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of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-001

Term-End Examination
June, 2018



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks.

1. You are a manager of an organisation. Discuss

your role as a manager in the organisation. How
would you play these roles in enhancing the -
efficiency of the organisation ? 15+5

. (a) Why do you study organisational behaviour ?

Discuss with suitable examples.
(b) Explain the measures which are adopted for
keeping individuals growing continuously in
the organisation. 10+10

3. What are the organisational factors responsible

for creation of stress in an organisation ? Discuss
with examples. How do organisational
management techniques help in dealing with the
organisational stress ? 10+10
MC0-001 1 P.T.O.
4. (a) What are the various models of man proposed
by Edgar Schein ? How does their behaviour
influence the functioning of an organisation ?

(b) Explain the application of emotion in an

organisation. 10+10

5. Discuss the process of conflict in an

organisation. Explain the various resolution
strategies to deal with these conflicts. 6+14

6. Explain the various emerging trends in

organisational behaviour. How do they influence
the organisation ? Explain. 15+5

7. Do you think that organisational development is

a systematic process to change the systems and
behaviour of an organisation ? Discuss with
examples and explain the process of
organisational development. 6+14

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Organisational Design

(b) Learning and Performance

(c) Managerial Approaches to Motivating


(d) Culture-Person Compatibility

MC0-001 2
7u. .3f
al 1 ,04 I Oct) t

‘-4, 2018

TT.Ift.311-001 :147-64 ici

: 3 .1(/2 3TRIWW 31w: 100

(25•1 : 70%)

Tie : A7-ef ofW 3174 *r

33tef4k7 FI31, sm-d. * foipi

1. 3Trq -R- TiRi-r*7-4w I Ti-Ru* .g.- w*

317-41 it-firwr 111 .*11-4R zT Tcrtz
*P-A7 TiRu 4-1--dr 4 clr.g * aTrq
44 AtTrOl I 15+5

2. () aTrq k-14 143-11clich oeit:Wt it 3T ch( ?

drai 144-44 *11-4R

3g. 341041*i 044KNI ttr-A7 *AT Tr541

kind fd-*TE1* altRlziT tI

3. tiAistoiicHcr) cnRch TEIT Ti-p-tr 4 calla 3(-4N cbk

* 1;-R dmq141 t f4-4-qR• *fr-
A7 I zT
341 Afir-A-R 1i ki1 1(5-11cHch genii -4 fture4 4
41:94-regr 3-NTSIT 4 tWeich .1c11 t I 10+10

MC0-001 3 P.T.O.
4. () \I51R AR. (Edgar Schein) giii 3Fip rcw
Hfrici (man) * few HISO r ? 3.1.4)1
oe-icwk *9-1T * SPITN7 chkit
?Tcrsz trf4R
(u) 1 TR=21T t1 1I (emotion)* 31:16T oiRsql
SR I 10+10

5. T TiT-21T t (conflict) -54-4T it

*rr-4R I F 1-4cre-4 4:t fq-RT9- NT-4 if-4TM
*r .041t9e41*rfA7I 6+14

6. W16.110-111 oe-IcWk 444 few wi-T-cd=t 7-119741

oem9e41 *rf-A-R 4) 3P-Trkff chkcii
?Tcrtz 4tr-A-R I 15+5

7. TEfT aTTEF 7fg fa*TEr (OD)

T.R:2TF NutiR-teil 74 ceiclR 11-r(--4-4-4 cnk4
RrarT-21-ff -5rWrr ?
- Trfo fa r
A1 -s4-zrr i 0411(9441 W-A7 I 6+14

8. r irM rtId 14f*-rei

- TATRT du4 uleit
TL, : 10+10
() it-747-4
(W) 4k4-11 c TT -fttsurr-49.
(Tr) ct>4.1-aiReil afiT51-ft-ff cnk4 N41T- rzr
.341 , 11-1
(ET) widdi

MC0-001 4 21;000
No. of;Printed Pages : 4 I mco-oi I
Term-End Examination
June, 2019
3_ tlE11



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)
Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks.

