Annotated Bib Ism

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Annotated Bibliography

Sreenishanth Muthunalinisree

“Python Automation Series #11: How to Automate Your Mouse and Keyboard in Python

?”, Accessed 13

May 2024.

This video demonstrates how to use Python to automate keyboard and mouse control. It displays

many scripts and commands that allow your computer to perform tasks such as clicking and

typing without the need for human intervention. The movie provides valuable examples for

viewers to apply these ideas to their projects.

This source is credible because it was published within the past 10 years. The content creator of

this video is a well-known author known for teaching beginners how to code Python.

Additionally, the information provided specifically relates to computer science and Python. The

purpose of the article is to provide information to automate the keyboard and mouse function by

itself so that it can be used for videos.

This source helped my final product by providing the coding I prefer and easier to automate so

videos include the automation of the mouse without adding any kind of human intervention. As

this source suggests, I also included some bugs and errors to look out for and explained almost

every term that the author used in their code.


The video shows three Python projects aimed for beginners, explaining how to write scripts to

automate repetitive chores and increase efficiency. It explains the coding process step by step to

help new programmers understand it; and to teach real computing skills.

This source is credible because it was created by a creator who has 10+ years of experience in

the computer science field and has a decent job in that field. The author is a Data Analyst and

used to be a software developer for early companies.

This source supported my final product by providing some of the coding for me to create a

random password citation generator. Since it was my first video, this video was helpful for me to

understand the meaning of why this code was used for those specific purposes. Password citation

generator was the most explained part of his video since the explanation is hard, so I tried to

match his level of explanation and made sure everyone can understand what I am trying to say in

my video.
“PyAutoGUI - Computer GUI Automation Using Python (Control Mouse and


Accessed 13 May 2024.

The video demonstrates about "PyAutoGUI - Computer GUI Automation Using Python (Control

Mouse and Keyboard)" demonstrates how to use the PyAutoGUI library to automate computer

graphical user interface interactions, including programmatic mouse movement and keyboard

simulation for controlling software applications, and provides step-by-step instructions for

setting up and executing basic automation tasks.

The author creates a fundraiser and contains a database where he teaches beginner Python and

eventually will help them with job opportunities. He has a private course as well. This was a

preview of what the course will be like which consists of many other functions. This source was

credible since the code worked and created the output that was required to create my video.

I utilized this source to understand the difference between PyAutoGUI and MoveRel functions.

Both contain a different purpose but the same automation. I created a video just for sq root

automation functions where it can create sq rt tables. The learning process was difficult to

understand but the teaching process for easy since this was the latest video for the mentorship.

Haashir Ali
Programming with Mosh. “Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [2020].” YouTube, 16

Sept. 2020,

This source talks about the introduction to python. It explains the basics of python for

beginners in an hour. The video starts with simple and easy code and eventually goes into a

much more complex code. It explains coding processes step by step to help new programmers

understand it.

The article was written by this source is credible because it was made by Mosh Hamedani, a

software engineer with 20 years of experience and 10 million students. His courses focus on

real-world projects and the skills that will get you hired. He’s helped millions of students transform

their careers.

I used this source at the start of the mentorship to learn Python. This taught me the basics of coding

when starting as a beginner. I used this source to gain a basic understanding of Python. This

sources gave me an overall idea of what my field of python was for graphs.

“Python for Data Analysis: Basic Data Types.”, Accessed 3 May 2024.

This video talks about how to plot graphs in Python. This shows the relevant module needed when

plotting graphs and how to use it for data analysis. It also talks about what you should be looking for

when plotting graphs in Python.

The author of this video is “DataDaft” who are a channel that focuses on coding videos. They

are devoted to all things Data Science, from practical tutorials to fun data visualizations and

everything between. They are a credible and trustworthy orginization.

I used this source to learn how to plot graphs in python. I also learned the relevant module needd

to plot graphs in python. This source showed me how to complete all of that in a simple video.

“Python for Data Analysis: Variables.”, Accessed 3 May 2024.

This source talked about the variables that can occur while plotting graphs in

python. This includes any challenges, obstacles, and problems one might face.

This went into detail about the world of data analysis in python.

The author of this video is “DataDaft” who are the same channel that gave me the basic plotting

video. They are devoted to all things Data Science, from practical tutorials to fun data

visualizations and everything between. They are a credible and trustworthy orginization.

I used this source to better develop my focus in graphing and data analysis. This gave me a much

more complicated and detailed explanation of what graphing looked like in python. This also

helped me advance my videos.

Quinten Hatcher

Hans Petter Langtangen. Python Scripting for Computational Science. Springer Science &

Business Media, 14 Mar. 2013.a

This textbook teaches the beginnings of python for computational sciences. Discusses

scripting and ways to attach codes, etc. Also discusses the types of things you can do in python.

Such as our final product where we did data analysis, automation control, and graphing.

This source is credible. As the author is Hans Petter Langtangen. He has been trained in

scientific computing and mechanics. He has been the director of center for biomedical computing

at Simula Research Laboratory.

