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ASME-PTC10, "Compressors and Exhausters," was adopted on
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PTC 10-1997

Test Code on

and Exhausters


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Date of Issuance: September 30, 1998

This d o c u m e n t will b e revised w h e n t h e Society approves t h e issuance of a n e w

edition. There will be no addenda issued to ASME PTC 10-1997.
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technical aspects of t h i s document. The interpretations are n o t part of t h e document.
PTC 10-1997 is being issued with an automatic subscription service to the interpreta-
t i o n s t h a t will b e issued to it up to t h e publication of t h e n e x t edition.

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(This Foreword is not a part of ASME PTC 10-1997.)

PTC 10 was last revised in 1965 and it has been reaffirmed many times in the intervening
period. The PTC 10 Committee has been in various states of activity for approximately
the past 20 years. During that time the Code has been completely rewritten to be far more
explanatory in nature.
The performance testing of compressors is complicated by the need in virtually every
case to consider and make correction for the differences between the test and specified
conditions. The techniques used to do so are based upon the rules of fluid-dynamic
similarity. Some familiarity with this fundamental technique will be a significant aid to
the users of PTC IO.
Compressors and exhausters come in all sorts of configurations. A very simple case is
a single section compressor with one impeller, and single inlet and outlet flanges. Many
more complex arrangements exist with multiple inlets, outlets, impellers, sections, in-
tercoolers and side seams. Typical gases handled are air, its constituents, and various
hydrocarbons. Tests are commonly run in the shop or in the field, at speeds equal to or
different from the specified speed, and with the specified or a substitute gas. In order to
handle this vast array of possibilities PTC 10 reduces the problem to the simplest element,
the section, and provides the instructions for combining multiple sections to compute the

overall results.
Uncertainty analysis can play a very important role in compressor testing, from the
design of the test to interpretation of the test results. In all but the very simplest of cases
the development of an analytic formulation, ¡.e., in simple equation form, for overall
uncertainty computation is formidable. The test uncertainty will always be increasingly
more complex to evaluate with the complexity of the compressor configuration, and by
the very nature of the test will be a function of the performance curves.
The modern personal computer is readily capable of completing the calculations re-
quired. The Committee developed software and used it to perform both the basic code
calculations and uncertainty analysis computations for a wide range of possible compressor
This Code was approved by the PTC 1O Committee on January18,1991. It was approved
and adopted by the Council as a standard practice of the Society by action of the Board
on Performance Test Codes on October 14, 1996. It was also approved as an American
National Standard by the ANSI Board of Standards Review on April 22, 1997.



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STD-ASME P T C LO-ENGL li997 D 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05925 T20


All Performance Test Codes MUST adhere to the requirements of PTC 1, GENERAL
INSTRUCTIONS. The following information is based on that document and is included
here for emphasis and for the convenience of the user of this Code. It is expected that the
Code user is fully cognizant of Parts I and III of PTC I and has read them prior to applying
this Code.

ASME Performance Test Codes provide test procedures which yield results of the highest
level of accuracy consistent with the best engineering knowledge and practice currently
available. They were developed by balanced committees representing all concerned interests.
They specify procedures, instrumentation, equipment operating requirements, calculation
methods, and uncertainty analysis.

When tests are run in accordance with this Code, the test results themselves, without adjust-
ment for uncertainty, yield the best available indication of the actual performance of the
tested equipment. ASME Performance Test Codes do not specify means to compare those
results to contractual guarantees. Therefore, it is recommended that the parties to a commercial
test agree before starting the test and preferably before signing the contract on the
method to be used for comparing the test results to the contractual guarantees. It is beyond

the scope of any code to determine or interpret how such comparisons shall be made.

Approved by Letter Ballot #95-1 and B E C Administrative Meeting of March 13-14, 1995


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(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Code.)

Gordon J. Gerber, Chair
Richard J. Gross, Vice Chair
jack H. Karian, Secretary

Helmut B. Baranek, Public Service Electric & Gas Company
John J. Dwyer, Consultant
Gordon J. Gerber, Praxair
Richard J. Gross, The University of Akron
Jack H. Karian, ASME
Robert E. Lawrence, Consultant
Jack A. Lock, Lock Engineering
Vincent J. Polignano, IMO Delaval
Frank H. Rassmann, Elliott Company
Norman A. Samurin, Dresser Rand Company
Joseph A. Silvaggio, Jr., Alternate to Polignano, IMO Delaval


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S T D - A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1 7 7 7 m 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 Ob05427 A T 3 m



D. R. Keyser, Chair
P. M. Cerharî, Vice Chair
W. O. Hays, Secretary


R. P. Allen R. W.Henry S. B. Scharp

R. L. Bannister D. R. Keyser J. Siegmund

B. Bornstein S. J. Korellis J. A. Silvaggio, Jr.
J. M. Burns J. W.Milton R. E. Sommerlad
J. R. Friedman C . H. Mittendorf, Ir. W.C. Steele, Ir.
G. J. Gerber S. P. Nuspl J. C. Westcott
P. M. Cerhart R. P. Perkins J. C. Yost
R. S. Hecklinger A. L. Plumley



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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Committee Roster ................................................ V
Board Roster .................................................... vi

1 Object and Scope ........................................ 1
2 Definitions and Description of Terms .......................... 3
3 Guiding Principles ........................................ 11
4 Instruments and Methods of Measurement ...................... 23
5 Computation of Results .................................... 39
6 Report ofTest ........................................... 55

3.1 Section Control Volumes ................................... 14
3.2 Typical Sideload Sectional Compressors........................ 16
3.3 Allowable Machine Mach Number Departures. Centrifugal
Compressors .......................................... 18
3.4 Allowable Machine Mach Number Departures. Axial Compressors. . . . 19
3.5 Allowable Machine Reynolds Number Departures. Centrifugal
Compressors .......................................... 20
3.6 Schultz Compressibility Factor - Function Y versus Reduced Pressure 21
3.7 Schultz Compressibility Factor - Function X versus Reduced Pressure 22
4.1 Inlet and Discharge Configuration ............................ 24
4.2 Open Inlet.............................................. 24
4.3 Vortex Producing Axial Inlet ................................ 25
4. 4 Open Discharge ......................................... 25
4.5 Diffusing Volute Discharge With Nonsymmetric Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6 Typical Closed Loop ...................................... 26
4.7 Typical Closed Loop With Sidestream ......................... 27
4.8 Straighteners and Equalizers................................. 29
4.9 Inlet Nozzle on an Open Loop .............................. 32
4.1O Discharge Nozzle on an Open Loop, Subcritical Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 1 Discharge Nozzle on an Open Loop, Critical Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 2 Typical Sidestream Inlet Area ................................ 35
5.1 Specified Condition Capacity Coefficient for Specified Condition
Capacity of Interest ..................................... 49

3.1 Permissible Deviation From Specified Operating Conditions for
Type 1 Tests........................................... 12


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3.2 Permissible Deviation From Specified Operating Parameters for

Type1 and2Tests ...................................... 12
3.3 Limits of Departure From ideal Gas Laws of Specified and
Test Gases ............................................ 13
3.4 . . .. .. . . .
Permissible Fluctuations of Test Readings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1 ideal Gas Dimensionless Parameters... . . . . . . . . . .. .. .....
... .. 40
5.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
Real Gas Dimensionless Parameters. . , .. . . 41
5.3 . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . .
Total Work Input Coefficient, All Gases. . .. . . 48
5.4 .. .. . . . .. ...
Typical Conversion of Dimensionless Parameters . , , .. 50

Nonmandatory Appendices
A Use of Total Pressure and Total Temperature to Define Compressor
Performance . . ..... .. . .. . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . .
. , .. . .. ,

, 59
B Properties of Gas Mixtures. ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. . . . . . . ... 61
C Sample Calculations . . . . . ... . . . . .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
, .. , .. 63
C.l Type 1 Test for a Centrifugal Compressor Using an ideal Gas. ....... 65
C.2 Type 2 Test for a Centrifugal Compressor Using an ideal Gas. . . . . . .. 85
C.3 Ideal Gas Application to Selection of Test Speed and Test Gas and
Methods of Power Evaluation. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
, ,,, . 109
C.4 Treatment of Bracketed Test Points. . . .. ........ .. .....
.. ... , .. 119
C.5 Selection of a Test Gas for a Type 2 Test Using ideal and Real Gas
Equations............................................. 123
C.6 Type 2 Test Using Real Gas Equations for Data Reduction ........
.. 139

C.7 Treatment of a Two Section Compressor With Externally Piped

.. . . . . . . ..
Intercoolers, Condensate Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . 151
C.8 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..
Application of Uncertainty Analysis . . . . . . . ... . 159
D References. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
,, . , . , . 165
E . .. . . .
Rationale for Calculation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
F Reynolds Number Correction. . . . . . .... ........ . . . . . . .
. .. .. . . 183
C Refined Methods for Calculating Total Conditions , .. .. . . . . . .....
. 185
H SI Units ................................................ 187


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1777 W 0759b70 Ob05430 378 =



1.1 OBJECT nally piped intercoolers and for compressors with

interstage side load inlets or outlets.
The object of this Code is to provide a test
internally cooled compressors are included pro-
procedure to determine the thermodynamic perform-

vided that test conditions are held nearly identical

ance of an axial or centrifugal compressor or ex-
to specified conditions.
hauster doing work on a gas of known or measurable
Compressors, as the name implies, are usually
properties under specified conditions.
intended to produce considerable density change
This Code is written to provide explicit test proce-
as a result of the compression process. Fans are
dures which will yield the highest level of accuracy
normally considered to be air or gas moving devices
consistent with the best engineering knowledge and
and are characterized by minimal density change.
practice currently available. Nonetheless, no single
A distinction between the two at times may be
universal value of the uncertainty is, or should be,
unclear. As a very rough guide, either PTC 10 or
expected to apply to every test. The uncertainty
PTC 11 may be used for machines falling into the
associated with any individual PTC 10 test will
approximate pressure ratio range of 1.05 to 1.2.
depend upon practical choices made in terms of
The methods of PTC 10, which provide for the
instrumentation and methodology. Rules are pro-
pronounced effects of density change during com-
vided to estimate the uncertainty for individual tests.
pression, have no theoretical lower limit. However,
practical considerations regarding achievable accu-
racy become important in attempting to apply PTC
1.2 SCOPE 10 to devices commonly classified as fans. For
example, the low temperature rise associated with
1.2.1 General. The scope of this Code includes
fans may lead to large uncertainty in power require-
instructions on test arrangement and instrumentation,
ment if the heat balance method i s chosen. Fans
test procedure, and methods for evaluation and
also may require traversing techniques for flow and
reporting of final results.
gas state measurements due to the inlet and discharge
Rules are provided for establishing the following
ducting systems employed. Refer to PTC 11 on Fans
quantities, corrected as necessary to represent ex-
for further information.
pected performance under specified operating condi-
with the specified gas:
quantity of gas delivered
pressure rise produced
shaft power required 1.3 EQUIPMENT NOT COVERED BY THIS
efficiency CODE
(0 surge point
The calculation procedures provided in this Code
fg) choke point
Other than providing methods for calculating me- are based on the compression of a single phase
gas. They should not be used for a gas containing
chanical power losses, this Code does not cover

suspended solids or any liquid, when liquid could

rotor dynamics or other mechanical performance
parameters. be formed in the compression process, or when a
chemical reaction takes place in the compression
1.2.2 Compressor Arrangements. This Code i s de- process.
signed to allow the testing of single or multiple casing This does not preclude the use of this Code on
axial or centrifugal compressors or combinations a gas where condensation occurs in a cooler provid-
thereof, with one or more stages of compression ing the droplets are removed prior to the gas entering
per casing. Procedures are also included for exter- the next stage of compression.

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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 = 0759b70 ObO5Lf3L 2 2 q D


1.4 TYPES OF TESTS configuration is used, this shall be agreed upon in

writing prior to the test by the participating parties.
This Code contains provisions for two different
However, no deviations may be made that will
types of tests. A Type 1 test must be conducted on
violate any mandatory requirements of this Code
the specified gas with a limited deviation between
when the tests are designated as tests conducted in
test and specified operating conditions. A Type 2
test permits the use of a substitute test gas and accordance with ASME PTC 10.
extends the permissible deviations between test and The mandatory rules of this Code are characterized
specified operating conditions. by the use of the word "shall." If a statement i s of
an advisory nature it i s indicated by the use of the
word "should" or i s stated as a recommendation.

This Code provides a means for determining the 1.7 INSTRUCTIONS

performance of a compressor at specified operating
conditions. It also provides a method for estimating The Code on General Instructions, PTC 1, shall
the uncertainty of the results. The interpretation of be studied and followed where applicable. The
the results relative to any contractual guarantees is instructions in PTC 10 shall prevail over other ASME
beyond the scope of this Code and should be agreed Performance Test Codes where there is any conflict.
upon i n writing prior to the test by the participating

Unless otherwise specified, references to other
Definitive procedures for testing compressors are Codes refer to ASME Performance Test Codes. Litera-
described herein. If any other procedure or test ture references are shown in Appendix D.


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1797 m 0 7 5 9 6 7 0 Ob05q32 1bO m





Symbol Description Units
A Flow channel cross sectional area ft2
a Acoustic velocity ftlsec
b Tip width ft
C Coefficient of discharge dimensionless
C Molal specific heat (Appendix B only) Btu/lbm mole O R
C Specific heat . Btu/lbm "R
CP Specific heat at constant pressure Btu/lbm "R
CV Specific heat at constant volume Btu/lbm "R
D Diameter in.
d Diameter of fluid meter in.
e Relative error dimensionless
f Polytropic work factor dimensionless
gc Dimensional constant, 32.1 74 Ibm ft/lbf sec2

H Molal enthalpy Btu/lbm-mole

HR Humidity ratio Ibm H20/lbm dry air
h EnthaIpy Btu/lbm
hr Coefficient of heat transfer for casing and Btu/hr ft2 O R
adjoining pipe
j Mechanical equivalent of heat, 778.1 7 ft Ibf/Btu
K dimensionless

Flow coefficient
k Ratio of specific heats, cp/cy dimensionless
log Common logarithm (Base 10) dimensionless
In Naperian (natural) logarithm dimensionless
MW Molecular weight Ibmllbmo le
Mm Machine Mach number dimensionless
M Fluid Mach number dimensionless
m Polytropic exponent for a path on the p-T dimensionless
m Mass (Appendix B only) Ibm
N Rotative speed rPm
n Polytropic exponent for a path on the p-v dimensionless
n Number of moles (Appendix B only) .
Ib mole

ns Isentropic exponent for a path on the p-v dimensionless

P Power hP
P Pressure psia
Pv Velocity pressure psi
Qext Other external heat losses Btu/min
Om Total mechanical losses (equivalent) Btu/min

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S T D D A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1997 0759b70 Ob05433 UT7 W


0, Heat transfer from the section boundaries Btu/min

QSl External seal loss equivalent Btulmin
9 Rate of flow ft3/min
R Gas constant -
ft IbWlbm . O R
RA, RB, RC Machine Reynolds number correction dimensionless
Fluid Reynolds number dimensionless
Machine Reynolds number dimensionless
Relative humidity percentage
Reduced pressure dimensionless
Reduced temperature dimensionless
Pressure ratio across fluid meter dimensionless
Recovery factor dimensionless
Pressure ratio dimensionless
Flow rate ratio di mensionless
Temperature ratio dimensionless
Ratio of specific volumes dimensionless
Molar entropy Btullbm mole - O R

Heat transfer surface area of exposed fi2

compressor casing and adjoining pipe
S Entropy Btu/lbm - O R

7- Absolute temperature O R

t Temperature OF
U internal energy Btu/lbm
U Blade tip speed filsec
V Vel oc ity ftlsec
V Specific volume ft3/lbm
W Work per unit mass -
ft Ibf/lbm
W Mass rate of flow Ibm/min
X Compressibility function dimensionless
X Mole fraction dimensionless
Y CompressibiI ity function dimensionless

Y Elevation head or potential energy ft Ibfllbm
Z Compressibility factor as used in gas law, dimensionless
144 pv = ZRT
ß Diameter ratio of fluid meter, d/Di dimensionless
Y kentropic exponent dimensionless
a Partial derivative dimensionless
rl Efficiency dimensionless
P Absolute viscosity Ibm/ft sec
EL in Work input coefficient dimensionless
PP Polytropic work coefficient dimensionless
PS Isentropic work coefficient dimensionless
Y Kinematic viscosity ft2/sec
P Density Ibm/ft3
c Summation dimensionless
7 Torque lbf-ft
E Surface roughness in.
R Total work input coefficient dimensionless
d Flow coefficient dimensionless


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S T D - A S M E P T C 1 0 - E N G L 1997 D 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 O b 0 5 4 3 4 T 3 3


Subscripts 2.2.2 Gage Pressure. The gage pressure i s that

pressure which i s measured directly with the existing
a Ambient
barometric pressure as the zero base reference.
a,b,c,j Component of gas mixture (Appendix B
only) 2.2.3 Differential Pressure. The differential pres-
av Average sure is the difference between any two pressures
C Casing measured with respect to a common reference (e.g.,
corr Correction the difference between two absolute pressures).
crit. Fluid’s critical point value
d Compressor discharge conditions 2.2.4 Static Pressure. The static pressure i s the
da Dry air pressure measured in such a manner that no effect
db Dry-buIb is produced by the velocity of the flowing fluid.
des Design 2.2.5 Total (Stagnation) Pressure. The total (stagna-
dg Dry gas tion) pressure is an absolute or gage pressure that
g Gas would exist when a moving fluid i s brought to rest
hb Heat balance
and its kinetic energy is converted to an enthalpy
i Compressor inlet conditions rise by an isentropic process from the flow condition
lu Leakage upstream to the stagnation condition. In a stationary body of
Id Leakage downstream
fluid the static and total pressures are equal.
m Gas mixture
P Polytropic 2.2.6 Velocity (Kinetic) Pressure. The velocity (ki-
rotor Flow location reference netic) pressure i s the difference between the total
s Isentropic pressure and the static pressure at the same point
sh Shaft in a fluid.
SP Specified conditions
su sidestream upstream 2.2.7 Inlet Total Pressure. The inlet total pressure
is the absolute total pressure that exists at the inlet

sd sidestream downstream
SV Saturated vapor measuring station (see para. 4.6.8). Unless specifi-
t Test conditions cally stated otherwise, this i s the compressor inlet
wb Wet-bulb pressure as used in this Code.
1, I n Upstream of fluid meter 2.2.8 Inlet Static Pressure. The inlet static pressure
2, 2n Downstream or at throat of fluid meter is the absolute static pressure that exists at the inlet
(Y Compressor inlet conditions (static, measuring station (see para. 4.6.7).
Appendix A only)
Y Compressor discharge conditions (static, 2.2.9 Discharge Total Pressure. The discharge total
Appendix A only) pressure i s the absolute total pressure that exists at
static Static the discharge measuring station (see para. 4.6.9).
meas. Measured Unless specifically stated otherwise, this is the com-
pressor discharge pressure as used in this Code.

Superscripts 2.2.1 O Discharge Static Pressure. The discharge

static pressure is the absolute static pressure that
( l’ Condition at discharge pressure with exists at the discharge measuring station (see para.
entropy equal to inlet entropy 4.6.7).
() Determined at static conditions

2.3.1 Absolute Temperature. The absolute temper-
ature is the temperature measured above absolute
zero. It is stated in degrees Rankine or Kelvin. The
Rankine temperature i s the Fahrenheit temperature
2.2.1 Absolute Pressure. The absolute pressure is plus 459.67 and the Kelvin temperature is the Celsius
the pressure measured above a perfect vacuum. temperature plus 273.1 5.

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2.3.2 Static Temperature. The static temperature 2.4.4 Absolute Viscosity. Absolute viscosity i s that
is the temperature determined in such a way that no property of any fluid which tends to resist a shearing
effect is produced by the velocity of the flowing fluid. force.

2.3.3 Total (Stagnation) Temperature. The total 2.4.5 Kinematic Viscosity. The kinematic viscosity
(stagnation) temperature is the temperature that of a fluid is the absolute viscosity divided by the
would exist when a moving fluid is brought to rest fluid density.
and its kinetic energy i s converted to an enthalpy
2.4.6 Specific Heat at Constant Pressure. The spe-
rise by an isentropic process from the flow condition
cific heat at constant pressure, (c,) = (ahBi), is the
to the stagnation condition. In a stationary body of
change in enthalpy with respect to temperature at
fluid the static and the total temperatures are equal.
a constant pressure.
2.3.4 Velocity (Kinetic) Temperature. The velocity
2.4.7 Specific Heat at Constant Volume. The spe-
(kinetic) temperature i s the difference between the
cific heat at constant volume, (c,,) = (au/aT), is the
total temperature and the static temperature at the
change in internal energy with respect to temperature
measuring station.
at a constant specific volume.
2.3.5 Inlet Total Temperature. The inlet total tem- 2.4.8 Ratio of Specific Heats. The ratio of specific
perature is the absolute total temperature that exists heats, k, is equal to c,,/cv.

at the inlet measuring station (see para. 4.7.7). Unless
specifically stated otherwise, this i s the compressor 2.4.9 Acoustic Velocity (Sonic Velocity). A pres-
inlet temperature used in this Code. sure wave or acoustic wave of infinitesimal ampli-
tude is described by an adiabatic and reversible
2.3.6 Inlet Static Temperature. The inlet static tem- (isentropic) process. The corresponding acoustic ve-
perature i s the absolute static temperature that exists locity for such waves in any medium is given by:
at the inlet measuring station.
2.3.7 Discharge Total Temperature. The discharge
total temperature is the absolute total temperature
a2 = i,,5

that exists at the discharge measuring station (see

para. 4.7.8). Unless specifically stated otherwise,
this i s the compressor discharge temperature as used 2.4.10 Fluid Mach Number. The Fluid Mach num-
in this Code. ber is the ratio of fluid velocity to acoustic velocity.

2.3.8 Discharge Static Temperature. The discharge

static temperature i s the absolute static temperature
that exists at the discharge measuring station. 2.5 MACHINE CHARACTERISTICS
2.5.1 Capacity. The capacity of a compressor is
the rate of flow which i s determined by delivered
2.4 OTHER GAS (FLUID) PROPERTIES mass flow rate divided by inlet total density. For
an exhauster it is determined by the inlet mass flow
2.4.1 Density. Density is the mass of the gas per rate divided by inlet total density. For sidestream
unit volume. It i s a thermodynamic property and is machines, this definition must be applied to individ-
determined at a point once the total pressure and ual sections.
temperature are known at the point.
2.5.2 Flow Coefficient. The flow coefficient is a
2.4.2 Specific Volume. Specific volume is the vol- dimensionless parameter defined as the compressed
ume occupied by a unit mass of gas. It is a thermody- mass flow rate divided by the product of inlet
namic property and is determined at a point once density, rotational speed, and the cube of the blade
the total pressure and temperature are known at the tip diameter. Compressed mass flow rate i s the net
point. mass flow rate through the rotor.
2.4.3 Molecular Weight. Molecular weight is the 2.5.3 Pressure Ratio. Pressure ratio i s the ratio of
weight of a molecule of a substance referred to that the absolute discharge total pressure to the absolute
of an atom of carbon-12 at 12.000. inlet total pressure.

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2.5.4 Pressure Rise. Pressure rise is the difference streams entering and leaving can be quantitatively
between the discharge total pressure and the inlet defined as well as the power input and heat exchange
total pressure. by conduction and radiation. Such a region can be
considered to be in equilibrium for both a mass
2.5.5 Temperature Rise. Temperature rise is the
and energy balance.
difference between the discharge total temperature
and the inlet total temperature. 2.5.1 4 Compressor Surge Point. The compressor
surge point is the capacity below which the compres-
2.5.6 Volume Flow Rate. The volume flow rate as
sor operation becomes unstable. This occurs when
used in this Code is the local mass flow rate divided
flow is reduced and the compressor back pressure
by local total density. It is used to determine volume
exceeds the pressure developed by the compressor
flow ratio.
and a breakdown in flow results. This immediately
2.5.7 Volume Flow Ratio. The volume flow ratio causes a reversal in the flow direction and reduces
is the ratio of volume flow rates at two points in the compressor back pressure. The moment this
the flow path. happens regular compression i s resumed and the
cycle is repeated.
2.5.8 Specific Volume Ratio. The specific volume
ratio is the ratio of inlet specific volume to discharge 2.5.15 Choke Point. The choke point is the point
specific volume. where the machine i s run at a given speed and the
flow is increased until maximum capacity is attained.
2.5.9 Machine Reynolds Number. The Machine
Reynolds number is defined by the equation Rem =
Ub/v, where U is the velocity at the outer blade
tip diameter of the first impeller or of the first stage 2.6 WORK, POWER, AND EFFICIENCY
rotor tip diameter of the leading edge, Y is the total These definitions apply to a section.
kinematic viscosity of the gas at the compressor

inlet, and b is a characteristic length. For centrifugal 2.6.1 Isentropic Compression. Isentropic compres-
compressors, b shall be taken as the exit width at sion as used in this Code refers to a reversible,
the outer blade diameter of the first stage impeller. adiabatic compression process.
For axial cornpressors, b shall be taken as the chord 2.6.2 Isentropic Work (Head). Isentropic work
length at the tip of the first stage rotor blade. These (head) is the work required to isentropically compress
variables must be expressed in consistent units to a unit mass of gas from the inlet total pressure and
yield a dimensionless ratio. total temperature to the discharge total pressure.
2.5.10 Machine Mach Number. The Machine The total pressure and temperature are used to
Mach number is defined as the ratio of the blade account for the compression of the gas and the
velocity at the largest blade tip diameter of the change in the kinetic energy of the gas. The change
first impeller for centrifugal machines or at the tip in the gravitational potential energy of the gas is
diameter of the leading edge of the first stage rotor accumed negligible.
blade for axial flow machines to the acoustic velocity
2.6.3 Polytropic Compression. Polytropic compres-
of the gas at the total inlet conditions. sion i s a reversible compression process between
the inlet total pressure and temperature and the

NOTE: This is not to be confused with local Fluid Mach number.

discharge total pressure and temperature. The total
2.5'11 Stage*A stage for a centrifuga' compressor pressures and temperatures are used to account for
i s comprised of a single impeller and its associated
the compression of the gas and the change in
Passages.A stage for an axial'Om- the kinetic energy of the gas. The change in the
pressor is comprised Of a sing1e 'Ow Of rotating
gravitational potential energy i s assumed negligible.
blades and its associated stationary blades and flow
The polytropic process follow^ a path such that the
passages. polytropic exponent i s constant during the process.
2.5.12 Section. Section i s defined as one or more
2.6.4 Polytropic Work (Head). Polytropic work
stages having the same mass flow without external
(head) i s the reversible work required to compress
heat transfer other than natural casing heat transfer.
a unit mass of gas by a polytropic process from the
2.5.13 Control Volume. The control volume is a inlet total pressure and temperature to the discharge
region of space selected for analysis where the flow total pressure and temperature.

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2.6.5 Gas Work. Gas work i s the enthalpy rise of station, the characteristic length D i s the inside pipe
a unit mass of the gas compressed and delivered diameter at the pressure measuring station and the
by the compressor from the inlet total pressure kinematic viscosity, Y i s that which exists for the
and temperature to the discharge total pressure and static temperature and pressure at the measuring
temperature. station. The pressure and temperature measuring
stations for flow metering calculations shall be speci-
2.6.6 Cas Power. Gas power is the power transmit-
fied as in Section 4 and the accompanying illustra-
ted to the gas. It i s equal to the product of the
tions. The variables in the Reynolds number must
mass flow rate compressed and the gas work plus
be expressed in consistent units to yield a dimen-
the heat loss from the compressed gas.
sionless ratio.
2.6.7 Isentropic Efficiency. The isentropic effi-
2.7.2 Dimensional Constant. The dimensional con-
ciency is the ratio of the isentropic work to the gas
stant, gc, is required to account for the units of
length, time, and force. It i s equal to 32.174 ft-lbm/
2.6.8 Polytropic Efficiency. The polytropic effi- .
Ibf sec2. The numerical value is unaffected by the
ciency i s the ratio of the polytropic work to the gas local gravitational acceleration.
2.7.3 Specified Operating Conditions. The speci-
2.6.9 Shafi Power (Brake Power). The shaft power fied operating conditions are those conditions for
(brake power) is the power delivered to the compres- which the compressor performance is to be deter-
sor shaft. It i s the gas power plus the mechanical mined. Refer to paras. 6.2.3 and 6.2.4.
losses in the compressor.
2.7.4 Test Operating Conditions. The test operating
2.6.1 O Isentropic Work Coefficient. The isentropic conditions are the operating conditions prevailing
work coefficient i s the dimensionless ratio of the during the test. Refer to paras. 6.2.7 and 6.2.8.

isentropic work to the sum of the squares of the

blade tip speeds of all stages in a given section. 2.7.5 Equivalence. The specified operating condi-
tions and the test operating conditions, for the pur-
2.6.1 1 Polytropic Work Coefficient. The polytropic pose of this Code, are said to demonstrate equiva-

work coefficient i s the dimensionless ratio of the lence when, for the same flow coefficient the ratios of
polytropic work to the sum of the squares of the the three dimensionless parameters (specific volume
blade tip speeds of all stages in a given section. ratio, Machine Mach number, and Machine Reynolds
2.6.1 2 Mechanical losses. Mechanical losses are number) fall within the limits prescribed in Table 3.2.
the total power consumed by frictional losses in 2.7.6 Raw Data. Raw data is the recorded observa-
integral gearing, bearings, and seals. tion of an instrument taken during the test run.
2.6.13 Work Input Coefficient. The work input 2.7.7 Reading. A reading i s the average of the
coefficient is the dimensionless ratio of the enthalpy corrected individual observations (raw data) at any
rise to the sum of the squares of the tip speeds of given measurement station.
all stages in a given section.
2.7.8 Test Point. The test point consists of three
2.6.14 Total Work Input Coefficient. The total or more readings that have been averaged and fall
work input coefficient is the dimensionless ratio of within the permissible specified fluctuation.
the total work input to the gas to the sum of the
squares of the blade tip speeds of all stages in a 2.7.9 Fluctuation. The fluctuation of a specific
given section. measurement is defined as the highest reading minus
the lowest reading divided by the average of all
readings expressed as a percent.
2.7.1 Fluid Reynolds Number. The Fluid Reynolds
number is the Reynolds number for the gas flow in
a pipe. It is defined by the equation Re = VD/v, 2.8.1 Certain values for thermodynamic state and
where the velocity, characteristic length, and static mass flow rate are used in the computation of the
kinematic viscosity are to be used as follows: velocity dimensionless performance parameters M, Re, r,, 4,
V is the average velocity at the pressure measuring p p , pi, T~ and s1. Unless otherwise specifically

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stated, the thermodynamic total conditions are used.

The subscripts used in these equations are interpreted
as follows. The subscript "i" on thermodynamic state
variables denotes inlet conditions. For single entry
streams it refers to conditions at the section inlet
measurement station. For multiple inlet streams it
refers to a calculated mixed state. See para. E.5 of
Appendix E. The subscript "d" on thermodynamic
state variables denotes discharge conditions. It refers
to conditions at the mainstream discharge measure-
ment station. The subscript "rotor" i s used on mass
flow rate to denote the net mass flow rate compressed
by the rotor. Its determination requires that all mea-
sured flows and calculated leakages are considered.

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3.1.1 Before undertaking a test in accordance with This Code defines two types of test which are
the rules of this Code, the Code on General Instruc- based on the deviations between test and specified
tions, PTC 1, shall be consulted. It explains the operating conditions.
intended use of the Performance Test Codes and i s
3.2.1 Type 1 tests are conducted with the specified
particularly helpful in the initial planning of the test.
gas at or very near the specified operating conditions.
Deviations in the specified gas and operating condi-
3.1.2 When a test is to be conducted in accordance
tions are subject to the limitations imposed by Table
with this Code, the scope and procedures to be 3.1. These limitations are subject to the further
used shall be determined in advance. Selections of
restriction that their individual and combined effects
pipe arrangements, test driver, instruments, and test shall not exceed the limits of Table 3.2.
gas, if applicable, shall be made. Estimates of the

probable uncertainty in the planned measurements 3.2.2 Type 2 tests are conducted subject to the
should be made. limits of Table 3.2 only. The specified gas or a
substitute gas may be used. The test speed required is
3.1.3 The scope of the test shall be agreed to by the often different from the specified operating condition
interested parties. This may be dictated in advance by speed.
contractual commitments or may be mutually agreed 3.2.3 The selection of test type shall be made in
upon prior to the start of the test. This Code contains advance of the test. In the interest of maximizing
procedures for a single point performance test and accuracy of test results it i s desirable that test condi-
gives guidance on determining a complete perform- tions duplicate specified operating conditions as
ance curve. closely as possible. The limits in Table 3.1 provide
maximum allowable deviations of individual param-
3.1.4 Specified conditions, that is, mass flow rate, eters for Type 1 tests. The limitations of Table
inlet conditions of pressure, temperature, humidity, 3.2 provide maximum allowable deviations of the
discharge pressure, cooling water temperature if ap- fundamental dimensionless parameter groupings for
plicable, speed, gas properties, and input power both types. The emphasis in conducting either a
expected shall be defined. Type 1 or Type 2 test should be toward minimizing
these deviations. The most reliable test results would
3.1.5 A detailed written statement of the test objec- be expected when the deviations in both tables are
tives shall be developed prior to conducting the test. minimized.

3.1.6 A test facility shall be selected. Typically 3.2.4 Calculation procedures are given in Section
this is the manufacturer’s test stand or the user’s 5 for gases conforming to Ideal Gas Laws and for
installation site. Real Gases. Where the compressibility values depart
from the limits prescribed in Table 3.3 the alternate
calculation procedures provided for Real Gases shall
3.1.7 The number of test personnel should be
be used. These alternate procedures apply to calcula-
sufficient to assure a careful and orderly observation
tions for either Type 1 or Type 2 tests.
of all instruments with time between observations
to check for indications of error in instruments or

3.1.8 An individual shall be designated as responsi- 3.3.1 Compressors constructed with liquid cooled
ble for conducting the test. diaphragms, or built-in heat exchangers, shall be


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Variable Symbol Units Deviation
inlet pressure Pi psia 596
inlet temperature Ji O R 8%
speed N rPm 2%
Molecular weight MW Ibm/lbmole 2%
Cooling temperature O R 5%
Coolant flow rate gal/min 3yo

Capacity ft3/m in 4%
(a) Type 1 tests are to be conducted with the specified gas. Deviations are based on the specified values
where pressures and temperatures are expressed in absolute values.
(b) The combined effect of inlet pressure, temperature and molecular weight shall not produce more
than an 8% deviation in the inlet gas density.
(c) The combined effect of the deviations shall not exceed the limited of Table 3.2. Cooling temperature
difference is defined as inlet gas temperature minus inlet cooling water temperature.