1. Do you think that the modern theory of

organisation considers dynamic conditions at
micro and macro levels ? Critically examine (the
'systems theory' of organisation. 4+16

2. (a) Describe the traditional and new

approaches to organisational behaviour.
(b) Explain various measures adopted by an
organisation for the growth of its
individuals. Give suitable examples. /0+/0

3. (a) How do attitudes influence the behaviour of

individuals in an organisation ?
Substantiate your answer with the help of
(b) Describe the process of change in attitude
through persuasion. /0+/0

MC0-01 1 P.T.O.
4. Identify the features of stress in an organisation.
Describe various intra-organisational factors
influencing stress. 5+15

5. Critically examine 'ERG theory' and

`McClelland's theory' of motivation. How are
these theories applicable to work motivation ? 15+5

6. (a) Describe various factors influencing the Job

design in an organization.
(b) Explain the various models of Job design. /0+/0

7. Describe various levels of conflict in an

organisation. Analyse the impact of conflict with
suitable examples. 14+6

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : /0+/0

(a) Genesis of Organisational Behaviour
(b) Learning and Performance
(c) Group Decision-Making
(d) Managing Change in an Organisation

MC0-01 2
17R .41..311-oi

11414(4 tilichlm zEnfitt (74.704.)

Trwin trtivr
T4, 2019

V7.141.311.-01:Tivr64 %gin 311f atm

?NV : 3 E7u 3TRIWTs7 : 100

(35c1 : 70%)
grwwe 3-d-c er47: mit N7-4-7 a*
1. aTrcr # aTrti14-*
(micro) MIT cecis (macro) lirdkiki
urR 4 tigt11 ? '45' Rita" (systems -

theory) 3RAWiTii:W IRUPT *Ifi7 I 4+16

2. () 00-1.K Wig Rt
ik-aroTruaff quiq .i=r1:* -
(vo aTcr4 rftzil* fdcmo ti4brim aTERTR
at f4fiTw 34141 0411t90-11 ti* 319."
3cWur tf4R /0+/0

3. () "R" it5-1 el cgicwi aTfirlf#41 -

(attitudes) 14*1 sicnit Reda' cnkcf1 ?

twelil 31114 3WK 3.11*
(ikZ) (substantiate) *IN7 I
(VI) tiii5if-viictK (persuasion) 3ifirl%. 4 Ilik-44q
546t41 wr *rf* /0-00
MC0-01 3 P.T.O.
4. Ic5-1 4 cll.:I (stress) tt Itex113.11 1:1-6-4R
*If-A-R I ccIlel sriTrkff cbt. f

ata-:(441cHiciicil*R*1*r aufq*'07 5+15

5. 311113)7T 'ERG %Ziff' TAT 'Act.c

1:1-110-Ich TRIATur*A7 cm4 alft13)7T
-ITT 414 ? 15+5

6. () qt.-4 fdtA-r-F 71-1f4ff cht4

fetTff TR-4*r W.-4R
(w) 7f4 foTF * iTt4A

7. tiii.64 4 (conflict) feliq t•Ot .WF qu

*If* I tq 311114 TTgT 74-r-guff Trfo
idqtlui 0* 14+6

8. PIHR1 tsll 4 f e ITT 4f4Tqr vir

few : io-Fio
(*) celcflk dckl 1-1 (genesis)

allITTM (Learning) W4T Au:179.

(Tr) tpig fRiEr-4
(Er) kiiio-r 4 trft-4-4q -sr4v

MC0-01 4 22,000
No. of Printed. Pages : 4 MC0-001
Tenn-End Examination


Time : 3 Hours] (Maximum : Marks : 100
(Weightage : 70%)
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks.

