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2022 IEEE 9th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON) | 979-8-3503-3250-6/22/$31.

00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/UPCON56432.2022.9986388

Low Power Implementation of Compensated and

Sharpened CIC Decimation Filter
Neeraja P.K., Graduate Student Member, IEEE∗ , Bindiya T. S., Senior Member, IEEE† ,
Raghu C.V.‡ , Member, IEEE
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India
Email: ∗, †

Abstract—This paper presents implementation of minimax takes the form given by

Sharpened Cascaded Integrator Comb (SCIC) decimation filter  N
using polyphase decomposition. By employing polyphase decom- 1 sin(ωR/2)
position, which is an efficient parallel processing technique, the
H(ω) = (2)
R sin(ω/2)
power consumption of the CIC filter realization is significantly
reduced at the cost of increased area. To enhance the passband The two main performance measures of the CIC filter
characteristics of the SCIC filter, a multilplier-less compensator response are the passband droop and folding band or stopband
is cascaded. The ASIC synthesis result demonstrate that the attenuation. The CIC filter’s amplitude response given by Eq.
polyphase realization results reduction in the total power con- (1), has a monotonically decreasing passband response. As
sumption. This makes the design useful for low power sampling
rate conversion (SRC) applications. a result of that, it displays a droop in the passband that is
Index Terms—Sampling Rate Conversion, Polyphase Decom- not tolerable in a number of digital signal processing (DSP)
position, Cascaded Integrator Comb Filter, Power Consumption applications. For minimizing the passband droop, the CIC
structure is to be modified by cascading it with an additional
filter called CIC compensator. Various techniques are dis-
I. I NTRODUCTION cussed in the literature for the design of efficient compensators
[2]–[4]. Authors in [2] presented a wideband compensator
Processing of signals at different sampling rates, known as with an increase of complexity. In [3], a maximally flat
multirate signal processing is very essential in many appli- error criterion-based narrow band compensator is developed
cations. Decimation and interpolation are the two approaches in which the compensator coefficients are found by solving
employed to achieve different sampling rates. Cascaded Inte- a linear system of equations. At the bottom edge of the
grator Comb (CIC) filter is an efficient class of decimation initial folding band, folding band attenuation is observed.
filters and considered highly economical due to their inherent Improvement in the stopband attenuation rejection is also
multiplier-less architecture [1]. The basic structure of CIC important while designing a CIC decimation filter. So it is nec-
decimation filter is illustrated in Fig. 1. It consists of three essary to use techniques that help improving the folding band
blocks namely integrator, comb and a decimation stage placed response of the filter. To enhance the folding band response
in between them. The transfer function of the CIC filter can of CIC filters and produce Sharpened Cascaded Integrator
Comb (SCIC) filters, a polynomial sharpening technique is
mentioned in paper [5]. Kaiser-Hamming (KH) sharpening
Integrator Decimator Comb
is incorporated in the SCIC filters by Kwentus in [6] in an
1 N attempt to enhance both the passband and stopband response
R (1-z-1 )N
R (1-z-1 )
by employing several instances of the same prototype filter.
Coleman in [7] presents Chebyshev polynomial sharpening
method that can make equiripple stopbands as well as merge
Fig. 1. The basic architecture of a CIC Decimation filter them into single wide folding band. But the method has got
signal to noise ratio (SNR) tapper loss while using in one
be expressed as : dimensional (1D) and two dimensional (2D) applications. The
SCIC filter with coefficients expressed as Sum of Powers of
Two (SPT) is designed in [8] using global optimization based
1 1 − z −R on interval analysis. It shows similar response compared to

H(z) = (1) the Chebyshev sharpening method also. Implementation of
R 1 − z −1
these conventional recursive CIC filters having large register
where, R is the decimation ratio and N is the filter order. widths leads to high power consumption. Also as the integrator
The zero-phase frequency response or the amplitude response sections operate at maximum sampling rate, it limits the