Limit of Test Values as Percent of
Design Values
Parameter Symbol Min Milx
Specific volume ratio 105

Flow coefficient 4 96 104

Machine Mach number

Centrifugal compressors See Fig. 3.3
Axial compressors See Fig. 3.4

Machine Reynolds number

Centrifugal compressors [Note (i Rem See Fig. 3.5

Axial compressors where the Machine

Reynolds number at specified condi-
tions is below 1 ûû,Oûû 90 105

Axial compressors where the Machine [Note (111

Reynolds number at specified condi- 10
tions is above 100,000 200

Minimum allowable test Machine Reynolds number is 90,000.


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~ ~~ ~

Maximum Allowed Range for Allowed Range for

Pressure Ratio Function X Function Y
Ratio k rnaxlk min Min Max Min Max
1.4 1.12 -0.344 0.279 0.925 1 .O71
2 1.10 -0.1 75 0.167 0.964 1 .O34
4 1.o9 -0.073 0.071 0.982 1 .o1 7
8 1 .O8 -0.041 0.050 0.988 1 .o1 1
16 1 .O7 -0.031 0.033 0.991 1 .O08
32 1 .O6 -0.025 0.028 0.993 1.006
(a) Where:
T av
X = - (-)p
v aT
- 1 and Y = 72)
v ap
(See Figs. 3.6 and 3.7)

(b) Maximum and minimum values of k shall apply to both the specified and test gas over the complete
range of conditions.
(c) When these limits are exceeded by either the specified gas or the test gas at any point along the
compression path real gas calculation methods shall be used for that gas. Ideal or real gas method may
be used if these limits are not exceeded.

tested on the specified gas and at the operating test providing all conditions, including those at the
conditions specified for the inlet pressure, inlet tem- sidestream, meet the requirements of Table 3.1.
perature and speed, and with the flow rate and Compressors with sidestreams may also be tested
the temperature specified for the cooling fluid. The by individual sections utilizing the criteria for a
fluctuations of the test readings shall be controlled Type 2 test.
within the limits of Table 3.4. The results shall be
computed by the methods provided for a Type 1
test, and reported “as run.” 3.3.5 Where condensation can take place between
compression sections; for example, intercooled com-
The methods of this Code may be applied
3.3.2 pressors handling moist air; the capacity shall be
for conversion of test results to specified operating measured a t the compressor discharge. (For atmo-
condition results for compressors which may be spheric exhausters the flow shall be measured at
treated as one or more sections. A section is that the inlet.) Care shall be taken to assure that there
portion of a compressor where no intermediate is no liquid carry-over from the intercoolers.

stream leaves or enters between one impeller inlet

and the same or another following impeller dis-
charge. See Table 3.2. Heat exchangers are excluded 3.3.6 Volume flow ratios may in practice differ
from the interior of the section boundaries. Section between test and specified operating conditions due
boundaries are indicated diagrammatically in Fig. to leakage differences. For example, it is common
3.1. The gas state and flow rate shall be established to test at reduced inlet pressure and the reduced
for each stream where it crosses the section bound- differential pressure across a seal to atmosphere
ary. The power absorbed and heat loss or gain by could result in zero or negative leakage. As a result,
natural ambient heat transfer must also be deter- volume flow ratio equality can not be achieved
mined. between test and specified conditions.
Therefore, it shall be necessary to estimate the
3.3.3 Compressors with externally piped intercool- leakage ratio; that is, the leakage mass flow divided
ers may be given a Type 1 test or they may be
by the inlet mass flow for both test and specified
tested by individual sections using a Type 2 test.
conditions. If the leakage ratio difference between
3.3.4 Compressors with inlet or outlet sidestreams test and specified is significant, these effects shall
may be tested using the procedures for a Type 1 be applied to the calculations of capacity and power.


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Measurement Symbol Units Fluctuation
~~ ~ ~

inlet pressure psia 2%

inlet temperature "R 0.5%
Discharge pressure psia 2%
Nozzle differential
pressure psi 2%
Nozzle temperature OR 0.5%
Speed rPm 0.5%
Torque Ibf * ft 1 Yo
Electric motor input kW 1Yo
Molecular weight MW Ibdlbmole 0.25%

Cooling water inlet T
temperature OR 0.5% [Note (2)1
Cooling water flow
rate gal/min 2%
Line voltage volts 2%

(a) A fluctuation is the percent difference between the minimum and maximum test reading divided by
the average of all readings.
(b) Permissible fluctuations apply to Type 1 and Type 2 tests.
(1) See para.
(2) See para. 4.1 6 for further restrictions.

Power in





- -- - - - -- - - - I
Heat transfer



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In many cases it is not practical to measure the speeds of rotating equipment in selecting the test
leakage flow and it is permissible to use calculated speed.
values of leakage for test and specified conditions. Test pressures and temperatures shall not exceed
the maximum allowable pressures and temperatures
3.3.7 Where the efficiency is to be determined by for the compressor.
shaft input power measurements the bearing and
seal losses should not exceed 10 percent of the
total test power. This will minimize the effect of
uncertainties in the bearing and seal loss determina-
tion of gas power. 3.5 INTERMEDIATE FLOW STREAMS

3.3.8 Evaluation of performance of components 3.5.1 Section Treatment. Compressors having

between sections, if any, such as heat exchangers, flows added or removed at intermediate locations
piping, valves, etc., is generally beyond the scope between the inlet and final discharge are handled
of this Code and shall be agreed upon by parties by treating the compressor by sections. The gas state
to the test. The specified operating condition per- and flow rate shall be established for each stream
formance of such components or the technique where it crosses the section boundary.
for correction of test results to specified operating
conditions shall be agreed upon by parties to the test. 3.5.2 It is necessary to maintain a consistency
between specified volume flow rate ratio and test
3.3.9 When power i s to be determined by the heat volume flow rate ratio for each section. Permissible
balance method, the heat losses due to radiation deviations from these ratios are listed in Fig. 3.2.
and convection, expressed in percent of the total As an example, in the first section of a multisection
shaft power, shall not exceed 5 percent. compressor, the ratio of inlet volume flow rate to
discharge volume flow rate for the specified and
3.3.10 For Type 2 tests, the inlet gas condition test conditions must be held to within +5 percent
shall have a minimum of 5°F of superheat. which is the same as that required for conventional
compressors in Table 3.2. In addition, it is required
that the ratio of first stage section discharge flow
3.4 TEST CAS AND SPEED rate to second section inlet volume flow rate for
the specified and test conditions be held to within
3.4.1 The physical and thermodynamic properties I 1 0 percent. This is required so that the total
of the specified and test gas shall be known. The pressure determined at the sidestream flange will
option of using tabulated data, an equation of state have the same relationship to the total pressure
correlation, or experimental determination as a actually existing at the exit of the first section bound-
source for these properties shall be agreed upon ary for specified and test conditions.
prior to the test. For the second and succeeding sections the re-

3.4.2 The following physical properties of the test quirements are similar. The ratio of inlet volume

gas throughout the expected pressure and tempera- flow rate to discharge volume flow rate for specified
ture range shall be known or accurately determined: and test conditions must be held to within +5
(a) molecular weight percent.
(b) specific heat at constant pressure (cp) Also, the preceding section discharge volume flow
(c) ratio of specific heats (c&) rate to sidestream inlet volume flow rate ratio for
(d) compressibility factor (Z) specified and test conditions must be held to 210
(e) dew point percent. Finally, the ratio of the discharge volume
(fl viscosity flow rate of the section being tested to the next
(g) isentropic exponent sidestream volume flow rate must also be held to
(h) enthalpy 210 percent.
(i) acoustic velocity This requirement is most important i n the second
section of a three section machine where both inlet
3.4.3 The test speed shall be selected so as to and discharge total pressures are being determined
conform to the limits of Table 3.2. The test speed at the sidestream flanges and velocity similarities
shall not exceed the safe operating speed of the are necessary for test accuracy. Code requirements
compressor. Consideration should be given to critical are also described in equation form in Fig. 3.2.


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I * )


‘ < y



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3.5.3 Inward Sidestreams. When the sidestream The internal temperature and pressure can be
flow is inward, the discharge temperature of the assumed to be equal to the external flange tempera-
preceding section shall be measured prior to the ture and pressure of the primary internal stream.
mixing of the two streams. This temperature measure- The ratio of flow rate restrictions in Fig. 3.2 shall
ment shall be made in a portion of the discharge also apply to outward flowing sidestreams.
flow stream where the sidestream cannot affect the
3.5.7 It i s recommended that each section of a
raw data. Raw data may be affected by heat transfer
multisection machine have its own performance
from a cold sidestream to a hot mainstream flow
curve defined by a number of test points. This
or from recirculation which may occur within the
enables synthesis of the combined overall perform-
flow passage. The discharge temperature is needed
ance curve and provides data on the interrelations
to compute the performance of the preceding section
of the individual sections. The ratios of Fig. 3.5 will
and to compute the reference mixed temperature
apply at all points unless other specified operating
for the next section inlet.
ratios are identified.
It is possible for internal total pressures to exceed
flange total pressure due to the higher internal veloci-
ties. The higher internal velocities are accompanied
by a lower static pressure which provides a pressure
difference for inward flow. 3.6.1 The test gas used shall be in compliance
with local regulations and prudent practice with
3.5.4 Temperature Stratification. It is common for regard to flammability and/or toxicity.
sideload sectional compressors to have temperature
3.6.2 Test gases used in a closed loop shall be
differences between the mainstream and sidestream.
continuously monitored for composition and avoid-
When testing all sections of a multisection compres-
ance of combustible mixtures. Air or other oxidizing
sor (three or more sections) simultaneously, large
gases shall not be used in a closed loop.
differences between the sidestream and mainstream
temperatures may occur. It is possible, due to these 3.6.3 The party providing the test site will be
differences, for thermal flow stratification to exist responsible for establishing the requirements of sys-
within the compressor sections. This stratification tem protection. Consideration should be given to
may result in inaccurate measurements of internal the need for relief valves for accidental overpressure.
temperatures in downstream sections. Under test The requirement of alarms and/or automatic shut-
conditions, the stream temperature differences down devices for such items as high temperature,
should be maintained as close to specified as prac- loss of cooling water, low oil pressure, compressor
tical. overspeed, or other possible malfunctions should be
3.5.5 Performance Definition. The sectional head,
efficiencies, and pressures are defined flange to
flange. The only internal measurements needed are 3.7 PIPING
the sectional discharge temperatures for computing
3.7.1 Piping arrangements required to conduct a
the mixed temperature conditions and sectional per-
test under the Code are detailed in Section 4. Permis-
formance. The pressure used for calculating the
sible alternates are described for convenience and
sectional performance i s assumed to be equal to
suitability. A selection suitable for the prevailing test
the sidestream flange total pressure.

conditions shall be made and described in the test

The internal mixed temperature should be com-
report. When the choke point is to be determined,
puted on a mass enthalpy basis (real gas evaluation)

care should be taken to assure that the compressor

for obtaining the inlet temperature for succeeding
pressure rise shall exceed system resistance.
sections. Simplified mixing based on mass tempera-
ture may be done for ideal gases with constant 3.7.2 Minimum straight lengths of piping at the
specific heat. For further information see para. E.5 inlet, discharge, and on both sides of the flow device
of Appendix E. are specified in Section 4.
When compressors are treated as a number of
3.5.6 Extraction Sidestreams. When the intermedi- individual sections, these piping requirements apply
ate flows are removed (¡.e., bleed-off) from the to each section. Such piping between sections may
compressor, they will cross a section boundary. not occur naturally in the design. When it does


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O .3 I I I I 1 I I I I I
I 0

I - I I I I I 1 I I I I
I I l u 1 I I I I I I I I I I
I I I I\ I I I I 1 I I I I I I



l u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
I \ I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I
-0.2 I n-i I I I I I I I I I I I I
1 1 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I

t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I


-0.3 I I 1 I I I I I I
O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.o 1.2 1.4 1.6
Mach No. Specified - Mmsp



not, the parties to the test should elect by mutual shall be designed for the maximum pressure plus a
agreement to: suitable safety factor and the cooler shall be sized
(a) install additional piping between the sections to dissipate the maximum heat load. Additional
(6) take measurements in the available space. Con- lengths of piping beyond the minimum prescribed
sideration shall be given to any compromise in mea- may be required to provide additional system capaci-
surement accuracy and its effect upon the final test tance. Provisions may be necessary to allow for
objective. expansion of the piping and the piping design shall
(c) remove components such as external heat ex- be of sufficient strength to withstand the stresses
changers and replace them with the required piping. imposed during compressor surge.
When this alternate is selected it is important that the
removal of the component have a negligible effect
upon the section entry or exit flowfield so as not to
affect the section performance parameters.
3.7.3 Where external intercooler performance and Test instruments shall be selected, calibrated, and

pressure drop are known for the specified operating

installed in accordance with the requirements of
conditions, or determined on a separate test, the
Section 4.
compressor may be tested as separate sections and
the combined performance computed by the method
described in Section 5.
3.7.4 If a closed loop test i s to be performed, the 3.9 PRETEST INSPECT,ON

maximum pressure to be obtained and the maximum

heat load shall be estimated. The piping and cooler Pretest inspection may be of interest to either
from the compressor discharge to the throttle valve party. Refer to PTC 1 for guidance.


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- ASME PTC 10-1997

Mach No. Specified - MmSp


3.10 PRETEST R U N (i) lubricant temperatures, inlet and outlet of bear-

ings, seals, and speed changing gear, if applicable
3.10.1 The compressor shall be operated for suffi-
(j)coolant and lubricant flows, if applicable
cient time at the required conditions to demonstrate
acceptable mechanical operation and stable values
fk/ barometric pressure
of all measurements to be taken during the test,
(I) gas analysis, if atmospheric air i s not the test gas
(m) time
Preliminary data shall be taken to familiarize test
personnel, to determine if all instruments are func- 3.10.3 A set of calculations shall be made using
tioning properly, and to ascertain if the reading the preliminary test data to assure that the correct
fluctuations fall within the limits prescribed in Ta- test speed has been selected, that the test parameters
ble 3.4. required in Tables 3.1 or 3.2, as applicable, were
obtained and that the overall performance values
3.10.2 All instrument observations pertinent to the
are reasonable.
test shall be taken during the pretest run. They
commonly include the following: 3.10.4 The pretest run may be considered as part
(a) inlet pressure of the test if it meets all requirements of the test.
(b) inlet temperature
(c) relative humidity or wet bulb temperature, if
atmospheric air i s the test gas 3.11 TEST OPERATION
(d) discharge pressure
3.11.1 The compressor shall be operated at the
(e) discharge temperature and/or shaft power input
required conditions for a sufficient period of time
(0 flow device pressures and temperatures
to demonstrate that all variables have stabilized.
(gì speed
(h) cooler inlet and outlet temperatures, gas and 3.11.2 When all variables have stabilized, the test
coolant sides, if applicable personnel shall take the first set of readings of all


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1997 0759b70 Ob05448 528


GENERAL NOTE: 90,000 is cutoff



essential instruments. Three sets of readings shall greater of specified capacity). When the compressor
be taken during each test point. is used with a variable speed driver additional points
may be run on selected speed lines, provided that
3.1 1.3 The minimum duration of a test point, after
an equivalent speed is generated for each operating
stabilization, shall be 15 minutes from the start of
point selected.
the first set of readings to the end of the third set
of readings. 3.11.6 The flow at which surge occurs can be

determined by slowly reducing the flow rate at the

3.11.4 When a test is only to verify a single speci-
test speed until indications of unstable or pulsating
fied condition, the test shall consist of two test points
flow appear. The severity of surge will vary widely
which bracket the specified capacity within a range
as a function of pressure ratio, type of compressor,
of 96 percent to 104 percent.
and capacitance of the piping system. Surge may
3.1 1.5 When performance curves are required to be identified by noise, fluctuations in the differential
verify the complete compressor range of operation, pressure of the flow nozzle, or a drop and/or fluctua-
a multipoint test shall be performed. Each point tion of the pressure and/or temperature.
selected along the curve shall be assumed to be a When the surge flow has been identified, the flow
specified point and checked for equivalency. This should be increased slightly until stable operation
may require a different equivalent speed for each is restored so that a complete set of performance
test point. Usually five points should be used to data may be taken. This process may be repeated
complete a curve. A point shall be taken at approxi- a second time to demonstrate the reliability of the
mately the specified capacity. The additional points initial setting.
should consist of one point near surge, two points It should be understood that a surge flow estab-
between specified capacity and surge, and one point lished in a shop test may not define the surge
in the overload range (preferably 105 percent or conditions which will occur in the field due to


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differences in piping configuration and system re- 3.12 INCONSISTENCIES

3.1 2.1 Where four independent instruments are
used to measure a pressure or temperature value
3.11.7 The choke flow may be determined by and one recorded observation is inconsistent due
gradually opening the discharge throttle valve while to measurement error, its value shall be discarded
maintaining speed and inlet pressure until the flow and the value determined from the average of the
remains essentially constant with decreasing dis- other three. Where fewer than four independent
charge pressure. measuring devices are used, all values shall be used
If the compressor is to be operated as an exhauster and averaged to determine the measurement value.
or tested with an open discharge, the choke flow
may be determined by gradually opening the inlet
valve while holding speed and discharge pressure
constant. 3.12.2 The three readings for each test point shall
If choke flow i s to be determined, the facilities be within the fluctuation tolerances listed in Ta-
shall be designed so as not to limit maximum flow. ble 3.4.


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Reduced Pressure, Pr



3.13.1 It should be recognized that the results of The test log sheet shall identify the compressor
the test calculations are subject to error caused manufacturer, model, and serial number. Test loca-
by the inaccuracies of the test instruments and/or tion, driver identification, test instruments used, and --``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

procedures. It is recommended that an uncertainty test date shall be listed. Raw data for each test point
analysis be made prior to the test to assure that the shall be recorded as observed on the test log sheet
test objectives can be met. The detailed procedures as well as the time of each set of data. Corrections
are given in PTC 19.1 and are discussed in para. and corrected readings shall be listed separately in
5.7 of this Code. the test report.
At the completion of the test the log sheets shall
be signed by the representatives of the interested
parties. Copies of the complete log sheets shall be
3.13.2 The uncertainty i s a measure of the quality furnished to the interested parties. The test report
of the test and should not be used as a measure shall be completed in accordance with the instruc-
of the quality of the machine. tions in Section 6.


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 H 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 O b 0 5 4 5 L 0 3 2


ASME PTC 10-1997



4.1 METHODS taps displaced 45 deg. from them and at least 12

in. downstream.
4.1.1 The choice of methods provided in this Code
In special cases when atmospheric conditions sat-
will depend on the compressor, the specified gas,
isfy the requirements, the compressor may be run
and the type of test selected.
without an inlet pipe as shown in Fig. 4.2. The
inlet opening shall be protected with a screen and
bellmouth suitably designed to eliminate debris and
minimize entrance losses (see para. 4.4). The total
4.2.1 The Performance Test Code Supplements in inlet pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. Tem-
the PTC 19 series on Instruments and Apparatus perature measuring devices shall be located on the
provide authoritative information concerning instru- screen to measure the temperature of the air stream
ments and their use and should be consulted for at the compressor inlet.
such information. The selection of instrumentation For compressors with an axial inlet, the impeller
shall be determined by the uncertainty limit require- may, under some conditions, produce a vortex at
ments of the test as well as suitability for the test the pressure station to cause substantial error in the
site conditions. The instrument selection shall be measurement of inlet pressure. Users of this Code,
justified by calculation that the uncertainty in results by agreement, may use vanes suitably designed for
meets the stated test objectives. low pressure loss to prevent rotation at the pressure

Instrumentation is required to determine the inlet taps. The static pressure stations shall not be less
and discharge gas states, flow rate, and compressor than four pipe diameters upstream of the compressor
speed. Depending upon the method selected, addi- flange as shown in Fig. 4.3.
tional instrumentation may be required to determine
test power. 4.3.3 Typical discharge piping required for com-
pressors are outlined in Fig. 4.1. The minimum
straight length of discharge pipe required before and
4.3 PIPING after the instrumentation is specified. The four static
pressure taps are a minimum of 12 in. downstream
4.3.1 The location of the pressure and temperature
of the discharge opening. The pressure taps are
measuring stations have specific relation to the com-
followed by the four temperature taps displaced 45
pressor inlet and outlet openings. The pipe sizes
deg. from them and at least 8 in. downstream.
shall match these openings, Minimum lengths of
An alternate arrangement may be used when a
straight pipe are mandatory for certain pressure and
compressor operating as an exhauster on air has a
temperature measurement stations and for certain
discharge velocity pressure less than 5 percent of
flow devices. Pipe arrangements and allowable ex-
the total pressure. In this case the compressor can
ceptions are described in this Section. Appropriate
be run without a discharge pipe as shown in Fig.
selections shall be made and described in the test
4.4. The discharge temperature of the gas stream is
measured at the compressor discharge.
4.3.2 Typical inlet piping required for compressors When the compressor has a volute that produces
is outlined in Fig. 4.1. The minimum straight length unsymmetrical flow at the discharge opening the
of inlet pipe is determined by what is upstream of static pressure taps shall be a minimum of six
the inlet opening. The four static pressure taps are diameters downstream as shown in Fig. 4.5. The
a minimum of 24 in. upstream of the inlet opening. other minimum dimensions are specified in Fig. 4.1.
Downstream of the pressure taps are four temperature Straightening vanes designed for low pressure loss,


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STDBASME P T C 10-ENGL 1997 W 0759b70 o b 0 5 4 5 2 T 5 9


Bminimum _I 6 minimum

I 12 in. minimum 7 j- 6 in. minimum 12 in. minimum 8 in. minimum

h I I

Inlet static
4 taps spaced
90 deg. apart i' Inlet temperature
4 measuring stations
spaced 90 deg. apart
(45 deg. from static
Discharge static
4 measuring
taps spaced
90 deg. apart i
Discharge temperature
4 measuring taps spaced
90 deg. apart (45 deg.
from static pressure)

Inlet Opening Minimum Dimension Discharge Opening Minimum Dimension

Preceded By A 6 Followed By A 6

Straight run 2D 30 Straight run 20 30

Elbow 20 30 Elbow 20 30
Reducer 30 60 Reducer 30 50
Valve ED IOD Valve 30 5D
Flow device 3D 5D Flow device 80 100

For open inlet, see Fig. 4.2. For open discharge, see Fig. 4.4.

For vortex producing axial inlet, For diffusing volute with unsymmetrical flow,
see Fig. 4.3. see Fig. 4.5.

inlet Configuration Discharge Configuration


Inlet pressure
by barometer
Protecting screen 7

Inlet temperature
4 measuring stations
spaced 90 deg. apart



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r See Fig. 4.1 for

minimum dimensions
1D min
Inlet static pressure
4 taps spaced 90 deg. apart

Inlet temperature
4 measuring taps spaced
90 deg. apart (45 deg.
from static pressure)
A- &j 4Dmin.

L Straightener (optional)
See Fig. 4.8, para. 4.5


Discharge temperature Discharge static pressure by

4 measuring locations barometer (when discharge
spaced 90 deg. apart velocity pressure exceeds 5%
of total pressure use discharge
pipe arrangement, Fig. 4.1)


as covered in para. 4.5, may be used by mutual for the conditions. In general, a screen on the inlet
agreement to minimize the effect of the unsymmetri- must be strong enough to prevent collapse in the
cal flow. event of accidental clogging. The mesh of a screen
shall be selected to prevent entry of foreign matter
4.3.4 Figures 4.6 and 4.7 show a typical arrange-
which might damage the compressor and impair
ment for testing with a general closed loop and
its performance. Reliable tests cannot be made on
closed loop with sidestreams.
atmospheric air laden with dust, oil-fog, paint spray,
or other foreign matter which may foul the flow
passage of the compressor. Protective screens shall
have an open area at least two times that of the
4.4.1 Compressors operating with an open inlet compressor inlet or the nozzle pipe. When screens
shall be protected with a screen or filter, suitable with very small mesh or filters are used, inlet pressure


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STD-ASME PTC L O - E N G L 1997 0759b70 Ob05454 821 W


Discharge static pressure

4 measuring taps spaced

minimum dimensions

Discharge tem perature

4 measuring taps spaced
90 deg. apart i45 deg.
Straightener (optional) from static pressure)
See Fig. 4.8, para. 4.5


Cooling water inlet temp.

ing water disch. temp.


and straightener III

Y- Drain pot

a Drain tank Gauge



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Flow equalizer
and straightener


= 0757b70

(See PTC 19.5)

O b 0 5 4 5 5 7bB

ASME PTC 10-1997


i I
Y- Drain pot

l -i!&+ Drain tank Gauge

(See Fig. 4.1)

Cooling water inlet temp.
7 Compressor

source- --b
(See Fig. 4.1

E il
Valves for
charging and
venting gas
'Throttle measuring
valve arrangement
(See PTC 19.5) Relief
n valve
Jj*-*--- - m
I a---
Flow equalizer \ Flow nozzle

and straightener
Drain pot

Drain tank Gauge




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shall be measured by static taps as provided in Fig. 4.6 PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS

4.1 for straight pipe. Where screens or filters are used
4.6.1 Reference should be made to PTC 19.2,
in a closed loop, precautions such as measurement of
for general information on instruments to measure
the differential pressure are recommended.
pressure. For the range of pressures likely to be
measured in compressor test, the manometer and
the deadweight gage shall be used as standards.
Pressure transducers and other pressure measurement
4.5 FLOW STRAIGHTENERS A N D EQUALIZERS devices can be used. These can be calibrated using
4.5.1 Flow straighteners may be installed by mutual deadweight testers or manometers. Deadweight test-
agreement of the parties to the test as shown in ers shall be certified by a competent laboratory.
Figs. 4.3 and 4.5. These flow straighteners may be Where gage lines are filled with liquids, means shall
of the simple vane type, Fig. 4.8, sketch (a), where be provided to measure the liquid level, and a
L/D will be equal to or greater than unity, or of correction shall be applied for unbalanced liquid
the multitube type, Fig. 4.8, sketch (b), where the head.
length-diameter ratio of the tube shall be equal to
or greater than eight and a maximum tube diameter 4.6.2 Bourdon tubes or similar gages should be
of '18 D. selected to operate in the mid-range of the scale.
The diameters of the scales and the arrangement
4.5.2 Flow equalizers shall be installed if required of the graduations shall permit easy reading. The
in PTC 19.5. See Fig. 4.8, sketch (cl. Flow equalizers temperature of the gage during calibration shall be
shall be a multihole plate, designed to produce a within 40°F of the ambient temperature prevailing
minimum static pressure drop of two times the during the test.
calculated velocity pressure for the pipe section.
The total area required of the holes may be deter- 4.6.3 Manometers can be either U-tube or single
mined from the following formula: leg design. Small bore manometers are subject to
appreciable error resulting from capillary forces,
variable meniscus, and restricted separation of en-

trained gas bubbles. These errors vary with the type

of fluid, the tube diameter, and the tube cleanliness.
Single leg manometers shall be checked for zero
position before and after test. Manometer fluid shall
where be chemically stable when in contact with the test
Ah= total area of holes in plate, s q in. gases and metal parts of the instrument.
Ap= area of cross section or pipe, sq in. The specific gravity and the coefficient of tempera-
q = inlet volume flow, cfm ture expansion of the fluid shall be determined
pi= inlet density, Ibm per CU ft before the test. See PTC 19.2 for further guidance.
ilp= diameter of pipe, in.
pp= density of gas in pipe upstream of plate, 4.6.4 Deadweight gages and testers shall be se-
Ibm per CU ft lected to suit the pressure range. Deadweight gages
Ap= pressure drop across plate, psi cannot measure rapid pressure changes and where
necessary they shall be installed in parallel with a
The plate should contain not less than 50 holes Bourdon tube gage, transducer, or other instrument.
per square foot of area, uniformly spaced, but not
less than 50 holes minimum. 4.6.5 Transducers shall be selected with pressure
ranges appropriate for the expected test pressures.
4.5.3 A combined flow equalizer and flow straight- They must be calibrated before and after each test.
ener is used with flow nozzles where required by When automated data collection equipment is
PTC 19.5. See Fig. 4.8, sketch (d). The flow straighte- used with a pressure switching device, and a single
ner shall be the multitube type as shown in Fig. transducer, that transducer shall be selected to cover
4.8, sketch (b), preceded by a flow equalizer one- the entire range of pressure. When using pressure
half pipe diameter upstream. Alternatively three flow switching devices, sufficient time between successive
equalizers spaced one pipe diameter apart may be switch points shall be allowed so that the transducer
used as shown in Fig. 4.8, sketch (e). pressure will reach equilibrium for the selected pres-


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S T D - A S M E P T C 1 0 - E N G L 1997 m 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 ü b 0 5 4 5 7 5 3 0


I-1-4 b-D-4
lai Simple-Vane Flow Straightener

ibl Multi-Tube Flow Straightener

(cl Equalizer (Perforated Plate or Screen)

k 4 min.
Id) Combination Equalizer and Straightener

E D -I
(e) Multi-Tube Type Equalizer and Straightener




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S T D * A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1777 W


sure tap. Equilibrium should be verified as part of The measurement obtained by a total pressure
the measurement system operating procedures. probe can be influenced to varying extent by spatial
location. In the event of significant unresolved differ-
4.6.6 Velocity pressure shall be computed on the ences from the total pressure deduced from the static
basis of average velocity. (See para. 5.4.3.) pressure and average velocity, the static-pressure-
based result shall prevail.
4.6.7 Static pressure shall be taken as the arithmetic
average of individual raw data observations from 4.6.10 Barometer readings and the temperature at
four stations, spaced 90 deg. in the same plane of the instrument shall be recorded at the beginning
the pipe. The diameter of the static hole shall not and end of each test point. The instrument shall be
exceed four-tenths of the pipe wall thickness and located at the site of the test. It shall be protected
it should not be greater than I/,, in. in normal circum- from weather, direct sunlight, and fluctuating temper-
stances. The hole shall be drilled smooth and free ature changes. Precautions shall be taken to prevent
of burrs. A preferred connection is obtained by negative pressures in the vicinity of the barometer
welding a coupling to the pipe and then drilling which may be caused by strong winds, compressor
the hole. Total pressure probes may be used to intakes, or ventilating fans. The instrument elevation
measure pressure at the same stations the static with respect to the compressor shall be determined
measurements are made. Where the absolute values and proper corrections applied. See PTC 19.2 for
from four stations differ by more than one percent, further guidance.
the cause shall be determined and the condition
corrected. See PTC 19.2 for further guidance. 4.6.1 1 Internal pressure measurements are required
only if the sectional performance is defined for
4.6.8 inlet pressure i s the total pressure prevailing internal conditions (as an alternative the Code defini-
at the compressor inlet. It i s the sum of the static tion in para. 3.5.6). Due to the many configurations
pressure and the velocity pressure. Static pressure of the internal passages in sidestream compressors,
shall be measured as specified for inlet pipes in this Code cannot specify precisely where or how
Figs. 4.1 or 4.3. Where no inlet pipe is used, as internal pressure instrumentation may be placed. As a
in Fig. 4.2, the inlet total pressure shall be measured guide, four pressure probes (either static or dynamic)
by a barometer. should be inserted in the mainstream flow. These
Total pressure may be directly measured by the probes should be located so the incoming sidestream
use of total probes inserted into the flow stream (such does not affect the raw data (see Fig. 4.12). It i s
probes shall be properly oriented or directionally usually difficult to make accurate internal pressure
compensated to insure proper measurement). The measurements at a stage discharge since this is
measurement obtained by a total pressure probe can normally a region of high velocity with local varia-
be influenced to varying extent by spatial location. In tions of velocity, flow angle, and pressure. This
the event of significant unresolved differences from measurement uncertainty should be reflected in the
the total pressure deduced from the static pressure error analysis and in the value of the uncertainty
and average velocity, the static-pressure-based result assigned to these stations.
shall prevail.
4.6.9 Discharge pressure is the total pressure pre-
vailing at the compressor discharge. It shall be taken
as the sum of the static pressure and the velocity 4.7.1 Reference should be made to PTC 19.3,
pressure. Static pressure shall be measured as illus- Temperature Measurement, for guidance on instru-
trated in Fig. 4.1. When no discharge pipe i s used, ments for temperature measurement. Temperature
as illustrated in Fig. 4.4, the discharge static pressure shall be measured by thermocouples or mercury-in-
shall be measured by a barometer. If the velocity glass thermometers or other devices with equivalent
pressure (based on discharge opening area) exceeds accuracy. The range of their scales, the sensitivity,
5 percent of the static pressure, an open discharge and the required accuracy shall be chosen for each
shall not be used. of the significant measurements according to the

Total pressure may be directly measured by the particular need. The following general precautions
use of total probes inserted into the flow stream (such are recommended when making any temperature
probes shall be properly oriented or directionally measurement: the instrument installation should as-

compensated to insure proper measurement). sure that thermal conductance by radiation, convec-


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tion, and conduction between the temperature sensi- temperature measured i s a value between static and
tive element and all external thermal bodies (pipe total temperature. The velocity temperature is then
wall, external portions of thermometer wells and corrected for the recovery factor and added to the
thermocouple, etc.) shall be negligible in comparison measured observation (see para. 5.4.4). Special tem-
to the conductance between the sensor and the perature probes made to measure total temperature
medium being measured. insulation of those parts need little or no correction.
of thermometer well, thermocouple sheath, etc., that
extend beyond the pipe outside diameter may be 4.7.7 Inlet temperature is the total temperature
a means of accomplishing this objective if necessary. prevailing at the compressor inlet. When the com-
In some cases, insulation of the pipe wall near the pressor is tested with an inlet pipe, four temperature

thermometer or possibly insulation of the section taps shall be spaced 90 deg. apart and displaced
of the pipe upstream of the thermometer may be 45 deg. from the static pressure sensors (see Figs.
necessary. 4.1 or 4.3). When machines are assembled with an
The temperature measuring device shall extend a open inlet as in Fig. 4.2, inlet total temperature i s the
sufficient distance into the fluid stream to minimize atmospheric temperature, and it shall be measured by
unavoidable conduction of heat. They need not be four instruments attached to the protecting screen.
perpendicular to the wall. Oil or other heat conduct- In general, when the 4 (four) raw data observations
ing fluid should be used in thermowells to improve differ by more than 0.5 percent of the absolute
heat transfer. temperature the cause shall be determined and cor-
rected. For low temperature rise machines uncer-
Precaution shall be taken to avoid insertion of
the temperature measuring device into a stagnant tainty analysis should be used to determine accept-
area when measuring the temperature of a flowing able limits. Variations of more that 0.5 percent
medium. caused by factors other than instrument error such
as design may require more than 4 (four) measuring
4.7.2 When selecting a liquid-in-glass thermometer stations.
there may be a need for an emergent stem correction.
Refer to PTC 19.3 for further information. 4.7.8 Discharge temperature i s the total tempera-
ture prevailing at the compressor discharge. When
4.7.3 Thermocouples shall have junctions silver a compressor is assembled for test with a discharge
brazed or welded. The selection of materials shall pipe, the instruments shall be located as shown in
be suitable for the temperature and the gases being Figs, 4.1 or 4.5 and spaced 90 deg. apart and
measured. Calibration shall be made with the com- displaced 45 deg. from the pressure taps. Where
plete assembly, including the instrument, the refer- the compressor is operated without a discharge pipe,
ence junction, and the lead wires. If the well is four instruments shall be anchored to the discharge
integral with the thermocouple, the well shall also opening with a suitable projection into the gas
be included in the calibration. stream.
When the four raw data observations differ by
4.7.4 Thermometer wells shall be as small in diam-
more than 0.5 percent of the absolute temperature,
eter and with walls as thin as conditions will permit.
the cause shall be determined and corrected. Varia-
Wells shall be evaluated for the conditions of antici-
tion of more than 0.5 percent caused by factors
pated use to determine the time lag and the correc-
other than instrument error such as design may
tions to be applied. Thermocouples should be
require more than four measuring stations.
welded to the bottom of a well to reduce or minimize
the correction for well error. 4.7.9 For sidestream compressors, due to the many
possible configurations of internal passages, this
4.7.5 Resistance temperature detectors or thermis-
Code can not specify where or how internal tempera-
tors should be selected for the appropriate range.
ture instrumentation may be placed (see paras. 3.5.5
Caution should be taken because some of these
and 3.5.6). As a guide, four temperature probes
devices have a relatively slow response time.
should be inserted in the mainstream flow. These
4.7.6 Total temperature i s the sum of static temper- probes should be located so the incoming sidestream
ature and velocity temperature. Where the Mach does not affect the raw data (see Fig. 4.12). it is
number is lower than 0.11 for gases, or for air usually difficult to make accurate internal tempera-
where the velocity is below 125 ft/sec, the velocity ture measurements at a stage discharge since this is
temperature may be negligible. Normally, the actual normally a region of high velocity. This measurement



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Nozzle temperature

r Nozzle pressure

2 taps spaced 90 dag.

