead.

ii. ,\ l ove t he right foot to D t o form a o·ight walking stance toward D

wh ih• blocking with the rigM forcn rm and then pm>ch to D with the
left. fi6t, moi ntniniog t be same<1 toward D .
Koop th<! lllfl betlsti,ehtly
off the cround.

Side View

At lbe slari of bloc.kin«, keep lhe

baek forearmsCI'.....,.J in frontoflhe
rib ""!!•• pla<ins lbe bloc~ on lhe

K.,.p the right heel s l i~htly

off th., ground.

'rhe foreann must stay atlbe center

of the forehead a& ihe moment. or

b. Backward S~pping Block
i. Mo••e th~ IeO fnnt to l: to form a right walking
stance toward 0 whilr• hloeking with the right
foream1, and then pw~eh to D with the left fil't,
maintalninp; the Sl\Ole btaru...~ toward D.

Previous Posture

li. Move !.he right foot to C, forming n lef~ walking •tllnc~ wwa~<l D
while blocking with the lef\. forearm. and th~n punch to D wil.b I be
right fiSt. maintaining the same stance toward D.

c. Backward Step -Turning
Mo,•e left foot to C, turning counter·clookwise to form a. left walking
stance towatd C while blocking, with the left fo rearm .
Clock wise turning is not pract.i cal.

Sid6 View

43. Wa lking Stan ce Forearm l ow Reverse Bloc k
(Gunnun So Pa/mok Najunde Bandae Makgi)
a.. Forward Stepping Block
Parallel ready st.anee.
1. Move d1e rig ht foot to D , forming o. right walking st.aoee toward 0
while blocking to D with the left forearm.

Ready Pos~ure

ii. Move t.ho left foot to D, forming n left wall<ing stanoe

town.r d D while blocking to D with the right forearm.
Side View

b. Backward Stepping Block
i. Move t.he left foot w C. forming a right walking eta.nce toward D
while blocking w D with the left forearm.
Previous Pos•

Keep the back forearms crossed

i.n front of the chest.

ii. Move the right foot to C, forming a left walking stanoo

t<>ward D while blocking to D with the right fore.>rm.

Other View

Keep body half facin« the opponent

c. Spol·'l'urning
l'u•·n clockwise, ph·ot,ing with the right foot to for m a right wa lking
stance towsrd C whileexe<:uting a low blor.k t,o () with t he left foroor m.
Counte:r-c:locb.·-wi:re tu.rni11g is not. possible.

Top View

44. Wa lking Stance Knife-Hand low Reverse Block
(Gunnun So Sonkal Najunde Bandae Makgi)
Both the method and procedure of exercise remain the same as those
of a walking stance forearm low reverse block with the exeption that
the back forearms are crossed in front of the rib cage rather than the

Ready Pos ture

Kerp rloo buk for...-m• ,...,....,

lo rronl on lite rib ~e.


45. Turnin g Kick (Dollyo Chegi)
a. Forward Stepping Kick
L-ready slanee.
1. Kick to AD with t he right foot , and then lower it to D. forming a
left L·stance toward D.

R<ady Posh>"'

ii. Kick to BD wit h t he left foot and t hen lower it t o D. forming a right
L-stance toward D.

Ri8hl foot turning kick.

Top v;.,.

b. Backward Srep·T urn in,;

~lovo the right foot. to C, tuming countcr-clookwi•c to f01·m n right
walking L-stnnce toward C while execut ing n low block to C with the
len knife-band .
Clockwise turning is not rco.aonable.


Both the method and procedure of exercise for a turning kick w ith
that an instep remain the same as those of the ball of the foot ex-
oept the toes ere pointed slightly upward et the moment of im-

Knee turnins kick can be exereised

in the taolC way.

46. Walki ng Stance Front Elbow Strike
(Gunnun SoAp Pa/kup Taerigi)
a . Forward Stepping Strike
Walking ready stance.
o. I'll ove t.he lef~ foot to 1), forming "' left, wa lking slll.n<:e t.oward D while
•Lrikiog the lefL palm with the rig ht front elbow.
K..p body full
the fror••·

Reday Posture

u. MO\·e the right foot to 1>, formin~t a right wa lking stance toward D
1vhile striking the right palm with the left front-elbow.

Top View

b. Ba.ckward Stepping Strike
1. MO\'e the left foot to C. lbrming a right. walking ~tan<.:e t.owtud D
wh..ilt> strikinl( the ri[.tht pulm with the left fl'ont dbow.

Keop both side lists faced


n. Move tbe right foot to Cto form aloft walking stance toward Dwhilc
striking th• left pia m with the right front, elbow .

Keep bo$h side r.~u.." fat~l Application


Top View
c. Backward Step-Turning
Mo ve the left foot to(~. turning <'OuntP.r·clocbdse to form a Jeft. walk lug
stance ton·ard U while striking the l(·ft po.lm . ClcJckwise t uruiug is n ot
pra.<:ti eaI.

47. Rear Foot Stance Palm Upward Block
(Dwitbal So Sonbadak 01/yo Makgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
L·ready su.nce.
i. Mo1·e the left foot lA> D to for m a right renr foot stance toward .Dwhile
block ing with the left palm , und then execuw "· l.urning kick to J)
wit.h the right ii1Step.

lludy Po~tu rt

ii. J.ow~;r t he r·i)!ht foot to 11, forming u left •·enr foot stnnce tOWt\l'ti 0
\Vhil·· hlock ing with Uw right, r.Htlm. o.nd then (•xccute a t.urnint:t kick
111 U with t h<' Jdt instep.

S ide View

Keep both back hands fa<'.ed

upward Id the sc,a rt of blocking.

Blocking tool J"eD.4)hcJ; lho tar«ct

in a circuJar motion.

Top View

b. Back ward Ste pping Block
Assume a left rear foot stance.
i. Move the right foot to 0 to form a right rear foot stance toward D
while blocking with the left palm. and then execute a t win forearm
block while forming a right L·stance toward D, slipping the right

Previous. Possure

ii. Mov<> the left foot to C to form a loft rear foot stance toward D while
blocking with tho right palm , a nd t hou execute n twin forearm block
while forming n left },.stance toward D. slipping the left foot.

Side View

c. Backward Step· Turning

Move the right foot to C, tuming oountor·olockwise to form u left rear
foot stance toward C while blocking with t he right palm .
Clockwi5e tu;ning is not rcaoonablc.

Pre\·ious Posture

48. L- Stance Palm Upward Block (Niunja So Sonbadak 01/yo Makgi)

a. Forward Stepping Block

PoraUel "'*<ly Hance.
U\Jo,·c the left foot to D to form a right L·staoce toward 0 while
blocking wit h t he left. palm, and thon strike t he left. palm with t he
right front elbow while forming R l~n WAlking sl"llei' l Ow&rd 0 ,
•lirping the left foot .

Ready Poscurt Keep bolh palm• faced


B~ lool react- the lar(et

in a ~ motiora..

ii. Move the right foot to D to form a left L -st.anoe toward D while
blocking wit h the right palm. and then strike the right p11lm with the
left front elbow while forming a right walking stance toward D,
slipping the right foot.

49. Walking Stance Upper Elbow Strike
(Gunnun So Wipalk up Taerigi)
a. Forward Stepping Strike
Walking ready stance.
i. lllo~• t he leftfout lo funning a l•ft walking otance to word 0 while with t he l'ighL upper elbow.

ii. Mov~ t be ril(ht fO<Jt tu D. fo rming a r ight wnlk ing •tance toward 0
while ~trikinl( with tlw ldt upper eluow.
Keep the back li•l
faocd UD•'ard. Side View

Keep the body M l fO<ing the front.

b. Backward Stepping Strike
i.Mow ilo~ left foot tu C w form a right walking •t.anc. toward D while
strikini( with the left. upper elbow.

11. Move the right. foot to C. forming a left walking stance toward 0
while striking with iha right upper elbow.

c.}'orward Slep- Turning

Mo,·e the right. root LO D turning t:otwler·dockwi~ to form 8 left
walk iug l'.ilttncc towt' rd wltile with thl! right upper dbow.
Clockwise turninl( is not pl'RCtical.

60. Back Piercing Kick ( D wit Cha J11ugi)
a. Toward B
Parallel "''"IY stance.
1. Kick to B with the •i~ht foot. and th~ulowc·r it 10 13 to form a lefl
walkin~ ~tan cc townrd . \ whll(' <'X('(>Ut ing a rl~inj:. hi<X·k with the left

R<ady P<»lutt

ii. Kick to 13 with the l~fl foot , nnd t hen lower iL tu 13 to fu nu a •·i~ht
wnlkinp ~tonl'c towtu,_l A while• £>X{;\('Utin~ n l'iNiiiJ.t bltx:k with the
ril(ht. fort·nnu.

Front View

b. Toward D
Walking ready stan ce.
i. K.ick to D wit.h the right f-.H.l t, •u1d tlwn lower it t,o D.
forming a left walking stanct' Lowarc.l 0 whil~
executing a •·isinl( block with the left forea•·m .

ii. Kick to D with the left foot, ani! then lower it to 0 ,

forming a. right. walking RLance l1;twan:l C whilft
executing a rising l>look witl1 t.he rigUL fureArru .

51. Walking Stance Back Fist Obve rse Side Strike
( Gunnun So Dung Joomuk Baro Yop Taerigi)
a . Forward SU!pping Strike
Walking ready stance.
1. move the right foot w D , forming a right walking st.a.nre toward D
while strikiog to D with t.lw right back fist.

Ready Posture
u. )love the left foot to D to form a left walking stance toward D while
striking to D with t.he left back fist .
Side View

K eep the body half focin~ the 14r~et.

b. Back ward Stepping Strike
i. ~Jo,·e t he left foot to C, forming a rig ht walking stance toward D
whilo striking to D with t he right back list.

Pre,·io u':i Po~ture

ii. Mo,·o t he right foot to C, forming a left wa1king stance toward D

while striking to D wit h the l~ft back fist .

At lhe start of Slrikin,, keep obe

forearms crossed in front of the ebed,
placing &he striking one under the
olber wilb booh back fists faced

Keep the back fiSI half fatin' ohe

"arget at the moment of impact.

c. Fonvard Step·Turning
MO'''' the right· foot to JJ, tu1nin.g eounter..ciO<:kwise t.o (orn• a ld't
walkinF • t·n nce toward U while •1 riking tn (' wir.h l lu· lo:ft bock fist.
Ulockwisc turn ing ;, not logicaL

Top View

52. W alking Stance Outer Forearm Wedging Block
( Gunnun So Bakot Palmok Hecho M akgi)
a. Spot Block
Close ready s(ane<> D.
'· )J.,,.,. th<·l<·fi f•lOt to BD. formin).( o l~fl walkin~t •Inner· toward Il l>
"h i!~ ul<><'kinJ( tcl BU.

Knq l the IOr~Anng cr<m.oU\d at Lht~

cent-er of the with holh b&ck
fi SIS ra.C'ihjt lh(' OpJM.lliiUl t a( the s10fl.
of blockins.

ii . l:ll'ing the loft foot to the •·if( hi foclt. keeping 1he fJWitiou of the hund>
n~ they were. and t.hen m.,,.,. t he dg ht foot to AD. fol'min~ ll ril(ht
wa lking st ance toward AD while Lloc·king to AU.

b. F orward Srepping Block
Parallel ready stanoo.
'· Move the left foot t<> D to form a left, wa lking stance towa.l'd D while
blocking to D. and then execut e a. low f1·ont annp kick t o D with t he
right fnot.

ii. l.AJwcr the l'ight foot to D 1 forming a. right wtt.lkiug stam;l.! l,uward I)
wbilc block in~ to D. and t hen execut.c a low front snap kick to D with
t he left foot.

Side View

c. Backward Slepping Block
Assume • lefl walking slance.
i. ~!m·•· I hr l~fl foot to C, forming • r~ght wallung stance towllt'cl I)
\\hi I~ blocking tn n.anti t hf'n C'XN'Ut f"& lnw fronttonap k-irk to D ~illl
tlw fvot.

ii. IA wer the right foot to C. forming n left walk in~ stance toward D
whi le blocking to D. nod thrn cxrruwn low fro nt•nap kick to D with
the I,•Jl toes.

d. Backward Step-Turning
~I <) Vt• the l~n foot to C, t urnjng Pit h~•· <·lovk wi~t· nr t•ountt~r'·f'l()(:kwise t o
f(ll'tll u IC't1 wulkinjl' Ktance t OWlH-d C whil~: hlc.x:kiug le-. C.

(' l ut• k wis~ f o11nter-clockwlxe

63. Walki ng Stance Knife-Hand Wedging Block
(Gunnun So Sonka/ Hecho Makgi)
Both the procedure and method of exercise are the same
as those of a walking stance forearm wedging block.

a. F orward Stepping Block

Ready Pos~ure

b. Backward Stepping Block.

Side View

54. Walking Stance Knife -H and Obverse Rising Block
(Gunnun So Sonkal Baro Chookyo Makgi)

Ready Posture

a. Forward St~pping Bloek

Par&Uel ready stance.
i. Move ~he left foot to D to form a loft walking stance
toward D while blockiug with the I~Jt, knife· ha nd,
ood then execute a low block to D with tbe right
forl"..arrn , mainf.a.ining t.he same stance toward D.

ii ~IH\'l' I Ill'
a·ight foot to .1) to fotm n tight walkinj!
stam:e towa•<l D while l>lockini( with ~he rightlmif~·
h n111l. nnd t hen ~ x ~c ute n low block to D with t he left
forcru•m, mninLsining t he $ UU{I t; toward U.

Kee1, the 1en heel <lightly

off the ~round .

At the ston of blocking, ketp the

back ror~arm s erossed in Ctont or dlO
rib""~!\ placing the blocking one on
the other.

Keep the knife-bond otthc ccntcr of

&be for~hcad at the moment oCbloek.

b. Backward Stepping Block
1. Mo,·e the loft foot tO C to form a right wal kin~ ~tnnce townrd D while
hlooking with the right knifehand, and then ox~ute a low block to D
with t.he loft forelll"lll, keeping the snmo stnncc toward 0.

ii. Movetho right foot to C to form a left walk in~ gtanctlioward U whil~
blocking with t he loft knife-hand, and then execut~"' low blvck ton
with t he right foroorm. keeping the some stnncc towttrd D.

Side View

c. Spot-Turning
~Inn• the l'ight foot on line (.;lJ antl then turn cloc·kwi~ to form a. ··i~ht
walki ng ~ttoUIL~ tuwanl C "lail~ IJiocking with the right knife· hand.

Previous Posture

55. Walking Stance Upset Fingertip Low T hrust
(Gunnun So Dwijibun Sonlwt Najunde Tulgi)
a. Forward Stepping Thrust
Parallel ready stance.
•· )love the lofL loo i- l,o D, forming n left w~lking sta n<'ll town rd D while
thrusting to 0 with the rig ht npsot fingertip, nnd thon oxccuw n side strike 10 C wi th Lbe dght, b•wk fist wbile lo rrning fi r ight. L·
stnncc townr<l D, pulling the left foot.

ii. Move the r ight loot to l) to form" right wl\lking stnnoo townr-d D
wlo ile t.hrust ing to D with the left upi!CL finger tip, nnd then cxecuto"
•ide bock •lrike to(' with the left buck list wbilo forming n left L·
St.tlll{.i?' tu"·nnl 0 , pulling the- right foot.

b. Bac.k ward Soopping Thrust
Assurne a left walking s tance toward D.
1. Jtove the left. foot. to C to fo rm a right walking s t.anro towa rd 0 while
thrusting to I) with t.he left up~t finger t.ip, n ud theu execut~ a. side
bnc:k ~trikr to c~ with tlw lt:lfl lm dc list wh il£" for m in~ 11 left. L-st.a noe
ln wnrd D. pull in~ tlut lt:ft. foo t.

ii. MovC' tb(' right foot to<:. fOrming a left w~\lki ng st~.u<:e toward D
while thrusti ng to J) wit.h i.h f' right, UJJseLfingertip. u nd then execu te
aside baolotrikP. In C wiLh Lho right back fisL wh ile fo rming a right
l d:f1i m"P towArd D 1 fJUIIing thl! right foot..

c. Forward Double Step-Turning
.:'t lo\'€' the right tOot to D. n nd the n t-urn c·1oc·kwise~ p ivoting with tlw
right fvt•l to form a right walking s tonce tow~trd (• while tbru::cliug to C
witl• 11..- J,.n upS<'! fing~rtip.

Kee(> both back b ands faced upward

at lhe start ot'lhrustin~.

Bring the opposi&.e 8ide Osr. in fronc of

the shoulde.r at the moment of

• id,. Vif!W

56. X-Stance Back Fist Side Strike
(Kyocha So Dung Joornuk Yap Taerigi)
a. Spot Jumping StJ·ikc
Close ready stance B.
1.•Ju111p (O A . forming a right X -sta n~e t.owan..l D whi lt: :;,1rik ing to A
with t.loe o·iglo t u"<k list, p u lliug the left fost to t he h ip

Ready Po~ture

i.i. Jump to B. formi ng o left X s tnn cc to wnrd 0 whlll' Sirtking to l! with

the left back list, pulling t.lte right list to the hi p.

At the slart of .strikin.r;. keep the

forearms crossed in from oftbe lh·er
area wit.h both back fi!illi (ll(..'e()
upward, placing the sttiking one
under the ot:ber .

Keep the body side facing the.

IArt;er. at the moment of impact.

