AJS Volume 26 Issue 1 Pages 303-311

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Arab Univ.
J. Agric. Sci.,
Ain Shams Univ.,
Cairo, 26(1), 303-311, 2018


Mai, M. Hassanien; M.E. M. El- Sherif; A.A.A. Salem and M.A.M. Ali
Plant Protection Dept., Fac., of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt

Keywords: Bee honey; Pollen analysis; Quantita- (science of pollen and spores) and used in the
tive pollen analysis microscopic investigation of bee honey. The micro-
scopic analysis is a widely accepted assumption by
ABSTRACT many scientists (Oddo and Piro, 2004). The
method provides essential information about the
A new proposal method for quantitative pollen hygienic aspects of bee honey production, its con-
analysis of pollen grains in each gram of bee hon- tamination with mineral dust (Louveaux et al
ey was described, using a Neubauer improved 1978). The approved quantitative pollen analysis
chamber for leucocytes and erythrocytes counting. method was developed and proposed by the Inter-
The study was conducted at the Bee Research national Commission for Bee Botany in 1978
Unit, Dept. of plant protection, Faculty of Agricul- (Louveaux et al 1978). The method was validated
ture, Ain Shams University, Shoubra El-kheimah, in 2004 (von der Ohe et al 2004), and afterwards,
Al Qalyubia, Egypt on 36 samples of citrus and widely used in European laboratories for bee hon-
clover honeys. 18 samples were collected from 5 ey analysis. It is among the methods used for de-
apiaries under study in Qalyubia Governorate; scription of European honey types in the beginning
Kanater, Shalakan, Tookh, Khankah and Shoubra of the 21 century (Persano Oddo and Piro,
El kheimah and 18 samples were collected from 2004).
local market in 5 Governorates in Egypt; Cairo, Haemocytometer (Neubauer improved cham-
Giza, Qalyubia, Gharbia and Sharqia, during their ber) which used in routine laboratory practice for
seasons of production in 2013, 2014 and 2015. leucocytes and erythrocytes counting (Heldrup et
The results showed that 2.8 % of the samples al 1992), also used for counting pollen grains from
were poor in their content of pollen grains (2000- plants (Delaplane et al., 2013), and to evaluate the
10000 pollen grains /g honey), 77.8 % of the sam- number of pollen grains attached to bees (Human
ples were rich in their content of pollen grains et al 2013). Therefore, in the present work it was
(10000-50000 pollen grains /g honey), 11.1% of used as a new method for quantitative pollen anal-
the samples were more rich in their content of pol- ysis of pollen grains in each gram honey.
len grain (50000 -100000 pollen grains /g honey) In Egypt, most of researches were conducted
and 8.3% of the samples were very rich in their on chemical and physical properties [El- Sherbiny
content of pollen grain (>100000 pollen grains /g et al (1980), Hassan (1985); Nour (1988); Gomaa
honey). (2004); Rateb (2005); Faraj (2007) and Ismail
(2013)]. The accurate determination of bee honey
INTRODUCTION type especially pollen analysis requires more de-
tailed research. The proposed new method aims to
Bee honey contains numerous pollen grains determine the number of pollen grains in each
(mainly from plants bees feed on) of which provide gram of honey in all collected samples to evaluate
exact information for the quality of honey. Quanti- their quality.
tative pollen analysis is a branch of palynology

(Received 27 May, 2017)

(Revised 31 May, 2017)
(Accepted 4 June, 2017)
304 Mai Hassanien; El-Sherif; Salem and Ali