1. (a) "In order to grow the organisation continuosly,

there is need for keeping individuals growing".
Discuss and explain the individual
perspectives of the organisation. 10
(b) Describe the small and large group
perspective of an organisation with suitable
examples. 10
2. Explain the components of organisation structure
with suitable examples. How do they enhance the
efficiency of the organisation? 15+5
3. What are the changes which the managers
experience in the cognitive areas as a result of
the 'learning'? Critically examine the various
theories of learning; 4+16
MC0-001/ 12920 •
4. (a) Describe the factors influencing the formation
of groups in an organisation. 10

(b) Explain the various types of work groups

prevalent in an organisation. 10

5. What are the various types of conflict prevalent

in the organisation? Explain the levels of conflict
in the organisational life. 6+14

6. (a) Describe various sources of power in an

organisation. 10

(b) Explain the process of obtaining power in the

organisation with suitable examples. 10

7. What are the objectives and underlying values of

organisational development? Explain the
organisational development process in the
orgnisation. 10+10

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:


(i) Roles of managers in an organisation

(ii) Strategies for change of behaviour

(iii) Determinants of personality

(iv) Developing organisational culture.


MC0-001/ 12920
I TES.4.--001
cuRivg 4 till"ht Trak (TTV'T-)
mod. Ow

vrAft.4.-ooi : #787 Rhafri 3 04cmit

FPI : 3 re edterm : 100

47. : 70%)
91E: it-41 rk * ■ittit Rift Tr491

1. (GT) "fttt ti Kyr & fdtitf Had # t-dT it.;

17 elF4T4M t f Iti4 IN cbt; glcl
r floc, w:r 4 ice. itzfr WV' WIWI
*r$1 * airr(lIcf tft f qu f~l
I 10
(A) tilIc5• * is eh At: +IV Vf T f ik4q9 .
2 el Km y r * tre-4 q ‘1q1.-.11 a quirt *WEI
NU WEI 51*IT cwivicif (stiCft? 15+5

3. adiPTIT* 1:RW1W:1344gt tIWINIV-147 4* 4 ari-tr

trite tt? elitfrIN I itiNf q5r eTra-49TFIT
cNn trAi 4+16
MC0-001/ 12920
4. (3T) itt tmorr t tR-4
trA-41 10

(r) itt ti , 16-1 4 54e07 fAnt T*7* tzi Fie

tr iuli metrAti 10

5. leirr ftf49- 5R-F-{ S 431-1 -# Alf d i i t?

tiii # ciu• trAi 6+14

6. (GT) tithe -r 4 %-fr tr ft49- *MI 10

tiiitm 4 Kfta. iII ct tt4 $ AitziT

Nigituf 5 TIN ciu1-1 trAl 10

7. t -Norwich *FT 3 (31c c1?I ari-A•

t? ft tr iad 4 ti tofficin r4tRittrfitzirtr
quid all 10+10

8. 4-1 4 t uiktilu P.u4Pii1i fait


(i) (-mart 4 riw.4-rt

(ii) «mitt 1:11t449. rt.

(iii) affterc 5

(iv) ti4iariivich TtiTit ZT iii


(4) MC0-001/ 12920

No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-001 I
u-) Term-End Examination

December, 2018

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 7Q%)
Note : (i) Answer any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Do you think that organisation structure

contributes to the efficient functioning of the
organisation ? Discuss with examples and explain
the dimensions of organisation structure. 10+10

2. How are attitudes formed ? Explain the process 6+14

of change in attitude with suitable examples.

3. (a) Distinguish between Maslow's need

hierarchy and Herzberg's two factors
theories of motivation. 10+10
(b) Critically examine McClelland theory of

4. Explain the determinants of Job Satisfaction with

suitable examples. How can you measure Job
Satisfaction in an organisation ? 14+6

MCO-001 1 P.T.O.
5. (a) Describe the stages of development of group
in an organisation. 10+10
(b) Discuss the factors which influence the level
of cohesiveness of group.

6. Do you think that changes are pervasive in an 5+15

organisation ? Discuss and explain the process
of change in the organisation.