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operating speed of the filter. Hence it is essential to use SCIC filter design. By utilising the minimax error criterion in
techniques for power reduction in the implementation aspect. the folding bands, SCIC filters are designed in [8]. The M th
The polyphase representation is considered to be an efficient order sharpening polynomial is expressed as [12]
tool for rearranging the computations associated with the M
filtering operation and thereby reducing the computational load X
f (x) = am xm (3)
per unit time [9]. Some Polyphase structure realizations of m=0
CIC filters are discussed in [10], [11]. However, the polyphase
implementations for the Sharpened CIC filters are rare in where am represents the coefficient terms in the sharpening
the literature. The work in [14] discusses the power efficient polynomial. The SCIC filter’s amplitude response is presented
polyphase realizations of SCIC filters. However, the filter as
frequency characteristics are compromised in this approach. M
Polyphase decomposition in non-recursive realization of the HSCIC (ω) = am H m (ω) (4)
SCIC filter can eliminate the need of power hungry integrators m=0
at the input side. Recently, some works on multi stage CIC
where H(ω) is considered as first order CIC filter (N = 1)
decimation filters have been discussed in [15]–[18]. [16]
response given in Eq. (2). As a compensator will be cascaded
presents a framework for multi-stage decimation filter design
to the output of SCIC filter, it corrects the SCIC filter’s
requiring minimum number of additions per output sample
amplitude response corresponding to the low sampling rate,
(APOS). But it lacks the reconfigurability in the structure for
where the respective amplitude response is given as [4]
different decimation factors. Works in [17], [18] are based on (PM
two stage decimation filter structures incorporating KH and m=0 am ,h ω=0
SR sharpening techniques. It offers reconfigurability but filter HSCIC (ω) = PM 1 sin(w/2)
im (5)
m=0 am R sin(w/2R)
, otherwise
responses need further improvement. In this paper, polyphase
structure is employed for the realization of a passband com- To improve the response HSCIC (ω) in the passband region
pensated minimax sharpened CIC decimation filter with an Ω = [−ωp , ωp ], multiplier-less compensator using odd number
aim to decrease the power consumption without compromis- of coefficients is designed in [13] which has higher compen-
ing the performance characteristics. The compensated SCIC sation capability in wider passband (ωp ≥ 0.226π). Fig. 2 de-
polyphase realization proposed is found to result in lower picts the structure of a symmetric CIC passband compensator
dynamic power than the non-polyphase design along with having an odd number of coefficients. The amplitude response
comparable speed of operation, but with a trade-off in the of the compensator is given by [12]
area requirements due to the additional multiplier units in the
polyphase structure. X
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. The back- G (ω, c) = c0 + 2 ck cos (kω) (6)
ground of the existing works on the SCIC filters and the k=1

design of multiplier-less passband compensator are discussed where the passband compensator’s coefficients
T are represented
in Section II. The design of the proposed polyphase realization

by the vector, c = c0 , c1 , c2 , ...c(L−1)/2 where L is the
of passband compensated SCIC filter is explained in Section number of coefficients. These coefficients are calculated using
III. Design example in Section IV illustrates the features of the an objective function that estimates the maximum deviation
proposed work with the simulation results. Section V provides in the passband normalized to the gain of the compensator at
the synthesis results and Section VI concludes this paper. ω = 0 and is given by
ε (c) = max − min
Even though CIC filters have a great advantage of zero coef- ω∈Ω G (0, c) ω∈Ω G (0, c)
ficient storage requirements due to its inherently multiplier-less (7)
architecture and high folding band attenuation in the narrow
The coefficients are taken as variables and are further ex-
band [1], these filters have a high passband droop in their
magnitude response, which is undesirable in various applica-
tions. For wideband applications, both passband droop and Multiple Constant Multiplier
c(L-1)/2 c1 c0
stopband attenuation of conventional CIC filter deteriorates
and so sharpening techniques are to be employed. As the
passband droop and stopband attenuation rejection are trade- z-1 + z-1 + z-1 + z-1 +
off parameters, proper design criteria is essential to find an
optimum decimation filter. Fig. 2. Structure of symmetric CIC compensator having odd number of
Polynomial sharpening is an established method for im- coefficients [12]
proving the folding band attenuation rejection [12]. Finding
the optimum polynomial coefficients that can be expressed pressed as SPT terms to realize them as multiplier-less with a
as real, integer and in SPT form is an important task in the constraint on the overall number of SPT terms to be restricted

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M 2 3 4
R 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8
F0 (z) (1,1) (1,3) (1,7) (1,3) (1,12,3) (1,42,21) (1,6,1) (1,31,31,1) (1,161,315,35)
F1 (z) (2,0) (2,2) (2,6) (3,1) (3,12,1) (3,46,15) (4,4,0) (4,40,20,0) (4,204,284,20)
F2 (z) (3,1) (3,5) (6,10,0) (6,48,10) (10,44,10,0) (10,246,246,10)
F3 (z) (4,0) (4,4) (10,6,0) (10,48,6) (20,40,4,0) (20,284,204,4)
F4 (z) (5,3) (15,46,3) (35,315,161,1)
F5 (z) (6,2) (21,42,1) (56,336,120,0)
F6 (z) (7,1) (28,36,0) (84,344,84,0)
F7 (z) (8,0) (36,28,0) (120,336,56,0)

to a particular value. The optimum coefficients can be then be For N = 1, the recursive transfer function of the CIC filter
determined by solving the optimization problem given by provided in Eq. (1) will become:

