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CEGE205P: Soils and Engineering Geology

Second Year BEng / MEng

Late Summer Assessment – 2018

Time allowed: 2 hours

• Answer ALL questions

• Include diagrams where they assist in providing an explanation
• All questions carry equal weighting. Where questions are split into
sub-categories, the marks for each part are shown in [ ]
• You are advised to spend an equal amount of time on each question
• Graphs and equations are provided at the end of the paper.

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Question 1

(a) Define the terms: rock porosity; rock permeability.

[2 marks]

(b) Outline the factors that may cause changes in the permeability of sandstones.
[10 marks]

(c) Draw labelled sketches to illustrate the following: an unconfined aquifer, a

perched aquifer.
[6 marks]

(d) Limestone forms aquifers in many parts of the world. Explain why this rock
type can provide valuable sources of water.
[7 marks]

Question 2

(a) Briefly explain the following in situ tests:

i) Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

[5 marks]

ii) Cone Penetration Test (CPT)

[5 marks]

iii) Well Pump Test

[5 marks]

(a) An SPT test field record shows hammer blow counts of 2,4/6,7,7,9 in a
uniformly graded fine sand at a depth of 7.9m. Assuming a soil unit weight of
19kN/m3, hammer efficiency (Em) of 60%, rod length (Cr) and borehole
diameter (Cb) correction factors both equal to 1.0, calculate the corresponding
effective angle of internal friction (′) for this soil.
[10 marks]

Question 3

(a) Explain what is meant by isotropic compression and by one-dimensional

compression. Sketch diagrams using v-lnp’ and q’-p’ axes to illustrate the
relative positions of the isotropic and one-dimensional normal compression
lines, relative to the critical state line. Where possible give practical examples
to illustrate each type of compression and hence identify which you believe to
be more commonly relevant to geotechnical design.
[10 marks]

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(b) Data shown in Table Q3 were obtained from isotropic compression and swelling
of a specimen of soft clay. The initial water content of the soil was 52%.
Calculate the values of the parameters N,  and  for this soil, assuming a
p’ (kPa) v (%)
100 1.03
200 5.50
400 9.89
800 13.78
400 12.56
Table Q3
[15 marks]

Question 4

Bored piles with a diameter of 1m will be constructed in clay, to provide the foundation
for an office block. The undrained shear strength variation with the depth, determined
from the site investigation can be found in Table Q4.1. The in situ pore pressures were
found to be hydrostatic with the water table at the ground surface, and the saturated unit
weight of the clay was measured at 20kN/m3.
The pile is required to carry a load of 2.5MN and you will calculate the required depth
of the piles using a factor of safety of 2. The end bearing capacity must be calculated
using an undrained approach. You will calculate the shaft friction using each of the
following methods:

(a) α -method for the shaft friction with a value of α = 0.4

[15 marks]

(b) β -method for the shaft friction with a value of β = 0.4

[10 marks]

Depth (m) Undrained shear

strength, Cu (kPa)
2.1 45
4.3 57
9.6 80
12.1 98
18 123
26.8 157
35.5 201
Table Q4.1

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Graphs and Equations:

1- Site investigation

(N1)60 = CN x N60

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2- -Bearing capacity factors for drained loading (Terzaghi & Peck, 1968)


3- Bearing capacity equation:

qn = c' N c sc d cicbc + qN q sq d q iq bq + BN  s d i b

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sc − 1
sq = sc −

• Strip foundation – B/L=0

• Square and circular foundation B/L=1

4- Pile Foundation:

qb = N C * Cu
qs =  * Cu
qb = N q  v '
qs =   v '

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5- Settlement:

I  flexible
I  rigid shape of area
centre mid-edge corner average
0.79 circle 1 0.64 0.85
0.82 square 1.12 0.76 0.56 0.95
1.12 rectangle L/B=2 1.53 1.12 0.76 1.3
1.6 rectangle L/B=5 2.1 1.68 1.05 1.82
2 rectangle L/B=10 2.56 2.1 1.28 2.24

E' Eu
G' = Gu =
2 (1 + ') ; 2 (1 +  u )

c = (1− )

6- Critical State:
 +2 +3
p' = 1

q = 1 −  3

v = N –  ln p

e = w * Gs


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