7. (a) Describe the factors influencing

organisational culture. 10+10
(b) How can you develop an ideal
organisational culture in the organisation ?
Discuss with examples.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Contemporary issues in organisation theory
(b) Designing value based organisation
(c) Job Reengineering
(d) Grape-vine

MCO-001 2
TrRzt aft (RI:L*fit )
Rti(sit, 2018
: its ii aft ceicivi
OWI : 3 i'2" 37fg1WW1 37T. 100
(TN : 70%)

*F. : (i) r Eta 31q/ d it< fRfW I

TTSi? 31.?-11. 3 ?Fifa. gl

1. rr a-Trq t ki+id-f Tf-INT it

- cirii4 4 'iii acir t? dqWur Tfrga f-44-49.
21•1 % -Era-*1 ceastif %lf-4RI 10+10

2. 3-T511W (attitudes) ilc11 t? 3T 6f

4 4R -511W41 i dqi(uji Tiro 044 RN! -11771 6+14

3. (a) 34541)1171 (motivation) t 4 111W11 37- TqW1%-a1

.#74-fff' M gr ftzgfa'
ata-{ z--4(gr -wir-4R1 10+10
(b) 4chc)(qs -k31l-174%-dT% -fgziff
ttaTuf %11-AR

4. ATM TietZ faIift%1 (determinants) 1:113i7a.

dciuil Tiro otiRsii%lf-A-Ri 144141:4f -971-4u 414
Ttgriz Trrq aTrcr 44 ? 1L I 14+6

MCO-001 3 P.T.O.
5. (a) 144 Tim tpifi .kfqwrg feuwar-41:mail
w 449. -If-4R 10+10
(b) ti i-o tik♦ rcki (cohesiveness)
Viedff ci.)(4 airl art 1A- 01 I (Si I I

6. 441 3TItf -FW T4rt 0441 ,14) aa 5+15

t? 1-44-4ff s aEri rchtil wit -4iiacfi TIFW4TE
04 1IM I

7. (a) evidliciict) Ufa TPTIF-dff cht4 alC1 WIA

auk WqR I 10+10

(b) 641141:T4 algt '44 I di 1014) Tkift f4- 1•T

*14 t? 3cWul if fdi

8. 14-i ri (gci -14 14)4* TR Ti1ki7 reu,Avii -WaR :10+10

(a) iiiics-f-firziff it (issues)
(b) 4r-4 alThliftff (value based) sAwf .4)(-11
(c) 414

(d) 3T 'WINK (Grape-vine)

MC0-001 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-01


Term-End Examination
February, 2021



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)
Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks.

1. What do you mean by Classical theory of

Organisation ? Critically examine any two of
them. 4+16

2. ‘‘Sound organisation contributes greatly to the

continuity and success of an enterprise.’’ Discuss
and highlight the characteristics and importance
of the organisation. Also explain the steps
involved in the organisation process. 12+8

3. Do you think that ‘‘people behave on the basis of

their perception of reality’’ ? Discuss and explain
the process of perception. Also describe the
factors influencing perception. 10+10

4. What do you mean by personality ? Critically

examine various theories of personality. 5+15
MCO-01 1 P.T.O.
5. Discuss the significance of communication in an
organisation, with suitable examples. How can
you make communication effective in an
organisation ? Illustrate with examples. 10+10

6. How does a team develop in an organisation ?

Explain the various approaches of team
building. 8+12

7. Discuss the various resistance to change in an

organisation. How can you overcome resistance
to change ? Illustrate your answer with
examples. 10+10

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Contemporary Issues in Organisation
(b) Need for the Study of Organisational
(c) Managing a Multinational Organisation
(d) Dimension of Organisational Climate

MCO-01 2

dm{UÁ` _| ñZmVH$moÎma Cnm{Y (E_.H$m°_.)

gÌm§V narjm
\$adar, 2021 : g§JR>Z {gÕm§V Am¡a ì`dhma

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100
(Hw$b H$m : 70%)
ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ &

1. g§JR>Z Ho$ Šbm{gH$s {gÕm§V go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ?

