Chapter 5 Permutations and Combinations

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Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering

An Autonomous University

Permutations and

College of Engineering
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
• State and illustrate the principle of counting;
• Diagram the computations involving the principles of
• Apply the principle of counting in various area of problem
• Define and illustrate permutations;
• Apply permutations in various situational conditions;
• State and illustrate the circular permutations;
• Define combination and relate it from permutation;
• State, illustrate, and apply the formula in combination in
various applications.
Engineering Data Analysis
Measures of Dispersion and Skewness
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

5.1 Principle of Counting

In the study of statistics, we deal with
two kinds of problems,
§ the first is the problem of listing
everything that can be happen in a given
§ second is that of determining how many
different things can happen without
actually making a complete list.

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Principle of Counting

In a class of 20, the number of ways of selecting
a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.

President – 20 ways (all students can be a president)

Vice President – 19 ways (19 students left, one already elected as Pres.)
Secretary – 18 ways (18 students left, two students are elected as Pres. and V. Pres)
Treasurer – 17 ways (17 students left, three students are elected as Pres., V. Pres, and Sec.)

20 X 19 X 18 X 17 = 116, 280 ways

Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Principle of Counting

A burger machine offers a serving of soup, sandwich
and beverage. There are 2 kinds of soup (asparagus or
corn), 4 sandwiches (chicken, ham, mushroom, or tuna)
and 5 beverages (coffee, tea, milk, coke, or orange) to
choose from. Then the number of possible combinations is
Soup – 2 ways
Sandwiches – 4 ways
Beverages – 5 ways

2 x 4 x 5 = 40 ways
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Principle of Counting

If an experiment consists of throwing a die and then
drawing a letter from the alphabet, how many points
are in the sample space?

Die – 6 points (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Letters – 26 points (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z)

6 x 26 = 156 points

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Generalization of Principle of Counting

If an operation can be performed in n1
ways, and if for each of these a second
operation can be performed in n2 ways, and
for each of the first two a third operation can
be performed in n3 ways, and so forth, then
the sequence of k operations can be
performed together in n1 n2 …nk ways.

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Generalization of Principle of

A drug for the relief of asthma can be purchased from
5 different manufacturers in liquid, tablet, or capsule form,
all of which come in regular and extra strength. How many
different ways can a doctor prescribe the drug for a
patient suffering from asthma?
Manufacturer = n1 = 5 ways
Drug Forms = n2 = 3 ways
Drug Strength = n3 = 2 ways
= n1 x n2 x n3
5 x 3 x 2 = 30 ways
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Generalization of Principle of

In how many different ways can a true-false test
consisting of 10 questions be answered?
Question 1 = n1 = 2 ways (true and false) 2 = n6 = 2 ways (true and false)
3 = n2 = 2 ways (true and false) 4 = n7 = 2 ways (true and false)
5 = n3 = 2 ways (true and false) 6 = n8 = 2 ways (true and false)
7 = n4 = 2 ways (true and false) 8 = n9 = 2 ways (true and false)
9 = n5 = 2 ways (true and false) 10 = n10 = 2 ways (true and false)

n1 x n2 x n3 x n4 x n5 x n6 x n7 x n8 x n9 x n10 or = n!
2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 or = 2"#
= 1,024 ways = 1,024 ways
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Generalization of Principle of

How many dinners consisting of a soup, viands,
dessert and a drink are possible if we can select from
4 soups, 10 viands, 5 desserts and 4 kinds of drinks?
n1 = 4 Soup
n2 = 10 Viands
n3 = 5 Desserts
n4 = 4 Drinks
n1 x n2 x n3 x n4 = 4 x 10 x 5 x 4
= 800 different ways to choose a dinner.

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

5.2 Permutations
It is an arrangement of a group of things in a
definite order, that is, there is a first element, a
second, a third, etc. In other words, the order or
arrangement of the elements is important.
For example, the letters A, B, and C have the
following possible arrangements or permutations:


Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Different Types of Permutations

The number of permutations of n distinct
objects is n!

nPn = n! = n(n - 1) (n - 2) (n - 3)…(n - k)

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Arrangement of n object

taken n at a time
In how many ways can 5 CIE Examinees be lined
up to go inside the testing centers?

nPn = n! = n(n - 1) (n - 2) (n – 3)(n - 4)

P = 5! = (5) (5 – 1) (5 – 2) (5 – 3) (5 – 4)
5 5

=120 ways

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Arrangement of n object

taken n at a time
In how many ways can four dating reviewees be
seated in the review center without restriction?

