Columellar Artery

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Anatomical and histological study of the arterial distribution in the columellar

area, and the clinical implications

Article in Anatomia Clinica · January 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s00276-013-1253-7 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Hee-Jang Pyeon Hong Ki Lee

Sungkyunkwan University Seoul National University Hospital


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Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:669–674
DOI 10.1007/s00276-013-1253-7

Original Article

Anatomical and histological study of the arterial distribution

in the columellar area, and the clinical implications
Young‑Il Lee · Hun‑Mu Yang · Hee‑Jang Pyeon ·
Hong‑Ki Lee · Hee‑Jin Kim

Received: 28 August 2013 / Accepted: 27 December 2013 / Published online: 10 January 2014
© Springer-Verlag France 2014

Abstract anteriorly, there were more abundant vessels between the

Purpose The aim of this study was to elucidate the distri- MC and the epidermis, with a dispersed distribution. In
bution of the columellar artery (CoA) in the mobile nasal axial sections, multiple vessels were dispersed in front of
septum by means of detailed dissection and histological the MC, with the pattern varying among the specimens.
observation. Furthermore, tiny vessels were also detected in the vicinity
Methods Fifteen Korean cadavers were examined; five of the septal cartilage posterior to the MC. The microdistri-
specimens were dissected to observe the ramification pat- bution near to the MC was almost consistent.
tern of the CoA from the superior labial artery (SLA), and Conclusion The anatomical findings of the CoA in this
the noses of ten specimens were quick-frozen in isopro- study will be useful for safe manipulations during various
panol cooled with liquid nitrogen and then cryosectioned at medical interventions in the columella.
a thickness of 40 μm.
Results The arterial vasculature of the CoA in the colu- Keywords Columellar artery · Mobile septum · Dermal
mella was supplied by the SLA and entered the columella filler injection · Histological study · Rhinoplasty
via the columellolabial junction. The vessels of the CoA
proceeded anteriorly, inferior to the medial crus of the
lower lateral cartilage (MC) at the midline, at the basal Introduction
and posterior portions of the septum. The vessels traveled
closer to the MC than the epidermis. There were very few Asian noses are characterized morphologically by a short
vessels in the area between the left and right MCs, which columella, an acute nasolabial angle (columellolabial
was usually packed only with loose connective tissue. More angle), inadequate tip projection, and weak underlying car-
tilaginous segments [6]. Rhinoplasty to increase the nasola-
bial angle and elevate a tip of the nose is one of the most
Y.-I. Lee · H.-M. Yang popular esthetic interventions in Asia today [7]. To that
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, end, autografted tissue or artificial material is implanted to
Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea
augment the underdeveloped medial crus of lower lateral
H.-J. Pyeon cartilage of the nose (MC).
Department of NanoBio Medical Science, Dankook University, Padovan and Jugo [11] noted that the columellar artery
Cheonan, Korea (CoA) ascends vertically from the superior labial area and
is distributed within the columella and the membranous sep-
H.-K. Lee
Image Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Seoul, Korea tum, and that transcolumellar incision unavoidably results
in scission of the CoA. Previous anatomical studies have
H.-J. Kim (*) shown that the lateral nasal artery (LNA) is the main sup-
Division in Anatomy and Developmental Biology,
plying artery of the nose tip, and that the dorsal nasal artery
Department of Oral Biology, Yonsei University College
of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea (DNA) and CoA are supplementary arteries that anastomose
e-mail: with the LNA [5, 10]. It was thus proposed that there is only

670 Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:669–674

a low risk of necrosis of the nose tip following impinge- most concentrated solution until they had sunk to the bot-
ment of the CoA during surgical external rhinoplasty [15]. tom of the sucrose solution that they were in.
Nevertheless, excessive bleeding of the columella following The sucrose-infiltrated tissues were immersed in OCT
inevitable amputation would cause accumulation of blood, embedding medium (Tissue-Tek, Torrance, CA, USA) and
causing an esthetic complication [4]. then quick-frozen in isopropanol cooled by liquid nitrogen
The injection of dermal filler targeting the base of the for about 30 s. Each frozen tissue block was cryosectioned
columella and the membranous septum is being performed at a thickness of 40 μm in the coronal (seven specimens)
increasingly frequently to accomplish the same goal as an or axial (three specimens) plane using a cryostat (Leica
operative rhinoplasty to improve the nasolabial angle. This CM1850, Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). The sections were col-
so-called filler rhinoplasty is a simple and noninvasive lected and mounted onto gelatin double-coated slides. The
technique in which the physician uses a needle or a cannula tissue sections were stored in a deep freeze at −70 °C until
without an incision. Thus, in contrast with surgical exter- required for staining.
nal rhinoplasty, filler rhinoplasty can avoid vascular com- The detailed distribution of the blood vessels in the tis-
plications, with meticulous care of the arterial distribution sue sections was revealed by staining them with hematoxy-
in the columella [2]. However, filler rhinoplasty is a blind lin and eosin (Sigma Aldrich, Poland). The tissue sections
technique in which the vascular distribution is not identi- were stained using the following procedure: (1) staining
fied anatomically. Therefore, it is important to know the with hematoxylin for 3 min, (2) washing with tap water,
detailed configuration of the CoA in the columellar area in (3) destaining in 1 % acid ethanol, (4) further washing with
order to prevent vascular mutilation during the filler rhino- tap water, (5) counterstaining with eosin for 30 s, (6) dehy-
plasty technique. dration in an ascending series of ethanol concentrations up
While the origins, ramifying patterns, and distribution to 100 % until the liquid was transparent, (7) immersion
layer have already been reported, the exact course in refer- in xylene three times for 30 min, and (8) mounting with
ence to the adjacent structures such as the MC, and major Poly-Mount xylene (Polysciences). After being allowed to
distribution areas within the columella have not been eluci- dry inside a fume hood, the sections were observed under a
dated [5, 8, 10, 11]. The purpose of the present study was light microscope (Olympus BX-51, Olympus, Japan).
to clarify the arterial distribution of the CoA in the colu-
mella and the membranous septum of the Korean nose by
means of gross and histological observations of specimens Results
from human Korean cadavers.
Gross observations of the superior labial artery and CoA