21 1
b. Forward J umping Strike
Wnlking roady stance.

i..lum1> to D to form a. right X-stnnoo toward BD while strik ing to

with the 1·ig ht ba<:k list , and tlwn execute a low block with the left
Jrnjfe•h!lnd Whi le for mill~ a right WWking StaD<'<l [(lWArcll), SJi)lping
the lcf~ fooL.

ii..rump to D to form" left.- stam.e toward AD ''hil\! t-rlriking to D
" ·itb the l<·ft lm~k list, bringing the right linger bell_1• w the left side
list. 31ld then ••eeute a low out wl\rd block to D with the right
knife-hand w hile for minsr n loft walkin.t: otanoo toward D. slipping
the ri11ht foot.


K~p ohe bOOy h•lf facing the

w,et. at the rno•nenl. of irn1uu·1.

57. Low Stance Palm Reverse Press ing Block
(Nachuo So Sonbadak Bandae Noollo Makgi)
a. Forward Stcypiog Block.
\\'a I kin~ read~·
i. )Jo,·c the roght foot to Din a slow motion . lormiug • ri~:tht low •t"'""'
towArd 0 while blocking with do~ l~ft fJ~Im.

ftcady Poslurt Boch palms muJI pa..u t"a.da odtf't

in front of th~ umbili('uJ.

H. ~Ion• tht.• lefL foot to D in a slow motion, rvrruiug '" left low tttance
toward D while blocking with the right pnlooo.

Sid(t Viow


b. Backward Step-Turning
)lovt> tht> lt!'ft Coo l lo C, Llu·ning (,•( Hinler -.c1ockwi:se to Conn n left lo\~'
SUln <:e toward C wbile blocking wif,h the right palm.
Clockwise turninA is no~ practical.
This o:\n be performed either in a slow or fast motion. A low stance is
used when performing in a slow mo~ion with ~he purpose ofde,·eloping
muscles or brcn th control.

\\'aJ king stance palm rev~se pre!ISiug biCH:k be exercised in the same way.

Walking Stance
58. Close Stan c e Back Fist Side Back Strike
(Mo/J So Dung Joomuk Yopdwi Taerigi)
Spo~ Strike
Siuing rc..dy stance.
1. Bring t·hc left, foot to t.he right foot to fonn a close stanc"' toward D
while striking to C wi th the right buck fist. nnd then move t he right
foot· t.o A, forming u stunte toward D whi le executing n
hoo ki ng block to I) with th~ left palm.

Readv PO!i'ture
ii. Bring the right. foot to the left foot. to form & close stance toword D
wh ile st.r iking to C with the left back fist. nnd then move the l• ft foot
t.o B . formirl[.( u sit.ting stunoo t<>wRrd D while executing it hooking
block to D wit h the right palm.

0 1.At the otart of striking. keep th~ forearm•
crosaed in front of tbe epigastri um with
both bark fist.a faood upward. placing 1he
Top View
otriking o ne under the other.

2. Ke•r oh• •triking hack fi•t full faciug

lhf' oppont-nt while ext.end.i ng the oppositt'
firm to tho )olid~ downward.

* S ittingstance buc•k fi)olt ~idf' back strik«:

can be exf:!:rcii!W!d i.n tJte ~me way.

59. W alking St a nce -X- Fist Pressing Blo ck
(Gunnun So Kyocha Joomuk Nool/o Makgi)
a . Forward Stepping Block
Wnlking ready ~tance.

I. MO\'e the right foot t.u D to form . rig ht walkiug SM ile<' to ward n
while blocking wiih Hll x .figt., snd Uten ex~c.u(e H riAiug blot•k witJl
the right knife-hnnd. keeping the snwe stanoo towur<l D.

ii. Move the left foot tu D, funniug" 1~1'1 wnlking "'"" "" townrrl D wh.ile
blocking wir.h an X-fist, and t.hen execute a r i•iug blot:k with t.he left
knife .ba nd, keepin11 the same stan<-e toward D .

b. Backward S&epping Block
o. Mo••c the left foot to C. forming a righ' walking stance to"·ard D
while blocking with an X·fist. and then execute a rising block with
the lelt knife·hand. keeping the 1!8me •tanoe toward D.

ii. Mov~ '"" right foot to C to form a left wtolking stnnco D while
~locking with an X ·list, nnd t.ben execute u rising block with the
right knife.hand, keeping the same stoucc townrd D.

60. Close Stance Twin Elbow Ho rizontal Thrust
(Niunja So Sang Palkup Soopyong Tulgi)
a. Forwnrd Stepping Thrust
J.en w&lking ready stance.
i. Brin~: the riAbt foot to the left foot., formi ng" clo!O' ~'" "'"'toward lJ
while executing a twin side elbow thrust., and tlwu move the right
foot to D to form a right walking stance tow11rd D while thrusting to
0 with t he rilll1 t sccracgnt fin,gertip.

ii. Bring the lel't foot w the right foot to form n close stnnoo townrcl 0
while thrusting with a twin side elbow, and Lhen ntO\ft: tht! l~ft fooL tO
D. forming 11left walking stanoo toward D while thrusting to D with
the left straight CUlgcrtip.

b. Backward Stepping Thrust
i. Bring the left foot t.o the r ight foot to form a close atltn<:e toward D
while thrusting wit.b a twin side elbow , and then movo the left fooHo
C. fo rming a rigbtwaiJUng st.•noo toward D whjle thrusting to D wit.h
the r ight straight fingert.ip.
ii. Bring the right foot to the left foot to form a. dose stan<"' t.owMd D
while thrusting wi th a twin side elhow and then mon" Lhe rigbL foot
to C. forming a left Wlllking "'""'"' low•rd D wbil• thrusting to D
wil.h H1~ left SLI·aight. Jiugert,ip .

• I. Keep the forcnrms <:roSS<:d in front of

the soh\r• plexus at. the start of blo <·kinjl.
:!. Keep bot,h Nido fir;ts fn("("'('l rlow nward
at. the moment of impnN.

61 . Walki ng Stance Upset Pu nch (Gunnun So Dwiiibo Jirugi)
a . f'orward Stepping Punch
Right walking ready stance.
i. ~I"''P tht left foot t.o D.lbrrnil1g a left walking •tnucct.oward D wbile
1"""-hiug to 0 wit.h the right fist. and then execut~ .. wooging block
\\ it.h tht> ou ~t•r for(•nrm. kreping tbe same stance towurd D .

ii. M o,·~ the ri~ht foot to J) to form a rig ht wnlkinJ: stance toward D
whiiP pun"hinl( to IJ with t.lw left fist . nnd then exooute a wedging
l>lotk wit h t hP outt•r fort'HI'm. keeping tbC} w me sta nce toward D.

Al the start or puttchins, keep

bolb back 6sts faced upwiird.

Tho fist reaebes lhe aars•t

in a circular motion.

b. Backward Stepping Punch
•· Mo>·e the left foot. to C. lorming a right. walking stance toward 0
while punching to D with t he left fist, a nd then exeoute a wr.dging
bfo('k wil,h a knitO-hand . t,he same sta.noo t.ownrd D.

11. MO\l'e che right foot to<!. for ming a left wa lking s tan(:e toward n
whi le p tln(:h ing to n wi th the right fist. and j,hen execute a wedging
blcu:k wit,h a k nif~-ha nd , keeping the same stan<:e towani D.

Side View

Keep the fist sligh<ly

higher than the elbow.
62. Walki ng Stance Twin Fi st Us pet Punch
(Gunnun So Sang Joomuk Dwijibo Jirugi)
Spot Punch
Close re4dy stance n.
i. ,\Jovc Lhe rig ht root to A 0 in a starnpping woliou t.o rorm tl rig ht
wollkin~t stnnec towolrcl A l) wbjle punrhing to AD.

Side Vitw

u. Brinj! the right foot to the lefL foot , >Hod then mo•·e the left foot to
T!D to fonn n left wlllkingstllnt-e toward no while punching le> HO.

63. Wa lking Stance Twin Fist High Vertical Punch
( Gunnun So Sang J oomuk Nopunde Sewo Jirugi)
a. Forward Stepping Punch
Parallel ready s!Anr~.
1. Move f.he right foot to D to form a right walking stance toward D
while punching to D. and !·hen execute a back piercing kick to 0 with
thr right foot,.

ii. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking

stance toward D while punching to D, and then
execute • back piercing kick to C with the left foot.

Side View

b. Rac kward Stepping Punch
1. ~ove 1 h~: lert. JOot to G. furr uiug a right, w~ l king stom;e toward .D
while punching to D. nnd thc~u t'Xe<:u(.: A. prNI$,ing hlot·k wit,h an X·
fist. ke-eping the sanw stu nc·e 10Wiird D.

ii. Mo,·e the right foot. to (' to form a left walking stance tow am D
while pun('hing l.o n. and t,hen execute a pressing block wit.b un X·
fist, keeping f,he l!>Ame tohUlOO f()wOrd 1),

c. Backward Double Slep -Turning
)lovo tho loft foot, to C and then turn ~ounl<•r !'lo<·kwise, ph•oting
with U•c left foot to form a right walk in!! stlm te toward e whjfe
punching to C.

64. Upward Kick (01/yo Chagi)

a.. Forward Stepping Kick

Left walking ready stance.
i. :Kick to D witb t.he 1·ight kn~ \V hilt: pulling both palm~ tlowuwtLn.l ,
and then lower the right foot to D in a stamping motion to form "
right walking s t:tnt-e toward D while executing an upset punch to D
wit;h 11 twin list .

ii. Kirk to I) " ith the left knee while pulling both p•lm•rl ownwllrd ,
ftnrf t hPn IOWf'T thf" ltfl fool tO Din 8. ~tAmping runt inn ~0 (nrm 8. )pft
wAikiug ;(\st nt'(> towArd D while e.xt!<:uling uu up~t punch to D with
,. t" in r.~c

b. :o;pot.'l' nrning

T'ul'tl t·loc·kwiRC, pi voting with the left. fno r. tt11d t.h... ,, lt)wor
t he rischc foo t to ( ' w hile kicking to C with t hl' lr rt ku<!c.

65. Sitting Stance Outer Forea rm W -shape Block
( Annun So Bakkat Palmok San Makgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Close ready stance A.
i. Movt" the left foot t-o .0 in nsuunping mot.ion, forming a. sit I ing s.tanre
townnl A wnile blocking witb the left, OUt~r fo reu,.m .

ii. Mo,•e thtt r igh t foot to Din n stampin.({ ruotiou , turning c-ounte r ·
elockwitw to form a sit.tin~t stnnce toward B while blocking wit.h the
rig ht outer forcnrrn.

Keep lbe roretrm 5lTai8lu with the

outer foreKrm fM.i·iu&: t11e fronfl at the
ruc>menl- of block.

b. Backward Step-Turning
Assume a sitting stance toward B.
Move the right foot to C in a sta mping motion, tnrnjng (·ounter-
clockwise to form a sitting start<il townrd A while blockin~ with the
right outer forearm.
Clof'~·wise turning is not rcnsonnblc.

66. Sitting Sta nce Knife- H and W -Shape Block (Annun So Sonka/ San Makgi)
Both the method and procedure of exercise are the same as
those of a s itting stance outer forearm W·shape block.

67. Reverse Turning Ki c k {Bandae Dollyo Chag1)
a. Forward Stepping Kick
Right rear fool stance forearm guarding block.
i. F;xecute n hiAh rev~rse turning ki~.:k to BD with t-he righ t fOnt . and
tJ1en lower it D to form a left rear fooL sLant" wilh a.forP.~•·m guarding
block toward D.

ii. Execut(' a high re,rerse turning kiok to .-\.D with the Jeft foot, nnd
then lower it. to D , forming a right rear foot stance with a fore.ur·rn
gu••~l ing block w wnrd D.

b. Backward Stepping Kick

'· ~~xcc ute n hi!(h J-eYerse turning k iok to C with t.b e r ight foo t. and then
lower it to C. forming a righ t rear f()()t StMICC w ith a knife.hand
gunrding b lock toward D.

ii. ~;xccutc a hig h rc•·crsc turning k ick to C wit.h tbe left foot. nnd then
lower it to C to form 11 left rear loot stance with a knife hand
guarding bloc:k toward D.

68. Close Stance Inner Forearm Side Front Block
( Moa So Anpalmok Yobap Makgi)
a. Toward n
Sittin~ 1·eady s tance.
•· B1·iug 1he ril(h t foot to the left foo 1. to form a dose stnnce townrd D
whill' blocJd nJ! lo D with the left. innrr foa-et,rrn .

Ready P($lure

ii. )lo,•e the lefL foo~ to B, forming n siUing Stl\nce towt\rd D whilo
blocking to D w ith tbr J'ight~ inner forcurm.
ill. Rt'JWU.l i

AI lhe starl of blocking, keep the

back forearms crossed in &ont of the
sol..- plexus, placin& the · blocking
one under lbe other.

Keep the back fiSI full Cuing the

fronl at the moment of block.

b. Toward A
i. Brn>g the t..ft foot to the right foor to for m a clol!e stAnce wward D
whil~ blockinjl to 0 with the right inrM'r fOI'I'Arm .
ii. MO\'~ th~ right foo~ to .-\ , forming o eitting atonoe toward 0 while
blo~kin!Z to 0 with the left inner forearm.

c. T oward D
Siuing ready •t.ance loward B.
i. C'rossthe left foot over the righ~foot w fun n a right X-stunce towsrd
B while blockin~ to B wit.h the right inner furcnrru .

ii. llo\'o the right foo~ to D w

fo rm a O!itting stance toward
ll whil• blocking to with
the r~ght inner f orearm.

69. L- Stance Obverse Punch (Niunia So Baro Jirugi)
The method of punching ISStmilarto that of a reverse punch with a w alking
stance reverse punch. In this exercise the emphas•s IS placed on the correct
posture during the punching. The stance. 1n particular. must not be broken
at the moment of impact because of the punch itself
a. Forward Stepping Punch
Left L -ready stance.
1. ~love the left, foot to D. furmirt!( • ri)(h l
toward D while pu nehinp; to D with the

T op \ "iew

ii. ~lovo the r igh t foot to D , fonuinp; n loft L-•l unt't'

toward 0 while punching w]) with the left list.

8 a (·k Vit"W

b. Backward Stepping Pu nch

1. lloH• tilt-· riRht foot to<". form1n~ n right L ~tuu•'C

IOWIIrtl ll while p u1whinl( 10 D whh ah• r igh l fiHI .

Side \'itw

ii. ~10\'r lhr lrft fool IO (' furwilljl • l<·fl L.-stamy

In\\ nrtl 0 whilt:' puru-hing tu D '' il h tlw lt~ft fi~t

Top \'le"

c. Backward

)love t h e right font. ro C~. turning clockwise to form n left L stance

t<>wnrd C while lo C with t.he left fist.
Count(l'r-tlockwise t.urninp; i:t nol rNtsonable.

70. X -Stance X-Fist Pressing Block
(Kyocha So Kyocha Joomuk Noollo Makgi)
Forward Jumping Block L-r•ody otance.
I • •Jump anrl lnnrl tn n. forrning a righ •. X ·8f.lkOC1:' tn warrl R whiiP
bl•wkinjl:. aucllh•n mo•e th• right foot to 0 to form a ltft L·•tsnce
townrd D "hil~ punchi ng to D with the right. li~t.

ii. Jump tond land to D. forming n loft X atnnoo townrd A while

blo•·k inj:. nnd then Ulove the left. foot to D t.o form n right L-stanoe
towllrd 0 whilo punching to D wi ~b the lcfL list.

Side \ 'iew

71 . L-Stance Knife- Hand Low Guarding Block
(Niunja So Sonkal Najunde Daebi M
a . Focward Swpping Block
l'arallel ready SUince.
i. i\lo,·c the l~ft fool to 0. forming n right L·stani:<' towurd D while blockins: to D.
ami tht"n pum:h l.o D wit h 1ht'\ ri~ht. fist, mainr.nining the snmo stnrwc towttrd D.
ii. ~love th~ rij! ht foot to D l.o form u left, L-stuntt iowtml D whil" hlnc·king to U.
and I hen pundt t<> 0 with tho left fi•t. majnUt in ing tlw same stn ncti towurd D.

b. Backward Stepping Block

i. Move the left foot to (' to fornt n left L·atnrll'c towurd D while bl<x·king to 0 .
nnd then punch to J) with Ihe left, fi~t>. mu in tni ning the snmc stanc·e town rd D.
ii. l!o,·c t.hc rij(ht fool to L'. for mini( 11 ri~ ht L·stnnce toward 1) while blotki n~J: 1.0 D.
nnrl tht•n puuc·h toJJwith tfwrigtu list.. muint.tdniu~ lhc ~unc- sl~trh't.' tow~u-d D.

72. L- Sta nce Flat Fingert ip Rev e rse Thrust
(Niunja S o Opun S onkut Bandae Tulgi)
a. Forward Stepping Thrust
Right L-ready stance.
o. Move t.loe rig ht foot to D to form a- left L.sta-nee toward D while
thrusting to D with t he right Oat fi n~ertip, and then execute a high
block to D with the righ t double forearm while forming a- right
walking stanc-e toward D. slipping tho right foot.

Side View

ii. Mo\•e the left foot to D to form • right l.·•lato<"' toword D while
thrustinj! to D with the left Oat lingertip . otod then execute a high
blod; to D with the left double forearm while forming" l~ft wslking
ston('(' toward D. s)jpping the left foot.

b. Backward Stepping 'fhrllilt

i. Move the leftfoottoCto for m n leftL 8 1<\noe toward D

while thrusting to D with the right Ont fingertip, And
llu•n exeeute a high block to D with the right double
foreArm while forming a right walking stance toward
D. •lippiug tbe left foot

ii. Move the right foot to C to form 1\ ripht L·&tl\ot-e

toward D while thrusting to D with the left Oat
lin(lcrtip. and then execute a high block to D with the
left. double forearm while forming a left wnlking stun cc
t.nwnrd D. •lipping the r ig ht foot,.

