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PLANNING FOR Planning for allocation of resources -the planner needs to inquire into the

COMMUNITY PROGRAMS history and current status of dental

-Involves selecting best alternatives services in the community.
to achieve a desired goal when the
amount of resources is limited . To gather information on a
- Planner are called on to allocate the A population profile should be
budget labor and facilities in a system obtained :
so that it may meet existing needs and
demand . 1. Number of individuals in the
Creation of a plan 2. Geographic distribution of the
-Involves the development of a 3. Rate of growth
Types of health Planning
blueprint or proposal for action 4. Population density and
containing recommendation and degree of urbanization
I. Problem Solving Planning :
supporting data. 5. Ethnic backgrounds
-Involves the identification and
Ex. Health state plan that describe the 6. Diet and nutritional level.
resolution of the problem.
health status and distribution of 7. Standard of living
health services for the population. 8. Types of housing
Ex. Appearance of dental fluorosis
9. Amount and type of public
among residents of a community in
Design of standard operating service utilities
colorado . This enamel disorder was
procedure: 10. Public and private school
identified through a scientific study of
possible causative factor.
Requires planner to come forth 11. Patterns and distribution of
with a set of standard practices dental diseased.
Program planning
or criteria for the operation and B.The planner needs to inquire into
evaluation. the history and current status of
Entails designing a course of action
dental programs in the community
for a circumscribed health problem .
Steps in Program Planning ❖ Types of program
Ex. School based fluoride rinse
1.Conducting need assessment : currently existing.
program .
Reason :
- To define the problem and to ❖ Organization
Steps in Program Planning
identify its extent and severity. responsible for the
-Used to obtain a profile of the planning,implementa
Is a decision about a course of action
community to ascertain the cause of tion and
the problem. administration of
Is a systematic approach to defining
-To evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.
the problem , setting priorities
program by:
,developing specific goals
a. obtaining baseline information. ❖ Whether programs are
and objectives determining
alternative strategies and a method
b. measuring the amount of progress
of implementation.
achieved in solving the specific C.The planner must learn the way in
problem. which policies are developed and
Coordination of effort and activities
decision are made within the
A.Techniques in obtaining data communities
● Survey questionaire ● Financial leaders
-Aims to increase the availability ,
● Clinical examination ● Policies for the communities
efficiency, productivity, effectiveness,
● Personal communication ● Organizational structure of
and other aspects
of activities and programs.
Factors the planner should consider: ● Attitude toward oral health
● Number of individuals and community dental
-It involves an adjustment process
involved program
such as closing of services and
● Extent and degrees of severity
of the problem D.Types of resources that are
Ex. closing of obstetric and pediatric
● Attitudes of the individual to available to the community to
ward in hospital located in areas with
be surveyed. successfully implement a program
declining birth rate.
● Funds
● Facilities ➔ Mentally and Physically Ex. Of outcome objective : “ by the
● Labor handicapped patient year 2024 more than 90% of the
➔ Chronically ill or medically population aged 6-12 years in
E. Educational status of a community . compromised patient. community x will have not lost any
➔ Elderly person teeth as a result of caries, and at least
Provides two prospective for ➔ Expectant mother 40% will be caries free
planning: ➔ Low income minority group -It provides a means by which to
quantitatively measure the outcome
● Tells educational level in Specific group that are more of specific objective.
years of schooling obtained. susceptible to dental caries :
● Indicate community values -Preschool
toward obtaining an -School age children Program Activities:
education. -Low income minority group. Described how the objectives
will be accomplished .
Median income – indicates the III. Development of program goals
population’s ability to purchase and objectives: 3 components.
health services. 1. What is going to be done?
Transportation system- provides Program Goals -Broad statement on 2. Who will be doing it?
planner with the overall purpose of a program to 3. When will it be done?
information regarding a population meet a defined problem .
ability to get to health care service When planning these type of
Health care facilities –indicates the Program Objectives – more specific program activities, consideration
types of service being provided, - describe in measurable should be made to the type of
amount of services , cost of this way the end result of program resources available as well as to the
services. activities. program constraint .
