Hyperion Financial Reporting

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Hyperion Financial Reporting (OBIEE)

The increased number oI BI (Business Intelligence) and EPM (Enterprise PerIormance
Management) systems being implemented by Iinancial management groups worldwide will
inevitably lead to increased reporting requests. It`s now become vital Ior organizations to select a
proven reporting tool able to handle the load oI large and small organizations - Hyperion
Financial Reporting is that tool. With Hyperion Financial Reporting, users are able to easily
create highly-Iormatted, book-quality, management and operational reports. Organizations have
stakeholders who demand inIormation in varying layouts, end-users comprised oI diIIerent
security levels, managers who insist on static, pre-deIined reports, and analysts who desire the
ability to manipulate metadata that ultimately builds each report. These can be easily met with
Financial Reporting.
Product History
Presenting Iinancial data sourced by Essbase to the user community was oIten accomplished by
using MicrosoIt Excel VBA (Virtual Basic Ior Applications). This approach to reporting was
slow, prone to mistakes, and required developers to become proIicient in the Excel VBA
language, while concurrently understanding how to integrate the Essbase API into this code base.

To give users a GUI (Graphical User InterIace), Hyperion designed and developed Hyperion
Reports. This reporting application was used to display data to users Irom a variety oI source
systems, including Hyperion Essbase, Hyperion Planning, and Hyperion Financial Management.
Hyperion Reports began to grow a large user-base, and in 2007 was part oI the Hyperion
acquisition by Oracle. At the time oI the acquisition, Hyperion applications were being used by
approximately 12,000 companies, including 91 oI the Fortune 100. The acquisition made Oracle
a leader in the EPM market and strengthened the Oracle oIIerings.

Soon aIter the acquisition, Oracle introduced a new product Iamily coined OBIEE-Plus (Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus). This suite oI products included all Oracle and
Hyperion reporting and analysis tools. OBIEE-Plus consists oI the Iormer Siebel Analytic
applications (Dashboards, Answers, Delivers, Disconnected Analytics, Publisher, and BrieIing
Books) in addition to the legacy Hyperion reporting tools (Interactive Reporting, SQR
Production Reporting, Financial Reporting, and Web Analysis).
Strengths / Benefits
O Easily-formatted/ high-quality - Financial Reporting allows Ior a variety oI Iormats,
each Iormat meeting accounting principles set Iorth by regulations and external
requirements. Having the Ilexibility to Iormat reports in numerous layouts makes
appeasing diIIerent sets oI end-users easy.
O Report automation - Users can run and print multiple reports Irom a pre-deIined
schedule with batching. The batching process allows reports to run overnight with other
batch processes. Once all reports have Iinished processing, they can be sent to Iolders on
shared network drives or printed.
O &ser control - Users have complete control over layouts, Iormatting, Ionts, and colors, as
well as a Ilexible range oI output options enabling wide distribution via print, HTML
Web pages, PDF, and online viewing.
O Rapid report creation - A graphical, object-oriented interIace enables the rapid creation
oI reports that combine grids oI data and text, charts, graphs, and images.
O Reusable content - A library oI reusable report components simpliIies and streamlines
the process oI building and maintaining complex reports.
O ultiple source applications - Financial Reporting accepts connections into multiple
source systems/applications, including Hyperion Essbase, Hyperion Planning, Hyperion
Financial Management and SAP NetWeaver BI.

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