73. Rear Foot Stance Knife- Hand Guarding Block
(Dwitbal So Sonkal Daebi Makgi)
a. Forward Steppin' Block
Rir;ht walking ready atanoo.
•· Move the left foo t lo 0. fo r ming a right renr foot stance tow..rd D
wbile blocking. and then cxccut<> a high blocl< with the left double
forearm while forming u left wal ki ng stanoo towllrd D. slipping the
left. foot.

ii. Move the ri.11lot foul to D, forming" le ft, rPnr loot •tn noo toward D
while blo cki n~:, '""IIIH'IItm·c:ute n high block with the right do uble
forear m while fonn ing "'right walking iiehtu(1'.1.nwnrd D . slipping the
right foot.

b. Bnck ward St~pping Block
i. ~I on· t he l~ft fvot to ( ', formint: n left rE'n1· foot "' llllt<' townre! D whil~
hloc•ldng, and then execute• • hi!Zh block wit h the right d ou ble
tb rf·nrm \\·bill' formins: fL ri~hl wnlking stance towurrl IJ. !-ilippiog the
lefL foot.

ii. )IO\'C• t he right foot to (' t.u for m 11o rig ht """ ' fo ot $hill~~ towo rd D
w hik blocking. anrl t.hen .. xwutc • loij~h hlc)()k with the left double
forc·nrnl whilr• fonninlo!, H k·Cc walk in~ stance toward 0 , s.;J ipping the
righ t fnot.

c. Forward Step-Turning
) IO\'(' till' ri~ht foot to l), t umitt~ tnuntf"r•r-lu4·k\\ il'lt' ltl (orHI R r·iglu rt:'itr
foot -c-trl!Wf' roward {' \\'hih• c·x•· a knif€--I1And ~mu'llin~ Llock.
( 'lnr·k wi ~ t unting 1~ nut lo)4ich I.

74. Walking Stance K n if e- H and Reverse Ris i ng Block
( Gunnun So Sonl<a/Bandae Chookyo M akgi)
a. Furwartl Stepping Block
T..-·ft ".,.alking ready stnnc<'.

t. Movt" thr right foot tu D to forrn n dAht wnlkin~ ~htllct• tCJwitnl I>
wh i l~ hlm·king with thr lc·ft knife hand, nn<l then t•xecute llllli<itllr
I'"'"''' to ll wil'lo t he rij!h~ li•t .

Ketp che lef'l heel slig h<ly

ii. ~to\'!• the ldi foot t o 0 to form a left walking •t<~nce off the ~ round .
(0\\'lll'fl I) whiJt.:o h JcH~ ki ng wit.h 1he right knif(" hond.
i\nd tht: ;n t.•Xt'<'Ull:~ middlu punch to D with thrt lrft

b. Backwartl Stepping B lock

i. ~'"''"I he· left l'n<JI to <.: to form (1. r·ight wolking stance
low«rd I) while blo.-kinj:! with I he left knifc-hnnd . and
then exc><:utt• • mitltllt• l""u·h lo I> with the rig hl fht.

ii. Mo,·e tht' ri~ht foot to (' to form ». l('n wnlking :-tancc
toward whilt• bloekinp with• l'i,scht knife-hnurl,
thr n CX<'C UIA.' " midd le punch t o D wit h the lc•ft. lisl.

Side View

*I ~K{·t-p t lw ha.f'k f'on•arm~ f•J'O~t;;K( iu fl'tml uf I IU' Jj,.,.,.

cU'('lL, piM·ing llw hlckk ing VIII;" 0 11 l hl· odu.:•r \\·hile
kt>l·ping Lhe hod,,· hulf {tu.:ing ut tlw ~t~tt of blotk iJI}!'.
2. K~e.p th~ hody fuiJ facing th~ oppo n~nt at t he momont
of blo~k .

K~p the righ• hecl slightly

off the ground.

c. Forward Double Step-Turning
~love t he right root I Q D. and t ben turn eounh·r-du~~k\\'i~e, pivoting
with the right. foot; to form a right walking- st anl~ toward C while
b locking w it.h the le.ft k nife-hand .
('lot:kwtse turning is not p1·acticnJ.

75. Rear Foot Stanc e Reverse Punc h (Twitbal So Bandae Jirugi)
a. Forward tepping Punch
l..torL ~ alkin" ready slance.
i. Mo<~ th~ rij!hl fool to D. forming A l~tl n'llr fnnt '"'""' tu\\Mrtl D
"htlr punrhing to I) with th<> right lht , Altll tlwu t·xe~ute a ltij!h .Ude
turmna kirk to I> with t lu• lo•O i"'"'l'

ii . J..,,.,.,. Lho• left. foul t<J D to form u ril(ht rear foot stance toward D
"hi lt• punchin~~; tu J) with th~ left fist. nnd thNt execute a hil!h sid~
wrninl( kick to 0 wit h the right itt81Cp.

b. Forward Double St<:p-Turning

:\Jo,·e thf" l~n foo~ to U, and then t urn countor-docl<wise. pivoting

wit h th•· righl.. foot t,t) form a left w~tlking ~tancc toword C whilf.'
blocking with the Id\. knife- hand .
Clockwise turninjl i:; no t p1-ru·Li•:.»l.


Side View

76. Walking St ance Forearm Reverse Rising Block
(Gunnun So Palmok Bandae Chookyo Makgi)

Both the method and procedure of exercise are the same

as those of a walking stance knife· hand reverse nsmg

Forward Stepping Block

~ide View


77. Walking Stance Back Fist Reverse Side Strike
(Gunnun So Dung Joomuk Bandae Yop Taerigi)
a. Forward Stepping Strike
Parallel ready stance.
i. )j.,,-(> tloe left, fool to n. forming a left walking &
ian<·e towarclli whlle
!')tri king to D witll tlw 1·igl •t, back li~L.

ii. Move t he r ig ht foot to D. forming n right walking stance toward D

"·hile <l~riking t.n IJ with I be left bnek fist..
Back View

b. Backward Stepping Strike

i. ~l o\'f• Lh·· f,.. n fooL to ( '. fnrmin~ a l'i)Zht \\'tllldn~ ~tnn(•f' tow;u·cl ()
whilt· :~h'i kirr~~o lt• f) wit.h the- left baek fi~t,
ii. )low till' right f<K>l tu C. formin~: " left walkinj! stane~ toward D
whil• 'trikin$! t o I) with the right back li$1.

Atlhe sntt ofst.rikin~. keep the back

foreunns cros.'!Jed in ftont of eh~
J•ht''iJ, placing lht S-1 rildng one wrde.r
eh~ other with bc)ch tuu·k r....-t_'i f3 t ed

Keep both llatk fi" and the bod~· half

fa4'Jirl~ th~ OppOn('rlt at the 0\0I'th!DL
of impa(;L

c. Forward St~p-l'um ing

:\Ion· t lw right foot If• 1>, t " ' ui ngelockwi~ to fb rm 1\ le-ft ,,·al.J.Unj!' l'ltnncc
toward(" whilr :;.h·ikiug tn (" willr thl' ritcht hnck tia.
("cmul••r·•~l.wk"·i ....~ tur-niu)( i~ not logic-ol.

~idc \'icw

78. L-Stance Back Fist Side Strike
(Niunje So Dung J oomuk Yop Taerigi)
a.. Spo~ Strike
Clol>C ready ~hutcc C.
o. ~l o,·e the rig ht foot t o A. forrnin!! a loft L·<toue<· towArd A while
..t riking t n :\ with t h~ righi hnrk

At the&1art of s1rikiug, kH p the b.a<-k

forf arms cro~ in fton' or the
l'lu~:~t. I' lacing the Striking Oil e. uHder
the other with both bock fists faced

Ktep the back £i:.t l1olf facing the

opatcuu:nl at. 1he momenl of impact.

ii. Brmg the ri~ht foot to t he ldt. foot and t hen JUiJ\'e: t lw lc-li fruH u·• Jj to
rorm 'a right L·f(tnnro towan_i B while Mrikin~ to 13 wit )I llw ,,.n llflt•k

iii. Br ing t.lw i<'ft foot to t he o·ig ht foot. nnd tht•n mov~ t he right foot tt> r\
t,<J form a l~ft J...••t.auce town o1l A while sto·ik inl( to A with t he right
b nok fis1.
b. Forward Stepping Strike

1. i\love the dght foot to D to form a l~ft L-stanoe toward D while

striking to D with t he 1i~ht back fist. a nd t hen twist the right fi•t
d ockwise un til t·hc back list. faces downward wb ilc forming a righ t
walking stance toward )), slipping tho •·ight foot.

Right n i~ heing grabbt:d.

Sicle View

ii, )luVt• tilt' J••ft rtKJt tu ()tu runn A rit:ll• t-.,IHIWt~ fnwAnl 0 \\'hiJ.·
~tlikinu tn I> with tlw h.· ft l,ad~ fi ..t , 11ml tlwu 1\\i.. t llu- f,.ft r. ..t
~·uunter·t-•loc.·kwi~ until•lw bll~·k fi,.t flu1:• .. tl••un\\Rrd at tbt" ~mt•
tinw formiut! a lc·ft walk in!: i-U.nt't• to\\'nrd 1>. l'llipping th~ 14?'ft fiMlt

u. Furward Step-Turning

MU\'t' till' lt•fl funt ' tll rn ing c·lorkwi~•· t o form tl)(1n L ·St Rll(,"(' tQWtlrd
t'"' n
(' whil<.• :o;tl'iking Lu C " ' it h t hr· •·i~ht hack ti~<~t.
Countcr~clock" h_w tlll'lliup: i)ol nnt, lnJ,tit·~ l

Side Vie"'
79. Rear Foot Stance Back Fist Side Strike
(Dwitbal So Dung Joomuk Yop Taerigi)
Both the method and procedure of exercise are the same as those of an L·
stance back fist side strike.
Forward Stepping Strike

80. Fixed Stance Back Fist Side Strike

(Gojung So Dung Joomuk Yop Taerigi)
Both the method and proced ure of exercise are also the same as those
of an L-stance back fist side strike but w ith a low stance instead of a
walking stance for the releasing motion.
Spot Strike

81. L-Stance Back Fist Horizontal Strike
(Niunja So Dung Joomuk Soopyong Tseflgi)
a . Forward Stepping Strike
Parallel ready stance.
i . )l o"~ 1 tw nght foot to 0 to form n t~ft I, Will<'<' toward D while
•i rlkingto D with the right bark fi•t. ond then CXN!UtO<t wming kick
1o :\ with the left knee.

ii. Lmvrr 1h€' l€'f1. fOot to JJ, fo1·ming n right. IJ·Kttuwt• toward D while
"'dk inf( I<• I) with t he left bnek fi•t. nncll h,,, execute a turning kick
to n with the· l'il:l;ht knf•f•.

b. Back ward Htep(ling Str·ike

i. i\10 \'1;.' th~ ri,~.tht foot to (" to ronn t\ ri~ht L~Atl\rlCC

towi\rd u wh ilf•
~ rikinJ: to I) with t tw IC'ft h:trk £i.fl:t. nnd then execut e a midd le- bnek
pi,•rdn~ ki(•k to(' \\'ith th<' lr ft foot.

ii. Lnwt~r tht· lt•t l runt tn (', furJU ill)(" ltft l..rl'ttUnce toward D wbiJe
~···i k i n~ t. I I) wil t. t lu-l'itchl IJoll(•k n,.t, nncl tlwn ('X:('Cutc a 111 idd le buck
J•i l't·l"i • ·~ kil·k 1._. ( ' "i111 t hi.• •·i,u:lu foot.

c. Backward Double St~p-1'urning
Mo,·c thf' rig ht foot to(' and t.hen turn c:ountca··clockwi8<", pivotin~ witb
t h e r ig ht· foot t;o f<>rm a •·ight 1<-;;tance towa•tl G while •triking to Cw it h
t he left back fist.
Clockwise t is no~ t't'asomtble.

* I. AI t h<' ~tort of ~tl'ikinJ!. kl~Ptlw

fOI'Cnl"llw c~rt)~~"fl i n fl'onl of t lw Other View
chc~t. placin~ the striking- one on
tlw otl\f'r with hoth bn('k ti~t.s
fact:d u pward .
2. 1(.... 11 1hf· nnu :stmi~ht nud ho1·ir.onwl
ut Lh(· momc·nt- im pnc.·t.

82. Fixed Stance Back Fist Horizontal Strike
(Goivng So Dvng Joomvk Soopyong Taerigi).

it can be exercised in the same way as an

l-sta nce back fist horizontal strike.

Fol'wllrd Stepping Strike

83. L-Stance Outer Forearm Outward Block
(Niunja So Bakkat Palmok Bakuro Mskgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Left L-ready stanL-e.
1. ~J o,·e
the left foot to D to form n riJ(ht L·•tanc.: 10\\ard D whil.-
hlocking t o U witb tbe left outer fort•urrn, anti then exeeute u front
"'"I'kkk to IJ with t he rij!ht knct•.

ii . l.•l W'-''' thC' right foot to D, form inj:l n lc•ft f~.,;tuucc tow~u'tl D whill:;'
l•lnd<in~ to JJ with rh~ ri~du out t'l' f(u"t.·nrm. oud th(•U {c'Xec·ut(l a f1·ont
•nap kic-k to]) wit h the left knc<·.

b. Backward • teppiog Block

i. )lo\'t• r·i~l1t fo()t tv C:. forminJ! u ri~ht lrsr.auct.~ toward J) while'
blm·kin~ to 0 with Lh~ left out er· for-en11n. and then cxccut e rdow •.idt•
fronc kir·k to I) \lit.h the left insLCJl.

u. Lower t.hc left foot to c. l'ormln~t (\ left I. SLI\1\C{' t oward [) while

block in)( to 0 with the right outer forct\rm, ond then execute a low
@idc front Mnp kick to 1) with the right inst~p.

"' I. K_e('p Uw hth·k fnrNt r'u\s 4'nn•.-.(,:'(l in front of

the ··lu~l , phn·iug till' IJiuckinsz: one: cm t h{'
of lwr nt. tfw ~1nrt of blocking.
2. Keep the fo1'e~rm half fncing the opporwnt
at the moment of block.

c. Forward Step-Turning

Mo,'Gthclcft. fooHo D. 1urning ciO<'kwiac to form a lcfi.

L-stnncc t oward C while blocking t o C with the r·ight
outer forc-Urm or inner forearm.
CoWlter·clockwise t.urning is not reasonable.

84. L-St ance Kni fe- Hand Outward Bloc k
(Niunja So Sonka/Bakuro M akgi)
Both the method and procedure of exercise are the same as those of an L-
stancc outer forearm outward block

a. Forward Stepping Block

Top View

, ... thumb rm·m~ a 3trai&ht

line with the el:u ·icle.

b. Oackward Stepping Block

A.. ume a Hight L.-stance Towurd ll.

85. Rear Foot Stance Knife- Hand Outward Block
( Dwitbal So Sonkol Bakuro Makgi)
a. Forw..-d Stepping llln<:k
Ri,ht w~lklng ready slan""·
i. Move tlw Id\, foo~ t u 1). fonning t\ l'ij(ht 1'<;'4\r foot ~tunt-e tOW>Ll'll n
whil~ blocking to I) w ith the lr-0 knil'~·hond. and then strike 1.0 D
with tho rif:!ht llll J><'r eiiJuw whilr· forming o lcl\ walking sta nce
towarrl D. >lil>pin~t 1he left foot .

ii. )[ovo· l lw riglu fnot t o IJ. forminj( a l~ft ren1· foot slRnco• towo rd I)
whil\• hlookiug In I) with th<' right knife luuHI, nnd tlwn shik•· tn D
with tlu• h.•n upp<•• •·lhow while fonnin~ :\ ri,(.tht walk.iug stnnc'C
toward n. •liploinj~l lw light foot.

b. Backward Stepping Block

1. l'lfove the right foot. t.o C. form ing a right reM foot stance toward D
while blocking t.o D with the left knife· hand, and then strike to 0
with the right upper elbow while forming a left walking stance
toward D, slipping t he right foot.

Side View

ii. )Io,·ethe left foot to C. forming a. left. rea•· foot stance toward D while
blocking to D wit.h the right knife· hand . and then st•·ikP to D wit h
the left upper elbow while forming a right walking stance toward D,
s lipping the left foot..

c. Backwu.-d Double Step-Turning
Assume B left rear root stance towurd D.
.\J ovc the ri$!ht fc)01 to(' nnd rht·nl urn <·ouutt•r·(•lookwiS(·. pi,·• ~c iug wilh
chr· ri~h1 foot t.n form n righ1 r·c•;\r f'oot. ~tRrlt'e tuwn•·cl (•while hiO<·kin,ll to
(' with tlw left kuifc.. hund.
{"uuut.-•··c·1ut•kwi~n t.un1ing i:; no t lo,ttitnl.

.. I. At the start of blocking. keep th~ back

forearms crossed in front of the c hest.
placing t he blocking one on the other.
2. Keep the kn ifo·hnnd hlllf facing the
opponent at t he momont of block.

86. Rear Foot Stance Outer Forearm Outward Block
(Dwitbal So Bakkat Palmok Bakuro Makgi)

Both the method and procedure o f exercise are the same as

those of a rear foot stance knife-hand o utward block.

Front View

87. Fixed Stance Punch (Gojung So J irugi)
The method of punching is the same as that of an l · stance reverse punch.
a. Forward Sliding Punch
Left walking ready slance.
r. Move the right foot to D in • slid ing motion to form a right fixed
sta nce tow~<r<l [) while punching t o )) wit b t.he right fist.
Side View

ii. Move t he left foot to D in a sliding motion to forrn a left fixtl<l st•uce
toward D wbil~ punching to D with the left fist.

h. llackward Step-Turning

Mo"e the right foot 1n C in 1\ sliding motion, turn in$! countcr·clockwise

t.o form t1 right fis:L•d sl tlnc·t! 1 •)\\'UI'd ('while punchin~ toC with the r ight
Clock wise tu rning is not rmlS~Jntlb lr.

