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as a data analyst being able to create

aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly

dashboards and visualizations is crucial


hey my name is Mo Chen and in today's

video I'll show you how to create this

cool Tableau dashboard that uses this

calendar widget as your main filter a

line chart a map histograms and also a

heat map the links to all of the

resources you need to recreate this data

visualization project or in the

description below

follow along with me and build my

visuals or alternatively feel free to

put your own twist on the dashboard and

create something different if you do put

your own twist on it leave the link to

your dashboard in the comments section

below I'd love to check it out and just

a quick word about pcan the sponsor of

this video today we're talking about

Tableau and here's a Twist wouldn't it

be awesome for data analysts to add

predictions about the future to

visualizations instead of just showing

data from the past

pecan is a Predictive Analytics platform

built for data analysts it's powerful

and easy to use let me quickly show you

how once you sign up you can connect to

your data by importing your CSV files or

by using one of the many connectors


what I really like about pecan is that

there is no data prep required at all

and it can deal with billions of Records

so you can throw pretty much anything at

it you can then use pecan's Query Editor

to transform your data into an AI ready

data set

all you need is basic SQL knowledge to

create powerful machine learning models

as pecan will do the heavy lifting for

you click run to generate a preview

validate to run data science validations

and then train your model

you can use pecan's interactive

dashboards to get insights into your

model's performance the dashboard has

various metrics such as precision and

recall threshold configuration a

confusion Matrix and feature importance

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it made decisions so if you're