Materials and methods The superior labial artery (SLA) gave off the superficial
and deep septal branches that ascended in the philtrum
Fifteen Korean cadavers (ten males, five females; mean age toward the nasal septum in all cases (Fig. 1). The deep sep-
63.9 years old) were examined in the present study. Ten tal branch was covered by the OOr and ascended within the
cadavers were fixed and resting five cadavers were not fixed. muscle. The superficial septal branch proceeded upward on
In five fresh cadavers, the skin on the whole face including the OOr and continued as the CoA after the columellola-
the nose was stripped off to enable gross observations of the bial junction. Gross observations revealed that the CoA
distribution of the facial artery (FA), while in the ten fixed proceeded anteriorly in the columella toward the tip of the
cadavers the skin on the perioral area except the nose was nose (Fig. 1b). Since the mobile nasal septum specimen
stripped off and the arterial vasculature from the FA was was removed from the cadavers only after confirming the
observed. The superficial and deep septal branches from the supplying branch of the superficial septal branch to the
FA were examined and the orbicularis oris muscle (OOr) specimen, the arterial vasculature on the specimen can be
was dissected to allow observation of the detailed distribu- regarded as being supplied by the superficial septal branch.
tion of the septal branches. The noses of these ten cadav- In addition, it was observed that the CoA in the tip of the
ers, including the nasal septum, the tip, and the columella, nose formed the arterial plexus with the arterial vessels
were removed and then subjected to a cryoprotection pro- from the dorsum or alae of the nose.
tocol (to prevent ice-crystal damage) by soaking them first
in 10 % and then 20 % (weight/volume) sucrose solutions Histological observation of the mobile nasal septum
in phosphate-buffered saline at 4 °C for 30 min. They were specimen on coronal sections
then transferred to a 30 % sucrose solution and soaked over-
night at 4 °C. At each stage of the sucrose series (i.e., 10, The histological observations were typical. At the basal
20, and 30 %) the tissues were not transferred to the next portion, the arterial vasculature of the CoA was located

Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:669–674 671

Fig. 1  Columellar artery from the superior labial artery on the gross observation. a Specimen of fixed cadaver before removal of the mobile sep-
tum, b specimen of fresh cadaver after stripping off the skin of the columella. Arrowhead superior labial artery, arrow columellar artery

between the MC and epidermis (Fig. 2a). In contrast, The arterial vasculature on this section was concentrated
there was no CoA vasculature between the right and left near to the MC. More distinct and larger arteries and arte-
MCs. rioles were observed at the midline in front of the MC.
At the posterior half of the septum, two or three distinct There were very few arterioles between the right and left
vessels were observed inferior to the MC and within the MCs. The morphological pattern of the arterial vascula-
midline portion (Fig. 2b). The arterial vessels of the CoA ture in these sections varied in shape, being round, oval, or
were closer to the MC than to the epidermis. Mostly, the obliquely sectioned (Fig. 3b). The abundant vascularization
distances between the skin surface and the vessels ranged and the wide variety patterns between sections support the
from about 1.5 to 2.5 mm. The area between the right and gross observation of an arterial plexus near to the tip of the
left MCs was packed with loose connective tissue and the nose.
arterial vasculature.
At the anterior half of the septum, the vascular distri-
bution was distributed between the MC and the epidermis Discussion
(Fig. 2c), and appeared to be more widely dispersed at
the anterior portion of the septum near the tip of the nose The CoA is the continuation of the SLA, and supplies the
(Fig. 2d). The arterial vessels were positioned more evenly columella and the membranous septum including the tip of
between the MC and the epidermis, in contrast to the ves- the nose [14]. Park et al. [12] reported that the SLA gave
sels of the posterior portion of the septum, where they were off superficial and deep ascending branches in the philtrum,
mostly closer to the MC than to the epidermis. Some ves- and that the superficial branch proceeded toward the nostril
sels were located within 1 mm from the skin surface. sill and nasal septum. Nakajima et al. [10] also mentioned
that the superficial branch in the philtrum ascended further
Histological observation of the mobile nasal septum and was distributed within the columellar area. They also
specimen on axial sections reported that the branches entering the columellar area con-
stituted the arterial plexus in the tip of the nose.
At the level of the columellolabial junction, the distinct Jung et al. [5] reported that the CoA in Korean human
arteries were observed between the epidermis and the sep- cadavers was ramified from the SLA unilaterally in 51 %
tal cartilage (SC, Fig. 3a). At the level of the tip of the nose, of cases. Pinar et al. [14] reported that the branching pat-
the arterial vasculature was observed near the MC (Fig. 3b). tern of the CoA could be classified into single straight
While the branch proceeding anteriorly along the MC and (48.9 %), two straight (38.7 %), and forked (12.2 %) types.
toward the tip of the nose was found on gross observations, In the present study, the microdistribution of the CoA on
small arterioles from the superficial septal branch to the SC the mobile nasal septum was typical, regardless of arterial
were also recognized on microscopic observation (Fig. 3c). asymmetry. The arterial distributions of the CoA were not