Protecting screen
See para. 4.4 SD minimum


uncertainty should be reflected in the uncertainty barometer pressure. Differential pressure i s measured
analysis and in the value of the uncertainty assigned from two static taps located 1i2Ddownstream of the
to these stations. The internal temperature measure- nozzle flange. Temperature is measured by sensors
ment i s always required when sidestream and main- at the screen.
stream flows mix internally.

4.8.4 The nozzle may be used with an open dis-

4.8 CAPACITY MEASUREMENTS charge: Figs. 4.1 O and 4.1 1 show optional arrange-
ments of the flow nozzle on the outlet end of a
4.8.1 Flow may be measured by using an ASME pipe for use where it is convenient to discharge the
flow nozzle, concentric square edge orifice, Herschel gas to atmosphere. For a subcritical flow, the nozzle
type venturi tube, or alternative devices of equal or differential pressure, A,, will be less than the baromet-
better accuracy. Reference shall be made to PTC ric pressure and it shall be measured from impact
19.5, Flow Measurement, for general instruction and tubes, as shown in Fig. 4.10. Where the available
detailed description of the various primary elements gas pressures permit, the nozzle may be sized for
and their applications. Other references are provided operation at critical flow. In this case the differential
in Appendix D. The interested parties shall mutually pressure will be greater than barometric pressure,
agree upon the type of metering device to be used and it shall be measured from static taps located
and the choice shall be stated in the test report. 1D upstream of the nozzle as indicated in Fig. 4.1 1.
4.8.2 The flow measuring device may be located on In both cases the minimum length of straight pipe
either the inlet or discharge side of the compressor. It preceding the nozzle shall be 1 O û and the pipe
shall be used to determine the net capacity delivered, diameter shall be a minimum of 1.66 times the
or in the case of an exhauster, the net capacity nozzle throat diameter. Temperature measuring Sta-
exhausted, which excludes losses by shaft leakage, tions shall be located 6 0 upstream. The flow straight-
balancing pistons, condensation, and other normal ener and/or flow equalizer, as described in para.
leakage that may be inherent in the compressor 4.5, shall be used. Users of these arrangements are
design. Multiple devices are required for multiple cautioned to observe the distinction between critical
inlet or discharge flow sections. and subcritical flow. It should be noted that the
velocity of approach i s included in measurements
4.8.3 The nozzle may be used with an open inlet. made with impact tubes.
The nozzle arrangement shown in Fig. 4.9 may be
used for the test of compressors as exhausters. The
minimum length of straight pipe, following the noz- 4.8.5 Formulas for calculating mass flow for a
zle, shall be equal to five times the pipe diameter, variety of flow measuring devices as provided in
and the pipe diameter shall be a minimum of 1.66 PTC 19.5 shall be used. Methods are included for
times the nozzle throat diameter. A protecting screen the determination of the discharge coefficient, fluid
shall be used in accordance with the instructions expansion factor, and metering element thermal
of para. 4.4. Upstream total pressure is equal to the expansion coefficient for various flow elements.


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- -__--
- ====

SPECIAL NOTE: d not more than 0.6D for any nozzle arrangement


Nozzle pressure

Nozzle temperature
2 measuring stations
2 measuring stations
spaced 90 deg.

spaced deg- 7

, - / , - - 10Dminimum ""i

4.9 CAS COMPOSITION the compressor or the sampling points. This analysis
shall consist of identification of the constituents, a
4.9.1 The test gas must be defined. At the mini-
measure of mole percent of each and evaluation of
mum, sampling will be taken at the start and end
the molecular weight. if the test gas is air no samples
of each test.
are necessary. However, relative humidity or dew-
4.9.2 Special precautions shall be taken when test- point shall be measured during each test point.
ing with the closed loop to eliminate all liquids
from the gas stream and static instrument lines.
When dealing with gas mixtures subject to variation, 4.9.3 Note that while the gas under test conditions
samples shall be taken at each test point and be may not exhibit condensation, the gas in the instru-
analyzed by spectrographic, chromatographic, or ment lines will be cooler (¡.e., room temperature)
chemical methods. The sample shall be taken from and, under some conditions, condensation could
the piping such that there i s no condensation before occur.


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S T D - A S M E P T C 1 0 - E N G L 1997 = 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05’ibZ 9 T A


4.1 O SPEED MEASUREMENT torque meters shall be of a type suitable for calibra-
tion. The torsion member shall be selected for read-
4.10.1 Instruments shall be selected to provide a
ability and accuracy at the speed and load prevailing
continuous indication of speed fluctuation where
during test.
variable speed drivers are used. Use of two indepen-
dent instruments, one to provide a check on the
other, i s also recommended.
4.10.2 The speed of a compressor driven by syn- MEASUREMENTS
chronous motors may be determined from the num-
4.14.1 The shaft power input to a motor driven
ber of poles in the motor and the frequency of
the power systems. If gears are used between the compressor may be computed from measurements
measuring point and the compressor shaft, the speed of the electrical input to the motor terminals under
ratio shall be computed from a count of the number certain conditions. The power requirement of the
of teeth. compressor should be above mid-point of the motor

rating. The output of a motor shall be calculated
4.1 0.3 Detailed instructions on speed measuring by subtracting losses from the measured electrical
instrumentation is given in PTC 19.1 3, Measurement input, or as the product of input and efficiency.
of Rotary Speed. Efficiency shall be determined by an input-output
test where output is measured on a calibrated dyna-
mometer or other appropriate device. For efficiency
4.1 1 TIME MEASUREMENT determination, the supply line voltage used for cali-
bration shall be the same as that used for the
4.11.1 The date and time of day at which test
compressor test.
readings are taken shall be recorded on all data
records. 4.1 4.2 Efficiency determination by input-output
measurements may not be practical for large motors.
For large motors the loss method may be used. The
4.12 METHODS OF SHAFT POWER segregated losses of an induction motor shall include
MEASUREMENT friction and windage, core loss, 12R loss of the rotor
and the stator, and a load loss. These measurements
4.12.1 The shaft power input at the compressor shall be made in accordance with current ANSI
coupling or the drive shaft may be measured di- standards.
rectly by:
(a) torque meters 4.14.3 The electric power input to the motor shall
(b) reaction mounted drivers be measured by the instruments connected at the
or evaluated from: motor terminals. The detailed instructions for the
(c) measurement of electrical input to a driving measurement of electrical power are as given in
motor IEEE 120.
(d) a heat balance method The indicating electric meters should be selected
(e) heat input to a loop cooler to read above one-third of the scale range.
4.1 2.2 The precautions, limitations, and the permis- 4.14.4 Calculations of electrical power shall in-
sible applications for each of these methods are clude calibration corrections for the meter and cur-
described separately. Code users shall select the rent transformers. The transformers shall be measured
method best suited for the application. Detailed for ratio and phase angle at the load conditions
instruction on the measurement of shaft power will prevailing during the test.
be found in PTC 19.7, Measurement of Shaft Power.


4.15.1 When it i s not possible or practical to
4.13.1 Torque may be directly measured by devices measure shaft power by direct means, it may be
installed in a drive shaft interposed between the computed from measured values of the capacity,
driver and the compressor. For tests under this Code, gas properties at inlet and discharge, heat exchange


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k- Location C

Location A

Location B

GENERAL NOTE: Mainstream instrumentation to be located between stations A and B.


through the casing, mechanical losses, and gas leak- surement of the temperature rise (such as with differ-
- loss from the shaft seals.
age ential thermocouples). Evidence of nonuniform tem-

perature distribution more than 2 percent of the

4.15.2 Methods to account for mechanical losses
temperature rise at either the inlet or the discharge
are discussed in para. 4.18. External heat loss from
the casing may be evaluated
para. 4.17.
measurement station, may require one of the follow-
ing procedures be used at the offending measurement

4.15.3 The heat balance method shall be used (7) Apply insulation to the piping upstream of
with the following precautions and limitations. the temperature measurement station in an effort to
(a) The inlet and discharge temperatures shall be minimize thermal gradient. If successful, the tempera-
measured with instruments suitably selected and ap- ture measurement installation need not be changed.
plied to provide combined accuracy within 1 percent (2) Move the temperature measurement station
of the temperature rise. When the rise is less than away from the compressor and add pipe insulation.
SOOF, consideration should be given to direct mea- This might be particularly effective when temperature


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'STD-ASME P T C 10-ENGL 1 7 9 7 W 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 Ob054b4 770


stratification causes the problem at a compressor dis- fluctuation of the temperature rise by not more than
charge . 1 percent of the temperature rise.
(3) Perform a temperature traverse using 1O loca- (b) The cooling fluid flow meter shall be selected
tions along each of two diametral traverse lines spaced and calibrated to maintain the uncertainty limit within
90 deg. apart at the same pipe cross section. The 1/2 percent at test conditions.
i0 sensing locations along each traverse line should (c) The cooling fluid flow rate shall be regulated
correspond closely to the average radii of five annular so that the temperature rise i s not less than 20°F.
regions of equal area which comprise the entire pipe (d) Two or more temperature measuring devices
cross section. (The central region actually would be shall be used at each cooling fluid inlet and outlet.
a circular rather than annular area.) The measured (e) Spinners or similar devices shall be used to in-
temperature would be the averageof the 20 individual sure thorough mixing of the outlet stream prior to
measurements. temperature measurement.
(b) In sidestream machines, where internal temper- (0 The heat losses due to radiation and convection
ature measurements are to be made, ideally four loca- from the gas loop piping, the compressor, and the
tions should be used. However, this may not prove cooler shall not exceed 5 percent of the total shaft
to be practical. In all cases, the upstream temperatures power. It is recommended that the piping between
of the two streams mixing internally should be mea- the compressor discharge flange and the cooler inlet
sured. A measurement of the downstream mixed tem- be insulated.
perature would be unreliable and should not be used (g) Temperature equilibrium shall be established
for calculation purposes due to inherent poor internal before starting the test reading. Acceptable equilib-
mixing conditions in a machine. rium will be demonstrated by six or more readings,
(c) Temperature equilibrium shall be established uniformly timed, for a period not less than 1O minutes,
before starting the test reading. Acceptable equilib- during which the temperature rise drift does not ex-
rium will be demonstrated by six or more readings, ceed 5 percent of the temperature rise.
uniformly timed, for a period not less than 1O minutes,
during which the temperature rise drift does not ex-
ceed 5 percent of the temperature rise. 4.17 HEAT LOSS
(d) The heat losses due to radiation and convection
4.17.1 When using either the heat balance or heat
expressed in percent of total shaft power shall not
exchanger method for determining power, it is rec-
exceed 5 percent. (See para. 4.1 7.)
ommended that heat loss be minimized by the
(e) The inlet gas conditions shall have a minimum
application of a suitable insulating material. If the
of 5 deg. superheat for Type 2 tests. compressed gas temperature rise is less than S O O F ,
the inlet piping, compressor casing, and exit piping
shall be insulated at least to the measuring station.
4.16 SHAFT POWER BY HEAT EXCHANGER The external heat loss from the compressor casing
METHODS and connecting piping may be computed with ac-
4.16.1 When it is not possible or practical to ceptable accuracy from measurements of the ex-
measure shaft power directly or by a compressor posed surface area, the average temperature of the
heat balance, and a heat exchanger i s incorporated surface, and the ambient temperature. Where a
in the test arrangement, the heat transferred to the hot surface temperature varies widely, as in large
cooling water may be used to determine the net multistage compressors, it is advisable to divide the
compressor shaft power. casing into arbitrary sections and determine the area
and temperature of each separately, and thus obtain
4.16.2 Methods to account for the mechanical an approximate integrated average temperature for
losses are discussed in para. 4.1 8. External heat loss the total surface.

from the casing, piping, and cooler may be evaluated

4.1 7.2 Where cooling occurs between the inlet and
in accordance with para. 4.17.
outlet measuring stations as part of the compressor
4.16.3 The heat exchanger method shall be used design, measurement of temperatures and flow rates
with the following precautions and limitations. of the cooling fluids are required. Examples are
(a) The cooling fluid supply shall be stable in pres- compressors incorporating cooled diaphragms, in-
sure and temperature so that the fluctuation of flow terstage coolers, or aftercoolers as part of the com-
rates will not deviate more than 2 percent and the pressor package being tested.



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4.18 MECHANICAL LOSSES 4.1 9.2 Pressure measurement devices (Bourdon

tube gages and transducers, etc.) shall be calibrated
4.18.1 When practical, the heat equivalent of the
with a deadweight standard or manometer at approx-
mechanical losses (integral gears, bearings, and seals)
imately 5 percent intervals for the anticipated mea-
shall be determined from the temperature rise of surement range.
the cooling fluid. The quantity of fluid flowing shall
Instruments affected by temperature shall be cali-
be determined by calibrated flow meters. The heat
brated in the same temperature range prevailing
equivalent of the external losses as well as the
during their use.
frictional loss in the mechanical seals, if used, shall
be determined and included in the total mechanical 4.1 9.3 Temperature measurement devices (thermo-
losses. couples, mercury-in-glass thermometers, RTDs,
Where the mechanical losses are well known and thermisters, etc.) shall be calibrated with certified
documented, the calculated values or those values standards at 20 percent intervals for the measurement
determined from prior testing may be used by range. The standard shall be suitable for the measure-
agreement by test parties. ment range of the instruments to be calibrated.
Procedures described in PTC 19.3, Temperature
4.18.2 Where speed changing gears (not part of Measurement, shall be followed for checking the
the compressor) are used between a driver and a accuracy of temperature measuring instruments.
compressor, and shaft power is measured on the Thermocouple calibration checks shall include the
input side of the gear, it will be necessary to subtract hot junction, the lead wires, and the indicating
the friction and windage loss of the gear to obtain instrument. RTDs and thermisters shall be calibrated
the shaft power input to the compressor. The gear with the total system.
power loss to the lubricating fluid may be determined 4.1 9.4 Instruments for measuring electric power
by measuring the flow rate and the temperature rise. such as wattmeters, ammeters, and voltmeters shall
The additional external loss to the atmosphere may be calibrated with primary standards. The zero ad-
be determined by the methods of para. 4.1 7. When justments shall be checked. They shall be examined
gear loss measurements are made on an independent for pivot friction. Instruments showing pivot friction
gear test, care should be taken to assure that the shall not be used. Dynamometer types may be
load, lubricating oil temperature, viscosity, and flow calibrated on either ac or dc current. Current trans-
rates are similar to those for the compressor test. formers shall be measured for transformation ratio
and phase angle at the range of burdens prevailing
in the circuit during the test. The transformation
ratio of potential transformers shall be measured
at the approximate primary voltage and frequency
4.1 9 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION prevailing during the test.

4.19.1 All instruments used for measurement shall 4.19.5 Torque meters shall be calibrated by
be currently certified by comparison with appropriate applying torque with certified standard weights, load
standards before the test. Those instruments subject cells, or other appropriate devices spaced to cover
to change in calibrations due to use, handling, or the working range. For strain gage types, the calibra-
exposure to injurious conditions, shall be compared tion shall include the brushes, lead wires, and the
again with standards after the test. indicating instrument.


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STD.ASME PTC 10-ENGL 1797 0759b70 O b 0 5 4 b b 543



5.1 FORMAT one percent in efficiency and two percent in dis-

charge specific volume. 'The ideal gas equation of
5*1*1 The Calculation The process Of state, 14dPv = RT, and the corresponding &rived
establishing compressor performance from test data
equations in Tables and 5.4 may be
involves a number of calculation steps. This Section
For gases with variable specific heats, average
is presented in the following chronological order:
properties are calculated at the arithmetic mean
0 Perfect or real gas treatment i s selected. section temperature.
The appropriate test speed is calculated if a Type
2 test is to be performed. Schultz Method. The gas may be treated
as a real gas using the method of Schultz [see
0 The raw test data is processed.
Ref. (D.1311 when the compressibility functions are
0 Test performance is calculated.
0 Test performance is expressed in dimensionless known. The real gas equation of state, 144pv =
ZRT, and the corresponding derived equations of
Tables 5.2 to 5.4 are used. The arithmetic mean
0 Reynolds number correction is applied.
0 The corrected dimensionless expressions are used between inlet and discharge conditions shall be used
for evaluating compressibility, specific heat, X and
to predict performance at specified operating con-
ditions. Y. The Schultz method i s normally used when the
discharge conditions are unknown and an estimate
The important subject of uncertainty i s treated of the polytropic exponent, n, is needed. Iteration
separately. The section format is intended to guide i s required to obtain the arithmetic mean conditions.
the user in basic calculation procedure and to present The curves provided for X (Fig. 3.6) and Y (Fig.
the necessary equations. Appendix E i s provided as 3.7) are for reference. They were derived from the
a background theory source and further explanation generalized compressibility charts. Specific values
of the equations. of X and Y may be developed for any test or
specified gas composition. Tabulated Properties and Equation of

State Methods. Pure gases and gas mixtures for

which tabulated data properties exist may be treated
5.2.1 Choice of Methods. The test and specified as real gases.
gases may be treated as either perfect or real de- There are many gas property correlation equations
pending upon their respective thermodynamic be- of state for pure components and gas mixtures.
havior. For the purposes of this Code ideal gases Many of the generalized equations of state provide
are those which fall within the limits of Table 3.3. sufficiently accurate predictions of gas properties to
Gases which exhibit deviations beyond these limits be used in conjunction with the calculation methods.
are considered real. Three distinct treatments of gases The use of either of these methods will require
are recognized in the computational procedures. The iterative procedures to satisfy the equations in Tables
appropriate choice will depend upon the selected 5.2 to 5.4.
gas, knowledge of its properties, and the desired

5'2'1'1 Ideal Cas Method' The gas may be

treated as an ideal gas when its properties satisfy
the limits imposed h Table 3.3. 'Th;! table limik 5.3.1 Test Gas Selection. The gas to be used in
are defined so that the use of ideal gas laws will establishing the performance of the compressor to
introduce maximum uncertainty of approximately be tested can be the specified operating gas or a


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S T D * A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 9 9 7 0757b70 Ob054b7 4 8 T W


Mathematical Description at Test Operating
Parameter Conditions Eq. No. Assumption

Flow coefficient

Work input coefficient [5.1T-21 [Pinlsp = [PinIr

isentropic work coefficient [5.1 -31 = [PJf Rem,

-RT;. k-1

Polytropic work coefficient [5.1T-41

[Pdf =

where nf = [1-
In -

Isentropic efficiency - k [5.lT-61 =

[qslsp hs1t R
k - 1 "'(p,j)?- l]
[%If =
hd - hi pi f

Polytropic efficiency

hplf =

Total work input coefficient See Table 5.3

For ideal gases with con- k.1 [S.lT-81

stant specific heats

and, 'k- 1 [ 5.1 T-91

[rlplf =

GENERAL NOTE: Appropriate units must be chosen to render the parameters dimensionless. Further explanation of the equations is available
in Appendix E.


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Parameter Mathematical Description at Test Operating Conditions Eq. No. Assumption

! Flow coefficient [5.2T-l] 4sp = 4f


Work input coefficient [5.2T-23 Iccinlsp = IPinlt

where insIr= IT]

In -

vd t

and f, =
( h i - hi) 1
ín, - 1)
144 (pdvi- pivil
1 (5.2T-51

Polytropic work coefficient

Irplr =

i n - 1)

where nf = IT]-

vd I

Isentropic efficiency
fl44PiVi - [5.2T-81 [D,I,~ = IvSlfRem,
lP.4 n,

[Table continued on next page]


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Parameter Mathematical Descriptionat Test Operating Conditions Eq. No. Assumption

Polytropic efficiency

Total work input coefficient See Table 5.3

GENERAL NOTE: Appropriate units must be chosen to render the parametersdimensionless. Further explanationof the equations is available
in Appendix E.

gas which allows for similarity testing at equivalent ¡.e.,


5.3.2 Test Speed Selection. The volume ratio limi-

tation of Table 3.2 may be met by controlling the test
speed. The appropriate test speed i s calculated from
(E) 1

The Machine Reynolds number correction,

,,, is explained in para. 5.6.3.
In order to apply these equations it is necessary
to know the polytropic exponent, which is a function
where of polytropic efficiency.
For any gas,

and, For an ideal gas,

n k
n-1 - T p E i5.3.71

For a real gas using the Schultz method,

with the restriction that,

n = I5.3.81
k"1t = 1r"lsp [5.3.41 Y-m(l + x )



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where Fluctuation. Three or more readings are

used to obtain the test point. The allowable fluctua-
tion of the readings is shown in Table 3.4. The
= Z R ( 1 , x) [5-3.91 fluctuation is computed by taking the differences of
the highest reading and the lowest reading and
Both the test and specified operating condition effi- the average of all the readings*
ciencies are known only approximately before the
test. Where no better approximation is available,
1 O 0 (AH - AL)
they may be estimated from the design value,
AF= , 15.4.1 1

5.3.3 Test Speed Validation. When the actual test AF= fluctuation expressed in YO (Table 3.4)
conditions differ from the estimated values, the most AH= highest reading
appropriate test speed will depart from the previously AL= lowest reading
calculated test speed. Some deviation i s allowable. Ai= ithreading
The test speed i s acceptable when the deviation n= total number of readings
satisfies the limits of Table 3.2. If the fluctuation values of Table 3.4 are satisfied,
then the point i s assumed to be valid.

5.4 CALCULATIONS FOR TEST OPERATING Test Point Data. The individual readings
CONDITIONS are summed and divided by the total number of
readings to establish an average. This average i s
Performance at the test conditions i s calculated
then used as the test point data.
by the following procedures.
5.4.1 Raw Data Acceptability. The observed data Total Conditions. Gas state static test
shall be checked for compliance with the limitations point data shall be converted to total condition
imposed in Sections 3 and 4. See PTC 19.1 for values for the computational procedure. This does
guidance on examining data for outliers. not preclude final presentation in terms of static
conditions, but total values are used in the intermedi-
5.4.2 Processing Raw Data. Acceptable raw data
ate computations.
shall be processed to provide values to be used in
The relationship between static and total properties
the computation of results.
is velocity dependent. Average total properties are Calibrations and Corrections. Applicable estimated herein from the average velocity at the
instrument and system calibrations shall be applied measurement station.
to the raw data. The need for corrections and calibra- The average velocity at the measurement station
tions arises from both the indicating system compo- i s given by
nents and measurement technique. Raw data shall
be corrected as required based on:
(a) instrument and instrument system calibrations
(b) liquid legs in pressure measurement lines
(c) temperature effects
(d) thermometer emergent stem corrections

(e) local gravitational variation Data Conversion. The corrected raw data Simplified methods for converting between static
is then averaged from the total number of observa- and total conditions at low Fluid Mach numbers
tions (raw data) at each measurement station. This are presented in the following paragraphs. A refined
averaged data becomes the reading. The reading method for higher Mach numbers is given in Appen-
i s then converted to absolute units of pressure, dix G. The Fluid Mach number for ideal gases i s
temperature, etc, given by



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V The test total temperature is calculated from the

M = measured temperature taking into account the effect
of recovery factor.

5.4.3 Test Pressure Simplified Method. The difference be-

tween total and static temperatures may be evalu- Simplified Method. For measurement sta- ated from
tion Fluid Mach numbers of 0.2 or less the effects
of compressibility are small. A good approximation
of velocity pressure may be obtained by assuming [5.4.61
incompressible flow at the measurement station and
calculating an approximate density from the mea-
sured static pressure and measured temperature. This equation is accurate for ideal gases (using
Thus an average cp). It is less accurate for real gases and
should be used with caution for real gases for Fluid
Mach numbers above 0.2 (see Appendix GI.
The above equation and the definition of recovery
factor rf combine to give

Va, = ~ / 6 0 p A 15.4.31 Refined Method. For cases where the

measurement station Fluid Mach number exceeds
0.2 for a real gas, the discussion in Appendix G
gives guidelines for more accurate methods for relat- Refined Method. For cases where the ing total temperature to measured temperature. For
measurement station Fluid Mach number exceeds cases involving extreme variation from ideal gas

0.2, or when a better average velocity estimate is behavior, such as near the critical point, the total
desirable, the refined method of Appendix G may temperature may differ greatly from the value indi-
be used. This method is based upon the assumption cated by para. and the methods outlined in
of uniform compressible flow at the measurement Appendix G should be used.
station. Test Discharge Temperature From Shaft
5.4.4 Test Temperature Power. An alternative method for determining test
discharge temperature is discussed in para. Recovery Factor. The temperature indi-
cated by a sensing element is normally a value 5.4.5 Test Density and Specific Volume. The test
somewhere between the static and total temperature, total density is calculated from the test total pressure
depending upon the ability of the sensor to recover and total temperature as
the converted kinetic energy of the gas stream. This

ability is defined in terms of a recovery factor,

Tmeas - Tstaiic
pi = [TIt
(144 p)

r, = [ 5.4.51
T - Tstatic
for ideal gases, and,
The recovery factor i s primarily dependent upon
geometric configuration, orientation, and Fluid Mach
number. Standardized Performance Test Code wells
(PTC 19.3) used at velocities below 300 fthec have
pi = [FI,
(144 p)

a recovery factor for air equal to 0.65. Recovery for real gases.
factors for various sensors may be available from The test total specific volume is the reciprocal of
the instrument manufacturer. the total density


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1777 = 0757b70 Ob05472 8 9 7 M


v, = - [5.4.10] Pg, = [Lutwh - Lnwh + Or1 - [5.4.13]
Pt 33000

5.4.6 Test Flow Rate. The measured flow rate is
calculated according to the formulas applicable to
the indicating instrument used. In some cases sec-
ondary flows such as leakages may be wholly calcu-
lated rather than measured when mutually accept- indicates the sum of mass flow rate-enthalpy products
able methods are available, for all flows crossing the section boundaries. Mass Flow Rate. Test flow rates are ex-

ori s the heat transfer from the section boundaries.
Shaft power i s the sum of gas power plus any
pressed as mass rate of flow at the station of interest. parasitic losses, Volume Flow Rate. This Code uses a
flow rate definition in the calculation process which Pshr = pg, i-
Pparasitic, (5.4.141
has the units of volume flow rate. it i s Heat Exchanger Method. Closed loop


q=- [5.4.11] heat input tests are a form of the heat balance
P method. The gas power is given by,

w= mass flow rate [5.4.15]
p= total density
This definition is consistent with the use of total
properties in the calculation procedure. It does not where
represent the actual local volume flow rate because w,= cooling fluid mass rate of flow
it is based upon total rather than static density. All %
', cooling fluid specific heat
references to calculated volume flow rate imply this t2=cooling fluid outlet temperature
definition unless otherwise stated. ti = cooling fluid inlet temperature
Qr= heat transfer from the section boundaries
5.4.7 Test Power. The calculation of test power Qext= other external heat loss equivalent, for ex-
depends upon the method of measurement. Both ample, seal leakage
shaft power and gas power may be of interest. Shaft
power is the power input to the compressor drive Casing Heat Transfer. The external heat
shaft. Gas power is the power delivered to the gas loss or gain from the section may be computed
in the cection(s) of interest. from measurements of the exposed surface area, the
average temperature of the surface, and the ambient Shafî Power Methods. When power in- temperature from
put i s measured by instruments such as a torque
meter, dynamometer, or calibrated motor, the shaft
power is calculated using the appropriate formula.
Cas power i s calculated by subtracting the parasitic
losses from the shaft power (see para. for
parasitic losses). where
Sc= heat transfer surface area of exposed com-
pressor and adjoining pipe for section of
Pshr = measured value interest
tc= casing surface temperature
Pg, = Pshr - Pparasitic, [5.4.12] ta= ambient temperature
hr= coefficient of heat transfer for area (com-
bined convection and radiation) Heat Balance Method. Gas power is Where the casing surface temperature varies
calculated from the First Law of Thermodynamics widely, the accuracy of this calculation may be
applied to the compressor section of interest, yielding improved by treating small areas of the surface


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separately and summing the results. See paras. 4.1 5, Pg = Psh - Ppararitic [5.4.19]
4.16, and 4.17.
(b) Calculate the enthalpy rise from the gas power Parasitic Losses. Parasitic losses are the
difference between shaft power and gas power for
the section(s) of interest. They are comprised of ( P g y - Qr)
mechanical losses and other power requirements
which do not contribute to the energy rise of the
gas in the section of interest,

Pparasitic = Pmech = Pother 15.4.1 71

(a) Mechanical Losses. Mechanical losses are al-

ways considered to be parasitic losses. Those losses
due to lubricated gears, bearings, seals, etc., may be (c) Determine the discharge stagnation tempera-
estimated from the lubricating oil temperature rise. ture from the calculated discharge stagnation enthalpy
Other mechanical losses from seals, bearing, etc., and discharge stagnation pressure, according to the
which do not contribute to the lubricating oil tempera- properties of the gas.
ture rise shall be determined separately. That portion NOTE: An iterative calculation is required for real gases.
of the mechanical loss evident in the lubricating oil
temperature rise i s given by:
The following dimensionless parameters are calcu-
[ 5.4.1 81
lated for the test conditions to provide verification
that the limits of Table 3.2 have been met.

where 5.5.1 Machine Mach Number. The Machine Mach

w= mass flow rate of the lubricating or seal- number is given by
ing fluid
cp= specific heat of the lubricating or sealing Mm = U/ai i5.5.1 I
At= temperature rise of the lubricating or seal- For ideal gases,
ing fluid
(b) Other Parasitic Losses. When the shaft power ai = 4- f5.5.21
method is used, power supplied to drive auxiliary
equipment is treated as parasitic. Also, power supplied
For real gases,
to sections 'of a multisection compressor other than
the section being tested i s considered parasitic.
When the heat balance method is used, and total
di = == [5.5.31
shaft power i s defined to include power to drive Yi
auxiliary equipment, the auxiliary power requirement
is treated as parasitic.
5.5.2 Machine Reynolds Number. The Machine Alternate Method For Determining Test Reynolds number is given by
Discharge Temperature. For cases where the dis-
charge temperature cannot be measured with suffi- Rem = Ublu [5.5.41
cient accuracy, it may be possible to obtain a value
from the measured shaft power. (a) For Centrifugal Compressors
The method is as follows: U= velocity at the outer blade tip diameter of

fa) Calculate gas power from the shaft power mea- the first impeller, ft/sec
surement b= first stage impeller exit width, ft


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Y= kinematic viscosity of the gas at inlet condi- 5.6.1 The Single Section Compressor
tions, ft2/sec Description. The single section compres-
(b) For Axial Compressors sor from inlet to outlet measurement stations experi-
U = velocity at first stage rotor blade outer diam- ences no gas cooling other than natural radiation
eter, ft/sec
and convection. No gas flow is added or removed
b= chord at tip of first stage rotor blade, ft
other than that lost through seal or balance piston
v = kinematic viscosity of the gas, ft2/sec
leakage. No condensation occurs.
5.5.3 Specific Volume Ratio. The specific volume
ratio is the ratio of inlet to discharge total specific Calculation Procedure for Single Section
volume. Compressors. The first step i s to calculate the follow-
ing values:
r, = v;/vC( 15.5.51 (a) flow coefficient

(b) work input coefficient

(c) polytropic work coefficient
5.5.4 Volume Flow Ratio. The volume flow ratio (d) polytropic efficiency
between any two points x and y in the section is (e) total work input coefficient
given by The equations needed to do this are shown in
Tables 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, and are explained in detail
in Appendix E. Some of these parameters are subject
to correction for the difference in Machine Reynolds
number between test and specified operating condi-
tions, as explained in para. 5.6.3. The right-hand
columns show the relationship between the test and
specified condition values.
For compressors without sidestreams the inlet to The second step i s an interpolation process. Com-
discharge volume flow ratio is limited by the specific pressor performance at a single specified condition
volume ratio limit. For sidestream compressors the operating point is determined from at least two
volume flow ratio limits of Fig. 3.2 also apply. bracketing test points. To perform the interpolation,
5.5.5 Flow Coefficient. The flow coefficient is the specified operating condition dimensionless pa-

given by rameters are treated as functions of the specified
operating condition flow coefficient. The specified
operating condition dimensionless parameters for
d= [5.5.7] each point may be plotted as shown in Fig. 5.1. A
P i2 r N ( E)
smooth curve i s drawn connecting the data points.
For two points this is simply linear interpolation.
improved data interpolation may be possible with
where wrotori s the mass flow rate which enters the additional test points and nonlinear curve fitting.
rotor and i s compressed. It differs from the measured The third step is to establish the compressor per-
mass flow rate by the amount of leakage and side- formance in dimensionless terms at the specified
stream flow which occurs between the rotor entry operating condition flow of interest. To do this,
and the flow measurement station. Figure E.2 gives a a specified operating condition flow coefficient is
schematic representation of mainstream, sidestream, calculated from the flow rate, speed, and inlet condi-
and leakage flows. tions of interest. The remaining dimensionless per-
formance parameters are defined from the interpola-
tion process of step 2. This information is simply
read from the curves of Fig. 5.1 at the flow coefficient
of interest. The compressor performance at the speci-
fied operating condition point of interest is now
Performance at specified conditions is calculated defined in dimensionless terms.
by the following procedures. Certain additional di- The fourth step is to calculate the compressor
mensionless parameters are calculated for the test performance in the desired dimensional form. This
conditions and extended to specified conditions. is done by solving the dimensionless parameter


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Parameter Mathematical Descriptionat Test Operating Conditions Eq. No. Assumption

Total work input coefficient (Note (1 )I

(heat balance method)

- fpdtie)33000
Total work input coefficient [adIf = [5.3T-21 1
1rp = Iadlt
(heat balance method)

GENERAL NOTE Appropriate units must be chosen to render the parameters dimensionless. Further explanationof the equations is available
in Appendix E.
(1 1 This equation applies to a particular model as presented in Appendix E, para. E.3.12. Some of the terms may not apply in a particular
case. Additional terms may apply. The analysis of para. E.3.12 may be followed to develop appropriate equations.

equations for those quantities of interest. Typical (a) It shall be possible to gather test information for

equations used to do this are shown in Table 5.4. each single section as though it were an independent
For example, to calculate the discharge pressure single section compressor. That is, the test speed, flow
at the specified condition flow the following steps rate, and inlet and outlet states must be available for
are taken: (1 ) the pressure ratio is calculated from the each single section.
now known specified operating condition polytropic In the special case of sidestream mixing internally
efficiency and polytropic work coefficients, and (2) in a compressor, the inlet mixed condition shall be
the discharge pressure is the product of this pressure determined from the inlet states of the incoming
ratio and the specified operating condition inlet streams.
pressure. (b) When a component such as an external heat
exchanger exists between sections, the performance
5.6.2 The Multisection Compressor of that component shall be known for specified op-

erating conditions. Description. A multisection compressor
is a compressor which may be treated as a number (c) Differences in the intermediate component per-
formance between test and specified operating condi-
of individual single section compressors operating
in series. The output from each single section pro- tions shall have a negligible or known effect upon the
single section performance. That is, a negligible or
vides input to the next section. The section bound-
known effect upon the dimensionless performance
aries may be drawn to exclude intermediate compo-
nents such as external heat exchangers.
The following conditions shall be met to treat a Calculation Method for Multisecîion
compressor as a multisection compressor. Compressors. The specified operating condition per-


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I m p


[ W P


Test F



formance for multisection compressors is calculated effects on flow rate and gas state are taken into
from the specified operating condition performance account.
of the individual calculated sections. The basic calcu- For a heat exchanger these effects are temperature
lation procedure for each section is the same as for reduction, pressure drop, and condensate removal.
single section tests. The test data for each section For the case of mixed streams see para. E.5. The
is reduced to the form of dimensionless performance resulting condition becomes the specified operating
parameters which apply at the specified operating condition gas state at the entry to the second section.
conditions. The performance of the first section The flow coefficient calculated from the known flow
is calculated just as is done for a single section rate becomes the interpolating flow coefficient for the
compressor. second section. The calculation process is repeated
This yields the discharge conditions from the first through the second section, remaining intermediate
section. If an intermediate component such as an components and sections, and on to the final dis-
intercooler exists before the next section entry, the charge. It i s not necessary that an intermediate


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Parameter Mathematical Descriptionat Test Operating Conditions Eq. No.



