Ramos FIlter Press RFPS

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Ramos Arizpe Complex

Miscellaneous IW Project

IW Filter Press Project 2021

Request for Professional Services

Design/Build Construction Phase
RFPS Number 41331‐01‐21

Project Number: 41331

July 26, 2021
Request for Professional Services RFPS No. 41331‐01‐21
General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021
1 OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Confidentiality ................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Delivery Method ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Project Organization ....................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Design Partner ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Design‐Assist Trade Partners ................................................................................... 5
1.3.3 Consultants.............................................................................................................. 5
2 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Current Production and Concurrent Construction .......................................................... 6
2.2 Early Investigations, Studies, and Concept Designs ........................................................ 6
2.3 General Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Demolition and Renovations ................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Commissioning Requirements ................................................................................. 8
2.3.3 Owner Furnished, Contractor Installed (OFCI) ......................................................... 8
2.3.4 Additional Studies, Surveys, Designs and Consultants ............................................. 8
2.3.5 Early Packages and Permit Sets ............................................................................... 8
2.3.6 Existing Site, Environmental Remediation and Unforeseen Conditions................... 8
2.3.7 Technical Requirements .......................................................................................... 8
2.4 Deliverables .................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Estimates and Final Quote ....................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Pre‐Construction Validation Phase Schedule ......................................................... 10
2.4.3 Integrated Construction Schedule ......................................................................... 10
2.5 Required Services ......................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Required Reviews ......................................................................................................... 11
2.6.1 Functional Reviews ................................................................................................ 11
2.6.2 Specialty Reviews .................................................................................................. 11
2.7 Team Collaboration ...................................................................................................... 12
3 MILESTONE SCHEDULE AND SUMMARY TIMING CHART ..................................................... 12
3.1 Milestone Schedule ...................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Summary Timing Chart ................................................................................................. 12

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General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021
4 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................. 13
4.1 Fee Breakdown, Hourly Rates, and Reimbursable Expenses ........................................ 13
4.2 Submission Instructions ................................................................................................ 13
5 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 15

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Request for Professional Services RFPS No. 41331‐01‐21
General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021


GM Sustainable Workplaces (GM SW) is requesting a proposal for professional services for the
Design‐Build Phase of the work described in this document.

General Motors is preparing to upgrade or install new several miscellaneous items to support
the industrial wastewater [IW] treatment programs at Ramos Arizpe. The purpose of these
projects is to improve the operational efficiency, reliability and increase capacity for IW
systems. A majority of projects or supplemental to major component has already been
completed or in the process of being completed. Refer to scope of work area for specific line
items and for detailed drawings, refer to APPENDIX A – Issue for Bid Drawings.

The overall objective of this phase is for GM SW and the Strategic Partner to collectively

 Technical Scope / Statement of Requirements (SOR)

 Integrated Construction Schedule
 Design‐Build lump sum quote

The Strategic Partner and their team will assume full‐service responsibility for design‐build
services, including planning, design, scheduling, management of subconsultants, coordination
meetings, specifications, schedule development, and estimating as required to complete install
and commissioning of the items presented in the general scope of work.

The purpose of this RFPS is to provide the necessary conceptual program information for the
Strategic Partner to immediately commence Design‐Build services as required for this project.

1.1 Confidentiality

Due to General Motors’ continual efforts to advance the technology in the mobility industry,
we cannot afford leaks of any project data or information. As such, the Strategic Partner
prime and all subconsultants must maintain strict confidentiality of all oral, written, and
otherwise documented information pertaining to this project. Limit distribution of such
information to only the individuals necessary to prepare your proposal. Do not distribute any
project related information at any time, except as required to complete the project, without
written permission or direction from General Motors. Furthermore, NO ONE will contact the
Plant Personnel and GM Stakeholders for direct information without GM Project Manager

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1.2 Delivery Method

The delivery method for this project will be a Strategic Partner, lump sum Design‐Build
contract. This is a solicitation of the final Design‐Build Proposal and Quotation.