1 1 − z −R

ĉ = arg minc [ε (c)]
H(z) = (10)
PW −1 R (1 − z −1 )
subject to ck = r=0 bk,r 2r ; k = 0, 1, 2, ...(L − 1)/2
(8) It is possible to express the aforementioned transfer function
P(L−1)/2 PW −1 in the non-recursive form, x as given by [10]
k=0 r=0 |bk,r | = B
1 X −k
G (0, c) ̸= 0 x= z
R (11)
where bk,r ∈ {−1, 0, 1} given in signed digit (SD) rep- 1  
resentation. Here, each bk,r ̸= 0 indicates one SPT term. = 1 + z −1 + z −2 + ... + z −(R−1)
Here, the input parameters for the compensator design are
ω, HSCIC , L, W, B where ω is the vector consisting the By substituting x of Eq. (11) in the place of H in Eq. (4)
frequency grid, HSCIC is the sharpened CIC filter response to obtain SCIC filter as
assessed on ω. W denotes the word length and B denotes the HSCIC = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + ... + aM xM (12)
limit on the total number of SPT terms. It can be noticed that
the optimization in Eq. 8 does not force unity gain in compen- A DSP system’s typical power consumption depends on the
sator when compared with the maximally flat compensation. number of operations carried out per sample, the sampling
This increases the compensation capability. Overall additions frequency and the wordlength. The polyphase filters can be
per output sample (APOS) of the compensated and minimax shifted to a lower rate through the use of polyphase de-
sharpened CIC decimation filter can be calculated as [15] composition, as described in [9, 10] and thereby reducing
P the power consumption. Performing the Rth level polyphase
decomposition of Eq. (11), we have
AP OS = M N (R + 1) + P − 1 + A (l) + NA (9)
l=1 R−1
z −i Fi z R .

where R is the decimation factor, N is the comb order, x= (13)
and M is the degree of the sharpening polynomial. P is i=0

the total number of sharpening coefficients that are not zero, Here, Fi (z) are the polyphase components that function at a
and A(l) indicates number of adders needed to implement rate of fs /R given fs is the input sampling rate. Polyphase
the lth sharpening coefficient. The number of adders needed components for the decimation filter with different values
to implement the compensator is denoted by NA . The next of R such as 2, 4, 8 corresponding to different orders of
section describes the proposed polyphase implementation of sharpening polynomial such as M = 2, 3, 4 are derived and
the sharpened CIC filter. shown in Table I. Here, the polyphase components of the form
p0 + p1 z −1 + ... are listed using the notation p0 , p1 , ..etc.
III. P ROPOSED WORK For example, for M = 2, R = 2, the polyphase component,
In this paper, the polyphase implementation of compensated F0 (z) is (1 + z −1 ), which is shown in the table as (1,1). The
minimax SCIC filter is presented with an intention of obtain- resultant polyphase structure is cascaded with the multiplier-
ing the same magnitude response as that of non-polyphase less compensator given by Eq. (6) for improving the passband
architecture, with a lower power consumption. Analysis of droop characteristics. The proposed methodology is shown in
implementation factors like area, power, and delay is the Fig. 3.
main area of focus in this work. The proposed method of The next section illustrates the advantages of the polyphase
implementation is detailed below. SCIC filter using a design example.

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Decimation factor R STRUCTURES

Passband Droop
Characteristics Attenuation
in dB, Ap
in dB, As
Applying Minimax Sharpening to Uncompensated SCIC 0.85 50.33
generate SCIC filter for improving stopband Compensated SCIC 0.035 45.64
attenuation rejection

