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XTRACT v3.0.

Release Notes

January 2004

Imbsen Software Systems

9912 Business Park Drive, Suite 130
Sacramento, CA 95827

XTRACTReaseNotesv3.0.1 012804.doc
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................1

1.1 Supported Versions..............................................................................................................1

1.2 Installation ...........................................................................................................................1

1.3 Software Performance Reports ............................................................................................1

2.0 XTRACT Capabilities .......................................................................................................2

2.1 Program overview. What is XTRACT?..............................................................................2

2.2 Quick Analysis of Standard Sections...................................................................................2

2.3 Analysis of Arbitrary Sections.............................................................................................4

2.4 Material Models...................................................................................................................5

2.5 Section Analysis ..................................................................................................................5

2.6 Interface and Data Organization ..........................................................................................7

2.7 Ready Report Generation.....................................................................................................8

2.8 Graphing and Data Comparison...........................................................................................9

3.0 Added features In XTRACT v2.6.0................................................................................10

Upgrades for v. 2.5.1................................................................................................................10
Upgrades for v. 2.6.0................................................................................................................10
Upgrades for v. 3.0.1................................................................................................................11

Appendix A: Network Version Instructions.............................................................................13

A.1 System Administrator ....................................................................................................13
A.2 Local User......................................................................................................................13

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1.0 Introduction
XTRACT v2.5.1 was the first Imbsen Software Systems' release of the cross sectional analysis
software, formerly known as UCFyber. Changes in Section 3 are those made to the program
since the previous version release v2.6.1. The added features are:

• New file structure that is user editable

• Ability to import and export sections between projects
• All output can now be saved including graphs and analysis data
• The greatly anticipated ‘Remesher’ that allows the user to modify a section once it has
been discretized
• The creation of ‘Builder Modes’ such that the user is always in one of 6 defined areas of
section creation
• Ability to import common shape directly into sections in addition to the free form
drawing platform.

The overall current capabilities and software overview are listed In Section 2.0. All known bugs
have been fixed in this current release.

1.1 Supported Versions

XTRACT is a windows 32-bit program that runs under Microsoft's Windows 95/98, ME,
Windows NT, XP, XP-pro, and Windows 2000 operating systems.

1.2 Installation
The installation of XTRACT v3.0.1 is not difficult and help is available. The XTRACT CD-
ROM contains an autorun file such that when the CD Is put into the computer, the setup program
should commence automatically. If the computer you are installing does not support this feature,
or this feature has been turned off, setup.exe needs to be manually run. To do this, put the CD In
the computer CD-ROM drive and select Start/Run. Then click browse button. From the
explorer window, click the file setup.exe from the CD-ROM and click OK. If you have any
difficulty at all, please contact our technical support staff.

Network Version: For Installation of the Network version of XTRACT, refer to Appendix A.

1.3 Software Performance Reports

As with other Imbsen software products, a Software Performance Report is included in the
software package in order to detail malfunctions or other unexpected behavior. Please use a
separate sheet to report each problem you encounter. It is our intent to create problem free
product and any feedback on problems and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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2.0 XTRACT Capabilities
This section discusses the current capabilities of XTRACT that were carried over from its
predecessor UCFyber in addition to recent upgraded changes.

2.1 Program overview. What is XTRACT?

XTRACT is a fully interactive program for the analysis of any cross section. XTRACT can
generate Moment Curvatures, Axial Force-Moment Interactions, and Moment-Moment
Interactions for Concrete, Steel, Prestressed and Composite structural cross sections.

It can handle the input of any arbitrary cross section (even with holes) made up of any material
input from the available nonlinear material models. XTRACT offers the versatility of including
many sections and analyses within a single project for comparative study - it offers views
(numerically and graphically) of all sections and material data for unique as well as general
section comparisons. Outputs (graphs, data, section bitmaps) can be saved into individual files
for easy import in to other programs for comprehensive analyses reports. XTRACT also offers
its own suite of valuable analysis, section, and material reports. XTRACT can show the stresses
and strains of any section at any point of any of the analyses.

2.2 Quick Analysis of Standard Sections

XTRACT has a library of standard shapes in an easy to use interactive template. Within
minutes, the user can design and perform nonlinear section analysis on any section in the

Sections included in the template are: Circular Columns, Rectangular Columns, Rectangular
Beams, T Beams (with slab), Rectangular Walls with Boundary Zones, and Enclosed Composite
Circular Sections.

