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Uncommon, Wondrous tem Uncommon, Weapon (greatbow), (RA) Uncommon, Ption ‘You can embed thishack inta-a creature, dealing 1 piercing damage. You must attempta grappling check the creature is You regain 444 + 4 hit points when ‘unwiling. Whe this hook is embedded in ‘While holeing this bow you cannot be thereshofa creature, the hook grants the | | suprised Adiionly,when creature | |YOU atin this potion, 1 minute later Creature the ait to breathe sormsly” | | within thi bow'srange's targeted ay an | | YoU take Sd + 5 necrotic damage, undencsterAddtionly thecresturefas | |" opporunty attack, you ean useyour | | The potion’s red liquid turns a sickly ‘ak asa rate of 60 et per turn while | | reaction to make aanged attack wth es ‘green when agitated, underter,sunable osm and most bow spainet that csr, ‘tal along the boom aston and: A Thema Uuidaosdceneett | | Thelifelenders of Leachpor send out crexturecanvemove the hook witha DC 12 | | remains er igiant sony tess ees | | thelr legendary liquid vitality in droves ogee Sh nd) ck, siftegand sami. Bows stapes | | tothe ang masses Wel known to Cafe treatise sahungie of Rowager| | wood bere uncanny lrnet upon he ts Rees engcopsdaunto || wer coving searchers temple | | D0 6 at ts boon comes ui cour of Baron Baron The Baron Po ther fiesing misstep, strings attached to be repaid in ful, ‘made fteraubolebootbad of capes were plus interest! drowned ysohuogs unaware thatthe loners couldnt breathe underwater Value: 27% Value: 7 Value: 27% ‘Uncommon, Wh, (Requires Atunement) Uncommon, Weapan (cut), (A ‘uncommon, Wespen (dagger) (RA) This fuetined batheobe is enchanted to cesar eget aol fe achieve an unprecedented level of comfort. | | This large oaken log has an oafish face | | /eversrss in alow lee core e ‘When worn ta sleep, fourhousiesuffciens | | carved into it, You gain a+1 bonus to | | Siweryulcasipentsromse sthttenoed fora long rest and you gain 2610 temporary| | attack and damage rolls made with this | J | yourscne era ame ore tern the hitpoints when you awaken, when aotomng hemamoney youre reer rave magic weapon. You can force a Large oF | | sarin dew to suanent te fle’ number fore Curse, Onceyouve used this bathrobe t | | Eater ne rs foot Soe smaller creature hitby this magic ‘Sage yah duet coh oce Ecctycamoeseepueoutc Ustess | | Wéapentomake 2 DC 10Stength | | “i eee you'eewearng the bathrobe, youcan't gain | | S2¥iRg throw or be knocked prone. | | Yexhnes i ounata maa damageoiaie the benefit of along est fr 1d4 deysatter | | Curte. Youhave disadvantage on | | i StSng tn taggr try ‘you ast eng rest using tha bathrobe. Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity prong stone dere ‘Minis Maxirus Vad one of these (Acrobatics) checks while attuned to | | utterly cout eee aztec delicous plush robes crafted foreach day of fen Whe neh ogee soa ot Te this magical weapon, Additionally, when ‘the weet, so he'd never have to goa night da 20¢0h ie ‘ig that dens dog you canon ore yourala 20tohitwiththis weapon, | | “sin dani” nase tout te goat confor Supreme ‘the attack always misses. aces ropes ren sed eco be aed Value: ??%g Value: 7 Value: ??% Uncommon, Ption Uncommon, Weapon (arow) Uncommon, Wendéous tem This large boar haunch has been arty of ts ammunitonis determined | | _ smoked and seared perecton, Tis smal glass vial containe 1 | | ™")fSonrainetpinnadocr tn | | although thas an unnatural us, the ‘ounce of orc blood imbued with the | | uncommon arrow is steeltipped, rare is haunch never rots, and a DC 15 ‘might of Gruumsh. When you drink rithtltipped, and very rare Is Wisdom (Medicine) or Intelligence this potion you gain the agaression | J gq atmamnstned, |] (arcana heck wil reveal that ti of an ore fr 1 minue. AS a bonus [Ahmnoce roy typed nese Exige ment own tthe action on each of your turns, you | | on iy this arew deals an extra 166 bone wil provide a full day's [can move up to your speed toward a| | satant damage tothe target. The camage | | nourishment and grant you advantage hostile crenture that you can see, | | eearesty 166 fthetargetis an undead | | “on Constitution saving throws for 8 Wetinehccnncolareecstceiee | | Saconsaton sun tom Shella downed the vscous crimson || (ueritiy hisarow'musrsuceeden® || cgiaufantemestwl egy ly liquid, shattered the via in her bare C13 Constitution sang tro or cooked eiricenel the course hand and et outa mighty beliw | | Heda ead cose Oncethts] | ca rag nove aherou eat fom before charging into the ray. stage thearmmeniyen'snelorger | | she haunch you have disadvantage on saves against spells or effects from Value: 