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Dt eel ees es ee el ete ele ero aol LU tele ol THE BUACK VAULT Le Sree Re sae haat re od ae Pao eameC sg =n RECORD CLEARING HOUSE IN THE WORLD. THE RESEARCH EFFORTS HERE ARE RESPONSIBLE Ceol Wrote tl ated Maer Rel geel LT eRe eof LoL) Tae sel fett tela RR Met Ts Ts AND ALL CAN BE DOWNLOADED BY VISITING: PALS ate 7 eee) YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO FORWARD THIS DOCUMENT TO YOUR FRIENDS, BUT peo aaa aaa el elem ate) ea PDF SO OTHERS CAN DOWNLOAD MORE! eo GO 9 &&€ ‘a. vee nat A ee ve . . .- BERD Koa: Dopaty Dérocter for Coordination . . - SUNSET: Flying Saucers : 2. As o result of your tolerhena eull of July ath,\rr. Chasterlain, \ j i 06 Chief of tho Fimtexantal Seienss Division, ut ny requost Céntected —. - OBR Me Re Joscun “% tho Physdes] Sefences Jatesration Cemittea, . Te Chaqberlain tirouasaa with Or. Jessup ths tuo Subjects you nantioned Lb os ‘of intcrest “to bin, §.%., neteer otudy in Mextco and flying saucers, Za racurd to ths fivst, tr, Yecoup indfestes that he felt ths 4gonoy po: would “bays lgttis datsrost in the zattor and that he, hinself vas ? concerned Primrily with sectring finenein; 20. further his explore tion-- i work dn loxieo, . oo. . Ste -j 2. In re-ard to Mying saucers, Dr. Jezsup referred us to | - Er, Wayne sho and thronch ths Ciflees of Operations wa arranged to have ve, . @ costing with i. sho Which was attended by ‘two excelalists fron this i (6) Offica -Ez. Herbert, Revers he épplied Scienco Division, who. covarg . | @irerits for Us, endils, “eaises Zagle\of our Psadaccnte) Sedonce Division, b i who isc Ecophysicist™ rey your information, YT as attcching hereto a ccpy 2f tha report to =e of tha Conversation vith tr, 409. Also, of | Pocslile interest, is a clipping of George Disonts column in the : | Weshingtea Post of 24 July Conescraing Me. sho. . ac . 3. We Leol that we have nothing to gain in furthor followup tn this matter and 7 an Pissing the information “lonz to you solsly bocausa of Ur. shots eoanection with Dr, Jessup, : . . a a f YY SG , FOLIP G. sire a Peputy Assistant Dircstor/Collectiog Sclentific Intelligence Attuch=snts: i-Neus of convorsation -~ with Mn. ane 2-Clippin> of Georzs Dixonts colin , Distribution: - " Orig. & l = dddrossca 1 - Fsp Pot cn atene ; i 1 ~ DaD/c Jot. Oo Lb . ner fon Ttmnn fab fan FarTae om : . te ca ar a cet AMEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Dirceter, Central Intalligence Pye 2} Sopteribar 1957, SUBJECT _ 1 Unidentified Flying Object Repertod on 20 Septambor 3957 T. As capartod by compensnts of tha US Ale Defense Commend, on unidentified flying cbject (UFO) was tracked by US radars ona rafatively sinsigh? cwesa from the eastern tp of Long sland to the vicinity of duffalo. Tha cbse} wos ceportedly moving wastword ot on altitude of 50,000 feet and smeed of 2,000 kts. *Jomming" was - ftepocted by savaral rade in this vicinity aad westweed as far os Chiccoo. Ina sube sequent bricfing fer coprarentetives of the !4C, the US Ate Peren eaperted that the original reposts had beon degraded semswhe? by infcemation that: <0) there wos an 1} minute break in tho track; 4b) wosther conditions in tha area wore of ths type which have in tho post predveed felso rodsr pips ond electranic interfassncar (e} B-47"s of SAC wera In tha evoo neces Chieaza onan ECM troining fight. The AOC hes not completed its Invartigation of this ineldent, but In ony evant It now ssoms elasy that the pkencmanc reported west of Buffalo wore not related ta the UFO, 2. We heve no intollicones on Soviet activities fe.g., long-range alr, sub marina, ox merehont shipping exerations} which esn ba related spacifically to this reported event, Wo Esliove I unlikely that a Sovict alresait eculd corcuct a mission a this speed ond cltitys and retum to Bloc foritozy. Nowever, wa crsdit the USSR the sasabiiliy to have a submavine=launchad crulso-tyre missile of low periermants cnd o rcage of about 500 ners 7 but ve hove n> specific evidence of tha oxistones of such a missile. . 