Inputs include a drop down menu to select the confinement configuration. The material model is
automatically set to the proper strength and ductility levels based the geometry and the input
parameters from the template.

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The Design Log in the template library records all design data for the section. The design log is
then written to the section report in editable form for easy print out. Input data in the Design
Template can each be changed and then automatically, and to scale, a sketch of the section is
drawn. At the same time, critical design data is written on the form to aid in the ease of section

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2.3 Analysis of Arbitrary Sections
The templates are nice for standard sections, but the real strength in XTRACT is in the analysis
of non-standard shapes. XTRACT offers a point and click environment for the creation of
arbitrary section geometries. Cross Sections made up of any combination of lines or arcs can be
input with either the mouse or by entering coordinates. Once you close the Cross Section shape,
the section is automatically discretized into triangular fibers of user specified size created with
user specified material. Then, the user can draw other shapes on the original to leave holes
and/or add other materials.

With the cross section input, reinforcing bars (in a reinforced concrete section) can be added or
deleted one at a time with mouse clicks or by entering bar coordinates. XTRACT also offers a
generation feature where bars can be generated on lines or arcs. In addition, the cross section
geometry can be changed while in ‘Remsher’ mode. Individual shapes can be quickly added or
removed from the cross sections.

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As material is added or taken away,
everything is shown on the section color
coded to verify proper input and to see that
everything looks correct. The days of
guesswork in making sure that everything
is input correctly are gone and the era of
point and click is here. The graphical user
interface of XTRACT makes it an
invaluable tool for any office.

2.4 Material Models

XTRACT offers six material models.
Mander models for Unconfined and
Confined concrete, Bilinear Steel, Bilinear
with Parabolic Strain Hardening,
Menegotto Pinto, and a User Defined.
Material parameters can be input very
quickly and stress strain diagrams can be
viewed for correctness.

Any number of material models can be

added. Each one is defined by the name
inputted by the user. This works well for
section comparisons involving different
transverse reinforcing ratios (different
levels of confinement) as well as
sensitivity studies on input parameters.

The material models can be changed and/or modified at anytime. They show up on the material
in user-defined colors to verify that everything is where it should be. XTRACT also offers a
User Defined material model page were stress strain points can be import from a file. The User
Defined material model can be saved and will then available on subsequent uses of XTRACT.

2.5 Section Analysis

XTRACT offers Moment Curvatures, Axial Force-Moment Interactions, and Moment-Moment
Interactions – as many as the user would like to include. For example, the user may want to see
the effect of different axial loads on the Moment Curvature relation: XTRACT can handle this
without difficulty.

The Moment Curvature analysis allows loading about any axis or with a constant eccentricity in
any direction subjected to loads in any direction. While the analysis is taking place, a graphical
representation of what is happening in the cross section is shown at each calculated load point.
The user defined color codes identify the material states.

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For example, the image shown above depicts a T-Section loaded with the bottom in compression
about the X-Axis. The dark blue fibers are the confined concrete in compression, the white
fibers represent cover concrete that has spalled off, and the green bars longitudinal reinforcement
in the strain-hardening regime.

The Axial Force - Moment interaction can also be performed about any axis. In this case, the
user can pick the target material strains at which to calculate each interaction point. For
example, an interaction at first yield, one at a strain ductility of 10, or one corresponding to ACI
target strain values can be performed. Also, using the PM interaction loading along with failure
material strains, the user can generate an ultimate curvature vs. axial load relation that can be

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quite useful for columns subjected to large variations in axial load. Above is shown an Axial-
Load moment interaction for a prestressed concrete pile encased in a fully composite steel jacket.

2.6 Interface and Data Organization

All sections, loadings, materials, graphics and
data are kept in a tree view Project Manager.
Anything is then accessible with a right or
double mouse click. This is a powerful tool for
organization of the large quantities of data
produced by XTRACT.

XTRACT keeps critical section data by load

step as well as material maximum and
minimum strain and stress data. Pre- and Post-
loaded section graphics are kept and can be
saved as bitmaps. The cause of the termination
of the moment curvature analysis (i.e. crushing
of the confined concrete, fracture of the
longitudinal steel, etc.) is available with a
double click on "Failure Mechanism."

