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One Variable Calculus and

Differential Equations
for non-majors – MT171

Idrissa S. A.

Applications of first order ode

Department of Mathematics - UDSM
April 14, 2022
Falling body
A body of mass 25 g falls from rest toward the earth
from a great height. As it falls, air resistance acts upon
it, and we shall assume that this resistance is
numerically equal to 2v , where v is the velocity (in
meter per second). Find the velocity and distance fallen
at time t seconds.
Solution: We choose positive direction downwards.
Using Newton’s second law, F = ma, then
m = F1 + F2
where F1 is the weight and F2 is resistance force.
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Falling body
F1 = mg = 25 × 10−3 × 10 = +0.25 N, F2 = −2v
Ô⇒ 0.025 = 0.25 − 2v
the body was at rest Ô⇒ v (0) = 0
The DE is separable; separating
Ô⇒ = 40dt
0.25 − 2v
Ô⇒ − ln ∣0.25 − 2v ∣ = 40t + c
Ô⇒ 0.25 − 2v = c1 e −80t
Ô⇒ v = 0.125 − ke −80t
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Falling body
Using v (0) = 0 we see that k = 0.125 and therefore
v (t) = 0.125(1 − e −80t )
Ô⇒ = 0.125(1 − e −80t )
1 −80t
x = 0.125(t + e ) + c2
note that x(0) = 0 and thus c2 = 0.125 × 1/80, thus
1 −80t 1
x(t) = 0.125(t + e − )
80 80
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Falling body
Limiting Velocity
What is the limiting velocity of the body?
lim v (t)

which gives

lim v (t) = lim 0.125(1 − e −80t )

tÐ→∞ tÐ→∞

= 0.125 ( lim 1 − lim e −80t )

tÐ→∞ tÐ→∞
= 0.125 (1 − 0) = 0.125

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Rate of growth and decay
Radioactive Material
The rate at which radioactive nuclei decay is
proportional to the number of such nuclei that are
present in a given sample.

Example: Half of the original number of radioactive

nuclei have undergone disintegration in a period of 1500
1 What percentage of the original radioactive nuclei
will remain after 4500 years?
2 In how many years will only one-tenth of the
original number remain?
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Rate of growth and decay
Solution: Let x be the amount of radioactive nuclei
present at time t years. Then the rate of disintegration
is dx/dt. The mathematical model of the problem is
= Kx
since x is positive and decreases with time, the constant
K is negative, dx/dt < 0 Ô⇒ K < 0.
To emphasize that x is decreasing we use a constant
k = −K > 0 and write the model as
= −kx
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Rate of growth and decay
Let x0 be the amount initially present Ô⇒ x(0) = x0 .
Given also that x(1500) = 21 x0 . The DE is clearly
separable and the solution is
x(t) = ce −kt
using the IC x(0) = x0 Ô⇒ c = x0 and
x = x0 e −kt
To find k we need to use the IC x(1500) =
x0 1
= x0 e −1500k Ô⇒ e −k = ( )
2 2
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Rate of growth and decay
the solution is thus; x(t) = x0 ( )
Part 1: After t = 4500 years. x = x0 (1/2)3 = 18 x0
Thus one-eight or 12.5% of the original number will
Part 2: when only one-tenth will remain? we need so
solve for t in
1 1
=( )
10 2
1500 ln 10
t= ≈ 4985 years
ln 2
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Newton’s law of cooling: the rate of change of the
temperature of a cooling body is proportional to the
difference between the temperature of the body and the
constant temperature of the medium surrounding the
Example: A body of temperature 800 F is placed in a
room of constant temperature 500 F at time t = 0; and
at the end of 5 minutes, the body has cooled to a
temperature of 700 F. Determine the temperature of the
body as a function of time t > 0. In particular answer
the following questions.

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1 What is the temperature of the body at the end of
10 minutes?
2 When will the temperature of the body be 600 F?
3 After how many minutes will the temperature of
the body be within 10 F of the constant 500 F
temperature of the room?
Solution: Let θ be the temperature of the body at
time t, by Newton’s law of cooling we have

= k(θ − 50), θ(0) = 80, θ(5) = 70

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The DE is both linear and separable, it is easy to see
∣θ − 50∣ = ce kt
Since θ > 50 Ô⇒ ∣θ − 50∣ = θ − 50 and therefore
θ(t) = 50 + ce kt
use IC 1, θ(0) = 80 Ô⇒ c = 30, thus
θ(t) = 50 + 30e kt
using the IC 2, θ(5) = 70 Ô⇒ e 5k = 20
30 = 23 , therefore the
temperature is given by
θ(t) = 50 + 30( )
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Part I, temp at the end of 10 minutes, θ(10) = ?
θ(10) = 50 + 30( ) ≈ 63.330 F
Part II, when the temp is 600 F?, we have
60 = 50 + 30( )
2 1
Ô⇒ ( ) =
3 3
ln 13
t = 5( 2 ) ≈ 13.55 (minutes)
ln 3
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Part III, when the temp is within 10 , that is θ = 51

t/5 1
2 1 ln 30
( ) = Ô⇒ t = 5( 2 ) ≈ 41.94 (minutes)
3 30 ln 3

So in approximately 42 minutes the temperature of the

body will be within 10 of that of the room.

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