MATERIALS AND METHODS the chamber to cover entirely the gridded areas
and to contact tightly the chamber edges Fig. (1).
36 samples of citrus and clover honeys were
collected from the 5 apiaries under study in
Qalyubia Governorate and local market from 5
Governorates of Egypt, during their seasons of
production in 2013, 2014 and 2015 as follows:
1- 9 citrus honey samples from certain apiaries in
Qalyubia Governorate situated in Kanater,
Shalakan, Tookh, Khankah and Shoubra El
kheimah included: H1, H2 and H3 in 2013,
H13, H14 and H27 in 2014 and H20, H21 and
H25 in 2015.
2- 9 clover honey samples from the same apiaries
included: H7, H8 and H9 in 2013, H17, H29
Fig.1. Neubauer improved chamber
and H32 in 2014 and H30, H31 and H33 in
Using a light microscope, eyepiece lens 10х
3- 9 citrus honey samples from the local markets
and objective lens 10x/0.24, the two grids of the
situated in Cairo, Giza, Qalyubia, Gharbia and
chamber were brought into focus and all pollen
Sharqia Governorates included: H4, H5 and H6
grains within them were counted using objective
in 2013, H15, H18 and H22 in 2014 and H19,
lens 40x/0.26, including those grains within each
H24 and H26 in 2015.
medium square and those that are over the top
4- 9 clover honey samples from the local markets
and right sides of the square (even when they are
situated in the same Governorates included:
partially out) Fig. (2).
H10, H11 and H12 in 2013, H16, H36 and H37
in 2014 and H28, H34 and H35 in 2015.
For quantitative analysis of pollen grains in
each gram of bee honey, 10 g of each honey sam-
ple were weighed in a graduated cylinder. Distilled
water was added to a total volume of 20 cm .The
obtained honey solution was divided into two ali-
quots of 10 cm in graduated centrifuge tubes. The
tubes were centrifuged at 2500×g for 10 min. With
an automated pipette, 9 cm of the supernatant
were discarded from each tube. To the remaining
3 3
amount of 1 cm in each of the two tubes, 5 cm
distilled water were added to a total volume of 6
cm . The two tubes were centrifuged at 2500×g for
10 min. With an automated pipette, 5 cm of the
supernatant were discarded from each tube. From
the remaining 1 cm honey solution, after a thor-
3 Fig. 2. Grid for pollen counting in Neubauer’s im-
ough mixing with a glass rod, 0.1 mm (μl) samples
proved cell counting chamber
were taken with automated pipettes from the bot-
tom of each tube. The amount was chosen due to
Pollen grains in both segments of the chamber
the experimentally established fact that a volume
were counted and the arithmetic mean (A) was
of .01 μl fills entirely, without leaking, the two semi-
calculated. The number of pollen grains in 10 g
reflective segments of the Neubauer improved
honey is calculated by the equation:
chamber after placing the cover glass.
Under direct light, the positions of the gridded
X = A × 50000
areas were identified and the 0.1 μl samples were
pipetted in the middle of grids, resulting in two
Х – number of pollen grains in 10 g honey;
drops on each grid. A thin coverslip (Cover glass,
А – arithmetic mean of pollen grains counted in the
24 x 32 mm, thickness 0.13-0.17 mm), was then
two grids of the chamber (= (N1+ N2) /2).
carefully placed perpendicularly to the wide side of

Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

Quantitative pollen analysis of bee honey at certain apiaries in qalyubia 305
governorate and available honey in local market, Egypt

50000– coefficient for calculation of sample vol- Example:

For obtaining the arithmetic mean (x ) of pollen
For obtaining the coefficient 50000 grains counted in the two grids of the chamber for
10 tests (A1-10) were as followed:
Neubauer ’s improved chamber has 9 large 10 readings done in longer time intervals (1 month)
squares each with a 1 mm area, and each of them were made from each honey sample, the results
could hold 0.1 mm of honey solution because for pollen grains number in both chamber grids for
when putting the sample under the coverslip, the the ten tests (А1-10) were as followed:
cell suspension reaches a height of 0.1 mm А1 = 16 / 2 (number of chamber grids) = 8
(Neubauer’s improved cell counting chamber, А2 = 15 / 2 = 7.5
2003). Taking these data into account, and con- А3 = 15 / 2 = 7.5
sidering one of the large squares, the volume will А4 = 16 / 2 = 8
be: А5 = 15 / 2 = 7.5
A6 = 15 / 2 = 7.5
3 -4
1 x 1 x 0, 1 = 0, 1 mm = 10 ml A7 = 16 / 2 = 8
A8 = 15 / 2 = 7.5
1. According to Hornitzky, 2009 the counted N A9 = 16 /2 = 8
pollen grains in 5 of the medium squares (that A10 =16 / 2 = 8
is, in 25 medium squares Fig. (3), the concen- Х = 7.75
tration of our sample will be: s. e. (standard error) =0.08
The calculated pollen grain numbers in 1 g
N x 10 pollen grain/ml honey for each test run according to the formula
(Х1- 10) was as followed:
Х1 = 8 х 5000= 4*10 pollen grains/ 1 g honey
Х2 = 7, 5 х 5000 = 37.5*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х3 = 7, 5 х 5000 = 37.5*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х4 = 8 х 5000 = 4*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х5 = 7, 5 х 5000 = 37.5*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х6 = 7, 5 х 5000 = 37.5*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х7 = 8 х 5000 = 4*10 pollen grains / 1g
Х8 = 7, 5 х 5000 = 37.5*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х9 = 8 х 5000 = 4*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х10 = 8 х 5000= 4*10 pollen grains / 1 g
Х = 387500
s. e. =4166.7
Fig. 3. Five medium squares (Hornitzky, 2009)

