6 - Cold - Calling - Objection - Rebuttal - Resource

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Cold Calling Objection Rebuttal Resource

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This resource shows you how to handle knee jerk cold calling objections.

Initial Strategy

The best way to overcome knee jerk rebuttals is to totally ignore them; don’t even
acknowledge their existence and continue with the call as if they didn’t even happen.

E.g. “I’m not interested”

Most salespeople would enter the prospects frame and start handling it head on or just give
up. What’s better is to say “thought so, let me ask….” or “makes sense, (question)” and then
proceed into another question. Just keeping the conversation going will break the pattern. By
ignoring the knee jerk objection and asking a question (that the prospect will be
unconsciously obliged to answer), their attention shifts from the objection back to the
question about their business.

So, in short, the initial best strategy is to not even try to handle the objection, just ignore it or
lightly acknowledge it and ask a question.

The secret is to remember this: most salespeople suck and have their own knee jerk
automated responses to objections like ‘not interested’. When you react like every other
salesperson, the pattern cannot be broken in the prospects mind. But when you react in a
totally different way, you’re going to get the meeting.

Move them away from the objection and back on to the problem.


Remember that just like everything else in sales, attitude is the genuine secret. You want to
sound happy to hear their objections and you want your emotional state of enthusiasm and
confidence to be so extreme that it’s contagious. Remember, emotions and attitudes are
contagious. What do you do when everyone in the room is laughing? You laugh, or at least

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“Not Interested”

“Of course you’re not interested. You don’t have enough information to be interested. The
fact is, you don’t know me and I don’t know you. Why would you be interested?”

(their response)

“Now, when I called you I knew… I knew you weren’t going to be interested until you really
saw what I’ve got. Now let me ask you this...”

“I’m busy / don’t have the time”

“I know you’re busy and I know you don’t have time, and because you’re busy and don’t
have time, this never gets done, let me ask this...”

“Send me an email / send me over some information”

“Oh yeah I’d be happy to! Let me send it over to you right now, while I’m doing that, let me
ask you this…”

“We don’t have the budget”

“That makes total sense, you see most of my business comes from people we call because
we think they might be a fit.. You didn’t call me, I called you, and because of that why would
you have a budget? Of course you don’t have a budget for it! Now let me ask you this…”

“Let me try it for free / can I get a free trial”

“I love that request - hats off to you. You know, the only reasons people ask for a free trial is
because they think they aren’t going to use it, or it isn’t going to work, or because they’ve
been burned before... out of those three, which one is it for you?”

“We’re already working with another agency/company”

“Look almost everyone I talk to today is already working with someone else. You see the
need. That company is fulfilling that need, or at least part of it. My goal on this call is to
simply provide you with enough information so you can see that there might be, maybe
there’s not, another alternative. I only need a few minutes of your time to see if this is even a
fit for you; the last thing I’d want to do is waste your time, or mine for that matter. If after the
first 5 minutes of the call, I don’t see this being a fit and you don’t see the value, we’ll end the
call and call it quits. Fair enough?”

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
“What do you do? / How does it work?”

Here, simply state your offer and follow it with a question about their business.


We help crossfit gyms get 30 new and qualified athletes in the door per month for group
training memberships on a pay on results basis. Let me ask you this… (would 30 be too
many for ya?)

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other

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