88. Fi xed Stance Flat Fingertip Thrust

( Gojung So Opun Sonkut Tufgi)

Both the method and procedure of exercise are the

some as those of a fixed stance punch.

89. l -Stance Kni fe-Hand Inward Strike
(Niunja So Sonkal Anuro Taerigi)
a. Spot Strike
Close r eady stance A.
o. llu,·e the l~ft foot to ll to form ~ right L-stance toward B whilo
strikinp: to B with the right knifP·hAowl , and then punch loB with the
left fist while formin11 a l~n lix..J sl8nl-e tow•rd B , s lipping the left

ii. Bring l,he left foot to t.he right. lloot, 11 n d then m0\'0 the rig htfoot to
A to form a left L -stnnoe t.ownrrl A while striking to A with the loft
kn if•·h~ncl . 1\nd purwh to A wit.h t.hp l'igh t fist while forming n rig ht
fix ed stanc-e wward A, s lipping the right foot.

111. Bring t.he right foot to the left foot and then repeat i oho,•e.

Brill& lhe OJlJK•~it.e side fist in

front of the shoulder at the
momeo~ of impac&.

Top View

b. Forward Stepping Strike
i. Move the left foot to D to fo•·m a right L·stnnco toward D while
striking to D with the right knifo·band, a<>d then slide to D to form n
left fixed stance toward D while thrusting to D with the left Oat
fi ngert.ip.

ii. :Move the righL foo~ to D , fonning a left L

stance toward D while striking to D with
the loft knilo·hand. a nd slide to D to
form a right fixed stnnco toward D while ~h
rusting to V with f,hc right flat fingertip.

c. Forward Step-Turning
Mo,.,.e the left foot tO D, turni n11; clockwise to
form A loft L.atnnoo toward C while striking
to C with l·he left knife-hand.
Counter.clockwise t urning is not practical.

90. Rear Foot Stance Knife-Hand Inward Strike
(Dwitbal So Sonkal Anuro Taerigi)
The method of striking is the same as an L-stance knife- hand inward strike
a. Forward Stepping Strike
Parallel ready stance.
1. Mo,·e the left foot to D. forming a r ighL re81" foot. stauc-e toward D
while striking to 0 wit,h t.he r ight knife-hand, and t.heu punch to D
with the left fist.
ii. Mo,·c t he right foot to D t.o form a left rear foot at«noo towtlrd D
while striking to D with the left, kni fe-hand , 1t11d t.hen punch to D
'vith the right fist.

b. Backward Double IStep-Turuiog

Move t.he r ight foot to C and then turn counter·

clockwise, ph•oting wit-h U1e right root to form a right.
rear foot stance toward (; while st-ri king t.o C with the
right knife-haurl.
ClodcwiSP t;urning is not, rettsona ble.

91 . l - Stance Forearm Inward Block (N ounja So Palmok Anuro M akgi)
& . ~·orward Steppin~ Block
Parallel ready slaoce..
I. ~~~... ~ th~ l~ft foot to D. formin::" ripht wtant-e toward D while
blueking to D with the left forellrm. and then •trike the left. palm
with the ri~ht front elbow while for mirtlt a leftwalkiDSt stance t<>ward
D. • tipping the right foot.

ii. )lo\•c t he r iJ!ht foot to D, formi n~t n left L -st.l\nt.., toward D while
blockin~t to D with the ri~tht forenrm , nnd then • trike the right j>&lm
with the ten. front elbow while forming " l'ight wol.king stance toward
D. slipping thu left foot..

b. Backward S~eppin~ Block

1. Mo\e the ro~eht foot to C. for ming o right l.·>tAn<,. to"nrd 0 ~<bile
blooklflll lo )) Wtlh the left forearm, ••KI th•oo •tri k~ the r~f• vxlm
wilh I h~ right front dhow ...-bile fornoittg 1\ lt·ft "Mlkiug SlHIIl "<' tu ward
0 , •lipJ>in~e th~ left foot.

ii. Move tlo• Id"! foot to ('. forming a l~ft L 8tlllt~ townrd 0 while
IJiookinl( to 0 with the ri~ht forearm,n nd then •trik~ tlw right pnlm
with the left front elbow while formiug n ri~thtwnlking $lnnt-c loward
D. •l ippin.~ the ri~ht fool.
c. Backward Double Step -Turning

Move the right foot to C ttnd then turn clotkwise. pivoting with the
right foo~ to form a right L·8Ulnoo toward Cwhilo blorking to Cwith the
1ert forearm. Counter-clockwise turn ing is not. reasomtble.
Spot. t-ur ning •~ not possible.

At the &tart of bloekjn!. k.,.p bolh

b&ck fi11a faoed upward.

* Fixt'd !)tan et> foren.rm in n·ttrd

can be exercised in the same way.

Fixed St.anoo

92. L-Stance K nife- Hand Inward Block {Niunia So Sonkal Anuro M akgi)
The method of blocking is the same as that of a n L-stance outer
inward block.
a. Forward Stepping Block
Left L-rcady stance.
i. )lo,-. the lclt foot to ll. forming a right 1.-s tnn..- toward I) while
hlo1·king to 0 wi th the left knif•-hancl , nnd tlt• n •••cnle n high
w·rfi•·Jtl p1uu:h 10 f) with n twin fist whi l~ forming tt lun~ wnlking
stanc-<' townrd 0 , 81ippinl( the left foot.
ii. ~l o\"e the r i!(ht foot to D lo lorm " left L-stam-c tow"n.l D while
Ulocking to D wi th tltt" •·ighL knife ..hand. a nc.l Lhe.u ex~cu W u. high
\'el·t ictl l pull(!ll tO D with R twin fist while form ing R right wn lking
s tliiH'<' townrd 0 . slipping the right foot.

b. Forward Step- Turning

Mot•e the leftfooHoD, turning clockwillC to form a le!\.
L-etnnce towani C wb.ile blo<:king to 0 witll the righL
knife-hand .
Counter·cloekwise turning is not ren$0nttblo.

93. Flying Side Piercing Kick ( Twimyo Yopcha Jirugi)

Right L· s tance.
1. Mew•· th~ rlj!hl fool to D to <'X~c·u lo" ll.•·iug side pirrrir.g kic·k to 0
with lho rtghl fool. t\nd then lund to 0 , forming a left L·•ta nce
toworcl IJ wlulr cxroutin~ 11 middle ~unrdinl' block " iLh ~ knife-

Ready Po111utt•

ii . Muw· llw lc·fl foot to 0 too xcc·ute 11 Oyinl! •ide piercing kick l<o J) wit.h
tlw Id'~ foot. nncl th~n loud to D. rormiu~ a right L-stanue town rei 0
whil(• •·xN·ul ing a middle gunrdiu~t block with a knife·h•nd .

K..,p the ltR hffi •li&blly

orr 11.. ~round.
Kick io dolivered.
Landing Landed

Landed Side View

94. Parallel Stance A ngle Punch (Narani So Giokja J irugi)
a. Forward Stepping Punch
Left walkin& ready stance.
i. ~~.e...ure an angle punch with the right fin while forming a parallel
nan«> toward D, pulling the right foot. and then move the right foot
to D to form u right walking stanoo toward D while executing a
wedging block with the forearm.

ii. ~~.,.,.•·uh· au nngl~ ptluc.·h wiU. Lht· lt1f1, li~t, v. hill" forming a paraJiel
)'1\n Il l'\.~ toward D. pulling the left ,.,.n.
t "nd Lhl•fiiii0\11' f,he foot. t.o
D to furrn u left walking ~tun("C t.owurd D whilcextu:uting H
blook with the innet• fo1'ennn.

Side View

b. Backward leppinx Punch

i. t-:M•t ut-.· 311 nug1e punch w ith thP ri~ht fi"t whitr forming a parallel
<IHnW to" M"' I f) , [>Uiiiug lhel•ft fool. IIIM"ilhPn lliO\"elhe left foot to
('1 oform M ri~ht walking sta Ol't" townnl 0" hi I£- t:'Xteut ing il wMging
bloc·k whh 11 knife-hand.

ii. l•:x<·c·ul<> a n Mgle punch with the left fi6t while foo·ming a parallel
•ln nt'(llownrrl 0 , pu ll ing the righ t foot, and then move 1he l'ight foot
tu C lu fo nu " left walki ng stance townrd 0 while executing a.
Wt!<ll(illl( l>lotk with a knife-hand.

95. Si tt in g St ance Pa lm Pushing Block
( Anuun So Sonbadak Miro Makgi)
a. Spot Block
Close ready stanoo C.
i. Move the Jefl fvvl tv ll, fOrming 11 $iUing l(fmw(• towa1·d I) while
blocking tu D witll tll .. lo•fl I"'"' palm, nnd llw n bl'lu~ the left foot tu
the ri~ht. foot. •o foJ'II t lt elose st"'n"-~ towJUYI 1) whilr exeruting ttn
nnl(le punch with t h~ ril(ht fist.

~!<lady Posturo

ii. Mo,•e the r ight foo t tu A to form a sittinl'( sUince tuwnrd D while
blocking tu lJ wUh tho r ight palm, and then brinl( the ril(bt loot tu
tJt~ left foot, formi ng " clollC stant'O towo.trd D while executing a n
uugl~ {lnrwh wi1 h the left fist.

Side View

Olhrr Vi..-w

b . t'orward Steppin~:; Block

o. ~~o~c the left foot to RD to form 3 sotling ston<<' wward AD while

blookinp; to AD with the lr ft palm. and then cxcc·ute a re,·eri!e
hoolcin!( ki~k to D with the right foot.

ii. Low eo· I h<· righ tfootto AD to fornlll aitt i 111-( •tnoJC(' tc)wn rtl R 0 while
blu,·king tc> B I) with the right pnlm, mod then exe.,o le a revcrae
hookinj( kic·k to .-\D with tho lcfl. foot.

I 0

96. Pa rallel Stance Pal m Pushing Block (Narani So Sonbadak Miro Makgi)
The method of blocking remains the same as that of a s oiling stance palm
pushing block.
11. Forw:wd Stepping Block
Walking r eady slam,.,.
i. 1\10\"e tllt" left f001, to J) . rorrning H !flU'nllf"J ~f!llll'i" tOWilrd .\ WfliJr
blocking to D with the ft'ft palm. awd fht·u t•xt.••·u le a middlt>
reY CI"l!e turning kk k to BD with the rit;ht b>lll of the foot..

iL Low•r tl~<·t·i~lot foot· lo D. lormio~t ft pornllclst.nnco!' toward B while

blockin~ to B wil h t hf' right .pa Irn. and 1hen ('xccuto n middle ~verge
wrninl! ki•k to A.D with the l•ff hull of the foot.

Top View

b. Backward Stepping Block
Assume o pornllcl st.Once toward A.
•· Mo,·e the loft foot to C. turning clockwise w fo rm a parallel sMn(oe
townrd B while blocking to B with the left pnhn. a nd t hen execute ti
high re\•eroo turning kick to .o\G wit.h the rig ht bull of the foot.

ii. Lower the right foot to G, fol'ming a. parallel stnrwe toward r\ wh il~
blocking tot\ with the r ight palm and t.hen execut"" bi!(h ""''''""''
t.urning kick to BC' with tb~ left ball of the foot..

97. Venical Stance Knife- Hand Downward Strike
(Soojik So Sonkal Naeryo Toerigi)
a. Spot Strike
Sittin~ ready st.ance.

i. Strik~ to A with th~ ril!lll knife-baud while forming a left ,·erlical

stall«' to ward A. pulling the ri)lbt foot. "' "I then noo ,·e the leftfoot to
8 to form n •ittiOf! n>nd.'· stanC(' toward D.

ii. Ht rikr t,o U with the loft, knife ho nd while fOI'Illill~ n right ,·erticnl
Mll 11r·r toward B, p ulling the left foot. and t.hc11movc t.he right footto
A t<> fnnn a llilti11g ready &LRIIOO toward D.

• I. Al the start of stri king, keep the
forearm!'. e-r~ in front nf t hP
eh.,;t with both back fiota faccxl
up•~ard , placinl! the striking one
uncier the other.
2. Attacldng tool reaches the target in
a circular motion.
3. Keep the elbow straight nt the
moment of impact.

b. ForwArd Stepping Strike
Parallel ready swnoc.
i. Move tlw ri)!bt foot lo D. forminl( a left ,·ertical•tlln<-e toward D while
strikinsr to D with the right knife · ha nd. a nd then execute a side nomg
kirk to I) with tJw ten foo l,

ii4 f~" er rhe left foot to lJ. formi nJ.e a r~ght v<-rt i<·nl st.nn<:t" tOW11nJ D
\\r h i I(> ijl riking 1o I) with 1he IE"ft knHb--hanfl. nnd I h£>n f>XtW IIt ~tu ~idl"
r ising kiuk to D with the rig ht foo t.

98. Rear Foot Stance K n ife- Hand Downward Strike
(Dwttbal So Sonkal Naeryo Taerigt)
Both the method and proceclure of exercise are the same
as those of a venical stance kn1fe-hand downwa1d strike
a. Jlorward Stepping Strike
b. Backward Stepping Strike

" llolh the mrthod nnd prot<.'<lnr(• of (•sor<-i,.., lor H rear foot • lMH'C •ldo figt
dn'' uw.nrd strike remain t ht.• M nw o~ 1ho~· of u \' t•rliod :ttunt..'C' kuif<•·
llllllil tlm\' 11WRI'(I l'1Tike.

99. l -Stance Side Elbow Thrust (Niunja So Yop Palkup Tulgi)
a. Sliding Thrust Toward D
LeO walkin~ ready •tan,.,..
i. Mm·o t.he righc. foot to Din n sliding mo~ion to form a righ LJ..scanc"'
t.uward C' while thrusting to D wit.h the ri,ethtelbow, nrx.l then executA
a hig h thru•c to 0 with the right Oat fingertip while forming a right.
low stanc-., to,. ani D. •li(lping the right foot.

ii. Move- Uu\ lrft. tOot to Din tt sliding motion to form " lcfl, L·stanre
wward C w hilf' Uuust~ing to D with the l<'ft elbow, and the•• ~xecnte n.
biph tJ1ru•L to n with th" loft Oat fingertip wh ile forming " left low
•tance towanl D, slip1>ing tJu~ left foot.

b. Backward ' tiding Thrust

'· Mo•·p thP right foot to C in a slidinjr motion to form a rijrht L-.·tance
to 0 wloi l~ t hru•Ling to<: •vith thr rij!hl rlhow. and then ~xecu t~ a
ri•in!( bl~k with the right knifo··hanrl "hilo· formtng a left walk in!'
•tanoe tow~nl D. slipping tlw ri!(ht foot

n. )lo.-e the left foot to C in a ,:l idin~ motion to foo·noa left 1.-sta nre
townrd D \\'hil<' thrust in-" to C with t ht.1 loft clbow, und t.llcn t>Xt.oc;ut•·
a l'ifting block with the l'ight lmiff·-huncl while forming: <\. riglu
walking •touco toward D. •lippin~t t lw left foot.

At the star' oftJJrusting, keep the foreann.'~ crossed in front of Che r·ih c~:tge with
both !iide lis~$ faced downward. )Jiaeing ~In: tltr-u&ing one under the o$her.

Side Vi<'w

100. Rear Foot Stance Side Elbow Thrust
(Dwitba/ So Yop Palkup Tu/gi)
The method of thrusting remains the same
as those of an L· stance side elbow thrust
a . lepping Thruu Toward D
Ri,;h• 1.-r..d y '""'~·
1, ,\Ion· I he rll!ht 1001 to n. rorrnin,u 1t l'ipht n •UI' fooL ~tltUl"t~ toward c
\\'lult· 1hru ...t in~ tu f) wit la t 11, . t'i,!lht t·lho\\' Rncl t h('u puncb to(" with
t lw lt.fl liJo~.t whilt' ronnin~ n rip;hi L · l"h\llC{• town rei C'. ,; thC'
J'hC"I •t foot.

ii. ~~~ ,,.~. t hr J••n fnot to IJ, fOrm in~ n lcfl l't:·nr foot. :-t nnoc towurd C whiJo
1l11·u,t iu11 tu I) with the left elbow a nd then punch to Cwith t he right
li.r whik· fun ning a lr·ft 1.->tnnee townl'cl ( '. •lipping tbc left. foot.

B. Backward Stepping Thrust
J. llovc t he right foot to e. forming a right ........ fuut <tanc• toward I)
while thru~ting to C with the rig ht elhow. nncl thr·n punc:h l u f) \vi I h
the left fist whi l<' forming A right L f.itA nce t.owRrf'l d. slipping t.h<- k•rt

f"<lt .

ii. llove the left foot to C to fo rm a. left rear foot stance toward C while
t hrusting to C with t he left (•,)bow, and then pun(:h to D with t he r ight
fist at the .ame t ime forming n left L·stance towa •·n D, sli pping t lw
right foot.

Fixed stam.'O side oJbow thrust can be exercised in the same

way as either an L~stancc or rear foot stance sido elbow

fi'ixed Stan(:e

101 . Walking Stance Do w nwa rd Punch (Gunnun So Naeryc J i rugi)
a. Forward SteppinJI: Punch
Right wa lking ready • ta n te.

