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Answering the phone:

- Zara Portal de l’Angel, hello?

- Joan Alsina speaking
- Customer service. Can I help you?

Identifying yourself on the telephone:

- This is ....... from .......
- My name’s ........ I’m calling from ......
- This is ......... I’m calling on behalf of ....... (truco en nom de.......)

Asking for identification:

- Who’s calling?
- Where are you calling from?
- May I have your name please?

Asking to speak with someone:

- May I speak to......, please?

- Is Mr...... there?
- Could you put me through to the ......... department, please?
- I’d like yo speak to....

Asking the other person to wait:

- One moment, please
- Hold on a minute please
- Just a minute

Explaining that the other person is not available:

- I’m sorry, the line’s busy at the moment

- I’m afraid …… is not in this office right now
- …… is in a meeting at the momet

Connecting to other people:

- I’ll put you through to…(his office/ Mr Smith)…….

Offering solutions when the other person is not available:

- Could you call back later please?
- Could you call back in …. Hour?
- Could I take a message?
- Would you like to leave a message?
- Can I help you in anything?
- I’ll call back later, thanks
- I’ll try again, thanks

Leaving a message:
- Coud I leave a message?
- Could you please tell …… that …….. from ……. Called?
- I’d like to leave a message for…….
Explaining the reason of the call:

- I’m calling on behalf of Mr……. from……..

- I’m calling about…+noun
- I’ calling to……….+verb

Asking about the reason of the call:

- What does it concern?
- What’s it about?
Saying goodbye on the phone:
- Thanks for your help
- Ok, I’ll call you back in a few days
- Goodbye
- Bye

- To dial = marcar un número
- It’s busy = està ocupat
- Receiver = auricular
- Mobile phone
- To pick up the phone
- To hung up = penjar
- To answer the phone
- To ring = sonar
- Call = Trucada
- Answering machine = contestador automatic
- Voicemail = bústia de veu

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