First & Foremost Political Changes of The World

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First & Foremost political

changes of the world.


It was a global war.

It originated from Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to
11 November 1918.
World War 1 was fought between – The Central Powers
(Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria & The Ottoman Empire)
and the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Siberia, Russia,
Italy and their allies).
More than 70 million military personnel were mobilized.
More than 8.5 million people were killed 21 million were
It is considered as the most deadliest conflicts of the history.
Causes of World War 1

Militarism -policy of building up strong military forces to prepare

for war
Alliances - agreement between nations to aid and protect one
Nationalism - pride in or devotion to one’s country
Imperialism - when one country takes over another country
economically and politically
Main Allainces

The Central Power The Allied Powers

• Germany • Russia
• Austrian-Hungary • France
• Ottoman Empire • Great Britain
• Italy
• Serbia
• Romania
• Greece
• Portugal
How it all started….

It was all started on 28th July 1914 when Austrian Archduke

Franz Ferdinand and his wife was assissanted at Sarajevo
by Black Hand ( a Serbian Nationalist Organization).

Later, Austria with the support of Germany decalared a war

on Serbia.

As Serbia was supported by Russia and Russia, France

and Great Britain were allied powers so, initiailly France
and Great Britain got involved in the war.
When USA joined the War…

• America did not join the war, but only supplied arms to both the forces.

• But in 1917, America declared a war against Germany because somehow America
came to know that Germany was attacking American ships and drowning them
and also Germany was influencing Mexico to fight against USA.

• Later, Woodrow Wilson, the president of USA started supporting Great Britain,
and presented a letter to state that USA is becoming a part of this war only
because USA wanted to restore world peace, end the imperialism and to establish
League of Nations.
A Relief for Germany?
When Russian Revolution started in 1917. The two important
events of this revolution are:
 Februrary Revolution – Tsar Nicholas ll was dethrowned
 October Revolution – Valdimir Lenin came to power and
pulled back Russia from the war. And signed a Peace Trearty
with Germany.
So, the war between Germany and Russia ended.
But this relief was not for a long time. Because
America started to supply 10,000 soldiers to Britain daily and
now the conditions of Germans became worse because they
couldn’t handed so many soldiers daily. Also during this time
German soldiers were facing many diseases like Influenza &
Spanish flu, so they were not capable enough to fight the war.
Armistice Agreement
• Signed by Germany.
• Basically, it was a seized file agreement for a
temporary period
How it all ended…
Treaty of Versailles
• It is considered as the official end of World War 1.
• Guilt of War on Germany.
• Germany paid heavy reparations.
• Restrictions on Germany’s military and territorial development.
• Central and Eastern Europe’s borders were restructured.
• New countries were formed- Austria, Hungary, Finland, Poland, Estonia, etc.
• All the colonies of Germany were divided between France & Britain. USA didn’t
any colonies as from the starting USA was against imperialism.
• Although Treaty of Versailles was the main reasons for the World War 2.
Effect of World War 1
• After the war, one-third population of the world was effected, as many
of them were soldiers. And also during this time many diseases were
faced by the people like Influenza, Spanish Flu, etc. so due to lack of
antibiotics many lost their lives.
• More than 50% of increase in working women, as many of them
husbands were soldiers and died in the war.
• Many countries fell in debt.
• As USA supplied weapons to the countries. So, the economy of USA got
• League of nations was formed by Woodrow Wilson to avoid further
war like situations. But it however failed because within the 20 years of
it’s inception… World War 2 took place.

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