1. ~l ove the lrO foot tu 1>. forrnin~ n ll·ft "~tlkiu)l .. t nnr~ ton·artll> wlult.'.
run!'11ing wi th t lw ri~tht l1•t. und t ht>n c xer•ult· " 111iolrll•· t ln·u • t to IJ
"'it h t1w left On.t rin~tl'lil'· molnta iuin,t: 1he• ~n11w ttl-nru.:c i owrut l 1),

ii. Move th,• rijlh t foot to to form a right walkmj!ston~e towa rd D

whi le pu nchinl( with the left, fj, t, a nrl I hcu e xecute a midcllc t hruot t o
1) wit h \he ri~hl tlnt jjnger'tip, IIHt in t a iu iug I h r• AAnle lrta nce tOWt\J•d

b. Forward Double Step-Turning
)lm·o the right. foot 10 [) and t hen IU11l clockwise.
pivotin~ wit h thr right foot to form n right walking
"to ilet' townrd C while punc·hing with t he left, list .
Cou nter·cloe:kwi~~ turning i;;; not pnH·t.ic-a.l.

102. L-Stan ce Upward Punch (Niunja So 01/yo Jirugi)
a . Forward Steppinl( PWJcb
Ri!lll walking ready •lance.
1. ~IUI'<' t 11<' l..ti I'•••~ to D. fon ning n righ t 1.->1anc·c lowurd D while
p u ndoing wit h t he· oi~tht fi, t. nnd thr n •lido to D to fo o·m a left fi.,(~l
' ' an" toward !I whi le punrhin~t to I) ll'ith the lrft fi•t.

ii. ~I m·<·tlw rtj!ht foot to D. for ming a l('ft l.-•tan(!(> towunl D "hilo·
pn nr·hing wit h t lw l<•ft fiol, and then >!lidc I o 0 to form n right fix,~l
~huu·•· 1t~war-vl I> wldlt· pun<·hinJZ to D with the 1·ight fist .

Brm~ lh~ opposile side fis1 in
rront or I he £boulder -.rbile u- Top \'Jew
t'C'Utins an upward puneh.

b. Backward Stepping Punch

Assum e a left fixed sttu1ce toward 0 .

'· )lo,·e th<'lcft foot to C. fornun~ o loft 1..-taneo towanl

11 while punchinl( wu h I hr lt·ft fi,t. and thrn I hrw.t t<>
U with thf" risr;ht Oat tinAf•rt ip \\hile· running. a right
fixe-·fl :o-1-Rflf't> t nwAI'fl I) _ ,.oJippinJ( I )w J~ft rou1.

ii. )[lln· tlw ri~llt (4JOt to ('. fc.1rm iuS( u riuht" 1.-,-ran('t'
1O\\'<u·d J) whilt• pum·hing with t h<' rip;ht fi~t . and t hen
th rust to I> with t ht• lt•fl Onl fini(rrlipwhile forming a
lt•fl fix<·d >hlrl<'l' tt>WII r<l J), •lippin~t tlw ri~tht foot .

c. Backward Double Stcp-Tun1ing
)Jo,•r l ite! 1·igl1t fuul t• •C nnrl thr:n 1nrn .~oun ter-clockwi~('. pivot,ing
with t ht' right foot to fotm n r·ight L..:dnu(•t• tuward (.! whil~ pun<:hing
with t h~ ri~;ht li•t.
f'lockwi~ ttlminJ! is not rtH\.sonable.

Sidt" View

103. Fixed S tance Upward Punch (Gojung So 01/yo Jirugi)

The method of punchtng is the same as that of an L-stance
upward punch.
Forward Sliding Punch
Parallel ready stant-e.
1. =-'fide t.u U. f()rlll iuJ: a lt•tl: fh:et l :;lnrl<'<' toworfl D
whi le punthinj! l<• 11 wit h the right fi•t.

ii. ~licle ro D forll)if1.J! n ri$!ht fh:l'<l Btanre town1·d I>
\\'hil<· l>urwhinc t o I> \\'ith th(• left fi; t .
104. Rear Foot Stance Upward Punch (Dwitba/So 01/yoJirugi)
The method of punc hing is also the same as that of an L-stance upward
punch .
Forward Stepping Pu nr.h
Right walking ready stance.
i. )I 0\'1" t lw lel't foot tu D. fo r·ming a r·ight rear foot stance t oward
f) while punch ing wit h the right fist. and then Pxecut(' a middle
t urning ki~k t o AI> with t he right in"tep.

ii. l.nwN· 1'1>~ right fooL lo D to fonn a left t-ear foot stance towtn·d
D wh ile pttnching wit h t ho loft fist . and then <'xrr·ut .- a m iddle
t u rn ing kick t.n Hll with tlw left in ~lep.

Side View

105. Reverse Hook i ng Kick (Bandae Dollyo Goro Chagi)
a. Forward Stepping Kick
Rigln L-ready s tance.
i. Kick to D with thC' ri,:tht foot, turning d ot·kwirw, And then lower it to
D to form n left, L·stunce towan.l D wldlo f"Xf'l1Ut,ing a forearm
guurdinl( blool<.


u. .Kick t,o D wit,h the left lOot, turn ing r-ounter·f'IOc~kwi::1:P., a nd t,hen
lower it to J) to fOr m a r ig ht L..stan t:e toward I) whil~ exc(~u t,ing a
fo rearm guarding block.

b. Backward Steppin~ Kick
Auume a left L -stance I.Oward D.
i. Ki\'k to I) \dth tht·ei~ht foot. ond th<"n lowN 1tto (" to fon·ttrtu R
ri~ht l~·SlUm-"• l !._m'fttfl f) while CX('('Uting R ro r('arm ~URtclinJ,t block

ii. Kick t O D"·ith tlw lr ft fool. ami lllf·n '""''''" t o (', forming aloft l.
stance toward 0 "hilt' c-xec:utin~ a fon.~HI'IH ~unnlmg blotk.

31 1
1 06. l-Stance Forearm l ow Reverse Bloc k
{Niunja So Palmok Najunde Bandae M akgi)
a. Fot·ward Stepping Block
Parallel ready stance.
i, ~lo,·<· lht· lc-fL foot to U. forming o right lrt$tanc~e toward D whil()
bltwkin~ t o f) with I hf•lr•fl, forearm nn<l then c x:c C:UtC ll hi~h rt~,·~t~
turn in!(' kick t 0 n wil h the right hall nf the foot.

ii. Lower 01c 1;~ht foot to D to form u l<'ft L-8hU\ct· to'' o.rd D \\'hil<•
blockjng to D wit h t h<' li~ht for c <\I' Dl , and then (~x~c-uu~ a hi~h l'l'\'C'I'f.t(~
turning kick to lJ wit h t h<• l<ft ball of t he foot.

b. Backward Stepping Blocl1
I, .\Ion• the> l'i~hl foot to C', forming 0 right 1..-stan(•e- toward D wh i}P
IJ(ockin:,.! t O D with t h(l (eft fOI'N\ITI\. nnd then exee\lt(' a hisz:h l'e\ 'Cr$e
t •u·nmg kick to ( ' with t he left bnll ofth r foot.
ii. LoWf'l' t lw lf"ft foot to e. ro.·ming a l('ft L·stt\JHX' toward D \\'hilc-
l•loc·k in~ to I) with thl· right forear~n. and t hen executl' a high 1'(' \'Crsc
l urniug kick lu C with the r·i~ht ha ll of t he f(>Ot.

107. Rear Foot Stance Forearm Low Reverse Block

(Dwitbal So Palmok Najunde Bandae Makgi)
Both the method and procedure of exercise are the same
as those o f an L-stance forearm low reverse block.

108. L-Stance Double Forearm Low Pushing Bl oc k
(Niunja So Palmok Najunde Miro Makgi)
a. For\\'ar·d Stepping Block
Len. I_.· rra.d~· l'tant--..•.
1• .\l 11\' l' th\" lrft f•XH l O U. fm,uiug :t •·i~.thl L-~tiU1€"c- t ownrd U whih·
l•l1wk iu~ t tJ 1J with t ht.• l('fl dcm hlt"~ fm'<•a rm. uw ltl lt·n t hru sl to I) with
IIH' riJ.dt i !lot fi n;;:t•rt i p •nnint ainin!: t hl· ~aut•• :o:h qu.·•·lm\'tll'd U.

ii. )Ju,·c.· th(• 1~ht foot tu IJ to form a lt•fl 1..-~t:ml-e l tm un l I> while·
hloc·kin.'! t o U 'dth tl w dcht dou h lc• fon.•urm. a nd tlu.·n 1lu-u~t lo I)
with dH· l<·li nat tinJ.(t'rt ip. tmti nt ninin~ t hl· ~ml' ,ian<·•· H ,,,·nnl D.

b. Backward Stepping Block

1. Mo~e t he right foot to C. forming n rig ht L·slance

luwa ru D while blockin~ eo D with the left douol"
forcar·m. nod t hen t-hrust to D wit-h t he right Oat
fiuge1t ip, mAintAining t.lw AAm(l ~t~tn{!if-'1' towrntl D.

ii . .Movt.• lhc left. foot to C to form a left l.r:;tance- towArrl I)

while blocking t o D with t he right double forNlrm, and
l hen t lu·ust to JJ with I he left Oa t. linger-tip, maintain·
ing the S<Ul1U titanct.· towul'd D.

c. Backward Double Step-turning

Mo,·e tlw right foot to C and then t w11 colmtcr·clockwisc.
ph·o ting wit h t hr right, foot. t.o form a r·ig ht, L·stance
toward C whil<' blocki ng t.o C wlt.h t Jw Jpft. rlo\lble fon::.A rm.
Clock \\'i8t' tu.rnjng i~ 110 l rt"n:somtble

Top View

Side \'iew

109. Rear Foot Stance Double Forearm l ow Pushing Block
(Dwitbal So Doo Palmok Najunde Miro M akgi)
The method of blocking remains the same as that of an L-stance double
forearm low pushing block.
Forward Sropping Block
i. Mo,·e the left foot to D. for ming n ri~bt roenr foot •ttuwe toward D
while blocking to D with the left double forearm, nnd then execute
an upward kick with the right knee. pulling both pnlm•downward.

H. Lo wer t he ri)!ht foot to D to form a left renr foot l!tftllCO toward n

while hlockini( to IJ with the right double l'on••lrm, and t hon exc<·utc
:w npwtu11 kic·k wit·h tht· lt•ft knrC'. pulling t.)()OI pn lm!oi downward .

110. Fixed Stance U -Shape Block (Gojung So Mongdung-i Makgi)
a. Spot. Block
Parallel •·eady stanoo.
' · ~J o,·c tlw loft foot to B t o form a left fixed stance toward B while
blocking to 13 .

" I. AI t.he stal't of blO<:king

keep both palms face..!

2. Both must.. fvrn:a

a vertical line with the knee
at t he moment of block .

ii. Bring the left foot to the ri~tht foot and then move the right foot to A,
fonn inl( a 1-i~ht fixed stance toward A while blooking to A.

iii.Brin~ tht· righl f<u•l tu 1ht·le·f1 fn.. •l , ~t 1u l ltwn ...,u. i R lu 1ve~.


b. Forward Stepping Block
o. Mnn· tht' left foot to D. forminjl n left fixed stance towoml I) u·loil,.
hl n('kin~ to U. t hen j un'IJ>ontl :;pin cl(l<·kwitSC. lotH.Lin~ on t he.. :o:.arnl!
;;;pot tf' fnrm A lf.ft L·stftflOC townrd 0 whil<· t.~seeut inJ! a k nifco~hnnd
guurdiu~ IJiock.

ii. ~10\'(" 11tf left foot l (l n liJ furlll A lt·fi, lh:c"{l ~Inner townrd I) whiiC'
biCX'king t o D. 1hC'n jum J> tu ad "piu connh·r·c·l01.·kwi~. londiu.Q on the
~anw tr]K)l co form a l~ft 1.-~ ance tuwun1 I) " ·hi I•· ••xt·C"ut i nj! a fb f\•tl rm
guarding bll)('k.

J.•!'llSlll(:(' U ..s hapc bl&<:k t'AO b~
t'Xl'l't·i..;'-'<1 in 1he som(' way.


11 1 . Sitting S tance Back Fist Hig h Side Strike
(Annun So Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi)
a. SiM Stepping St.r ike Towat·d A
elose ready stance B.
1. MovP the- 1·i~ht foot tcJ A tu form1t :;il tiu~ :--tat\l"C> to\\"an l D whiiC"
~n·il\ing t o A \\'it h t.he ri~hl ba-·k n~i . ~IJHI ( l lt..~ll 1trirrg f h.-· lf·rt f(>ot to
till' right foot. fcwm in~ a dO!:'C' ~tnnc·(• tow ani () \\hill· ex("(·uting n s.ith ·
fron t block wit.h the left inrw r f01-.:·n rm . and 11 low b lork w ith the rig ht
fo rf·arm
ii . llr·pc-n1 i.

b. Sid e Stepping Strike Toward 8

I. ~'lon~ the left foo t to _B to fi)rnt a ~itt'i n~ ~lnnce towal'd n whih·
>triking t o B with t lw loft bn<·k li•t. a nd th<'ll b l'in;: till" ri,::ht f<Jot t o
t h<" left foot, fol·min~ o. clo:;c.• ::~htrl<'f" town_J"Ci lJ whil!! t"Xe<'Ut ing a ...ide-
fr()nt h!Of"k with t lw r i$Zht inJH' I' fo r'<'llrm. nncl a low hlo<·k with t hC' left
ii. Hepeat i.

c. Forward Stepping Slriko

' · Move the right foo~ to D. fonning tt sitting st!\ncc towllrd B while
striking t,., 0 wiLh I he o·ighL back fi•t., and LJ,.n hring tlw left foot to
t he righ~ foot to fonn a close stunce towllrd D while executing a side
front block with the left inner forearm, and a low block with t.he right

ii. MovC' t ho left. fOot to D, forminJl tt. sittinj! stante t.owtud A while
!'itr·iking to n wif h t hC' lc"fl har-k list . ancl t hrn bring t ht' l'ight root to
t.h<> IC"ft foot to fOrm a rlose stan<•t• towan.l D \\'hiJt• ~X~(!ut iug n sidt:
front hloek with t hf' right innc1· forNt1·m. and a low bloc)\ with the Jpft
fun·a•·rrl .

* I. Kc.-•p t he- fnrC>anni{(!I'Ofol."'Ni: in front of t,hc ch(>$t with hoth l»:u:k

lists faced upwa rd. placing the st.r ikin!!one under the other.
2, Keep tlw back fi"t half facing the opponent at the moment
of impacl .
112. Sitting Stance Forearm Front Block
(Annun So Palmok Ap Makgi)
a. pot Bl ock
Close ready stance A.
1. ~Jo,·~ th!' lc·fl foo t to R, fo nning • >ill in~ •tttnl'l' toward D "hil~
b1oc.'kin~" it h the lc·f t for('arm. and ('X<'CUt(' a l'litl(' ~'t rikfl to B with t h<-
h•ft back fi~t. maintaining t lw ~nw :ttnuc•f' towtu'CI 1). then hrinf! the
lt·fl foot back to a ready posture.

ii. Mu\''--' tlu• r ight fooL t.u A , furm in)( n ~itl iug ~tnm·c· luwarrl D whilr
h ltwkill(( with tlw l'ight. fm-ent·ut uutl t'Xl'l'Utl• u sicle strikt~ (o A with
the l'i~ht back fi~1 , mu in inlnJ.( t lw ~nnw l'llutac.·t' lowurd D. th.._.,,
bring the ri~-tbt foot back to a rcod.1· po•tm·r.

The biO<·klng tool must be bmoght to
the C("lltfr c>f the defender's bod.y at
the moment of impact.

b. Forward Stepping Block

1. ~10''<' the left foot to D, forming a sitting stance

towt\rd A while blocking wit h t he left fo1·earm, a nd
then exc>eutc a •idc lltrikc to 0 with the left. block
fi~t. maintaining t.he same ~tancc toward B.
ii. 1\'lov£" thr ri~ht foot to V , formin ~ n Sitting stonee
towanl B \\'hi I(• blocking with t,he •·ig ht forf'ann: and
then CX('(JU I:(' a side strike to 0 with tlw right b""k
fist , maintaining tlu: ~a me ~1a.nce toward n.

c. Side Step-Turning
Mo•'C the right foot to B tnrning counter-clockwise to form a sitting
stauoo toward C while executing a front block wit h the right for.mrm.
Clotl<wise turnin)l is not rea.onable.

Previous Posture


113.Sitting Stance Knife-Hand Fro nt B lock (Annun So Sonkal Ap Makgi)
The method of blocking remains the same as that of a sitting st ance forearm front block.
a. Side Double Stepping Block Toward B
X-rea.dy stam:e.
i. Mo,-e the left. tOot, t..o H. fnnu ing N sta nce t.oward D while
hlooking w it.h I he left knife- band. and Lhen "'""~the right foot O\ 'er
I he left. fCJn l to fvnu n lef~t. X-sC..Hnc~ toward D a rising
block with the rig ht forearm.
- i.

b. Side Double Stepping Block Toward A

1• •\l.ovo t.h e right foot to A, forming a sitting stanoo l.own•d 0 whil~
blocking with the right knife·hand, and t.hen cwoi>8 t.he left. foot over
the right foot to form a right X -st.anc·e l.oward D while ext?'euting a.
r ising block with the left fol'ear m.

114. L- St ance X- Knife- Hand Checkin g Block
(Niunja So Kyocha Sonkal Momchau M okgi)
n. Forward 'teppin~ Block
l ,.rtad~· S1ance.
i. )IU\1' lht• lt-fi font U'l u tu fot,n ft rurht 1#".:-tancx· toward I> \\'hile
l1hx·JdnJt tu u. a.Jl4l t lu·n ,.,...,.. utt•a tt•w·no.~ tH)t)ktn~ kiek to 0" ith th<'

ii. IAmrr tho rij!ht foot tO 11. forlllinJ!& l<•ll I. >t&neo townrd I) while
hltwktng to IJ. and t lwn rxe<•ut(• o t't'\'<'M' h<Htkin)t kirk to I) with the
lo·ll frool.