{H$Ýht Xmo {gÕm§Vm| H$m AmbmoMZmË_H$ narjU H$s{OE & 4+16

2. ‘‘EH$ gwÑ‹T> g§JR>Z CÚ_ H$s {Za§VaVm Am¡a g\$bVm _|

AË`{YH$ `moJXmZ H$aVm h¡ &’’ {ddoMZm H$s{OE VWm g§JR>Z
H$s {deofVmAm| Am¡a _hÎd na àH$me S>m{bE & g§JR>Z
à{H«$`m _| g§b½Z gmonmZm| H$s ^r ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 12+8

3. Š`m Amn g_PVo h¢ {H$ ‘‘ì`{º$ dmñV{dH$Vm Ho$ AnZo

àË`j kmZ Ho$ AmYma na ì`dhma H$aVo h¢’’ ? {ddoMZm
H$s{OE Am¡a àË`jU H$s à{H«$`m H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE &
àË`jU H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$m| H$m ^r dU©Z
H$s{OE & 10+10

4. ì`{º$Ëd go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ? ì`{º$Ëd Ho$ {d{^Þ

{gÕm§Vm| H$m AmbmoMZmË_H$ narjU H$s{OE & 5+15
MCO-01 3 P.T.O.
5. {H$gr g§JR>Z _| g§àofU Ho$ _hÎd H$m Cn`wº$ CXmhaUm| Ho$
gmW {ddoMZ H$s{OE & g§JR>Z _| Amn g§àofU H$mo H¡$go
à^mdembr ~ZmE±Jo ? AnZo CÎma H$mo CXmhaUm| Ho$ gmW ñnï>
H$s{OE & 10+10

6. {H$gr g§JR>Z _| Q>r_ H$m {dH$mg {H$g àH$ma hmoVm h¡ ? Q>r_

{Z_m©U Ho$ {d{^Þ CnmJ_m| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 8+12

7. {H$gr g§JR>Z _| {d{^Þ n[adV©Z Ho$ à{VamoYm| H$s {ddoMZm

H$s{OE & Amn n[adV©Z Ho$ à{VamoYm| na {H$g àH$ma H$m~y
nm gH$Vo h¢ ? CXmhaUm| Ho$ gmW ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 10+10

8. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na g§{jßV {Q>ßn{U`m±

{b{IE : 10+10
(H$) g§JR>Z {gÕm§V _| g_H$mbrZ _wÔo
(I) g§JR>Z ì`dhma Ho$ AÜ``Z H$s Amdí`H$Vm
(J) ~hþamîQ´>r` g§JR>Z H$m à~§Y
(K) g§JR>ZmË_H$ dmVmdaU Ho$ Am`m_

MCO-01 4
[2] MCO-01

process of bringing change in attitude with

No. of Printed Pages : 8 MCO-01
examples. 10+10
3. (a) “All major disciplines have made an
Term-End Examination
important contribution to the field of
December, 2021
organisational behaviour.” Illustrate your
answer with examples. 10

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 (b) What are the goals of organisational

behaviour ? How does organisational

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
behaviour contribute towards the building
(ii) All questions carry equal marks. of various skills and values in the

organisation ? 10
1. Discuss various theories of learning. How do

these theories facilitate learning in the 4. Describe various theories of personality.

organisation ? Explain. 16+4 How do these theories help in understanding

2. What are the processes of formation of attitude the personality of an individual ?

in an organisation ? Discuss and explain the Explain. 15+5

P. T. O.
[3] MCO-01 [4] MCO-01

5. Do you think that job satisfaction is a 8. Write short notes on any two of the

following :
psychological aspect of human being ?

Discuss and explain determinants of job

satisfaction. 5+15 (i) Contemporary issues in organisational


6. Distinguish between formal work group and (ii) Qualities of an effective leader

informal work group. Explain various (iii) Organisational development process

structural variables which govern groups in an (iv) Managing multinational organisation

organisation. 5+15

7. Explain various sources of resistance to change

in the organisation. How can you

overcome resistance to change ? Discuss with

examples. 12+8

P. T. O.
[5] MCO-01 [6] MCO-01






P. T. O.
[7] MCO-01 [8] MCO-01

(i) í



(iv) ª


P. T. O.
No. of Printed Pages : 8 MCO-01


(M. COM.)

Term-End Examination

June, 2022



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions

carry equal marks.

1. (a) Describe organisational culture and

discuss its basic elements. 10

P. T. O.
[2] MCO-01

(b) How does organisational culture create its

impact on workplace ? Suggest

measures for developing organisational

culture. 5+5

2. Discuss the forces which initiate change in an

organisation. Explain different sources of

resistance to change. 10+10

3. “Effective communication is a basic prerequisite

for the attainment of organisational goals.”

