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You are on page 1of 11 the Q vo- 4. ani Snare rt en pertottlon oF Agen The term "Acounting” con be wegoveded as On fnfovamation system thet provides fnan- -Cie\ thfovwmetion, fe the fiforemeation co- -hich com be erpwegsed fr terms of mowetery velue cmd that eve welevaut cith the_ business, to the vewfsous fi,tewested usevo groups consistive both Puteonal end enter- “hel Use? groups by means of Ment fyivg, yecove diva end commursreating econowis C_ events to the cbovementfoued groups of OM ongerftation. | Accounting fs om Juformortion Gussem Gy Infomation System: Dnformetion eystem o powtieuiave type of system cohene fifor -merbfoh 1% veepreeseiited fh ™ Sustereds' C_ ovwder. Thene ewe 3 sleps ofa components th ohy informe h'on gysjem, nowedy: (4 Input [2\ Poocessiing (3) Output | Ths can be wepreseimned usixg O flowchart: Roccessing, => Gh Steps of Accountfag Roocedue Pia ee rg IF we omalyre the occourting poocedure, we cofll be able to fird out eriacty some three components of an fiformeatiou system: «At Piva, o eaits akIuvput: At j ot, O Jouvolnal is prepawed comciiva Dede. descmiphion, wefemence ond eftbeva the tronsact®ou i8 debit om eedit- This & called “Entey of Accounting” edith & the input. *Outpur: APtevs proressing,, 5 stodewerts eve Peoduced colnvch cme the ouput of the Ihformehon Susie - * Povcessing: Th between input end oput, the tyonsortiors ce processed by mers of Ledger, Trval Balance and adjustmert. Jounal Entries Ree er S slelemends e Cipet) al Agretment [=>] Court) CProressing ) This iS cohy Accounting %& called an information system Pus. to the @ Pe een re As o student of Civil Evofineesing, I veed +o Sindy Accounting becouse PP I went to jor Ih 4he uid Seved of ehy oremitavion emd went to get promoted +o top Reve, the Jenoereclge of cecoumbig & indiepersasle Reasons bebind sidytno Accounting * Accounting & ah iiforomoh%on system so Pt 1S Cetetilly O Wealm of Sefence . Yet Lier we heave +o hudy Physics _ Chemistns, oud | othe cubjects of puwe selene, crcoumnbe5 & olso weguired Rr te ciwilav meuner ih tre Field of Cai Exgieevetig . % Accounting 1b taught cooveldcside fn evgiveeriva, depemtm ents. Fo Jeep pce cotth te fireionahownl Slendaved. we need 10 study eloornms. * In aby Ong W'ehion, -thenwe ere OG topes of coonleers of 3 Levels of employee. These ene: Top Level MIS LeveR oud operostion Reve®. The clessPirahion is persued based on the type of wowle- The Humbe of wookens and be Cevels can be voepresenied fh c pyrcmd » > Completely unsiruch;) Mid Leve.2. => Sew erutduved > Stouchuved) Opewotion LeveR Routined Figuoe: Levels of senvite Rr ah ongamzahion Ag the type of cvomle of Mid LeveL ow tep Reve k employee & vot ghochwed dhenshied \enowledoe i& voequined fow these Levels . Aroug these, fincemoral Jerswledge Lolds He mog} tapontout position. Fore tws, ecrcouring 5% Modisperseble * wrth the help of my knowledge of Atcourdha, Tecan egtimole the fees? bility ay well ag proof ttebilitty of any prgject clich is an Rmpon tent por} of Ovi) Bug et Wu5 - based profession . * The ultimete gocl of omy CmBomizertion 1 to Earn money o19 galing prof. with- ~out the kuewledge of accounting, PM % vot possible to contwibule fh this voespect - Exomple 5 Awecs OMStouctuwal Design Fitom (Budget Roepanctbu): ee ee ee ee Tra coucsunal design fiom, alorg with Vrecessery Civil Eugiveeraing calcula}ion fon {he feasibilit of the shouckiwe FB also vequiced to Fah the pegect cath optimum pookt Using OX pefecd budget for covsiation wiedlerials, srevsportahion cost, Lobo cost aud Se ob. For oll these, nowtedge of account's rs must - (@Corsuttaurcy Favow (Eveuniug Poyect Feasibilrts): TE I eocut to wovole fn top Reve? on wird Seve of a consulterrs Léon, PL colll BE My dudy 10 checle the feesibity of Vemeut civil errgiveemis prgects. Fer everlutetiie the Prosneral feasibly of Oy Lerwe gecle progject, T