8P 8 = 8! = (8) (8 – 1) (8 – 2) (8 – 3) (8 – 4) (8 – 5) (8 – 6) (8 – 7)
= 40,320 ways

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Different Types of Permutations

The number of permutations of n distinct objects
taken r at a time. It is the type of permutation of
determining the number of arrangements by taking a
sample ( r ) out of a given population ( n ).

nPr =
! #$ !

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Arrangement of n object

taken r at a time
In “Tawag ng Tanghalan” contest, the 10 finalists
consists of 4 males and 6 females. Find the number of
sample points for the number of possible orders at
the conclusion of the contest for the first three
!! %&!
10P3 = =
! #$ ! %& #' !
%& ( ) ( * ( +!

= 720 ways
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Arrangement of n object

taken r at a time
A basketball team consists of 14 players at a time.
In how many ways can 5 starting positions be filled if
all of them can play any of the positions?

!! %,!
14P5 = =
! #$ ! %, #- !
%, ( %' ( %. ( %% ( %& ( )!

= 240, 240 ways

Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Different Types of Permutations

The number of distinct permutations of n things of
which n1 is of one kind, n2 of a second kind,…, nk of a
k!" kind is

(!" !) ( (!# !) ( (!$ !) ( …(!% !)

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Arrangement of n object

some are alike
In a TIKTOK training camp, the coach needs to have 8 tiktokers
standing in a row. Among these tiktokers, 1 is from Bulacan, 2 is
from Laguna, 2 is from Batangas, and 3 is from NCR. How many
different ways can they be arranged in a row if only their place of
origins will be distinguished?
= &! ' (! ' (! ' )!

% ' * ' + ' , ' - ' )!

= & ' ( ' & ' ( ' & ' )!

= 1,680 arrangements
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Arrangement of n object

some are alike
A school plays 10 basketball games in the PRISAA
per season. In how many ways can the MSEUF
Wildcats end their season with 6 wins and 4 losses?
+! ' -!

&/ ' 0 ' % ' * ' +!

+! ' - ' ) ' ( ' &

= 210 ways
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Different Types of Permutations

Permutations that occur by arranging objects in a
circle. To find the number of ways of arranging n
different objects in a circle, we first fix or select a
position for one of the objects.

(n - 1)!

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Circular Permutations

In how many ways can 6 students be seated in a
round dining table?

= (6 – 1)!
= 5!
= 120 ways

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Circular Permutations

In how many ways can a caravan of 8 covered
kalesa from Intramuros be arranged in an oval track?

= (8 – 1)!
= 7!
= 5,040 ways

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

5.3 Combinations
Same as permutation, Combination also concerns
arrangements, but without regard to the order. This means
that the order or arrangement in which the elements are
taken is not important.
For example, in getting the number of ways in the
combination of the letters A, B, and C taken 2 at a time.
We have an out put of
We only have 3 arrangements, having the same letters in
the combinations but different in position is still same
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

5.3 Combinations
Combinatorial Formula
the number of ways of selecting r objects taken
from n at a time is C (n, r) or nCr where

nCr =
𝒓! 𝒏 #𝒓 !

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Combinations
How many ways are there to select 3 candidates
for a production planner position from 15 equally
qualified IE applicants?
#! '(!
15 C3 = =
%! # &% ! )! '( &) !
%- ( %, ( %' ( %.!
' ( . ( % ( %.!
= 455 ways

Engineering Data Analysis

Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

Example: Combinations
How many ways we can select 4 balls of same color
from a basket that contains 6 black and 5 white balls?
!! %!
6C4 = = 5C4 =
#! ! $# ! &! % $& ! #! ! $# ! &! ' $& !
* + ( + ,!
= ' ( &!
,! + - + ' =
&! ( )
). '
= -

= 15 ways = 5 ways

6 C4 + 5C4 = 15 + 5
= 20 ways
Engineering Data Analysis
Permutations and Combinations
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City College of Engineering
An Autonomous University

End of Chapter 5

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