Capacity [5.4T-4]

Polytropic work (head1 I5.4T-51

per section

Pressure ratio (ideal gas [5.4T-61

with constant specific


n k I5.4T-71
where- ( n - 1)sp = (k - 1 )sp (tldsp

Pressure ratio (real gas) [5.4T-81


where (n& =
In -



In -

[Table continued on next page]


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Parameter Mathematical Description at Test Operating Conditions Eq. No.

Pressure ratio (real gas)


or, where the Schultz method is used


m5P = [-ZR (-VP1
+ X)ISf

Discharge pressure [5.4T-15]

Pressure rise I5.4T-161

Discharge enthalpy 15.4T-171

Temperature ratio (ideal 15.4T-191


The discharge temperature may also be obtained from

the discharge pressure and enthalpy when the appro-
priate data is available.

Gas power per section [5.4T-201


Assumption 0 = nhh Or, a s h

5P 5P

Shaft power

Assumption, n = nhh Sf
or, ash Sf

GENERAL NOTE: Consistent units must be used in defining dimensional properties.


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S T D ASME P T C 10-ENGL I1777 m 0757b70 Ob05477 1 T 1 m


component exist in order to treat a compressor in The correction to be applied i s as follows:

multiple sections. The exit of one section and entry (a) For Centrifugal Compressors
of another may coincide.
The specified operating condition flow coefficients
for the second and succeeding sections are functions
of the performance of the preceding sections. This
dependence upon preceding section performance is
an effect commonly referred to as section matching.
When the individual section performance curves are
steep, and as the number of individual sections
increase, the overal I compressor performance be-
RA = 0.066 ]
lo6 x b) RC
+ 0.934 [(4.8 xRem [5.6.2]

comes increasingly sensitive. lt is because of this

effect that it is important to follow the calculation
method presented. What may appear to be small
differences between test and specified operating con- 0.000125 +-
ditions in each section may combine to show up as RB = 15.6.31
important effects in overall performance. Calculation f 13.67\
methods which attempt to make overall corrections
log ( € + -)Rem
without explicit consideration of the section match-
ing effect can lead to erroneous results.

5.6.3 Machine Reynolds Number Correction 0.988
RC = -
i5.6.41 General. The performance of a compres-
sor i s affected by the Machine Reynolds number.
Frictional losses in the internal flow passages vary
in a manner similar to friction losses in pipes or
b= as defined in para. 5.5.2, fi
other flow channels. If the Machine Reynolds number
v= the average surface roughness of the flow
at test operating conditions differs from that at speci-
passage, in.
fied operating conditions, a correction to the test
results is necessary to properly predict the perform-
The polytropic work coefficient should be cor-
rected for Machine Reynolds number in the same
ance of the compressor.
ratio as the efficiency.
The flow patterns of axial and centrifugal compres-
sors are relatively complex. The term “Machine
Reynolds number” is used to provide a basis for
definition in this Code. The Machine Reynolds num-
ber correction for centrifugal compressors recom-
mended in this Section is based on Ref. (D.3) but (b) For Axial Compressors
simplified for ease of application. The Machine The correction for axial compressors continues to
Reynolds number correction for axial compressors be based on Ref. (D.7), and is a function only of
is unchanged from the previous issue of the Code the Machine Reynolds number ratio and not the

and is based on Ref. (D.7). absolute value of the Machine Reynolds number.
If another method of correction is used it shall
be agreed on by the parties prior to the test (See
Appendix F). Correction Factor. Since frictional losses

in the compressor are a function of the Machine Again, as for the centrifugal compressor case,
Reynolds number it is appropriate to apply the
correction to the quantity (1 - 7 ) . The magnitude
of the correction is a function of both the Machine
Reynolds number ratio and the absolute value of
the Machine Reynolds number, with increasing effect
as the Machine Reynolds number decreases. The limitations of Table 3.2 apply.


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COMPRESSORS AND EXHAUSTERS ASME PTC 10-1997 Limits of Application. Since the perform- estimated error limit of a measurement or result for
ance variations increase substantially as the Machine a given coverage. Coverage is the frequency that
Reynolds number decreases, tests of compressors an interval estimate of a parameter may be expected
designed for operation at low Machine Reynolds to contain the true value. For example, 95 percent
numbers should be tested at conditions close to those uncertainty intervals provide 95 percent coverage
specified. Therefore, the maximum and minimum of the true value. That is, in repeated sampling,
permissible ratios between Reml and Rem, are when a 95 percent uncertainty interval is constructed
shown in Fig. 3.4. Also, see Appendix F and for each sample, over the long run, the intervals
Table E.2. will contain the true value 95 percent of the time.
Uncertainty analysis i s the process of identifying
5.6.4 Mechanical losses. When the mechanical
and quantifying the errors in test measurements and
losses at specified operating conditions are not
propagating these errors to estimate the uncertainty
known they may be determined from the following
in the final result. The methodology of ASME PTC
19.1 is the standard for ASME PTC 1O tests. If other

methods are to be used they are subject to agreement

by parties to the test.

5.7.5 Scope of Uncertainty Analysis. The scope

The exponent in the preceding equation may vary of the uncertainty analysis required for a given test
with the design of bearings, thrust loads, oiling is intimately related to the test objectives. The scope
systems, etc. It usually has a value between 2.0 of such analysis is subject to agreement by the
and 3.0. parties to the test. Such agreements shall be made
prior to undertaking the test.

5.7 TREATMENT OF ERRORS 5.7.6 The Methods of PTC 19.1. PTC 19.1 includes
discussions and methods which enable the user to
5.7.1 Source. The information presented in this
select an appropriate uncertainty model for analysis
Section is derived from PTC 19.1.
and for reporting test results. It defines, describes,
5.7.2 Errors. All measurements have errors. Errors and illustrates the various terms and methods used
are the difference between the measurements and to provide meaningful estimates of the uncertainty of
the true value. The total error is made up of two measurements and results. It is in essential agreement
components. One i s called bias error. Bias errors with various national and international standards on
are the systematic errors which may include those the same subject.
which are known and can be calibrated out, those The uniqueness of PTC 1 O test objectives precludes
which are negligible and are ignored, and those exhaustive treatment of uncertainty in this document.
which are estimated and included in the uncertainty It is anticipated that the user will refer to PTC 19.1
analysis. The other type of error is called precision for detailed information to apply to individual tests.
error. Precision errors are the random errors observed The uncertainty analysis can thereby be tailored to
in repeated measurements. Exact agreement in re- meet the individual test objectives.
peated measurements does not and is not expected The following discussion is included to indicate
to occur because of numerous error sources. the calculation method in general terms. A simple
sample demonstration case i s given in Sample Calcu-
5.7.3 The Importance of Errors. One
lation C.8 of this Code. Another simple compressor
run a performance test with certain objectives in
example may be found in PTC 19.1. Both are
mind. They may be as varied as establishing a
intended simply to demonstrate the method. Neither
benchmark for maintenance or to verify guarantee
should be construed as exhaustive in detail nor
performance. Acceptable error limits will depend
necessarily generally indicative of usual or antici-
upon the test objectives. The error in the final result
pated uncertainty.
shall be sufficiently small so as not to mask the test
PTC 19.1 presents a step-by-step calculation pro-
cedure to be conducted before and after each test.
5.7.4 Uncertainty. Some means are necessary to It is summarized in brief as follows:
quantify errors to make a judgement in terms of Step 1 - Define the measurement process.
acceptable error limits for a test. Uncertainty i s the (a) Review test objectives and test duration.


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(b) List all independent measurement parameters

and their nominal levels.
(c) List all calibrations and instrument setups.
(à) Define the functional relationship between
the independent parameters and the test result.
Step 2 - List elemental error sources.
(a) Exhaustive list of all possible measurement
error sources
(b) Group error sources according to calibration,
data acquisition, and data reduction .
Step 3 - Estimate elemental errors.
(a) Obtain estimate of each error in Step 2 above.
(6) Classify as precision or bias error.
Step 4 - Calculate bias and precision errors for
each parameter.
Step 5 - Propagate the bias and precision errors.
(a) Bias and precision errors of the independent
parameters are propagated separately all the way to
the final result.
(b) Propagate according to the functional rela-
tionship defined in Step l(d) above using sensitivity
Step 6 - Calculate uncertainty.'
(a) Select UADDand/or URSSmodels.
(bl Obtain uncertainty.
Step 7 - Report
(a) Calculations
(b) Tabulated elemental errors
(c) Bias
(d) Precision [rssSl,where S = [CS?/Nil"

' The UADD and URSS models are the mathematical models which
are used to combine bias and precision errors to a single uncertainty
value. UAODprovides approximately 99 percent coverage while
URSS provides approximately 95 percent coverage when neither
bias errors nor precisionerrors are negligible compared to the other.
if the bias error is negligible, both UADD
and URSS provide 95 percent



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6.1 CONTENTS (e) Description of compressor cooling system and

coolant properties
The Report of test shall include applicable portions
of the information shown in para. 6.2, and may 6.2.3 Specified Operating Conditions
include other data as necessary. (a) Gas composition and source for properties
Copies of the original test data log, certificates (b) Inlet gas state
of instrument calibration, prime mover (motor or (I)
Total and static pressure'
other type) efficiency data as needed, description (2) Total and static temperature'
of test arrangement and instrumentation, and any (3) Total and static density',
special written agreements pertaining to the test or (4) Relative humidity if applicable'
the computation of results shall be included. (c) Gas flow rate
When tests are run over a range of operating (7) Inlet and discharge mass flow rate
conditions the results shall also be presented in the (2) Inlet and discharge volume flow rate
form of curves. The curves shall be clearly marked (3) Capacity
to denote use of static or total conditions. (d) Discharge static and/or total pressure
(e) Coolant type, properties, flow rate, and temper-
ature for cooled compressors

(0 Speed
6.2 TYPICAL REPORT INFORMATION (g) Others as needed

6.2.1 General Information 6.2.4 Expected Performance at Specified Op-

(a) Date of test erating Conditions
(b) Location of test (a) Developed head
(c) Manufacturer (b) Efficiency
(d) Manufacturer's serial numbers and complete (c) Power requirement
identification (d) Discharge total temperature
(e) Party or parties conducting test (e) Others as needed
(f) Representatives of interested parties 6.2.5 Derived Parameters at Specified Operating
(g) Detailed written statement of the test Conditions
(h) Agreement made by parties to the test (a) Machine Mach number
(b) Pressure ratio
6.2.2 Description of Test Installation
(c) Volume ratio
(a) Type of compressor; radial flow, axial flow, etc.
(d) Flow coefficient
( 1 ) Type of impellers; open, shrouded, cast, fab- (e) Machine Reynolds number
ricated, etc.
(0 Others as needed
(2) Number of stages
(3) Arrangement of casing and piping 6.2.6 Setup of Instruments and Methods of Mea-
(4) Pipe sizes; inlet and discharge suring
(5) Arrangement of intercoolers, if used (a) Description of all allowed departures from this
(61 Impeller diameter and blade tip widths Code which have been authorized by agreement
(b) Description of lubricating system and lubricant (b) Piping arrangement with sketches and diagrams
properties (c) Location of all measuring stations with diagrams
(c) Type of shaft seals and sketches
(ú) Type and arrangements of driver; turbine direct
connected, motor direct connected, motor and 1 Pressures,temperatures, and densities should be clearly identified
gear, etc. as static or total conditions.


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(d) Method of measuring flow rates (ee) Casing surface area

(e) Instruments used for the measurement of pres- (i3 Leakage flow rates
sure, temperature, speed, composition of gas, density,
6.2.8 Computed Results for Test Operating Condi-
and power
(0 Procedures and facilities used for the calibration
(a) Type of test
of instruments
(b) Test run number
(g) Calibration data
(c) Barometric pressure
(h) Instrument accuracy
(i) Source of test gas property data (d) Gas composition
(e) Mass flow rate
0) Method of determining power losses, if any, be- (0 Inlet static conditions
tween the power measurement station and the com-
( 1 ) Pressure
pressor input shaft
(2) Temperature2
(k) Description of sampling and analysis method
(3) Compressibility factor
for test gas
(4) Density’
(5) Enthalpy
6.2.7 Mean Observations Derived From Test Data
(6) Others as needed
(All calibrations and instrument corrections having
been applied)
(g) inlet volume flow rate
(a) Test run number
(h) inlet velocity temperature2
(i) Inlet velocity pressure
(b) Duration of run
(c) Speed
0) Inlet total conditions
(7) Pressure
(d) Inlet temperature
(e) Barometer reading
(3) Compressibility factor
(0 Ambient temperature at barometer
(4) Density
(g) inlet static pressure
(h) Dry bulb temperature if required (5) Enthalpy
(6) Others as needed
(i) Wet bulb temperature if required
u) Dew point temperature if required
(k) Capacity
(I) Discharge static conditions
(k) Gas density if measured
( 1 ) Pressure
(I) Gas composition if measured
(m)Discharge static pressure (2)Temperature2
(3) Compressibility factor
(n) Discharge temperature
(4) Density2
(0)Flowmeter data, typically:
( 1 ) Pressure differential across flowmeter
(5) Enthalpy
(6) Others as needed
(2) Pressure upstream side of flowmeter
(3) Temperature upstream side of flowmeter (m)Discharge volume flow rate
(nl Discharge velocity temperature2
(4) Flowmeter throat diameter
(o) Discharge velocity pressure
[Items (p) to (w) apply to cooled compressors:]
(p) Discharge total conditions

(p) Coolant flow rate
(7) Pressure
Cq) Coolant inlet temperature
(21 Temperature
(r) Coolant outlet temperature
(s) Gas temperature at inlet of cooler
(3) Compressibility factor
(4) Density
(t) Gas temperature at outlet of cooler
(u) Gas pressure at inlet of cooler
(5) Enthalpy
(v) Gas pressure at outlet of cooler (6) Others as needed
(w) Condensate drained from cooler (q) Leakages
(x) Power input (7) Mass flow rate
(2) Enthalpy
(y) Torque
(z) Lubricant flow rate (3) Energy loss or gain
(aal Lubricant inlet temperature (r) Secondary flow streams
(bb) Lubricant outlet temperature ( I ) Mass flow rate
(cc) Mean casing surface temperature
(dd) Ambient temperature *iterative solution may be required.


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(2) Enthalpy (I) Pressure ratio

(3) Average mixed gas state 6.2.10 Machine Reynolds Number Correction
(4) Energy loss or gain (a) Test operating condition Machine Reynolds
(s) Rotor mass flow rate number
(t) Mechanical loss (b) Specified operating condition Machine Reyn-
(u) Heat transfer loss olds number
(v) Gas power (c) Machine Reynolds number correction
(w) Shaft power (ú) Specified operating condition polytropic effi-
(XIHead ciency
(e) Specified operating condition polytropic work
6.2.9 Computed Test Performance Parameters coefficient
(a) Isentropic total discharge conditions 6.2.1 1 Computed Results for Specified Operating
(7) Temperature Conditions
(2) Density (Speed and inlet gas state given)
(3) Enthalpy (a) Flow rate
(6) Polytropic work coefficient (7) Capacity
(7) Overall isentropic volume exponent (2) Inlet and/or discharge mass flow rate
(2) Polytropic work factor (3) Inlet and/or discharge volume flow rate
(3) Polytropic exponent (4) Leakage flow rate
(4) Polytropic work (5) Cooler condensate
(5) Impeller blade tip velocity (6) Secondary flow rates
(6) Polytropic work coefficient (7)Others as needed
(c) Isentropic work coefficient (b) Discharge conditions
(7) Isentropic exponent (7) Static and total pressure
(2) Isentropic work (2) Static and total discharge temperature
(3) Isentropic work coefficient (3) Compressibility factor
(d) Polytropic efficiency (4) Static and total density

(e) Isentropic efficiency (5) Others as needed

(0 Work input coefficient (c) Work related terms
(g) Total work input coefficient (7) Polytropic head
( 1 ) Energy lost or gained via leakage (2) Enthalpy rise
(2) Energy lost or gained via secondary flows (3) Gas power
(3) Energy lost via casing heat transfer (4) Shaft power
(4) Mechanical loss (5) Others as needed
(h) Flow coefficient
6.2.1 2 Uncertainty Analysis
(i) Volume ratio
ci., Machine Mach number 6.2.1 3 Suggested Summary of Results, Comparing
(k) Specific heat ratio, inlet and discharge the Test, Test Results, and Intended Values


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(This Appendix is not a part of ASME PTC 10-1 997.)

A.l The performance characteristics of a compres-

sor which depend upon thermodynamic properties
for their definition are, under the provisions of this Subscripts i and d refer to stagnation inlet and
Code, based on stagnation (total) conditions. This discharge conditions, respectively, as determined
procedure can cause confusion if the principles by stagnation pressures and temperatures. In the
involved are not kept clearly in mind. Compressor stagnation process
petformance may be specified at static pressures
and temperatures or at stagnation pressures and
temperatures, as desired, and the following explana- Vi
hi = ha + - [A-41
tion serves to point out the differences between 2gcI
the two.
A.2 When the First Law of Thermodynamics, writ-
ten as the general energy equation, is applied to a
compressor section with the system boundaries de-
fined as the interior wall of the casing and the
transverse planes across the inlet and discharge
flanges in the absence of leakage and sidestreams, The difference between static and stagnation con-
the following expression results: ditions is shown graphically on a Mollier Diagram,
Fig. A . l .
h,+-+-+ ya WSh=h , + X + - +YU- QI [A-11 A.4 As will be noted from Fig. A.1, the process
2gcl I 2gcI I w of compression takes place between states (Y and
y. Some calculations regarding the internal compres-
Subscripts aand yrefer to static inlet and discharge
sion process might require the use of static states
conditions, respectively. The inlet and discharge
intermediate to (Y and y. However, as shown by
flanges may be considered to be at the same eleva-
Eqs. [A-1I through [A-51, use of the stagnation proper-
tion so that y. and yr the elevation heads, become
ties for the external energy balance of the compressor
equal. Solving Eq. [A-11 for Wsh gives
is an excellent approximation because:
(a) "Charging" the compressor with receipt of gas

at the stagnation enthalpy hi (at stagnation pressure

pi) i s equivalent to charging it with receipt of gas at the
static enthalpy h,a (at static pressure pa) plus kinetic

This result involves static enthalpies determined energy

by static pressures and temperatures.
A.3 When the stagnation concept is employed, Eq.
[A-21 becomes


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and, thermodynamic or otherwise, taking place within

(b) “Crediting” the compressor with delivery of gas the compressor proper. Should a study of events
at the stagnation enthalpy hd (at stagnation pressure internal to the compressor be desired, a new system
p& is equivalent to crediting it with delivery of gas at must be defined and the appropriate conditions
the static enthalpy h, (at static pressurep,) plus kinetic stated. Studies of events internal to the compressor
energy are not included within the scope of this Code.

A.6 The other use of the stagnation pressure and

stagnation temperature in this Code is for the determi-
vy’ nation of capacity. Capacity is a volumetric flow
2gcJ rate related to inlet conditions. Capacity is defined
herein as the delivered mass flow rate divided by
inlet total density corresponding to total pressure and
temperature. This is convenient because it permits a
A.5 The preceding analysis can be applied only clear definition of volume flow rate consistent with
because the system boundaries were carefully de- mass flow without referring to the design of the
fined so as to preclude any consideration of events, compressor.



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(This Appendix is not a part of ASME PTC 10-1997.)

B.l The testing of modern compressors may require partial pressure of that constituent by
the use of a gas mixture as the test ?gas? either
because the specified gas is itself a mixture or
because it i s necessary, for one reason or another,
to substitute for the specified gas during the test
The molal (volumetric) analysis of the mixture is
program, and a mixture i s the only satisfactory

one of the items of test data and gives the mole

method of obtaining the desired properties in the
fraction readily. With a homogeneous mixture, all
substitute gas. The use of a gas mixture presents,
constituent gases will have the same temperatures
in essence, a two-part problem. If the state of the
as the mixture thus providing the second of the two
mixture is such that it may be considered as a
independent properties needed to define the gas
mixture of ideal gases, the usual methods of classical
state. (This excludes saturated vapors.) With the
thermodynamics can be applied to determine the
state of each constituent thus defined, the individual
state of each constituent gas, If, however, the state
property of interest may be determined and the
of the mixture is such that the mixture and the
equivalent mixture properly calculated by the meth-
constituents deviate from the ideal gas laws, other
ods outlined below.
methods must be used which recognize this devia-
tion. In either case there i s the necessity that accurate B.4 With properties of the individual gases deter-
thermodynamic data for the gases be available. If mined, the equivalent value of the property for the
accurate thermodynamic properties for a gas, based gas mixture may be calculated by summing the
on experimental data or reliable mathematical and individual property values on a total basis, ¡.e.,
physical methods are available, these properties quantity of the gas times property value. The equa-
should be used with preference given to that data tions are summarized below.
based on experimental work. So far as this Code is
concerned, the problem is one of determining den-
sity, enthalpy, specific heats, and entropy of constit- Enthalpy:
uent gases at the pressure and temperature each

B.2 When the thermodynamic state is such that

the gas mixture and its constituent gases must be
treated as real gases, the method of defining the
thermodynamic state of the constituent gases and
nmHm= naHa+ n b i i b + ncHc+ e + njHj 18-31
thus arriving at their properties shall be agreed upon
in writing prior to the test.
Once the state of the gas i s defined, presumably
by pressure and temperature, the other properties
of interest may be obtained from charts, tables, or
equations of state. Entropy:
B.3 For ideal gases, the mole fraction, xi, of any
constituent gas j may be used to determine the


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In the preceding series of equations, [B-21, [B-51,

and [B-81 are on a mass basis; [B-31, [B-61, and
[B-9] are on a mole basis, and [B-41, [B-71, and
[B-101 are on a mole fraction basis. It should be
noted that the determination of the end point of
the isentropic process starting at inlet conditions
and ending at the discharge pressure and entropy
value corresponding to inlet conditions will probably
involve a trial-and-error solution.



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(This Appendix is not a part of ASME PTC 10-1 997.)

The sample calculations contained in this Appendix demonstrate the basic calculation principles
of this Code. Each sample highlights one or more facets of the necessary procedures for application
of the Code to real machines. The data presented is typical and does not represent any actual
operating unit. Additionally this data should not be taken as expected for any actual conducted test.

Sample C.l demonstrates a Type 1 test for a centrifugal compressor using an ideal gas. The
conversion of static readings to total conditions and calculation of results by
heat balance and shaft power methods are covered.
Sample C.2 demonstrates a Type 2 test for a centrifugal compressor using an ideal gas.
Application of Reynolds number corrections, heat loss to ambient and variable
speed effects are covered.
Sample C.3 demonstrates the ideal gas application to selection of test speed and test gas and
also covers the methods of power evaluations.
Sample C.4 demonstrates the treatment of bracketed test points.
Sample C.5 demonstrates how to select a test gas for a Type 2 test using ideal and real gas
equations. A flow chart procedure is presented to assist in outlining the required
Sample C.6 demonstrates a Type 2 test using real gas equations for data reduction.
Sample C.7 demonstrates the treatment of a two section compressor with externally piped
Sample C.8 demonstrates the application of uncertainty analysis to this Code.



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This sample calculation is intended to demonstrate:


(a) Type 1 test

(6) Test gas same as specified gas
(c) ideal gas
(d) No heat loss (except to lubricating oil)
(e) No flow leakages
(0 Centrifugal machine
(g) No flexibility to change compressor speed
(h) Single section machine
The purpose of this calculation i s to determine the quantity of gas delivered and the compressor
head, pressure rise, efficiency, and shaft input power.
Paragraph 3.1 1.4 of the Code requires that when a test is only to verify a single specified
condition, the test shall consist of two test points which bracket the specified capacity. The
calculations demonstrated in this sample calculation would be used on both of these bracketing
Description of Test installation (see para. 6.2.2)
(a) Type of compressor - centrifugal
(7) type of impellers - shrouded
(2) number of stages - single section, five stages
(3) arrangement of casing and piping - not applicable to this sample
(4) pipe sizes; inlet and discharge - inlet pipe i s 18 in., schedule 40 (Di = 16.876 in.); discharge
pipe i s 10 in., schedule 40 ( D d = 10.020 in.)
(5) arrangement of intercoolers, if used no intercooler
(6) impeller diameter and blade tip widths - impeller diameters DI = DZ = D3 = 18.4 in.
and D4 = D5 = 16.6 in.; first stage impeller tip width = 6 = 1.SOO in.
(b) Description of lubricating system and lubricant properties - Lubricating sytem oil flow rate is
4 gpm per bearing for a total flow rate of 8 gpm. Oil density i s 55.6 Ibm/ft3 so the oil flow rate is
59.5 Ibm/min [8 gpmA7.48 gal/ft3) x 55.6 Ibm fi3].Oil has constant pressure specific heat of cp =
0.462 Btu/lbm O R .
(c) Type of shaft seals - Not applicable to sample
(d) Type and arrangements of driver; turbine direct connected, motor direct connected, motor and
gear, etc. - Not applicable to sample
(e) Description of compressor cooling system and coolant properties - No cooling system
Simpliving Assomptions for This Sample
(al The gas (air) may be treated as an ideal gas with a constant specific heat (evaluated at the
average of the inlet and discharge temperatures).
(b) The Reynolds number correction i s negligible.

Specified Operating Conditions (see para. 6.2.3)

(a) Air with constant pressure specific heats of dry air and water vapor given in Fig. C.1, MWda =
28.97 and MW, = 18.02


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(b) Inlet gas state
(7) Riatic i = 14.00 psia at inlet flange
(2) Tstatic&i = 560.0 O R at inlet flange
(3) have to calculate inlet densities
(4) Ri-iinlet = 81.7 percent
(c) Gas flow rate
(7) inlet mass flow rate = discharge mass flow rate = w = 600 Ibm/min
(2)inlet and discharge volume flow rates have to be calculated
(3) capacity to be calculated
(d) Discharge static pressure = 45.00 psia at discharge flange
(e) Compressor coolant not applicable
(0 N = 10,000 rpm
(g) Not applicable

Expected Performance at Specified Operating Conditions (see para. 6.2.4)
(a) Developed polytropic head = 441 O0 ft Ibf/lbm (based on total conditions)
(b) Efficiency (polytropic) = np = 0.80
(c) Power requirement = Psh = 1019 hp
(d) Discharge total temperature = 844.1 O R (The discharge static temperature is assumed given
as 842.8 O R . )
The following preliminary calculations establish the given specified operating conditions in a
form convenient for the Code calculations.
(a) Partial pressure of water vapor i s found using the steam tables: [Ref. (D.2011

(p,JSp = RH(psat)1003,3'F = 0.817 (0.9580 psia) = 0.7826 psia


(b) Air humidity ratio at inlet flange [Ref. (D.20)1

(HRj)sp = (0.6220 -

0.6220 Ihm (0.7825 psia)
Ibm da
(1 4.00 - 0.7826) psia
Ibmole w )
(28.97 ibm úa)
180.02 ibrn w Ibrnole da

Ibmole w
= 0.05921
Ibrnole da

(c) Air molecular weight [Ref. (D.2011

mole da ( M W d + mole w (MW,)

(MWaIsp =
mole da + mole w

Ibm da
) + 0.05921 Ibmole w
1 .O00Ibmole da + 0.05921 Ibmole w


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= 28.36 -

(ú) Air specific heat at constant pressure is found using dry air and steam properties (Fig. C.l)

mass da (Cpda) + mass w kp,J

(cp)sp =
mass da + mass w

1 .O00 Ibrn da 0.240

( Ibmda"R
) + 0.03683 Ibrn w (O 448 Ibrn woR *
1 .O00 Ibrn da + 0.03683 Ibrn w

= 0.247 -
Ibrn O R

, \
1.000 Ibrn da 0.2445
( Btu
Ibrn daoR
) + 0.03683 Ibrn w (O 462 Ibrn woR '
Wpdsp =
1.000 Ibrn da + 0.03683 Ibrn w

(e) Air specific heat ratio [Ref. (D.20)1

0.247 -
Ibrn O R

(kAp =
(0.247 m)- Btu
Btu )( Ibmole ) = 1.396
Ibmole O R 28.36 Ibrn

0.252 -
Ibrn O R
(kd)sp =
(0.252 -) Btu - (1.986 Btu )( Ibmole ) = 1*385
Ibrn O R Ibmole O R 28.36 Ibrn

(0 Static specific volume at inlet and discharge flanges is found using the ideal gas law


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(1545 ft lbf) ( Ibmole ) (560.0 OR)

Ibmole 28.36 ibm fi3
= 15.13 -
(vstatic ilsp =
(14.00;) (144g) Ibm

(1545 ft lbf) ( Ibmole ) (842.8


Ibmole 28.36 Ibm
= 7.086 -

$) $-)
(45.00 (144

fg)Average fluid velocity at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.

(Vilsp = = 97.40 -

(600 g) g) (7.086

(vd)sp = = 129.4

(h) Fluid Mach number at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.

97.40 -

) (28p36m o:bem) (560

(Mi)sp = = 0.0832
(1545 ibmo;: O R OR)


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S T D - A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1997 0759b70 Ob05494 408 =

129.4 -
(Md)sp = = 0.0905
- Ib ) ( lbmole ) (842.8
1.385 32.1 74 m2) (1545
IbfFec ibmole 28.36 ibm O R

(i) Total temperatures at inlet and discharge flanges are found using the energy equation and
assuming an adiabatic process (see Eq. [5.4.6])

(Ti)sp = 560.0 O R +2
(97.40 k) = 560.8 O R
7 7 8 . 1 7 - 0 ) (32.174-) ft Ibm (0.247 Btu
( Btu ibf sec2

(129.4 k)2
(TdlSp = 842.8 O R
778.1 7 -") (32.1 74 7)
ft ibm (0.252
= 844.1 O R

( Btu i bf sec ibm O R

ci,, Since the Fluid Mach number is less than 0.2, the total pressure may be calculated according
to the simplified Eq. i5.4.41

psp = (Pstatic)sp + (2 V2 g c sp
vstatic )

(pi)sp = 14.00 psia +

(97.40 2) = 14.07 psia
( ft Ibm in2
2 1 5.1 3 -cd(32.174- ibf sec2) 144 -
ft2) (

(1 29.4
(pd)sp = 45.00 PSia +
2 (7,086 (32.1 74 fi Ibm -)
Ibf sec2
(1 44 g) = 45.26 psia


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(k) Total density at the inlet and discharge flanges i s found using the ideal gas law

(14.07 5) (144 ft2 Ibf)

= 0.06632 -
(pi)sp = (6)sp = ft Ibf ) (- lbmole)
1 -
(560.8 OR)
(1545 Ibmole O R 28.36 Ibm

(45.26 $)(144$) Ibm

(Pd)sp = ( g ) s p =
(1 545
ft Ibf ) (--
1 lbmole)
(844.1 OR)
= 0.1417-

Ibmole O R 28.36. Ibm

(I)The sum of the squares of the blade tip speeds is

I . r e v \ 2 .13 (18.4 inIL + 2 (16.6¡i., rad 2

\ lo4 -
1\21, (2 m-\
\- .. rev/
= 2.983 x
lo6 -
j= 1 j= 1

Mean Observations Derived from Test Data (see para. 6.2.7)

(a) Test run number 1
(b) Duration of test = 30 minutes
(c) Compressor speed = 10,000 rpm
id) Inlet temperature = T&ic dbi = 540.0 O R
(e) Barometer reading = 14.17 psia
(0 Ambient temperature at barometer = 540.8 O R
(g) Inlet static pressure = 14.10 psia
(h) Dry bulb temperature at inlet flange = Tstaticdbi = 540.0 O R
(i) Wet hulb temperature at inlet flange = Tstaticwbi = 530.0 O R
0) Dew point at inlet flange = 524.4 O R
(k) Gas density not measured
(1) MWda = 28.97 and MW, = 18.02
(m) Discharge static pressure = fstatic d = 47.00 psi
(nl Discharge static temperature = Tstatic dbd = 830.0 O R
(o) Mass flow rate = 38,000 Ibm/hr
íjd to (w) Not applicable to this sample
(x) Shaft power input = Psh = 1097 hp
Cy) Shaft torque = 57.62 ft ' Ib
(z) Lubricating system oil flow rate is 4 gpm per bearing for a total flow rate of 8 gpm. Oil density
is 55.6 Ibm/ft3 so the oil flow rate is wo = 59.5 Ibm/min. Oil has constant pressure specific heat
cw = 0.464 Btu/lbm.
(aa) Lubricant inlet temperature = Toin = 530.0 O R
(bb) Lubricant outlet temperature = Toout= 561 .O O R
(cc) to (fi3 Not applicable to this sample
Computed Results for Test Operating Conditions (similar to para. 6.2.8)
The previous test data is converted into a form convenient for Code calculations.
(a) The air humidity ratio of the inlet air is found using air and steam properties [Ref. (D.2011


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0.3667 psia Ibrn w
= 0.6220
14.1 O psia 0.3667 psia
= 0.01661
Ibrn da

Ibrn da O R
(540.0 - 530.0) R t (0.01661 Ihm ") (1092.2 - 38.35) - Btu
Ibrn w
(109S.S - 38.35) -
Ibrn w

0.01881 =) (& lbmole

Ibrn da 18.02 Ibrn w7 (28.97 Ibmole da

Ibmole w
= 0.03024
Ibmole da

(b) Air molecular weight [Ref. (D.20)]

(MWA = [mole da (MWdJ
da +
mole w (MW,)
mole w I,
1.000 Ibmole da 28.97
( Ibm da
Ibmole da
) + 0.03024 Ibmole w
1 .O0 Ibmole da + 0.03024 Ibmole w
= 28.65 -

(cl Air specific heat is found using dry air and steam properties (see Fig. C.1)

mass da (Cpda) + mass w (cpw)

kp), =
mass da + mass w I,
1.000 Ibrn da 0.240
Ibrn da O R
) + 0.01881 Ibrn ( 0.447 Ibm w " R
(Cp;)t =
1 .O00 Ibrn da + 0.01 881 Inm w

= 0.244 -
Ibrn " R


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1 .O00 Ibrn da (0.244

da OR
+ 0.01881 Ibm (0.460
Cc,,), =
1.O00 Ibm da + 0.01881 Inm w

= 0.248 -
Ibrn O R

A verage specific heat

0.244 + 0.248 --
Btu Btu
2 Ibrn O R
- 0.246 -
Ibrn O R

(ú) Air specific heat ratio

0.244 -
Ibrn O R
(ki)t = = 1.397
Btu 1 Ibmole
(0.244 &)- (0.1 986 Ibmole OR) (Glbm)

0.248 -
Ibrn O R
(kd)t =
) - Btu
) ( 1 Ibmole) = 1.388
(o'248 Ibm Ibmole
O R 28.65 Ibm OR

(e) Static specific volume at inlet and discharge flanges is found using the ideal gas law

(1 545
ft Ibf ) (--
1 Ibmole)
540.0 O R
Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibm
(vstatic d t =
(14.10%) (144$)
= 14.34 -ft3


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(1 545
ft Ibf ) (-
1 lbmole)
- 830.0 "R
lbmole O R 28.65 Ibrn ft3
(Vstatic d)i = = 6.613 -
(47.00 $) $) (1 44

(0 Fluid velocity at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.