3. We have exominsd pessthle Soviet motives for icunching a one-way vehicla on gn epstation over the US, end considsr thet thers would be Iitle mefivatio; ot this time, excopt pasibly o psychological er cetal iatory motive, which wa helleva is marginal, One-wey racainuisance epsrotions erg largely ruled out by the likelihosd that the results would be of small voles, ond the cis’ of compromisa would ba very great. 4. We ceacluda, thacofexe, that it is highly impoobabla thet @ Soviet opacotion is respoasib!a for the UFO esparts of 20 September. . . 5, Consicering the fects that tha ADC investigatica is Incamgleia, ond that weather phonemona avo Increasingly likaly explanstices of the cciginel rapocts, we oeonmsnd that no EAC macting be callad on this skject of fis Nimo. . BERCERT SCOVILLE, Jr, Copies te JAC Agancies as follows: : Sw tond AEC z= ONE... - 1 teen "FBI JIG ARMY Al FORCE STATE Cle 5 th ©) 69 GO RD ow bt oe 2 October 1957 Mr. Charles B. Harnett 234 Yale Boulevard Springfield, ILincis Dear Mr. Harnett: You have picked an interesting subject for research, and I wish you every success in carrying it out ina scholarly and objective manner. I spent e sumer on the Air Force study of UFO's back at the height of the scare, and learned a good deal about the subject at that tine. In answer to the questions in your letter of 25 Septenber: : 1. have ho reason to doubt all of the reports of UFO's (although an appreciat.e fraction of then were proved to be fraudulent), but this is only to say that I accept the fact that people see objects in the sky and cannot identify then. A very large percentage of such reports (90% or more, as I remenber) were definitely identified by astronomers and meteorologists as well known objects such as the planet Venus, or neteorological balloons, or high flying.aircraft. The group I worked with identified several "“in- explicable" reports with less common phenomena—sunlight. flashing ‘on sea - gulls in one photographed case—and I saw no evidence of ‘intelligently controlled" objects or, in fect, of anything but phenomena that could be explained ware adequate infernaticn available. 2, The whole history of science supports ny stand that observable phenomena can be logically fitted into scientific theories that "explain" then in the commen sense of that word. I recognize that many clains of miracies have been made throughout history, but miracles, by definition, are unusual, and the vast mecber of natural, orderly phenomena outweighs the minor incidence of miracles in increasing degree. The former "miracles" of lightening, magnetism, and electricity, are ‘now explained in garde schools. By this admittedly inductive legic, common to most of physical and biological science, I conclude that the likelihood of truly inexplicable phenomena is vanishingly szall. 3, My personal investigation of UFO reports, together with what I have read in the press accounts that you properly class as sensational, and in books like D. H. Kenzel's, leads me to conclude that the explanation ‘“Ydes in the logical defect. It is this: UFO's form a class of all celestial observztions that cannot immediately be explained. There is no othor truly _ common feature: some manifestations ure optical, others are detected by radar}; some are points, others circular, others patterned; some are seen _ by night, others by day; etc. The im:lication that they are somehow re- - - lated is a false one, a5 we know froz the Jarze proportion positively identified .fter the fact (what relation is there between Venus and a Ft ant Gabon « MAE eee : . a3: . t . ° : . - Tate 2a thoy 3 i leary Care, 2 bine i ; i Lo { oe i : i i i Tout et ite 7 Setwes” velit, tos 2 Seay 20S Concent, te nietk te . R53 Cat mete . : : . G2, LE di act > Let + ay Hott Fhe Cant ty Aechle, ‘om << Orpdes of thig Yepert bo tre Saoroney of et anistrber, Ame t a . . ee Loot ge Tinsimuiy, : ton oo . dams cs, a ree eneee s . ‘ i: ' . 