Ke-ep bolll palm" faced eat"h nlhtr

at thf wtara of hlucklu,;.

b. Backward Step-turning
)(o,·c the right foot t o C. tuntini( ~loekwi..- to form a l~fl l •. ,tan<-e
town o-d C while blocking w C.
Gonn tt'r-clockwi~<' tu rning i~ not prnct,ical.

Both the method and procedure of exercise for a fixed stance X-knife -
hand checking block are the same as those of an L-stance X-knife-
hand checking block.

Side View

115. Walking Stance Fo rearm Obverse Front Bl ock
(Gunnun So Palmok Baro Ap M akgi)
a . l<'orward Stepping Dlock
l' arallel ready stance.
1. ~lo,·c the rig ht foot to 1> to fot·m n l'ight wnlking stnnco t.o wa·rd D
while blocking with t he r ight fo1'Carm, and then execute a hig h st.rikc
to 1) \\'ith Lh~;.· h:·ft, arc- hand, ma int,a ininS{ t he AAmf' stan ce toward U.

Keep obe let\ hool slishlly

niT the .

u. ~lo\'ethe left foot to D. fonning a left walking sta nce toward D

while blocking wil'h tho left forearm and then execute a hig h striko
to D with Lhc right &m·hancl , maintaining the stance toward D .

b. Backward Double Step-Turning
)lo\·e th(> left foot. to(', and then turn counrf'n-•luck" i.ow
r>i,·oting "•it.h th ~ l<•fl foo~ t o form a right wal kin~t
sta.nce tOWHrd C wl1ill' IJ1ockiug with 1hf, •·igh1 frn·t•nrm.
t;lookwioo t.urninl( i8 not logioal.

116. Rear foot Stance X-K ni fe-Hand Checki ng Block
(Dwitbal So Kyocha M omchau
The method of blocking remains the same ns that
of an L-S1ance X-knife-hand checking block.
Forward Stepping Block
Ri~ht Walking ready stance.
i. Mo\t'i the left.. fooL ton. formin~" rigl•t.. 1'\"Hr fuol'<t.8.UCt" tnwanl n
wlli ll' blocking to D, anJ thtn -.~Xt'Cllh.· u high vt•rtlCAI punch to D
with 6 t,win fiSt while forming a left wa lking ><tance toward D,
~UppinJ! the right foot.

ii. ~IO\'C thr right foot. to D. forming n left rea•· foot stance toward I)
whilo blocking to D, and then execute n high \'Mt.ion l punch to I)
wit h a twin fist while fol' (1. right wA lking :ot.nnC!t' t.owat'CI D,
slipping the left foot..
Side View

117. Wa lking Stance Twin Palm Upward Block
( Gunnun So Sang Sonbadak 01/yo Makgi)
a . Forward Stepping Block
I.eft walking ready stance.
' · )Jo,·e the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D
while blocking wit b a twin pa lm.

AI the start of blocking, keep

both palms faeed downward.

Tile blooking tools reach the

&arge&$ in a circular mot.ion.

ii. )fove the left foot to D to form a l~ft \\'alking stnnce towMd D while
blocking wit h a twin palm.
b. Backward Stepping Block
i. ~10\·.. tlw l<·ft foot to C. fo rming a right. wa lking stance toward I)
whi1o bl<.lcking wiU1 a. ptklm.
ii. Move t he right foot to C. forming n left walking • tance towa rd ])
while blocking with a twin palm .

118. Walking St ance Double Stepping (Gunnun So lbo Omgyo Didigi)
a. •·orward Double St~pping
Left walking ready stance.
i. i\love the •·ig hi foo t. to Lhe•irle front ofth~ left. foo t., keeping the body
hal f facing , and tlu:n lU C) Vt· Uu:• h:ft fuuli..4 • n to form a left. walking
st.&nce toward 0 whil•• cx<•cuiiug " hooking block lo D wi(.h llw l~fi

b. Ba<:kward Double Steepping

1, )Ion~ l lw h:'fl foot t.o tit<· :o:.iflf·l'f~ou· o fthii" right. foo t., k(--epi11g th~ body
half f;tcing. and the n movt• LhP rig ht foot. to C to form a. 1efL walking
~tance toward D while cxl~<.luti ng a. hookjnp: IJlock t.o D "·ith the right
R l·J:X:llt i.

119. L-Stance Dou b le Stepping (Niunja So fbo Omgyo Didigi)
a. Forward Double Stepping
Lefl L-ready stance.
1. M m·~ tho left, loot to tlw •irl.-, front of t he right foot, and tben move
t he right foot to 0 , fo nning a left L-stancc Lowanl D wl1ile exeouth1g
" hooking blo<:k 1-0 D with ~he right palm.
ii. Repeat i.

b. Backward Double Stepping

i. Mo,·e the right foot to the side rcnr ofthcleft. foot. and ~hen monl tho
loft foot to C. fonning a left L -Stancc toward D while punching to D
with t-he left fist.

120. S itti ng Stance Horizontal Punch (Annun So Soopyong Jirugi)
a. Side Stepping l'uncb Toward A
X· ready stance.
'· Mo,·e the right foot to A. forming u sitting stance t<>ward D while
punching Ul A , and then mo•·<> the left foot bchin<l the right foot to
form n right X-stancc toward D while executing a low front block
with t he left out.c o· forcnrm, bringing th• right finger helly to the left
sirlr fi$t.
11. Rerwa.t, i

b. Side Stepping Toward

1. )!o,·c the left foot. to B, forming a sitting st.ance tow11rd 0 wloilo·
pu nching Ul B, ami then movo the •·ig ht foot behind the l~ft foot. to
form a le-ft X -sta nt(J toward n wh i1e t'Xecuting a low front Ulo..:k with
tlw r ight oute•· foreal'tu, bringing th\! lt>ft, fiuger hdly on fh(! right
unde1· fcu"t·.-trru.
11 , Repeat i.

At the start of punching, kef.lp
bot-la back lis1s faced downward.


c. Side Step-Turning
Assume a right horizont.t.l punch 1o A.
Move t h" l'ight foot to 13, turning clockwise to form n
sltLing .st ance toward 0 while punching to B,
Counte:1·-clookwise t urning i~ not pracfi<'.a.L

121 .Ciose Stance Twin Palm low Front Block
(Moa So Sang Sonbadak Naivnde Ap Makgi)
Forward Stepping Block
Lcfl walking ready stance.
1. Firing th• right foot ~o the left. foot . fanning a clo"" stllllC<' toward 0
wllile IJIO<'king, ond ~hen mo,·r the right foot to D to fonn a right
"' alkinjl •tau<-e lO\\Rrd I) while punchinj! to [) " 'ith the left. fist.

Jllocklng tQOljl rt~u:h thP.. tllrgt-'

in n dn:uhu motion.
ii. Bring the left foot to t lw ril(ht foot, fonninl-( a clos.- st11 nce t,ownr<ID
whilo blocking , nnd t hon tn0\'0 the left. foot to D to fonn a left
wnlkiug stlm<"' town"! D while pnnchiul( to D with the rij~ht lht.
122. X-Stance Outer Forearm Low Front Block
(Kyocha So Bakkat Palmok Najunde Ap Mokgi)
a. Side Stepping Block Toward B
Sitting rudy stance.
i. ('..,... th• right fnnt owr lh~ l~ft foot In fnnn a left X·stanoo toward D
whil• blocking to 0 "ith the lef'i fnrt'Ann, bringing th~ r ight finger
lx>lly on the left und<r fo n:arm. anrl tllf'u " '"' 'e th~ l~rt to ll. forming
a ~ittinl'( ready •1unt"U.
ii . Rqw' l\1. i.

Cr'Of'."~ foot O\~C+r tht! ri~ht foot to form 11 right X st nntf' townrd

]) whilt• blocking ton with t.he rij:(hl fo~urm , ur inging t.l... 1.·1'1 finger
hdly to the right • idc fi>t. and then mov~ the right foot 1.<1 A, fMmi ng
a :<iUing "'ndy stnnC('.

Side View
123. Outward Pressing Kick {Bakuro Noollo Chagi)
Spot Kick
Close stanoo with a hea\•en hand.

o. Kick to A with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as
they we1'f', a nd tl\(m lowf'r it back f,o a ready post ure.

ii. Kick to B with t.he left foot. k..:;ping t.he po"itiou of the hands"" t.hey
were~ and t hen lower it back to a really j)ost.ure.


124. Sitting Stance Forefist Pressing Block (A nnun So Ap Joomuk Noolo M akgi)
a . ' ide Ste ppint: Block Toward B
Para llel ready •<at~<-e.
i. llo''\' tlw lt·ft foot to ll. fonnin,.; o J~~ittin,: 1oiHIIl"l• toward D while
hlnrking with l11P l~ft fon·li-i , arooltlwrt IJrin!( 1 ht• ripht foot to th~left
fnut tu funn u close ~aJU'\' towsn_l I) whiiL' <"Xfi!Ut in g- a tldo
h urizuntul £•J1H'JW tb rm•t.
ii . H<.'Jh.'lll i.

h. 1\id P, St>~"pping Block Toward A

i. lh~,..,. t ~~~ l'iJ,t;hL foot to A to fon u t\. l!liUinA J~tanec towu1·tl D while
blu<·ld nl( with t ho rij!ht forvlist . and th• n b rinA lf ft foot to the rip;ht
f0f.•1 , fol'minJ: u close stance to wu.rcl I) o t tlw Home tirno cxecutinJ.t n
twin hm·izontsl thrust.

ii. fl «'JWSlt i.

·n~t method of b&oekin, for a di.oton•l s&.ant~t
forefi~l pre»ing block remaim the aame.

Ride View

125.Sitting Stance Back Elbow Th rust (Annun So Dwipalkup Tulgi)
a. Sid., Stepping Thrusl Toward A
Close read v stan~t ('

1. Mo,·Q tlw •·ig ht foot to A. form ing n ~itting stance towuru ll whil•
thrusting to C with the ri~:ht back ~!bow. and then bl'ing th ~ left foot
to t.h<• rif(ht fom. to fom1 11 clo<>c <tnnee towa•tl D while ~x~ utinp; un
~Lngl~ punch wit.h the •·igh t list.
ii. R~peat i.

b. Side Stepping Thrust Toward B

J. ~IOY<' 1lw lt.•ft- foot to B to form fL ~buace towArd U while
thru•ting to(' with the left back elbow, nnd t.lw"' l.trini' the righ t foot
to t h~ left f<>ot. forming a close st.ance toward 0 whi!, ,·x•·t· an
angle punch with the left f!llt.
11. R C)X'Ul i.

c. Side Step-Turning
Assume a sitling stance toward D.
~lovf' the right foot. to rl, turn in ~ clc><:kwi8e to form a sitting stttnce
towal'tl t while thrul;(.ing t.o n wi l h thf' right hack e lhow.
Count.e r· clockwise t tu·ning is not t•ea.::;onable.

Brin~ the opposite fmger belly to tbe

rorefist at t-he moment of impat l,.

126. Parallel Stance Back Elbow Thrust ( Narani So Dwipalkup Tu~qi}

Both the method and procedure are the same
as those of a sitting stance back elbow thrust.
Side View

127. L-Stance U-Shape Grasp (Niunja So Mongdung·i Japgi)
a. Forward Stepping Grasp
Parallel ready stance.
'· ~tu,·c the left foot to 1>. formint~: a Ml(hl 1.-stonct' wwanl D while
J.l.ra~viug~ anc.J tlu~u f'Xf*'<'Ulf' a tuming kick to D with the right knw,>ing the po.;itiou uf till" hand• •• th~y were.

ii. tower the right foot to 1), for min!( n !ell L·stane<> t owa•d D whilt·
grasping, and then t•xccutA· a ~ul'lling kick to I) ,\'ith the left ktJ('e.
keepi ng the _po~ition of the htuul}t nfli tlt<-'Y wc1·e.

b. Forward Double Step. Turning
M""" the left toot. t.o D a nd hhen turn counterclockw ise,
pivo&ing witb the left foot to for m a rig hi L-stance toward
(;while blocking. Clockwtoo t urning is not roosonnblc.

* Both U>e mo;thorl and procedure of cxcn:isc for n fixed

,.;lntu;f• or l'ear fOot stance l'·shape grasp are Ule same.

Fixed s~,'u':e Rear foot Stance

128. Lo w Tw ist ing Kick (Najunde Bituro Chagi)
a . Forward S~epping Kick
ten walking r eady sl&nce.
'· Kick to D wit b the right foot. •nd th<·n lowrrit to D, formio!( a left I r
>tanc~ toward D whil~ ~xecutin~t a clwckinf! block with an X-knife-

11 . I( iC'·k lA• I ) with thf" h~ft (rtnt ' 81U I t ht•H ltm t•r it ltl n, f'• ·•·rniug a ,;gll(
I.· Kt.AH(lf' (,o wniYI n while· ... XI'l'Ut.i u ~ n c·lu·c·kiiiJ.t IJiuck with <tfl X-
kn if'f'hanO.

b. Forw&rd Step-Turning
>love the right foot to D •tnd then execute n low twisting
kick to(; with the left foot while tun1ing oounter-elockwise.
Clockwise turn in~ is not reasons ble.

Sida View

129. Walki ng Stance Double Arc -Hand Bloc k
(Gunnun So Doo Band a/ son Makgi)
a. ~·or ward l'tepping Block
Righ t walkin& N"ad~? s.tance.
IJ. i01 nun~ a lt·ft \\ tdkin)lz..t nun· t owa rrl J) while:
1. .\lovt• t lw lt·ft foot to
hh•<·kin)! to A IJ. and th<'n a •ide book ' ''·ikt• to (' "it h tlw right hat'k
li~t anti a low biO<'k with tilt' l<'ft fol'\'&t'lrl ''hilt" fi•rmiug n right L-
suuwe towttrd 1>. pulling t lw lrft fuot.

ii. ,\ hwe t lw rig-h t foot tu I> to fo r m n l'i,:zht '''tdkin~ ~tan<:•1 townrd D

whilt~ Uluc:I\Jng to BU, nnd t hl·n n ~idf' OtH.:k ~:~tr·ikc t o C with t lw left
'UI'Ill whilt' fur·ming o. h:·ft L~
hac:k fittt a nd low blocli ,,·ith t lw l'ig ht fcm_
st.;uwc• t ow~ud D. pulling th,, l'i~ht fOt)l.

b. Backward Stepping Block

'· Mo,·e the left foot to C to form a right wnlking st11 nce
t.ownrd 0 while blot·king t,o f\D, • nrl theu • •id~ l>llck
strike to C with thr l<·ft hnok fist a111l •· low block with t.hc
rig ht forearm whil~ fol'luiug a len l.-stanc~ toward D.
pulling the left foot.
ii. )love the right foot to C to form a left wnlkinj! stnncc
low•rd D whi lo blocking to AD, and then a side back
strike to C with th~ right bar k fist and a low block with
tbe left forearm while forming n right L-stanrc t owl\n'l I>,
pulling the ri~hi foot.

c. Forward Double Step· T urning

)IO\'e t he righ t foot to [)and thrn t urn clockwise, pi" ot ing

with the right foot to foa·m 11 right walking :<!Bn<·" t.nw•ud C
while blocking to AC with n double ar<:-hond.
Countor·clockwisc tu rning j,:; not pnu·t.ieAI.

At 1be •'tart of bloc kin~. k..p both

pabn~ ruin& du: defcndl'r.

130. Low Stance Flat Finge rtip High Obverse Thrust
(Nachuo So Opun Sonkut Nopunde Baro Tu/gi}
a. Forward Stepping Tbrus~
Close ready s1anCf" A.
I. \J uw· I he nQill fool I () IJ. f fill Ill)! ft ri~hl low •131\l't' I OU1lrd J) \1 hil~
1hru•tin~: 10 J) " i1h 1lw ri~hl OM fin!(< riiJI. a nd 1hc·n brin!! I ll<' hofl
fr10t t n t lw righ1 fc"a h' ft1rm n do.-.4' ~tOll('(' towo.rd D whilt" ('St'1·UtinJ,!
n IH1rizuutaJ t h1 u!o;t \\it h t lw right t'lbO\\ .

ii, )l ovt• tht: ll~ft foul tu J), fo rm in~ 1\ h~fi ltJ\\' MtBOCC toward IJ whi l~
thru• tinl( ton wilh t ill' lo·fr llnt liiiJ<o•rrip. a nd lhl'll brin~ the right
fudt t o the left. foot to fut·m u d o"-' ' l'i Au1;• t (m·nrcl I> while CX("CUting n
ho rizonttll thruStt with tttl' ldl t•ll tnw

h. ~'orward Step-Turning
~love f,he right foot to D. turn ing dockwiw t.o forw "
left Joo;;v StAnce toward<' while thrus1inA to(.' with 1lw
left llat. fingc•·tip.
Counter-clo<·kwiS<' tiJ rnin~ is not
Wnlking stan<:c flut fingertip obv~rse thrust Nut be
exerc·ised in the so me w11v.

\Valkin,g Stance

131. Sitt i ng Stance Reverse Knife-Hand Low Guarding Block
{A nnun So Sonkaldung Najunde Daebi M akgi)
a. Side Double Stepping Block Toward B
X -ready :stance.
i. tht> left fO\>t tu B. fonuinf{ a $ittin~ towal'd D wh ile·
)) O\"t'
blocking toll . a ncl t hen cross t he •·i~:ht foot o,·or the left foot to fo nn
n left X-stuncc towa..d D whilt• ~ xC'Cuting n knife-hand low guarding
block to A.
ii. Hcpeat i.

b. Side Oou ble Stepping Block Toward A.