Discuss and suggest measures to make the

communication effective. 8+12

4. Describe various stages of the process of

perception. Explain the factors that influence

perception and the barriers to accurate

perception in an organisation. 8+6+6

[3] MCO-01

5. Explain the determinants of personality

of an individual. Describe various

personality traits and types with suitable

examples. 6+14

6. Discuss in detail neo-classical theory of

organisation. 20

7. Throw light on the various types of work groups

formed in an organisation. Give suitable

examples. 20

8. Write notes on any two of the

following : 10+10

(a) Attitude of people in the organisation

(b) Organisational Development (OD)


P. T. O.
[4] MCO-01

(c) Management by Objectives (MBO)

(d) Causes of Stress

9. Critically explain the classical theories of

organisation. 20
[5] MCO-01



P. T. O.
[6] MCO-01
[7] MCO-01



P. T. O.
[8] MCO-01




No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-01


Term-End Examination
December, 2022



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)
Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry
equal marks.

1. ‘‘Organisational Behaviour deals with individual

behaviours in organisations, apart from dealing
with group behaviours and behaviours in
organisation.’’ Discuss this statement with
examples. 20

2. Describe various steps involved in formulating

strategies for change of employees’ behaviour in
an organisation. 20

3. Explain process of perception and the factors

that influence perception of people in an
organisation. 10+10

4. Discuss in detail the principles of good

communication with suitable examples. 20

MCO-01 1 P.T.O.
5. (a) What do you mean by conflict in an
organisation ? Describe in detail levels of
conflict that may arise in an organisation.
(b) What measures would you take to resolve
the conflict in an organisation, as a Human
Resource Manager ? Explain. 10+10

6. (a) Describe the role of manager in an

(b) Discuss the characteristics of a modern
organisation with suitable example. 10+10

7. Explain ‘Lewin’s Model’ and ‘Continuous Process

Model’ of change process in an organisation with
suitable example. 20

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Basic Elements of Organisational Culture
(b) Building Effective Organisation
(c) Cross-Cultural Management
(d) Classical Theory of Organisation

9. Critically examine modern theories of

organisation. 20

MCO-01 2

dm{UÁ` _| ñZmVH$moÎma Cnm{Y (E_.H$m°_.)

gÌm§V narjm
{Xgå~a, 2022 : g§JR>Z {gÕm§V Am¡a ì`dhma

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100
(Hw$b H$m : 70%)
ZmoQ> : {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ
h¢ &

1. ‘‘g_yh Ho$ ì`dhmam| Am¡a g§JR>Z _| ì`dhmam| Ho$ A{V[aº$

g§JR>ZmË_H$ ì`dhma H$m g§~§Y ì`{º$JV ì`dhmam| Ho$ gmW
^r hmoVm h¡ &’’ Bg H$WZ H$s CXmhaUm| g{hV ì`m»`m
H$s{OE & 20

2. {H$gr g§JR>Z Ho$ H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ ì`dhma _| n[adV©Z bmZo Ho$

{bE Cn`moJ H$s OmZo dmbr `w{º$`m| Ho$ {d{^Þ MaUm| H$m
dU©Z H$s{OE & 20

3. {H$gr g§JR>Z Ho$ bmoJm| Ho$ àË`jU H$s à{H«$`m VWm àË`jU
H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$m| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 10+10

4. AÀN>o g§no«fU Ho$ {gÕm§Vm| H$s Cn`wº$ CXmhaUm| Ho$ gmW

{dñV¥V MMm© H$s{OE & 20

MCO-01 3 P.T.O.
5. (H$) {H$gr g§JR>Z _| Û§Û go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢ ? {H$gr
g§JR>Z _| CËnÞ hmoZo dmbo Û§Û Ho$ ñVam| H$m {dñV¥V
dU©Z H$s{OE &
(I) EH$ _mZd g§gmYZ à~§YH$ Ho$ Vm¡a na, {H$gr g§JR>Z _|
hmoZo dmbo Û§Û Ho$ g_mYmZ Ho$ {bE Amn Š`m `w{º$`m±
AnZmE±Jo ? g_PmBE & 10+10