4 rs ‘ is ¢ 4 . nn? BF] Onna REPORT OF T'S SCIENTIFIC PATEL Ol UNIQEI TIFIED FLYING OBJECTS Jenuery 1953 1. Pursuant to the request of the Assistant Director for Sclentific Intelligence, the undersimed Panel of Scientific Consultants hes met to . @veluete eny possible threat to netional security posed by Unidentified Flying Objects ("Flying Saxcers"), end to make recommendations thereon. The Panel hes received the evidence eg presented by cognizant intelli- gence egencies, primarily the Air Technical Intelligence Center, and hes - reviewed 2 selection of the best documented incidents. “ 2. As a result of its considerstions, the Penel concludes: - @ Thet the evidence presented on Unidentified Flying Objects shows no indication thet these phenomene constitute a@ direct physical + reet to netional security. We Tircly believe thet there is no residuum of cases which indicates Phezcoene which are etiributeble to foreign artifacts ceosble of hostile ects, end that there is no evidence that the phenomena indicate a need / for tae revision of current scientific concepts. 3- The Panel further concludes: , a. Thet the continued emphasis on the reporting of. these phenomene does, in these parlous times, result ina threat to the orderly functioning of the protective orgens . of the body politic. : . We cite es exemples the clogging of channels of cozmmicstion by irrelevant -» reports, the denser of being led by continued felse elarms to ignore reel Nagdonatintys fe mite O- Q indications of hostile action, end the cultivation of a morbid national . psycaclogy in which skillful hostile propagenda could induce hysterical behavior and haraful distrust of duly constituted authority. 4. In order most effectively to strengthen the nationel facilities for the timely recognition and the eppropriate handling of true indicetions of hostile action, and to minimize the concomitent dangers elluded to ebove, the Panel recommends: a. That the netionel security egencies teke immediete steps to strip toe Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status they : have been given and the eure of mystery they heve unfortunately acquired; , / ; be Taet the netionel security agencies instihute policies on intelligence, treining, end public education designed to prepere the nmeteriel defenses end the morale of the country to recognize ° most promtly end to reect most effectively to true indications of hostile intent or action. ; fe suggest thet these ains may be achieved by an integrated program designed to reassure the public of the total leck of evidence of ininical forces behind the phenonens, to trein personnel to recognize and reject felse indicetions quickly and effectively, end to strengthen reguler chennels for the eveluation of ond prowpt reaction to true indications of hostile meesures. 2 iH. P. Roveztson, Chairmen s/ Lloyd V. Berimer Celivornia Institute of Technolocy éssociated Universities, Inc. s/ luis W. Alvorez s/f S. A. Goudsmlt University of Celifornic Broolchaven Nationel Laboratories s/ Thornton Pace Johns Uoplins University ) Office Memorandu : STATES GOVERNMENT os : . DATE: 31 March 1953 > Ys SUBJECT: Unidentified Flying Objects i. (Geek Heckert)telerhoned yesterdey and told me that O/CI - / is no longer following reports of U. F, O.'s. [Tackjhas the O0/CI A file of TU. F. 0, dispatches and wanted suggestZons as to where to send it. 2. 0/Slaintersst in U, F, 0.'s 1s currently centered on _ £ Dave Stevenson (Air Lrench/appliet Sefence Division), He is back- “stopred by{ Lte"Col, Fritz oder [Geophys Dr/t@= Division), Stevenson _} has all O/SI files with exception of key documents, Fanel Reports, etc. whick are in the Operations Staff office. © - me 3. Tt would seen wise for O/SI to keep a watch on U, F. CQ. reports in view of rossibly creator activity this sumer, The follouing steps ave suggested to assign responsibility and insure receipt of intelligense information: a. Desicnste Chief, Applied Science Division es coordinator of reports-on U. F. 0.'s with the sufseastion that wis, David BE. wevenson be named "action ran", Carbon cory Ae Chief, FEE Divisién would request division poort to [Btevensos be coordinated trite, Col. F, C, Oder. be Request O/CT turn files now in custody of (John Heckert } over to] Stevenson or perusal, I believe very Little material Se « would be worth saving except as samples of indicative or ce umisual reports. The rest I recomend be destroyed. - @. Remest O/CI Screening Fanet (ties Lowry,,)I believe) © route all future necsares pertaining to U. F. 0.'s to the Arplied Ssience Division Attention: [D, 3B. Stevenson, for . reviey, 4. The atove method