Polyphase Decomposition of D flip flops. This is non-recursive architecture and the filters
described in each stage of it works at an operating frequency
Sharpened CIC filter
of fs . As overall power consumption of the filter depends
on the number of operations carried out per sample and the
Cascading a compensator to improve sampling frequency, operating at high rate results in increase
the passband characteristics in power consumption. In order to overcome this demerit,
polyphase decomposition is introduced as shown in Fig. 5,
Fig. 3. The proposed methodology
which helps to lower the operating frequencies of the sub-
filters, thereby achieving significant power reduction. Now, the
polyphase decomposition of Eq. 16 is performed using Eq. 13,
IV. D ESIGN E XAMPLE where the first term is decomposed with M = 4, R = 8 and
To demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed realiza- the second term is decomposed with M = 2, R = 8. The
tion, a design example is discussed in this section. Matlab polyphase decomposed SCIC filter is shown in Fig. 5.
R2021a version is used to do the design. The polyphase SCIC For passband compensation in the resulting SCIC deci-
filter is coded in Verilog, simulated and verified using Xilinx mation filters, compensator given by Eq. (6) is designed.
Vivado 2020.2 version. By proper analysis, it is found that the parameter values of
The design specifications for the SCIC decimation filter L = 3, B = 3 and W = 5 gives optimum compensator
are given below. coefficients
 as [15, -2],
 which can be represented in the SPT
Passband edge frequency, ωp : π/4 form as 24 − 1, −21 . This compensator structure’s overall
Stopband attenuation rejection, As > 45dB adder requirement can be calculated as [12]
Passband droop, Ap < 0.05dB (L−1)/2
NA = L − 1 + NA (ck ) (17)
In this example, the SCIC filter given in Eq. (12) is k=0
employed with sharpening polynomial of order M = 4. To
where ck is the vector of coefficients of the passband compen-
obtain minimum adder requirements along with the similar
sator. Hence, only 3 adders are required for the compensator
features as the compensated Chebyshev polynomial in [8], the
coefficients are taken as a2 = −2−6 , a4 = 1 and zero for all
Simulation results of the uncompensated SCIC filter re-
other values of a. Thus, the response of the SCIC filter given
sponse, passband compensated SCIC filter and compensated
by Eq. (12) is modified as
polyphase decomposed SCIC filter are displayed in Fig. 6.
HSCIC = x4 − 2−6 x2 (14) Table II describes the analysis of the magnitude characteris-
tics of SCIC filter structures. Compared to the uncompensated
where x is given in Eq. (11). For a decimation factor R = 8,
SCIC filter, which has a passband droop of 0.85dB, the
x can be written using Eq. (11) as
compensated SCIC filter provides a significant improvement in
1 the passband characteristics with a reduced droop of 0.035dB
1 + z −1 + z −2 + ... + z −7

x= (15)
R while maintaining the stopband attenuation rejection within the
Substituting (15) in (14), given specifications. At the same time, due to the polyphase

 realization, the number of operations per second is reduced
1 −1 −2 −7
HSCIC = 1 + z + z + ... + z resulting in a reduction in the power consumption when com-
pared to the non-polyphase architecture, which is demonstrated
1 using application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) synthesis
− 2−6 1 + z −1 + z −2 + ... + z −7
8 results in the next section.
= 2−12 [( 1 + z −1 + z −2 + ... + z −7 )4
− (1 + z −1 + z −2 + ... + z −7 )2 ] (16)
The design is synthesized onto the Application Specific In-
The direct realization of the SCIC filter given by Eq. 16 is tegrated Circuit (ASIC) and the synthesis results are analyzed
illustrated in Fig. 4, where the delays are realized using the and compared with the existing works.

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Fig. 4. Structure of non-polyphase SCIC decimation filter

Xin Xin 1+7z-1

88 1+161z-1+315z-2+35z-3 88
4+204z-1+284z-2+20z-3 88 2+6z-1
88 3+5z-1
88 10+246z-1+246z-2+10z-3
88 20+284z-1+204z-2+4z-3 88 4+4z-1 8
88 35+315z-1+161z-2+1z-3
+ z-1
88 5+3z-1
88 88 6+2z-1

88 84+344z-1+84z-2 88 7+1z-1
88 120+336z-1+56z-2 88 8

M=4;R=8 M=2;R=8

<<12 compensator

Fig. 5. Cascade of polyphase SCIC filter with passband compensator

A. ASIC Synthesis frequency are listed in Table III. The synthesis results for the
proposed work at a clock frequency of 100 MHz are measured
ASIC synthesis is performed by Cadence genus RTL Com- and compared. From the ASIC synthesis results, it can be seen
piler using TSMC 90nm CMOS Library (typical) utilizing a that there is a 23.45% and 21.48% reduction respectively in
core voltage of 1V. An input wordlength of 32-bit is used. The the dynamic and total power consumption in the polyphase
corresponding results in terms of cell number and area, leakage implementation when compared to the non-polyphase SCIC
power, dynamic power, total power and maximum operating design. Analyzing the timing report obtained after synthesis,

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reduction in power consumption. The synthesis results show
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sented polyphase based implementation technique significantly
lowers the power consumption of minimax SCIC decimation
filter. And because of this, it is useful for real-time applications
as well as other low power applications that use decimation

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