2. All the pollen grains within each medium The results from counting pollen grains in bee
square (total 25 square) and those that are honey samples collected from experimental apiar-
over the top and right sides of the square (even ies from Qalyubia Governorate and local market
when they are partially out) are counted so the in Egypt, produced in 2013, 2014 and 2015 are
final equation is: N * 5* 10 = N *50000 presented in Tables 1 to 6.
So, the number of pollen grains in each gram The number of pollen grains of citrus honey
honey is calculated by the equation: samples collected during 2013 from different apiar-
ies in Qalyubia Governorate and local market in
X = A × 50000/10 Egypt were summarized in Table (1). The number
where: of pollen grains in each gram of citrus honey col-
Х – number of pollen grains in each gram honey lected from Kanater (H1) significantly came the first
А – arithmetic mean of pollen grains counted in the in order with an average of 365750 ± 16951.9 pol-
two grids of the chamber (= (N1+ N2) /2). len grains / gram honey. Followed by the samples
5000– coefficient for calculation of sample volume collected from Tookh (H3), Shalakan (H2), Cairo
Univ. (H4), Ain Shams Univ. (H5) and Agri. Ministry

Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

306 Mai Hassanien; El-Sherif; Salem and Ali

(H6) without any significant difference between 12469.1 and 109250 ± 5701.5 pollen grains / g
them and their averages were 26750 ±2814.9, honey, respectively. Followed by the sample col-
26200 ± 2493.5, 25750 ±2445.2, 17000 ±1658.3 lected from Agri. Ministry (H16) which significantly
and 14750 ± 2187.4 pollen grains / g honey, re- came the 2 in order and its average was 70500 ±
spectively. Meanwhile, the number of pollen grains 4561.3 pollen grains / g honey. While the samples
of clover honey samples collected during the collected from Kanater (H17), Gharbia Gover-
same year 2013 from different apiaries in Qalyubia norate (H37) and Ain Shams Univ. (H36) signifi-
Governorate and local market in Egypt were sum- cantly came the last in order and their averages
marized in Table (2). The number of pollen grains were 23750 ± 1193.2, 17500 ± 2075 and 12750 ±
in each gram of clover honey collected from Sha- 870 pollen grains /g honey, respectively.
lakan (H8) significantly came the first in order and The number of pollen grains of citrus honey
its average was 47750 ± 2056.5 pollen grains / g samples collected during 2015 from different apiar-
honey. Followed by the sample collected from ies in Qalyubia Governorate and local market in
Kanater (H7) which significantly came the 2 in Egypt were summarized in Table (5). The number
order and its average was 35750 ± 3051.6 pollen of pollen grains in each gram of citrus honey col-
grains / g honey. The samples collected from Cairo lected from Gharbia Governorate, Tanta (H24)
Univ. (H11), Tookh (H9) and Agri. Ministry (H10) significantly came the first in order and its average
significantly came the 3 in order, without any sig- was 49500 ± 1658.3 pollen grains /g honey. Fol-
nificant difference between them and their averag-
lowed by the samples collected from Sharqia Gov-
es were 21000 ±2114.8, 15250 ±1416.7 and 14250
ernorate (H26) and Shalakan (H21) which signifi-
±1750 pollen grains /g honey, respectively. While nd
cantly came the 2 in order and their averages
the sample collected from Ain Shams Univ. (H12)
were 40500 ± 2438.1 and 37250 ± 1204.7 pollen
significantly came the last in order and its average
grains /g honey, respectively. The samples collect-
was 11000 ±1715.9 pollen grains / g honey without
any significant difference with the samples H9 and ed from Kanater (H20) and Tookh (H25) signifi-
H10. cantly were the 3 in order and their averages
The number of pollen grains of citrus honey were 28750 ± 2334.8 and 22500 ± 1748 pollen
samples collected during 2014 from different apiar- grains /g honey, respectively. But the sample col-
ies in Qalyubia Governorate and local market in lected from Gharbia Governorate, Mahallah (H19)
Egypt were summarized in Table (3). The number significantly came the last in order and its average
of pollen grains in each gram of citrus honey col- was 20250 ± 946.5 pollen grains / g honey without
lected from Kanater (H27) significantly came the any significant difference with the sample H25.
first in order and its average was 88750 ± 2963.9 Meanwhile, the number of pollen grains of clover
pollen grains / g honey. Followed by the sample honey samples collected during the same year
collected from Agri. Ministry (H18) which signifi- 2015 from different apiaries in Qalyubia Gover-
cantly came the 2 in order and its average was norate and local market in Egypt were summarized
54000 ± 1943.6 pollen grains / g honey. The sam- in Table (6). The number of pollen grains in each
ples collected from Ain Shams Univ. (H15) and gram of clover honey collected from Gharbia Gov-
Gharbia Governorate (H22) significantly came the ernorate, Mahallah (H28) significantly came the
3 in order and their averages were 33500 ± first in order and its average was 73000 ± 2549.5
1870.8 and 31000 ±1632.9 pollen grains / g honey, pollen grains / g honey. Followed by the samples
respectively. But the samples collected from Sha- collected from Shalakan (H31) and Kanater (H33)
lakan (H13) and Tookh (H14) were the last in order nd
which significantly came the 2 in order and their
with averages of 18750 ± 1547.8 and 18750 ±
averages were 43250 ± 2008.7 and 43000 ± 3452
1070 pollen grains /g honey, respectively without
pollen grains / g honey. While the samples collect-
any significant difference between them. Mean-
ed from Sharqia Governorate (H35) and Tookh
while, the number of pollen grains of clover honey rd
(H30) significantly came the 3 in order and their
samples collected during the same year 2014 from
different apiaries in Qalyubia Governorate and averages were 32750 ± 3060.7 and 26250 ±
local market in Egypt were summarized in Table 1356.6 pollen grains / g honey. But the sample
(4). The number of pollen grains in each gram of collected from Gharbia Governorate, Tanta (H34)
clover honey collected from Shoubra El Khimah was the last in order and its average was 8750 ±
(H32) and Shalakan (H29) significantly came the 1455.3 pollen grains / g honey.
first in order and their averages were 110250 ±

Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

Quantitative pollen analysis of bee honey at certain apiaries in qalyubia 307
governorate and available honey in local market, Egypt

Table 1. Number of pollen grains / gram of Citrus honey samples collected from different locations at
Qalyubia Governorate and local market in 2013

Honey samp. Locations at Qalyubia Local market in Cairo

H4 H5 H6
H1 H2 H3
Cairo Ain Shams Agri.
Kanater Shalakan Tookh
Rep. Univ. Univ. Ministry

1 175004 25000 17500 30000 17500 5000

2 320000 15000 42500 15000 12500 15000
3 350000 32000 27500 20000 12500 7500
4 237500 20000 17500 15000 10000 10000
5 382500 20000 12500 22500 15000 7500
6 392500 40000 30000 30000 22500 17500
7 417500 35000 25000 32500 20000 22500
8 372500 20000 32500 22500 25000 20000
9 387500 30000 30000 35000 12500 17500
10 380000 25000 32500 35000 22500 25000
- a b b b b b
Mean(x ) 365750 26200 26750 25750 17000 14750
± ± ± ± ± ± ±
s. e. 16951.9 2493.5 2814.9 2445.2 1658.3 2187.4
L.S.D. 42617 pollen grains / g honey

Table 2. Number of pollen grains / gram of Clover honey samples collected from different locations at
Qalyubia Governorate and local market in 2013

Honey samp. Locations at Qalyubia Local market in Cairo

H11 H10
H7 H8 H9 Ain
Cairo Agri.
Rep. Kanater Shalakan Tookh Shams
Univ. Ministry
1 35000 52500 17500 20000 12500 15000
2 45000 55000 12500 20000 5000 12500
3 37500 50000 7500 20000 7500 10000
4 35000 57500 10000 30000 2500 10000
5 20000 45000 15000 15000 10000 12500
6 20000 42500 15000 25000 10000 10000
7 35000 50000 22500 17500 10000 10000
8 42500 37500 20000 10000 15000 27500
9 50000 40000 15000 20000 17500 17500
10 37500 47500 17500 32500 20000 17500
- b a cd c d cd
Mean(x ) 35750 47750 15250 21000 11000 14250
± ± ± ± ± ± ±
s. e. 3051.6 2056.5 1416.7 2114.8 1715.9 1750
L.S.D. 8702.4 pollen grains / g honey

Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

308 Mai Hassanien; El-Sherif; Salem and Ali

Table 3. Number of pollen grains / gram of Citrus honey samples collected from different locations at
Qalyubia Governorate and local market in 2014

