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ROLLING: When doing something risky,

roll a six-sided die. If the roll relates to
one of your characters skills or they are
making use of a relevant item, roll twice
and take the higher result.
1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk.
TINY SOLO ADVENTURES 3–4 Setback. You succeed at a cost.
5+ Success.
Based on the 24XX SRD by Jason Tocci HEALTH: Your character can suffer
under a CC BY 4.0 license. harm three times before they are killed
and they can die instantly as a logical
PLAY: Decide what your characters does consequence of a Disastrous roll.
and consider if their action demands a
cost or introduces a risk. Document your EQUIPMENT: You are carrying the items
story as you play and only roll when you that you currently have on you plus one
do something risky. additional item of your choice.

TIPS: Introduce problems that you do not SAFETY: Check in with yourself regularly
know how to solve. Make rulings to cover to ensure that you’re comfortable with the
the gaps in the rules. Always go with way a story is going. You can pause,
what makes the most narrative sense. rewind, or throw away any content that
Use your environment for inspiration. you don’t like. Stay safe and have fun!
THE ADVENTURE: You are a hired thief Tonight the giant will be..
that has been tasked with stealing a rare
and priceless artefact from a giant. The 1 Cataloging their treasure room
item is located in the treasure room at the
top of their tower and your client has 2 Catching up with their favourite show
given you 48 hours to deliver it to them. 3 Working on a creative project
CHOOSE OR INVENT 2 SKILLS: 4 Cooking a meal for someone
Theft, Stealth, Combat, Investigation, 5 Hosting a game night for their friends
Deception, Climbing, Masonry, History,
Athletics, Persuasion, Games, Folklore. 6 Meditating in their room

The giant is… You will need to deal with…

1 Cruel and dislikes humans a lot 1 Fluffy, the giant’s pet dog
2 Likes to play games with high stakes 2 Deadly traps all over the tower
3 Also a ferocious werewolf 3 Carnivorous potted plants
4 Very house proud and meticulous 4 A rival thief trying to upstage you
5 An aspiring but very bad poet 5 The confusing illusionary hallways
6 A huge fan of a famous book series 6 A perilous climb or decent

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