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Product identifier used on the

Kit Nam e MA 590
Stock No.: 59000

O ther m eans of identification:

Recom m ended use of the chem ical and restrictions on use:

Chem ical m anufacturer address and telephone num ber:

Manufacturer Nam e: ITW Perform ance Polym ers
Address: 30 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01923

Component list
Component A MA590 ADHESIVE
Component C MA560-1 ACTIVATOR
Component B MA590 ACTIVATOR
Kit SDS Revision Date 11/09/2015

Component A - SDS

Product identifier used on the label:

Product Nam e: MA 590 A DHESIVE

O ther m eans of identification:

Synonym s: None.

Recom m ended use of the chem ical and restrictions on use:

Product Use/Restriction: Not applicable.

Chem ical m anufacturer address and telephone num ber:

Manufacturer Nam e: ITW Perform ance Polym ers
Address: 30 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01923
General Phone Num ber: (978) 777-1100

Em ergency phone num ber:

Em ergency Phone Num ber: (800) 424-9300
CHEMTREC: For em ergencies in the US, call CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300


Classification of the chem ical in accordance with CFR 1910.1200(d)(f):

GHS Pictogram s:

Signal W ord: DANGER.

GHS Class: Flam m able Liquid. Category 2.
Sk in Irritation. Category 2.
Sk in Sensitization. category 1.
Specific Target O rgan Tox icity - STO T, Single Ex posure SE. Category 3.
Hazard Statem ents: H225 - Highly flam m able liquid and vapor.
H315 - Causes sk in irritation.
H317 - May cause an allergic sk in reaction.
H335 - May cause respiratory irritation.

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Precautionary Statem ents: P210 - Keep away from heat/spark s/open flam es/hotsurfaces. — No sm ok ing.
P233 - Keep container tightly closed.
P240 - Ground/Bond container and receiving equipm ent.
P241 - Use ex plosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipm ent.
P242 - Use only non-spark ing tools.
P243 - Tak e precautionary m easures against static discharge.
P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fum e/gas/m ist/vapours/spray.
P264 - W ash hands thoroughly after handling.
P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P272 - Contam inated work clothing should not be allowed out of the work place.
P280 - W ear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P302+P352 - IF O N SKIN: W ash with plenty of water.
P303+P361+P353 - IF O N SKIN (or hair): Rem ove/Tak e off im m ediately all contam inated clothing.
Rinse sk in with water/shower.
P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Rem ove victim to fresh air and k eep at rest in a position com fortable for
P312 - Call a PO ISO N CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
P321 - Specific treatm ent (see ... on this label).
P332+P313 - If sk in irritation occurs: Get m edical advice/attention.
P333+P313 - If sk in irritation or rash occurs: Get m edical advice/attention.
P362+P364 - Tak e off contam inated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P370+P378 - In case of fire: Use dry chem ical, carbon diox ide to ex tinguish sm all fires. Use water for
large fires.
P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P403+P235 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
P405 - Store lock ed up.
P501 - Dispose of contents/container in accordance with Local, State, Federal and Provincial regulations.

Hazards not otherwise classified that have been identified during the classification process:

Route of Ex posure: Eyes. Sk in. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Potential Health Effects:

Eye: Can cause m oderate irritation, burning sensation, tearing, redness, and swelling. O verex posure m ay
cause lacrim ation, conjunctivitis, corneal dam age and perm anent injury.
Sk in: Can cause sk in irritation; itching, redness, rashes, hives, burning, and swelling. Allergic reactions are
May cause sk in sensitization, an allergic reaction, which becom es evident on reex posure to this
m aterial.

Inhalation: Respiratory tract irritant. High concentration m ay cause dizziness, headache, and anesthetic effects.
Ingestion: Causes irritation, a burning sensation of the m outh, throat and gastrointestinal tract and abdom inal
Chronic Health Effects: Prolonged sk in contact m ay lead to burning associated with severe reddening, swelling, and possible
tissue destruction.

Signs/Sym ptom s: O verex posure can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vom iting.

Target O rgans: Eyes. Sk in. Respiratory system . Digestive system . Liver. Kidney. O lfactory Function.
Aggravation of Pre-Ex isting Individuals with pre-ex isting sk in disorders, asthm a, allergies or k nown sensitization m ay be m ore
Conditions: susceptible to the effects of this product.


Mix tures:
Chemical Name CA S# Ingredient Percent EC Num.

2-Propenoic acid, 2-m ethyl-, dodecyl ester 142-90-5 1 - 10 by weight

2-Propenoic acid, 2-m ethyl-, polym er with 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene 25053-30-9 1 - 10 by weight

Methyl Methacrylate Monom er 80-62-6 40 - 50 by weight

Poly(ethylene glycol) m ethyl ether m ethacrylate 26915-72-0 1 - 10 by weight

2-Propenoic acid, 2-m ethyl-, tetradecyl ester 2549-53-3 1 - 10 by weight

Proprietary ingredient(s) Trade Secret 20 - 30 by weight

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene 68037-39-8 1 - 10 by weight

Butylated Hydrox ytoluene (BHT) 128-37-0 1 - 10 by weight

2-Propenoic acid, 2-m ethyl-, hex adecyl ester 2495-27-4 1 - 10 by weight

Non hazardous 64742-43-4 1 - 10 by weight

t-Butyl Perbenzoate 614-45-9 1 - 10 by weight

Maleic acid 110-16-7 1 - 10 by weight


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Description of necessary m easures:

Eye Contact: Im m ediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 to 20 m inutes. Ensure adequate flushing of
the eyes by separating the eyelids with fingers. Get im m ediate m edical attention.

