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Analyzing the Underdevelopment of the Philippines: Root Causes and Relationships

The Philippines' underdevelopment has been a recurrent issue, earning it the

nickname "the sick man of Asia." This research paper investigates the core causes of

the country's underdevelopment, focusing on the linkages between agricultural reform,

constitutional reforms, and taxes. A complete analysis of the intricacies behind the

Philippines' underdevelopment will be done by synthesizing the weekly readings

supplied in Module 3.

Root Causes of Underdevelopment

Once a promising nation in East Asia, the Philippines has fallen behind its neighbors in

terms of industrial, technological, and economic progress. The root causes of this

underdevelopment can be attributed to various factors highlighted in the provided


1. Agrarian Reform Issues: The politicization of agrarian reform initiatives has

hindered progress towards development. Conflicts surrounding land ownership and

distribution have impeded agricultural growth, which is crucial in the Philippine economy

(An Analysis of Philippine Underdevelopment, n.d.).

2. Taxation Challenges: Taxation policies, essential for governance and public service

provision, have faced implementation issues. While signed into law, the Tax Reform for
Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law has raised concerns about its adequacy in

addressing the country's needs (An Analysis of Philippine Underdevelopment, n.d.-b).

3. Dependency Theory: The Philippines' underdevelopment can also be viewed

through the lens of dependency theory, highlighting the domination and dependency

relationships between advanced capitalist countries and underdeveloped nations like


on JSTOR,” n.d.).

Relationships Between Issues

The interplay between agrarian reform, constitutional reforms, and taxation is intricate

and interconnected:

1. Agrarian Reform and Taxation: The success of agrarian reform initiatives is closely

linked to taxation policies. Effective taxation can provide the necessary funding for

agrarian reform programs, ensuring equitable land distribution and boosting agricultural

productivity (An Analysis of Philippine Underdevelopment, n.d.-c).

2. Constitutional Reforms: While not explicitly discussed in the provided readings,

constitutional reforms play a vital role in shaping governance structures and policies
related to agrarian reform and taxation. Addressing constitutional limitations and

ensuring alignment with development goals is crucial for progress.


In conclusion, the underdevelopment of the Philippines is a multifaceted issue that

requires a holistic approach. The Philippines can pave the way towards sustainable

development and economic growth by addressing the root causes of

underdevelopment, particularly in agrarian reform, constitutional reforms, and taxation.

This research paper aims to comprehensively analyze these critical issues, offering

insights into the challenges and opportunities for the nation's progress.


Word Count: 399 words

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