77%g| Value: 7 Value: ?7%g| Uncommon, Wh, (Requires Aturement) | | Uncommon, Wane, (Requires Atunerent) Uncommon Potion This hollow gourd contains enough This wandhas 7 charges. While oldng| | abt ceve one Large orsmaler it, you can use an action to expend 1 of ereatly Whe wating hssalsman vhenyouuse | | YSU UE aN ton to ePerd 1 ef] | chanced hile wearing th pa, ‘your wild shape ability to turn into a beast, | | '*S charges and choose an unoccupi granting you advantage on Wisdom you gain 3 temporary hit points fr each’ | | Space on the ground within 60feet of 1 | perception) and Wisdom (Survival) ale ereture within 30 feet of you, toa | | you. Rolla d8 and consult the table to | | cies that rely on hearing ar smell. The| roumumot 2 tpory pote Ise] | cover whathappens A plant or | [Mees at son Reng oral Tenor poms datppewrwhen yo | | fungus produced by tha wand withers vo okey rovers osforedinnslig e tantra hing det || rg dyads you eve the hours. away after 8 hours she people that wel within the gloom of The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended | | a chonuood pant their bodies when they 0 to war. This paints infused with a wand’s lst charge, rollad20. Ona, | | % me ieeout piercing oui, the hint wos. medial heb, cultivated or Nelecoat perce tosh ‘the wand crumbles into dust ands inl hart, culverts wee sensesherpering properties Enemies hunted by these painted warbands find i reorlyimpossble to hide. Value: 77 Value: 7g Value: 77 ‘Uncommon, Weapon (2eW) Uncommon, Wondrous fem Uncommon, Weapon aow) “ap soppy wank at Bese ccpiedty 3 aptow: The sparow sendy to | | The arty of this magic ammunition s whoever wets thehac anda ge songinns. | | determined by the age ofthe sorpula “The arty ofthis ammunition is determined pha na y the 28 “pu ‘bythe type of gemstone embedded in ts sen content. stinger fied tots tp. An arow with» ‘while weasng the hit you can cast the anil esaengr spel a level fom the at targeeng ony the sparrow a the messenge ‘er th spartow deers a message, Rly shat. An uncommon atow is chysobery, ‘arels peridot, and very rareis emerald ‘Chrysoberyl. Ax entropic attow embedded lara stinger is uncommon, jwenieisraee, and adult is very rare The poisonous effects ‘ofthe artow are non magieal and eamnot be ‘itysbeninsshesemageal | | harness tibespanoncomisersmond | | Sezeheo canceled an amting Bi properties ‘ip cur Lahoun long komatsaep inane | | Laval Avenomousarow tpped wth 2 ‘Ona hit, this arrow deals an extra 148 for & hours before tt can be sent on another " retort ye ss ‘ale eee secede damage oihetnger Ptvetaget || abn tesparen dcsnotieuc'coue | | Acteatice bt bythe arow takes an eta reduced byansmounteqalo thereto | | Evens ote Woe sprow deg rn | | Coteustn svg throw orbe posoned ever amount alte ect || Fes nga tarasenncnper | | fort mine Aposoned centre can dana take Ths reucton assure) | caiman ard i sel Cul | teat te save she dof each fs eur ses along rest Once it | | can the nil mesenger apliahiewearng| | tus, ending the fect an a success. Once target, the ammonit longermagical) [ye hat and target noche creature tobe the Ithits a target, the arrow i no longer reset pon en ‘maflcal and its venoms expended, Value: 77 Value: 772 Value: 77 Uncommon, Weapon (vein) Uncommon, Wandrous rem Uncommon, Wend:ous fem Tide ofthis anal dispenser re 1242 wid oT Ethetel chins spring fom anything | | Mtrieee osteo rnd wth sen {Em horehound cred chewing Eom Pe Asa ation youcan str to chew ast ot gum, this magical javelin hits, binding and | | whleyou are mounted ne weangtheboots, | | whie chewing the gum you car ees ane tethering itto the ground. Acreature | | youcanactharethem as aborusacson tuple | | tough sod maar for upto I minut, st which hiebytisjein musemates 013 | | yormsintraowmen yet tonne || yt tegmsna nine: nr ne Strength soving throw, orits fying | | ““fretectentyath bons acon ot | | satus sppestanpent sd do peer ht speed (if any) is reduced to 0 feet for 1 ven ress ns revere dinning inet eectend he et Trine, An akborne creature affected | | garstwcisesctenwsson tstrepenyot | | penevne 1 betel aoe tec conmen sy ts spel safely descends a 100 eet| | ‘Seboascenottevedaponvteren | | ‘pea\orapta 3 actorwoed rar Ther Pee aercciee keine oe satrces Bc ston ath et Bartone sapped ori te torpor and crise theeffect ends. tthe end ofeach of | | Sicevalme tally toes | | Asan acon bef ners ou ca ow isstums, the target canrepeatthe | | “stwthenneraryotelcudesenfrmes,| | sousband sch the bb aseserce saving throw, ending the efeccona | [awtorenpy wan heed tee cla neqiy| | The ble aows wens toweetyangra ‘rom passing though them. Thevision an Success. Once