(38,000 ?)hr (1 4.34 E)

Ibm ft
(VJt = = 97.45 -
~TT 16.87
( ~ f (3600:)t ) ~ sec

(38,000 -")hr (6.61 3 E)

Ibrn ft
(vd)t = = 127.5 -
777 (F
10.020 ft)' (3600 y) sec

[g) Fluid Mach numbers at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.

97.45 -
J1.397 32 174 ft-) m (1 545 ft Ib ) (L -) (540.0 OR)
= 0.0852
( Ibf!ec2 Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibm

127.5 -
sec = 0.0902
(&')i =
)( 1 - e
(830.0 )

( -)
4 1 . 3 8 8 32.1 74 ft Ibrn (1 545
Ibf sec2
Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibrn

(h) Total temperature at inlet and discharge flanges is found using the energy equation for an
adiabatic process (see Eq. [5.4.6])


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~ ~

S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1977 0757b70 Ob05499 T 9 T

(Ti), = 540.0 "R +

(97.45 Z)
0.244 f i)
Btu (778.1 7 -") - = 540.8 "R
(32.1 74 ft Ibm
Btu Ibf sec2)

= 830.0 "R + ft ,bm ) = 831.3 "R

2 0.248 -) Btu (778.1 7 -") (32.1 74 -
( Ibrn"R Btu Ibf secz

(i) Since the Fluid Mach number is less than 0.2, the total pressure may be calculated according
to the simplified method of Eq. (5.4.41

(97.45 &) 2

(pih = 14.10 psia +

2 (14.34 &) 1bfsec2 (144%)
(32.174 ' I b m )
= 14.17 psia

(Pd)r = 47.00 psia +

(1 27.5 2)' = 47.27 psia
( -)
2 6.61 3 Ibm
ft3 (32.1 74 -
* I bsec2


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fj) Total density at the inlet and discharge flanges is found using the ideal gas law

(14.17$)(144$) Ibm

(&),= = 0.06997 -
(Pu)sp = fi Ibf
(1545 lbmole O R
) (- I -lbmole)(540.8
28.65 Ibm

(47.26 $)(1 44 $)
(Pd)sp = (&),=
ft Ibf ) (- 1 -lbmole) (831.3 OF)
= 0.1518 -
(1545 Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibm

(k) The sum of the squares of the blade tip speeds is

[EUr], [TE
j= 1

j= 1
Dr], = [TZ 5

Df] = 2.983 x lo6-sec2

(I) The shaft power was measured by the shaft power method to be (Psdt= 1097 hp (shaft power
The shaft power can also be determined using Eq. 15.4.141:

where Eqs. [5.4.17] and [5.4.18] show the parasitic losses to be mechanical losses (represented
by the lubricating oil temperature rise).
Also using Eq. [5.4.13] gives

ft Ibf ) (831.1 - 540.8)

Ihm) (0.2459 -
hr Ibm O R

) (60 F)

(42.440 -
min hp --``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

(59.5 %) (0.462 Btu ) (31 .O

fi OR)

= 1065 hp + 20.1 hp

= 1085 hp (heat balance method)



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(m) The gas power can be calculated from the heat balance method using ,Eq. [5.4.13]

(P,>i = (W cp)i (Td - Tilt t QI

= 1065 hp (heat balance method)

The gas power can also be calculated from the shaft power using the shaft power method.
Using Eqs. [5.4.121, l5.4.171, and [5.4.181
=&'O -
(Ps/Jt wo c p A To
= 1097 hp 20.1 hp -
= 1077 hp (shaft power method)
(n) The capacity is

9f = =
(38,000 T) -k) (60
= 9051 -
(0.06997 *)

Check for a Type 1 Test

The following calculations confirm that the test conditions meet the limits prescribed for a
Type 1 test in Table 3.1.
(a) Inlet pressure departure

(Pilsp- (Pih 14.07 - 14.17

x 100 = X 100 = -0.71%
(php 14.07

The test inlet total pressure i s within the Table 3.1 limit of 5%.
(b) Inlet temperature departure

(T;)sp - (Ti),x 100 = 650.8 - 540.8 x 100 = 3.6%

( Ti)sp 560.8

The test inlet temperature is within the Table 3.1 limit of 8%.
fc) Speed departure

(Ni)sp - (Ni)(x 100 = 10,000 - 10,000 x 100 = 0%

( Ni)sp 10,000

The test speed is within the Table 3.1 limit of 2%-

(d) Molecular weight departure

(MWiIsp - (MW;)i 28.36 - 28.65


x 100 = x 100 = -1.02%

(MW;)sp 28.36

The test molecular weight is within the Table 3.1 limit of 2%.


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fe) Capacity departure

= 1 ---

x 100 = -0.049%

The test inlet capacity is within the Table 3.1 limit of 4%.
(0 Density departure

(pi)sp - (piIr x 100 = 0.06632 - 0.06997 x 100 = -5.5%

(pilsp 0.06632

The test inlet total density is within the Table 3.1 limit of 8%.
The test coolant temperature difference and coolant flow rate were not checked with the
specified values since there is no coolant at the specified condition.
Since all the test parameters listed in Table 3.1 (excluding the coolant parameters) satisfy the
Table 3.1 limits, the test is a Type 1 test.
Computed Test Dimensionless Parameters (similar to para. 6.2.9)
The dimensionless parameters which form the basis for the conversion from test data to specified
operating conditions are calculated in this section.
(a) Polytropic efficiency is found as follows:
Average specific heat ratio

0.246 - Btu
kr= -= CP
tí Ibf
Ibm "R
Btu )( 1 Ibmole)
= 1.392
(cp -
-)Ibm "R - (1.986 Ibmole "R 28.65 Ibm

Polytropic exponent (see Eq. [5.1T-51)

47.26 psia
= ln (14.1 7 pia)
= 1.555
(47.26 psia) (540.8 O R )
(14.17 psia) (831.3 O R )


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Polytropic efficiency (see Eq. L5.1 T-91)

(b) Flow coefficient (see Eq. [5.1T-11)

(38,000 p)(5
(-) )
60 min
4t = = 0.03996
Ibm rev
(0.06997 f;3) (1 0,000 min -) 18.4

(cl Polytropic work coefficient (see Eq. [5.1T-4])

[ 47 26 -- 1 1
ft Ibf 1 Ibmole
(540.8 O R )
- o 555 (Is4' Ibmole O R ) (s7bm)
(2.983 x 10") sec (LW)
32.174 ft Ibm

= 0.4734

(d) Total work input coefficient using the shaft power method (see Eqs. [5.4.18] and [5.3T-21)

(om) t = wotp0ATo =
(59.5 min (0.462 m)
(31.O "RI
= 20.1 hp
(42.44 min hr -)

(i097 hp - 20.1 hp) (33,OO ft Ibf -)

min hp
(60 T)
(38.000 T) (2.983 x l o 6 2)(&=) = 0.6052

(e) Total work input coefficient using the heat balance method (see Eq. [5.3T-1 I)


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) (831.3 - 540.8) "R + O1 778.16
ft Ib
- = 0.5996

(0 Work input coefficient (see Eq. [5.2T-21)

Cp (Td - Ti)
(Piin), = = 0.5996
c u2

(g) Volume ratio at stagnation conditions (for information only)

0.151 8 -ft3
= 2.170
0.6997 -fi3

Computed Results for Specified Operating Conditions (similar to para. 6.2.1 1)

The performance at the specified operating conditions i s calculated from the test dimensionless
parameters. These values apply directly since the Reynolds number corrections are negligible.
(a) Discharge total pressure at specified conditions is obtained as follows:
Average specific heat

Btu Btu
0.247 -+ 0.252 -
Ibrn "R Ibrn O R Btu
- = 0.250 -
2 Ibrn O R

(The design discharge temperature has been used to estimate cpd>

Average specific heat ratio

0.250 -
Ibrn O R
k - A =
sp - ( c p- R) (0.250 -)IbmBtu - (1.986 Ibmole
) (28.36
1 Ibmole)

= 1.389

Polytropic exponent is found assuming equality of the polytropic efficiency at test and specified
conditions (see Eq. [5.4T-71)


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= 0.7905 0.389 = 2.823

nSP -
= 1.823 = 1.549

Discharge pressure ratio i s found using the definition of the polytropic work coefficient and
assuming equality of the polytropic work coefficients at test and specified conditions to give (see
Eq. [5.5T-61)

(2.983 x 1 O6 sec5) 32.174 ft Ibm


= 3.196
= 0.4734
1549 ) ( 1 Ibmole) (560.8 "R)
ft Ib
(1545 Ibmole "R 28.36 Ibm

(pdlSp= 3.196 (pjisp = 3.196 (14.07 psia) = 44.97 psia

(b) Capacity at specified conditions is found using the definition of the flow coefficient and equating
the flow coefficients at test and specified conditions (see Eq. (5.4T-11).

= (
0.03996 10,000 2) rad 18.4 3
(2.E) (Tft)
= 9051 -


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(cl The inlet mass flow rate is

Wsp = (E)sp (pi)sp= (9051 ,ft3

in)(0.06631 Ibrn (60 min F) 7)

Ibrn Ibrn
= 36,020 -hr
= 600.3 -

(d) The specific volume ratio based on total conditions is (for information only)

(e) Discharge total temperature i s found using Eq. [5.4T-181

( T ~=) ~
T~~ [ (37 n-1

= 560.8 O R (3.196)-
= 846.5 O R

Since this temperature is nearly equal to the design value of 844.1°R, the average specific heat
chosen for the calculations is assumed appropriate.
(0 Gas power is found using the equality of the total work input coefficient between the test and
the specified operating condition. Using the shaft power method and Eq. (5.4T-201 gives

u2 Ibrn
Wsp (nh6)sp ( y=)
(Pgsh)sp = 33,000

(33,000 ft Ibf (60
min hp
F) = i021 hp

Using the heat balance method, Eq. [5.4T-201 gives

Wsp (nh6)sp (gc>,

c. u2
(600.3 Ibrn (0.5996) (2.983 X 1 o6
= 1011 hp
(PghJsp = 33,000 -)
(33,000 ft Ibf (60 $)
min hp

(g) Since the specified speed and the test speed are equal, the mechanical losses are assumed
equal. The shaft power is then

+ Q,AP
( p s h ) ~ h= <Pgsh = 1021 hp + 20.1 hp = 1041 hp (shaft power method)

(PS& = (Pghb+ QJSp= 1011 hp + 20.1 hp = 1031 hp (heat balance method)

(h) Static discharge temperature and pressure may be calculated from the mass flow rate, flow
area, and total temperature and pressure. Since the flow Mach number i s below 0.2, Eqs. [5.4.21,
[5.4.31, f5.4.41, and [5.4.61 may be used.



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~ ~

S T D * A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 = 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05507 9 9 b

With a guessed velocity of 130.5 ft/sec, obtained by trial and error,

(130.5)' -
(Tstaiic d)sp = (Td)sp -- vc? = 846.5 - sec2
= 845.2 OR
( -)
2 778.1 7 ft Ibf (32.1 74 ft Ibm (0.252
Btu Ibf sec

(Psiatic d)sp vd = 44.97 Ibf -- (0.1 40 F) (130.5)' -ft2
= 44.7 -
(pstatic d)sp = (pd)sp 2gc (1 44)
ftlbm) inn)
144 -
( in'
2 32.174-
Ibf sec2


130.5 -
bstatic A/
\(0.140-Ibm) - (1-
;;2) 7r ft2/
I =
ft3 4

144 (pstatic d)sp - (1 44 (44.7 $) $) Ibm

(Lm)(854.2 "R)
- = 0.140-
ft Ibf
(Pstatic d)sp = R (Triatic d)sp
(1545 -)
ibm "R 28.36 Ibm


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 7 7 7 U 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 0 b 0 5 5 0 8 8 2 2 =

Corrected Expected
to at
specified specified
Test Operating Operating
Quantity Symbol Units Value Condition Condition
1. Quantity of gas delivered w Ibm/hr 38,000 36,000 36,000

2. Pressure rise *P psi 33.1 30.9

3. Head (total) WP ft . Ibf/lbm 43,900 43,900 44,100

4. Shaft power
(a) Shaft method (Psh)sh hP 1100 1040 1020
(b) Heat method (Psh)hh hP 1080 1030 1020

5. Polytropic efficiency VP 0.790 0.790 0.80

6. Flow coefficient 4 0.0400 0.0400

7. Machine Mach no. Mm - - -

8. Machine Reynolds no. Rem - - -
9. Specific volume ratio (total) (vi/v& 2.17 2.1 1

10. Specific heat ratio k 1.39 1.39

11. Polytropic work coefficient pp 0.473 0.473

12. Work input coefficient Pmin 0.600 0.600

13. Total work input coefficient

(a) Shaft method ash 0.605 0.605
(b) Heat method nhP 0.600 0.600

14. Capacity 9 = (w/oJ h3/min 9050 9050

15. inlet gas state

(a) Static temperature T OR 540 560 560
(bl Static pressure P psia 14.1 14.0 14.0
(c) Total temperature T O R 541 561 561
(d) Total pressure P psia 14.2 14.1 14.1

16. Discharge gas state


(a) Static temperature T OR 830 845 843.5

(b) Static pressure P psia 47.0 44.7 45.0
(cl Total temperature T OR 83 1 847 844.8 //^:^^#^~^^""~:@":^*^~$~"#:*~"~^::~:$@~~#^~:^:@:~*:$"\\

(d) Total pressure P psia 47.3 45.0 45.3

17. Cas power

(a) Shaft method (pg)sh hP io m 1O20 1O00
(b) Heat method ( pg)hb hP 1060 1010 1000

18. Cooling condition Not applicable

19. Speed N rPm 10,000 10,000 10,000

20. Mechanical losses Qm hu 20.1 20.1 20.0


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400 SOO 700 900 lo00 1100 1200 1300


o 0.480

5 fj 0.470

Qo 0.460



600 600 700 800 900 lo00 1100 1200 1300
Steam Temperature PR)


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This sample calculation is intended to demonstrate:

fa) Type 2 test
(b) Test gas same as specified gas
(c) Ideal gas
(d) No heat loss to lubricating oil and to ambient
(e) No flow leakages
(0 Centrifugal machine
(gl No flexibility to change compressor speed
(h) Single section machine
The purpose of this calculation is to determine the quantity of gas delivered and the compressor
head, pressure rise, efficiency, and shaft input power.
Paragraph 3.1 1.4 of the Code requires that when a test i s only to verify a single specified
condition, the test shall consist of two test points which bracket the specified capacity. The
calculations demonstrated in this sample calculation would be used on both of these bracketing
Description of Test installation (see para. 6.2.2)
(a) Type of compressor - centrifugal
(7) type of impellers - shrouded
(2) number of stages - single section, ten stages
(3) arrangement of casing and piping - not applicable to this sample
(4)pipe sizes; inlet and discharge- inlet pipe is 18 in., schedule 40 (Di = 16.876 in.); discharge
pipe is 10 in., schedule 40 (Dd = 10.020 in.)
(5) arrangement of intercoolers, if used - no intercooler
(6) impeller diameter and blade tip widths - impeller diameters D1 = 4 = 4 = 0 4 = 0 s =
D6 = 20 in. 0 7 = Ds = 0 9 = Dl0 = 18.0 in.; first stage impeller tip width = b = 1.5 in.
(b) Description of lubricating system and lubricant properties - Lubricating system oil flow rate
is 4 gpm per bearing for a total flow rate of 8 gpm. Oil density is 55.6 Ibm/ft3 so the oil flow rate is
59.5 Ibm/min [8gprnA7.48 gal/ft3) x 55.6 Ibm ft31. Oil has constant pressure specific heat of cp =
0.462 Btu/lbm O R .
fc) Type of shaft seals - Not applicable to sample
(d) Type and arrangements of driver; turbine direct connected, motor direct connected, motor and
gear, etc. - Not applicable to sample
(e) Description of compressor cooling system and coolant properties - No cooling system
Simplitjhg Assumptions for This Sample
(a) The gas (air) may be treated as an ideal gas with a constant specific heat (evaluated at the
average of the inlet and discharge temperatures).
Specified Operating Conditions (see para. 6.2.3)
(a) Air with constant pressure specific heats of dry air and water vapor given in Fig. C.1, MWda =
28.97 and MW, = 18.02
(b) Inlet gas state


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S T D - A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 1997 D 0757b70 Ob0551L 317

( I ) psiatic i = 7.50 psia at inlet flange

(2) T&ic dbi = 600.0 O R at inlet flange
(3) inlet densities; to be calculated
(4) RHiniH = 50.0 %
(c) Gas flow rate
(7) inlet mass flow rate = discharge mass flow rate = w = 17,300 Ibmhr = 288.3 Ibm/min
(2) inlet and discharge volume flow rates have to be determined
(3) capacity has to be determined
(d) Discharge static pressure = 48.00 psia at discharge flange
(e) Compressor coolant not applicable
(fl N = 10,000 rpm
(g) Compressor internal roughness = E = 0.00012 in.
Expected Performance at Specified Operating Conditions (see para. 6.2.4)
(a) Developed polytropic head = 88200 ft Ibf/lbm (based on total conditions)
(6) Efficiency (polytropic) = np = 0.82
(c) Power requirement = Psh = 1025 hp
(d) Discharge total temperature (The discharge static temperature is assumed given as 1103"R.)
The following preliminary calculations establish the given specified operating conditions in a
form convenient for the Code calculations.
(a) Partial pressure of water vapor i s found using the steam tables: [Ref, (D.2011

(6) Air humidity ratio at inlet flange [Ref. (D.20)l

(HRiIsp= (0.6220

0.6220 Ibm w , (1.456 psia)
Ibm da

(7.50 - 1.456) psia

Ibmole w )
(28.97 Ibm da)
18.02 Ibm w Ibmole da

Ibmole w
= 0.2408
Ibmole da

(c) Air molecular weight [Ref. (D.2011

mole da (MWdJ + mole w (MW,)

(MWaIsp =
mole da + mole w

Ibm da
) + 0.2408 Ibmole w
1 .O00 Ibmole da t 0.2408 Ibmole w

= 26.04-


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~~~ ~

S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1777 = 0759570 Ob05512 2 5 3 9

(d) Air specific heat at constant pressure is found using dry air and steam properties. The specific
heat at constant pressure for both the dry air (da) and water vapor ( w )are given in Sample Calculation
C.1. (Fig. C.1)

mass da (Cpda) + mass w (cpw)

(Cplsp =
mass da + mass w

1.000 Ibrn da 0.240

( Btu
Ibm da O R
+ 0.1498 Ibrn w O 448
* Ibm w o R (
(cpi)sp =
1 .O00 Ibrn da + 0.1 498 Ibrn w

0.267 -
Ibrn O R

1.000 Ibrn da (0.251 Btu

da OR
) + 0.1498 Ibm w (0.480 Ibrn w o R
kp&p =
1 .O00 Ibrn da + 0.1 498 Ibrn w

= 0.281 -
Ibrn O R

(e) Air specific heat ratio

Ibrn O R
(ki>sp =
(0.267 Btu - (1.986 Btu ) ( Ibmole ) = 1'383
Ibmole O R 26.4 Ibrn

0.281 -
Ibrn O R
(kd)sp =
(0.281 Btu - (1.986 Btu )( )
Ibmole = 1*357
Ibrn O R Ibmole O R 26.84 Ibrn

(0 The inlet flange kinetic viscosity is found from Ref. (D.20) and is assumed to be that of dry air
at the inlet pressure and temperature

( ~ i ) s p= 4.00 x lo4 -


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S T D - A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 2997 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05513 L 9 T W

(g) Static specific volume at inlet and discharge flanges is found using the ideal gas law

(1545 ft Ibf) Ibmole ((600.0 O R )

Ibmole O R 26.84 Ibm
= 31.98 -ft3

$) 44 $)
(Vstatic i)sp
(7.50 (1

(1545 ft lbf) Ibmole ( (1 103.0 O R )
Ibmole O R 26.84 Ibm
= = 9.186 - ft3

$)(1 44 $)
(vstaiic d)sp

(h) Average fluid velocity at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.

I w\

(.V iL =
(1 7,300 -")hr ( L k)(31.98
3600 sec
= -C
98 9 A
?r /16.876 \2 se
4\ 12 Y

- sec) i
9.1 8C
\i7f3uu --
hr ) (3600 Ibm/ = nn51 -
- ft
u.>p =

-Tr /10.020
4 ( 12 Y


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{i) Fluid Mach number at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.


(Milsp = = 0.0798

Ibmole O R
) (26.84
lbmole ) (600.0

80.61 -
= = 0.0484
*357 (32'1 74
lbmole O R )( mo'e
î6b84 )
Ibm (1103.0 OR)

Ci,, Total temperature at inlet and discharge flanges is found using the energy equation for an
adiabatic process (see Eq. [5.4.6])

\ sec/
(Tilsp= 600.0 + = 600.7
2 778.1 7 E)(32.1 74 7)
ft Ibm (0.267 Btu

( Btu I bf sec

"R +
(80.61 k)2
(Td)sp = 1103.0
-) Ibf
2 (778.1 7 ft (32.1 74 tí -) Ibm (0.281
= 1 1 03.46 O R

Btu 1bf sec2

ík) Since the Fluid Mach number is less than 0.2, the total pressure may be calculated according
to the simplified Eq. [5.4.41


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(pi), = 7.50 psia + = 7.53 psia
ft Ibrn
2 (31.98;) (32.174-)(144$)

6.00 psia + = 48.08 psi I

2 (9.186 ); ft Ibrn
(32.174 ibf-;e;~)(144 $)
(I) Total density at the inlet and discharge flanges i s found using the ideal gas law

(7.53 $)(1 44 $) = 0.03136 -

' -

fi Ibf
(1545 lbmole O R
) (- lbmole)
26.84 Ibrn
(600.7OR) ft3

(48.08 z) (1 44 $)
(Pd)sp= (&)sp = h Ibf ) (- lbmole)
1 -
(1103.5 OR)
= 0.1090- Ibrn

(lS4' Ibmole O R 26.84 Ibrn

(m)The sum of the squares of the blade tip speeds is


- = 7.037 x lo6 -


Mean Observations Derived from Test Data

The test is to be run with air at atmospheric pressure and temperature as the inlet pressure
i ) i = 14.10 psia and Ustatic
and temperature. These give (pstatic &i),= 560.0 O R . Both the specified
gas and the test gas are assumed ideal gases. Assuming equality of the (total) volume ratio
between the test and specified operating conditions gives


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Assuming equality of the polytropic efficiencies between the test and specified conditions gives

Since the same gas i s used i n the test and at the specified operating conditions, assume kt = ksp Then,

(pd)(= (pot (")

14.40 pS¡a
48.0 psia
7.53 psia
= 90.0 psia

as the approximate (total) discharge pressure for the test.

The test speed is found by assuming equality of the polytropic work coefficient between the
test and the specified operating condition to give

(E)= (3)
CU2 c u2 sp

which can be obtained from equality of Machine Mach numbers.

The numerical values give

Nt = 10,000 rpm J"" = 9841 rpm

as the approximate appropriate test speed. Not that no Reynolds number correction (as used later
in converting the test data to the specified operating condition) i s used in this estimation of the
test speed. Also, note that the Code speed rule (para. 5.3.2) reduces to the equality of Machine
Mach numbers between the test and the specified operating conditions for ideal gases with equal
values of the specific heat ratios. See para. 6.2.7.
fa) Test run number 4
fbl Duration of test = 40 minutes
(c) Compressor speed = 9,500 rpm
f d Inlet temperature = Tsiaticdbi = 540.0 O R

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(e) Barometer reading = 14.1 O psia
(0 Ambient temperature at barometer = 540.0 OR

(g) inlet static pressure = Pstatic j = 14.1O psia

(h) Dry bulb temperature at inlet flange = Tstatic dbi = 540.0 O R

(i) Wet bulb temperature at inlet flange = Tsiatic = 530.0 O R

0) Dew point at inlet flange = 525.1 O R

(k) Gas density not measured
(I) MWda = 28.97 and MW, = 18.02
(m) Discharge static pressure = Pstatic d = 99.6 p h
(n) Discharge static temperature = Tstatic dbd = 1042.2 O R
(o) Mass flow rate = 36,500 Ibm/hr
(p) to (w) Not applicable to this sample
(x) Shaft power input = Psh = 1851 hp (determined by measuring shaft input torque of speed)

(y) Shaft torque = 1023 ft Ib

(z) Lubricating system oil flow rate is 19.3 gpm. The oil density is 55.45 Ibm/ft3 so the oil flow
rate is 143.1 Ibm/min (19.3 x 55.45/7.48). The oil has constant pressure specific heat cp = 0.462
Btu/lbm O R .
(aa) Lubricant inlet temperature = Toin = 525.0 O R
(bb) Lubricant outlet temperature = Toout= 568.5 O R
(cc) to (eel Casing heat loss = 6740 Btu/hr
(ftJ Not applicable
Computed Results for Test Operating Conditions (similar to para. 6.2.8)
The previous test data is converted into a form convenient for Code calculations.
(al The air humidity ratio of the inlet air is found using air and steam properties [Ref. (D.2011

0.3667 psia ibm w

= 0.6220
14.10 psia - 9.3667 psia
= 0.01661
Ibm da

Btu Btu
0.240 (540.0 - 530.0) R + (1092.2 - 38.35) -
- Ibm da O R ibm w
(1095.5 - 38.35) -
ibm w

0.01881 -Ibm w ) ( 1 Ibmole

ibm da 18.02 ibm w
3 (28.97
Ibmoie da

ibmoie w
= 0.03024
lbmole da


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1977 = n759b70 Ob05528 7 7 1

(b) Air molecular weight [Ref. (D.20)]

(MWda)+ mole w (MW,)

(MWa)t= [mote damole da + mole w I,
Ibm da ) + 0.03024
-- 1 .O00 Ibmole da (28.97 Ibmole da
Ibmole w

1 .O0 Ibmole da + 0.03024 Ibmole w

= 28.65 -
(c) Air specific heat is found using dry air and steam properties

mass da + mass c (wp,)

mass da + mass w I,

1.000 Ibrn da 0.240

( Btu
Ibrn da O R
) + 0,01881 ibm (O 447 Ibrn w o R
1 .O00 Ibrn da + 0.01881 Inm w

= 0.244 - Btu
Ibrn O R

1.000 tbm da 0.249

( Ibrn daoR
) + 0.01881 Ibm (0.475 Ibrn woR
(cpd)t =
1 .O00 Ibrn da + 0.01 881 Inm w
= 0.253 -
Ibrn O R

Average specific heat

(C,), = - = 0.244 +2 0.253 --

('pi cpd)r Btü
Ibrn O R
- 0.249 - Btu
Ibrn O R


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(d) Air specific heat ratio

0.244 -
Ibrn "R
(kilt =
(0.244 m)- (0.1986 Ibrnole
Btu Btu )( Ibrnole)
= 1.397
O R 28.65 Ibrn

0.253 -
Ibrn "R
= 1.37
(kd)i =
Btu )( 1 Ibrnole)
&)- ( 0.1 986
Ibmole "R 28.65 Ibrn

(e) The inlet flange kinematic viscosity i s found from Ref. (D.20) and i s assumed to be that of dry

air at atmospheric pressure and the existing temperature

= 1 .TOx 10-4-

(0 Static specific volume at inlet and discharge flanges i s found using the ideal gas law

ft Ibf ) (--
1 lbmole)
540.0 "R
(lS4' Ibmole "R 28.65 Ibrn
(vstatic i ) t = = 14.34 -ft3
(14.10;) (144s)

ft Ibf ) (-
1 -
1042.3 O R
(1545 Ibrnole "R 28.65 Ibrn ft3
(vstatic d)i = = 3.919 -
(99.6;) (144s)

íg) Fluid velocity at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.


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S T D * A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 E 0757b70 Ob05520 3 2 T

W vstatic

(36,500 %) (1 4.34 E)
hr Ibrn ft
4T( 716.876
= 93.60 -

(36,500 Ibrn (3.919 -) ft3

hr Ibrn ft
(Vdh =
477 ( 12
10.020 ft) (3600 r) = 72.56-

(h) Fluid Mach numbers at inlet and discharge flanges (see para.

93.60~ ~~ -
(Milt = Ib
Ibmole O R
) (- 1
s) Ibm
(540.0 OR)
= 0.0818

72.56 -
(&It = ) (- 1 -) (1 042.2 OR)
= 0.0459
Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibrn

(i) Total temperature at inlet and discharge flanges is found using the energy equation for an

adiabatic process

(93.60 &)2
(Ti)( = 540.0 O R
2 (0.244 E)
Btu -)
(778.1 7 ft Ibf (32.1 74 ft Ibrn
Btu I bf sec2)
- = 540.7 O R


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+ 2 (0.253
(72.56 A)'
(Td)l 1042.2 O R
Btu (778.17 -") (32.174 ft Ibrn- = 1042.6 O R

Btu Ibf secz)

(j)Since the Fluid Mach number is less than 0.2, the total pressure may be calculated according
to the simplified method of Eq. [5.4.41

PI = (pstaiic)t + (-2vsiati~gc
vz II

\ secl
-\f t z
(pi), = 14.1O psia + = 14.17 psia
2 14.34-)Ibrn
ft3 (32.174- "Ibm)(144$)

(pd), = 99.6 pS¡a +

2 (3.91 9 2) (32.1 74 1bfsec2 (
ft Ibrn) 144 inn) -
= 99.74 psia

(k) Total density at the inlet and discharge flanges i s found using the ideal gas law

(14.17;) (144g)
= 0.06993 -
ft Ibf ) (-
1 lbmole) (
- 540.7 )

(1545 Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibrn

(Pd)sp = (&),= (99.74

ft Ibf
(144 E) $) = 0.2555
(L !zE!E)
(1545 Ibmole O R 28.65 Ibrn
(1 042.6 OR)

(I) The sum of the squares of the blade tip speeds is

(9,500 z)' I6 (20 in)' + 4 (18 in)']

= 6.35 x lo6 -ft2
1'1 j=1

(m)The shaft power was measured by the shaft power method to be ( f s h ) , = 1851 hp (shaft power


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S T D e A S M E P T C 30-ENGL 1 7 7 7 II 0 7 5 1 b 7 0 Ob05522 L T 2

The shaft power can also be calculated from the gas power using the heat balance method
and Eq. [5.5.14]

Equations L5.4.171 and [5.4.181 show the parasitic losses to be mechanical losses. Also, using
Eq. [5.4.131 gives

(36,500 -Ibrn
)hr (0.2459 -0)
(1042.6 - 540.7) O R 6740

(psh)t = +
(42.44 &) F) (60 (42.44 (60

(143.1 min (0.462 ,bm *) (568.5 - 525.0) O R

= (1791.4 + 2.65 + 67.8) hp

= 1862 hp (heat balance method)

(n) The gas power can be calculated from the heat balance method as done above to get

(PgIt = (W C p ) i (Td - Tili + Qr

= (1791 4 + 2.65)hp
= 1794 hp (heat balance method)

The gas power can also be calculated from the shaft power using the shaft power method

<pg>r= (psh)r - W o Cpo ATO

= (1862 - 67.8) hp
= 1794 hp (shaft power method)
Check for a Type 1 Test
The above test does not qualify as a Type 1 test due to the large differences in the inlet
pressures. To formalize this observation, the inlet pressure departure i s

(Pi), - (pi)(x 100 =

7.53 - 14.16 X 100 = -88.0%
(pi)sp 7.53

which is outside the range of the Table 3.1 limit of 5%; therefore, the test is not a Type 1 test.
Therefore, we must conduct a Type 2 test; however, we will verify that this i s a Type 2 test,
¡.e., satisfies the Table 3.2 requirements.



