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Roll no. 395

What is BREXIT?

The united Kingdom (UK) intends to withdraw

from the European Union (EU), A process
commonly known as BREXIT , As a result of
June 2016 referendum in which 52% voted to
leave EU.
The term "BREXIT" is short form of the words
How many voted for Brexit?
• 23 June 2016 - Referendum "should the United Kingdom remain a
member of the European union ?"
Remain : 48.1% Leave : 51.9%
• very little discussion before referendum on what live would
actually mean.
• understanding the politics of why UK votes to leave help to predict
what the legal and tax consequences will be.
• on 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom (UK) invoked article 50 of
the treaty on European union (TEU) which begin the member
states withdrawal
Reasons for BREXIT
✧ To make stronger trade deals with other nations.
✧ To control our national borders.
✧ To restore Britain's special legal system .
✧ To improve the British economy and generate more jobs.
✧ To make major saving for British consumers.
✧ To restore British customs and traditions.
✧ provide environment of certainty during negotiation
✧ control of own laws
✧ control of immigration
✧ maintaining the common travel area with Ireland
✧ free trade with European markets
✧ new trade agreements with other countries
✧ It is written into law that the UK will be leaving. The European
Court of justice has said the UK could cancel Brexit altogether
without the agreement of other nations, but politically, that's
not likely to happen.
✧ " No deal " Means the UK would have failed to agree a
withdrawal agreement.
✧ That would mean there would be no transition period after the
UK leaves, and EU laws would stop applying to the UK
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