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ROLLING: When doing something risky,

roll a six-sided die. If the roll would be
made easier by one of your character’s
powers or items, roll twice and take the
higher result.
1–2 Disaster: Suffer the full risk.
3–4 Setback: You succeed at a cost.
Adventure by 5+ Success
24XS game by
Based on the 24XX SRD by Jason Tocci HEALTH: Your character can suffer
under a CC BY 4.0 license. harm three times before they are killed,
and they can die instantly as a logical
PLAY: Decide what your character does consequence of a Disastrous roll.
and consider if their action demands a
cost or introduces a risk. Document your EQUIPMENT: Your character is carrying
story as you play and only roll when you the items that you currently have on you,
do something risky. plus one additional item of your choice.

TIPS: Introduce problems that you do not SAFETY: Check in with yourself regularly
know how to solve. Make rulings to keep to ensure that you’re comfortable with the
the game challenging, Always go with way the game is going. Throw away any
what makes most narrative sense. Use content that you don’t like. Take frequent
things in your environment for inspiration. breaks. Stay safe and have fun!

THE ADVENTURE: A package arrives To regain a normal size you must…

containing a tiny suit and a note: “They’ll
be here any moment.” When you touch 1 Receive a signal from the roof
the suit it expands to your size. When you
put it on, you become irreversibly tiny. 2 Harvest technology from all over
There’s a loud bang outside. Escape! 3 Get to a tiny van across the street
CHOOSE OR INVENT 2 POWERS: Fly, 4 Find some transport across town
Phase through objects, Increase density,
Communicate with insects, Shoot sparks, 5 Defeat your attackers – it’s a test
Stick to surfaces, Lift immense weight. 6 Decipher a series of strange clues

In moments it becomes apparent… The only way out is barred by…

1 The building has been set on fire 1 The den of an ancient house spider
2 You’re still shrinking, very slowly 2 Torrents of fast-moving water
3 Cyber-ninjas are looking for the suit 3 The snapping jaws of a voracious pet
4 The faulty suit keeps firing its powers 4 Sparking arcs of faulty electrics
5 The room is filling with robotic bees 5 An intense backdraft over a chasm
6 You’re not the only one with a suit 6 The heavy footfalls of many people

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