Labor data- indicate the number of Objectives should be:
dentist providing the care. S-pecific A. Resource Identification:
M-easurable ● Personnel
II.Determining Priorities A-ttainable ● Equipment and supply
R- esult oriented ● Facilities
Method of imposing people values T-ime bounded ● Financial resources
and judgment of what is important
onto the raw data. 2 types Objectives : *Criteria use to determine what
Purpose : 1.Outcome objectives : resources would be utilized:
1. Setting priorities among Provides a means by which to Appropriateness- the most suitable
problems elicited through a quantitatively measure the outcome resources to get the job done.
need assessment of the specific objective. Adequacy – the extent or degree to
2. Ranking solution to the which the resources would complete
problem 2. Process objective : the job.
3. Allow the most efficient Specific process by which a public Effectiveness- how capable the
allocation of resources. health problem can be reduced and resources are at completing the job.
prevented . Efficiency – the cost and amount of
Factors considered in determining time expended to complete the job.
priorities *Program objective should specify:
What : nature of the situation or B. Identifying constraint
Problem that affects a large number conditioned to be attained .
of people Extent : the scope and magnitude of Roadblocks or obstacle to achieving a
- generally takes priority over a the situation or conditioned to be certain goal or objectives
problem that affects small number of attained. - by identifying constraint early in the
people. Who : the particular group or portion planning –can modify the design of
- serious problems. of the environment in which the program creating a more practical
- community should be involved. attainment is desired. and realistic plan.
Where: the geographic areas of the Constraint may result from:
Target group commonly associated program 1. Organizational policies
with high risk dental needs: When: the time at or by which the Ex attitudes of professional
desired situation or condition is organization limitation of state dental
➔ Preschool and school age intended to exist. practice
children 2. lack of funds
3. Characteristic of the community 1. Differrences :
3. Inadequate transportation systems. Monitoring , evaluating ,and revising Gathering information:
the program. Researcher: want to draw conclusion.
Ways to identify constraint- bring Evaluator: want to make decision.
together group of concerned citizens Once it has been implemented ,the
who might in some capacity be program requires continous 2. Sole purpose :
involved in or affected by the project. surveillance of all activities Researcher : understanding
A group that is familiar with the local phenomena.
politics and community structures Monitoring: Evaluator : want to understand
how well individual are doing their job phenomena to better influence
Alternative strategies : . someone’s action .
How well equipment functions.
Being aware of the constraint and How approriate and adequate 3. Whether or not results can be
given the available resources, the facilities . generalized
planner should then consider - are fundamental to the program’s Researcher: study the relationship
alternative courses of action that success. among
might be effective in attaining the activities so that ideally findings can
objectives. Evaluation – allows us to: be
1. Measure the progress of each generalized to a wide variety of
It is important to generate a sufficient activity. similar
number of alternatives so that out of 2. Measure the effectiveness of situation.
that number at least one may be each activity.
considered to be acceptable. 3. Identify problems in carrying Evaluator : focus is on particular
out the activities. program .
If the preventive measure was 4. Plan revision and modification. Ex. Testing of fluoride rinse.
considered to be cost –effective as 5. Justify cost of administering the Researcher: concerned with:
well as practical to implement the program as well as to justify seeking Effect of fluoride rinse on teeth.
planner would choose that measure as additional funds. Strength of solution necessary to
the best of the alternatives. produce a reduction in caries.
Program evaluation in health care: Whether his conclusion could be
Implementation, Supervision, Program evaluation is concerned with generalized across the population.
Evaluation and Revision finding out how well program works.