Sk in Contact: Im m ediately wash sk in with plenty of soap and water for 15 to 20 m inutes, while rem oving
contam inated clothing and shoes. Get m edical attention if irritation develops or persists.

Inhalation: If inhaled, rem ove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give ox ygen by trained
personnel. Seek im m ediate m edical attention.

Ingestion: If swallowed, do NO T induce vom iting. Call a physician or poison control center im m ediately. Never give
anything by m outh to an unconscious person.


Suitable and unsuitable ex tinguishing m edia:

Suitable Ex tinguishing Media: Use carbon diox ide (CO 2) or dry chem ical when fighting fires involving this m aterial.
Unsuitable ex tinguishing m edia: W ater m ay cause frothing.

Unusual Fire Hazards: Sealed containers at elevated tem peratures m ay rupture ex plosively and spread fire due to
polym erization.

Special protective equipm ent and precautions for fire-fighters:

Protective Equipm ent: As in any fire, wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), MSHA/NIO SH (approved or equivalent)
and full protective gear.
Fire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area of unprotected personnel. Use cold water spray to cool fire ex posed containers to
m inim ize risk of rupture. Do not enter confined fire space without full protective gear. If possible,
contain fire run-off water.
Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition sources and flash back .


Personal precautions, protective equipm ent and em ergency procedures:

Personal Precautions: Evacuate area and k eep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the spill area.
Environm ental precautions:

Environm ental Precautions: Avoid runoff into storm sewers, ditches, and waterways.
Methods and m aterials for containm ent and cleaning up:

Spill Cleanup Measures: Absorb spill with inert m aterial (e,g., dry sand or earth), then place in a chem ical waste container.
Provide ventilation. Collect spill with a non-spark ing tool. Place into a suitable container for disposal.
Clean up spills im m ediately observing precautions in the protective equipm ent section. After rem oval,
flush spill area with soap and water to rem ove trace residue.
Flam m able, elim inate ignition sources. Vapors can form an ignitable m ix ture with air. Vapors can flow
along surfaces to distant ignition sources and flash back . Ventilate area. Use proper personal
protective equipm ent as listed in Section 8.
Reference to other sections:
O ther Precautions: Pum p or shovel to storage/salvage vessels. Add inhibitor to prevent polym erization.


Precautions for safe handling:

Handling: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor, aerosol or m ist. Material will accum ulate static
charges which m ay cause an electrical spark (ignition source). Use proper grounding procedures. Do not
reuse containers without proper cleaning or reconditioning.
Hygiene Practices: W ash thoroughly after handling.
Special Handling Procedures: Provide appropriate ventilation/respiratory protection against decom position products (see Section 10)
during welding/flam e cutting operations and to protect against dust during sanding/grinding of cured
product. Hazardous liquid or vapor residue m ay rem ain in em ptied container. Do not reuse, heat, burn,
pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, ex pose to spark s, flam e, or ignition sources of em pty
containers without proper com m ercial cleaning or reconditioning.
Conditions for safe storage, including any incom patibilities:
Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from sources of heat, com bustible m aterials, direct
sunlight, and incom patible substances. Keep container tightly closed when not in use.



Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :

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Guideline ACGIH: TLV-STEL: 100 ppm
TLV-TW A: 50 ppm
Guideline O SHA: PEL-TW A: 100 ppm
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) :
Guideline ACGIH: TLV-TW A: 2 m g/m 3 Inhalable vapor fraction (IVF)
Appropriate engineering controls:

Engineering Controls: Use appropriate engineering control such as process enclosures, local ex haust ventilation, or other
engineering controls to control airborne levels below recom m ended ex posure lim its. Good general
ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. W here such system s are not effective wear
suitable personal protective equipm ent, which perform s satisfactorily and m eets O SHA or other
recognized standards. Consult with local procedures for selection, training, inspection and m aintenance
of the personal protective equipm ent.
Individual protection m easures:
Eye/Face Protection: W ear appropriate protective glasses or splash goggles as described by 29 CFR 1910.133, O SHA eye
and face protection regulation, or the European standard EN 166.
Sk in Protection Description: W ear appropriate protective gloves and other protective apparel to prevent sk in contact. Consult
m anufacturer's data for perm eability data.
Respiratory Protection: A NIO SH approved air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister m ay be
perm issible under certain circum stances where airborne concentrations are ex pected to ex ceed
ex posure lim its. Protection provided by air purifying respirators is lim ited. Use a positive pressure air
supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, ex posure levels are not k nown,
or any other circum stances where air purifying respirators m ay not provide adequate protection.
O ther Protective: Facilities storing or utilizing this m aterial should be equipped with an eyewash and a deluge shower
safety station.

Notes : O nly established PEL and TLV values for the ingredients are listed.



Physical State Appearance: Paste.

Color: off-white.
O dor: Fragrant.

Boiling Point: 213°F (100.5°C)

Melting Point: -54°F (-47.7°C)
Specific Gravity: 0.93-1.05

Solubility: Not determ ined.

Vapor Density: 3.5 (air = 1)
Vapor Pressure: 28 m m Hg @68°F

Percent Volatile: Not determ ined.

