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The untold truth about Diabetes

Thalia Young
Research question
how are metaphors used to describe
diabetes when it comes to

social media? And how have they shape

the public’s understanding and attitudes

regarding people with diabetes?

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes a disease in which the body’s
ability to produce or respond to the
hormones Insulin impaired, resulting in
abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates
and elevated levels of glucose in the blood
and urine.

However because Diabetes has two

different types there are lot of
misinformation that is spread regarding
the disease.
Your pancreas doesn’t make
insulin or makes very little insulin.
Insulin helps blood sugar enter the
cells in your body for use as
energy. Without insulin, blood Type 1
sugar can’t get into cells and builds
up in the bloodstream.

The pancreas doesn't make

enough insulin. Insulin is a
hormone that lets sugar into cells
Type 2 to fuel muscles and other tissues.
With this disease, cells also
respond poorly to insulin and take
in less sugar.
that are used in
regards to Diabetes
And another
Ozempic with media

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