interested sign up for pcan for free

using the link in the description below

okay so first of all let me go through

what we'll be building exactly within

this dashboard so you can see that all

my filters are on the left here and the

main filter is going to be this calendar

widget right here so within here from

the drop down I can select my month say

for example August 2014 and you can see

that this filtered all of my visuals and

then within this calendar widget I can

select a specific day 11th of August for

example if I click on this this will

only filter the bottom four charts so

let me just click on the 11th again to

undo my filter and then underneath I

have another three filters year built

square foot living and square foot lot

so all I have to do here is drag the

slider and then the bottom report charts

will be filtered based on my condition

so let me undo this

select everything and let me move on to

the actual dashboard So within the

dashboard here you can see that we have

six visuals we have a line chart with

the average house price and then we have

a map next to it where I drag the

average price onto the color shell we

also have three histograms one for house

prices one for the distribution of

bedrooms and then another one for the

distribution of bathrooms and then right

here we have a heat map where you have

the view versus the condition so

basically we have five categories for

the view going from no view to excellent

and then we have a couple categories for

the condition as well going from Fair

badly worn to very good but I think

there's actually one that's even worse

than fair which is poor so let me just

select that another month maybe June for

example and there we go you can see that

the condition of the house goes from

poor all the way to very good

okay so now that we've gone through what

we'll be building in this table project

that's actually build all of this stuff

so go to the top left select file and

then hit new okay so once your new file

opens up go to the top left and click

connect to data and the file format will

be an Excel file so click on Microsoft

Excel and the link to the data source

and any other resources you may need for

this project will be in the description

below so let me just click on house data

and wait for the data to load you see

that our data has loaded so let me just

quickly cover the data set real quick so

we have the ID column with the

transaction ID and then we have the date

the price of the property then we have

the number of bedrooms bathrooms and

then we have the square foot living and

then the square foot lot which is

basically the size of the garden and

then we have the number of floors

whether the property is Waterfront or

not and then we have the various

categories for View and condition we

also have the grade of the property the

higher the better we have the year in

which the property was built and then we

have the ZIP code the latitude and then

the longitude so let me just move on to

sheet1 and build our first visual which

is going to be the line chart

all right so first things first let me

just go to date and then currently you

can see that it's in text format with

this ABC symbol here right click and

then go to change data type and then

click on date and then now you see this

little calendar icon here so you know

it's a date format let me right click on

date and then drag it on two columns and

then hit OK and then let me go to price

right click drag it onto rows and then

select average hit OK so now we have a

line chart I'm not the biggest fan of

this blue color here so I will go into

the color and change this

more colors and then I'll just go with

some kind of purple actually know the

RGB for this 60 2100 I will hit OK and I

think this looks a little bit nicer now

I'm also going to give this a proper

title so I will call this daily

average house sales price

and hit OK

then I'm gonna right click here format

and I want all of the fonts to be in

this purple color as well and then I

would like no grid lines so let me just

select none here non-ref lines I also

don't want any of those drop lines

access rulers and access text I don't

want any of those so now I have this

nice line chart here okay so let's move

on to the next visual which is going to

be the map and actually let me just go

back onto sheet 1 and give that a more

meaningful name so I'll just call this

line chart

and then I'll call sheet2 you can just

double click on the sheet I'll call this

the map okay so luckily Tableau is

really smart and then if you have

location data Tableau will use geocoding

and basically it'll just create the map

for you so you can see here that our

latitude longitude and zip code columns

you see this little Earth or map symbol

next to it you know that Tableau will be

able to use geocoding to create a map

for you so we will be using zip code and

I'll just come here and double click on

zip code and then you can see the map

generated automatically now currently I

have nothing on the map because my

location is set to the UK and clearly

I'm working with us data here so let me

just go to the bottom right click on 70

unknown here edit locations and then

switch my country from United Kingdom to


and then click OK click OK right here

and all of a sudden I have a map so now

let me just go to the top here select

map and then background layers and let

me choose streets for example I like

this a little bit better and I want the

color to be based on the average price

so let me just go to price right click

drag it onto the color shelf select

average hit OK

so now you see that I have this nice map

here where the color corresponds to the

average price so basically the higher

the average price the darker the color

at the moment I'm not a big fan of this

color specifically so I'll go on to the

color shelf go on to edit colors and

instead of automatic I will select

sunrise sunset diverging hit apply and

then you can see how it looks at the

moment I quite like this so I will hit

OK on this one I will also go to the top

right here and remove this average price

card let me hide the card and there we

go this is our map visual

so I can also give this a permanent name

rather than just the sheet name and just

call it map nothing really changed and

we have our second visual so let's move

on to our third visual which is going to