Evaporation Rate: 3 (butyl acetate = 1)
Molecular Form ula: Mix ture
Molecular W eight: Mix ture

Flash Point: 50°F (10°C)

Flash Point Method: Tag closed cup. (TCC)
Lower Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: 2.1%

Upper Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: 12.5%

Auto Ignition Tem perature: Not determ ined.
VO C Content: <50 g/L m ix ed.

9.2. O ther inform ation:

Percent Solids by W eight Not determ ined.


Chem ical Stability:

Chem ical Stability: Unstable.

Possibility of hazardous reactions:
Hazardous Polym erization: Polym erization m ay occur under certain conditions.
Conditions To Avoid:

Conditions to Avoid: Ex trem e heat, spark s, and open flam e. Incom patible m aterials, ox idizers and ox idizing conditions.
O x ygen-free atm ospheres or inert gas blank eting. Freezing conditions. Material can soften paint and
Incom patible Materials:

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Incom patible Materials: O x idizing agents (eg perox ides, nitrates), reducing agents, acids, bases, azo-com pounds, catalytic
m etals (eg copper, iron), halogens. Free radical initiators. O x ygen scavengers.



2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, dodecyl ester :

Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 500 m g/24H [Mild] (RTECS)
Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 150 m g [Not reported.] (RTECS)

Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >5 gm /k g [Sk in and
Appendages - Derm atitis, other(After system ic ex posure) ] (RTECS)
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill: 78000 m g/m 3/4H [Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 7872 m g/k g [Behavioral - Muscle weak ness Behavioral -
Com a Lungs, Thorax , or Respiration - Respiratory depression] (RTECS)
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) :

Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 100 m g/24H [Moderate] (RTECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >2000 m g/k g [Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 890 m g/k g [Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value] (RTECS)

t-Butyl Perbenzoate :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Rinsed with water: 100 m g/1M [Mild]
Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 500 m g/24H [Mild]
Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 0.05 m L [Not reported.] (RTECS)

Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 1012 m g/k g [Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value]
O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 1012 m g/k g [Lungs, Thorax , or Respiration -
Respiratory depression Gastrointestinal - Necrotic changes Liver - O ther changes] (RTECS)
Maleic acid :
Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 1 %/2M [Severe] (RTECS)


Ecotox icity:
Ecotox icity: No ecotox icity data was found for the product.
Environm ental Fate: No environm ental inform ation found for this product.


Description of waste:

W aste Disposal: Consult with the US EPA Guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 261.3 for the classifications of hazardous
waste prior to disposal. Furtherm ore, consult with your state and local waste requirem ents or guidelines,
if applicable, to ensure com pliance. Arrange disposal in accordance to the EPA and/or state and local
RCRA Num ber: D001

Im portant Disposal Inform ation: DANGER! Rags, steel wool and waste soak ed with this product m ay spontaneously catch fire if im properly
discarded or stored. To avoid a spontaneous com bustion fire, im m ediately after use, place rags, steel
wool or waste in a sealed, water-filled, m etal container.


DO T Shipping Nam e: Refer to Bill of Lading

DO T UN Num ber: Refer to Bill of Lading

IATA Shipping Nam e: Refer to Bill of Lading

IATA UN Num ber: Refer to Bill of Lading

IMDG UN Num ber : Refer to Bill of Lading

IMDG Shipping Nam e : Refer to Bill of Lading

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Safety, health and environm ental regulations specific for the product:

2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, dodecyl ester :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed
Canada DSL: Listed

2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, polymer with 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.
Canada DSL: Listed

Poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, tetradecyl ester :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, hexadecyl ester :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Non hazardous :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

t-Butyl Perbenzoate :
TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Maleic acid :
TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Canadian Regulations. W HMIS Hazard Class(es): B2; D2B

All com ponents of this product are on the Canadian Dom estic Substances List.
W HMIS Pictogram s:


HMIS Ratings:

HMIS Health Hazard: 2* Health Hazard 2*

HMIS Fire Hazard: 3 Fire Hazard 3
HMIS Reactivity: 2 Reactivity 2
HMIS Personal Protection: X Personal Protection X
* Chronic Health Effects

SDS Revision Date: May 25, 2015

SDS Revision Notes: GHS Update

SDS Author: Actio Corporation

Disclaim er: This Health and Safety Inform ation is correct to the best of our k nowledge and belief at the date of its
publication but we cannot accept liability for any loss, injury or dam age which m ay result from its use.
The inform ation given in the Data Sheet is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, storage and
the use of the substance. It is not a specification nor does it guarantee any specific properties. All
chem icals should be handled only by com petent personnel, within a controlled environm ent.

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Copyright© 1996-2018 Enviance. All Rights Reserved.

Component C - SDS

Product identifier used on the label:

Product Nam e: MA 560-1 A CTIVA TOR

O ther m eans of identification:

Synonym s: None.

Recom m ended use of the chem ical and restrictions on use:

Product Use/Restriction: Not applicable.

Chem ical m anufacturer address and telephone num ber:

Manufacturer Nam e: ITW Perform ance Polym ers
Address: 30 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01923
General Phone Num ber: (978) 777-1100

Em ergency phone num ber:

Em ergency Phone Num ber: (800) 424-9300
CHEMTREC: For em ergencies in the US, call CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300


Classification of the chem ical in accordance with CFR 1910.1200(d)(f):

GHS Pictogram s:

Signal W ord: DANGER.

GHS Class: Flam m able Liquid. Category 2.

Sk in Irritation. Category 2.
Sk in Sensitization. category 1.
Specific Target O rgan Tox icity - STO T, Single Ex posure SE. Category 3.

