LTIMINDTREE - Event Update - 09052022 - Final - 09-05-2022 - 11

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Event Update LTIMINDTREE Ltd

9th May 2022 IT Services

LTI & Mindtree Merger to Become the 5th Largest IT Services

Company in India
L&T Infotech (LTI) board on 6th May 2022 announced amalgamation and
arrangement with Mindtree to become the 5th largest IT services company in India.
The transaction is subject to shareholder and regulatory approvals. Both companies
are Larsen & Toubro's subsidiaries.

Upon the scheme becoming effective, all shareholders of Mindtree will be issued
shares of LTI at the ratio of 73 shares of LTI for every 100 shares of Mindtree. The
new shares of LTI so issued will be traded on the NSE and BSE. Larsen & Toubro
Limited will hold 68.7% of LTI after the merger.

A Steering Committee will be constituted to oversee the transition till the merger
process is complete. For now, the companies will continue to function independently.
The name of the combined entity will be “LTIMindtree”.

L&T also stated "significant scale benefits are anticipated" through LTI and
Mindtree’s complementary strengths resulting in a stronger portfolio of offerings
across verticals.

LTI and Mindtree believe the time is appropriate to combine the strengths of both
organisations and serve the customers better. Scaling up the business will help the
combined entity to gain the benefit of employee pyramids, managing the resources
efficiently, thereby improving its margins.

Our Take
We believe both LTI and Mindtree have a resilient business structure from a long-
term perspective and have established multiple long-term contracts with the world’s
leading brands. Though both companies have different exposure, they have
specialization in their respective verticals and services, which will help them
complement the strengths of the other company and the combined capabilities will
drive significant synergies moving forward.

Key Financials (Consolidated)

LTI Mindtree = Proforma

Revenue (in Mn $) 2,102 1,411 = 3,513

EBIT ( In Mn$) 363 262 = 625

Omkar Tanksale
Research Analyst

Margins 17% 19% = 18% Call: (022) 4267 1759, 9819327371


Net Profit (In Mn $) 308 222 = 530

Margins(%) 15% 16% = 15%

Cash & Investments 516 475 = 991

Employee Strenth 46,648 35,071 = 81,719

Source: Company, Axis Research

Significantly enhanced scales

Significantly Enhances Scale, Bridging Gap with Larger Peers

Source: Company, Axis Securities

Strengthening Capabilities
The LTI has larger exposure to verticals such as BFSI (47%), Hi-tech & Media (12%), Manufacturing (16%), and Energy &
Utilities (9%). Mindtree has the highest exposure to Communication, Media & Technologies (43%), CPG, Retail Mfg (24%)
and BFSI (18%). Deep domain expertise across verticals (BFSI, Manufacturing, Energy & Utilities) will help the combined
entity strengthen the business.

Complementary Industry Capabilities

Source: Company, Axis Securities

Diversified Operations Across Geographies
The LTI has larger exposure to the geographies such as North America (67%), Europe (16%), and the Rest of the World
(RoW) (17%).

Mindtree has high exposure to North America (74%) followed by Europe (18%) and RoW (8%). The combined entity will
have a robust geographical presence and will help it expand its footprints in these geographies.

Complementary Industry Capabilities

Source: Company, Axis Securities

Stronger Partnership to Ecosystems

The merger will help achieve a robust relationship with hyper-scalers and other strategic partners. Capabilities are
complimentary to verticals and synergistic at horizontals. There will be 75 unique partnerships that will create enhanced

Enhanced Capabilities and Stronger Relationships Across Partner Ecosystem

Source: Company, Axis Securities

About the analyst

Omkar Tanksale

Research Analyst

Call: (022) 4267 1737


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Ratings Expected absolute returns over 12-18 months

BUY More than 10%

HOLD Between 10% and -10%

SELL Less than -10%

NOT RATED We have forward looking estimates for the stock but we refrain from assigning valuation and recommendation

UNDER REVIEW We will revisit our recommendation, valuation and estimates on the stock following recent events

NO STANCE We do not have any forward looking estimates, valuation or recommendation for the stock

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