1. Move the rig ht foot to A. fonni ng a sitting stance tow<lrtl D while
hlocki ng to A, and then cro..«s t he lef~ foot over the •·ig bt foot t o form
a l'ight X·s:taner towal'd I) whilf> f''XH•ut ing a knife-hand )Ow
gul\rtling J.Jnck ton.
i i. R(·Jw&t, i.

c. Side Step-Turning
Assume a sitting stan ce 10ward D.
lfo,·e th<' right foot to B. turnir!jt olO<'kwise to form a sittin;z
ston<e toward C while c xcootinj! n IO\\ j!Unrdirlj! block to 13
with a. rr,~rrse. knifehanrl .
Counter elod ..·wi~ turn.intt i=:; not rcasormLie.

At. Lh.. &larl or blocking. keep

both palma faood downward.

132. X- Stance Double Forearm Block (Kyocha So Doo Palmok Makgi)
a. F orward Jumping Block
Close rudy ••~uc-., 8 .
1. Jump to IJ. fo rminj.( n left X " """"' t owur<l A I) while i)lockin~ to I)
with the lrfl do ubi,• fcm•urm, a nd then mOI'o•tlw lr ft foot to 0 t o fo>rm
a left wn lkinsc ~tUr\('(' lownrd I) whih• cxt·cutinJ,CI\11 upward hloc·k in11
~low motion \\' it h t·lw right palm.

ii. ll o1·~ the rij!ht foot to I) in n j umpinjl motion to form a right X

•tnncc towonl ll 11 while blocking to 0 with t h..ri~ht douiM forcnm1.
and then mo1·r th<· M!(ht foot to U. forminjl n ril(ht walkin!! •HtnC<·
t owftrd IJ whilt~ t'Xt·cUtln~ an UJ>ward bJoc•k in n :tlow mot ion with t lw
lo·f'l I"lm

Side View

b. Bwkward J wnping Block

1. Move the lt'n foot..l.. Ct C in A jumping mot,ion to form a
left X -stauce towanl BD while blocking to n with t.h~
l'ip;ht double forearm, und t hen move the l~ft fonttn C,
fol' ming a right walkinp, stance toward D while execut·
ing au upw:u'CI hloek in a slo\1· motion wit h the left
ii. Mo,·e t he right fool to C inn j umping motion to form a
rig ht X -stt\ncc tow~trd AD while blocking t,o D with the
l~ft. double forearm. and then rno,·c the right foot to C.
forming a left wa lking stance toward U while execut-
ing ttn lll)wn.rci hlock in a ~low .motion with t,be right
palm .

Side View

133.l -Stance Middle Knuckle Fist Upset Punch
(Niunja So Joongji Joomuk Dwijibo Jirugi)
a. Forward Stepping Punch
Lcfl L· ready stance.
' · Mo,·c t he loft foot t,o D. forming a right L·stanac toward D while
punching to D wit h t he •·ight middle knuckle fist. and t hen exceutca
middle block to AD with n double nrc-hand while forming a lcfb
walking stance f,oward U. slipping t he right foot..

ii. )Ion-· t h , ~ right. lOot, t,o 1>. forming a left I r!olt,anc;e toward U \Vhile
punching lo n wit.h> IPft midriiP knllckle fist, a.nd t.hf>n f.>XP.11UtP A.
1uidcll(:' bl.x:k to -B D with a double a_rc·lnUJU whil~ fon ui11g 11 righL
walk ing stance tuwnrd .D. slip(Jing the left. foot..

b. Forward ~hif\-St~p·Tumin'
Shift to O.maintaining a left L->taoce. ami then mo,·•
the left foot to n. t urning clockwiS<' t o fo rm 8 left ].,.
•tAn r<· toward (; while punching to C with the left
midd le knut kh• ftst.
Cou nh•r·OIO(·kwi!'.t' turning i8 not prnctiool.

I. The middle knuckle fi•t ro·al'lws t.he •nlnr plexll.'! in

nn u ppercu t motion.
2. Bring the opposite side fist in front uflhe •boulder

* Fixed stance middle knuckle fist. up•et pu11ch

oan be exerci&ed in the SlttlJ~ wAy .

Find Sa.ance

Side View

134. Parallel Stance Middle Knuckle Fist Side Vertical Punch
(Narani So Joongj1 Joomuk Yop Sewo Jirugi)
Spot Punch
(:lose ready stanr·e 11.
~I MP t.lw dght lixot. 10 A, lo rming a pamlltl •tour:~ towurd D wltM
(IIIIJching I•• A wil h t IJ,. right midcllp knu<-k lr ti·~t. and then execute a
rh.. in~ IJic..H:k "ill1 "" X-kuif("·hanrl , maintRininEt tlw folamf' ~ance
toward 0.

ii. l3r·ing t he right fV<•I· tu tlw left foo~. und mow tl•c left fool. tuB to
form tt JXlrullel:o~tartt-~ toward D whil~ punt•hin.~-t to B with t he left
middle dnuckl~ fi~t·, th~n ~Xe<'U~ a rising block with on X ·knife.
hand while maint tlinin_u the same ~anc(' toWRI'tJ D.

135.Sitting Stance 9-Shape Block (Annun So Gutja Makgi)
a. Side Double Stepping Blook Toward B
X·ready st.ance.
1. ,\ lc.v<• tlw le-ft foot Lo B, forming a liitting: st-ance toward V while
•.•xt•cu~ ing R IPft 9-:-;hfl.p(· hiOt~k . anrl thf·n 4"'1'i):\.;:;; thr right. fOot 0\"flr t hr
lt•ft fool to ft.u'rH a lt~n X -:-:laut•(• l oward Oat. Uu~:-tarnet.imr:f'xC"'f\ULing
H low fruut bltx.·k with llle •·ig ht. uulcJ' forl!ann .
ii. Hepcnt i.

b. Side Double Stepping Blook Toward A

1. Mm·~ tht• right foot to A. forming a •itting stance toward D while
cxccut.iog a righ~ O·• bnpc block. nncl t hou cross ~he left foot O\"C)r t he
right foot to fcwm o right. X -st.anc:c t.owa.r·d D at tho same tim<'
executing n low front block with t he left outer forearm.

136. Walking Stance Reverse K nifa. H and H igh Reverse Front Strike
(Gunnun So Sonkaldung Nopunde Bandae Ap Taetigi)
a. F orwArd Stepping Strike
Psrallrl ready stance.
1. ,\ Inn> tlw lrn foot to 0 , fonning alrft "alkin1< •tan<·eaoward U while
ottt'ikiu~ with tlw right re\~..r* knif~hnu d , ""~ l r ht..n PXef'utt>- a high
l.hnllst to D" ith the left Oat. fin~l'I'Lip whilt.• r•. rf11iu~ n right. L-st.antt~
towuru D, slippin~t th~ left foot.

ii. Move t he right foot to D. forming u t·ight walld nf( •tnnt'C t oward D
wh ile •Miking wit h t he left reverse knifo·htmd. and then execute n
hi~ h thw•t to I) with t.hc right Out. fingertip while forming a loft L
•t.nnrc toward U. slipping t he right foot.

b. F orward Double Step-Turoin,r;
Mo,·e th<' riJ(ht fooL t.u I) ami thNI tur·n •·ouut~r<-luck"•ist".
pivotin$t ,,·it.h tht> r·i~ht foot tu fr.rm 1\ le·ll walk in~ stnneo
towu.rd (; whih• Mtriking: with ttw ri~ht ri·,···r~· kinf<··hn.nd .
ClookwitJC) tur·ninu is not reasonahf, ..

* i. A1 tlw Kttu'i of "t•·ikin~, ku~p bu1 h knift·· luuod• fac<·d

ii. Hrin~ I lw opp<>~ite back huncl undc•· t ht• elbow joint at.
llw mumf'nt nf impact .

137. Sitting Stance Palm Scoop ing Block
(Annvn So Sonbadak Dvro Makgi)
Jl m·ward Stepping Block
Parallel roady sl<lnce.
1. Move the right foot to D. for ming a sitting stance towawl B while
executing a. scooping block with the right palm . and then punch to B
with the left list.
Raioe ohc body slightly

ii. Move the left fooL t o D, tur·ning clockwise to form a sitting st.nnce
toward -~ wl1ile execut ing a scooping block with the left palm. and
I hen punch to A with t.he r ight li$t.
Raise t he body slightly

S<'OOpinA block rnust always be e"trciged
in n aontinuous motion.

138. Walking Stance X- Fist Downward Bl ock
(Gunnun So Kyocha Joomuk N aeryo Makgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Parallel ready st<lnce.
I. Move tht" left. foot to n , forming a. l~ff, wa.lking ~Lal'lf'(• f 0 \\'tl. l'<i L) while"
bJoeking, 8Ht.l t hton eXecUlC a low lnwaa"t) block 1·0 n wit.h t hP fpft
kltif~? 4 hand. maintaining t he game stance toward D.

ii. lltove the right foot to D to fo•·m a right walking stance toward 0
while blocking, and then execute a, low inward block wit h t he right
knife· hand , maintaining t he same •tance toward D.
Keep 1he left heel s~ghlly
oJl' che ~round .

b. Baclmard Stepping Block
1• ..\lovt' t h r lef't foot t o ( ' t,o form a right walking ::,tt\n~;e town•'d TJ whiJo
hloc·king, and then pwwh to I) with tlw l~ft- ti~1. maintain ing t.he
:•.fl.lnl~ =-'tarw•· (,owal't') n.
ii. )Ion• t lw right foot toC to foa·m a left walking ~um<:e towurd D whilt.>
blocking. unci them p unc h D \Vith t.he l'ight li8t. ma inta ining the
~iunc.' :st.t\n(·e toward D.

The X-fist reacht.s dle aao..· e levf!l as the defender'tc solar

plexu• a~ the momenl of blook.

* H ·n tkinj! stt\nct• X ·knife -htlnd downwa-1·d block can

b4:' t~.xt•r{' i.'S(.-'tl in tilt' S31Ul' w~_v.

139. Sitting Stance X-Knife-Hand Front Block
( Anun So Kyocha Sonkal Ap M akgi)
a. Ride Double Stepping Block Toward B
X-r('ady s1tmee.
1. Move the left foot to B. forming a sitting !'lance toward D while blodunj!;,
an cl thrn cr oss t he righ~ foot o,·cr t.hc loft foot to for m a loft X-st.a nce t oward D
while execut ing"' horizontal strike to ll with t.he left back fi"t..
11 , Repent i.

b. Side Double Stepping Bloe.k Toward A

1. .Move the rig ht foot to A. formin~ a s;itting stance to ward D whilf:
blocking and then cr oss the left foot. O\' CJ' the right foot to form a
right X-stancc towa1xl :0 while ~xccuting tl hodzontnl std.kc to A
wit h the •·ight hnck li$t,
ii . H i.

140. Diagonal Stance Twin Palm Rising Block
(Sasun So Sang Sonbadak Chookyo Makgi)
Spot Blook
X-ready ~t.ance.
o. Mo,·o thu left foot to B. forming n left diagona l stanoo toward D
while blooking.

Sidt View

ii. Bring the let! foot. behind the right fO<lt , ancl then mo,·e the right,
foot. to A to form a r ight. diagomll stance toward I> While blocking.

141 . Rear Fo ot Stance Twin Palm Downward Block
(Dwitbal So Sang Sonbadak N aeryo Malcgi)
a . l'orwnrd Sl~pping Block
Left walkin,: ready stance.
Mo,·c thl· ri.g:ht root to D, furminJ.t a ldt n_oau foot stan~ toward D
'"' ile hiU<·kinj!. :tnd t lwn ~Xt'CUI~ 11 circu lar bl()('k lo B 0 wil h the l~ft
rev~rsc knifc~hand whil{" forming 1• rir.tht walkint! ~ne~ towan:l D.
slipping the foot .

t'ill·f l udlt'r,

ii. M<JI'r the left foot to 0 to for m a right rear foot stance toward D
whil~ l>look inl!. and then execute a cil•oulor block to AJJ with the
l'l~ht n_.n..rl'\e kniff.hand whiff! forming A l1~f~ \\'flfking st.anC'e towa.l"ff
11. slip1>ing 1lw lf·ft fool.

b. Backward Srep-Turning
Assume a left rear foot stance toward D.
Move t he l'ight foot to C. turning countC"r-clockwir;e Lo
form o Jell. rcnr foo~ stnnc~ toward C whilo hlooking
with a ~\\·in palm.
Clockwise turning il'l n<)t. t·ra8flnahle.

* L-Sta.Ju-e.. twin palm clowuward

block can be exerd ;;ed in the
.SH lilt! "'MY.

142. Consecutive Kick ( Yonsok Chagi)
a. Pressing and Side Piercing Kick ( N oollo 0/wgi wa Y o 1x:J,a J irugi)
Clo.e ready stanr.e D.

i. Execute a pressing ·kick to A , and a side piercing kick to A in

sucoession with the right foot, keeping the poijit ion of the hands as
they were. then lower it back to u. ready po$ure.

ii. Ex~cute a pressing ki«:k tn H, and a side piercing klck to B in

s ucces.ion with lhe lefl foot, keeping the position of the hands as
they were. then luwN· il hnc·k to a 1-ead,v post.ure.

b. Turning and Reverse Hooking Kick
( T>o/1yo Olwgi 1Nt Brmr/(te I Joll!tfl (h>m ( 'hayi)
RighL L-ready stance.
1. l·~xN· ntf·
a Lllrning kif:k to AD, and a l'f'\'t"l~· hooking kkk to B in
Muccessiuu willt the right fool .. (.hen ll•Wcr it to D, fi1rming A IPn 1.--
shUlCl' toward D \\hilt> ~Xt:cutiug a fonjnnn ~wtn li 11~ l.lo~·k .

ii. Execute o. t urning kick to Bl>, and a reverse hooking kick to A in

succession with the left foot, then lowe•· it to 1), fonn ing a right. 1,.
sta nce toward D while executing a forf'arm guarding hloc:k.

143 . Walking Stance Open Fist Punch
(Gunnun So Pyun Joomuk J irugi)
a . Forward Swp1•ing l'unch
Ri~tht walking ready 811lncc.

1. )IO\"t the Jt•fL foul h • )), form ing a.Jt>ft.. wa lk in~ totli1111'~· I OWA.I-d 0 whil(•
punching t 0 )) with till' right OJ)('Il fi~t, und Cht•ll t'Xt'\'Utl~ Cl l"t!\' l•I'SC
hooking kick to B I) "it h th~ ril(ht foot.

u l...o,,c-r tlw right foul tu D. running a right "ttlking toh• nl~ 0
\\bit~ tJlWchinl( ton. untl tlwn execut~" rewr!l<' hooking kick to AD
"ith tlw tell fool.

b. Backward Stepping Punch
'· ){o" e the left foot. to C. forming • l'ight walkjng •IMce towsr<l D
while punching to D wit.h t.ho lf'ft open fist. antl thC'n ~<'CUt<' a ,.C\'(~I"S<'
hooking kick to D wit h the ri~ht foot.

ii. Lou·er the rig ht foot to c! forminp fl left walking Sf<lllt!t.' toward n
while punching t o D with the rig ht open fist. a nd t hen execute a
re"erse hooking ld ck t o D wit h the left foot.

144. Flyi ng Consecutive Punch (Twimyo Yonsok Jirugi)
a. Front and Upse' l'u.nch
Par allel rnll<ly stance.
t. Jump to execut e a front punch ttnd {I I I upSt>f pmu.~ h to 1>in ~uc('e~sion
with t he right iist while the body i8 in t he a ir. Llwn lnnd 'm t,he ~nu:
spot. fo rming a parall~l stance towao"tl <.1 .

ii. J ump to execute a fro nt p tUloh and an upsc~ punch t o D in

• u<•'r.sion with t be I~Jt fist whi le the body is in t he a io•. t hen land on
the sam e >1)0\ . forming a parallel st ance towa rd D.

b. l'id P and Y~•1ical Punch
Close ready stance B.
i. ,J urnp to (.'X('('Utc· a ~ide punch to .\ ond a n·rti<·f'l punrh to 0 in
~U<'ff'R.otion "it h the:- r4!h1 fist wbdt" tlw lxwl~· is in t lw l\ir, I lwu lluul oo
t ht• ttanl(> ~pot. fOnntng: a dO&' .:-tanf"C' tnwRrfl f) ,

ii , .Ju mp 1•l (1 ~<r<·uH~ n ~ide punch to B u nd o \'(\flic·n l pu1w h to LJ in

JtU<'t'('l'Kion with tlw l<·ft iii4 whil<• tlw IJtxlv ir& i n tlu-· nir'. t hrn lond OD
Cht• Jo\U IIk l'lJH!t. (orrninl! t\ d o!5C stttrll't' t t;\\'UI'CI IJ.

145. Flying Turning Kick ( Tw im yo Dollyo Chagi)
Ldl walking ready stAnce.
i. ) low the rig ht rool. to I) to execute a t1ying turning kick to D wit h
t he 1·i~ht foot, Ancll h(·n land to D, fon1ling a left lrstancc toward D
whil~ puncltiii!I t,o () wil.h lh ~ righ~ fi,l..

ii. )Ion• 1lw ft-.n foot to U t.OC'xecutcn fly ing tumlng kick to D wit h tht•
h.. n fuot . ;llld l lwn )And to D. for ming 8 rig ht L-~tanc-c to wo rfl n
whiiC' pllll<-·hin~ to n with t.lw lt·ft fist,.

146. Flying Front Kic k (Twimyo A p Chagl)
lti!M L· ready st~ncc.

i. ~l o,·e th~ right foot to D to •xo:cute 6 0~ in)! frvut ki~k tu f)" ith the
right foot. nnd tlwn land to D. forming a left l.-stru1ce to""'" D
while cxccutinl( 1\ knife·hAnd gut~rding hlook.

ii. ~love the left foot to D t o ex<-cute 11 flying front kick to I) with the
loll foot. and then lnnd to 11. forming n t•i~tht L stauC<' townrd D
whilt· t~xt"c-Ut inJC n k11ife·hnnd ~uarcl in~ hlo<·k.