Hazard Statem ents: H225 - Highly flam m able liquid and vapor.
H315 - Causes sk in irritation.
H317 - May cause an allergic sk in reaction.
H335 - May cause respiratory irritation.

Precautionary Statem ents: P210 - Keep away from heat/spark s/open flam es/hotsurfaces. — No sm ok ing.
P233 - Keep container tightly closed.
P240 - Ground/Bond container and receiving equipm ent.
P241 - Use ex plosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipm ent.
P242 - Use only non-spark ing tools.
P243 - Tak e precautionary m easures against static discharge.
P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fum e/gas/m ist/vapours/spray.
P264 - W ash hands thoroughly after handling.
P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P272 - Contam inated work clothing should not be allowed out of the work place.
P280 - W ear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P302+P352 - IF O N SKIN: W ash with plenty of water.
P303+P361+P353 - IF O N SKIN (or hair): Rem ove/Tak e off im m ediately all contam inated clothing.
Rinse sk in with water/shower.
P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Rem ove victim to fresh air and k eep at rest in a position com fortable for
P312 - Call a PO ISO N CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
P321 - Specific treatm ent (see ... on this label).
P332+P313 - If sk in irritation occurs: Get m edical advice/attention.
P333+P313 - If sk in irritation or rash occurs: Get m edical advice/attention.
P362+P364 - Tak e off contam inated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P370+P378 - In case of fire: Use dry chem ical, carbon diox ide to ex tinguish sm all fires. Use water for
large fires.
P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P403+P235 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
P405 - Store lock ed up.
P501 - Dispose of contents/container in accordance with Local, State, Federal and Provincial regulations.

Hazards not otherwise classified that have been identified during the classification process:

Route of Ex posure: Eyes. Sk in. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Potential Health Effects:

Eye: Can cause m oderate irritation, burning sensation, tearing, redness, and swelling. O verex posure m ay
cause lacrim ation, conjunctivitis, corneal dam age and perm anent injury.

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Sk in: Can cause sk in irritation; itching, redness, rashes, hives, burning, and swelling. Allergic reactions are
May cause sk in sensitization, an allergic reaction, which becom es evident on reex posure to this
m aterial.

Inhalation: Respiratory tract irritant. High concentration m ay cause dizziness, headache, and anesthetic effects.

Ingestion: Causes irritation, a burning sensation of the m outh, throat and gastrointestinal tract and abdom inal

Chronic Health Effects: Prolonged sk in contact m ay lead to burning associated with severe reddening, swelling, and possible
tissue destruction.
Signs/Sym ptom s: O verex posure can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vom iting.

Target O rgans: Eyes. Sk in. Respiratory system . Digestive system . Liver. Kidney. O lfactory Function.

Aggravation of Pre-Ex isting Individuals with pre-ex isting sk in disorders, asthm a, allergies or k nown sensitization m ay be m ore
Conditions: susceptible to the effects of this product.


Mix tures:

Chemical Name CA S# Ingredient Percent EC Num.

Tex anol Benzyl Phthalate 16883-83-3 1 - 10 by weight

Methyl Methacrylate Monom er 80-62-6 50 - 60 by weight

Proprietary ingredient(s) Trade Secret 20 - 30 by weight

3,5-Diethyl-1,2-dihydro-1-phenyl-2-propylpyridine 34562-31-7 1 - 10 by weight

Non hazardous 64742-43-4 1 - 10 by weight

Phenol, 2,4-bis(1,1,-dim ethylethyl)-, phosphite 31570-04-4 0.1 - 1.0 by weight


Description of necessary m easures:

Eye Contact: Im m ediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 to 20 m inutes. Ensure adequate flushing of
the eyes by separating the eyelids with fingers. Get im m ediate m edical attention.
Sk in Contact: Im m ediately wash sk in with plenty of soap and water for 15 to 20 m inutes, while rem oving
contam inated clothing and shoes. Get m edical attention if irritation develops or persists.

Inhalation: If inhaled, rem ove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give ox ygen by trained
personnel. Seek im m ediate m edical attention.
Ingestion: If swallowed, do NO T induce vom iting. Call a physician or poison control center im m ediately. Never give
anything by m outh to an unconscious person.


Suitable and unsuitable ex tinguishing m edia:

Suitable Ex tinguishing Media: Use carbon diox ide (CO 2) or dry chem ical when fighting fires involving this m aterial.

Unsuitable ex tinguishing m edia: W ater m ay cause frothing.

Unusual Fire Hazards: Sealed containers at elevated tem peratures m ay rupture ex plosively and spread fire due to
polym erization.

Special protective equipm ent and precautions for fire-fighters:

Protective Equipm ent: As in any fire, wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), MSHA/NIO SH (approved or equivalent)
and full protective gear.

Fire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area of unprotected personnel. Use cold water spray to cool fire ex posed containers to
m inim ize risk of rupture. Do not enter confined fire space without full protective gear. If possible,
contain fire run-off water.
Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition sources and flash back .


Personal precautions, protective equipm ent and em ergency procedures:

Personal Precautions: Evacuate area and k eep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the spill area.

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Environm ental precautions:

Environm ental Precautions: Avoid runoff into storm sewers, ditches, and waterways.