be the distribution of the house prices

so let me come down here to the bottom

left click on new worksheet and the

easiest way to create a histogram is

just to go to your measure so I'll click

on price and then let me go to the top

right here go to show me and then I can

just click on histogram and all of a

sudden Tableau just generates a

histogram for you and I quite like this

because it's quick and easy I'm not a

big fan of these colors again so let me

go on to the color shelf and then let me

just select some kind of purple I think

this is actually a bit too bright so let

me go into it and just make it a little

bit darker there we go I quite like this

I think this looks okay

um if I look at the y-axis here I don't

like this count of price title so let me

double click on this and this little

count of price let me call this


and I think it looks better now also I'm

gonna rename the title to something a

little bit more meaningful distribution

or else prices for example click OK

right click on the visual format and I

will give everything this dark purple


and then let me also remove all of the

lines so let me just go on to the format

lines bit I don't want any grid Lines no

zero lines trend lines ref lines drop

lines axis rulers or access text I don't

want any of those and now you see we

have a nice visual here

when you look at the tooltip it still

says count of price which I'm not a big

fan of so I'm gonna come to the tooltip

here instead of saying count of price

I'm just gonna call this frequency and

hit OK and now if I hover again you see

here that it just says frequency okay so

this is our third Visual and let me just

rename the sheet again to something more

meaningful so I'll call this histogram

else price

okay moving on to the fourth visual let

me just create a new worksheet again and

really simple this is going to be the

distribution of the bedrooms so again I

can just go to the number of bedrooms

and then you can actually click control

or command 1 to bring up this little

window at the right for you and then

click on the histogram and then you can

see that this has been generated for you

now instead of reformatting this whole

chart the same way we did with the

distribution of the house prices you can

just go back to your histogram with the

house prices right click and then copy

formatting and then you go on to your

new sheet and then you can just paste

your formatting and you can see that

it's in exactly the same format so again

I'm going to change my y-axis title to


and then I'll also give this sheet a

meaningful name like distribution

oh bedrooms

and then hit OK and then let me just

rename the sheet here to something more

meaningful so I'll call this



okay so this is our fourth visual at the

moment and let's just quickly build the

last histogram so again let me just

create a new worksheet and then go to


and then go to the top right here show

me click on histogram and then we can

give the sheet a meaningful name so I'll

call this hist

bathrooms and then I can copy and paste

the formatting again from the previous

chart so copy formatting and then I just

need to paste it in and you can see that

it's in the same format at the moment so

I can again adjust my y-axis title

instead of cancel bathrooms I would like

it to say frequency

and then let me just adjust the title as

well so this is going to be called the

distribution of bathrooms

hit OK and then probably one thing I

didn't do here and on the bedrooms

histogram is the tooltip so let me go

into the tooltip and install count of

bathrooms let me call this frequency

hit OK and then let me go back to the

bedrooms histogram again let me go to

tooltip and then change this to


and that's it we have five visuals going

on now so let's move on to the sixth one

which is going to be the heat map

so again let me move to the bottom here

new worksheet and then let me call this

worksheet heat map

and then now what I'll do is I'll put

the view on the rows right here and then

let me grab the condition and put it on

the columns

and then I need to reorganize the order

here for the view and for the condition

as well because we want basically the

best view with the best condition to

appear in the top right so let me go to

view and then let me go to sort

and then manual sort

there we go and we want to go from no

View and then fair and then we want the

average and then we want excellent to be

the best at the top and then let me do

the same for condition so the best

condition has to be on the right

so let me go manual again and then very

good at the moment is on the right we

want port to be on the very left and

then Fair average good and very good so

now we have the skeleton of the heat map

but we need to populate this heat map

with values and colors so let me just go

grab the average price

right click drag it onto the color shelf

let me select average hit OK and then

also let me grab the average price again

right click drag it onto the labels and

then click average and then now Tableau

switches the marks to automatic but if

you just switch back to square now you

have a nice heat map going on again I'm

not a big fan of this color so I'll go

on to the color shelf and then

I'll select Purple hit apply and I quite

like this color let me go to the top

right here and let me remove this card

and there we go we have the heat map

right here as well now another thing I

would like to remove is this View and

condition title here so let me just

right click I field labels and then let

me right click and then hide the field

labels again

and for the title I know it already says

heat map but let me just uh call it new

purses condition heat map

hit OK

so now we've built the core 6 visuals

right here for our dashboard and let me

just remind you what they look like on

the dashboard so you can see that we've


these six visuals right now so what we

need to do now is actually move on and

build all of the filters so let's just

do that

so back in our working file let me again

start a new worksheet and then we're

gonna build our calendar widget first so

to do this let me go to my date column

right click and then drag it into

columns and from here I will select

weekday hit OK and then let me go back

to the date column again right click

drag it into rows and this time I will

select week and then hit OK

