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Name of the disease: URTICARIA or शीतपित्त.

 Brief history or introduction: sheetapitta is caused by contact with a very cold breeze.
 This vitiates the kapha and Vata and increases them Subsequently, along with Pitta and Kapha
and Vata, begin to travel externally in the skin, and internally through the blood and other
 As in case with the disease kustha, the vitiation of skin by all the three Doshas is instrumental in
producing the diseases Sheetapitta, Udarda and Kotha (allergic skin) as well
Prodromal features:
 feeling of thirst
 loss of appetite
 Oppression in the chest
 Debility
 Heaviness in the body
 redness of the eyes

Modern Perspectives:

 In modern medical terms, the sheetpitta could be identified as skin rash.

 The rash relates to a general eruption that appears on the skin transiently.
 Several types of skin rashes have been identified. 1)}butterfly rash
 It appears on both cheeks and is joined by an extension across the bridge of the nose.
 It is noticed in systemic lupus erythematosus that results through long exposure to sunlight.
2}Diaper rash:
 As it as it could be inferred through its name. It occurs because of irritant contact, dermatitis
and as a reaction to friction, maceration and prolonged contact with urine, feces, soap retained
in the diapers and tropical preparations.
3}Hemorrhagic rash:
 Mainly consist of hemorrhages or ecchymoses.
4}serum rash:
 It is a pruritic, hive like rash or a vasculitis usually caused by hypersensitivity reaction to drugs or
immune globulins obtained from animals. It is accompanied by malaise, joint pain, fever like
 General signs and symptoms of urticaria
 Itching
 Swelling of the surface of the skin into red or skin coloured welts(wheals) with clearly defined
 Wheals often change shape, disappear and reappear. Within minutes or hours.

Clinical examinations and lab diagnosis

 Skin examination should note the presence and distribution of urticarial lesions as well as any
cutaneous ulceration, hyperpigmentation, small papules or jaundice
 Complete blood count (CBC)
 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
 C-Reactive protein

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