Methods and m aterials for containm ent and cleaning up:

Spill Cleanup Measures: Absorb spill with inert m aterial (e,g., dry sand or earth), then place in a chem ical waste container.
Provide ventilation. Collect spill with a non-spark ing tool. Place into a suitable container for disposal.
Clean up spills im m ediately observing precautions in the protective equipm ent section. After rem oval,
flush spill area with soap and water to rem ove trace residue.
Flam m able, elim inate ignition sources. Vapors can form an ignitable m ix ture with air. Vapors can flow
along surfaces to distant ignition sources and flash back . Ventilate area. Use proper personal
protective equipm ent as listed in Section 8.

Reference to other sections:

O ther Precautions: Pum p or shovel to storage/salvage vessels. Add inhibitor to prevent polym erization.


Precautions for safe handling:

Handling: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor, aerosol or m ist. Material will accum ulate static
charges which m ay cause an electrical spark (ignition source). Use proper grounding procedures. Do not
reuse containers without proper cleaning or reconditioning.
Hygiene Practices: W ash thoroughly after handling.

Special Handling Procedures: Provide appropriate ventilation/respiratory protection against decom position products (see Section 10)
during welding/flam e cutting operations and to protect against dust during sanding/grinding of cured
product. Hazardous liquid or vapor residue m ay rem ain in em ptied container. Do not reuse, heat, burn,
pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, ex pose to spark s, flam e, or ignition sources of em pty
containers without proper com m ercial cleaning or reconditioning.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incom patibilities:

Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from sources of heat, com bustible m aterials, direct
sunlight, and incom patible substances. Keep container tightly closed when not in use.



Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :
Guideline ACGIH: TLV-STEL: 100 ppm
TLV-TW A: 50 ppm
Guideline O SHA: PEL-TW A: 100 ppm
Appropriate engineering controls:

Engineering Controls: Use appropriate engineering control such as process enclosures, local ex haust ventilation, or other
engineering controls to control airborne levels below recom m ended ex posure lim its. Good general
ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. W here such system s are not effective wear
suitable personal protective equipm ent, which perform s satisfactorily and m eets O SHA or other
recognized standards. Consult with local procedures for selection, training, inspection and m aintenance
of the personal protective equipm ent.
Individual protection m easures:

Eye/Face Protection: W ear appropriate protective glasses or splash goggles as described by 29 CFR 1910.133, O SHA eye
and face protection regulation, or the European standard EN 166.

Sk in Protection Description: W ear appropriate protective gloves and other protective apparel to prevent sk in contact. Consult
m anufacturer's data for perm eability data.

Respiratory Protection: A NIO SH approved air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister m ay be
perm issible under certain circum stances where airborne concentrations are ex pected to ex ceed
ex posure lim its. Protection provided by air purifying respirators is lim ited. Use a positive pressure air
supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, ex posure levels are not k nown,
or any other circum stances where air purifying respirators m ay not provide adequate protection.

O ther Protective: Facilities storing or utilizing this m aterial should be equipped with an eyewash and a deluge shower
safety station.

Notes : O nly established PEL and TLV values for the ingredients are listed.



Physical State Appearance: Paste.

O dor: Fragrant.
Boiling Point: >200°F (93.3°C)

Melting Point: -54°F (-47.7°C)

Specific Gravity: 0.99

Solubility: Not determ ined.

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Vapor Density: > 1 (air = 1)
Vapor Pressure: 28 m m Hg @68°F

Percent Volatile: Not determ ined.

Evaporation Rate: 3 (butyl acetate = 1)

pH: Not determ ined.

Molecular Form ula: Mix ture

Molecular W eight: Mix ture

Flash Point: 50°F (10°C)

Flash Point Method: Tag closed cup. (TCC)

Lower Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: 1.7%

Upper Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: 12.5%

Auto Ignition Tem perature: 789°F

VO C Content: <50 g/L m ix ed.

9.2. O ther inform ation:

Percent Solids by W eight Not determ ined.


Chem ical Stability:

Chem ical Stability: Unstable.

Possibility of hazardous reactions:

Hazardous Polym erization: Polym erization m ay occur under certain conditions.

Conditions To Avoid:
Conditions to Avoid: Ex trem e heat, spark s, and open flam e. Incom patible m aterials, ox idizers and ox idizing conditions.
O x ygen-free atm ospheres or inert gas blank eting. Freezing conditions. Material can soften paint and
Incom patible Materials:

Incom patible Materials: O x idizing agents (eg perox ides, nitrates), reducing agents, acids, bases, azo-com pounds, catalytic
m etals (eg copper, iron), halogens. Free radical initiators. O x ygen scavengers.



Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :

Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 150 m g [Not reported.] (RTECS)

Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >5 gm /k g [Sk in and
Appendages - Derm atitis, other(After system ic ex posure) ] (RTECS)
Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill: 78000 m g/m 3/4H [Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)

Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 7872 m g/k g [Behavioral - Muscle weak ness Behavioral -
Com a Lungs, Thorax , or Respiration - Respiratory depression] (RTECS)
Phenol, 2,4-bis(1,1,-dimethylethyl)-, phosphite :

Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >2000 m g/k g [Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)
Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >6000 m g/k g [Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value] (RTECS)


Ecotox icity:

Ecotox icity: No ecotox icity data was found for the product.
Environm ental Fate: No environm ental inform ation found for this product.


