Paper 6505

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Roll no CC516291
CODE 6505

Evaluate the objectives of educational system as determined by commission on
National Education Policies 1959 and 1998? Critically analyze the role of a teacher on the
relationship between student and teacher.
Educational policy are the standards and government strategy making in the educational
circle, just as the collection of laws and decides that oversee the activity of education system.
National education commission1959 National Commission of education was adopted by
Government on 30th December 1958.This commission was known as Sharif commission. Its
chairman was S.M Sharif. The primary explanation was that the current arrangement of
education was not sufficient to meet the necessities of national. This commission was launched
by President Mohammad Ayub Khan on 5 January 1959. On fifth January 1959 the Commission
began to prepared education policy. On Aug 26, 1959, the Commission presented its report
covers 350 pages.
Following are the main objectives of the educational commission:
i. Religious education was made mandatory in this commission.
ii. Equal extension for boys and girls.
iii. Training of labor, educated citizen and capable authority needed for the country.
iv. To meet the individual and collective need and goals of people of the country.
v. Vocational abilities required for the formation of a reformist and democratize
vi. Preservations of the thoughts which prompted the production of Pakistan and
fortifying the idea of it with the unified country.
vii. To make a feeling of solidarity and of nationhood among individuals of Pakistan.
viii. Creation of a social government assistance state.
ix. Training of initiative gathering in designing the abilities of government and
business improvement.
x. Training of researcher architects, and professionals.
Salient feature of this commission was: Higher education, Vocational education, Primary
education, Secondary education, Adult education, Physical education, Religious education, the
arts, education of children with disabilities, educational institutions, and of military training.
According to the constitution of 1973, article 25
1. All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.
2. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of gender alone.
3. The Prime Minister advised the Ministry of Education to design a new Education Policy
in January 1998.
4. The first revised draft was submitted to the Cabinet on 18 February, 1998.
5. The Policy was announced in March 1998.


i. Education and training should enable the citizens of Pakistan to lead their lives
according to the teachings of Islam as laid down in the Qur'an and Sunnah to
educate and train them as a true practicing Muslim.
ii. To evolve an integrated system of national education by bringing Deeni Madaris and
modern schools closer to each stream in curriculum and the contents of education.
iii. Nazira Qur'an will be introduced as a compulsory component from grade I-VIII while
at secondary level translation of the selected verses from the Holy Qur'an will be
The relationship between a teacher and his students is one of the most powerful factors
in a learning climate. This is a key component influencing students progress, commitment of
school and scholastic inspiration, an educator understudy relationship from the premise of the
social context also.
Positive and strong connections among students and teacher at last increment an
insight of having a place and persuade understudies to eagerly partake in various study hall
exercises. It is vital that the connection between a teacher and his student ought to be steady
of the learning climate. The connection among educator and student has been found to effects
affect learning and tutoring experience of the students.
Teachers should teach the students with enthusiasm and passion. It will help to create a
positive learning environment in the class. Effective educators are those who have the skill to
get the best out of all students in their class. Evolving the positive student-teacher relationship
is the basic factor of quality education and student learning.
“The relational part of teaching may very well be its most underrated aspect. When
teachers are good at building relationships with students, the skill is seen more as cover for a
lack of content knowledge or wherewithal to instruct with rigor,” James Ford, the 2015 North
Carolina State Teacher of the Year and the program director for the Public School Forum of
North Carolina, told Education Week. To the contrary, he added, “Our first job as teachers is to
make sure that we learn our students, that we connect with them on a real level, showing
respect for their culture and affirming their worthiness to receive the best education possible.”
What modifications are needed in existing curriculum in Pakistan? Give suggestions in
the light of educational thought of Allama Iqbal and Shah Waliullah. Give reflections on the
idea of single national curriculum in Pakistan.
Educational system means a collection of all elements which are organized and
coordinate in such way that they became a unit for the acquisition of aims of education.
The following are the elements of educational system:
 Aims of Education
 Curriculum of Education
 Teacher's Training
 Methodology
 Educational Administration
 Educational Planning and Resources
 Examinations
Such educational system in which all elements are arranged in the light of Islamic
principles and all these elements are coordinated and organized in such a way that they
become a unit for the acquisition of Islamic aims of education.
It is clear that Islamization of education is not an easy process. It is highly technical and
skilled-oriented method. If an institution or a man Islamize the educational set up, it must
have the following qualities:
o Real Islamic knowledge
o New knowledge and theories
o Full awareness about Al-Quarn and sunnah
o Understanding of skills in new strategies of research
o Acquaint with the application in daily life
Educational objectives are primarily a phase of values. They are conscious or
unconscious value judgments. These judgments involve thinking in metaphysics and
epistemology. Educational objectives take their root from philosophy. Iqbal's philosophy is the
philosophy of the self. He prizes and stresses self or individuality.
Hence in Iqbal's view the most elevated or extreme objectives of all educational efforts
just as the social efforts is to create and strengthen the distinction, everything being equal. As
such, a definitive goal of man in his life just as in schooling is the completion and
acknowledgment of the open, endless potential outcomes inside, without, and before him. The
most elevated ideal as per Iqbal, is a proceeded with existence with the greatest of information
power, flawlessness, goodness, vision, and innovativeness. Be that as it may, the ideal at this
levels is certifiably not a fixed one.
Iqbal's way of thinking subscribes in to that kind of general educational objectives which
are not fixed, static, and permanent, but which should be adaptable and dependent upon
constant remaking. In a vast expanse of progress and development the instructive destinations
ought to be conditional and should move with the remainder of the view of changing people
and their surroundings. They should be constantly made and remade, and be an outgrowth of
functional evolving circumstances.
Hence Iqbal's educational objectives do not consist in keeping a business as usual on the
grounds that he lectures an existence of standards and reason and beliefs are not simple driving
forces since one's following up without really thinking doesn't turn into a movement with a
reason until one attempts to see the means at one's laud, the sensibility of the target, and
plausible result of the action.
Shaha Waliallah a good teacher of Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and logic. He knew how to teach
students effectively and efficiently. He had a deep knowledge of Deen and he was eager to
make the people real Muslims. He suggested the people should learn Islamic thoughts and
adopt them in their lives.
As a Muslim thinker Shah Waliallah laid stress on the basic principles of Islam when he
considered aims of education. According to him, following are the major objectives of
i) To give awareness to the students about the relationship between God and man and
universe and enable the students to understand that man and universe are created
by God and the man is a subordinate to God.
ii) To develop the ability among students to conjure the universe.
iii) To give knowledge about the establishment and development of the society.
iv) To give awareness to students about that relationship between individual and
society which is indispensable for the better development of the individual.
v) To develop an ability of self- realization among students.
vi) To give students the training of social ethics social responsibilities.
vii) To create the feeling of co- operation and sympathy among students.
viii) To make student patriotic.
ix) To make students responsible citizens.
x) To develop a desire to obey God.