is believed the sinplost method for o/ST offactively keeplne tabs on the subject. There would be little tine required on_Stevensen's part to keop himself yp te date. Th the event cf o future flap, his continuing vetch showld Frove _ Valusble in a critical analysis, Fron-time to time he night report orally to you or to ne on the status quo tut no fermal - rerorts seam indiented, 5. If the above plan appears suitable end you so desire, I']] prepare directive memos. x t fal ‘e G, Duna) _ Distribution: Orig end 1 ~ Addressee we 1 = Subject file i - Chrono file 1 — Daily reading file - tees ae Apertaent 1237 2500 Gustee Strecs - Wachinsten G, D.c. Ir. Gomml a. Goudenit : . 1 5 Troadcpoven Mnttional Leboretory . APR 7 1953 Associated Universities, Inc, . . Perertrert of Physics pian, L.I. » Tow York Deer fen, - The following information is passed sleng in reply to - a your letter of 25 iarch 1953. 2. Aerial Baomeoes Ros\earch Orpantzation Corel 1 LOreneny Taticnal Director. P.0. Dox 359 | Surgee Lay, Wisconsin Thie orgenizetion publishes the AF29 Bulletin containing , roperts ef sigitings. ao 2. Civilion Eecveor Invectigetions A Los fsgeles post box (mmber wimom) 4o used for their correspentemeo, fore estsiis ere piven in Life Vormsine, 3 April 1952 issue, Aik. TA. Sullives, whore home ealiroce is 11067 oe Cercoa Erivye, lynvool, Californ: comin, is ective in this grom. Is wos forcorly emloyed by tha Forth Anericon éintion, Takey in public relcbicaa, reportedly. - Agata let ma emress iy eparecicticn for your williomness to mein ui on tis protien lest dhnuary ca such short notice, Plence bear with us 42 tho soture of tia work here kes 3 mening 49 you fren tire ‘to time oi a “fire drill" basis, Cerdiclly yours, Rima OPS tE hea Ro tela Th lAarct oh Al YY a H. Merchell chadvel. Dist: bution: f AD/3I + Cis /sI- 1 iv 2800 Quebee Strest Apartment 1217 Washington 8, D.C. Dr. Samol A. Goudsmit . Brookhaven Hational Laboratory ° Associated Universities, Ine. . ’ Departrent of Physics Upton, L. I., New York ae: fant , pot tog a 7 Mi: pe ‘to to oer letter of 26 March 2953, y Lda ff, + . fatPiP pe A A ecuptre fr Gye et / i. Aerial Phenomens Research Organization Coral Lorenzen, National Director . P.O. Bax 358 Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin This organization publishes the APRO Bulletin containing - reports of sightings. , 2, Civilian Saucer Investigations . . A los Angeles post bor (mmber unknown) is used for their correspondence. Sons details are given in Life Magaziog, 3 April 1952 fesue. A Mr. EA Sullivan, whose home address 4s 31067 Carson - Drive, Ipmood, California, is active in this group. He was forterly employed ty the North Anericen Aviation, Inc., in public ' velations, reportedly, Additfonel pptoynatiton there drgent zations and others omeestZ ” ds a obtained, wea would be pleased to pas uxt tntesabtton slong tO Jon Fhea available, 2f you go desirg, fee EDS it would bs easier for you to drop wy the office @ when you are next an in Was: 2 aeigget ome: 7? ¢ Cp em pe LST Rexisaty votes : “-o— cue - vith best regards, — a H. Marsholl Chagvell ) Ee RT Bg nE pe Fas Fi Ra fo ef aa ~ fe hnee fom, meteorological balloon?). Calling all unidentified objects in the sky "flying saucers" or, even, UFO's (Venus doesn't "fly" In any proper sense of that work) is like calling any word I cannot understand "Greek." ‘The class of a11 words I cennct understand would scarcely form a single Janguazge. Therefore, the explanation of UFO's as a class is simply that they are not a uniform class but a hodge-podge of widely disparate, partly described phenomena that were seen in the sky. 4. Covered in 3, above. ; . . : Ss Further research in the conventional sciences’ of astronony, meteorology, and physics will learn wore about many of -the separate phenomena that are reported as UFO's. The sociological phenomenon of : "flying saucer scares" night be studied by psychologists and sociologists, but I suspect that it is already understood. ce 6. I know that my sta enents above do not constitute a "proof," and feel that the subject, by its nature, precludes any rigorous proof or dis~proof. But I am confident that most men of reason who have studied science, and who examine the data objectively, will come to the same con- Glusion. You nay wish also to query Dr. Alan Hynck of Ohio State University, Prof, Donald H. Kenzel of Harvard College Obsarvatory, and Dr, H. P, Robertson of California Tech. . 