Description of waste:

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W aste Disposal: Consult with the US EPA Guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 261.3 for the classifications of hazardous
waste prior to disposal. Furtherm ore, consult with your state and local waste requirem ents or guidelines,
if applicable, to ensure com pliance. Arrange disposal in accordance to the EPA and/or state and local

RCRA Num ber: D001

Im portant Disposal Inform ation: DANGER! Rags, steel wool and waste soak ed with this product m ay spontaneously catch fire if im properly
discarded or stored. To avoid a spontaneous com bustion fire, im m ediately after use, place rags, steel
wool or waste in a sealed, water-filled, m etal container.


DO T Shipping Nam e: Refer to Bill of Lading

DO T UN Num ber: Refer to Bill of Lading

IATA Shipping Nam e: Refer to Bill of Lading

IATA UN Num ber: Refer to Bill of Lading

IMDG UN Num ber : Refer to Bill of Lading

IMDG Shipping Nam e : Refer to Bill of Lading


Safety, health and environm ental regulations specific for the product:

Texanol Benzyl Phthalate :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.

Canada DSL: Listed

3,5-Diethyl-1,2-dihydro-1-phenyl-2-propylpyridine :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Non hazardous :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Phenol, 2,4-bis(1,1,-dimethylethyl)-, phosphite :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Canadian Regulations. W HMIS Hazard Class(es): B2; D2B
All com ponents of this product are on the Canadian Dom estic Substances List.

W HMIS Pictogram s:


HMIS Ratings:

HMIS Health Hazard: 2* Health Hazard 2*

HMIS Fire Hazard: 3 Fire Hazard 3
HMIS Reactivity: 2 Reactivity 2
HMIS Personal Protection: X Personal Protection X
* Chronic Health Effects

SDS Revision Date: March 17, 2015

SDS Revision Notes: GHS Update

SDS Author: Actio Corporation

Disclaim er: This Health and Safety Inform ation is correct to the best of our k nowledge and belief at the date of its
publication but we cannot accept liability for any loss, injury or dam age which m ay result from its use.
The inform ation given in the Data Sheet is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, storage and
the use of the substance. It is not a specification nor does it guarantee any specific properties. All
chem icals should be handled only by com petent personnel, within a controlled environm ent.

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Copyright© 1996-2018 Enviance. All Rights Reserved.

Component B - SDS

Product identifier used on the label:

Product Nam e: MA 590 A CTIVA TOR

O ther m eans of identification:

Synonym s: None.

Recom m ended use of the chem ical and restrictions on use:

Product Use/Restriction: Not applicable.

Chem ical m anufacturer address and telephone num ber:

Manufacturer Nam e: ITW Perform ance Polym ers
Address: 30 Endicott Street
Danvers, MA 01923
General Phone Num ber: (978) 777-1100

Em ergency phone num ber:

Em ergency Phone Num ber: (800) 424-9300
CHEMTREC: For em ergencies in the US, call CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300


Classification of the chem ical in accordance with CFR 1910.1200(d)(f):

GHS Pictogram s:

Signal W ord: DANGER.

GHS Class: Flam m able Liquid. Category 2.
Sk in Irritation. Category 2.
Sk in Sensitization. category 1.
Specific Target O rgan Tox icity - STO T, Single Ex posure SE. Category 3.
Hazard Statem ents: H225 - Highly flam m able liquid and vapor.
H315 - Causes sk in irritation.
H317 - May cause an allergic sk in reaction.
H335 - May cause respiratory irritation.
Precautionary Statem ents: P210 - Keep away from heat/spark s/open flam es/hotsurfaces. — No sm ok ing.
P233 - Keep container tightly closed.
P240 - Ground/Bond container and receiving equipm ent.
P241 - Use ex plosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipm ent.
P242 - Use only non-spark ing tools.
P243 - Tak e precautionary m easures against static discharge.
P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fum e/gas/m ist/vapours/spray.
P264 - W ash hands thoroughly after handling.
P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P272 - Contam inated work clothing should not be allowed out of the work place.
P280 - W ear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P302+P352 - IF O N SKIN: W ash with plenty of water.
P303+P361+P353 - IF O N SKIN (or hair): Rem ove/Tak e off im m ediately all contam inated clothing.
Rinse sk in with water/shower.
P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Rem ove victim to fresh air and k eep at rest in a position com fortable for
P312 - Call a PO ISO N CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
P321 - Specific treatm ent (see ... on this label).
P332+P313 - If sk in irritation occurs: Get m edical advice/attention.
P333+P313 - If sk in irritation or rash occurs: Get m edical advice/attention.
P362+P364 - Tak e off contam inated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P370+P378 - In case of fire: Use dry chem ical, carbon diox ide to ex tinguish sm all fires. Use water for
large fires.
P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P403+P235 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
P405 - Store lock ed up.
P501 - Dispose of contents/container in accordance with Local, State, Federal and Provincial regulations.

Hazards not otherwise classified that have been identified during the classification process:

Route of Ex posure: Eyes. Sk in. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Potential Health Effects:

Eye: Can cause m oderate irritation, burning sensation, tearing, redness, and swelling. O verex posure m ay
cause lacrim ation, conjunctivitis, corneal dam age and perm anent injury.

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Sk in: Can cause sk in irritation; itching, redness, rashes, hives, burning, and swelling. Allergic reactions are
May cause sk in sensitization, an allergic reaction, which becom es evident on reex posure to this
m aterial.

Inhalation: Respiratory tract irritant. High concentration m ay cause dizziness, headache, and anesthetic effects.