The delivery method for this project is "Design/Build." The bidding documents including
drawings and specifications are at the “ISSUE FOR BID” stages of completion and are intended
only to describe existing conditions and to describe the scope of work that will be completed by
the Design/Builder. The drawings and specifications are NOT intended "Issued For
Construction" purposes. The Design/Builder is responsible for final design and is responsible for
delivering a full, complete, and functioning building and treatment system. Selected Contractor
shall retain the services of a Design partner as described in paragraph 1.3.1. Design Partner
shall serve as the Engineer of Record [EOR] for this project

The Strategic Partner has been selected because they are familiar with GM common systems,
standards, and guidelines, as well as the General Construction Terms & Conditions. It is GM
SW’s expectation that the Strategic Partner team will provide adequate resources to support
this phase for an on‐time, or early completion of the deliverables and services within the target
milestone dates.

GM has set target price for execution of the programs, and that pricing MUST be met for this to
move forward. GM expects the Strategic Partner and their team to present new ideas,
strategies, and Value Analysis / Value Engineering (VAVE) items early and often.
We will all work together to achieve the cost, timing, quality, and safety targets set for this
program for all parties to succeed!

1.3 Project Organization

The Strategic Partner shall also develop an organizational chart for this phase with a
supplement RASIC to define roles & responsibilities, and lines of communication between all
Due to synergies and other workload balancing, GM asks that the Strategic Partner have prior
discussion with the GM Project Manager and GM Project Engineer before the selection of all
partners is made, including Design Partner, Trade Partners, and Consultants.

1.3.1 Design Partner

Assign only qualified personnel to this project, who have experience on similar projects.
General Motors reserves the right to interview and approve personnel before or after contract
award. Design personnel must work under the direct supervision of or be registered
professionals in their respective fields. The lead architect or engineer in each discipline must be
registered in the United States. In addition, DRO stamped drawings (DRO Registration/ Perito
Registration in the state of Coahuila, Mexico) are required. Locate all members of the design

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team in the same office, unless otherwise approved by GM. Outsourcing of additional Design
Professional Services shall require written approval of the GM Project Manager and GM
Project Engineer. Direct and coordinate all services provided by consultants.
Due to the complexity and timing of this project, General Motors prefers that SSOE is utilized as
primary Design Partner for this work.
SSOE is preferred because they:

 Developed the Issue for Bid Construction Sets for the project [Appendix A]
 Have prior experience with projects like this one
 Are knowledgeable of GM’s Design Guidelines, Standards, and Specifications, and are
well versed in their implementation.
 Can be relied upon to ensure the Project Team complies with GM’s Design Guidelines,
Standards, and Specifications, and are expected to notify GM when the Project Team is
not in compliance with GM’s Design Guidelines, Standards, and Specifications.

1.3.2 Design‐Assist Trade Partners

For this project, General Motors strongly encourages the use of Trade Partners to participate in
a full Design‐Assist role, contributing to a complete, integrated scope. The AE of Record's
Discipline leads would be responsible to ensure that the sizing, material selection, and
performance requirements are met by the Sub‐Contractors. The AE of Record's Discipline leads
would also be expected to edit the project specifications, review & approve material selections,
and respond to Requests for Information (RFIs).

1.3.3 Consultants

All subcontracts to consultants for this phase will be released by the Strategic Partner, with
possible minor exceptions of existing contracts, or blanket order equipment purchases, that GM
will manage directly.

 Shall be identified in the proposal

 The Strategic Partner shall direct and coordinate all services provided by consultants.
 Do not sublet any Architectural/Engineering work without prior written approval from
the GM Project Manager and GM Project Engineer.

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2.1 Current Production and Concurrent Construction

Production is planned to continue through the completion of the program. A further challenge
to this project is that the existing water plant must be replaced in its entirety within the same
footprint of the existing water plant while maintaining adequate water supply for production
Care must be taken to avoid production disruption or interferences.

****if any outages required, will need to be coordinated with plant down‐times****

2.2 Early Investigations, Studies, and Concept Designs

To assist the Strategic Partner in the development of scope, schedule, and budget for this Pre‐
Construction Validation Phase, GM SW has hired, or plans to hire, or the Strategic Partner will
hire the following sub‐consultants for the investigations, studies, and conceptual designs listed