the javelin hits a ‘oontee pond mitre an apolgytoslone | inch meter cel on the sac tl ach to 6 cess. Once thejavelin tsa) | param fry wee twahe roads | | i they ateande theft of ths pur The ‘reature, it becomes nonmagical the, thy woth to iho bubbilars une fver fades andthe deflate dia destoyed Value: 77%g| Value: 7 Value: 77%g| Uncommon, Wi (Requires Attunement) Uncommon, WI (Requires Arunement) | |unconnon,W (bien), Regutes Arunenent ‘When a creature ads ane of your Bare You have a +1 benus to ability checks ‘Tbe ha te thon poet wih ana Inspiration die to an attack or damage rol, | | tower! feed sleng gestae ars hing these eves tsk Asan acon | | Motatondectoanatacer das ol |] owes ome }you can hold these tools up toa door to| |you can pay the shawm as reaction to deal] | ‘pimiencemmn age egw clynd ee ear through it, as long a= Ws no thicker| |” thunder damage equal to one ol of your Teton en than I foot alerting you tothe location | | __aecielnepration deta the target. seo te en ee of any creatures within 20 feet of the ‘Additionally, you can play the shawm as an & ‘eine wegen door you setoff3trapwhie using | | , tients castthunderwave, hater, of erect mc thing bat ndthatepllcansbe cart | | nent ng rine ark these ols halk you have’ | | "Mn: andes a be ceo advantage on any saving throws to ‘vast ye armace born bastards of the seo, | | Muratrow OC swe Fr hater ress the tap forastmiscbraun'endareienl eel | | ypeyosgns ned fon se baiene de Ywesranthe thieves gut supply store He e, eee ewan etd one probatiy mde moremeneyselnghieing| | Ahonen slow soutweteuruee || eh oe culpent tothe thieves than the thieves Pa tat | | Zncnoneweanigntarketionasoe “siren tnesoal Aesop ugar andes | cee basen sro Value: 772g Value: 272g Value: 772g Uncommon, Wi (ResuresAuneree)_| | Uncommen W gresteeongswor) Ra) | | __Uncommon, Weapon (anda) ‘As bonus action while waldng thi waspon you ean spl the grestansine a sheld and longed, Stetuedlssue steals ttemstechs | | of vergesham bockinoa gestae Youden he | | This handaxe deals an extra 148 iti icgcomers| | Sap td anne psychic damage to bearded vweigon, tha weapon "asthe ew aroperyin.| | Teatures and, on a successful it, ‘Sitierpseonrtnssvamneetssacin| | bothmodes You ateorafens wth thsweapen | | the target's beard is sheared clean icryatac omescenonercontconmnrtn| | nd sldtiyoete pelt oth pete Ts weopon has 7 cages One on each ofyour| | _ OFF Ifthe bearded creature's a mt turns yuemoxpendonesrmoreciigesto | | dwar, the axe deals an extra 2¢8 Streets sone dpa the Setogreheeewestconnnns | | weaponandecend the en) of you next stack Psychic damage instead. = Splocemrenh srsdchage Teac | | Jno the Barber loves nothing more cris | | “asthe damagennsteadoreweapor's | | than a else shave. Too close for some, eltruneenefarinitdepuyorcectzwe | | Terma damage, Ir wespen gan ide 1 : " % ‘expended charges cay at dn, Value: 77 Value: 779 Value: 77 ‘Uncommon, Wondeous tem [connor weapon Cangmd agus arienet| | Uncommon, Weapon (arrow bot) Toit aaa ng rine Ua ten tae Sipectct of scapa ts, secret avetyreninein,| sou tonto tach esdanazerts || letched with fh fins and tipped wth 9 vecgece of scomefi3andaCwctmct8.t] | made wth ths mage weapon whlein moon | |" serrated shark tooth, these bolt an herbed catinostov angel fee | |ihen a reste it yu can sewn 60 feet rated sherk tooth, these bolts and reno commen rssenthnt| | Sryqumatersn sack on aity check, ora | [2ftOws are designed for underwater use ound dliccarey if ateelcioniens | | semgtivon:youesnuseyaurresctontorota | | Youhave a +2 bonus to damage rolls Eidlessezrlstncs atte: | | Sn dsenthose web deeerare es | | -apunat reatures wth a swieming neninciiempsticayitoasest, | [Glew ones rope fasten sed] | speed and you ignore penalties to ert fedn niet int abou ntaea<3 | | torreduce aceaturetoONepoins wih tis | | UMderwater ranged attacks made with iesetaeianthntntset pee werd this plee of mogle ammunition eit nna eperts ew use Fyouuse tissweréto crease teratof| | _— Ketan Cleanwaters homemade xumtnayqecnnparroneegen | | acestuerstiertaniowert yourseauesne.