By double clicking any of the data icons under

the section or material data folders, the data of
the analysis for that section is shown in tabular
form for easy comparisons with other sections
and/or loading data.

An Interactive Output is also available for viewing any analysis results. This Output allows the
user to see tremendous amounts of data without being overwhelmed by numbers. In the
interactive data output, any value of any fiber or any bar can be seen at any point during the
analysis. Just click the fiber whose data you want to view.

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In this output format, section analysis views and data can also be seen in a step be step format.
At each step, the material totals can also be viewed by simply clicking 'Material Totals'.

As with the main builder, there are zoom in and zoom out features here for sections containing
highly compact arrays of fibers.

2.7 Ready Report Generation

After analysis of the cross section, material, section, and analysis reports are available for print
out. The reports offer a nice format of all the important design and analysis data that may be
needed in further processing of the section. All analyses come with an analysis report that
includes all critical input and output of the analysis. The reports are accessed by double clicking
the report of Interest In the project manager.

The analysis report also bilinearizes the analysis curves and reports the cross section findings.
The analysis report resides in a print preview environment were the units can be changed, the
report can be resized, and it can be printed.

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2.8 Graphing and Data Comparison

In XTRACT, the user can add as many graphs at a time as needed. The graphs shown above
depict the moment curvature relation about the X-Axis for a confined heavily reinforce concrete
column with Tension, No Axial Load, and Compression. The graphs can be printed with a
header similar to the analysis report and in any units.

As the mouse passes over each data point on the graph, all data in the section for that loading are
shown in the table. The material data shown is the maximum throughout the section at that load

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3.0 Added features In XTRACT v2.6.0
Features that have been added between the last version of UCFyber and the newest version of

Upgrades for v. 2.5.1

• A section locking option.

• Ixx and Iyy gross moment of areas reported in the section analysis report.
• Revamped help to reflect current changes to the software.
• Key file licensing.

Before, clicking on the section design desktop after a shape had already been discretized, began
a new polygon. The new section lock feature turns the section designer off after the section has
been designed. The default is a locked section. When the user Is ready to design the user
defined shape, clicking the polygon button on the builder tools toolbar disengages the lock and
allows the use access to the section builder.

In the new version, the gross moment of area about each of the principal axes of the user defined
(and template defined) sections are available in the section report.

The help system that ships with the program has been updated to reflect all the current changes
that have been make to XTRACT since UCFyber v2.3 released August 2000.

The licensing methods between the two programs have been changed. In XTRACT, the
licensing Is now done with a key file that Is available from contact with Imbsen Software
Systems (

Upgrades for v. 2.6.0

• New AVI file creator.

• Improved section drawing capabilities.
• Option to vary the post peak bilinearization of the idealized moment curvature response.
• Ability to generate the plastic rotation capacity based on a code assumed plastic hinge
• Equation fit to Axial Force – Moment Interaction diagram.
• Coordinates of created shape appear on the screen as the section is created.
• Section property window

The new AVI file creator allows the user to create computer animation of the section under the
applied loading while simultaneously showing a graph of the response. This feature allows the
user to export the results for use in Power Point or on the Internet. Any of the loading types can
be made to an avi file.

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The zoom in and zoom out feature no longer cuts fibers from the edges of the screen. Further,
the user defined drawing boundary is shown when the user zooms out far enough.

In the older versions of XTRACT and UCFyber, the bilinearization was a best fit with both the
area under the moment curvature relation and the ultimate point in the moment curvature
response history. Now, the user also has the option to choose the post peak slope of the
bilinearization, whether it be zero (as per CalTrans recommendation) or a user defined post peak

XTRACT now has the option for the user to calculate the plastic rotation capacity. The user
picks the plastic hinge length based on a particular code and type, enters the critical parameters,
and the result is printed in the analysis report.

In the Axial Force – Moment Interaction loading, the user can fit a cubic polynomial to the data.
The equation parameters are printed along with the graph of the equation plotted against the
actual detailed calculation of the points. The equation can be then used on other structural
analysis programs that accept such input.

For the user-defined sections, the coordinates entered by the user, weather by mouse or user
input, are shown on the section builder. This new feature aides in the creation of user defined

A current section properties window can now be seen while the section is created. The
properties reflect the current strong and week moments of area along reinforcing ratios, sections
area, and other engineering parameters.

