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Media plan to increase student shopping

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St. Vincent de Paul of lane county

"We assist the poor and those in need of consolation, seeking out and utilizing every resource. Being mindful of the sanctity and dignity of all, any charitable work that advances those goals is within the mission of st. Vincent de paul."

competition objectives and goals audience Media outline schedule Media detail Budget evaluation

Katie Maccaskill | Mitch Kuhn | Megan parkin

st. Vincent de paul (st. Vinnies) is a nonprofit agency located in eugene, oregon. they help over 84 thousand people per year. as lane countys largest nonprofit human services organization, they focus in six core areas: affordable housing, emergency services, homeless services, recycling programs, retail thrift stores, and self-sufficiency services. eugene is the flagship location of the global st. Vinnies organization founded in 1954. the lane county st. Vinnies has incredibly diverse goods and services. they offer retail thrift stores, bookstores, a car lot, recycling and manufacturing services, and the largest mattress-recycling program in the united states. all profits go straight towards helping lane county citizens in need. currently, st. Vinnies is the least recognized of the five largest thrift stores in lane county. students are unsure of what to call the brand (st. Vinnies, sVdp, st. Vincent de paul?) and see it as cheap, bland, and overtly religious. students are very unlikely to look for second-hand items at st. Vinnies over other thrift stores in the area. Knowledge of the many services they offer the public has virtually no effect on students desire to shop there. students really care about price, selection, and store cleanliness.

st. Vinnies competes with many different types of stores in the student market. their wide array of products aligns them to compete with department stores and discount furniture stores like iKea and Fred Meyer. they also compete with costume stores and anywhere students buy costumes for holidays and parties. We need to make st. Vinnies fashionable in all departments, not just clothing. Year-long goodwill salvation army Buffalo exchange Walmart ross tJ Maxx/home goods Move-in (Furniture, household items) iKea target Fred Myer Halloween & Costume Parties spirit store party city online costume Websites

marketing oBjectiVe
increase college student shopping in lane county st. Vinnies stores.

media oBjectiVe
increase awareness of st. Vinnies among college students and create engagement with the brand.

Current Audience: community members of lane county, usually over the age of 45 with low to middle income levels. Perspective Audience: college students, focusing on students at the university of oregon. these students care about being individual and dressing like it. While some buy designer clothes, many are living off a small budget and need low price options for looking good. some students do need thrift stores, but most could also seek their desired clothes at department stores. to these people, st. Vinnies offers both low prices and the opportunity to be an individual.

anna is a 20-year-old student studying business at the university of oregon. she lives off campus. her main method of transportation is riding a bike or bus, but sometimes she can use her roommates car. she has a part time job but is still partially supported by her parents income. anna is fashion savvy and tries to keep up with the latest trends. however, her tight budget makes shopping for good deals important. When not in class, anna is studying or spending time with friends.

see details on next page

July 1, 2012June 30, 2013

st. Vintage Blog social Media

caMpaign anchors: running continuously

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oregon daily emerald duck life Magazine uo student survival Kit Fashion show uo street Faire Booth table tents and posters (advertising fashion show) Fliers

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media choiceS
St. VintAge FASHion Blog By showing how one can be fashionable while still being thrifty, st. Vinnies can market themselves to a new audiencecollege students. although the average college student may not go to st. Vinnies to shop for a coat to keep them warm in the winter, they would shop there to keep up with the latest hipster fashion. By hiring a trendy fashion blogger who already has a large following, the st. Vintage blog would be an instant success. they will be hired to post a minimum of three blog posts per week and will be compensated with a monthly stipend. they will encourage students to show off their own style and the blog would reach a diverse student audience. By submitting photos and videos through social Media sites such as Facebook, youtube, and twitter, students would have a chance to be featured on the st. Vintage Blog. $2760 ($230 per month) SoCiAl MediA as of now, st. Vincent de paul of lane county has a Facebook page and twitter account, but both could be improved. Because st. Vinnies already has someone in charge of their social Media sites, we would not have them hire anyone new, just have the sites become more active. to create a Facebook page that is college friendly we would encourage st. Vinnies to give a promotional incentive to those who post a picture of their finds and tag st. Vinnies. in addition to submitting photos, students could also submit videos through youtube. this would be a great way to share the many faces of st. Vinnies and show how one could incorporate their own sense of style into their clothing. the photos and videos would also be featured on the st. Vintage Fashion Blog to encourage tags and engage students with the brand. as for twitter, st. Vinnies will tweet highlights of the st. Vintage Blog, current st. Vinnies events, and ways the community could get involved. $0 Street FAire (Fall 2012, spring 2013) the university of oregon street Faire is a great way for st. Vinnies to reach out to college students. st. Vinnies will have an interactive booth at the street faire where students can try on clothing, have their picture taken in a photo booth, and take home a photo of themselves and friends with the st. Vinnies logo on it. By providing accessories that students can wear over top of their own clothes, students will interact with st. Vinnies clothing in a fun and playful way. By creating an engaging booth, they will attract a large audience and gain a respected college student following. $290 FASHion SHow during the street faire, st. Vinnies will hold a fashion show of models showcasing their st. Vinnies finds and how they show their individuality. Models will come from the blog, street faire sign-ups, and Facebook and twitter blasts. st. Vinnies will partner with an asuo group, such as the Womens center or the cultural Forum for additional help in finding models and using campus spaces. $0 oregon dAilY eMerAld st. Vinnies will advertise in the oregon daily emerald newspaper, which will specifically reach campus students. advertisements will be strategically placed during times of season change and holidays such as halloween. students will be looking for new clothing items to fit the specific forecast and new seasonal fashion trends, making it beneficial to advertise using a pulsing schedule. $2,992 (16 2x5 spot color ads, $187/ad) duCk liFe MAgAzine the duck life magazine specifically targets freshmen who are new to campus, making it a great choice for st. Vinnies to use in its advertising campaign. By introducing freshmen to st. Vinnies at move-in, they will be more likely to support it in the future. $500 (Full page, color) Student SurViVAl kit the survival guide has a dense distribution to university of oregon students. the survival guide is handed out at the duck store and at various other places around campus. this coupon book reaches nearly every student and has a long shelf life for a very low price. $1308 (Full page ad and half page of coupons in all 3 issues with color)



media Budget

We recommend that st. Vinnies conducts a survey after the 20122013 school year to test attitudes toward st. Vinnies among college students. if this campaign is successful, more students will know of st. Vinnies and be likely to shop there when looking for clothing, furniture, and household items. students will also view st. Vinnies as fashionable associate more positive words than bland, cheap, and overtly religious.

oregon dAilY eMerAld $2,992 uo Street FAire $290 uo orientAtion MAgAzine $500 Student SurViVAl kit $1,308 St. VintAge FASHion Blog $2,760

BeFore aFter

With $7,850 in media, st. Vinnies can increase student awareness of the brand and engage shoppers who identify with st. Vinnies and the st. Vintage Blog.



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