| | rghsplting ammunition are the prefered SLIRSEAN CE” || ore neyo | [MO pROonmutenre eh Assn aefoynnn comm amc “end one por ofbedneesval 20, and | | Guoranteedo fire straight whether you're seeiceoyotencentata pet opto hen choose we oyu ase on land or underwater. Comesnontaranog n Rhead en Value: 77g| Value: 72 Value: ?7g| Uncorman Potion Uncommon, Wi (Requires Acunement) ‘Uncommon, Wend:ous item “Tse Gs bore concana 1e4« Tsemnavot | | Wis heavy of extremely Hot tothe touch, itt green wthaatghyseapy vaca. | | but doesnot Suen your hand, the proves has asubtysaty aloha bee wthagressy| | on ts surface shit subtly in your gasp, aftraste for hou ate you see aseringaf | | “endlessly retracing an arcane pater. | | This small pouch contains enough ‘ss bemrge yo lnae ste tees ofthe fst3| | “You can use the burning heats 3 fine sand to fil your hand. te Tels ofexausion andyouitpane mannan | | spuicsstng tors for yor spel wile yo Sedcurertitpontsineaeeby cach tine | | gfencqsung focus orvens spe whle | | magically cefls itself dally at dawn. esite matt a ee iw ccsafopas | [Asan action, you can grab a handful ‘determine the effect. ‘that deal fire damage. of sand and throw it at a creature Lonsntcmerssioy maou | | Auaotinmlatin saben scion | sin 5 fet of you, That ereatre eermmecrentecmttngrny | | atleteligtebonegten youre, || ee abea OC 13 Bente saving seve sen owns moe 30 feet ciyeu The weapons of throw or be blinded until the end of cuougemetoaes.| | Sioetetgce eda | f°" aucnc tn See oan ME | taming weapon des cas 14 POCKET SAND! 5. Sele infest your har. fire damage. Once thls propery i used, It 6. Crabs within 100 eof you wil ite up tage e volo corglte cangot be used again uni you complete a yoursigh the Tete rere ean ne Value: 27% Value: 7 Value: 27% ‘Uncommon, Wespon (sou | bal) ‘Uncommon, Wespon (eword) Uncommon, Paton TW ie of mail wvmnivon made wit? Tap ky ed ap plows be gt. ‘your cougulted blood When yournatearanged | | Hyoureduceacretue toot points wths | |ZNs Fo ofa oe ae ion ve fichogansiacercreusngatooctsyou | | _ mele techs the lode youcen | /SMTE He spon ret skocrentes perc anchoosetohnetthe tend otdeang | | chonseoimmedatty ean Lehi pots | | SM of hadenedrean ating yous amsge Onahichecreureraane ashe | | Genrer lee camegs on yournwxrnewth | | 2AC‘er] hou Kyou we miectd are eine “iron Consus undngand | | | Serarewhle eps ate route re Ayouradice acetueto Oh pontsusrea | |cnstrewitovt osorsneqnain fg do | |, SAT¥Be ated the sp epee Ussdshecernceeodemsvaier, | | ‘sttggete open. oy hecerneewbo | [Og Eh cance wna 15x ad body mess ou anchors to ene sae ciated theblae cane this propery, | | YoumussTabe 206 1 De searestbin 0 feet he exposing cence | | the aby co summon aoodad canoe | | TNE 45 re damage ona fle sie, oho at Teregan Lehi prtsormake 0013 | |lmedby seyrg tay sare ortencerfor 24 | Te camage ona tuceflone The bot Dey sing on. Osta the ceatce | | hous tnd acoso 50 gp. Once you hve then lot nthe sp brs sy ee ‘ase ds peng camsge lene tiepocesyoucanueeanactonso. | | Scepellon esepdectescale of ager Thesiytouttbieccobelenedby | | simran abode whenyou summon ne | | Sak sate fal smurensy ey dace stungttoma tome artacherfee Shorea] | Bd yu tre 246 pare eta loo Ny flonmate gies he oes yo cst of 00g. Onceyoutvelexnesthe | | Youcachoosetolse Sao pas ead | | Zoey reecsond onal des ut or sce, youeanspendImnuteocrs upto 10] | gana Sonete tack and donage re ts | | SUaCedto Meet nd pager Sisobohs fr eschpece sunmanesyulese | | tebade Te Sloodsace es ashore before | [CME ond ep ero om he copes “outs ofgumats ests pon me et. 146i pons deo Blood os A lobo ts soles andi destoyed 2h bef dssoes and is deszyed onder Value: 777 Value: 779 Value: 77 Uncommon, Armor (shied) Uncommon, Armor mem heavy (RA) | | Uncorenon, Weapon andar Baten FA) ‘While this axe is on your person, you ‘While you are wearing the shield fa targe | | Clusters of heinous spikes spring from | | cannot be surpsed, except when you coxsmallr creature makes amelee tack | | che cuirase, pauldcons and vambraces of | |e incapacitated. Additionally, you have| ganstyou and misses, you can ose yout Sencodensrnen vantage on opportunity attacks made entagt cap ree: One oled ve, | |The armor has 3 charges, and regains al] | with this axe, When a hostile creature thecreatretsdsumedon tae an | | expended charges daly at dawn. As an | | thatyou can see moves out of the axes tinarmed tke taeceatre grapples | action while wearing the armor, you can| | rormal throwing range (handaxe on), {escape DC 13} The slld closest entrap | lexpend 1 charge to gain 5 temporary ht] | you can use your reaction to throw the thewesponor create, anddoes ot | |” points cresture its you with a | | axe a the creature, The attack occurs provcesbonistoACuntitsreleses.A | | mievateach inte you hove these nc | | tigtbefore the creature leaves the Cremture con ise an action to cemove 8 axe's normal range Doints the creture takes 5 peri trapped weapon with a successful DC 13 sare © | | s hitled from branches ofthe weirdwood Stengt (lets) check We wearing ee. af sof shesieléyoucenreease atrappeswespon| | The moclousyregrowing amar of torb | | es these weapons bestow uncany Srevetrewieneveryoulie