672 Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:669–674

Fig. 2  Arterial vasculatures of the columella artery (CoA) on the third plane between the basal plane and the nose tip, d the plane
columella and membranous septum in coronal section. a The basal about 2 mm posterior to the nose tip. MC medial crus of lower lateral
plane near the columellolabial junction, b the posterior one-third cartilage, SC septal cartilage; arrowhead arterial vessel of the CoA
plane between the basal plane and the nose tip, c the anterior one-

exactly symmetrical in every cases (Figs. 2, 3). Neverthe- (Fig. 3c). From the histological point of view, the vessels of
less, the vessels at the base of columella were located near the CoA entered the basal portion of the columella via the
the MC, similar to the symmetrical cases. There was a ten- columellolabial junction and proceeded anteriorly to the tip
dency for the arterial vasculature to be dispersed more in of the nose via small branches. However, it is not possible
the anterior area of the columella. to state categorically that the CoA is the sole arterial supply
Gross observations in the present study revealed that all to the tip of the nose.
of the CoA was ramified from the SLA, and thus the colu- At the anterior half of the septum, the vessels seemed
mella and the membranous septum of the nose were found to form anastomoses with other vessels from the arterial
to be supplied by septal branches from the SLA. In the vasculature, since there were multiple areas of arterial vas-
axial sections of the present study, the arterial vasculature culature of various shapes and sizes throughout the sec-
was mostly located between the MC and the epidermis; tions. The histological findings of an arterial plexus on the
however, some arterioles ascended between the SC and MC anterior portion of the nose support the results of the gross

Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:669–674 673

Fig. 3  Arterial vasculatures of

the columella artery (CoA) on
the columella and membranous
septum in axial section. a The
basal plane on the columellola-
bial junction, b the plane
passing through the nose tip,
c the plane about 0.5 mm
superior to the level of the nose
tip. MC medial crus of lower
lateral cartilage, SC septal carti-
lage; arrowhead arterial vessel
of the CoA, arrow depressor
septi nasi muscle fiber

observation in this study and previous findings of multiple injection histories might be one of the high-risk candidates,
blood supplies to the tip of the nose. Many authors have in which scar tissue formed at the plane of filler injections,
suggested that scission of the CoA would not cause necro- which might result in vascular compromise with even slight
sis of the nose tip, based on the presence of this nose-tip external compression to the CoA with final filler injection
arterial plexus formed by the LNA and DNA [3–5, 9, 11, [13]. In the present study, the distinct vessels from the CoA
15, 16]. However, the vascular insufficiency with direct proceeded anteriorly within the columella area from the
intravascular injury or indirect external compression on the columellolabial junction to the tip. In addition, the space
arterial plexus would make esthetic problem such as mak- between the right and left MCs was packed with loose con-
ing a purple discoloration, partial or total skin necrosis. A nective tissue, with almost no distinct vessels.
mucous cyst may also form, thus degenerating the shapes Daniel and Letourneau [1] reported that the external lay-
of the columella and philtrum. Redness, swelling, and ers of the nose comprised a superficial fatty layer, a fibro-
ecchymoses would result from a vascular accident involv- muscular layer, a deep fatty layer, and the periosteum. They
ing the CoA, in the condition of vascular insufficiency of also noted that the major blood vessels were located in the
arterial plexus injury, which is likely to distress the patient deep fatty layer under the fibromuscular layer. Toriumi et al.
temporarily or permanent deformity of the nose can be [17] mentioned that the arterial vessel coursed in or under
made with disfigurement. Especially the patients with pre- the musculoaponeurotic layer. The musculoaponeurotic
vious transcolumellar open rhinoplasty might have scission layer in their study is identical to the fibromuscular layer in
of CoA. In those cases the filler injection at the nasolabial the study of Letourneau and Daniel, [8] and this layer was
crease and alar depression area might result in vascular shown to be a part of the superficial muscular aponeurotic
compromise to the nasal alae and the tip due to interrup- system (SMAS). The sub-SMAS space between the fibro-
tion of arterial plexus. The patients with repeated filler muscular layer and periosteum is recommended as an ideal

674 Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:669–674

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