I used the source at the very beginning of the mentorship to introduce me to python and coding. I

also used it as a textbook that I could recommend to students to use if they need help with

coding. And while it was not shown in my final product i used what it taught me to further

develop my videos for the to be easily understandable.

“Python for Data Analysis: Basic Data Types.”,

J4KAi3jc&index=3. Accessed 13 May 2024.

This video covers basic data types in python. Discusses data types such as integers, floats,

strings, booleans, and none. And specifically, how these can be used in math operations in


This video is credible as the channel DataDraft is devoted to all things data science and post

tutorials and lessons. He has been making videos for 4 years and has made over two hundred and

thirty videos with 44,300 subscribers. And has a playlist of thirty videos alone on the basics of

data analysis.

This video was used to learn the basics data types with in python. Specifically teaching me how

to implement integers, floats, strings, booleans, and none. T I also used this video to model my

videos after, since this is my first time making them.

“Python for Data Analysis: Basic Math Operations.”,

A&list=PLiC1doDIe9rCYWmH9wIEYEXXaJ4KAi3jc&index=2. Accessed 13 May


This video covers basic math operation in python. Discusses math operations such as addition,

subtraction, multiplication, division and using them in equations. But it also discusses rounding

functions up and down.

This video is credible as the channel DataDraft is devoted to all things data science and post

tutorials and lessons. He has been making videos for 4 years and has made over two hundred and
thirty videos with 44,300 subscribers. And has a playlist of thirty videos alone on the basics of

data analysis.

This video was used to learn the basics math operation with in python. Specifically teaching me

how to implement addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This video also showed me

how to round functions up and down within python. I also used this video to model my videos

after, since this is my first time making them.

“Python for Data Analysis: Getting Started.”,

4KAi3jc. Accessed 13 May 2024.

This is a video that goes over the very basics of data analysis in python. Specifically, things

involving addition and subtraction at the beginning show how to make basic problems and

equations. It then goes on to discuss multiplication and division, which is a little more


This video is credible as the channel DataDraft is devoted to all things data science and post

tutorials and lessons. He has been making videos for 4 years and has made over two hundred and

thirty videos with 44,300 subscribers. And has a playlist of thirty videos alone on the basics of

data analysis.
This video was used to learn the very basics of python. Specifically teaching me how to

implement addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I also used this video to model my

videos after, since this is my first time making them.

“Python for Data Analysis: Variables.”,

aJ4KAi3jc&index=4. Accessed 13 May 2024.

This is a video that goes over the basics of variables and how they can be used in python.

Specifically, on how to assign a variale to something within python. WHile then being able to

implement that into a problem or equation.

This video is credible as the channel DataDraft is devoted to all things data science and post

tutorials and lessons. He has been making videos for 4 years and has made over two hundred and

thirty videos with 44,300 subscribers. And has a playlist of thirty videos alone on the basics of

data analysis.

This video was used to learn the basics of variables and how they work in python. Specifically

teaching me how to assign varaibles to something with in python. I also used this video to model

my videos after, since this is my first time making them.

Ethan Benvenuto

Matthes, Eric. Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming.

No Starch Press, 2022.

This source was a simple basic understanding of what Python coding is and what it can be used

for. It also told me basic coding concepts that I used later in my mentorship. It also ended up

showing me different extensions I could use on python.

This source is credible because it comes from someone who has a good understanding of what

Python is. They go into a lot of detail talking about the different things it could be used for. He

also gives a practice that could be used to see where you are in Python coding at that point in


This book was a good starting point for me learning Python for my mentorship. It gave me a

good understanding of what the different things I could do in Python are. Also, some of the

things I learned in that book I ended up using in my final product.

Python Software Foundation. "Sorting HOW TO." Python Documentation, Python 3. Available

at: Accessed 14 May 2024.

This is an official Python website. It has different codes that you can use in Python and explains

their usage. It also has python addons that are free and could be used to make Python be able to

do more.

This source is reliable because it was made by some of the developers of Python. This means it is

well researched. Also, it means that they have a good understanding of their product.
I used this source a lot. I used this source to find out where in my code I went wrong. I also

looked up different error messages on this website because they gave the best explanations on

what went wrong.

"Python Tutorial: Sort Algorithms (Bubble, Selection, Insertion)." YouTube, 3 Oct. 2020,


In this source, it is a video. In the video it talks about how to sort numbers. Specifically, it talks

about sorting numbers in numerical order from least to greatest.

This source is reliable. This is because it comes from someone who has a good understanding of

what Python is. Also, it is reliable because it works as well.

This video was useful for me in a few ways. First, it helped me get a basic understanding of how

to sort numbers. This was my main idea for my final product. Then, it also helped me get my

first code working and usable.

YouTube, uploaded by Corey Schafer, 22 Feb. 2019,

This is a video source. It talks about how to do simple math in Python. It goes over the very

based ideas of math being addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

This source is reliable due to who made it. The creator of this video had a good understanding of

Python and knew to a good degree how to use it. Also, it worked in the end meaning it is credible

and well researched.

I used this source in my final product. With this source I could add math into my code, and I

even explained the reason why I use math in my first few videos. I ended up using this video up

until the end of my mentorship as reference material.

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