rattan." | | the Pushionues worth tsweighti | | overeressupon the welder. The ges hat “ented wood, oof which was mode spot from ts handle pn wld, eer ‘and unbinkingly attentive to thelr Value: 77%g| Value: 7 Value: ?7%g| UUnconmen, Weapon apen Uncommon, Weapan (sword), (RA) Uncommen, Weapon Spe Thehead of ths speatisin te shape of watchfl je. The spearhas 3 charges, art regains al expended charges ly at dawn. As a0 seton you can expand | earge to cst he lem spaliam the sper Youhave advantage oa the reat tack you ste wth thi spear against» clear that gges on alm ey ths spat ‘ortega ad choren raring place forthe eng, Abou wae the a spots he perintermostuaae to ambush ard topped he {dors spear on the goad Rented sf thad ‘ach et strc he dey so ond Abou fe resonant urors trough he davod sha indeed tal othe spt The eet wos msi burAbdoulnew thet e wuld be star eed an wanted te ctenped one comp ong Aaa song ond ese be ult testy ‘Once on each of your turns, when you hita creature with this magic sword you ‘can curse It until the end of Its next turn. Whenever the cursed creature males an attack rll ora saving throw, the creature must rll d4 and subtract he aumber rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. This curse has no effect fon a creature under the effect of the bane spell. A remove curse spell ends this effect and grants the target Immunity tothe sword’ curse for 24 hours. ‘You can exact lenoledge rm the ood you eat, Tule using tise. ean aeson ube tng the ash of crestre, you eantelpaealy at the crete one question as you cst he speak cs dead spel the response appess sly and ‘suatly your mins. Tipper can ab ego enact iflooaton fem » este once ‘Astor, you have aevantage on ay check deducelnowledge aboutactectues ed exprence woae lash you hive consumed curse yu et the Pasha a huranond with ths fate you become cused lth sr rsnle hunger or onanol mex. You an one level of custo for every 3 dys that pss without extng homanoid mex. The exhaustion ean only Teremoved by eating 1B of haranoi es, ushich remove aleve of exhaustion the cused, the exhaustion i rereved as wel Value: 27% Value: 7 Value: 27% UUncomman, Weapon (rapier, (RA) ‘uncommon, Wespen (crossbow) ‘uncommon, Wespen (éar) The balance of this blade is impeccable, When a creature makes an attack against you with disadvantage, the next attack you make with this sword against that creature has advantage. This sword is most artfully wielded in the hand ofa cunning scoundrel, who {goods their opponent into a misstep before piercing ther sft underbelly, ‘The reinforced arm of this heavy crossbow shields you from attacks while ‘you launch bolts. While wielding the crossbow, if you make a ranged attack with it, you gain halF-cover against attacks from the target. Ths defense lasts untl the start of your next tutn, or ‘nti you attack another target Alternatively, while wielding the crossbow you can use an action to grant yourself halfcover against all attackers. Alming this weapon effectively requires substantial strength Your attacks with this crossbow have disadvantage If your Strength score is Tower than 13, ‘is darts charged wth Mrupting sweey capable of tporly severng 2 targets onnetin tae Teele po each drt omreseac urls embedde nea age here expands outwards to masini damage ‘Once darthas baer shown, must be rewound wth an acon before rea be thrown gt, A crestire hit with this arcane see ay aby that eques the creature to spend Wi paint for inate Atte and ofeach of heres’ rs, Teeth make a De 13 Constitution saving on, ending the effec on a succes. ‘Stan Bart monks on). When yourake an oad "uth bdo ou con xpend 7 panto onplty ‘he dsnar energy wthin® Ona the ret rrartsureed ono Contr sun tow aga "your isa OC besturned ule end of our Value: 27% Value: 7g Value: 27% Uncommon, Wondrous Kem, (RA) Uncommon, Wandtous em, (RA) Uncommon, Ring, (Requles Attunement) When anather creature heals you with ‘magic, you can use your reaction to reduce the ht points cegained by 5 and regan 1 i point instead, ‘Asa bonus action while wearing this poncho, you can cast the blur spell. As a reaction when you take damage while the spells active, you can teleport up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, Once this spell has been cast from the poncho, it can’t be cast again Lunt the next dawn unless you spend 2 la points to do so. Walkers of the Sunken Path that wear these vestments shift in and out of sight at ila they meld nto ther surroundings. ‘ou can attach this teub to alongavord reser ale, shareware, or seinstrby pressing the tuba agnst for at ast] mint, Stwhch pane iepaces the swords hand que thereat, te