Upgrades for v. 3.0.1

• New file structure that is user editable

• Ability to import and export sections between projects
• All output can now be saved including graphs and analysis data
• The greatly anticipated ‘Remesher’ that allows the user to modify a section once it has
been discretized
• The creation of ‘Builder Modes’ such that the user is always in one of 6 defined areas of
section creation
• Ability to import common shape directly into sections in addition to the free form
drawing platform.

The new file structure in XTRACT is user editable. Files can be opened and manipulated within
a text editor. Any file created in XTRACT v.2.6.0 or better can be opened and resaved in the
new format. File created in versions prior to v.2.6.0 can only be viewed, and analyzed but can
not be modified or saved.

Ability to import and export sections between projects. In the new version, section files have
been created. This section files can be exported from projects then subsequently imported into
other projects. The section files contain only information about the section and the material

11 XTRACTReaseNotesv3.0.1 012804.doc
within the section. With this new system – the user need not ever start from scratch on
complicated sections.

All output is now by default – saved. When closing a section of XTRACT and saving the file,
all output (both graphs created and analysis performed) are also saved be default. If the file is
edited in anyway outside of the XTRACT interface (i.e. in a text editor), the .out (output file)
will be automatically destroyed when the input file is opened. This is done to protect
consistence between analysis data and input data.

A remesher has been added to the interface of XTRACT. With the remesher, the user can erase
(temporarily) all the bars and fibers and can view only the shapes contained within the section.
While in ‘Remesher’ mode, the user can insert (or delete) points on the shape, move points on
the shape or entire shapes, delete entire shapes, or change properties of the shape (i.e. mesh size,
material, …). When finished, clicking the ‘Discretize All’ button will regenerate the shape.

In this new version of XTRACT, ‘Builder Modes’ have been added. The user (when in
XTRACT) is now always in one of six different modes. Lock, Draw/Import Shape, Import AISC
Shape, Add/Modify Rebars, Remesher, and Change Material. After analysis of any loading type,
the section is automatically placed in Lock mode. If changed to another mode, all analysis data
is removed from the loadings pertaining to the section that was unlocked.

In previous versions of XTRACT the user was confined to either creating a section from a
template or entering corner coordinates of the section then discetizing the cross section. In the
newest version, XTRACT has the ability to import shapes directly for discretization. A few of
the new available shapes are Oblong, Hexagon, Octagon, Rectangle, Circle, T, I, …

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Appendix A: Network Version Instructions

There are two parts to a network installation. The first part involves the system administrator
and the second part involves the local user.

A.1 System Administrator

The purpose of the system administrator part of the installation procedure is to create a network
installation directory that allows local users to install software on their local machines. In other
words, the network installation sets up an installation for a local user.

The network install does not create an executable version of Imbsen software. It also does not
create any icons associated with the software. It does set up some files and programs used to
administrate the network version of the software.

The install procedure for the system administrator part is as follows:

Step 1: Insert the CD containing the network version of Imbsen software. The
installation procedure should begin automatically. If the installation procedure
does not start, locate and double click “setup.exe” on the CD.

Step 2: Follow the setup instructions as they appear on the screen.

Step 3: Copy the iai.key file to the network drive. Place the key file in the same
directory where the installation from Step 2 occurred.

A.2 Local User

The local user installation uses the system administrator installation to load the Imbsen software
onto the local machine. This part of the installation creates the appropriate executable program
and the icons associated with it.

The local user installation is similar to a typical single user installation, except that the user
installs from the network drive rather than a CD.

The install procedure for the local user part is as follows:

Step 1: Locate the network installation directory created by the system administrator
(described in Section A1). Among other files, verify that this directory contains a
“setup.exe” file and an “iai.key” file.

Step 2: Double click “setup.exe” from the network directory.

13 XTRACTReaseNotesv3.0.1 012804.doc
Step 3: Follow the setup instructions as they appear on the screen.

Step 4: Near the end of the installation, the user will be presented with a screen that
requests information about the key file. Follow the steps on this screen to create a
local key file. The user should browse for the “iai.key” file found in the network
installation directory mentioned in Step 1. The local key file should reside in the
directory where the local install from Step 3 occurred. When these two locations
have been determined, the user can create the local key file by clicking the
“Create Key file” button. The user should take care to NOT overwrite the key file
on the network drive and should understand that the local key file is required to
run the program.

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