Critically analyze the need for Islamization of education in Pakistan. How can the
administration and supervision under four caliph (R.A) can help the leaders to handle the
critical situation? Discuss.
Such educational system in which all elements are arranged in the light of Islamic
principles and all these elements are coordinated and organized in such a way that they
become a unit for the acquisition of Islamic aims of education. It is clear that Islamization of
education is not an easy process. It is highly technical and skilled oriented method. If an
institution or a man Islamize the educational set up, it must have the following qualities;
 Real Islamic knowledge
 Full awareness about Al-Quarn and sunnah
 New knowledge and theories
 Understanding of skills in new strategies of research
 Acquaint with the application in daily life teaching in the process of
Islamization of education books. Curricula methods, indeed the entire
corpus of the educational enterprise is to be brought into conformity
with the teachings of Islam.
Concluding we have to go through the following areas:
i) The first is the area of curriculum. Requiring level to college and university levels
mean a substantial commitment of academic effort Moreover, all subjects matter
fields are to be revised with the object of bringing them into conformity with Islam.
The same applies to textbooks.
ii) The second area is female education conceding both curriculum and the strong
thinking of Islamic cultural practices.
iii) Third area is a proposal to add Arabic. The language of Quran. The required
iv) The forth is the Islamization of knowledge.
The period of the Pious Caliphs began with the death of the Prophet (SAW) in 11/632
and ended with the assassination of "Hazrat Ali b. Abi Talib (RA)", the fourth Caliph of Islam in
Hazrat Ali (RA), a cousin of the Prophet (SAW), was the fourth Caliph. The unfortunate
civil war among Muslims captured his attention and took more of his time than did government
and administration. His letter to the governor of Egypt, which reflects his philosophy of Islam
administration, supervision, politics, justice, public service and so forth will be discussed below
in which he advice to the governor (wali) of Egypt illustrates nature of his directives. Caliph
Hazrat Ali (RA) advises Malik Al Ashtar and-Nukha'l to:
a) Be a good ideal for is staff and fellow citizens.
b) Chose the most qualified yet pious, honest, truthful and God-fearing men in his
c) Be impartial and do justice, and make justice with equity his motto.
d) Beware of backbiters and scandsl-mogers.
e) Supervise the activities of his aides and secretaries and be sure that justice and
social equity are always maintained.
f) Consult with his staff and not issue authoritative orders which were made solely by
g) Strike against corruption, injustice, and evil usages of authority against citizens.
h) Be responsible for any defect in his officers as long as he knows and tolerates it.
i) Keep regular and persistent communications with his governors, commissioners, etc.
j) Beware not to develop traits of self-administration and self appreciation.
k) Reserve nothing for himself or his relatives which is common property to all or in
which others have equal rights. (ie. Water, Energy, Air)
In Islamic system of education a Muslim administrator, who utilize such models have
forgotten Allah’s eternal words in the Holy Quran:
“Allah is Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His Light is as a
niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were shining star. (This
lamp is) kindled from a blessed tree, an olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose
oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though no fire touched it. Light upon light, Allah
guideth unto His light whom He will. And Allah speaketh to mankind in Allegories, for
Allah know all things.” (24:53)

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