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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1997 = 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 0605523 O34

Computed Test Dimensionless Parameters (similar to para. 6.2.9)

The dimensionless parameters which form the basis for the conversion from test data to specified
operating conditions are calculated in this section.
(a) Polytropic efficiency is found as follows:
Average specific heat ratio

0.249 -
ibm O R

-)ibm "R - (1.986 Ibmoie "R

fi Ibf Btu )( 1 Ib mole)
= 1.386

28.65 Ibm

Polytropic exponent (see Eq. [5.1T-51)

(99.74 psia)
- 14.17 psia
= 1.507
(99.74 pcia) (540.7 "RI
(14.17 psia) (1042.6 O R )

Polytropic efficiency (see Eq. [5.1T-91)

= 0.828

(b) Flow coefficient (see Eq. 15.1T-1 I)

(36,500 2)(L(-) ) hr
(0.06993 F
ibm )(9,500 s)
2 rrad 60min
12ft) 3
= 0.03148


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S T D m A S M E PTC 10-ENGL 1997 075'1b70 Ob05524 T 7 5

(c) Polytropic work coefficient (see Eq. [5.1T-41)

(-)1507 (1545 ft Ibf ) (L
=) (540.7 [(-)99.74 1.507 - 1 1

- 0.507 Ibmole 28.65 Ibm 14.17

ft2 ) ( 1 Ibf sec2)

6.35 x lo6- --sec2 32.174 ft Ibm

= 0.4075
(ú) Total work input coefficient using the shaft power method (see Eqs. 15.4.181 and [5.3T-23)

(143.1 ?)(0.462 f i)
Btu (568.5 - 525.0) O R

(Q,,,)t= wocpJT0 =
(42.44 Btu -) = 67.8 hp
min hr

- Ibf ) (60 F)
(1851 hp - 67.8 hp) 33,000
( min hp
(6.35 x lo6 E)(LF =)
gc sec2 32.174 ft Ibm

(e) Total work input coefficient using the heat balance method (see Eq. [5.3T-l])

(0.249 -)IlbmBtu (1042.6- 540.7) O R +


(6.35 lo6 ft2 -) (- = 0.4935
sec2 32.174 ft Ibm

M Work input coefficient (see Eq. [5.2T-2])

(0.249 Btu (1042.6- 540.6)O R (778.17 *)
b¡"h =
cp (Td- Ti) I - Btu
= 0.4927
- -



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(g) Volume ratio at stagnation conditions (for information only)

0.2555 -

(;)r = =
= 3.65


Computed Results for Specified Operating Conditions (similar to para. 6.2.1 1)

The performance at the specified operating conditions is calculated from the test dimensionless
parameters. The effect of the difference between test and specified operating condition Reynolds
numbers is estimated from the PTC 10 Reynolds number correction.
(a) Discharge total pressure at specified conditions is obtained as follows:
Average specific heat

Btu Btu
0.267-+ 0.281 -
'Pi' 'Pd Ibrn "R Ibrn
= 0.274 -
Btu O R

(cp)sp = ( y
= ) 2 SP Ibrn O R

(The design discharge temperature has been used to estimate cps)

Average specific heat ratio

0.274 -
Ibrn O R

) "R
Btu Btu
- (1.986 Ibmole O R
) (28.36
1 Ib mole)
= 1.370

Polytropic efficiency correction is now used to account for the differences in the Machine
Reynolds numbers. The Reynolds number limits for this correction are found using Eqs. [5.4.41
and 15.6.11 to 15.6.41

(5) SP
= 2.73 x 105

(9,500 ?)
(2 ~ 2(=;e;)
) (E) 20 rad 1.5 ft

= (3r
sec min
= 6.10 x 105



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S T D - A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 1777 0757b70 ObU552b 8 4 8 m


Remt < 4.775 Remsp = 4.775 (2.73 x lo5) = 1.3 x lo6

Remt > 0.2094 Rem, = 0.2094 (2.73 x lo5) = 5.72 x lo4

Since the test Machine Reynolds number (6.10 x lo5)falls in the above range, the following

Reynolds number correction may be used. The corrected polytropic efficiency for the specified
operating condition is related to the test polytropic efficiency by

RAsp RBsp
1 - (7)/Jsp = 11 - (i7p)rl --

RCsp= 0.988 = 0.04718
= 0.988 (2.73x 105)4.243
RCF 0.988 Remt0.243= 0.988 (6.10x 105)-0.243
= 0.03881

46 x 10’
RA,= 0.066 + 0.934
[ Rem 1, R C ~

4 (I.5 in) x i os
RA,= 0.066 + 0.934 ] On4718
= 1.0354

2.73 x 105
4 6 lo5
RAsp= 0.066 + 0.934
[ Rem

4 (I .5 in) x 1 o5
RA,= 0.066 + 0.934 6.10 x 105
] 0~13881
= .O99940

RBsp =

0.000125 + -
( €+-

6.10x lû5)
= 0.9961
log 0.00012 +
( 6.10 x 105)

1 o1

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1 -( ~ ~ =) 11~ -p0.828)(-1 .O354 ) (0.9967)

- = 0.1785
0.99940 0.9961


(vsp)sp = 0.822
The polytropic exponent is found from



nsp = -- 1.49

The polytropic work coefficient ratio for the specified operating condition is

(pplsp (qp’sp - 0.4075 -= 0.4044
= (pph-
(qp)i 0.828

Discharge pressure ratio is found using the definition of the polytropic work coefficient to give

= r.4044 [(E) (7.037x lo6 -

-- ( 1
sec 32.174 fi ibm

) (L%)
fi Ib
(1545 Ibmole “R 28.36 Ibm
Ibf secz)

= 6.400

Discharge pressure is found using Eq. [5.4T-151

pd = 6.400 (pi)sp = 6.400 (7.53 psia) = 48.2 psia

(b) Capacity at specified conditions i s found using the definition of the flow coefficient and equating
the flow coefficients at test and specified conditions (see Eq. [5.4T-11)

= 0.03148 10,000( z) rad 20

(277~) fi) 2
= 9157-


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1997 W 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 Ob05528 b 1 0 m

(cl The inlet mass flow rate is

= ( 9 1 5 f t73 ~ ()0 . 0 3 1 3 6 F ))60:( = 17,230-Ibm


(d) The specific volume ratio based on total conditions is

(2) = = 6.4007.49 = 3.48
vd sp *P

(e) Discharge total temperature is found using Eq. [5.4T-181

(TdlSp = [Ti (E)7] n-1

= 600.7 "R (6.400)'.49 = 1 1 .O6 "R

Since this temperature is nearly equal to the design value of 1103.5"R, the average specific
heat chosen for the calculations i s assumed appropriate.
ffl Gas power i s found using the equality of the total work input coefficient between the test and
the specified operating condition. Using the shaft power method, Eq. [5.4T-201, and Table 5.3 gives

ft Ibf

= 932.8 hp (shaft power method1

Using the heat balance method, Eq. [5.4T-201, and Table 5.3 gives


ft2 ) ( 1
(1 7,230 "")
(0.4935) (7.037 x 10' - - -Ibf sec2)
sec2 32.174 ft Ibm

= 939.3 hp (heat balance method)


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S T D - A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 1997 m 0 7 5 î b 7 0 Ob05529 557

@) The shaft power i s found by assuming the mechanical losses are proportional to a power of
the rotational speed (see Eq. 15.6.81)

(0m)sp = (Qm)r
(2) 2.5
= 67.8 hp ( 10,000

9,500 min

= 77.1 hp

The shaft power i s found using Eqs. [5.4.141, [5.4.171, and [5.4.181

= (932.8 hp + 77.1 hp)

= 1O 1 0 hp (shaft power method)


= (939.3 hp + 77.1 hp)

= 1016 hp (shaft power method)

(h) Static discharge temperature and pressure may be calculated from the mass flow rate, flow
area, and total temperature and pressure. Since the flow Mach number i s below 0.2, Eqs. 15.4.21,
15.4.33, í5.4.41, and 15.4.61 may be used.
With a guessed velocity of 80.2 fthec, obtained by trial and error,

(802)2 - ft2


= 1106.-
Ibf) (32.1 74 ft Ibm (0.281 Btu
= 1105.5 O R

2 778.17-
Btu Ibf sec

(0.1 O9 F) (80.2)2
= 48.2 -
2 32,174-
ft Ibrn)
Ibf sec2
;J= 48.12 -in2
( -


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 0605530 2 7 7


= 80.2 -

(144 $)(48.2 $) Ibrn
= 0.109 -
(1545 ft Ibf
Ibrn O R
""-") Ibrn
(1105.5 O R )

Check for a Type 2 Test

(a) Specific volume ratio (see Eq. [5.5.51)

x 100 = -
x 100 = 1.049%

The test specific volume flow ratio is just within the Table 3.2 range of 95% to 105%.
The difference is due largely to the assumption of equal gas properties between test and
specified conditions made when determining the test speed. A retest at an adjusted speed would
reduce this deviation.
(b) Capacity - speed (flow coefficient) ratio (see Eqs. [5.2T-1 I and [5.4T-43

(36,500 hr F)
(0.06993 ibm (9,500 E)
-x 100 = ft3 min
x 100 = 99.6%
(1 7,300 hr F)
(0.03 1 36 T
Ibrn )
(1 0,000 =)



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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 m 0757b70 Ob0553L L O 5 m

The test capacity -

speed ratio is within the Table 3.2 range of 96% to 104%.
(c) Test Machine Mach number (see para. 5.5.1 1

1 min
Mm, = = 0.710

Mmt =
(9,500 2)($ TE)(A
ft) (2 z) = 0.708
2) moe
‘1‘ bm (540.7 OR)

The test Machine Mach number is within the Fig. 3.4 range of 0.625(0.710 - 0.085)to 0.815
(0.710 + 0.105).
(d) Machine Reynolds number ratio (see Eq. [5.5.51)

Rem, = = 2.73 x 105


Remt =
(9,500 min (
2 7r
E ) ($ ft) (g fi)
= 6.10 x 105

Remt 6.10 x 105

x 100 = x 100 = 223.4%
Remsp 2.73 x 105

The test Machine Reynolds number is above the Table 3.2 lower limit of 90,000 and the
Machine Reynolds number is between the Fig. 3.6 limits of 0.17 and 6.5.
Since all the Table 3.2 requirements are satisfied, the test is a Type 2 test.


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STD ASME P T C IO - E N G L 1797 0759b70 Ob05532 O q L H

Corrected Expected
to at
Specified Specified
Test Operating Operating
Quantity Symbol Units Value Condition Condition
1, Quantity of gas delivered W Ibmhr 36,500 17,230 17,300

2. Pressure rise AP psi 85.6 40.7 40.6

3. Head (total) WP ft . Ibf/lbm 80,400 88,450 88,200

4. Shaft power
(a) Shaft method 1851 1010 1025
(b) Heat method i862 1016 1025

5. Polytropic efficiency VP 0.828 0.822 0.82

6. Flow coefficient 4 0.031 5 0.031 5 0.031 6

7. Machine Mach no. Mm 0.724 0.703 0.703

8. Machine Reynolds no. Rem 610,000 273,000 273,000

9. Specific volume ratio (total) (Vi/vd 3.48 3.48 3.48

10. Specific heat ratio k 1.39 1.37 1.37

11. Polytropic work coefficient PP 0.408 0.44 -

12. Work input coefficient Pmin 0.493 0.493 -
13. Total work input coefficient
(a) Shaft method 0.490 0.490 -
(b) Heat method 0.494 0.494 -
14. Capacity q = (w/oJ Whin 8700 9160 9190

15. Inlet gas state

(a) Static temperature T OR 540 660 600
(b) Static pressure P psia 14.1 7.50 7.50
(cl Total temperature T OR 541 601 601
(d) Total pressure P psia 14.2 7.53 7.53

16. Discharge gas state

(a) Static temperature T "R 1042 1106 1103
(b) Static pressure P psia 99.6 48.1 48.0
(cl Total temperature T O R 1043 1106 1103
(d) Total pressure P psia 99.7 48.2 48. i

17. Gas power

(a) Shaft method 1794 933 -
(b) Heat method 1794 939 -
18. Casing heat loss 2.65 - -
19. speed 9,500 10,000 10,000

20. Mechanical losses 67.8 77.1 -



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This sample calculation is intended to demonstrate:

(a) Test speed selection
(b) The effect of substitute gas use on achievement of flow similarity
(c) Methods of power evaluation
The following information is given about the design:

Number of stages = 6 At an inlet flow of 3000 ft3/min

1st stage diameter = 1 1.459 in. Discharge pressure = 90 psia
Impeller exit tip width = 0.5 in. Polytropic efficiency = 0.76
Shaft rotational speed = 16000 rpm Shaft power = 690 hp
Gas - Methane
Inlet pressure = 30 psia
Inlet temperature = 570"R
W 2 / g c = 1.1 1006 x 1O5 ft-lbf/lbm
The data in the left hand column above indicate the specified operating conditions. This data
describes the compressor geometry, the operational speed, and inlet gas conditions. The data in
the above right hand column describes the intended performance of the compressor at the
specified operating conditions. It is the purpose of the test to verify these intended values or
establish the actual values.
It i s assumed that circumstances prohibit testing with methane. Air is available at 14.7 psia,
520"R, and 50 percent relative humidity. The driver has variable speed capability.
The following assumptions are made to simplify the calculation process so that focus may be
made on demonstration points.
(a) Both the test gas, air, and the specified gas, methane, will be treated as ideal gases with constant
specific heats. Average values will be used. (The alternative is to use actual gas thermodynamic data
and the Type 2 calculation procedure. This would lead to slightly more accurate results.)
(b) Leakages will be assumed negligible at both test and specifed conditions. The rotor mass flow
rate i s then the inlet mass flow rate.
The test speed required to provide equivalence between test and specified conditions is obtained
from the speed selection rule. For ideal gases,



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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 W 0759b70 O b 0 5 5 3 9 7/11 =

CaS Methane Air

Pd psia 90. 51.597

Pi psia 30. 14.7
Ti "R 570. 520.
R ít-lbf/lbmOR 96.31 53.53
k 1.28 1.396
P Ibm/ít3 O.O 78693 0.0761
P Ibmh . sec 0.769 x 1.27 x 10-5
N rPm 16000. 12704.
u Wsec 800. 635
Mm 0.532 0.5675
3.411 x lo5

Rem 1.583 x lo5
TP 0.76 0.76
(excludes Reynolds
Number cor-
pd/pi 3.0 3.51
n 1.4 1.6
qi/qd 2.19 2.1 9
4 0.00343


1 1


--n k
- 'Ip- and Remcor,= 1
n-1 k - 1'

Precise values of pressure ratio, efficiency, and polytropic exponent for both specified and test
conditions are of course unknown before test. However, the appropriate test speed may be
estimated by making the following assumptions:
(al The pressure ratio and efficiency at specified operating conditions are equal to the design
(b) The efficiency at test conditions is also equal to the design value. While the Reynolds number
effect might be taken into account here, it is small and the current calculation is only an estimate.
It is ignored simply for computational ease.

The first assumption allows calculation of the specified condition polytropic exponent. The
second allows calculation of the test polytropic exponent. With these a test pressure ratio estimate
and a required test speed estimate may be calculated. This speed may be used to calculate
Machine Mach and Reynolds numbers.
The gas data used and results of the computations indicated above are summarized in Table
C.3.1. The values in this table may be used to determine if it is possible to accomplish the
proposed test within the allowable deviations in similarity parameters.
Mach Number Check: The test Mach number is = 6.6 percent greater than the design Mach
number. This is an unavoidable consequence of gas selection with


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S T D - A S M E PTC 10-ENGL I997 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05535 8 5 0 H

different k values when specific volume ratio equality i s maintained.

The deviation is, however, within the limits of Fig. 3.2.
Reynolds Number Check: The test Reynolds number is -46 percent of the design Reynolds
number. This is within the deviation limits of Fig. 3.4, and the
correction relationship applies. The correction has not been applied

to the tabulated values, since the computations are preliminary.

The compressor is run to obtain a bracketing point. A bracketing point lies within 2 4 percent
of the specified operating condition flow coefficient of interest, which is

= 0.03427
2~(16000) (y)3

The desired test inlet flow may be calculated from test and specified operating condition flow
coefficient equality, which yields

9;,= 9i
= 3000
(-)16000 ft3
= 2383 min

The test yields the following data:

w= 2.9595 Ibm/sec
pi= 14.7 Ibf/in3
Ti= 520 O R
RH;= 50%
pd= 50.4 Ibf/in2
Td=832 "R
om= 20 hp (from lubricating oil temperature rise and flow rate)
or= 5574.5 Btu/hr (calculated casing heat loss)
Psh= 339. hp (shaft power, perhaps from a torquemeter)
N= 12690 rpm
R = 53.53 ft-lbf/lbm*"R
The next step is to compute the following dimensionless parameters from the test data.
Specific Volume Ratio:

rv, = (3; 1

= 2.14286

Flow Coefficient:


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Polytropic Work Coefficient:

(-)n -n1
[(3v- 1 1 = 0.62702
ppt = xu2

Work Input Coefficient:

Polytropic Efficiency:

Total Work Input Coefficient: (Heat balance method)

Total Work Input Coefficient: (Shaft power method)


Machine Mach Number:

Mmt = - -
Machine Reynolds Number:

Remt = -V = 1.583 x lo5

which have been evaluated using

PdIpi = 50.4114.7 = 3.4286


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1777 = 0757b70 Ob05537 b 2 3 =

n = In (pd/pj)/In(vj/vd) = In (3.4286)/1n(3.1429)= 1.6167

w; = (2.9595 Ibm/sec) (60 sec/min) = 177.57 Ibm/min

N = 12690 rev/min

D = 11.459 in.

R = 53.53 ft-lbf/lbm*"R

Ti = 520 O R

CU2 ft Ibf
1.11006 x 10' = 6.9828 x lo4 -

k = 1.396

Ibm O R

cp = (5574.5Btu/hr) (1/60hr/min) = 92.91 Btu/min


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14.7 (5) ):(
p i = - =Pi = 0.076047 -
R Ti ft Ibf
53.53 (-)Ibm O R
520 O R

2.9595 (E)
60 (E)
min ft3
q,=-= = 2335-
Ibm min
Pi 0.076047 (IR;)

(20hp) 33000 (-)miníî Ibfhp Btu

.... = = 848.2 -
778.1 6 f-\ft Ibf min

2sN D
u = -- - (2s-)Rad
60 24 rev
(--)601 min
(?in.) (--)121 fin.t = 634.5 -)secft

i .27x 10-5 ( r Ibm
) sec ft2
y = - = = 1.67 x -
Ibm sec
0.076047 (F)

1 f t
b = 0.5 in, (--)
12 in.
= 0.0417 ít

The preliminary assumption is made that these coefficients with appropriate Reynolds number
correction, also apply at specified conditions. The limits for allowable test Machine Reynolds
number are given by


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~~ ~

S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 7 7 7 = U759b70 O b 0 5 5 3 7 4Tb


6.41 x l o 4 5 Rem, 5 1.81 x l o 6

The test Machine Reynolds number does fall within these limits and the efficiency correction
may be used. Thus

RAsp RBsp
- 0.97798 (0.99648)
1 - VPsp = (1 - VPt) - ( i - 0.744) = 0.2476
1 .O1 184 (0.99718)


(4.8 x 1 O6 b) RCsp
RASP = 0.066 + 0.934 = 0.97798

:; 6)"'
RAI = 0.066 + 0.934 = 1.01184

RB, = = 0.99648

RBt = = 0.997ia

RC, = 0.988 Remsf-0.243= 0.044696

RCt= 0.988 Remsp-0.243= 0.053862

b= 0.5 in.
Remsf= 3.411 x lo5
Remt= 1.593 x lo5
E = 0.000120 in.

'PSP 0.752
vpSp= 0.7524, and Rem,,,, -= -
' 0.744
= 1.0118

The Reynolds number correction is applied to both the polytropic efficiency and the polytropic
work coefficient.


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In summary, the preliminary assumption i s that the following dimensionless coefficient set
applies at specified operating conditions.

drp = 4, = 0.3363

Pin, = Pint = 0.84317


= qpt Remcorr= 0.744 (1 .O118) = 0.752

fi P*P
= f i p lRemcorr= 0.627 (1 .O1 18) = 0.634

This assumption is taken to be valid to the approximation involved if:

(a) the test specific volume ratio is within 25 percent of the specified condition volume ratio (Table
3.2). The specified operating condition volume ratio is calculated to determine if this requirement is
met. This i s done by using the polytropic work coefficient and polytropic efficiency to calculate the
specified condition discharge gas state, ¡.e.,

1.11006 x lo5
= [0.6344 ((3.4395) ) + 11
96.31 (570)
= 2.9750


n k 1.28
0.7524 = 3.4395


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S T D O A S M E P T C 20-ENGL 2 7 7 7 m 0759b70 Ob05542 0 5 4 m

which yields nsp = 1.4099,

The specific volume ratio is then

(which is within the + 5 percent limit).

(b) the test Machine Mach number is within the limits of Fig. 3.4, which i s seen to be satisfied;
(c) the test Machine Reynolds number is within the limits as already described;
(d) the test flow coefficient is within 2 4 percent of the specified operating condition flow coefficient
of interest,
It is concluded that the dimensionless coefficient set developed is valid for the specified
operating conditions. The following quantities of interest at the specified operating conditions are
established from this set as follows.
The section pressure ratio has already been established in the volume ratio calculation using
the polytropic efficiency and polytropic work coefficient. The discharge gas state i s then

/Idsp = (y
pi SP
pi, = 2.975 (30.) = 89.25 -

(3== (9 = 2.975 -= 1.373
n-1 0.4099
(3, 1.4099

Tdsp= ($sp Tisp= 1.373 (570) = 782.6 "R

The flow is determined from the flow coefficient

gi = [ 4 5 p 2 ~ N ( ~ ) = 0.03363 2 T-
16000 -
11.459 3
rev -
, 2 ft) = 2944 -


144 (30) Ibm ft3 Ibm

wj = pigi =
[96.31 (570) 2944F
I min = 2 3 1 ' 7 -



Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STDmASME P T C 10-ENGL 1977 = 0759b70 Ob05542 T90 =

The power requirement at the specified operating conditions is determined from the total work
input coefficient.

pshsp = +-
33000 33000

Ibm sec ft Ibf min hp

= 3.862-60-0.849
( G f t + i b i ) = 697.3 hp
sec min Ibm



33000 Nt
Nsp)2'5 = 20 hp
16000 2.5
(1 2690)
= 35.7 hp

In this example both the shaft method and heat balance method give exactly the same power
requirement. This may not always be true because of differences in the independent measurements
which are used. This example was specifically constructed using values such that the powers
would match.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 9 9 7 I 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob055Li3 9 2 7





This sample problem is an extension of Sample Calculation C.3. It demonstrates treatment of

bracketing points. Suppose that a second data point for the compressor of Sample Calculation
C.3 is available. The data is shown in the upper portion of the second column in Table C.4.1.
Calculations were done for this data set following the same procedure as in Sample Calculation
C.3. The results are summarized in the lower portion of column 2.
The calculated efficiency and work coefficients are plotted as functions of flow coefficient in
Fig. C.4.1. The flow coefficient of interest is for 3000 ft3/min at specified conditions, or

3000 -
d = = 0.03427

which falls about midway between the data points in Fig. C.4.1. The data points are valid
bracketing points in that they are well within 4 percent of the flow coefficient of interest (Table
3.2). In the absence of additional data points, the values of the dimensionless coefficients at the
flow coefficient of interest are determined by linear interpolation. Linear interpolation gives

These values are used to calculate the compressor performance in dimensional terms as follows:
Flow rate: 3000 ft3/min as above
Discharge pressure:

1.11006 x l o 5
= (3.430)96.31(570) + 'IS,
= 2.9497


Copyright ASME International

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Test Data Unib 1st Data Point 2nd Data Point

N Irpml 12690. 12690.

Wi [ibm/sec] 2.9595 3.0799
Pi Ipsial 14.7 14.7
Ti PR1 520. 520.
RHj [%I 50. 50.
Pd ipsial 50.4 49.4
Td IORI 832. 828.
Om lhpl 20. 20.
psh lhpl 339. 330.39
iBtuhr1 5574.5 5495.
R [fi-lbf/lbm"R] 53.53 53.53
k 1.396 1.396

Calculation Summary:

1st Data Point 2nd Data Point

Test Specified Test specified
open%! Operating Operating Operating
Conditions conditions Conditions Conditions

4 0.034 0.034 0.035 0.035

Ph 0.843 0.843 0.832 0.832
0.627 0.634 0.61 5 0.623
0.744 0.752 0.739 0.748
nhb 0.849 0.849 0.838 0.838
ah 0.84900 0.84900 0.794 0.794
Mm 0.5675 0.5320 0.5674 0.5320
Rem 1.583 x Id 3.411 x 105 1.583 x 1O5 3.41 1 x 1O5
q&d 2.1429 2.1668 2.1105 2.1351


n-l= t s p (E)
= 0.750
= )

n = 1.41145


pd = (pd/pi) pi = (2.9497) 30 = 88.49 Ibf/in2


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
S T D * A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1 9 9 7 M 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05545 7 T T M

FIG. C.4.1

Power requirement:
Heat balance method:

=--+- Qml
Pshhb 33000 g, 33000

- (236.08)0.848(1.11006x 1 Os)+ 35.7 hp = 705.79 hp



Wf = pi q., = H3O)l 44(3000)1/[(96.31)(570)1 = 236.08 Ibm/min



Copyright ASME International

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S T D - A S M E P T C 1 0 - E N G L 1997 m 0757b70 Ob055Vb b 3 b W


Shaft power method:

- (236.08)0.823(1.11006 x 1Os)t 35.7 hp = 689.43 hp


Notice that the shaft power and heat balance methods yield two different results in contrast
to Sample Calculation C.3. This is due to the contradictory measurements for the second data
point, reflected in the two different values for total work input coefficient. One of the values is
clearly in error, indicating an error in measurement. With mutual agreement by parties to the
test, the options may include:
(a) retest, eliminating the error;
(b) neglecting the error should the difference in results be deemed negligible;
(c) assuming one or the other measurement correct and ignoring the other;
(d) comparison with other data points if available.
In this case the error would appear quite large. Since only two data points are available it
might well be prudent to retest for verification. As the methods agree for the first point, the
second data point is questionable.
Further, since the test shaft power is smaller for the second data point despite a larger mass
flow rate, the shaft power measurement i s especially suspect.
Assume that further investigation leads to disqualification of the shaft power measurement for
the second data point. The final results from the bracketing data points may be summarized as

Design Calcu lateà

16000 16000
Methane Methane
570. 570.
30. 30.
3000. 3000.
90. 88.49
0.76 0.750
690. 705.79
2.19 2.152

Comparison of the design and actual results indicates that the compressor falls short of meeting
its design pressure goal at design flow. The implication of this fact to the parties involved are
beyond the scope of this Code, as they would be also had the compressor exceeded its design
goals. However, typical industrial reaction in lieu of mutual acceptance as tested i s hardware
modification or specified condition speed adjustment, In the event of hardware modification the
test must be repeated. For small speed adjustments the test results may remain valid. This is
determined by conversion of the test results to the new specified condition speed and verifying
that the limits in departure between test and specified conditions are not exceeded.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
STDmASME P T C 1 0 - E N G L 1 9 9 7 D 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 06055’i7 5 7 2 D



This sample calculation is intended to demonstrate how to select a test gas and determine the
test speed. A compressor designed for use on a hydrocarbon mixture i s to be tested in the shop
with a closed loop for an ASME test. Table C.5.1 gives the specified operating conditions and
predicted performance for the point to be tested. Additionally, it gives mechanical design
requirements of the equipment such as the maximum temperature, pressure, rotating speed
requirements, the impeller design data needed for the evaluation of test equivalency, and the
critical speeds of the compressor rotor system.
The selection of the test gas and computation of the required compressor speed is a multi-
step process. Table C.5.2 outlines the basic steps involved in flow chart form. The first step
involves computation of the specified conditions; Reynolds number, Mach number, pressure ratios,
volume ratios, etc. This data is contained in Table C.5.4. The next step is to select the possible
test gases. in this problem nitrogen, carbon dioxide, refrigerant 134a (R134a) and refrigerant 22
(R22) have been selected as possible test gases.’ Knowing a closed loop i s to be used, 20 psia
and 100°F were used for a first estimate of inlet conditions. The selection of the 20 psia was
to allow a loop with a positive pressure and therefore, no inward leakage of air as a contaminant
would occur. Table C.5.3 lists the test gas inlet conditions for each of the gasses. The next step
is the determination whether ideal gas or real gas calculation methods should be used.
The X factor and Y factor of Schultz were computed for the specified gas as well as for each
of the test gases. It was found that the specified gas required real gas calculations, nitrogen could
be assumed to be ideal, and CO2, R134a, R22 required real gas calculations. From the X and
Y factors, an estimate of the cp and the compressibility Z, the test polytropic exponent was
computed. Since the specific volume ratio at test should equal the specific volume ratio at
specified operating conditions, the test pressure ratio was computed along with the test discharge
pressure and temperature; see Table C.5.4. At this point, a check with mechanical design conditions
found that nitrogen and COZ test discharge temperatures were in excess of maximum allowed
by the mechanical design and a further comparison of speeds also indicated extremely high
rotational test speeds in excess of mechanical design. Further computation was not needed for
nitrogen and COZ, as these gases were eliminated. First estimates of temperature and speed for
refrigerant 134a and refrigerant 22 (See Table C.5.4) indicated possible test gases since they did
not exceed mechanical limitations. However, the rotative speed for the preliminary R22 selection
was only 3 percent below the first critical speed and the rotative speed for the R134a selection
was approximately 14 percent below the first critical speed. For the first pass, there was no
Reynolds numbers correction, verification of specific volume ratio, efficiency, or an estimate of
real gas correction factors. The final test speed should be checked so that it is not too close to
a critical speed.
The next step is the computation of the test head, discharge enthalpy, isentropic discharge
condition, and the real gas correction polytropic work factor. Table C.5.5 has the computed data

l It is recognized that there is a potential environmental problem of using refrigerant 22. The use here is only to
demonstrate the calculation method.



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~ ~~

S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 9 9 7 = 0759b70 Ob05548 409

Inlet Discharge
Pressure, psia 200 650
Temperature, O R 575 704.8
Specific volume ft3/lbm 0.7578 0.2602
Z 0.8768 0.7981
Viscosity centipoise 0.01021 0.01 373
Specific heat Btu/lbm-"R 0.4894 0.6266
Specific heat ratio 1.1 28 1 .O98
Sonic velocity hhec 830. 820.
Enthalpy Btu/lbm 164.9 209.8
Entropy Btu/lbm-"R 1.577 1.592

Cas properties: Hydrocarbon mixture

Critical pressure: 646.4 psia
Critical temperature: 577.2 O R
Critical specific volume: 0.7943 ít3/lbm
Mol weight: 35.67
Volume flow rate: 22734 cfm
Mass flow rate: 30000 Ibm/min
Polytropic efficiency: 0.781
Polytropic head: 27310 ít-lbf/lbm

Speed: Gas 3600 rpm

Mechanical 100 hp
Mechanical design: Max. temp 350 O F
Max. pressure 900 psia
Max. speed 3775 rpm
1st critical speed: 2600 rpm
2nd critical speed: 4700 rpm

Diam., in. 36
1St -
Tip Width, in. 2.5 2.0 1.75 1.5 1.25
f, in. 0.000125

for R134a. The test specific volume ratio compared to specified indicated that the R134a gas
conditions are very close (within the accuracy of estimated gas properties) to that of the specified.
Further check on the assumed efficiency also indicated it was within 4 percent of specified.
The polytropic head was computed along with Reynolds number correction factor and a new
speed was also computed. Further check of this speed against the critical speed of the unit
indicated a margin of 8.6 percent, which should be within a reasonable range for unit operation;
therefore, R134a could be used.
Table C.5.6 has the basic R22 check data. The test specific volume ratio is considerably off
from that specified. The test speed i s 2556 rpm which is too close to the first critcal speed.
This problem demonstrated the extent of calculation necessary to come up with the test speed
for a given unit. The final test power may be increased by changing the inlet pressure and then
re-computing all the values. Effectively the temperature ratio should remain constant and test
speed may vary slightly with increase of inlet pressure.
The test speed computed is only an estimate. Once the unit is on test, the 9/N should be set
and the specific volume ratio, rv, checked from test data. If the volume ratio is not correct, the
test speed should be adjusted and the q/N reset.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 O b 0 5 5 4 7 345


b ch
Rem, Mach No., q/N,
Wp, tlp. ‘p. ‘y

Verify Mechanical Design

-ON- for Critical Speed,
Max Speed, etc.

Assume Inlet Test Conditions

P. f

Compute X and Y for Real Gas

Requirements (Table 3.3)

Compute Test
Polytropic Exponent

Compute Corrected

Temperature and Pressure

Test Speed

Compute Mach No.,

Verify Test Volume Ratio

Verify Test - No 4
Temperature Pressure
Lower Than Max. Design



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N2 CO2 R134a RZZ

pi, psia 20 20 20 20
Ti, O R 560 560 560 560
vi, ít3/lbm 10.73 6.778 2.871 6 3.4122
4 1 .o0 0.993 0.975 0.982
p, centipoise 0.017 0.015 0.01 o9 0.01 1
c, Btu/lbm-"R 0.2499 0.21 03 0.2098 0.161
k 1.396 1.273 1 .O98 1.166
ai, ít/sec 1 178. 894. 538.8 598.5
TO O R 227.4 547.7 673.8 204.8
po psia 493. 1069.9 590.3 721.9
MW 28.01 44.01 102. 86.48
hb Btu/lbm - 122.3 121.2
si -
Xi - 0.07 0.02
Yi - 1 .O27 1 .O3
GENERAL NOTE It is recognized that there is a potential environmental problem of using refrigerant 22.
The use here is only to demonstrate the calculation method.

Ca NZ CO2 R134a RZZ

3.25 5.358 4.309 3.296 3.551

2.91 2 2.912 2.91 2 2.91 2 2.91 2
1.226 1 340 1.495 1.157 1.261
1 .O273 -
0.781 0.781 0.781 0.781 0.781
0.509/1.O56 - 0.01 0.08 0.02
1.1 50b.287 - 1 .o1 1 .O3 1 .O3
Real Ideal Real Real Real
1.1027 1.574 1.366 1.116 1.185
2731 0.0 71 422 34860 1 o499 13750
2.266 x lo7 - - 3.473 x 106
0.681 - - 0.65
565.5 - 350
107.2 86.2 65.9 70.0
1030. 836.6 648 706
[Note (111 [Note (1 11
- - 0.983
3600 5822 4067 2232 2554
[Note (i11 [Note (i11 [Note (311
(1 1 Test values exceed the mechanical design limit for the tested unit.
(2) No Reynolds number correction or verification of volume ratio, efficiency, or real gas correction.
(3)Test speed too close to rotor critical speed.


Copyright ASME International

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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1997 = 0759b70 O b 0 5 5 5 1 T T 3

CaS R134a
Polytropic work factor f 1.004 1.o1
RemdRem, 0.1 53
Allowable range (minimum) 0.1
r, check 2.912 2.92
qp check 0.781 0.779
W, ft Ibf/lbm 27310 10605
Rem,, 1.O03
N, rpm 3600 2247
Mm 0.681 0.655
9 22734 14190
hP 31790 2039

Supplement C.5.A

Predicted Conditions Specified Gas

Pressure Ratio rp = pd/pi = 650/200 = 3.25

Volume Ratio r, = Vi/Vd = 0.7578/0.2602 = 2.912
kmaxkmin = 1.1283 /1.0975 = 1.028
9/N = 2273413600 = 6.315

Check Specified Gas for Type of Calculation

From Schultz Charts = Xmi" = 0.509 Ymin = 1.150

Xmax = 0.056 Ymax = 1.287

Based on Table 3.3

Use Real Gas Calculation Method for Specified Gas

Sonic Velocity ai =

- 1.128 (200)(0.7578)(32.2) 144


= 830.2 ftfsec.


