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Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Weekly Diary


Industrial Training


Name of Industry : Logical Solution

Duration :From: 14-6-2023 To 23-7-2023

Name of Supervisor : Bharti Jadhav

Name of Mentor : Prof Pooja Pawar


Enrollment No : 2105710087

Branch of Engineering : Information Technology

Name of Polytechnic : Kala Vidya Mandir Institute Of Technology

(polytechnic) Malad(w)

Week 1: From 14-6-2023 to 20-6-2023

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Day Date Activities Carried Out

- Conducted a project kick-off meeting to introduce the team and

1 14-6-2023 stakeholders.

2 15-6-2023 - Discussed project objectives, scope, and deliverables.

- Identified and collected relevant datasets for the machine learning

3 16-6-2023 project.

4 17-6-2023 - Assessed data quality and completeness.

- Cleaned and preprocessed the data to handle missing values,

5 18-6-2023 outliers, and inconsistencies.

6 19-6-2023 - Conducted feature scaling and normalization.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

- Performed exploratory data analysis to gain insights into the

7 20-6-2023 dataset's characteristics and distributions.

Signature of Student: ……………………… Signature of Supervisor:………………………

Week 2: From 21-06-2023 To 27-06-2023

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Day Date Activities Carried Out

- Explored different machine learning algorithms suitable for the

1 21-6-2023 project's goals.

- Chose logistic regression, SVM, KNN, K-means, Decision Tree,

2 22-6-2023
Random Forest, and Naive Bayes for various tasks.

- Implemented and trained the logistic regression model for binary

3 23-6-2023

4 24-6-2023 - Developed and optimized SVM models with different kernels.

- Implemented the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm for

5 25-6-2023
classification tasks

- Explored hyper parameter tuning for improving model

6 26-6-2023

- Developed the K-means clustering algorithm for unsupervised

7 27-6-2023

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Signature of Student: ……………………… Signature of Supervisor:………………………

Week 3: From 28-06-2023 To 04-07-2023

Day Date Activities Carried Out

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

- Developed the K-means clustering algorithm for unsupervised learning.

1 28-6-2023

2 29-6-2023 - Implemented the Decision Tree model for classification and regression

- Explored ensemble learning techniques, particularly the Random Forest

3 30-6-2023 algorithm.

- Built and trained Random Forest models to combine predictions from

4 1-7-2023
multiple Decision Trees

- Conducted model evaluation using appropriate metrics like accuracy,

5 2-7-2023 precision, recall, and F1-score.

6 3-7-2023 - Performed cross-validation to assess the models' generalization ability

- Compared the performance of all implemented models to identify the most

7 4-7-2023 effective ones.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Signature of Student: ……………………… Signature of Supervisor:………………………

Week 4: From 5-07-2023 To 11-07-2023

Day Date Activities Carried Out

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

- Compared the performance of all implemented models to identify the

1 5-7-2023 most effective ones.

- Analyzed the trade-offs between model complexity and

2 6-7-2023

- Integrated the selected models into a machine learning-powered

3 7-7-2023

- Created APIs to allow real-time predictions.

4 8-7-2023

- Conducted user acceptance testing with stakeholders and end-users

5 9-7-2023 to validate the application's functionality and usability.

6 10-7-2023 - Gathered feedback for further improvements.

- Fine-tuned the models based on user feedback and performance

7 11-7-2023

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Signature of Student: ……………………… Signature of Supervisor:………………………

Week 5: From 12-07-2023 to 18-07-2023

Day Date Activities Carried Out

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

- Fine-tuned the models based on user feedback and performance analysis.

1 12-7-2023

2 13-7-2023 - Addressed any reported issues and made necessary adjustments.

- Prepared comprehensive documentation for the machine learning models,

3 14-7-2023
APIs, and the application

4 15-7-2023 - Documented model usage, data sources, and best practices

- Conducted training sessions for end-users and stakeholders to ensure

5 16-7-2023 effective use of the machine learning application.

6 17-7-2023 - Provided support and addressed any user queries or concerns

- Officially launched the machine learning application for public use.

7 18-7-2023

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

Signature of Student: ……………………… Signature of Supervisor:………………………

Week 6: From 19-07-2023 To 22-07-2023

Day Date Activities Carried Out

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

1 19-7-2023 - Monitored its performance and user feedback during the initial phase

- Conducted a performance review of the application post-launch to ensure

2 20-7-2023 smooth operation.
- Gathered user feedback to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

- Established continuous monitoring of the application's performance and user

3. 21-7-2023 engagement.
- Provided ongoing support and addressed any issues reported by users.

- Compiled a comprehensive weekly progress report, highlighting key

achievements, challenges, and planned actions.
4 22-7-2023
- Presented the report to stakeholders and discussed the project's progress and
future steps.

Signature of Student:…………………….. Signature of Supervisor:………………………

With the successful completion of these six weeks, the machine learning application has been
successfully developed, deployed, and launched for public use. The team's dedication and expertise in

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Industrial TrainingWeekly Diary

implementing various algorithms, such as logistic regression, SVM, KNN, K-means, Decision Tree,
Random Forest, and Naive Bayes, have contributed to the application's success. User feedback has
been invaluable in fine-tuning the models and enhancing the application's usability. Moving forward,
continuous monitoring and support will ensure the application's performance and user satisfaction. The
team's commitment to delivering a robust and user-friendly application has set the foundation for
future machine learning projects and engagements.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

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