1) GM Central Layout Reality Capture Group has previous laser scan data for many of the
work areas as well an aerial LiDAR scan and model for the entire site. If an area is identified
as missing the LiDAR scan, please notify GM to arrange for scan of that specific area.
2) Orion Engineering and CAVEGA has been providing engineering services relating to the
electrical infrastructure throughout the renovation projects to date. Strategic Partner shall
coordinate with Orion and GM for additional services as required.
3) Commerce Controls, Inc [CCI] Has been the involved with the controls portion efforts at
both IWTP and WTP. Strategic Partner shall work closely with CCI to ensure that all
necessary communication and control improvements are implemented
4) An approved GM contractor shall be hired by the Strategic Partner to perform a
comprehensive Building Decommissioning Assessment (BDA) to identify hazardous
materials (lead, asbestos, PCBs, contaminated soils, etc.) for the demolition and equipment
decommissioning activities within the work area. This assessment will determine how
materials will need to be handled and disposed to comply with local, federal and corporate
regulations. Additional services may be required for selective demolition activities for the
new building additions and soil characterization investigations.
5) CAVEGA and E&S Grounding Solutions shall be hired by the Strategic Partner to provide
geotechnical investigations, soil resistivity testing / computer analysis modeling (based on
GM EI‐1, IEEE stds and E&S guidelines) and recommendations. They will provide
recommendations for all site earthwork and subsurface construction. This specifically
pertains to solar pond effort and filter press effort.
6) Strategic Partner shall investigate and provide any documents required for permits,
associated with the above items including the building, environmental and all other permits.

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General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021
Strategic Partner shall hire an approved contractor to submit and obtain permits on GM’s

2.3 General Scope of Work

The project generally consists of install or refurbishment of ancillary Industrial wastewater and
RO re‐use systems. These efforts are located in a variety of areas across the production facility.
The specific scope items are as follows.

1. Filter Press: This package involves installation of a second filter press at the south side of
the existing IW operations. The press is to be installed adjacent to the existing press.
Associated site civil and structural work is also part of this effort. Issue for Bid
documents have been developed by SSOE for this scope item and are provide with this

Using the SSOE supplied drawings, Contractor shall coordinate to implement all renovations as
defined by the documents provided in this RFPS.

2.3.1 Demolition and Renovations

Demolition Scope is limited to the efforts necessary to fully implement the scope of work items
identified above and shall be completed in accordance with the “Issued for Construction
Drawings. Selective Demolition and Relocations

1) General Site
a) Site demolition and preparation is limited to the following projects:
i) New Filter Press Area
b) Demolition shall generally include:
i) Air gap and removal of all utilities back to source.
ii) Identification and removal of all abandoned underground utilities in the area of
iii) Proper disposal and recycle of demolished items, in accordance with GM
requirements. General Plant Asset Sustainment

1) Existing Industrial Wastewater operations
a) Aside from selective demolition as shown on the Bid Package drawings, all operating
infrastructure, building structures and associated features shall be maintained through
the duration of construction.
2) Fire Alarm/ Evacuation System Revisions
a) No change to the fire alarm and evacuation systems is anticipated as part of this project.
3) Video Surveillance System (VSS)

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General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021
a) The current Video Surveillance System (VSS) Associated with the water plant so we
maintained in its current condition. It is not expected that any modifications to this
system shall be part of this project .
4) Building Lighting Exit Sign Revisions
a) Revise existing exit signs for project as necessary. At this time, it is not expected that any
signs require update or replacement.

2.3.2 Commissioning Requirements

1) Provide commissioning requirements as indicated APPENDIX F ‐ Revised Commissioning

RFPS Language.

2.3.3 Owner Furnished, Contractor Installed (OFCI)

1) GM has pre‐purchased the following items for the effort, specifically:

a) Filter Press. The selected unit has been purchased from Evoqua and the final shop
drawings have been reviewed and approved. The Filter Press has been received at the
site and is available.
2) Strategic Partner shall be responsible to receive unload and properly store all equipment
per requirements of manufacture. Storage should be secured and maintained by Strategic
Partner until such time the construction sequence allows the equipment to be mobilized
into place as part of the project.

2.3.4 Additional Studies, Surveys, Designs and Consultants

1) There are no additional efforts expected aside from those previously identified.

2.3.5 Early Packages and Permit Sets

GM has separately contracted with SSOE to provide the following design packages.

 Filter Press Install. Currently at “Issue for Bid” design stage.

The Strategic Partner to collaborate with General Motors to identify any other critical path or
long lead items that will require more detailed, advanced packages.

2.3.6 Existing Site, Environmental Remediation and Unforeseen Conditions

Site work is limited to the area adjacent to the existing filter presses, access drive and two
solids filter beds.

2.3.7 Technical Requirements

1) Refer to APPENDIX C ‐ GM SW Technical Standards for current GM guidelines,

specifications, and standards to comply with as part of this project.