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Tip Speed

- ~ ( 3 6(3600)
) fi
= 565.5 -
720 sec

Machine Mach Number

Mm = U/ai

= 565.5f830.2= 0.681

Machine Reynolds Number

Rem = Uibi/pv

,u = 0.01021 centipoise = 0.01021 /(1488.2)

= 6.86 x lov6Ibm/ft-sec

Rem =
6.86 x (0.7678)
= 2.266 x lo7

Test Gas Nitrogen (N2)

Initial Estimate: Assume Ideal Gas

Y = 1.0 x = 0.0 f = 1.0 Rem,, = 1 .O

Compute Polytropic Exponent

npt = nPsp= 0.781


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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S T D - A S M E P T C I D - E N G L L997 m 0759b7U U b U 5 5 5 3 87b D

1 (1.396 - 1)
=- = 0.3632
0.781 1.396

nt = 1.574

Compute Test Gas Pressure Ratio

= 3.25
-= 5.358

rf, = ( r p ) n 5.358°.3632= 1.840

R Tit
vI . - - - =
= 10.725
Pif 144 (20)



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Test Polytropic Head

n -
Wp = =pi vi(rp n - 1) 144

wp - 1) 144
= 1.5704 - 1 (20) 10.725 (5.358°*3632

= 71422 ft-lbf/lbm

Test Speed

Nt = 3600 = 5822 rpm

NOTE Test temperature exceeds mechanical design limit. Test speed exceeds mechanical design limit.

Test Gas Co;!

Initial Estimate:

Assume Nonideal Gas

Use inlet conditions for initial calculations.

Reduced Temperature = Rt = Tj /Tc,it = 560/547.7 = 1.022
Reduced Pressure = Rp = pi = 20/1069.9 = 0.0187
x = 0.01 Y = 1.01 Z = 0.993 cp = 0.2103


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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S T D - A S M E P T C 111-ENGL 1917 W 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 Ob05555 b119

Compute Polytropic Exponent

~ - m ( +l X I

- 0.993 (1 545) (- 1 + 0.01)

778.17 (0.2103) (44.01) 0.781

= 0.2749

1.01 - 0.2755 (1 + 0.01) = 1 .3655

Compute Test Pressure Ratio

rpi = rpspnSp= 3,25'.'027 = 4.304

Pdf = rppi, = 4.304 x 20 = 86.1 psia

Compute Test Temperature Ratio

rf = (rJm

= (4.304)0.2749= 1.494

Td, = ri T; = 1494 (560 O R ) = 836.6 O R

z T ~ , 0.993 (-)44.01 (560)
"'t = -- -
Pi( 144 (20)
= 6.778


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wp, = -
pi v i ( . " - 1) 144

Wpt= 1*3655 ) 20 (6.778) (4.304°.2677- 1 ) 144

(1.3655 -1
= 34860 ft-IbWlbm

Test Speed

= 3600 --
- 4067 rpm

NOTE: Test temperature is marginal. Test speed exceeds mechanical design.

Test Gas R734a

Initial Estimate

qpt = tpsp,
Remcorr= 1.0, f = 1 .O

Assume Nonideal Gas

Use Inlet Conditions for Initial Assumptions

Reduced Temperature = Ri = Tiflcrit

= 5601673.8 = 0.8311

Reduced Pressure = Rp = pi/pcrit


= 201590.3 = 0.0339

X = 0.07 Y = 1.027


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1797 M 07S9L70 O b 0 5 5 5 7 q L L E

Compute Polytropic Exponent

- 0.975 (1545) 1 (- + 0.07)

778.1 7 (0.2098) (1 02) 0.781

= 0.12215

n =
Y-m(l + X )

1 .O27 - 0.1 221 5 (1 + 0.07)

= 1.1157

Compute Test Gas Pressure Ratio



fp, = 3.25’.’02’ = 3.2955

pd = r p pi

= 3.2955 x 2 0 = 65.91 psia

Compute Test Gas Temperature Ratio

rt = ‘pi

= (3.2955)0.’22’5 = 1.1568

Td = ri, Ti = 1.1 568 X 560 = 647.8 O R (1 87.8 OF)


Copyright ASME International

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- ~

S T D - A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 1997 m 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 O b 0 5 5 5 8 358

Compute Test Head

z T~~ 0.9753 (102) (560)
vit =- -
Pi, - 144 (20)
= 2.8716

.. .
n- 1

wp= n - 1 pi vi (rp - 1 ) 144

wp= (1.1157 - 1
20 (2.8716) 3.29!jS(*) [ - 1) 144 = 10499 -

Compute Test Speed

Nt = 3600 J"" = 2232 rprn

Check Volume Ratio

Vd =
ZRT - 0.951 (1 545) 647.8 = 0.9832 f-t3

144 p M W - 144 (65.911 102 Ib

r, = 2.871610.9832 = 2.921

Compute Polytropic Work (Real Gas) Factor

P= 65.91 psia
T'= 168.7 OF (628.7 OR)
V = 0.9205 ft3/lbm
h'= 135.46 Btu/lbm
n,= In rplin r,'
r:= VdvJ = 2.8716 /0.9205 = 3.1196
n,= In 3.2955/1n 3.1 196 = 1 .O482


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 2777 0757b70 O b 0 5 5 5 7 29Li

INS=) (hh- hi) = (135.46 - 122.3) 778.17

= 10241 fi-lbf/lbm

( p d vd - pi Vi) 144
n,- 1

f= = 1.01
[65.91 (0.9205) - 20 (2.8716)] 144
1.0482 - 1

Compute Reynolds Number and Reynolds Number Correction

Use Preliminary Test Speed
Rem = Ubfpv
U= rDN/720
= IT 36 (2232)/720
= 350.6 ft/sec.

3 5 0 . 62.5

Remt= = 3.473 x 106

7.324 x 1O-6 (2.871 6)

Reynolds Number Ratio

-- - 3.473 x lo6 = 0.153
Rem, 2.266 x l o 7

Allowable Ratio

RemJRem, 2 0.1

Therefore, the Reynolds number ratio of 0.1 53 meets conditions.

Compute Reynolds number conditions.

lo6 bIRC
RA = 0.66 + 0.934 (4.8 xRem

RB = log (0.0001 25 + 13.67/Rem)/log (e + 13.67/Rem)

RC = 0.988/(Rem)0.243
=, 0.01 612


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(4.8 x lo6 x -
RA,= 0.66 + 0.934 = 1.548
2.266 x lo7

RB,= 1.0


RC,= = 0.02543
[3.473x 1O6lo."3

(4.8 x lo6 x
RAi= 0.66 t 0.934 = 1.565
3.473 x 106

RBI= 1.0

(i - qJl=(1 - .781), (-)1565 (-)

1.548 1.0
= 0.224

qPi= 0.7786

Rem,,= 0.781/0.7786 = 1 .O03

WP= (z
p ()
n f
r p 7 - 1) 144

~0.1157'1.O1 (20)(2.8716) [3.2955'.' 157 - 1 I (1 44)
0.1 157

= 10605 ft-lbf/lb

Correct Preliminary Test Speed

NI = 3600 = 2247 rpm



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NOTE Test speed within 8-1/2 percent of 1st rotor Critical Speed

Calculate Mach Number

Mm= U/ai
U= ~ D N / 7 2 0
= [~36(2247)1/720
= 353 fi/sec.
Mm= 3531539
= 0.655
Mach Number Ratio Difference

Mmt - Mmsp= 0.655 - 0.681 = -0.026

Test Gas R22 (Chlorodifluoromethane)

Initial estimate
TP,= TPsp
Rem,,,,= 1.O
f= 1.0
Use real gas calculation
Use inlet conditions for initial estimate
Compute Polytropic Exponent

X = 0.02 Y = 1.03 C, = 0.161 MW = 86.48 Z = 0.982

0.982 (1 545) 2
778.17 (0.161)86.48 0.781
+ 0.02) = 0.1821

n = 1/[Y - m (1 + XII
t ~ = 1/[1.03 - 0.1821 (1 + 0.0211
n= 1.1 845
Compute Test Pressure Ratio --``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

‘Pi = = 3.546

pd = rplpi = 3.546 (20)= 70.9 psia


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Compute Test Temperature Ratio

rtt = rpT = 3.546L0~'82''

= 1.259

Compute Test Head

Z Ti, -
0.982 (-)86.48
= 3.4113
=-Pit - 144 (20)


WP, = (7)
n P, " - 1) 144
1.1845 -1

= 13750 ft-lbf/lbm

Compute Test Speed

= 3600 J""

= 2554 rpm

Test speed is too close to the first critical of 2600 rpm.



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S T D - A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1997 = 0759b70 Ob85563 715



A mixed hydrocarbon compressor which was set up in the Sample Calculation C.5 was tested
on refrigerant 134a using a Type 2 test.
Table C.6.1 outlines the conditions for which this compressor was designed. It tabulates the

inlet and discharge conditions, as well as the isentropic discharge conditions.
Table C.6.2 shows the gas composition and critical properties for this hydrocarbon mixture.
The molecular weight and the calculated gas constant are shown in this table.
Table C.6.3 shows the derived design functions, specifically pressure ratio, temperature ratio,
volume ratio, as well as polytropic exponent, volume flow, head, efficiency, and power. The
test is supposed to verify these values. The calculation of these values is shown in Sample
Calculation C.5.
The unit was tested on refrigerant 134a.l The test data are shown in Table C.6.4. It was at a
test speed of 2245 rpm. The inlet pressure was held at 20 psia at an inlet temperature of 1 0 0 O F .
Discharge conditions achieved were 67.5 p i a and 187.4"F. The data shown is the average of
the actual test data readings. It is assumed that all scatter was within the allowable test requirements
for these data point positions.
The derived test functions, pressure ratio, temperature ratio, volume flow ratio, etc., are shown
in Table C.6.5. This is the reduced data from the test point of Table C.6.4. The calculations are
shown in Supplement C.6.A for obtaining each of the individual items.

Mass Flow 30,000 -
Speed 3,600 - rpm
Inlet Discharge isentropic
Pressure, psia P 200. 650 650
Temperature T 115 244.8 227.7
Specific volume, íí3/lbm V 0.7578 0.2602 0.2465
CompressibiIity factor Z 0.8768 0.7981 0.7749
Viscosity, centipoise P 0.01021 0.01 373
Specific heat, Btu/lbm-OR CP 0.4894 0.6266
Specific heat ratio k 1.1 283 1 .O975
Sonic velocity, ft/sec a 830 820
Enthalpy, Btu/lbm h 164.9 209.84 199.05
Entropy, Btu/lbm-"R S 1.577 1.592 1.577

It is recognized that there is a potential environmental problem of using refrigerants. The use here is only to demonstrate
the calculation method.


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~ ~ ~ ~

S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1777 D 0757h70 flb055b4 b5L m