con use wy Knowledge of Atcounting - | (ii) Teemgpowtartion Evgincersiins, (Route Design cot, / ‘ | Optinnm paofi't) ~_—~_—_€_“~<~<+_<_~<----_-____~ kr ee om TPT coat Lo work fr a twonsporotarion engbeeni. Pyro, T eve Jo design The woowes of different roads, Highways cud brardges cd thee, sig my Jeo Sedge of Drrountivg . J can aston ths) ensureiug optimum protrt @M Ceotechuire,) Engineering (Risk, Memnagement) : | TFT wen) Jo woke ~yself iy geotechuita | | ehofieening prajects, T heave jo deal wih the fomdation cos}, soil meehauics auglysis cash | end So om iha specific POPVEC}. Voing my )evow- -Redge of Accombing. J can delermite before- shed how muth fireworal vemgle does the prgect mejhods possess . © Evitweprevenship (Keeping Wool of Toonsach®»y ond Decksion Modsive > Veer TEI wont to oper my ow Civil Evgineeving feom, Twetst need 10 Ic0eep toc of my orgenization's tmomgachionn thoroughly aud also need +o melee decisrous fova the Rupwovemest of my compeny cud Pts profit Use my lenowtedge of | Atcountiug,. Aus. to the Q:uo-3 rn eaaeESEESeerEe@O@mw—wS ow” | gid Eeceplce of Awe: Lomd @® Cash Actourt Receivable Investmeuit © Prepaid Tnomeanrce @® Prepaid Salaoy @ Bull ding @) Fuori ture @® Wrodemavwl< @® Rtent Th10 Exoumples of Eswenses: @Saleny experse @ Wages expense @) Asversistng expense @ Commision expeuse O Delivery expense @ Reut enpevrse G@) UPirty expense Bowe ehovage @ tevest expense @Ivermroine Sx pense Ty do vamples of Lia biti *es (D Bows Coow () Aco’ payable 0) Bod poyadle Mesolony payable Owege peyale ©) Tawes payorble WW) Reork payable @DNote payable ® Defevred vaeveune /Uneawned Genuite Revenue © Leese Lidsbilrlres Th 5 Examples of Revevues Soles Revenve . @® Service Revenue 4 meyrre @ Beurk Idewest Received @Divident Recelved oO Subsewiption Revenue wilievo Ans. to the @.v0-4 ‘eo~+Txr"'"=">*v Ores Debrt Credit Formula Tn accounting, debit means citing the amount of teansartion fn the Deft side of the accounting entry. Ou the othewheud, evedit denotes the vfoht side. Actowding tothe “Doble Eniny” gysiem of Actonmtieg, Love chy povetfoulals trorsoaction, F ey eceount fe debrted. theme i& alecys anoiher Commespon ding aceouut for teat trousechon, cvwbith & credtled. Every teonsachon hes two eoloes, ore ay ao cred? oud quoter cs a debit. % Pw cecourt & debtled chen thene IS an Sheree fh “Asset” ov "Experse” othenevise, cohen tere is a decnewe th "Liability, “Egufty* and "Revehue ”. Pm account FS Credited colen these §S a decreare fin *Asset” ov "Exmperse” othenaise , cohen +tnewe 1S Gh frewevse fn "Liablitty’ » "Egwiy" oud " Revenue” \ Example of Asset: A peesorh purchased find —_—_—_——™ costing 2,730,000 fore cash. — Debi'L : Hee, the asset “Rend” i& freweased. So, thene i o debit of Z,40,000/= — Credit: The esset “cass” & decvecesed. So hee (Sm cwedtt of 2,90, 000/- WExcumple of Lrabilvty: A person purchased offte ~~ equip eiit costing 35,000/= Oh ehedsk + — Debit: Hene, the ceset ‘office eguipmen) ” ig fremecsed So, ene iso debrt of 25,000] Credit: Ag the purchase i8 oh cwedib hene the. APrabilrty fy also incweaged, thus {ere TS a credit of 35-000) [fh Excomple of Experse: An ongoulecdion's owbete a pd cadvenioong enperse. of 19, 000/2 jreash. Debit: Heme, expense 15 froweaged, go it B debit. > Credit: The asset “cagh” js decmeased, So it Ie ene dit. Th Example of Revenue: A powk oconers wocesved 40,000/ cash 0 powk euiny fees. — Debit : Hene the asset "cosh" & furcveased. So ft iS @ debt of 140,000/- — Credit : The wererre fs freweased hewe. So Pe Po oO Credit of 10. 000/- GhExcmple of Bully: A peoson invests Yo-000/- TO" for Cr busivess. “sDebit. Cush %y Menecsed- So iS a debit of FO, 000f . Credst: Crouer’s equity & jUcweased, go it fs co cvedtt of yo, 0 Of: Thue, the double evry system 1S majituined for ol treusactions of oll fhe five elemends of fiiguctal Ghabemeut.

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