Ingestion: Causes irritation, a burning sensation of the m outh, throat and gastrointestinal tract and abdom inal

Chronic Health Effects: Prolonged sk in contact m ay lead to burning associated with severe reddening, swelling, and possible
tissue destruction.
Signs/Sym ptom s: O verex posure can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vom iting.

Target O rgans: Eyes. Sk in. Respiratory system . Digestive system . Liver. Kidney. O lfactory Function.

Aggravation of Pre-Ex isting Individuals with pre-ex isting sk in disorders, asthm a, allergies or k nown sensitization m ay be m ore
Conditions: susceptible to the effects of this product.


Mix tures:

Chemical Name CA S# Ingredient Percent EC Num.

Tex anol Benzyl Phthalate 16883-83-3 1 - 10 by weight

Methyl Methacrylate Monom er 80-62-6 50 - 60 by weight

Proprietary ingredient(s) Trade Secret 20 - 30 by weight

3,5-Diethyl-1,2-dihydro-1-phenyl-2-propylpyridine 34562-31-7 1 - 10 by weight

Non hazardous 64742-43-4 1 - 10 by weight

Phenol, 2,4-bis(1,1,-dim ethylethyl)-, phosphite 31570-04-4 0.1 - 1.0 by weight


Description of necessary m easures:

Eye Contact: Im m ediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 to 20 m inutes. Ensure adequate flushing of
the eyes by separating the eyelids with fingers. Get im m ediate m edical attention.

Sk in Contact: Im m ediately wash sk in with plenty of soap and water for 15 to 20 m inutes, while rem oving
contam inated clothing and shoes. Get m edical attention if irritation develops or persists.

Inhalation: If inhaled, rem ove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give ox ygen by trained
personnel. Seek im m ediate m edical attention.
Ingestion: If swallowed, do NO T induce vom iting. Call a physician or poison control center im m ediately. Never give
anything by m outh to an unconscious person.


Suitable and unsuitable ex tinguishing m edia:

Suitable Ex tinguishing Media: Use carbon diox ide (CO 2) or dry chem ical when fighting fires involving this m aterial.

Unsuitable ex tinguishing m edia: W ater m ay cause frothing.

Unusual Fire Hazards: Sealed containers at elevated tem peratures m ay rupture ex plosively and spread fire due to
polym erization.

Special protective equipm ent and precautions for fire-fighters:

Protective Equipm ent: As in any fire, wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), MSHA/NIO SH (approved or equivalent)
and full protective gear.

Fire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area of unprotected personnel. Use cold water spray to cool fire ex posed containers to
m inim ize risk of rupture. Do not enter confined fire space without full protective gear. If possible,
contain fire run-off water.
Vapors can flow along surfaces to distant ignition sources and flash back .


Personal precautions, protective equipm ent and em ergency procedures:

Personal Precautions: Evacuate area and k eep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the spill area.

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Environm ental precautions:

Environm ental Precautions: Avoid runoff into storm sewers, ditches, and waterways.

Methods and m aterials for containm ent and cleaning up:

Spill Cleanup Measures: Absorb spill with inert m aterial (e,g., dry sand or earth), then place in a chem ical waste container.
Provide ventilation. Collect spill with a non-spark ing tool. Place into a suitable container for disposal.
Clean up spills im m ediately observing precautions in the protective equipm ent section. After rem oval,
flush spill area with soap and water to rem ove trace residue.
Flam m able, elim inate ignition sources. Vapors can form an ignitable m ix ture with air. Vapors can flow
along surfaces to distant ignition sources and flash back . Ventilate area. Use proper personal
protective equipm ent as listed in Section 8.

Reference to other sections:

O ther Precautions: Pum p or shovel to storage/salvage vessels. Add inhibitor to prevent polym erization.


Precautions for safe handling:

Handling: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor, aerosol or m ist. Material will accum ulate static
charges which m ay cause an electrical spark (ignition source). Use proper grounding procedures. Do not
reuse containers without proper cleaning or reconditioning.

Hygiene Practices: W ash thoroughly after handling.

Special Handling Procedures: Provide appropriate ventilation/respiratory protection against decom position products (see Section 10)
during welding/flam e cutting operations and to protect against dust during sanding/grinding of cured
product. Hazardous liquid or vapor residue m ay rem ain in em ptied container. Do not reuse, heat, burn,
pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, ex pose to spark s, flam e, or ignition sources of em pty
containers without proper com m ercial cleaning or reconditioning.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incom patibilities:

Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from sources of heat, com bustible m aterials, direct
sunlight, and incom patible substances. Keep container tightly closed when not in use.



Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :
Guideline ACGIH: TLV-STEL: 100 ppm
TLV-TW A: 50 ppm
Guideline O SHA: PEL-TW A: 100 ppm
Appropriate engineering controls:

Engineering Controls: Use appropriate engineering control such as process enclosures, local ex haust ventilation, or other
engineering controls to control airborne levels below recom m ended ex posure lim its. Good general
ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. W here such system s are not effective wear
suitable personal protective equipm ent, which perform s satisfactorily and m eets O SHA or other
recognized standards. Consult with local procedures for selection, training, inspection and m aintenance
of the personal protective equipm ent.

Individual protection m easures:

Eye/Face Protection: W ear appropriate protective glasses or splash goggles as described by 29 CFR 1910.133, O SHA eye
and face protection regulation, or the European standard EN 166.

Sk in Protection Description: W ear appropriate protective gloves and other protective apparel to prevent sk in contact. Consult
m anufacturer's data for perm eability data.