Composition: Methane 20%
Ethane 25%
Propane 50%
N-Butane 5%

Critical properties:
Pc = 646.4 psia
TC = 577.2 "R
vc - 0.7943 fi3/lbm

Molecular weight = 35.67

Gas constant R = 43.31 ft-lbf/lbm O R

~~~ ~~~

Pressure ratio 3.25

Temperature ratio 1.226
Volume ratio 2.91 2

hax/kmin 1 .O281
9,ICFM 22734
9/N,ICFM/rpm 6.315
Reduced temp min/max 0.996/1.221
Reduced pressure min/max 0.30911.O06
Schultz factors
Xmdxrnax 0.509/1 .O56
Ymin/Ymx 1.1 50/1.287
1st stage tip speed, Wsec 565.5
Machine Mach no. 0.681
Machine Reynolds no. 2.266 x 10'
Polytropic exponent n 1.1027
Isentropic exponent n, 1.o495
Polytropic work factor f 1.o04
isentropic head, ft-lbf/lbm 26570
Polytropic head, ft-lbf/lbm 27310
Polytropic efficiency 0.781
Unit gas power, hp 31 790

Table C.6.6 compares the test data and the test data converted to specified operating conditions
with the predicted performance at the specified operating conditions. Supplement C.6.B demon-
strates the calculations for the conversion. The calculation of discharge conditions, pressure,
temperature, and volume is shown in Supplement C.6.C, which also illustrates the use of an
iterative procedure.
As can be seen the inlet capacity for the converted test conditions was within 1 percent of
the original specified design point and the head was within 2 percent. The converted specific
volume ratio was within the specified 4 percent allowed.

Supplement C.6.A
Calculations: Derived Test Functions


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S T D - A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1777 0757b713 Ob055b5 5 7 8

Mass flow 4,923 - Ibm/min
SPd 2,245 - rpm

Inlet Discharge Isentropic
Pressure, psia P 20 67.5 67.5
Temperature T 1O0 187.4 167.49
Specific volume, ít3/lbm V 2.871 6 0.9639 0.9234
CompressibiIity factor Z 0.975 0.955 0.944
Viscosity, centipoise CL 0.01 o9
Specific heat, Btu/lbm-OR =P 0.2098
Specific heat ratio k 1.O98
Sonic velocity, ft/sec a 538.8
Enthalpy, Btu/lbm h 122.3 140.04 135.80
Entropy, Btu/lbm-OR 5 0.2639 0.2731 0.2639

Gas - Refrigerant 134a

Mole weight 1O2
Pc 590.3 psia
TC 213.8 OF

Pressure ratio 'P 3.375
Temperature ratio '1 1.1 56
Volume ratio 'V 2.980
q ICFM 14143
qhi ICFM/rpm 6.3
1st stage tip speed (fVsec) U 352.6
Machine Mach no. Mm 0.654
Machine Reynolds no. Rem 3.49 x 106
Isentropic exponent ns 1.O71 8
Polytropic work factor f 1.o01 7
Polytropic exponent n 1.1139
Polytropic head (ft-lbf/lbm) WP 10735.2

Polytropic efficiency VP 0.778

Unit gas power (hp) Pe. 2059

Pressure Ratio rp = p&i = -

= 3.375

(460 + 187.4)
Temperature Ratio rt = i d f i ; =
(460 + 100)


= 1.156


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S T D - A S M E PTC 10-ENGL 1997 0759b 70 ObO55bb 42q D

Test Data Converted Predicted Performance
To Specified At Specified
Test Data Operating Conditions Operating Conditions
N rPm 2245 3600 3600
9 ICFM 14137 22670 22734
9m 6.297 6.297 6.31 5
WP ft-lbf/lbm 10736 27690 27310
7lP 0.778 0.780 0.781
ps hP 2059 32180 31790
Pi psia 20 200 200
Pd psia 67.5 660.8 650
ti OF 1O0 115 115
b OF 187.4 246.7 244.8
Vi ftVbm 2.8716 0.7578 0.7578
vd V/lbm 0.9635 0.2562 0.2602
Vr 2.98 2.958 2.91 2
hi Btu/lbrn 122.3 164.9 164.9
hd Btu/lbrn 140.04 210.5 209.84

0.975 (102) (560)
ZjR Ti
inlet Specific Volume vi = -
144 (20)
= 2.8716

Specified Volume Ratio r, = Vj/Vd = -

= 2.9805

Inlet Capacity 9 = mvi = 4923 x 2.8716 = 14137 ICFM

141 37
Capacity/Speed Ratio q/N = -

= 6.297



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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1997 II 0759b70 Ub055b7 3bI1

1st Stage Tip Speed U= -

v 36.0 x 2245

= 352.6 ft/sec

Machine Mach number Mm = U/a = -


= 0.654

Machine Reynolds number Rem = Ub/pv

352.6 (2.5/12)(1488.2)
0.01 O9 (2.871 6)

= 3.493 x 106

Isentropic Exponent n, = In (pdpi)/ln (vi/vd)

In (67.5/20)
In (2.871 6/0.9234)

= 1.07212

Polytropic Work Factor f E

- hi hd
-( p d vd - pi vi)
n, - 1

(1 38.50 - 122.3) 778.1 7

f= = 1.002
1 .O7212
0.072 1 2
(67.5 (0.9234) - 2 0 (2.8716)]144

ln (3.3750)
Polytropic Exponent n = In (fPMn(rv)=
In (2.9805)

= 1.1138



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S T D - A S M E P T C 1 0 - E N G L 1997

- 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob055bB 2 T 7 9

Polytropic Head wp = (7)(PdVd - pivil

[67.5(0.96347)- 20 (2.871611 144
= laoo2 (m)
= 10736 ft-lbf/lbm

= 0.7777

Wpw - 10737 (4923)

Gas Power pg=--
TIP 0.778 (33000)

= 2059 hp

Supplement C.6.B
Calculation: Conversion From Test to Specified Performance

Inlet Capacity

= 14135 (-)3600
= 22670 ICFM

Reynolds Number Correction for Efficiency

RC, =

- (3.49 0.988 106~243

= 0.0254



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S T D - A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1997 = 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 Ob055b9 133 D

RBI = = 1.0

[4.8x lo6 x b] RCt

RAI = 0.66 + 0.934

2.5 0.0254

= 0.66 + 0.934 [ 4.8 x lo6 x -

3.493 x 106
= 1.565

RC, =
0.988 0.988- = 0.01612
(Rem,p)0.243(2.266 x 1 07)0.245

(4.8 x lo6 x b)"sp

RA, = 0.66 + 0.934

= 0.66 + 0.934 [4.8 x 106 x -

2.266 x lo7
("'1 o.o1612

= 1.548

RE?, = 1.0

1.548 1 .O
1 - qp, = (1 - 0.7777)--
1.565 1.0

1 - VPSP = 0.2199

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S T D - A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 1997 D 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 üb05570 755

= 0.780

Rem,,,, = 1.003

Polytropic Head

Wpsp= Wpi (2) 2


= 110736 (-)2245
1.O03 = 27690 -


= 14137 (-)2245
= 29915

Pg =
wps ~
- 27690 (29915) = 32, 8o hp --``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
rl SP 0.780 (33000)

Supplement C.6.C

The conversion from test conditions to computed specified conditions involves an iteration to
obtain the discharge pressure from the known head and discharge enthalpy. The iteration procedure
and calculation involves assuming a discharge pressure at the known discharge enthalpy and
finding the corresponding temperature and specific volume. The polytropic exponent and polytropic
head is then calculated for the assumed discharge pressure. This polytropic head is then compared
to the actual and, if not the same, then a new discharge pressure is assumed. The new assumed
pressure is evaluation for properties at the known discharge enthalpy, and a new discharge
volume is evaluated and polytropic exponent are computed. This iteration procedure is continued
until the conditions match the required head.


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S T D - A S M E P T C LU-ENGL 1 9 9 7 0757b70 Ob05571 871


Figures C.6 .1 and C.6.2 are a plot of discharge conditions at a constant enthalpy of 210.5
Btu/lbm. The final point at 27,605 ft-lb/lbm is 659 psia, 246.5"F. This method can either be
computerized or done graphically as shown in this example.
Calculation Procedure:
Wp= 27,690 ft-lbf/lbm
pi= 200 psia
hi= 164.9 Btu/lbm
vi-. 0.7578 ft3/lbm


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 D 0759b70 Ob05572 728 D

630 650 660 670 680 690

Pressure, psia





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qp= 0.780
f= 1.004

Step 7 - Calculate discharge enthalpy.


27690 Btu
= 165.9 + = 210.5 -
0.78 (778.17) Ibm

Step 2 - Assume a discharge pressure.

Pout = 660.8 psia

Step 3 - For pd and hd, obtain the discharge volume for the properties.

vd = 0.2562 ft3/lbm

Step 4 - Compute the polytropic exponent.

n= In rp/ln r,
rP= 660.8/200 = 3.304
r,= 0.757810.2562 = 2.958
n= In 3.25/1n 2.905 = 1.102

Step 5 - Compute the polytropic head.

= -'I O2 I .O04 [660.8(0.2562)- 200 (0.757811 144

(0.1 0 2 )

= 27705-

Step 6 - Compare the computed W, to the actual.

If they are within acceptable tolerance, then the discharge conditions are established.
If they do not match, then a new discharge pressure must be assumed and the procedure
repeated from step 2 thru 6.


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S T D O A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 ü 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05579 S T O



This sample calculation illustrates the computational procedure, at specified operating conditions,
for a multisection compressor having externally piped intercoolers.
Consider a two stage air compressor equipped with one intercooler and an aftercooler.

Section 1 Section 2
U = 1200 D = 13.751 U 1065 0 = 12.204
N = 20,000 N = 20,000

-: --
Final discharge

Leakage Condensate Leakage Condensate Power requirements

* Measurement stations

It is desired to calculate the compressor performance at the specified operating conditions

shown. The compressor has been tested and the test data reduced to the following dimensionless
form. The data was collected with pressure and temperature being measured at the inlet and
outlet of each section. The flow coefficients were calculated based upon test rotor flow rates.
The selection of test method and the means of establishing leakage and condensate flow rates
were subject to prior agreement by parties to the test.
The first step in calculating the specified operating condition point of interest is to establish
the first section performance, starting with the flow coefficient. Taking the saturation pressure of
water vapor at 560"R to be approximately 0.949 Ibf/in2, with the remaining specified operating

conditions at the inlet, we obtain

pw = RHpSv= 0.60 (0.949) = 0.569 Ibf/in2

pa = 14.7 - 0.560 = 14.131 Ibf/in2


HR =
mw = _
- PW = -
Rda _ 53.34 0.569
- - 0.0250-Ibm w
mda Rw pda 85.76 14.131 Ibm da


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S T D O A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1997 0759b70 Ob05575 437 D

The gas constant for the mixture is

= 0.0250 Ibm w/lbm . da a

The rotor flow rate is the same as the inlet mass flow rate. The flow coefficient is then

Wrotor -
- wiRTi

6.5 (60) 54.13 (560)

144 (14.17) 27r (20000) 13.751 3
= 0.0295

With the flow coefficient established the corresponding polytropic efficiency, polytropic work
coefficient, and total work input coefficient are read from the section 1 dimensionless curves
(see Fig. C.7.1). That is q, = 0.83, ,up = 0.599, and = 0.722 at q5 = 0.0295. To continue
the calculations the properties of air at the specified operating conditions must be known. For
the purpose of this example we assume that the air-water vapor mixture may be treated as an

Section 2

Section 1

0.030 0.035

0.50 E


The Mm, Rem, k, and vj/vdfor the data are assumed to match the specified operating conditions
within Table 3.2 Limits. The Rem match is assumed sufficiently close so as to render the Reynolds
number correction negligible.

FIG. C.7.1


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S T D - A S M E P T C 10-ENGL 1797 M 0759b70 O b O 5 5 7 b 373 D

ideal gas with constant specific heat. k = 1.395 is used as being representative of the end result
which might be obtained by considering the properties of the constituent gases over the compression
range. This value will be used for both sections for this example. The average constant pressure
specific heat is

0.2457 -
Ihm. O R

Using the polytropic efficiency of vP = 0.83 gives

- -n k
= 0.83
- = 2.931
n-1- T p K 0.395

or, n = 1.5178.
Using the polytropic work coefficient of ,up = 0.599 gives

n- 1

+ (2.931)0.599 (1 200)2
= [l
54.13 (560) 32.174 1 = 2.166

The discharge pressure is

pd = fp pi = 2.166 (14.7) = 31.84 pS¡a

The temperature ratio and discharge temperature are


Td = ff Ti = 1.302 (560) = 729"R

The power absorbed in the compressor section is obtained using the total work input coefficient
Cl = 0.722.

The shaft seal which is located downstream of the rotor leaks 0.03 Ibm/sec for these conditions,
so the mass flow rate at the intercooler entry is

w/cooler entry = wroior - Weak = 6.50 - 0.03 = 6.47 Ibm/sec

The intercooler i s known to cool the flow to 560"R at the mass flow rate, gas entry state, and
specified operating condition coolant temperature and flow rate. The air stream experiences a
total pressure loss of 0.8 psi across the intercooler. It must now be determined if and how much


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condensation occurs in the cooler. Since the cooler exit velocity i s assumed, very low stagnation
values are used in the analysis. The saturation pressure of the vapor at 560"R is approximately
0.949 psia. If the exit air is at 100 percent relative humidity, the humidity ratio i s

HRd = ---
'pp* p p'psv i::;: (31 .O4 - 0.949
) = 0.0196
Ibm water
Ibm da

where p = 31.84 0.8 = 31.04 psia-

Since the saturated humidity ratio is less than the cooler entry humidity ratio, condensation
must occur. The difference between the two is the ratio of condensate to dry air

Condensate/wd, = HRj - HRd = 0.0250 - 0.0196 = 0.0054 Ibm w/lbm da

The mass flow rate of dry air is given by

Wd, = + HRj) = 6.47/(1.025)= 6.312 Ibdsec

so, the condensate i s

Condensate = (condensate/wd,) Wda = 0.0054 (6.312)= Ibm/sec

The exit mass flow rate for the air - water vapor mixture is
,, = wi - condensate = 6.47 - 0.0341 = 6.436 Ibm/sec

The intercooler exit conditions are the second section inlet conditions.
The previous calculation sequence is repeated for the second section, starting with calculation
of the flow coefficient. The gas constant changes slightly due to the water vapor removal.

R = (R,ja + HR Rw)/(l + HR) = 153.34 + 0.0196 (85.76)]/1 .O196

= 53.96 ft-lbf/lbm "R

And the flow coefficient is


6.436 (53.96) (560)

- 144 (31.04)
= 0.0197
(3 (yq3 2000

Reading q p = 0.81, p P = 0.560, and ni = 0.691 from the section 2 dimensionless performance
curves (see Fig. C.7.1) for q5 = 0.0197, and using


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S T D * A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 7 7 7 = 0757b70 Ob05578 L 4 b

1.395 53.96 Btu

0.2449 -
Ibm O R


q pk E = n = 0.81 -


- -n - 2.861, and n = 1.537



rp= 1+
n- 1

1 0652
r 0.56 - 12.861

=I1+ (2.861) 53.96 (560)

gc J = 1.801

Wrotor - 60
Gas Power =

6.436 (0.6911 - (
10652) 60
- 32.1 74
3 3O00
= 285.1 hp

The shaft seal downstream of the rotor leaks 0.06 Ibm/sec for these conditions, so the mass
flow rate at the aftercooler entry is

Wcooler entry = 6.436 - 0.06 = 6.376 Ibm/sec

The aftercooler is known to cool the flow to 580"R at this mass flow rate, gas state, and
specified operating condition coolant temperature and flow rate. The aftercooler pressure drop
is 1 psi. Assuming a saturation pressure of 1.692 psia and following the intercooler condensation
analysis scheme,


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HR= -(Rw
p -psv
) =A(
53 34 1.692
85.76 54.91 - 1.692
= 0.0198
Ibm w
Ibm da

where p = 55.91 - 1 = 54.91 psia.

Since the saturated humidity ratio is greater than the entry humidity ratio, no condensation
occurs in the aftercooler.
In summary, the final discharge pressure at the aftercooler exit is 54.91 psia, the final discharge
temperature at the aftercooler exit is 580°R, and the total gas power requirement of the two
sections is 667 hp.




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STD. ASME P T C 10-ENGL L î î i 0759b70 Ob05580 8 T 4

Specified Conditions: 6.500 Ibmhec
inlet mass flow rate
inlet total pressure 14.7 psia
inlet total temperature 560. "R
Inlet relative humidity 60. %
Gas constant, dry air 53.34 ft-1bf/lbm-"R
Gas constant, water vapor 85.76 ft-lbf/lbm-OR
1 st Section: 20000 rPm
Rotational speed
Tip diameter 13.751 in.
2nd Section: 20000 rPm
Rotational speed
Tip diameter 12.204 in.

intermediate Calculation Results:

1st Section 2nd Section

Cas constant for mixture 54.1 3 53.96 ft-lbf/l bm-"R
Specific heat for mixture 0.2457 0.2449 Btu/lbm-"R
Flow coefficient 0.0295 0.01 97
Polytropic efficiency 0.83 0.81
Polytropic work coefficient 0.599 0.56
Work input coefficient 0.722 0.691
Total work input coeffi- 0.722 0.691

Polytropic exponent 1.51 78 1.537
Tip speed 1200 1065 ft/SeC
inlet pressure 14.7 31 .O4 psia
Pressure ratio 2.1 66 1.801 -
Discharge pressure 31.84 55.91 psia
Inlet temperature 560. 560. O R

Discharge temperature 729. 687.9 "R

Cas power 381.9 285.1 horsepower
inlet mass flow rate 6.5 6.436 Ibm/sec
Leakage flow rate 0.03 0.06 Ibmkec
Discharge flow rate 6.47 6.376 Ibm/sec
Cooler condensate flow 0.0341 O. Ibmkec
Cooler pressure drop 0.8 1 .o psia

Overall results:

Final discharge pressure 54.9 psia

Final discharge temperature 580. OR

Total gas power 667 horsepower

Delivered mass flow rate 6.38 Ibm/sec


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S T D * A S M E P T C L O - E N G L 1 7 7 7 m 0 7 5 9 b 7 0 Oh05583 730 m



This sample problem highlights some of the features of uncertainty analysis as they apply to
a PTC 10 test. The propagation of measurement error to final results is emphasized.
This particular case has been selected because of the relative simplicity of the equations
involved. There is no intention to imply that it covers all uncertainties of interest. Nor is it
intended to imply achievable or expected accuracy in general. It simply demonstrates the method.
Suppose that test results which meet Code requirements are available. It i s desired to determine
the uncertainty in shaft power for a given specified operating condition flow rate. Assume that
the shaft power measurement method was used during the test.
Uncertainty analysis is done following PTC 19.1, using the step-by-step calculation procedure
given i n that document. The steps, excluding final report, are:
( I ) Define the measurement process.
(2) List the elemental error sources.
(3) Estimate elemental errors.
(4) Calculate the bias and precision errors for each parameter.
(5) Propagate the bias and precision errors.
(6) Calculate uncertainty.
Step I - Definition of the measurement process requires expression of the functional relationship
involved. From Table 5.4 we obtain

Csections Wrotor 4. Pparasiticsp

Pshsp =

Assuming a single section and no leakage or sidestreams



Since the shaft power is being evaluated for a given flow and speed,

wspand (gc>
are treated as knowns having no error.



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The terms ashSP are related to test conditions, from Table 5.3, as
and Pparasiticsp

Assuming that Qm is the only parasitic loss,




2Om = -
- para. 5.7.4.
33000 Ur

In general the procedure would now be to break down the individual variables in this equation
in terms of independent measurements. For example, if the shaft power were determined from
a torque meter, that power would be expressed as the product of measured torque and measured
speed. Similarly, the rotor mass rate of flow might be expressed in terms of nozzle pressure
drop, pressure, temperature, and gas composition. For brevity, in this example Pdt, Qmlr Ut, and
wf are treated as individually measured elemental quantities.
Steps 2 rhru 4 - Assume that the elemental error sources have been listed, the elemental
errors estimated, and the corresponding bias and precision errors calculated. Many examples of
this procedure may be found in PTC 19.1.
This process depends upon the actual instrumentation system and data collection techniques
used. The results may be expressed as follows. The bias limits and precision indices represent
the combined effects of the independent measurements for each parameter.
Parameter Absolute Bias limit Absolute Precision Index of the MeanNQ
wt Bw, = 0.01 w, Swt = 0.01 Wt

SPhr= 0.01 Psh,
= o.o1 Phr
Qm, W m ,= 0.01 Om, Som, = 0.01 Omr
ut SU,= 0.01 Ur SU,= 0.01 Ut
ß 6, = 0.2 ß
Nnte ' S, only in this section, is the Absolute Precision index of the mean = S / a .
In every case a one percent value has been assigned to each bias limit and precision index
for the measured quantities. This of course does not reflect what might be expected in reality.
These values have been chosen to demonstrate the effect of unit variations.
Step 5 - The individual errors are propagated into the result according to a Taylor series
expansion. To do so it is necessary to determine sensitivity coefficients, the precision index of
the result, and bias limit of the result.


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The sensitivity coefficients #j are determined by partial differentiation, ¡.e.,

if r = API, P2, P3, e Pi), then +Pi = ar/aPi


w u 2 +(!$)']I
#Omt = -
aQ,, PshsP = 33000

A bias error is assumed in the mechanical loss conversion equation due to an assumed unknown
error in the exponent ß. It is estimated for this example as 0.2ß.
The precision index for the result is the square root of the sum of the squares of the product
of sensitivity coefficients and average independent parameter precision indices. Thus

The bias limit for the result i s the square root of the sum of the squares of the product of the
sensitivity coefficients and average independent parameter bias limits. Thus

Step 6 - Calculate uncertainty


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Uncertainty may be calculated according, by choice, to two models. The models combine the
precision index and bias limits of the result differently.

UA00 = BpShsp + t9sSpSh

psh SP

The value r is called the Student’s r. It i s assigned depending upon the degrees of freedom of
the sample, which is usually one less than the number of points averaged. See PTC 19.1 for
further explanation. Assuming a large sample, t = 2 may be used.
In order to allow expression of the results of this example numerically, assume

The sensitivity factors are

dpsh, = 1.20 (1 .OS)’ = 1.323

- [-i.20 (i.05)’ + (1 1 -0.00456

4QM1 - 33000

&, = -1.20 (1.0512(1 - 0.1) (2)

w t
= -1.1907

dur = -2 (1.20) (1 .os)* (i- 0.1) (3)

2.5 (0.1) (1
(2) t

= -2.6638 (2) I


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1797 0 7 5 î b 7 0 Ob05585 3 8 b M

The precision index of the result is

The bias limit of the result i s

5Psh = 4+wt 5wy + (4Psh, B Psh,)2 + (4Q,, BOJ + (4urBu)* + ( 4 p spi2


= 41.418 x + 1.75 x + 3.74 x + 7.10 x + 1.20 x 10" = 0.0325 Psh, ... (b)
The uncertainties are

UADD= 0.0325 + 2 (0.0320) = 0.097 Psh,


The UADDand URSS uncertainties may be interpreted as follows. For UADD= 0.097 Pshl, the
measurement Pshr f 0.097 PSht will be expected to contain the true value 99 percent of the time.
Similarly, for URSS = 0.072 Ps+ the measured PShi ? 0.072 Psht will be expected to contain the
true value within 99 percent of the time.
It is reasonable to assume that the uncertainty for this example is so large as to mask the
objective of the test (recall that the numerical values for the independent measurement bias limits
and precision indices were selected at 1 percent simply to demonstrate unit variations). It i s a
very simple matter to review the calculations to expose the major uncertainty source. inspection
of equations (a) and (b) for the largest terms immediately indicates the speed measurement. Thus,
for example, if the bias limit and precision error for speed measurement could be reduced to

BU, = 0.001 Ut, and SU, = 0.001 U ,

the uncertainties become

It is clear that such analysis i s of great value in both planning a test and evaluating test results.


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(This Appendix is not a part of ASME PTC 10-1997.)

Maretti, A., M. Giovannini, and P. Nava. (D.8) Samurin, N. A., and M. A. Strite. “Equivalent
“Shop Full Load Testing of Centrifugal Com- Performance Testing of Multi-Section Com-
pressors.” December 1982 proceedings of the pressors.” ASME 81-GT-150, March 9, 1981.
11th Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas A&
(D.9) Daugherty, R. L., and J, B. Franzini. “Fluids
Mechanics with Engineering Application.”
F. J. Wiesner. “A New Appraisal of Reynolds McGraw Hill Book Co.; 1977.
Number Effects on Centrifugal Compressor
Performance.” Transactions of the ASME, pp. (D.10) Lee, J. F., and F. W. Sears. ”Thermodynam-
384-395,Vol. 101,July1979,~ourna/of€ngi- ics.” Addison Wesley Publication Co.; 2nd
neering for Power. edition, 1963.

Huber, M. L., and M. O. McLinden. “Thermo- (D.ll) A. H. Shapiro. “Compressible Fluid Flow.“
dynamic Properties of R134a (1,1,1,2-Tetra- The Weld Press Co., 1953.
fluoroethane).” July 14-1 7,1992 proceedings,
(D.12) J.E. Lay. “Thermodynamics.” Charles E. Mer-
International Refrigeration Conference,
rill Books, Inc., 2nd printing, 1964.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

(D.13) J. M. Schultz. “The Polytropic Analysis of

Simon, H., and A. Bulskamper. On the Evalua-
tion of Reynolds Number and Related Surface Centrifugal Compressors.” Transactions of
the ASME, Series A. Vol. 84, lournal of Engi-
Roughness Effects on Centrifugal Compressor
neering for Power. January 1962, p. 69-82
Performance Based on Systematic Experimen-
tal Investigations. ASME paper no. 83 GT-118: and April 1962, p. 22.
Transactions of the journal of Engineering for (0.14) M. V. Casey. ”The Effects of Reynolds Num-
Power, presented March 27, 1983. ber on the Efficiency of Centrifugal Compres-
Nathoo, N. S., and W. G. Gottenberg. “Mea- sor Stages.” Transaction of the ASME, April
suring the Thermal Dynamic Performance of 1985, Vol. 107, p. 541 -548. Journal of Engi-
Multi-Stage Compressors Operating on Mixed neering for Gas Turbine and Power.
Hydrocarbon Gases.’’ December 1981 pro- (D.15) A. Schaffler. ”Experimental and Analytical In-
ceedings of the 10th Turbomachinery Sympo- vestigation of the Effects of Reynolds Number
sium, Texas A and M. and Blade Surface Roughness on Multistage
Herd, T. C., and E. J.Hipp. “Accuracy Expecta- Axial Flow Compressors.” Transactions of the
tions for Gas Turbine and Centrifugal Com- ASME, January 1980, Vol. 102, p. 5-1 3,jour-
pressor Performance Testing.” Paper ASME 83- na/ of Engineering for Power.
(D.16) R. A. Strub. “Influence of the Reynolds Num-
Carter, A. D. S., C. E. Moss, G. R. Green, and ber on the Performance of Centrifugal Com-
G. G. Annear. “The Effects on Reynolds Num- pressors.” Final Report of the Working Group
ber on the Petformanceof a Single Stage Com- of the Process Compressor Subcommittee of
pressor.” Aeronautical Research Council Re- the International Compressed Air and Allied
ports and Memorandum, 1960; memorandum Machinery Committee (ICAAMC) Zurich,
3184, May 1957, U.K. October 1982.


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S T D - A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1777 m 0757b70 Ob05587 157

(D.17) Nathoo, W. S., and W. G. Gottenberg. "A

New Look at Performance Analysis of Centrif-
ugal Compressors Operating with Mixed Hy-
drocarbon Gases." Transactions of the ASME,
October 1983, Vol. 105, p. 920-926,lournal
of Engineering for Power.
(D.18) Skoch, Gary J., and Royce D.Moore. NASA
Technical Memorandum 7007/5 AJAA-87-
7745. AVSCOM Technical Report 87-C-21
"Performance of two 10 Ib/sec centrifugal
compressors with different blade and shroud
thickness operating over a range of Reynolds

Numbers.'' 23rd Joint Propulsion Conference

cosponsored by the AIAA, SA€, ASME and .
ASEE, San Diego, CA, June29-July 2, 1987.
(D.19) Moore, M. J.,and H. S. Shapiro. Fundamen-
tals of Engineering Thermodynamics. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988.
(D.20) F. Kreith. Principles of HeatTransfer. Intext
Educational Publishers, 3rd edition, 1973.



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(This Appendix is not a part of ACME PTC 10-1997.)

The purpose of this Appendix is to describe the Code problem model, background theory, and
simplifying assumptions.


The ultimate aim of a Code test i s to determine compressor performance for a given set of
conditions. That is, to determine relationships of the form

Dependent parameter = f (many independent parameters)

Examples of dependent parameters are discharge pressure, head, efficiency, etc. Among the
independent parameters are geometry, speed, flow rate, inlet gas state, gas properties, etc. The
functional relationship f i s unknown. It is to be determined by the test.
The many independent parameters represent the specified operating conditions. Practical test
situations are often such that one or more of these parameters i s precluded from taking on the
desired specified operating condition value. Means must then be sought to determine the effects
of the departures. One method is to employ dimensional analysis.

E.2.1 Dimensional Analysis. The theory of dimensional analysis and similarity are discussed in
PTC 19.23, Guidance Manual for Model Testing, and many fluid dynamics textbooks. In essence
it provides a means to reduce the number of parameters in a problem which is expressed in
dimensional terms. This is done by appropriate grouping of dimensional terms in dimensionless

E.2.2 Basic Model. Consideration of a simple mathematical model of compressor performance

illustrates the general features of dimensional analysis as they are applied in this Code. A simple
conventional set of dimensionless parameters often applied i s given by
vp= FI (4, Mm, Rem, gas properties expressed in dimensionless terms)
pp= FZ (4, Mm, Rem, gas properties expressed in dimensionless terms)
p i n = F2f Fi
The dimensionless parameters are defined in terms of dimensional variables,

- f 1n4 4 p i V j ( F )
.. .
" -1
t7p = hd - hi

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In -



Rem= ULIv
Mm= U/a
. . . according to

gas properties gas types

k= C&
Z= pv/RT
It is presumed in performing a dimensional analysis that all of the variables affecting the
thermodynamic and fluid dynamic performance of the compressor have been included. If so,
different sets of dimensional variables which combine to form identical sets of independent
dimensionless groups (4, Mm, Rem, gas properties) will have associated with them identical
values for r ] , p,, and pi.
This basic model i s generally accepted to adequately describe the main features of compressor
performance. It has the immediate advantage of reducing the number of parameters which must
be considered in developing a test. But of at least equal importance it provides a means of
accounting for unavoidable departures from desired specified operating conditions. For example,
it may be used to establish an appropriate test speed to compensate for the effect of a test inlet
temperature which differs from the specified operating condition temperature.
E.2.3 Allowable Departures. It often remains impractical to satisfy all the independent dimen-
sionless parameter requirements. This situation may be addressed by allowing controlled departures
in certain independent dimensionless groups. The assumption is that the limits placed upon these
departures render the effects upon the dependent parameters either negligible or predictable. The
following approach is taken in this Code.
E.2.3.1 Mach Number. Mach number departures are assumed to be of increasing relative
importance as the Machine Mach number increases, This is reflected in the allowable departures
shown in Table 3.2 or Figs. 3.2 and 3.3. It i s assumed that negligible effect is associated with
departure within these limits.
E.2.3.2 Cas Properties. Allowable departures from the ideal gas laws for both the test and
the specified gases are given in Table 3.3. When these limits are exceeded the gas must be
treated as real.
E.2.3.3 Reynolds Number. The allowable departures in Machine Reynolds number are given
in Table 3.2 and Fig. 3.4.
E.2.3.4 Specific Volume Ratio. The preceding allowable independent dimensionless group
departures may combine to alter the specific volume ratio between the compressor inlet and
discharge. As a result an additional restriction i s placed upon the volume ratio, r,, as shown in
Table 3.2. The effects due to volume ratio departure are assumed to be negligible when these
limits are observed.


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E.2.4 Secondary Flow Streams. The basic compressor performance model assumes single entry
and exit flow streams. In actual practice secondary flow streams may enter or leave a compressor
section. Examples are sidestreams and leakages, These secondary streams give rise to a number
of additional dimensionless groups. Each additional entry flow stream has associated with it a
flow rate and gas state, or three additional independent variables. if we use volume flow rate,
enthalpy, and density to define the streams we may form three additional independent dimensionless
groups by referencing mainstream values,

r1= (q/qx)m
r2= (h/h,)rn
r 3 = (plpxlrn
where x denotes the sidestream value, and rn denotes the reference mainstream value.
The approach taken in this Code is to require that the ratio of sidestream to reference flow
rates remain within the limits of Table 3.5 or leakages per para. 3.3.6. When these limits are
observed it i s assumed that the effects upon the dependent dimensionless groups are negligible.
No specific restriction is placed upon the density or enthalpy ratios. It is assumed that departures
in these ratios will produce negligible effects upon the dependent dimensionless groups. Where
thorough mixing of inlet streams before the compression i s doubtful, this assumption may not
be valid. In such cases the parties to the test may elect by mutual agreement to further restrict
these ratios as well.
Departures in these secondary dimensionless groups do affect results in the dimensional sense.
This is accounted for in the calculation procedure.

E.2.5 Code Model Summary. The Code performance model may be summarized as follows:

qpsp= q p ,Rem, = FI ( 4 , -,4 x M m , r,, dimensionles gas properties), Remcor,


ppSp= pptRem, = FZ ( 4 ,-,

4x Mml r,, dimensionles gas properties)( Rem,

as,,= F3 ( 4 , -,
9. M m , rv, dimensionles gas properties

For a given flow coefficient 9, certain departures are allowed in the remaining independent
dimensionless groups. The volume ratio restriction serves to limit the effects of the combined
departures in the other dimensionless groups. The first three dependent groups have the same
form as those in preceding issues of this Code. The fourth, as,,,
i s new to this issue as an explicit
parameter. It i s a power coefficient which takes on different forms for energy balance and shaft
power methods. It is related to the other dependent parameters, but is useful explicitly in a
bookkeeping sense for complicated arrangements.


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Appropriate units and dimensional constants are required for the system of units elected for
E.3.1 Inlet and Exit Conditions. The structure of the problem model is such that it i s necessary
to carefully define the inlet and exit conditions which are used in calculating the dimensionless
groups. The exit conditions are the stagnation condition at the discharge measurement station.
The inlet condition is the stagnation state assigned to the flow stream entering the impeller, and
is denoted by the subscript i on thermodynamic properties.
For a simple single inlet flow stream this is the stagnation state at the inlet flange. For multiple
inlet streams it is the stagnation state computed from the mixing of the individually determined
streams. A standard calculation scheme is given in subpara. E.5.
E.3.2 Flow Coefficient. The flow coefficient is defined as

P i 2 d(;)

wrotor=mass flow rate entering rotor (mass flow rate compressed)
pi= inlet total density
N= rotor rotational speed
Dis the blade tip diameter of the 1st impeller for centrifugal compressors
Dis the diameter at the leading edge of the I s t stage rotor blade for axial compressors.
The mass flow rate entering the rotor i s determined giving due consideration to all section
inlet and outlet flow streams and leakages.
E.3.3 Gas Properties. The physical properties of the gas are expressed in dimensionless form
as the isentropic exponents, compressibility factors, and compressibility functions.
E.3.4 Specific Volume Ratio. The specific volume ratio is the ratio of inlet to exit total specific
volumes. The inlet specific volume i s that assigned to the flow entering the rotor. The exit specific
volume is that computed for exit total conditions


E.3.5 Ratio of Flow Rates. The ratio of flow rates is the ratio of flow rates at two points in the
flow. It i s given by


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w= local mass flow rate
p= local total density
and x and y denote different points in the section.
The flow rates so defined have the units of volume flow rate, but do not represent actual
volume rates of flow since they are defined in terms of total densities. It is assumed that there

is a constant relationship between these flow rates and actual volume flow rates between test
and specified operating conditions. This is true when the test and specified operating condition
local Fluid Mach numbers are equal, and the deviations are assumed negligible when the Code
Machine Mach number departure limits are observed.

E.3.6 Machine Mach Number. The Machine Mach number is given by

Mm = U/a

U = first stage impeller blade or rotor blade tip velocity
a= acoustic velocity at the inlet total conditions
For ideal gases

For real gases

The Machine Mach number so defined i s not an actual Fluid Mach number. It is nearly directly
proportional to actual Fluid Mach numbers when the Code departure limits are observed. The
Code departure limits shown in Figs. 3.2 and 3.3 for centrifugal and axial compressors are also
given in equation form in Table E.l.
E.3.7 Machine Reynolds Number. The Machine Reynolds number i s given by

Rem = Ub/v

For centrifugal compressors, 6 is the exit width of the first stage impeller in the section of
interest. For axial compressors, b is the chord length at the tip of the first stage rotor blade in
the section of interest. The viscosity u is taken for inlet (stagnation) conditions. The Code departure
limits shown in Fig. 3.4 for centrifugal compressors are given in equation form in Table E.2.
E.3.8 Isentropic Work Coefficient. The isentropic work coefficient i s given by


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Specified Mach No.

Range Lower Limit Upper Limit

0-0.214 -Mmsp -
<(Mm, Mmd c (-0.25 Mmv + 0.286)
0.215-0.86 (0.266 Mmy, - 0.271) -
4Mmt Mm,& c (-0.25 Mmv + 0.286)

0.86 S Mm, -0.042 -

<(Mmt Mms&e 0.07


Specified Mach No.

Range Lower Limit Upper Limit

0-0.1 5 -Mm, -
c(Mrn, Mmd e (-0.25 Mm, + 0.20)
0.1 6-0.6 (0.266Mm, - 0.1 9) <(Mrnt- Mmd c (-0.25 Mmv + 0.20)
0.6 5 Mmv -0.03 -
c(Mmt M m d c 0.05


Remt/Rem, 5 1.O
x = (Rem,/107)o.3

Application Range Equation

9 x 1 0 4 c R e m v c l x107 RemJRem,, =
1 x l o 7 < Rem, RemJRem, = 100


Remt/Remv e 1.O,
x = (Remv/107)n.3

Application Range Equation

9 x lo4 c Remv c 1 x lo6 RemJRemv = (0.oiP
1 x l o 6 c Rem, Remt/Rem, = 0.1
(1) See Fig. 3.3.


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W= isentropic work per unit mass
Z U 2 = sum of rotor tip speeds
The isentropic work for the purposes of this Code is the work done in an isentropic process
between the inlet stagnation state and the discharge stagnation state. The isentropic work per
pound mass for an ideal gas is given by

For any gas the isentropic work may be calculated from

The isentropic work for a real gas may also be calculated from the following:

n,- 1

íb) w, = -
n,-ns 1 f 1 4 4 p i v i [ ( E ) "' -11

Equation (a) differs from equation (b) by substituting n, for k and introducing f. For a real gas
the isentropic volume exponent is not the same as k. On test, n, can be calculated from

In P d
n, = Pi
In -


Substituting this n, for k in equation (a) would produce a small error unless the isentropic
exponent were constant and equal to n, along the compression path. The polytropic work factor
f compensates for the difference between nSand the actual isentropic exponent. It is computed from

E.3.9 Polytropic Work Coefficient. The polytropic work coefficient i s given by

PP = gc
W,= polytropic work per pound mass
ZU2/gc= sum of rotor tip speeds squared
The polytropic work for the purposes of this Code is the polytropic work required to compress
the gas from the inlet stagnation state to the discharge stagnation state. The gas properties are
evaluated at the arithmetic mean between inlet and discharge conditions.


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For ideal gases

n- 1
wp= -
n 144 pi
- 11
vi [(?)Y

For real gases

n- 1

wp= - - 13
n f 144 pi Y ¡ [(;)y



n =
Y-m(1 + X )



It is assumed here that a variation in n affects W, just as the varying n, affects W,. The
polytropic work factor f i s assumed to have the same value as computed in para. E.3.8.

E.3.10 Efficiencies. Efficiencies are in general defined as the ratio of ideal to actual work required
in a given compression process. The standard ideal work chosen for this Code is the work
required in a polytropic compression process occurring between the total pressure at the inlet
reference stagnation state and the total pressure at the discharge stagnation state. The actual work
is taken as the change in total enthalpy between these states. It represents the actual work in
the process only in the absence of heat transfer and secondary flow effects. The discharge gas
state calculated for specified operating conditions using this efficiency definition therefore assumes
the same relative heat transfer and secondary flow effects as those prevailing at test.
The polytropic efficiency is then

’’ = (hd - hi)

and the corresponding isentropic efficiency is

rls =
(hd - hi) I


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E.3.11 Work input Coefficient. The work input coefficient is defined in terms of the stagnation
enthalpy rise. it is a dimensionless representation of the actual gas work not including the effects
of heat transfer and secondary flow. The work input coefficient is given by

The ideal work coefficients are related to the foregoing efficiencies through the work input

E.3.12 Total Work Input Coefficient. Relative differences in heat transfer and leakage or sidestream
flow rates often will occur between test and specified operating conditions. it i s assumed that
these relative differences are sufficiently small so as to produce negligible changes in the polytropic
work coefficient and efficiency. The leakage and sidestream flow rate differences, however, can
produce relative differences in actual power requirement. The following model is presented to
establish a method to account for these effects as they relate to power consumption. The method
i s based on relating the total work input to rotor mass flow rate.
The problem model and nomenclature are shown in Fig. E.l. The dimensionless total work
input coefficient i s determined as follows.
The first law of thermodynamics for a control volume surrounding the rotor (in Fig. E.l) is

Pgrotor = [Wrotor hRZ - Wrotor hR1 + OrotorI -

The first law of thermodynamics for a control volume surrounding the section (in Fig. E.l) i s

From the conservation of mass

The only work done on the gas is that done by the rotor, so

-- PgrOtor = [Wrotor h~~ - wrotor h1+ Qrotorl -



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measurement measurement

Figure Nomenclature
wi= mass flow rate at the inlet measurement station.
hi= enthalpy per unit mass at the inlet measurement station.
Wd= mass flow rate at the discharge measurement station.
hd= enthalpy per unit mass at the discharge measurement station.
wlu= leakage mass flow rate for gas escaping before the rotor, ¡.e., upstream of the rotor.
hlu= enthalpy per unit mass for escaping gas. When the gas does not escape, but inlet leakage
occurs, hlu is the enthalpy of the gas outside the seal.
W/d= leakage mass flow rate for gas escaping after the rotor, Le., downstream of the rotor.
hid= enthalpy per unit mass of the escaping gas. For inward leakage, it is the enthalpy of
the gas outside the seal.
wsu= mass flow rate for sidestream flow entering after the measurement station but before
the rotor.
h,,= corresponding enthalpy per unit mass.
wsd= mass flow rate for sidestream flow exiting after the rotor but before the discharge
measurement station.
hd= corresponding enthalpy per unit mass.
Qrotw= net mass flow rate through rotor.
hR,= enthalpy per unit mass at rotor inlet.
h R Z = enthalpy per unit mass at rotor exit.
Qraor= heat loss rate from rotor.
Q= heat loss rate from section.
P= work input rate excluding mechanical loss.

FIG. E.l


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Rearranging and non-dimensionalizing with CU2

This equation represents the total work input to the gas in dimensionless form. It is called the
total work input coefficient and i s given the symbol il, ¡.e.,

33000 Ps

wrotor -

This coefficient bears a close relationship to the Woin input coefficient, pin, but accounts
additionally for the energy lost through heat transfer and secondary flow effects. Like the work
input coefficient it i s assumed to be invariant between test and specified operating conditions at
the same flow coefficient. Its purpose i s to aid in properly accounting for heat transfer and
secondary flow effects in power calculations.
For heat balance method tests,

For shaft power method tests, //^:^^#^~^^""~:@":^*^~$~"#:*~"~^::~:$@~~#^~:^:@:~*:$"\\

ash =
Psh - Ppararitic 33000

represents all power in the shaft power measurement which does not represent
where Pparasitic
work input to the gas in the compressor section of interest, for example, mechanical losses and
power input to other sections.


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The process of structuring the Code performance model includes adding the volume ratio to

the independent parameter list to serve as a limiting parameter for the effects of other dimensionless
parameter departures.
The volume ratio at test may be controlled at a given flow coefficient and inlet conditions by
controlling the compressor speed and flow rate. The appropriate speed may be determined by
combining the specific volume ratio requirement

1 1

[(3] = SP

with the polytropic work coefficient equality


1 2 t

which may be written as

n - 1.

wpt= [(fi)&(;)Y- fZiR 11


n- 1

Wpsp=[(*)fziRTi(;) -Ilsp

These relationships may be used to estimate the appropriate test speed. It is an estimate in
the sense that the appropriate test speed depends upon a prior knowledge of the test efficiency
and gas properties.
The anticipated test efficiency i s estimated from the design value when available. The anticipated
polytropic exponent may then be estimated for ideal gases from


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"I IC +X-axis

FIG. E.2

and for real gases from



For compressor sections with multiple inlets it i s necessary to establish the mixed inlet conditions.
Ideally this would be the mixed stagnation state. It is conceivable that this state might be measured
by obtaining internal pressure and temperature measurements where the compressor geometry
allows. However, in practice these are very difficult measurements to obtain. In some cases an
actual full mixed state may not even occur.
The following development provides a standard method for calculation of the mixed conditions.
A number of simplifying assumptions are made. The computed reference conditions are only an
approximation to the stagnation state after mixing. The intent i s simply to model the main features
of the mixing process. It is presumed that the same model when applied to the test and specified
operating conditions will produce consistent results. Other mixing models may be appropriate
for particular compressor geometries. These may also be used with mutual consent by the parties
to the test.
E.5.1 Inlet Stagnation Enthalpy. The inlet stagnation enthalpy i s deduced from the average total
enthalpy of the mixed streams. In the absence of work and heat transfer in the mixing section,

where the subscripts a and b designate the individual stream values before mixing.
E.5.2 Inlet Stagnation Pressure. The inlet pressure may be calculated by applying the linear
momentum principle to a simplified mixing section model. The geometry under consideration is
given in Fig. E.2.
The following simplifying assumptions are made.
(a) The flow is one dimensional. Conditions at stations a, b, and c are described by constant
average values for the cross section. The flows are thus treated as being fully mixed.
b) The flow velocity at stations a and c is assumed to be parallel to the x axis.
(cl The flow velocity at station b i s assumed to enter at an angle with respect to the x axis.
(dl The static pressure at station b is assumed equal to the static pressure at station a.
(e) The wall shear stress i s ignored.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

S T D - A S M E P T C BO-ENGL 1997 m 0759b70 ObOSbUL 359 m


The subscript s in the following development refers to static conditions.

With these assumptions the x-component of the linear momentum conservation equation for
the control volume shown i s

Introducing the continuity of mass equation yields the mixed inlet static pressure

The inlet stagnation pressure i s obtained by adding the dynamic head deduced from the average
Fluid Mach number at c.
The actual form of the equations to be solved depends upon the choice of gas. The following
set amenable to iterative solution may be written for ideal gases.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale


Mc - (1 +) :
_ (9'
Ac pc
[l + (9)
M:] k-l
-- k

A, pa
[1 + (y)
M j ] k-l

k- 1


[ l + c M ]

A simpler formulation assuming incompressible flow may be written as


144 pa

This formulation will yield similar results to the compressible solution for low Fluid Mach
numbers and nearly equal mixing stream densities.
Figure E.3 shows some typical results based upon the preceding equations.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
W b h

- 20 40
60 80

1.07 r
1.06 -
1.05 -
2?zzhzl C

- 0.2
Ab is implied


1.O3 --``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---



O 2 4 6

FIG. E.3

Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
(This Appendix is not a part of ACME PTC 10-1997.)

The Reynolds number correction for centrifugal from one manufacturer to another. The correction
compressors recommended in this Code has been used in this Code, for centrifugal compressors, is
changed significantly from the previous issue of PTC simplified in that the correction is only applied to
10. The changes resulted from new references not the efficiency and polytropic work coefficient. No
previously available. The old correction for centrifu- correction is applied to the flow coefficient or the
gal compressors was adapted from work on axial work input coefficient. Additionally, the nominal
compressors [Ref. (D.811 since no centrifugal com- condition has been standardized to a Machine Reyn-
pressor data was available. The correction for axial olds number = 4.8 x lo6 x b and the surface
compressors remains unchanged from the previous roughness to 0.000125 in.
issue of the Code. Another correction method has been documented
The method of correction, for centrifugal compres- by Simon and Bulskamper [Ref. (D.411. This method
sors, recommended in this Code i s based on the is developed by analogy with the turbulent flow in
work done by Weisner [Ref. (D.211but has been rough pipes. Semi-empirical correlations are derived
simplifed for ease of application. The data presented for efficiency, flow coefficient, head coefficient, and
by Weisner suggests that the Machine Reynolds work coefficient. The equations developed include
number at which a compressor operates has an a correction to the head, work, and flow coefficients.
effect not only on the efficiency, but on the flow Similar correction methods have been proposed by
coefficient and work input coefficient as well. The Casey [Ref. (D.1411 and Strub [Ref. (D.1611. Test

corrections are all based on the departure from a data supporting Reynolds number corrections has
nominal Machine Reynolds number which may vary been published by NASA [Ref. (D.18)I.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
S T D - A S M E F’TC 10-ENGL 1777 0 7 5 7 b 7 0 CIb05bU5 T T 4 H


(This Appendix is not a part of ACME PTC 10-1997.)

Guidelines are presented for calculating total pres- k - ratio of specific heats
sure and total temperature with accuracies that ex-
ceed those determined by the simpler methods of
paras. 5.4.3 and 5.4.4. Step 3 - Compute velocity
The details of thermodynamic property evaluations
are not a part of this Code. The calculations outlined V = (w/60)/pA
below for both ideal gases and real gases must be
supplemented by the data and procedures needed Step 4 - Compute Mach number
to provide the required properties.
Compressible flow and uniform velocity are as-
sumed for the measurement station in question.
Static absolute pressure, psiatic, and measured abso- M=dzmE
lute temperature, Tmeas, are the only local measure-
ments. The mass flow rate, w, and pipe flow area, Step 5 - Compute total temperature
A, are known and thermodynamic properties are
calculable as needed. The remaining key assumption
is the recovery factor, rf, which is defined in para.
5.4.4 in terms of temperature.
Step 6 - Compute static temperature
(k - 1) MZ
The following iterative procedure is appropriate:
Step 1 - Let &tatic = h e a s be the initial estimate
of static temperature. Step 7- Compare from step 6 with the value
Step 2 - Calculate needed properties correspond- used in previous steps. If agreement is unacceptable,
ing to (pstatic, tstaiic): use from step 6 and repeat steps 2 through 7
until the change i n ttaiici s acceptable (for example,
Ahtatic < O.OSOF).

Step 8 - Calculate total pressure

p = density (from p = 144 p/Rt)
p = priatic [1 + ( k - 1) M2]&
Should Fluid Mach numbers be unusually high,
greater than 0.3 for example, accuracy could be
c,, - specific heat at constant pressure improved by evaluating cp and k at both t and &tatic


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
S T D O A S M E PTC LO-ENGL 1997 0757b70 ObOSbUb 930 W

and using average values of cp and k in the above Pstatic (ntatic, triatic)
Step 3 - Compute velocity
The term "real gas" normally suggests that the
compressibility factor, Z, is not unity and must be
Step 4 - Compute kinetic energy
included in p-v-T calculations according to pv =
The purpose of an equation of state is to provide
a mathematical expression relating pressure, volume,
and temperature which corresponds as closely as Step 5 - Compute "measured" enthalpy
possible to known or expected p-v-t behavior.
Most equations of state use temperature and spe-
cific volume (or density) as independent variables,
from which pressure may be calculated. That is, Step 6 - Compute static enthalpy
p = pkv)

Rigorous thermodynamic procedures are available Step 7 - Compute static temperature

for evaluating all thermodynamic properties needed
for compressor calculations even though only the h i c +static, hrtatic)

equation of state and low pressure (ideal gas) specific

heat correlations are known. Only the results of Step 8 - Compare irtati, from step 7 with the
these calculations are referred to below, such as: value used in previous steps. if agreement is unac-

(a) t (p, h), temperature obtained from pressure and ceptable, then use from step 7 and repeat
enthalpy steps 2 through 8 until the change in T'ric is
(b) p (h,s), pressure obtained from enthalpy and en- acceptable (for example, AT&¡, < 0.05 O R ) .
Step 9 - Compute total enthalpy
The recovery factor, rf, will be defined in terms
of enthalpy rather than temperature, giving

rf =
hmeas - hstatic
Step 10 - Compute static entropy
h - hrtatic
srtatic (Psiatio fstatic)

This definition is the same as that given in para.

5.4.4 when applied to ideal gases. The above defini- Step 7 1 - Compute total pressure
tion is considered to be more appropriate for real
gas calculations, and rf = 0.65 remains the best
available value for typical applications.
The following iterative procedure is appropriate: (Recall that static and total entropies are the same.)
Step 1 - Let Gtaiic = b e a s be the initial estimate Step 12 -
Compute total temperature
of static temperature for the calculation of density,
Step 2 - Compute static density tip, h)


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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S T D - A S M E P T C LU-ENGL 1 7 9 7 0759b70 ObD5b07 8 7 7 H

(This Appendix is not a part of ASME PTC 10-1997.)

U.S. Customary Conversion
Symbol Description Units X Factor = SI Units
A Flow channel cross ft2 0.0929 m2
sectional area
a Acoustic velocity ft/sec 0.3048 m/s
b Tip width ft 0.3048 m
C Coefficient of discharge dimensionless 1 dimensionless
C Molal specific Btu/lbmole O F 1 N-mkgmole K -
C Specific heat Btu/lbm O F . 41 83 N-m/kg. K
CP Specific heat at constant Btu/lbm O F 41 83 -
N m/kg K a

cv Specific heat at constant Btu/lbm OF 41 83 N.m/kg,K
D Diameter in. 0.0254 m
d Diameter of fluid meter in. 0.0254 m
e Relative error dimensionless 1 dimensionless
Fa Thermal expansion factor dimensionless 1 dimensionless
for fluid meter
f Polytropic work factor dimensionless 1 dimensionless
g Acceleration of gravity ft/sec2 0.3048 m/s2

gc Dimensional constant 32.1 74

ft Ibm
0.031 08 1-
m kg
Ibf + sec2 N - S‘

H Molal enthalpy Btu/l bmole 2324 N m/kg mole .

HR Humidity ratio Ibm w/lbm da - 1 -
kg w/kg da
h Enthalpy Btu/l bm mkg

2324 N a

h, Coefficient of heat transfer Btu/hr ft2 O F 0.04896 N m/s m2 K -

per unit area (for
combined convection
and radiation)

Mechanical equivalent of ft * Ibf

1 778.1 7 - not used
heat Btu

K Flow coefficent dimensionless 1 dimensionless

k Ratio of specific heats, dimensionless 1 dimensionless
log Common logarithm (base dimensionless 1 dimensionless


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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S T D - A S M E PTC 10-ENGL 1997 0757b70 ObU5b08 703 =

U.S. Customary Conversion

Symbol Description Units X Factor = SI Units
in Naperian (natural) dimensionless 1 dimensionless
MW Molecular weight Ibm/lbmole 1 kg/kgmole

Mm Machine Mach number dimensionless 1 dimensionless

M Fluid Mach number dimensionless 1 dimensionless
m Polytropic exponent for a dimensionless 1 dimensionless
path on the p - T
m Mass (Appendix 6 only) Ibm 0.4536 kg
N Rotative speed 'pm 0.01 667 Hz
n Polytropic exponent for a dimensionless 1 dimensionless
path on the p - v
n Number of moles Ibmole 0.4536 kgmole
(Appendix B only)
n, isentropic exponent for an dimensioness 1 dimensionless
isentropic path on a
p - v diagram
P Power hP 0.746 kW
P Pressure psi 6895 N/m2(Pa)
Pv Velocity pressure psi 6895 N/m2(Pa)
Om Total mechanical losses Btu/min 0.01 757 kW
Or Casing heat transfer Btu/mi n 0.01757 kW
Qsl External seal loss Btu/min 0.01 757 kW
equ ¡va lent
9 Capacity ft3/m in 0.000471 9 m3/s
9 Volume flow rate ft3/min 0.0004719 m3/s
R Gas constant .
ft Ibf/lbm O R e 5.381 N.m/kg.K
RA, RB, RC Machine Reynolds number dimensionless 1 dimensionless
correction constants
Re Fluid Reynolds number dimensionless 1 dimensionless
Rem Machine Reynolds number dimensionless 1 dimensionless
RH Relative humidity dimensionless 1 dimensionless

r Pressure ratio across fluid dimensionless 1 dimensionless
u Recovery factor dimensionless 1 dimensionless
'P Pressure ratio dimensionless 1 dimensionless
rq Flow rate ratio dimensionless 1 dimensionless
rt Temperature ratio dimensionless 1 dimensionless
rv Specific volume ratio dimensionless 1 dimensionless
S Molal entropy Btu/lbmole "R - 41 83 -
N mkgmole K -
SC Heat transfer area of ft2 0.09294 mz
exposed compressor
casing and adjoining
s Entropy BTU/lbm OR 41 83 N.m/kg.K
T Temperature "R 0.5556 K
t Tempera ture "F 0.5556 K
PF + 459.67)

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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S T D * A S M E P T C LO-ENGL 1 9 9 7 = U 7 5 9 b 7 0 Ob05b09 bliT U

U.S. Customary Conversion

Symbol Description Units X Factor = SI Units
U Blade tip speed ftlsec 0.3048 m/s
U Internal energy Btullbm 2 324 N-m/kg
V Fluid velocity filsec 0.3048 m/s
V Specific volume ft3/lbm 0.06243 m3/kg

W Work fillbf/l bm 2.989 N m/kg
W Mass flow rate Ibm/min 0.00756 kgls
X Compressibility function dimensionless 1 dimensionless
X Mole fraction dimensionless 1 dimensionless
Y Compressibility function dimensionless 1 dimensionless
Y Elevation fi 0.3048 m
Z Compressibility factor as dimensionless 1 dimensionless
used in ideal gas law,
pv = ZRT
ß Diameter ratio of fluid dimensionless 1 dimensionless
a Partial derivative dimensionless 1 dimensionless
77 Efficiency dimensionless 1 dimensionless
P Absolute viscosity Ibmlft sec
e 1.488 kg/m s
Pin Work input coefficient dimensionless 1 dimensionless
PP Polytropic work coefficient dimensionless 1 dimensionless
PS Isentropic work coefficient dimensionless 1 dimensionless
Y Kinematic viscosity ft21sec 0.09294 m2/s
Density Ibm/ft3 16.02 kg/m3
E Summation
ft * Ibf
e Surface roughness in 0.0254 m
fl Total work input dimensionless 1 dimensionless

& Flow coefficient dimensionless 1 dimensionless


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