Fundamental purpose: provide Evaluator :
Implementation : information for decision making . 1. was interested in determining
-The process of putting the plan into It is a judgement of merit or worth whether the program initiated to test
operation. about a particular person ,place or the researcher conclusion was run
- The phase is ongoing in situation thing . correctly and followed the objectives
where supervision and evaluation of it stated
the program will ensure effective Basic research- abstract and general. 2. Positive or negative effect of
operations. Applied research- highly concrete and fluoride rinse.
specific. 4.Determining the value of things:
Developing implementation strategy: Evaluation vs. Research
Researcher : only strive to obtain
An implementation strategy for each Researcher and evaluator possess accurate truthful information.
activity is complete when the many Evaluator : eventually comes down to
following question are answered: similarities: making a decision about what should
Why : the effect of the objective to be be done /which course of action is
achieved . Both engage in scientific inquiry. best .
What : the activities required to Both use test questionnaire and other
achieve the objectives. measurement device . Individuals interested in the result of
Who : individual responsible for each evaluation :
activity Both collect and analyze data
When : chronological sequence of systematically using common 1. Program Director
activities. statistical procedures. - interested in knowing the overall
How : materials, media ,methods, effectiveness of the basic program.
techniques to be used. Both can be found describing their 2. Policy maker
How much : a cost estimate of outcomes in formal reports. -concern about financial issue.
materials and time 3. Program developer
Seek all kinds of information about
ways to improve specific parts of the Advantage: Concept of informed consent :
program that affects them directly. 1. do not require large groups of study
4. Epidemiologist subjects * Informed consent is required when
- seek to compare effect of different 2. can be carried out in a relatively a person will receive some treatment
program. short period of time. or be involved in some techniques of
- Deal with applying some behavioral physical or psychological
Research in Community Dentistry: or educational technique to the oral manipulation that is regarded as
5 Aspects : hygiene practices of an individual or experimental in nature.
1.Types of research commonly carried Informed consent may not be
out in the field. Experimental subjects: required if the individual is not
2. Role of federal government in Can be approached on several directly involved in the research. ex.
supporting such research. different levels, which may involve
3.Ethical issues related to research changes in knowledge,attitudes or If patient records , radiograph, or
involving human subject. behavior. previously
4.Techniques for designing research extracted teeth are used in a situation
studies and writing protocol. Administrative and evaluative where
5.Methods for reading and evaluating research : the patient are not directly identified.
published dental research literature. It deals with the way in which a
program operates and how it can be If the records ,or radiographs were
Types of research in community improved. collected
dentistry: for the purpose of research ,then
3 different areas: Questionnaire survey: informed
an important tool of administrative consent – required .
1. Clinical trials and evaluative research .
- test of techniques and of therapeutic In general if a patient or experimental
agents. - Effective in securing information subject
2. Research in educational technique from a population under study. is manipulated in any way for
and the behavioral sciences. experimental
3.Research related to the Government role in Community purposes –manipulation and risk is
administration and evaluation of Dentistry Research: minimal-
community dental programs. Intramural Research informed consent is required .
Extramural research
Clinical trials of techniques and of Placebo
therapeutic agent: Funding 2types:
Usually follow as the practical Is an agent that is known to have no
application of laboratory research, a. Grants- awarded either to an physiological effect on the patient .
epidemiological observation or both. institution or individual for the
purpose of attaining some research Extremely beneficial effect with a
Ex. Is the observation during 1900’s of goal that has been defined by the patient
severe staining and mottling of tooth individual or institution whose problem is basically
in colorado u.s.a. but this psychological
disfigurement was accompanied by a b. Contracts- evolves from a research rather than organic.
relatively low dental caries protocol that has been designed and
prevalence. stipulated in detail by the federal
- It was not until 1930s that the
observational technique of Request for proposal (RFP)
epidemiology and analytical - Is a device used when contract
technique in chemistry were able to research is anticipated.
establish connection between
mottling of teeth and high fluoride Request for Application ( RFA)
content in the drinking water. - Suggest general area where the
government places high research
Educational and behavioral research: priority.
Frequently carried out by
undergraduate dental students. Ethics of Dental Research

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