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Project Title: Cybersecurity Awareness Training App

Date: N/A
Author: N/A

1. Executive Summary

This document outlines the business requirements for developing a mobile

application designed to provide engaging and accessible cybersecurity awareness
training for individuals and organizations. The app will address the growing need for
cybersecurity education in today's digital world, empowering users to identify and
mitigate online threats.

2. Project Objectives

Develop a user-friendly mobile app offering interactive cybersecurity awareness

training modules.
Cater to users with varying levels of technical expertise, from beginners to more
advanced users.
Provide gamified elements and interactive quizzes to make learning engaging and
Track user progress and completion of training modules.
Offer customizable training paths based on individual needs and risk profiles.
Integrate with existing Learning Management Systems (LMS) for seamless training
management within organizations.

3. Target Audience

Individual users seeking to improve their personal cybersecurity knowledge.

Employees within organizations of all sizes who require mandatory cybersecurity
awareness training.
IT professionals looking for refresher courses or targeted training modules.

4. Functionalities

This mobile app aims to deliver engaging and accessible cybersecurity awareness

training for individuals and organizations. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities:

Content and Learning Modules:

● Curated Content Library:

○ A comprehensive collection of training modules covering various

cybersecurity topics:

■ Phishing and social engineering attacks (recognizing red flags,

avoiding scams)

■ Password security and best practices (strong password creation,

multi-factor authentication)

■ Malware and ransomware threats (types of malware, prevention

tips, recovery steps)

■ Secure browsing habits (identifying safe websites, avoiding

suspicious links)

■ Data privacy and protection (understanding data collection,

managing online privacy settings)

■ Mobile security considerations (securing mobile devices, using

strong app permissions)

■ Emerging cybersecurity threats (keeping users informed about

the latest trends)

○ Content tailored for different learning styles (text, infographics,

animations, videos)

○ Bite-sized modules for easy consumption and focused learning on

mobile devices.

● Learning Paths:

○ Pre-defined training paths based on user roles, risk profiles, or job

functions (e.g., IT professionals, marketing team, general users).

○ Allow organizations to create custom training paths for their specific

needs and policies.

○ Personalized recommendations for additional training modules based

on user performance and gaps in knowledge.

Interactive Learning and Gamification:

● Interactive Quizzes and Assessments:

○ Quizzes at the end of each module to test user knowledge and


○ Provide immediate feedback with explanations for correct and incorrect


○ Track user progress and performance over time.

● Gamified Learning Elements:

○ Award points and badges for completing training modules and quizzes.

○ Implement optional leaderboards to encourage friendly competition

among colleagues (organization-specific).

○ Gamified scenarios to practice identifying and responding to cyber

threats in a simulated environment.

● Offline Access:

○ Allow users to download training modules for offline access and

learning on the go.

○ Ensure smooth synchronization of progress and quiz results once back


Customization and Management (For Organizations):

● LMS Integration (Optional):

○ Integrate with existing Learning Management Systems (LMS) for

centralized user management and reporting.

○ Enable administrators to assign training modules, track employee

progress, and generate reports within their LMS.

● Customizable Content Management:

○ Allow organizations to tailor training content to their specific policies

and procedures.

○ Enable creation of custom training modules for internal protocols or

industry-specific threats.

● Administrator Dashboard:

○ View user progress reports and identify areas where additional training

might be needed for specific teams or individuals.

○ Manage user access, roles, and permissions within the app.

○ Track overall training completion rates for the organization.

Additional Functionalities:

● Push Notifications (Optional):

○ Send timely reminders to users about upcoming training modules or

expiring certifications.

○ Disseminate security alerts and awareness messages about emerging


● Glossary of Cybersecurity Terms:

○ A built-in glossary to explain technical terms used in the training

modules, promoting user understanding.

● Help and Support Center:

○ Offer an FAQ section and in-app support resources for users

encountering issues.

● Security Features:

○ Secure user authentication and data encryption to protect user privacy

and information.

○ Regular security updates to address vulnerabilities and maintain a

secure app environment.

By incorporating these functionalities, the cybersecurity awareness training app can

provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience for users of all levels. The

customizable features and gamified elements cater to both individual and

organizational training needs, empowering users to stay informed and vigilant in the

ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

5. Cost

Total Project Budget: ₹12,00,000 (Twelve Lakhs Rupees)


Work Material Cost: ₹1,00,000

Mobile App Development Tools and Licenses

Stock Images and Multimedia Assets for Training Modules

Human Resources: ₹6,00,000

Mobile App Developer (1): (Salary: ₹50,000/month x 6 months =

Cybersecurity Content Developer (1): (Salary: ₹40,000/month x 6

months = ₹2,40,000)

UI/UX Designer (1) (Optional, part-time): (Salary: ₹20,000/month x 3

months = ₹60,000)

Cloud Platform and Infrastructure: ₹2,50,000 (Estimated for the first year)

Marketing and Promotion (Optional): ₹2,50,000

6. Timeline and Duration (Considering Holidays):

Project Duration: 5 Months (Considering potential holidays in India)

Start Date: 2024-05-15

End Date: 2024-10-15

Holidays : Independence Day[15th Aug],Ganesh Chaturthi[7 Sep],Gandhi

Jayanti[2nd Oct],Durga Puja (Navaratri)[9Oct-13Oct]

7. Scrum Methodology:

Phase 1: Requirements Gathering & User Research (2 Weeks - Start: 2024-05-15,

End: 2024-05-31)

Phase 2: Content Development & Mobile App Design (10 Weeks - Start: 2024-06-03,

End: 2024-08-09)

Phase 3: Development & Testing (8 Weeks - Start: 2024-08-12, End: 2024-09-27)

This phase avoids major holidays like Independence Day (August 15th).

Phase 4: Deployment & Launch (2 Weeks - Start: 2024-09-30, End: 2024-10-11)

Phase 5: Post-Launch Support & Maintenance (Ongoing - Starts: 2024-10-14)

This phase begins after launch and is ongoing for bug fixes, updates, and ongoing


Note : Show Phase 1 is 100% completed and Phase to 50% completed

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