so the next thing I'll do is I'll again

go into date drag it onto the filters

and I will select month and year

hit next and let me just pick something

July 2014 for example there we go we

have July 2014 only now so the next

thing I'll do is I'll drag the average

price onto the color Shelf

select average hit OK and then after

that I will right click and grab the

date drag it onto the label and this

time I will select day so let me just

hit that and there we go we have a

calendar right now and the marks went

automatic again so make sure to select

square and now we have some sort of a

heat map here where basically the higher

the price the darker the color again I'm

not a big fan of this blue so I will

change it to purple let me just go in

here select Purple hit OK and there we

go I quite like this color now and

actually maybe I can make it a little

bit better let me just do custom

sequential and there we go I think it's

even better now

okay so the next thing I'll do is I'll

remove these labels hide field labels

and I'll also do the same here right

field labels and then I'm not a big fan

of Monday Tuesday Wednesday as in the

entire day written out so let me just

right click format and then right here

in dates I'm gonna select abbreviation

and then now you can see I only have the

abbreviation of the days here which is

good and then I don't want the week to

show so let me just untick the show

header a bit and now we have a nice

little calendar going on here let me go

to the top right and remove the average

price card let me hide the card and

there we go that's it so we have a

couple other filters that we need to use

which is going to be the year built

square foot living and square foot lot

columns so let me grab the year built

drag it into filters and then hit OK and

there we go we have the year built in

here and then let me just show the


and then you can see the filter at the

top right here and you can drag this

slider along

let me also grab the square foot living

drag it into filters all values yes

range yes and then again let me just go

on square foot living and show the

filter now I'll do the exact same with

square foot lot drag it into the filters

hit next range of values yes hit OK and

then go to square foot lot and then show

the filter now you can see that I have

these filters here I also have the month

filter here and then I have my calendar


so let me hide the title I won't need


and let me call this worksheet calendar

okay so now we have all of the visuals

we need to build our dashboard so let me

go to the bottom here and instead of

selecting a new worksheet this time I

will select new dashboard and what I

like to do here in terms of the output

size is I go to the size I select fixed

first and I go with generic desktop and

then I move on to range and the minimum

size I just leave it at the generic

desktop but the maximum I will just

untick it so the moment you see I untick

this you can see that the dashboard

shows on my entire

screen which is good so basically if you

have a bigger screen it'll just expand

but the minimum size is going to be the

generic desktop size so first of all I'm

going to come here and drag a vertical

container in here and within this

vertical container I will drag text onto

it and I will call this filters

I'm going to give a tableau bold

16 and I will make it purple

and in the middle hit ok now the next

thing I'll do is I'll drag a blank

object right here and then I'll edit the

height I'll make it 10. go into layout

and for background I'll give it a purple

background so it's going to be a nice

line to to divide our filters basically

and then next up let me just drag in my


and you can see here I have the little

calendar going on here

so the next thing I'll do is remove the

title from here I have all my filters

and let me just drag on the month and

year filter as well which is right here

and let me just make this into a single

value drop down

move it on top and then let me grab the

year built a little bit underneath

square foot living let me grab that move

it underneath square foot lot move it

underneath let me just select all the

values as I go along and basically this

is going to be my filter section now I

can rename the Title Here by double

clicking so I will just say select


from drop down


they from calendar

let me make this purple also so I'll

select this purple color and then for

the year build I'll also change the

title so instead of year build I'll say

select here build it's good to be very

precise with the instructions and then

square foot living I'll do the exact


select square foot living

make it purple

and then square foot lot again select

square foot lot I will make it purple

hit okay and there we go

these are our filters done right now

so the next thing I'll do again I'll

grab a vertical container I'll drag it

next to the one that I already have and

I'll drag a text object within here and

I'll call this King County


Health sales


so I'll make this Tableau bold

16 and purple

hit okay let me actually make the

dashboard obviously bigger and let me

drag a blank object here again let me

make this the height 10. and then I'm

going to go to layout

background select the purple so I have a

nice divider line

back into the dashboard bit and now I

will drag a horizontal container right

here and within the horizontal container

I'll drag my line chart

and then I'll put the map next to it

there we go

so now let me just quickly do a little

bit of formatting here so you can see

that my calendar doesn't exactly look

the best let me drag it down a little

bit more click into it and at the top

here instead of standard go entire View

and I think it looks much nicer now

also I have noticed that my titles for

these charts don't look the best so what

I can do is I can actually go to the top

left go to dashboard and go to format

and within here I can change the

worksheet titles so instead of Tableau

book I want Tableau bold let me make it

12 and purple and you can see that it

looks nicer now

so the next thing I'll do is let me grab

the distribution of the house prices let

me just put it underneath and then next

to the distribution of the house prices

I'll drag my view versus condition heat

map and you can see that again this is

in standard view so make it entire View

and it'll just look nicer and then