tubs eat be renoved unless ou deta isan ation or the weapon i destoyed ‘sword can only have ane tsb ached oat ‘Whia you ae ldng a sword wt heb ‘tached and you sr hit by ranged weapon stack youcan ue your reaction deflect he smissa Make an tach ol with Sis swore the {ota rumber rolled equltaorhigher han the ‘tackrollof se incoming ranged stack, you daflec the mane nd tate no samage. Tie "ack anne benef fom avaneage ot deadvantage. say oe ret ir he nd pe i ou wet ‘etn psd el tote och The tgs 3 ac nh ng spre her a Soon of ee oinrg opr tng a oa NctoeniuhnesutiGeetcftceetar iceeein Wenge the easton ft Ligmeng hed fe ocala neo the aint poet our meapen ac fp of ‘Heseesh jovssnmens ein ace ofce nde iUsotupestha yo enseenin ge Tee nvein caste damage and wegen peprtso8 fp jn tare he nnn ees he ‘tt scteé on 9619 Dewey stg ors ae ‘hsherigeon esse ow Value: 77%g| Value: 7 Value: ?7%g| Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (A) Uncommen, Armor Uncommon, Wondrous tem ‘This mace is formed from a large fungal stalk. Awispy cloud of spores continuously drifts from the porous cap, When you hit with an attack using this This amulet smells of ol, alestained| magic mace, the target takes a extra , Feige polconamage, | | This su of armors reinforced with | | wood. While wearing i, you can ‘Ahumanoid ile by tis weapon ses | | adamantine, ne of the hardest | | regain 4d4 + 4 hit points when you atthe star of your next turn asa fungal | substances in existence. While | | drink pint of beer, ale, mead, or footman that is under your command, | | you're wearing it, any erica hit | | wine. Once the amulet has restored following your verbal orders to the best cof ts abilty. The footman dies after 1 hour, and decomposes rapidly as fungus ‘overtakes its body. Once this property fof the mace accurs, it cannot occur again until the next dawn, against you becomes a normal hit. | | hit points, it can't do so again until the next dawn, Value: 77 Value: 7g Value: 77 ‘Uncommon, Wendeous item Uncommon, Weapon spe) (BA) LUneammon, Wendrous Rem (2A) ‘The bg haan air space consider agar ‘thane outside denon, tough 2 fst in amet athe moth ad tor np The bag ‘When you hit with a melee attack using tis tmagle spear and educe the target Ot Sivhulduptas00 pound, notecedna® | | ols You gah 246 xemparary it pols Solune ot Gtebicieet The bag waghe 15 | | Kor wesa ruthless chieftain whose tbe ued sounds serdareafts contre Receung an | | Mhe Bao Mourtans centres before the | | While you wear these boots, your erro the bag egies an setion anol of Srohd von Zaruch Athough ewes | | steps make no sound, regardless of very much ave Koxnhadsorevatsin| | | the surface you are moving across. ihe gis oveadet,pacedortom | | cammomurhaonpies hesepedung the day e ruptures ads desreyed arts cones se | | ‘ond hated tight, he dro the blood of x You also have advantage on seatered inthe Atal ane. 'the bgie tuned | | “prey, and be hed underground in bate, he | | Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely Insideout ts contents for unharmed, bt | | utelded a spear stained uth blood His os he ‘on moving silently Uhetag must be put ightbefoeeean be used | | Fst baad sper a weepon that ans fe fram ‘hose ils ond wanes that if tos wieder, Imbuing that india ath che stamina keep again Besthing creatures ise te bag can sve upto a number of inten equlto 10 iced by he romber of resnce (rinern 7 inte. ater wich ne ey begin to suffer Fghena Value: 77 Value: 779 Value: 77 Uncommon, Wondrous Rem (RA) Uncommon, Wondeous fem, (RA) UUacommon, Paion This bottle contains a breath of While you wear these boots, your | | These fared boots are snugandfeel | | terrental ix When you inhale walking speed becomes 30 feet, | | quite warm. While you wear them, you menial a Wen you imnae unless your walking speed is higher, gain the following benefits: rou exhale the breath, you gain and your speed isnt reduced ifyou | | Youhave resistance to cold damage. you you ga You ignore difcut terain created by | |the effect of the Gust of Wind spell ‘are encumbered or wearing heavy ice or snow. Ifyou hold the breath, you don’t atmor. In addition, you can Jump | | you ean tolerate temperatures as low as| | need to breathe for | hour, though three times themormal distance, | | "50 degrees Farenhett without any cy (fe though you can’t jump farther than | | sdcnional protection. If you wear henky your remaining movement would | | clothes, you can tolerate temperatures allow. 