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2.4 Deliverables

This Strategic Partner team shall finalize SOR documentation in the form of 2D drawings (with
the corresponding 3D Building Information Model), specifications, and scope narrative for
submittal to GM SW for the scope items outlined above. A majority of these documents have
been developed by GM SW and will be turned over to Strategic Partner. There may some
overlap in the development of the SOR documents and the Strategic Partner effort of which
Strategic Partner is expected to coordinate.

The purpose of these SOR documents will be to convey enough information for the Strategic
Partner to establish a Design‐Build lump sum price for the final completion of the engineering
and complete construction of the project within the parameters of the project budget and
project schedule. The SOR drawings and specifications are expected to be at ISSUE FOR BID
level of completion: approximately 90% complete for drawing content and details. However,
it is expected that the complete SOR package (including drawings, specifications, narrative,
and Design‐Build RFPS) conveys 100% of the scope required.

Deliverables from the Strategic Partner team will be as follows:

1) Final code analysis applicable to the entire project scope

2) Update 3D Building Information Model which will be issued along with 2D drawings. Refer
to APPENDIX B ‐ GM SW SOR Preparation Detail.
3) Scope narrative, and/or Schematic Design Report covering design requirements and
performance criteria for each discipline
a) Clearly identify scope of work for high risk/unclear infrastructure work
4) Edited GM OneSpec sections for each building system. Eliminate any specification items
within that will not apply to this project. Strategic Partner team shall be required to
perform final edits based on their final design and equipment selections.
5) Edited Construction Third Party & Testing QC matrix
6) Include purchase packages, pre‐purchase packages, surveys for long lead items, as required

2.4.1 Estimates and Final Quote

Strategic Partner shall submit a formal quote for project based on project scope, and bid
proposal breakdown provided by GM. All final pricing is expected to be from approved Trade
Partners, or competitive market bids.
The breakdown should also include the following categories separated, and clearly identified:

 Buyer’s Alternates
 Allowances
 Bidder’s Voluntary Alternates, or VAVE
 Unit Pricing

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2.4.2 Pre‐Construction Validation Phase Schedule

Not Applicable

2.4.3 Integrated Construction Schedule

The Strategic Partner shall designate and submit the qualifications of the lead Scheduling
Representative for the project. The Lead Scheduling Representative shall have the capability to
perform the work required by these projects and shall have the necessary experience in similar
type projects and critical path scheduling to execute the work.
The Strategic Partner's schedule shall include all design and construction activities such as
scope definition and design development, quote preparation, engineering construction
documents, permitting, detailing, shop fabrication, mobilization, field activity durations,
building and equipment commissioning and acceptance to support the construction timing
listed above. The schedule shall be sufficiently detailed to enable General Motors to compare
actual with scheduled progress at all times throughout the duration of the work.
Upon initial submission of the baseline schedule, the Strategic Partner shall schedule a meeting
with the GM Project Manager to discuss the schedule and review the critical path, work
sequence and resource assumptions that form the basis of the schedule. The schedule, when
accepted by General Motors, will become the Project Baseline Schedule and shall be binding on
the Strategic Partner. This process shall be repeated for each of the individual projects in the

2.5 Required Services

The Strategic Partner and their team will assume full‐service responsibility for Design‐Build
services, including planning, design, scheduling, management of subconsultants, coordination
meetings, specifications, schedule development, furnish, install and commission project scope
of work.

In addition, the following is a general understanding of meetings and field investigation services
expected as part of this work:

1) Meetings
a) Design‐Build Project Kick‐Off should be a one‐day workshop at a co‐location site, or GM
SW office. During the kick‐off, the team needs to agree on basis of deliverables and
construction phase schedule.
b) Discipline Engineering meetings as needed:
i) Architectural
ii) Civil
iii) Electrical
iv) Mechanical

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General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021
v) Structural
c) Daily Management Issues reviews
d) There will be weekly coordination meetings to review package progress, discuss and
resolve open issues, request information, clarify scope of work, etc.
e) Specialty discipline and system review meetings, as required to establish scope
2) Field Investigations
a) NO ONE will contact the Plant Personnel and GM Stakeholders for site visits without
GM Project Manager approval.
b) Provide other field investigations to the degree necessary to determine the impact
existing conditions will have on engineering decisions. Review the existing site, facilities,
conditions, plant operations, processes, interferences, obstructions, accessibility, etc.
c) Analyze existing building system for the capability of tying‐in all new work. Verify the
location of work and required protection of all functions that will remain in operation
during demolition, construction, and clean‐up. Follow all GM and Plant safety
d) Investigate all existing equipment to determine whether they will have to be removed,
reworked and/or relocated, and perform the required work.
e) Site confidentiality must be considered, many permissions must be obtained

2.6 Required Reviews

a) Issue for Construction documents review

b) Construction schedule

2.6.1 Functional Reviews

Ensure Functional Reviews are planned for in the Pre‐Construction phase to support the scope
development with the GM SW Discipline Leads (Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical,
Structural) and the Process Owner.

