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Research Proposal for MS in Business Analytics

“Service Design for Product Service System Business Model”
Service design is the activity of planning and arranging people, infrastructure, and communication and
material components of a service to improve quality and the interaction between the service provider and
its users.

Research Objectives:
Servitization is the process of integrating a core product of companies with services. Due to our global
economy, Servitization is more important for companies to maintain their sustainability and their long-
term and strong relation with their customers and extra values for their buyers. The main point to conduct
this research is to find a Product service system for businesses.

1. New and innovative PSS business models for the digital and physical products
This study aims to focus on Product service system models for businesses like manufacturing
companies and companies that have a software-based product. We will find if the firm wants to
adopt the PSS model which kind of services they provide with their product.

A clothing brand sells its stitched clothes and with their clothes, they sell a service, if the
stitched clothes are damaged, they will repair for them, design, customize for them. In this way
brands have a close relationship with their customers, they understand the interest and priorities
of their customers according to the age group, location, and fashion trends. For example, fashion
trends in Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea are different from each other.
If a brand work on this model they will create products according to the area where they live. In a
traditional model, a brand design a product and sell it.

In the carpet industry (Are PSS are our sustainable future__Marisa Adler) customers did not
buy the carpet, customers buy the installation, maintenance, removing, and recycling services
because carpets are leased. The modular design of the product allows the company to replace the
minimum amount of carpet necessary when the damage occurs. This model saves a lot of
resources for the business and customers.

The same kind of models (PSS) can create for a software-based company. In this digital world,
every kind of business has a website to maintain its online presence to reach more potential
customers. But development, maintenance, search engine optimization, Graphics, content for
websites are the key factors of any website. These all cost a lot of money, time if an individual
creates their website. PSS model can solve this problem. Firms develop websites but like other
software houses, they did not sell a website they sell services of the websites. Users according
to /her business subscribe for the website they need and firms will customize the website
according to needs. There is a difference between a digital product and a physical product. The
objective of this research is to study and find which kind of PSS model should be designed for
digital and physical products with the help of AI or machine learning, analytics. Digital
products need internet, but the physical product needs installation or space required their physical
presence. For Example Uber cars, these cars need to be physically available for customer service.
Customers use the service provided by the car but they did not own the car.

2. Study business factors for the success of business models especially PSS in
Asia (Micro and small enterprises).
In the end, any kind of business wants to increase its business and revenue. On the other hand, the
customer wants complete satisfaction for their payment even they want more from what they pay.
Businesses did not get paid and become successful for what they have they become pioneers,
unicorns for what they serve to their customers. When we talk about the success of any business
without the right business model a business can't be successful but only a business model is not
an important factor. There are other factors like time, idea, a problem the business is going to
solve, investment. One of the objectives of this research is to study and incorporate all these
factors and then make the right PSS business model. Micro and small enterprises are an
important part of various Asian countries. PSS model is a collaborative consumption of both
product and service. In the paradigm of Servitization, manufacturing companies need to move
from the traditional business model to PSS. With PSS there are different other factors explained
in the preceding text but these factors vary from country to country and state to state. After the
COVID-19 crisis business world changes. Covid-19 doesn’t only affect health but also effects on
economy, democracy. It caused a large economic breakdown across the world and become a
reason for unemployment on a vast scale across the planet. Business activity across the Eurozone
collapsed to a record low in March 2020 and US industrial production shows the biggest
industrial decline since the end of the Second World War (Mamta Badkar in New York and
Brendan Greeley in Washington APRIL 15 2020). Product sales in many companies is halted
during the world crisis of 2008-09 but on the other hand service industry is the less affected one.
Even if the customer does not buy a product due to the lack of demand or resources during the
crisis they can still buy services from that product. We will study how to adapt PSS after
COVID-19. Product and service-based this model creates new opportunities and ideas for
the world to incorporate product and service industries.

Research Questions:
1. How much the failure of a business depends upon the business models or integrate the business
models with other factors of the business and create the right PSS model.
2. Development of PSS for the business with the best timing? Because timing matters a lot in the
3. How is Artificial Intelligence or Business Analytics used to develop a smart product-service
4. How to evaluate services provided by the PSS is suitable for business and customer?
5. Does PSS become the prominent business module?
6. Did the innovation of new PSS business models depend on the size of the business and industry?

The methodology for this research starts from market understanding. Market needs, trends, involvement
of technology, and demand of users are the important points to study along with other factors of PSS
business models. This will help us to find the loopholes in the previous system. Providing services along
with products needs the change in organizational planning and design. Without these changes, it is
impossible to reach the level of integration of products and services. Study the factors for the business.

After this, we will plan the models, identify the needs and ideas, and create the evaluation methods for
PSS. Collect the data of the business products (digital and physical) by analysis of this customer
requirements, product demands, availability of a product, are used to plan right models.
After we will design the models. Design the detailed concept of products and services and then implement
them. Resources we will use for this research are previous studies, market understanding, and market
after COVID-19 crisis, analytics.

Expected results of the Research:

To improve the PSS business models for various industries. With the help of this research digital and
physical product-based companies will use the PSS model in the right way and gain the best results for
their business. This is a new business model doe many industries. Our world is moving to become the
digital world. Timing is the main factor for any business if a business started before and after it is needed
then there is a 100% chance that the business will fail. The same goes for the PSS model.
Analytics is a field to analyze the data and get useful information. After the completion of this research,
we create new business PSS models that could help the world and open a door to the new era of the
business. We will unlock the possibilities for businesses with the help of data by creating new business
models. Developing new ways to evaluate these models.
PSS business model has a lot of potential across the planet where we all are moving towards the digital
world. PSS is a research area that required a lot of attention and by unlocking its potential it can create
ease, sustainability, trust, even a friendly relationship between business and customer.

Research Timetable
With a full-time study, this research will be completed in two years of MS.

TimeLine Research activities/tasks to

Before the MS started (6 to 8 Understanding the market,
months) analysis of business factors,
study about how organizations
will change their working styles
for integration of product and
MS started (First year) Design and Planning of PSS
Final year Testing and evaluation of
models (research)

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