Honey samp. Locations at Qalyubia Local market in Gharbia and Cairo

H15 H18
H27 H13 H14 H22 Ain Agri.
Rep. Kanater Shalakan Tookh Gharbia Shams Ministry
1 75000 10000 15000 35000 45000 47500
2 77500 17500 15000 25000 35000 47500
3 87500 22500 17500 25000 37500 52500
4 85000 20000 17500 35000 27500 55000
5 100000 27500 17500 27500 32500 65000
6 95000 22500 22500 25000 27500 60000
7 92500 15000 17500 32500 27500 60000
8 102500 15000 17500 32500 40000 50000
9 92500 17500 22500 32500 32500 47500
10 80000 20000 25000 40000 30000 55000
- a d d c c b
Mean(x ) 88750 18750 18750 31000 33500 54000
± ± ± ± ± ± ±
s. e. 2963.9 1547.8 1070.4 1632.9 1870.8 1943.6
L.S.D. 7374 pollen grains / g honey

Table 4. Number of pollen grains / gram of Clover honey samples collected from different locations at
Qalyubia Governorate and local market in 2014

Honey samp. Locations at Qalyubia Local market in Gharbia and Cairo

H32 H16
H17 H29 H37 Ain
Rep. Shoubra Agri.
Kanater Shalakan Gharbia Shams
El-khimah Ministry

1 20000 90000 77500 22500 10000 50000

2 25000 102500 112500 5000 17500 65000
3 25000 120000 90000 20000 50001 85000
4 27500 85000 70000 15000 10000 57500
5 17500 97500 137500 17500 10000 62500
6 20000 127500 95000 10000 12500 55000
7 30000 140000 185000 15000 10000 82500
8 25000 112500 165000 20000 12500 72500
9 22500 95000 80000 22500 15000 90000
10 25000 122500 90000 27500 15000 85000
- c a a c c b
Mean(x ) 23750 109250 110250 17500 12750 70500
± ± ± ± ± ± ±
s. e. 1193.2 5701.5 12469.1 2075 870 4561.3
L.S.D. 25028 pollen grains / g honey

Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

Quantitative pollen analysis of bee honey at certain apiaries in qalyubia 309
governorate and available honey in local market, Egypt

Table 5. Number of pollen grains / gram of Citrus honey samples collected from different locations at
Qalyubia Governorate and local market in 2015

Honey samp.
Locations at Qalyubia Local market Gharbia and Sharqeia

H19 H24
H20 H21 H25 H26
Gharbia Gharbia
Kanater Shalakan Tookh Sharqeia
Rep. (Mahallah) (Tanta)
1 20000 32500 27500 20000 52500 27500
2 27500 35000 22500 20000 42500 37500
3 37500 32500 15000 17500 50000 42500
4 27500 35000 15000 15000 60000 30000
5 37500 45000 20000 22500 45000 47500
6 27500 37500 20000 17500 55000 35000
7 37500 40000 32500 22500 47500 42500
8 32500 40000 27500 20000 45000 45000
9 17500 37500 22500 25000 50000 50000
10 22500 37500 22500 22500 47500 47500
- c b cd d a b
Mean(x ) 28750 37250 22500 20250 49500 40500
± ± ± ± ± ± ±
s. e. 2334.8 1204.7 1748 946.5 1658.3 2438.1
L.S.D. 7541.9 pollen grains / g honey

Table 6. Number of pollen grains / gram of Clover honey samples collected from different locations at
Qalyubia Governorate and local market in 2015

Honey samp. Local market in Gharbia and

Locations at Qalyubia
H28 H34
H33 H31 H30 H35
Gharbia Gharbia
Rep. Kanater Shalakan Tookh Sharqeia
(Mahallah) (Tanta)

1 35000 52500 22500 75000 20000 40000

2 35000 35000 27500 67500 7500 50003
3 37500 47500 17500 90000 5000 55000
4 42500 32500 25000 75000 10000 27500
5 67500 47500 30000 62500 7500 37500
6 35000 42500 25000 62500 12500 22500
7 42500 40000 25000 77500 7500 25000
8 37500 50000 27500 70000 5000 30000
9 57500 42500 30000 75000 7500 25000
10 40000 42500 32500 75000 5000 30000
- b b C a d c
Mean(x ) 43000 43250 26250 73000 8750 32750
± ± ± ± ± ± ±
s. e. 3452 2008.7 1356.6 2549.5 1455.3 3060.7
L.S.D. 10203 pollen grains / g honey

Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

310 Mai Hassanien; El-Sherif; Salem and Ali

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Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 26(1), 2018

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