6. (H$) {H$gr g§JR>Z _| à~§YH$ H$s ^y{_H$m H$m dU©Z

H$s{OE &
(I) EH$ AmYw{ZH$ g§JR>Z H$s {d{eîQ>VmAm| H$s MMm© C{MV
CXmhaU Ho$ gmW H$s{OE & 10+10

7. {H$gr g§JR>Z _| n[adV©Z H$s à{H«$`m Ho$ ‘ë`yBZ H$m _m°S>b’

Am¡a ‘A{dam_ à{H«$`m _m°S>b’ H$s ì`m»`m C{MV CXmhaU
Ho$ gmW H$s{OE & 20

8. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na g§{jßV {Q>ßn{U`m±

{b{IE : 10+10
(H$) g§JR>ZmË_H$ g§ñH¥${V Ho$ _yb VÎd
(I) à^mdr g§JR>Z H$m {Z_m©U
(J) A§V…-gm§ñH¥${VH$ à~§Y
(K) g§JR>Z H$m Šbm{gH$s {gÕm§V

9. g§JR>Z Ho$ AmYw{ZH$ {gÕm§Vm| H$m AmbmoMZmË_H$ narjU

H$s{OE & 20

MCO-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-01
(M. Com.)
Term-End Examination
June, 2023

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Describe organizational effectiveness. Explain

different components and determinants of
organizational effectiveness. 8+12
2. Explain the important theories of learning with
few applications in organizations. 20
3. Describe the personality attributes of
employees that influence organizational
behaviour. 20
4. Discuss various techniques of Job Re-design
citing suitable example. 20
P. T. O.
[2] MCO-01

5. (a) Explain nature and types of conflict in an

organization. 10

(b) Explain the four stages in the conflict

process. 10

6. Explain the forces of organizational change.

Describe the process of change in an
organization. 10+10

7. Describe the nature of problem areas and types

of OD interventions to encounter those problem
areas briefly. 20

8. Write short notes on any two of the

following : 10+10

(a) Neo-classical theory of organization

(b) Delegation of authority

(c) Perception

(d) Concept of attitude

[3] MCO-01







P. T. O.
[4] MCO-01





No. of Printed Pages : 8 MCO-01


(M. COM.)

Term-End Examination

June, 2022



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions

carry equal marks.

1. (a) Describe organisational culture and

discuss its basic elements. 10

P. T. O.
[2] MCO-01

(b) How does organisational culture create its

impact on workplace ? Suggest

measures for developing organisational

culture. 5+5

2. Discuss the forces which initiate change in an

organisation. Explain different sources of

resistance to change. 10+10

3. “Effective communication is a basic prerequisite

for the attainment of organisational goals.”

Discuss and suggest measures to make the

communication effective. 8+12

4. Describe various stages of the process of

perception. Explain the factors that influence

perception and the barriers to accurate

perception in an organisation. 8+6+6

[3] MCO-01

5. Explain the determinants of personality

of an individual. Describe various

personality traits and types with suitable

examples. 6+14

6. Discuss in detail neo-classical theory of

organisation. 20

7. Throw light on the various types of work groups

formed in an organisation. Give suitable

examples. 20

8. Write notes on any two of the

following : 10+10

(a) Attitude of people in the organisation

(b) Organisational Development (OD)


P. T. O.
[4] MCO-01

(c) Management by Objectives (MBO)

(d) Causes of Stress

9. Critically explain the classical theories of

organisation. 20
[5] MCO-01



P. T. O.
[6] MCO-01
[7] MCO-01



P. T. O.
[8] MCO-01




[2] MCO-01

(b) Describe the individual perspective of

No. of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-01
organisational behaviour. How do they
MASTER OF COMMERCE (M. Com.) facilitate in the growth of the individuals
Term-End Examination in the organisation ? 10