4 .t Very tau y y ours, ty - “ , . Thornton Paze _ ; O : om October 5, 1957 Thornton Page Operations Research Office The Johns Horkins University Washington 15, D. C. * Dear Mr. Page: Your interesting letter of October 1 was well received and appre- . ‘ ciated. Although I cannot completely agree with your feelings on the subject, I nontheless respect your opinion end wish to thank you for taking the tire to answer. . . it was refreshing to receive a negetive letter that evidenced clear and sound thinking. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for some seven or eighteodd letters from scientists who, although thinking much the same as you, have shown sarcasn and ridicule in expressing . themselves. This, I think, is not in line with good scientific thought. : ° Whether or not I can use your orinions in the book remains for the publisher to decide. As I stated in ny previous letter, the bookta purpose is to present a legitinate case for the UFO. Personally, I would like te include a chapter containing the statements of men like : - | cet pee you who believe UFOs are natural phenonena or conventional objects . 24 (although it would be a shame to put your stalements in with those of men less scientific in their approach) in order to be fair, but I have reason to think the publisher might find such a chapter detracting to the theme of the book. . . ‘ co, I hesitate to contact Drs. Menzel, Hynek and Robertson for the above reason: from my notes, I find their opinions negitive re. the existence of LFOs, oe , . it would interest me'to know with what USAF project you were . associated; Sign, Grudge or Bluebook. . 7 Again, ny thanks, and best wishes. - Yours very truly, - . . Charles B, Harnett ve Tosa ‘2314, Yale Bowlevard Springfield, illinois ’ c 0 P X * rrr area ert ee er er a eerie tera eetae ene set —spr to: Cy Office Memorandum * UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ms an/st . - PATE26 cetober 1957 “ yRom Spuyerst ( . . Robertson called to tell me that Air Force had approached hin for permission to declassify the conclusions of the "Deport of the Scientific Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects", which OSI organize? in January 1953, ‘The request had come to. Robertson fron Maj. James F. Eyrne of APCIN-X1A (ext. 74903). - . I told Robertson we would examine the matter and Maj. Byrne should contact me directly, I will take the necessary action on this on Hy return. . bq} ‘0 | - — oo. Oo Ow... Aes on, 4 Wifes Diates Denale , WASHINGTON, Ba This suunds like a fantastic story but it is true every word of it. Lael Friday nite the Friday before Christmas I was in my kitche:: putting up my husbands lunch, for the vext day and I went over te iny kitchen sink ty rinse wut a bottle, when J looked aut my kitches waodew (l have 3 large windows, up over the sink all slong ine row so Dhave a very good yelw of the yard) I saw e@ saucer shape abject about 3 ft in diameter, It was lumineus (like those clocks that glow ya the dark) most beautiful shade of green that 1 have seen, - ft wae about 10 ft from the chii@rens swings when [ saw that bright flowing saucer shape shaped like the cover 7. my Easy Spin Washing Machine It came down on an angle over the cintdrens swing (they are inetal tyne ones) mast have beer: muydt 15 feet coming down on angle got over the swings about 3 feet fram the grsend and the light voy Gisspoere:| | thourht for sure that it was B2ing 1 land, It might have and than tovis off immewsiatly. The Swings are about 75 ft from the- . ‘house, That was inv actuall seving of one. They have them so perfect . ‘- tuat they car land in your back yard, This was a few minutes before o¢lock because iny clock is Cirecuy over the kitchen sink, Thet was my actuol seeing of one, but we have pieced this tether, It was ona Pricia nite and we believe it was 2 weeks it could have been 3 weeks before this object sppeared that I actually S34. [Wak washing dishes leiween 5.30 and & clock and my boy who is 24 years uid was wiping them, I know it wus Friday because he wanted to go tu the first show al the movies and we take him down and get it when the mevies get out. I want to add that we live about 2 miles . from town, there are ne street lights and upen Spaces on both sides of the house the unly house near me is across the street, This was - the vonversution the buy and I had while we were’ duing dishes, Mu ina Am lL seeing things | said no | saw that too He gaid what was that awful! flash of light ky the kitchen window I aaid I don't knew cur it almost blinded me it was, So brillant, We believe that was the first une and it came down over the house and when it got so many feet near it the saucers thing lights up a brillant blinding light. Pefore tnis came Gown over the house for about lu days we could not keep & picture ut the T,V. Set it kept rolliny over and over, Finally [called the repair man he said I ean't find aaything wrong but I , think you need a new picture tube. But that has been about 6 weeks ago and the T.V, is perfect and has nothing wrong with it. -We think “atleast try husband does that these come down straight and when they came maybe lu feet from any objegt they ght up that brillant . Merriked lates Denale WASHINGTON, D.C, shade of green that Lsaw. Notice the time it seems to he 2 week ‘intervals, It might take that Jong for them to come down from where ever they are being launche see them unless they get w: object. Is there something d. Itas our opirion that you will not nthin @ certain namber of feet from some 50 many miles up directly over my house ond ianu that they are Leing launched from, gt Whether there is any sound from thei I don't know but I da po this, About & weeks ayo my dog at nite between 3 and 4 oclock aaton my steps and barked for about 15 minutes fact is | thought some one was around so | have 2 flood lights on the sides of my house btarned them on but ; -ould see nothing and left them on for about balf dour thinking some one mmignt be aruund, When some one comes up Ur Gown the road he goes nut after them He is @ watch dog but he dida't lewve lie ston just barked [ atn woncering if he heard the Sound of one because @ dogs hearing is so good, wee mew wee ee Lhave reported this in to the Jocal Civilian Defense but they will send it inte Augusta they sai there was a comet in the area There was oo corer in my side yard not 3 feet from the ground or there would be a Siv in the ground, Wl some ene please believe me “Re indy Teappear at that 2 week or possibly 3 week-interval This ig Valuable inforiation for our goverment, 1am not seeing things nor am I day dreaming, Jam « Vasy inother with J children and a 6 room house to take eave of 1 have no lime to be making up stories or day Jureaming, ’ " 18/ Mrs. Vincent J. Perr We live about 2 miles from Rackingdom Rd. . Mexico Maine town, I wrote this letter yesterday efter— BOON an? cad not get the chance tw mail it and I noticed on the children's Swing that there is y cream colored mark about 4 inches across per- feetly even, Las on the bar on top of the swing und the rest of the bar is its originally red culur. We do not dare tu touch it because it may prove of some value, over it, We believe it touch the awing when it went i i 1 | i { j v Cb “li VEO claene / COPY ! "NEWS RELEASE - DEPARTMENT: OF DEFENSE PLEASE NOTE DATE OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION ~ ‘Washington 25, D. c, CT SHEET _ . FA * NOVEMBER 5, 1957. anita NG. 1083-57 ” LI §-6700 Ext. 75131 AIR FORCE?S 10 YEAR STUDY OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS In response to queries as to results of previous investiga- tion of Unidertified Flying Object Teports, the Air Force said today that after 10 years of investigation and evaluation of UFO's, no evidence hes been discovered to confirm the existence of sou called "Flying Saucers", ™ Reporting, investigation, analysis and evaluation procedures have improved considerably since the first sighting of a "flying Seucer" was made on 27 June 1947, The study and analysis of re- ported sightings of UFO's is conducted by a selected scientific group under the supervision of the dir Force, . Dr, J. Allen