2 low 25-100 degrees Fahrenhet you can end this benefit early (for example, to speak). Ending it early doesn’t give you the benefit of ‘exhaling the breath, Value: 77%g| Value: 77g] Value: ?7%g| Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (A) ‘nzommen, Wondrous em, (RA) Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (RA) ‘While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (Perception) [White wearing this brooch, you have| | checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have You gain a +1 bonus to AC and ‘esbtance to force damage, andy0u) | aévantage on Dexterity (Stealth) | | saving throws while you wear his > es checks made to hide, as the cloak's cloak. Magic Missile spel color shifts to camouflage you. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action, Value: 77 Value: 7g Value: 77 ‘Uncommon, Wendeous em Uncommon, Wondrous fem Uncommon, Wend:ous fem This fat, gray-and-black river stone is Inseribed with an unfenown arcane symbol and feels cool tothe touch, While carying the stone. you can gain advantage on one ability check of your While wearing sis cloak with ts ‘This small sphere of thick glass [choice. The stone can't be used this way feotup youcontresths | Iwoighs 1 pound. eure wth 60] J, seul ener an Curse. Ths item is cursed. Attuning to it ‘curses you until you are targeted by a remove curse spell or similar magie. AS long as you remain cursed, you cannot discard the stone, which immediately teleparts back into your packet or pack, ‘After you use the stone's magic, your next two ablity checks are made with disadvantage, Value: 77 Value: 772 Value: 77 Uncommon, Wendi ous item Uncommon, Wandtous rem feet of it, you can speak its command word cause it to emanate the Light spell. swimming speed of 60 feet. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action. Uncommon, Wendéous tem ste cwds Atea Gund mnnce analy mor Found in a small packet, this powder| ugteegrce enstyisne | | sou you are within 6D fet of you mage ctie tos och yecadcaedann | [eavapeskitecommangwordand easier to] | resembles very fine sand. There is roles peeence stench | |" eaate the ght or Dag spel Once. | | enough oft for one use, When you chimantomfonbedekaediow tee gand| [88 Davi eect car'tbe used again} | use an action to throw the dust into paste Until the next dvi, This smal sphere of thick glass weighs L sntusotsteerrernttettemsonrtie | [Youcan speak nether command words an| | “tat You and each creature and thn card nd vemns ur dipled Ao tisoy | | action to make the iluminated globe ise | {object within 10 feet of you become Teen ee eset ae | finto the ar and Roat ne move than 5 feet off] | invisible for 2d4 minutes. The ies gases Crommet ner | | "the ground The lobehoversintisway | | duration isthe same for al subjects, yevsmin ie theasyentne tes | unt your another cresture raps yeu] | Guaton ste same fora sublets, ‘sekiyecm us anacintormetrageaty” | |" move more than 60 feet fom the hoveihg ermine inser eyamned || fabe flows you unt tiswitin eo feet | | magic takes effect fa creature Sioa pesrue Pewee | | yon tes career | Jet bythe das atack orcas jmcimcanines i seufee™ "| | Moyea em moving zsh ss | 1 pel, the vib ends for that ‘resher and ts ight winks out creature, Value: 77%g| Value: 77g] Value: ?7%g| Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (A) ‘unzommen, Wondrous tm, (RA) Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (RA) ‘These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. They have 3 charges. While || These crystal lenses fit over the wearing them, you can expend 1 | eyes. While wearing them, you have charge as an action to cast the | | advantage on Wisdom (Perception) | | Your Strength score is 19 while you Charm Person spel (save DC 13) on checks that rely on sight. In wear these gauntlets. They have no ‘a humanoid within 30 feet of you, | | conditions of clear visibility, you can] | effect on you if your Strength is 19 provided that you and the target | | make out details of even extremely or higher without them, ‘can see each other, The lenses distant creatures and objects as regain all expended charges dally at small as 2 feet across. dawn, Value: 77 Value: 7g Value: 77 Uncommon, Wendrovs Rem (2) Uncommon, Wondeous fem, (RA) LUneammon, Wendrous Rem (2A) These gloves seem to almost meld into your hands when you don them. ‘When a ranged weapon attack hits you while you're wearing them, you | | While wearing these gloves, These gloves are invisible while can use your reaction to reduce the | | climbing and swimming don't cost | | worn. While wearing them, you gain damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity | | you extra movement, and you gain a| | a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Sleight of modifier, provided that youhavea | | +5 bonus to Strength (Athletics) | | Hand) checks and Dexterity checks free hand, Ifyou reduce the damage| | checks made to climb or swim. made to pick locks. 