147. Flying Two D irection Ki c k (Timyo Sangbang Chagi)

a. Front- Back Kick (A,~twi r?wr!i )

Silting ready stance.
1. Run a 11d jtun p tu cXf.-'(.:Uh~ a frout kic·k Lo J) wil h t ht' lt'fl
foot. and "· hnck kick t.v C with t he o·i~ht foot simul-
taneous ly while flyin~: toward D, th~n land t.o I)
forming: tt right. L.-stimct• towal'd 0 while a.
kin.fc-hnnd gunrding block.
ii. Ru n nnd juorp to execute a front kick to n with tho
rig ht foot and a back kick to C with t he left. foot
sirnulta.m•ou:oly whiiC" ll~·iug to\\'ard (), t.hen land to V
fc)rming a. 1.-·ft L-~bUJN• towa1·d 0 whilt• t·Xf"c"Uting a
kn irt•·lland guJl t'tl iug hlm:k.

b. Side· Twistiu.~;
Kick ( J'<Jp /Jil"'" Cllfi(Ji)
Walking ready stance

i. 11un and jump to <·xecutr n"""' kick to A with the right

f• ••t ano l a lwistin): kio·k to B with the left foot
l'limult R1wnu:dy whilr• 11,\'in~ t ch\'Q rfl IJ while~ cx(·cuting
u l'i~iu~t, hlock \\ ith ft I'' iu )'fi lm.
ii. Huu and jump to '-'Xt'\'Htl'" -o.idt· kit·k l.o D \\it h tlw k·ft
fool and a twist in$: kit·k tu A v, ith the rig ht fuot
•imultaneou•ly whil~ flyina t oward D, then l•nd tu J)
to fot-m a Sttin~ stanN· toward D while exec·utinlo( a
ri•ing block with a twin pAlm .

148.l -Stance Forearm Reverse Downward Block
{Niunja So Palmok Bandae N aeryo Makgi)
a. Forward Stepping Block
Let\ L-ready stance.
1. Mov~ the loft foot. 10 D, furminJ! n r iJ!ht L-stance toward D while
blocking with the left forearm, and th~n cseoute a hig h outward
cross-cut to D with the left flat fingertip wh.i.le formiJ1g a left walking
stanC<! toward D. slipping tho left foot..

ii. Move thr r ight foot to D to form a left L-st.ance t.o ward D while
blocking with the right forearm and then execute o. high cross-cut to
D wit h t he rig ht flat fingertip whilo fo•ming a •·ight walking stance
toward D, s;lippin~ the ri~ht foot.

b. Backward Steppin& Block
i . Mo,·c the right foot to C. forming a righ~ L·stnnce t owArd D while
blocking with the IeO, forearm, and then execute a high outward
croM·CUt to D with the ltft Oat fingert ip while forming a left, walking
•tanre toward D, •li pping the right foot.

ii. Mo\'e the left foot to C, forming a left. L-•lanw lA•" a~<l 0 while
blocking with the right forearm, and then ~xeeutc n high outward
cro~s·cut to D with the ril(ht flat fmp;ertip while fOI'Itlinjl "' l'ight
wolkiug stnnro t.own•~l 1) . slillping the left foot.

149. Flyin g Reverse Turning Kick (Twimyo Bandae Dollyo Chagi)

Ri,v:ht rear foot. stance forearm guardins block.

i. Jump to execute a recerse tumin!l kick tv 0 "ith th~ right foot , and
then land to D, forminp" left lr•I•JOcc tu" a n! 0 whil~•triking toll
with tbe right back fist.

j j, J 11111 p I.A.,1 C~(•c•Uf.c a r•everse t11Mling kick t~ IJ With t hC left foot, and
t.hcll 1~11<1 ~o D. furmi11g a right. J•.• t.aJOM l.ow~~rd U while striking to D
with the left back fist.

A fixed stance upward punch (gojung so ollyo
jirugi) 306
B fixed stance u-shap blcok (gojung so
mongdung-i makgi) 317
back piercing kick (dwit cha jirugi) 192 flying consecutive punch (twimyo yonsok
bow posture (kyong ye jase) 20 jirugi) 374
flying front kick (twimyo ap chagi) 377
c flying reverse turning kick (twimyo bandae
dollyo chagi) 382
close ready stance (moa junbi sogi) 23 flying side piercing kick (twimyo yopcha
close stance back fist side back strike (moa so jirugi) 280
dung joomuk yopdwi taerigi) 216 flying turning kick (twimyo dollyo chagi) 376
close stance inner forearm side front block flying two direction kick (twimyo sang bang
(moa so anpalmok yopap makgi) 234 chagi) 378
close stance punch (moa so jirugi) 32 front rising kick (apcha olligi) 60
close stance twin elbow horizontal thrust front snap kick {apcha busigi) 88
(nlunja so sang pulkup soopyong tulgi)
210 G
close stance twin palm low front block (moa
so sang sonbadak naj unde ap makgi) 336 H
consecutive kick (yonsok chagi) 370
diagonal stance side rising kick (sasun so
yopcha olligi) 74 K
diagonal stance twin palm rising block
(sasun so sang sonbadak chookyo makgi) L
L-ready Stance (niunja junbi sogi ) 24
E low stance flat fingertip high obverse thrust
(nachuo so opun sonkut nopunde baro
F tulgi) 320
low stance palm reverse pressing block
fixed stance back fist horizontal strike (nachuo so sonbadak bandae noolo
(gojung so dung joomuk soopyong makgi) 214
taerigi) 261 low twisting kick (naj unde bituro chagi) 346
fixed stance back fist side strike (gojung so L-stance back fist horizontal strike (niunja so
du ng joomuk yop taerigi) 257 dung joomuk soopyong taerigi) 258
fixed stance flat fingertip thrust (gojung so L- stance back fist side strike (niunja so dung
op un sonkut tulg i) 271 joomuk yop taerigi) 254
fixed stance punch (gojung so j irug i) 270 L- stance back hand outward block (niunja so

sondung bakuro makgi) 86 L-stance twin forearm block (niunja so sang
L-stance double forearm low pushing block palmok makgi) 142
(niunja so palmok najunde miro makgi) L-stance twin knife-hand block (niunja so
314 sang sonkal makgi) 148
L-stance double stepping (niunja so ibo L-stance upward punch (niunja so ollyo
omgyo didigi) 333 jirugi) 304
L-stance flat fingenip reverse thrust (niunja L-stance u-shape grasp(niunja so mong
so opun sonkut bandae twlgi) 241 dung-i japgi) 344
L -stance forearm guarding block (niunja so L-stance x-knife-hand checking block
palmok daebi makgi) 108 (niunja so kyocha sonkal momchau
L·stance forearm inward block (niunja so makgi) 326
palmok anuro makgi) 276
L-stance forearm reverse downward block M
(niunja so palmok bandae naeryo makgi)
380 method of exercise (yonsup bop) 29
L-stance innerforearm outward block (niunja
so anpalmok bakuro makgi) 80 N
L-stance knife-hand guarding block (niunja
sonkal daebi makgi) 102 0
L-stance knife-hand inward block (niunja do
sonkal anuro makgi) 279 p
L-stance knife-hand inward strike (niunja so
sonkal anuro taerigi) 272 parallel ready stance (narani junbi sogi) 21
L-stance knife -hand low guarding block parallel stance angle punch (narani so giokja
(niunja so sonkal najundae daebi makgi) jirugi) 282
240 parallel stance back elbow thrust (narani so
L-stance knife-hand outward block (niunja dwipalkup tulgi) 393
so sonkal bakuro makgi) 264 parallel stance middle knuckle fist side ver-
L-stance knife-hand outward strike (n iunja tical punch (narani so joongji joomuk yop
so sonkal bakuro taerig i) 154 sewo jirugi) 358
L-stance middle knuckle fist upset punch parallel stance palm pushing block (narani so
(nlunja so joongji joomuk dwijibo jirugi) sonbadak miro makgi) 288
356 parallel stance punch (narani so jirugi) 29
L-stance obverse punch (niunja so baro pressing kick (noollo chagi) 339
j irug i) 236
L- stance outer forearm outward block a
(niu nja so bakkat palmok bakuro makgi)
L-stance palm upward block (niunja so son-
badak ollyo makgi) 188
L-stance reverse kn ife-hand outward block ready stance Uunbi sogi) 21
(niunja so sonkal dung bakuromakgi) 85 rear foot stance back fist side strike (dwitbal
L-stance reverse punch (niunja so bandae so dung joomuk yop taerigi) 257
jirugi ) 106 rear foot stance double forearm low pushing
L· stance side elbow thrust (niunja so yop block (dwitbal so doo palmok najunde
palkup tulgi) 296 miro makgi) 316

rear foot stance forearm guarding block sitting stance back elbow thrust (annun so
(dwitbal so palmok daebi makgi) 111 dwipalkup tulgi) 342
rear foot stance forearm low reverse block sitting stance back fist high side strike (annun
(dwitbal so palmok najunde bandae so dung joomuk nopundc yop taerigi) 320
makgi) 313 sitting stance forearm front block (annun so
rear foot stance knife- hand down -ward suike palinok ap makgi) 322
(dwitbal so sonkal naeryo taerigi) 295 sitting stance fooefist pressing block (annun
rear fool stance knife-hand guarding block so ap joomuk noolo makgi) 340
(dwitbal so sonkal daebi makgi) 244 siuing stance horitontal punch (a nnun so
rear foot stance knife-hand Inward strike soopyong j irugi) 344
(dwitbal so sonkal anuro taorigi) 276 sitting stance knife-hand front block (annun
rear foot stance knife-hand out- ward block so sonkaf ap makgl) 325
(dwitbal so sonkal bakuro makgi) 266 shting stance knife -hand side strike (annun
rear foot stance knife-hand out -ward strike so sonkal yop taerigi) 126
(dw itbal so sonkal bakuro taerigi) 168 sitting stance l9-shape block (annun so gutJa
rear foot stance outer forearm outward block makgi) 359 ·
(dwitbal so bakkat palmok bakuro makgi) sitting stance outer forearm w -shape block
269 (annun so bakkat palmok san makgi) 230
rear foot stance palm upward block (dw itbal sitting stance palm pushing block (annun so
so sonbadak ollyo makgi) 184 sonbadak miro makgi) 284
rear foot stance reverse punch (dwitbal so sitting stance palm scooping block (annun so
bandoo Jirugi) 249 sonbadak duro makgi) 362
rear foot stance side elbow thrust (dwltbaf so sitting stance p unch (annun so jirugi) 34
yop palkup tulgi) 300 sitting stance reverse knife-hand low guard -
rear foot stance twin forearm block (dwitbal ing block (annun so sonkaldung najundae
so sang palmok makgi) 147 daebi makgi) 352
rear foot stance twin knife-hand block (dwit - sitting stance side rising kick (annun so
bal so sang sonkal makgi) 152 yopcha olligl) 66
rear foot stance twin palm downward block sitting stance x-knife-hand front block
(dwitbal so sang sonbadak naeryo makgi) (annun so kyocha sonkal ap makgi) 366
rear foot sJance upward punch (dw itbal so T
ollyo jirugi) 307
rear foot stance x-knifc ·hand checking block turning kick (dollyo chagi) 178
(dwnbal so kyocha sonkal momchau
makgi) 330 u
reverse hooking kick (bandae dollyo goro
chagi) 308 upward kick (ollyo chagi) 228
reverse turnong kick (bandae dollyo chago)
232 V
s vertical stance kn olc-hand downw ard strike
side front snap kick (yop apcha busigi) 96 (soojik so sonkal n acryo tacrlgi) 292
side piercong kick (yopcha Jirugi) 112
sitting ready stance (annun junbi sogi) 21 w

walking ready stance (gunnun j unbi sogi) 22 walking stance knife-hand reverse front
walking stance back fist obverse side strike downward strike (gunnun so sonkal
(gun nun so dung joomuk baro yoptaerigi) bandae ap naeryo taerigi) 130
195 walking stance knife-hand reverse rising
walking stance back fist reverse 'Side strike block (gunnun so sonkal bandae chookyo
(gunnun so dung joomuk bandae yop makgi) 246
taerigi) 252 walking stance knife-hand spot low obverse
walking stance double arc-hand block block (gunnun so sonkal gujari najunde
(gur\nun so doo bandal son makgi) 348 baro makgi) 42
walking stance double forearm obverse b lock walking stance knife-hand wedging block
(gunnun so doo palmok baro makgi) 140 (g unnun so sonkal hecho makgi) 201
walking stance double stepping (gun nun so walking stance open fist punch (gunnun so
ibo omgyo didigi) 332 pyun joomuk jirugi) 372
walking stance downward punch (gunnun walking stance outer forearm obverse side
so naeryo jirugi) 302 block (g unnun so bakat palmok baro yop
walking stance forearm low reverse block makgi) 162
(g unnun so palmok najundae bandae walking stance outer forearm wedging block
makgi) 174 (g unnun so bakat palmok hecho makgi)
walking stance forearm obverse front block 198
(gunnun so palmok baro ap makgi) 328 walking stance palm obverse hooking block
walking stance forearm obverse rising block (gunnun so sonbadak baro golcho makgi)
(gunnun so palmok baro chookyo makgi) 132
170 walking stance palm reverse hooking block
walking stance forearm reverse rising block (gunnun so sonbadak bandae golcho
(gunnun so palmok bandae chookyo makgi) 134
makgi) 251 walking stance reverse knife -hand high re-
walking stance forearm spot low obverse verse front strike (gunnun so sonkaldung
block (g unnun so palmok gujari najunde nopunde bandae ap taerigi) 360
baro makgi) 40 walking stance reverse knife- hand obverse
walking stance inner forearm circular block side block (g unn un so sonkald ung baro
(gunnun so anpalmok dollimyo makgl) yop makgi) 64
136 walking stance reverse punch (gunnun so
walking stance inner forearm obverse side bandae jirugi) 168
block (gunnun so anpalmok baro yop walking stance spot obverse punch (gunnun
makgi) 55 so gujari baro j irugi) 38
walking stance knife-hand low obverse block walking stance spot reverse p unch {gunnu n
(gunnun so omgyo didimyo sonkal naj - so gujari bandae jirugi) 46
unde baro makgi) 52 walking stance stepping forearm low obverse
walking stance knife -hand low reverse block block (gonnun so nagamyo palmok n>~i·
(gun nun so sonkal najunde bande makgi) unde baro makg i) 48
177 walking stance stepping obverse punch
walking stance knife-hand obverse rising (gunnun so omkyo didimyo baro jirugi) 43
block (gunnun so sonkal baro chookyo walking stance straight fingertip obverse
makgi) 204 thrust (gunnun so sunsonk"ut baro tulgi)
walking stance knife-hand obverse side 124 .
block (gunnun so sonkal baro yop makgi) walking stance twin fist high vertical punch
166 (gunnun so sang j oomuk nopunde sewo

j11ugi) 225 X
walking stance twin fist upset punch
(gunnun so sang joomuk dwljibo jirugi) x-ready stance (kyocha junbi sogi) 25
224 x-stance back fist side strike (kyocha so dung
W81king stance twin palm upwerd block joomuk yop taerigi) 221
(gunnun so sang sonbadak ollyo makgi) x-stance double forearm block (kyocha so
331 doo palmok bakgi ) 354
walking stance upper elbow strike (gunnun x-stance outer forearm low front block
so w ipalkup taerigi) 190 (kyocha so bakkat palmok najunde ap
walking stance upset finger1ip low thrust makgi) 337
(gunnun so dwijibun sonkut najunde x-stance x· fost pressong b lock (kyocha so
tulgi) 208 kyocha joomuk noollo makgi) 239
walking stance upset punc h (gunnun so
dwijibo jorugi) 222 y
welking stance x-fist downward block
(gunnun so kyocha joomuk naeryo makgi)
364 z
walking stance x-fist pressing block (gunnun
so kyocha joomuk noolo makgi) 218


The Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do consists of 15 volumes. The contents

of each volume is listed below:

VOLUME 1: 1) Origin and Development of Martial Arts

2) History of Taekwon -Do
3) Moral Culture
4) Philosophy
5) Tra ining Schedule
6) Cycle and Composition of Taekwon- Do
7) Demonstration
A) Model Sparring
B) Pre-arranged Free Sparring
C) Sample of Self-defence Techniques
B) About the Author
9) Group photos
VOLUME 11: 1) Theory of Power
2) Attacking and Blocking Tools
3) Vital Sports
4) Training
A) Training Hall
B) Conduct in Do Jang
C) Training Equipment
D) Practice Suits
5) Stances
6} Training A ids
VOLUME Ill: Hand Techniques
VOLUME IV: Foot Techniques
VOLUME V: Sparring
VOLUME VI: Fundamental Exercises (A)
VOLUME VII: Fundamental Exercises (B)

VOLUME V III: 1) Four- Direction Punch
2) Four-Direction Block
3) Pattern Chon -Ji
4) Pattern Dan-Gun
5) Pattern Do -San
VOLUME IX: 1) Pattern Won- Hyo
2) Pattern Yui- Guk
3) Pattern Joong-Gun
VOLUME X: 1) Pattern Toi-Gae
2) Four-Direction Thrust
3) Pattern Hwa - Rang
4) Pattern Choong-Moo
VOLUME X I: 1) Pattern Gwang-Gae
2) Pattern Po- Eun
3) Pattern Ge- Baek
VOLUME XII : 1) Pattern Eui -Am
2) Pattern Choong -Jang
3) Pattern Juche
VOLUME XIII : 1) Pattern Sa m -11
2) Pattern Yoo-Sin
3) Pattern Choi -Yong
VOLUME XIV: 1) Pattern Yon -Gae
2) Pattern UI-Ji
3) Pattern Moon-Moo
VOLUME XV: 1) Pattern So-San
2) Pattern Sa-J ong
3) Pattern Tong - 11


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