Respiratory Protection: A NIO SH approved air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister m ay be
perm issible under certain circum stances where airborne concentrations are ex pected to ex ceed
ex posure lim its. Protection provided by air purifying respirators is lim ited. Use a positive pressure air
supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, ex posure levels are not k nown,
or any other circum stances where air purifying respirators m ay not provide adequate protection.
O ther Protective: Facilities storing or utilizing this m aterial should be equipped with an eyewash and a deluge shower
safety station.

Notes : O nly established PEL and TLV values for the ingredients are listed.



Physical State Appearance: Paste.

O dor: Fragrant.

Boiling Point: >200°F (93.3°C)

Melting Point: -54°F (-47.7°C)

Specific Gravity: 0.99

Solubility: Not determ ined.

Vapor Density: > 1 (air = 1)

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Vapor Pressure: 28 m m Hg @68°F

Percent Volatile: Not determ ined.

Evaporation Rate: 3 (butyl acetate = 1)

pH: Not determ ined.

Molecular Form ula: Mix ture

Molecular W eight: Mix ture

Flash Point: 50°F (10°C)

Flash Point Method: Tag closed cup. (TCC)

Lower Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: 1.7%

Upper Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: 12.5%

Auto Ignition Tem perature: 789°F

VO C Content: <50 g/L m ix ed.

9.2. O ther inform ation:

Percent Solids by W eight Not determ ined.


Chem ical Stability:

Chem ical Stability: Unstable.

Possibility of hazardous reactions:

Hazardous Polym erization: Polym erization m ay occur under certain conditions.

Conditions To Avoid:

Conditions to Avoid: Ex trem e heat, spark s, and open flam e. Incom patible m aterials, ox idizers and ox idizing conditions.
O x ygen-free atm ospheres or inert gas blank eting. Freezing conditions. Material can soften paint and

Incom patible Materials:

Incom patible Materials: O x idizing agents (eg perox ides, nitrates), reducing agents, acids, bases, azo-com pounds, catalytic
m etals (eg copper, iron), halogens. Free radical initiators. O x ygen scavengers.



Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :

Eye: Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 150 m g [Not reported.] (RTECS)

Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >5 gm /k g [Sk in and
Appendages - Derm atitis, other(After system ic ex posure) ] (RTECS)

Inhalation: Inhalation - Rat LC50 - Lethal concentration, 50 percent k ill: 78000 m g/m 3/4H [Details of tox ic effects
not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)

Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 7872 m g/k g [Behavioral - Muscle weak ness Behavioral -
Com a Lungs, Thorax , or Respiration - Respiratory depression] (RTECS)

Phenol, 2,4-bis(1,1,-dimethylethyl)-, phosphite :

Sk in: Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >2000 m g/k g [Details of tox ic
effects not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)

Ingestion: O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: >6000 m g/k g [Details of tox ic effects not reported other
than lethal dose value] (RTECS)


Ecotox icity:

Ecotox icity: No ecotox icity data was found for the product.

Environm ental Fate: No environm ental inform ation found for this product.


Description of waste:

W aste Disposal: Consult with the US EPA Guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 261.3 for the classifications of hazardous
waste prior to disposal. Furtherm ore, consult with your state and local waste requirem ents or guidelines,
if applicable, to ensure com pliance. Arrange disposal in accordance to the EPA and/or state and local

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RCRA Num ber: D001

Im portant Disposal Inform ation: DANGER! Rags, steel wool and waste soak ed with this product m ay spontaneously catch fire if im properly
discarded or stored. To avoid a spontaneous com bustion fire, im m ediately after use, place rags, steel
wool or waste in a sealed, water-filled, m etal container.


DO T Shipping Nam e: Refer to Bill of Lading

DO T UN Num ber: Refer to Bill of Lading

IATA Shipping Nam e: Refer to Bill of Lading

IATA UN Num ber: Refer to Bill of Lading

IMDG UN Num ber : Refer to Bill of Lading

IMDG Shipping Nam e : Refer to Bill of Lading


Safety, health and environm ental regulations specific for the product:

Texanol Benzyl Phthalate :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Methyl Methacrylate Monomer :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Section 313: EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.

Canada DSL: Listed

3,5-Diethyl-1,2-dihydro-1-phenyl-2-propylpyridine :
TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Non hazardous :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Phenol, 2,4-bis(1,1,-dimethylethyl)-, phosphite :

TSCA Inventory Status: Listed

Canada DSL: Listed

Canadian Regulations. W HMIS Hazard Class(es): B2; D2B

All com ponents of this product are on the Canadian Dom estic Substances List.

W HMIS Pictogram s:


HMIS Ratings:

HMIS Health Hazard: 2* Health Hazard 2*

HMIS Fire Hazard: 3 Fire Hazard 3
HMIS Reactivity: 2 Reactivity 2
HMIS Personal Protection: X Personal Protection X
* Chronic Health Effects

SDS Revision Date: March 17, 2015

SDS Revision Notes: GHS Update

SDS Author: Actio Corporation

Disclaim er: This Health and Safety Inform ation is correct to the best of our k nowledge and belief at the date of its
publication but we cannot accept liability for any loss, injury or dam age which m ay result from its use.
The inform ation given in the Data Sheet is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, storage and
the use of the substance. It is not a specification nor does it guarantee any specific properties. All
chem icals should be handled only by com petent personnel, within a controlled environm ent.

Copyright© 1996-2018 Enviance. All Rights Reserved.

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