Refer to the GM SW SOR Preparation Detail table in the attachments for an example of the
documentation to cover in the Functional Reviews.

2.6.2 Specialty Reviews

The following list is an example of Specialty Reviews (above and beyond the traditional GM
discipline reviews) that may be required to finalize the development of the Issue for
Construction package.

 Global Design for Health & Safety (GDHS) Gate 2 checklist

 Security/Fire Alarm
 Fire Protection
 IT

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 Environmental
 Permitting
 Facility Operations
 Furniture, Finishes, and Signage
Coordinate all Specialty Reviews with the GM Project Manager to ensure the appropriate
individuals engaged are covered by the project confidentiality agreement(s).

2.7 Team Collaboration

Due to the fast‐paced schedule for this project, GM expects the Strategic Partner team to be
predominantly co‐located in a common office. Must be in Southeast Michigan, with easy access
and parking.
GM expects effective collaborative technology to be used to expedite the scope development
during this phase:

 Collaboration site for data sharing and document management must be compatible with
GM IT protocol (No DropBox or FTP sites). GM prefers a BIM 360 site as the
collaboration site.
 Navisworks for early 3D model development
 For sharing of GM “math data” (e.g. CAD drawings), the Strategic Partner will need to
ensure they have a current account on the GM Aspera Person‐to‐Person (P2P) secure
data transfer system.


3.1 Milestone Schedule


 Request for Professional Services – Design Build 7/28/2021

 Strategic Partner Proposal Due 8/19/2021
 Pre‐Construction PO Award – Estimated 9/2/2021
 Pre‐Construction Kick‐off Meeting 9/9/2021
 Statement of Requirements Documents Due 5/28/2021

3.2 Summary Timing Chart

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4.1 Fee Breakdown, Hourly Rates, and Reimbursable Expenses

This Professional Services contract, and all associated subcontracts issued by the Strategic
Partner, shall be Not to Exceed, based on hours, rates, and reimbursable expenses. Please
provide detailed breakdown of rates for all personnel expected to support this phase, including
(but not limited to) the following:

 Principal(s)/Senior Manager(s)
 Project Manager(s)
 Senior Architect(s)/Engineer(s)
 Architect/Engineer
 Drafter/Modeler/Virtual Design & Construction Staff
 Scheduler
 Estimator
 Clerical/Support
Acceptable reimbursable expenses only include the following:

 Travel expenses, within GM Travel Guidelines (and GSA pier diem rates)
 Reproduction costs
 Review and permit fees
 Materials used for field investigations and testing
All invoices must be submitted with complete back‐up details from the Strategic Partner and all
sub‐consultants indicating the following (at a minimum):

 Date ranges for work invoiced

 Detailed breakdown of titles, rates, and hours
 Detailed breakdown with receipts for reimbursable expenses
 Detailed breakdown of other reimbursable expenses, like permits and other materials

4.2 Submission Instructions

Please respond with your proposal (including any requests for information) for the above
described professional services at your earliest convenience, but no later than close of business
on 8/19/2021.

Please submit your electronic quotation to Mr. Salvador Cisneros at

salvador.cisneros@gm.com. In addition please copy the following:

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General Motors Sustainable Workplaces July 26, 2021
Matthew Griffin: (586) 435‐4115, matthew.e.griffin@gm.com
Daniel De Leon: (419) 769‐1833, dan.deleon@gm.com

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APPENDIX A – Filter Press Issue For Bid package.

APPENDIX B ‐ GM SW SOR Preparation Detail
APPENDIX C ‐ GM SW Technical Standards
APPENDIX D ‐ Ramos Old Site Layout
APPENDIX E ‐ Ramos Handbook
APPENDIX F ‐ Revised Commissioning RFPS Language
APPENDIX G – Filter Press Shop Drawings.

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