June, 2021 3. (a) Describe the factors influencing the

perception with suitable examples. 10
(b) How can you develop perceptual skills in
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 the organisation ? Explain with
Note : Answer any five questions. All questions examples. 10

carry equal marks. 4. What are the consequences of stress ? Discuss

with examples and describe various stressors

1. Do you think that, “Organisational structure
and related techniques which help in
facilitates in allocation of tasks, reporting
understanding the creation of stress free
pattern and coordination mechanisms.” Discuss
environment. 14+6
and explain various components of
5. (a) Critically examine Herzberg’s two-factor
organisational structure. 4+16
theory of motivation. 12
2. (a) Why do you study organisational
(b) Discuss the similarities and distinction
behaviour ? Illustrative your answer with
between Maslow’s need hierarchy and
examples. 10
Herzberg’s two-factor theory. 8

P. T. O.
[3] MCO-01 [4] MCO-01

6. Do you think that Job design is essentially a MCO-01

strategy of human resource management ?
Justify and discuss the models of Job okf.kT; esa LukrdksÙkj mikf/ (,e- dkWe-)
design. 6+14
l=kkar ijh{kk
7. Do you think that individuals and different
groups in the organisations use variety of twu] 2021
power tactics to obtain power ? Discuss and
explain the sources of power in an ,e- lh- vks--01 % laxBu fl¼kUr vkSj O;ogkj
organisation. 8+12
le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/dre Hkkfjrk % 100
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

uksV % fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds
(i) Adaptive organisational structure

(ii) Schedules of Reinforcement vad leku gSaA

(iii) Job Re-engineering

(iv) Factors in building effective

organisation 1- D;k vki le>rs gSa fd] ¶laxBu <k¡pk dk;ks± dk
vkcaVu] fjiksVZ djus dk Lo:i vkSj leUo;h ra=kksa dks
ljy cukrk gSA¸ O;k[;k dhft, vkSj laxBu <k¡ps ds
?kVdksa dk o.kZu dhft,A 4+16

P. T. O.
[5] MCO-01 [6] MCO-01

2- (v) laxBukRed O;ogkj dk vè;;u vki D;ksa djrs 5- (v) gtZcxZ ds f}dkjd vfHkizsj.k fl¼kUr dk
gSa \ mnkgj.k ds lkFk mÙkj nhft,A 10 vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A 12

(c) laxBukRed O;ogkj ds O;fDrxr ifjizs{; dk

(c) vfHkizsj.k ds eSLyks vkSj gtZcxZ ds f}dkjd
foospu dhft,A ;g fdl izdkj laxBu esa
fl¼kUr esa lekurk vkSj vUrj dh O;k[;k
O;fDr;ksa ds lrr~ :i ls fodkl esa lgk;d
dhft,A 8
gksrk gS \ 10

3- (v) izR;{k.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk 6- D;k vki le>rs gSa fd tkWc fMtkbu ekuo lalk/u
mnkgj.k ds lkFk foospu dhft,A 10 izcU/ dh ,d ;qfDr gS \ U;k;laxr fl¼ dhft,

(c) fdlh laxBu esa vki izR;{k.k lEcU/h dkS'kyksa vkSj tkWc fMtkbu ds ekWMyksa dh O;k[;k
dks dSls fodflr djsaxs \ mnkgj.k ds lkFk o.kZu dhft,A 6+14

dhft,A 10
7- D;k vki le>rs gSa fd laxBuksa esa 'kfDr izkIr djus
4- ruko ds D;k&D;k ifj.kke gSa \ mnkgj.k ds lkFk
ds fy, O;fDr rFkk fofHkUu lewg vusd izdkj dh
O;k[;k dhft, vkSj rukoeqDr okrkoj.k ds fuekZ.k dks
;qfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gSa \ O;k[;k dhft, vkSj
le>us ds fy, ftu LVsªllZ vkSj lEcfU/r
fdlh laxBu esa 'kfDr izkIr djus dh izfØ;k dh
rduhdksa dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS] mudh O;k[;k
dhft,A 14+6 O;k[;k dhft,A 8+12

P. T. O.
[7] MCO-01

8- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡

fyf[k, % 10+10

(i) vuqdwy laxBu <k¡pk

(ii) izcyu dh vuqlwfp;k¡

(iii) tkWc iqu%bathfu;jh

(iv) izHkkoh laxBu fuekZ.k ds dkjd


P. T. O.

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