underneath these I'm going to drag the

distribution of bedrooms and then the

distribution of the bathrooms

so there we go that's about it let me

just quickly do a little bit of

formatting let me align these charts

right here let's look through our

visuals whether or not they look good

yes they do and the only thing we need

to do now is make sure that these

filters right here on the left whenever

I actually change them they actually

impact the charts here

so what we want to do is let me just

drag in my finalize dashboard right here

what we want to do and actually here the

one thing I didn't do is for the size

let me just untick the maximum so just

to make it look a little bit nicer

so what we want to do is we want this

month filter at the top to impact all of

our visuals so you can see that as I'm

changing this month filter all of my

visuals are changing but then the rest

of the filters so whenever I click into

a specific date within the calendar or

when I select my year build square foot

living board square foot lot I only want

them to affect the bottom four visuals

so how do I do that

let me just drag the finalized dashboard

away and the first thing we'll do is let

me just go into my month drop down more

options apply to worksheets and go on to

selected worksheets and within here I

will just tick all of them and then hit


so now you can see that as I change to

October 2014 my visuals changed as I

change to December 2014 my visuals

changed and let me just pick another

month April 2015 and you can see that

all of these visuals are changing which

is good now next up I want the specific

date to also impact my visuals but only

the bottom four visuals so whenever I

click into the calendar say for example

if I click on the 9th of April the

bottom four charts should be changing so

the only thing you have to do here is go

to this uses filter

and click it

so let me just click on the 11th of

April now

and you can see that the bottom four

charts changed but the problem is the

top two changed as well now that's not

good because I didn't want that

so now what you need to do is go to

dashboard on the top left and then go to

dashboard actions and you can see that

we have one action here which is the

filter that we just generated and then

go to edit

and once you're in here all you have to

do is untick within the target sheets

what you don't want to filter so what I

don't want to filter is going to be my

map and my line chart and then I go to

OK hit OK again and now if I click on

say for example the 20th of April you

can see that the top two charts didn't

move but the bottom four are constantly

moving as I'm choosing a new day

so that's working now moving on to these

three filters here build square foot

living and square foot lot they'll work

on the same basis as the month filter

here at the top so what you need to do

is go here to more options apply to

worksheets selected worksheets and let

me just take all of them first and then

just on take line chart and map hit OK

let me do the same for square foot

living so apply to worksheets selected

let me select all worksheets on tech

line chart map hit OK and then let me go

to square foot lock go to more options

apply to worksheet selected worksheets

again take worksheets on tech line chart

map hit OK

so now let me just test these say for

example if I change the gear build right

here you can see the bottom four charts

moving which is good let me do the same

with square foot living so let me just

drag the slider again this is working

square foot lot

and this is working as well as you can


okay so let me just quickly look through

my dashboard once again just to review

that everything looks good let me check

the tooltips in the line chart yeah that

looks good let me check the map zip

codes and average prices

View and condition looks good to me as

well distribution of house prices it

does say frequency the tooltip the

tooltip here says frequency as well and

here as well so that looks good and I

think maybe another thing I could do is

format the square foot living in the

square foot plot with a comma for the

Thousand separator so let me just go

back to any of my worksheets really and

then within here go on to square foot

living right click and then change data

type or rather default properties number

format go to number custom I don't want

any decimal places include the Thousand

separator hit okay and then let me go on

to square foot lot right click default

properties number format and then go to

number custom

and then you want know that's more

places and then make sure you include

the thousands separator hit okay let me

go back onto my dashboard

now you can see that these values the

7480 has a comma here and then just one

million six hundred and fifty one

thousand three hundred and fifty nine

also has a comma here so that's it

that's basically the entire dashboard

done let me rename this dashboard

worksheet into something a little bit

more meaningful I'll call this King

King County house sales

and the way you can easily publish your

dashboard is if you just go to the top

left here file and then you go save to

Tableau public

I'm already signed into Tableau public

here so now the next thing I have to do

is just give it a name so King County

else sales and then if I hit save I'm

just gonna push this into the cloud so

that anybody can view it if I send them

the link and there you go you can see

that my dashboard was successfully

uploaded into the cloud let me just test

my filters again

with the month and the year first you

can see that all six charts are moving

let me just pick a different one

November 2014. again all of my visuals

are being filtered click into a specific

day say for example the 9th of November

yes the bottom Four Shorts are moving

let me pick the 19th of November again

this is working and let me just test the

sliders real quick so year build yep

that looks good

square foot living

yep also looks good to me and then let

me just move the square foot a lot

slider as well

did anything change yes things are

changing so that's good and this is how

easy it is to basically just push your

project into the cloud

if you like this video you should check

out some of my other videos right here

as always thank you so so much for

watching and I'll see you in the next



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