Hynek, Professor of Astrophysics and Astronony at Chia State University, is.the Chief Scientific Consultant to the Air Force on the subject cf Unidentified Fiying Objects. The selected, qualified scientists, engineers, and other Personnel involved in these analyses are completely objective end open minded on the subject of "flying saucers", They apply Scientific netheds of examination to all cases in reaching their conclusions, The attempted identification of the phenomenon observed is generally derived from huzen impressions and inter- pretations and not fron scientific devices or measurements. The data in the Sightings reported are almost invariably subjective in nature. Eowever, no report is considered unsuitable for study and categorization and ho lack of valid evidence of physical matter in the case studies is assumed to be "prima facie" evidence that so-called "flying saucers" or interplanetary vehicles do not exist, General categories of identification are balloons, atreraft, astronomical, other, insufficient data and unknowns, . - qe im Le GRID) 4 OUD InIIbnn on Sperry Ff tyusy Ualtoons are reles ‘fin the U, S. every day There are two general types of u jLoons: weather - -:: balloons and upper-air research balloons, Balloons wilt vary from small types 4 feet in diameter to large types 200 feet in diameter. The majority released at night carry running lights which often centribute to weird er unusucl appearances when observed at night. This also holds true when observed near dawn or sunset because of the effect cf the slant rays of the sun upon the ballcon surfaces. The large balleens, if eaught -in jet streams, may assume a near horizontal positicn when partially inflated, and move with speeds of over 200 MPH, Large types may be observed flattened on top. The effect of the latter two conditions can be startling even to experienced pilots. ; oa Many modern aircraft, particularly swept and delta wing types, under adverse weather and sighting conditions are Teported aS unusual cbjects and "flying saucers". When observed at high altitudes, reflecting sunlight off their surfaces, cr when only their jet exhausts are visible at night, airerraft can have appearances ranging from disc tc rocket in shape. Single jet bombers having multi-jet peds under their swept-back wings have been reported as UFOs or "saucers" in "V" formation. Vapor trails will often appear to glew with fiery red or orange streaks when reflecting sunlight. Afterburners are frequently reported _ as UFOs. The astrononicat category includes bright stars, Planets, meteors, comets, and other celestia? bodies. When observed through haze, light fog, or moving clouds, the planets Venus, Mars, and Jupiter have often been reported as unconventicnal, moving objects. Attempts to observe astronemical bodies through hand-held bincculars under adverse sky ecnditions has been a Source of many UFO reports. The “other" category includes reflections, searchlights, birds, kites, blimps, clouds, Sun-dogs, spurious radar indica- tions, hoaxes, firework Gisplays, flares fireballs, ice crystals, bolides, etc., as examples: Large Canaédan geese flying low over a@ city at night, with street lights reflecting off their bodies; Seerchlichts playing on scattered clouds, appearing as moving dise-like Shapes, The insufficient date category include all sightings where essential cr pertinent itens of information are missing, making it impossible to form a valid conclusion. These include Gescription of the size, shape or color of the object; @trection and altitude; exact tine and location; wind weater conditions, ete, This category is not used as a convenient way to get rid of what might be Teferred to as "unknowns", However, if the data received is insufficient or unrelated, the analysts must then Place that Particular report in this category. The Air Force needs complete infcrnation to reach a valid conclusion, Air Force officials Stressed the fact that an observer should send & complete report of a bona fice sighting to the nearest Air Force activity, There the Teport will be promptly forwarded o the proper office for analysis and evaluation, e2Qe

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