00, you can catch the missle if itis small enough for you to hold in that hand, Valuer 7 Value: 7 Valuer 7 ‘Uncommon, Wondous em Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (RA) ‘Uncommon, Wondrous Re RA) Adie wolf tooth dangles from this simple cord necklace, While you wear it the necklace grants you @ , +41 bonus to ability checks and he wearing thee darlene, song thos hie wearing thst you an use you have darision oUF 10 227° |) Curse. attuning to Hatkon’s Bite_| J an ation to cast the Disguise Self you already have | | curses you until either Harkon Lukas| | spell from it at wll. The spell ends if darivision, wearing the goggles | | removes the necklace from you or the hats removed. increases its range by 60 feet you are targeted by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic. As long as you remain cursed, you cannot remove the necklace. Value: 77%g| Value: 77g] Value: ?7%g| Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (A) Uncommon, Wondrous em Uncommon, Wondrous tem, (RA) ]While wearing this helm, you can use an action to cast the Detect Thoughts spell (save DC 13) from it. As long as you ‘maintain concentration on the spell, you can use a bonus action to senda Your Intelligence score is 19 while ‘While wearing this helm, you can ‘telepathic message to a creature you ‘you wear this headband. It has no use an action to cast the re focused on ean seply mee? effect on you if your Intelligence is | | Comprehend Languages spell from eee ceoniteontinues 19 or higher without it. iat wil While focusing on a creature with Detect Thoughts, you can use an action ‘to-cast the Suggestion spel (save DC 13) from the helm on that creature. ‘Once used the Suggestion property Jan'tbe used again until the next dawn, Value: 27% Value: 7 Value: 27% ‘Uncommon, Wondous item Uncommon, Wondrous em Uncomman, Wendrous em, (2A) ‘niaszumen Fhe ards que This flat iron rod has a button on een ‘one end. You can use an action to Inscumentn every way. even yes of these The jewels in this insignia of the Cult] en eh ranel ara legen press the button, which causes the | | sees oy ith purple li Tard colge. The loweg bee thespele red to become magically fixed in | | 0 ® Oregon Flare with purple light 4 . * i eon contin tal ebrart sa the pl place, Until you or another creature | | po voiegyour tun rat sree ay Acne vices an acton to push the burton | | empowering your natural fists or | | "ieenprato ay thestumert thot beng es an action to push the butos natural weapons. stoned rs seeeedon 3 15 dom again, the rod doesn't move, even if it is defying gravity. The rod can hold up to 8,000 pounds of weight. More weight causes the rod to deactivate and fall, Acreature can use an action to make a DC 30, Strength check, moving the fixed rod up to 10 feet on a success, svg two tae 228 payche damage ‘While wearing the insignia, you gain | | yoy can sean ston to ply thelnstrumert and a+] bonus to the attack rolls and | | "esstone ot spes. Once thems anent hes 1e damage rolls you make wi been ved tocar pel can tbe sed tocar the damage rlls you make with || |r tan ule nxt nv, Thespee ae unarmed strikes and natural your speleasing aby sd pel sve OC weapons, Such attacks are solange heeounetwtleasing pe . at causes iy oft targets tobe charmed ons considered to be magical ‘aie svg Brow, thereby mposng dieabiotage one save Ths eet apis only fhe seis a somatic or amateral component Value: 77 Value: 779 Value: 7 Uncommon, Wondrous Rem (A) Uncommon, Wondrous fem Uncommon, Wendious em, (A) This jovelin sa magie weapon, When you hore and speakits command wor, “hes yi res —maect nn Sen somes aborting omnes} | whe it, thishooded lantern burns | | rites wutene ae eee unthin 20 tet Esch cree in, | |f0" 6 hours on 1 pint of ol, shedding Tthchthegoverbondwhyorsine thetine lading you and the tget mast | | bright light in a 30oot radius and | | ,whssaces teesins ouzanon a make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking | dim light for an additional 30 feet. anne “afhebeane orege on 2a swecone || Invisible creatures and objects are. | | sa'!yrsaca om sodst-msen nme The lightning bol turns back into ajavelin | | visible as long as they are in the er oumae ety cnn he ose when it reaches the target. Make aranged | |lantern's bright light. You can use an| |protsieny, you add double your picency Sona ote sweapon attack gana the target.OnaMt | | action to lower the hood, reducing | |.

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