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This is for the calisthenics enjoyer, or for a fella that has recently taken the
calisthenics pill. If you enjoy the best of both body weight, weighted calisthenics, and 10
barbell training, this is the program for you. This is more of an intermediate to 9
advanced program, but you can easiliy modify the program if you're on the newer
side. 8

How do I edit the spreadsheet? I Over/Unders

If you overshoot, that's cool. Jus

than what is calculated for you.
This spread sheet is pre programmed with all the equations you'll need. Simply input where it tells
you to
just (delete
bump up the

What is RPE? This isn't enough v

If you want to add volume to the
WANTED). Before adding volu
It's Giga brain for "leave some reps in the tank" RPE 7 means you left 3 reps HIGH quality first. (good ecce
in the tank, RPE 8 means you left 2 reps , RPE 9 is 1 rep in the tank, and RPE when applicable etc.) Keep in
10 is zero reps left in the tank. It is recommended that if you have never used foundation of technique is poor,
RPE before, to take your set to complete muscular failure. (meaning you If you do add volume, add a set
physcially cannot do another rep AND you tried to). This builds not only program UP TO 5 total combine
precision with RPE, but also mental toughness. sets on that exercise, add volum

What is Myorep/ Myorep match? What

"Myorep sets" refer tp a rest pause set (think 20 rep super squats) you take
breathing breaks (WITHOUT RACKING) every few reps until you reach the
prescribed rep count. Myorep match is a Giga brain way of saying "use rest
pauses on your second and third sets so that they can match your first set's
Rep count" Use the same exercise for your Myorep match sets. the first set of
a Myorep Match is typically always a normal set done close or to failure. See The Program tab

How do I pick appropriate loads How do I trac

The progression schemes used in this program prevent you from sandbagging Add your body weight to the we
for long, so relax and follow it as written. It forces you to use appropriate lbs added = 245 lbs total weight
weights by nature. when it asks you to notate)

How often do I swap movements?

Once you can no longer beat the books (add weight, reps, sets) IF AND ONLY
IF you're eating enough, sleeping enough, hydrating, and getting your
electrolytes in. If you are failing to do any of these to the best of your
ability, you need to fix those first. If you're doing everything you need to do
outside of the gym to support your training, you'll find that you need to swap See "how to select exercises" a
hypertrophy movements every 6-8 weeks. video resources to your desired
Concentric Failure, you physically cannot do another rep after trying
could have grinded out another rep
hard, but could have done two more reps
fairly challenging, could have done 3 more reps
feels like a warm up set, could have done 4 more reps, great for deloads

Waste of time lol.

I Over/Undershot My RPE or reps, HELP You gave me a range of sets to do, ho

ou overshoot, that's cool. Just make your back off sets a little bit easier I gave a range so that you can do more volume
n what is calculated for you. If you undershoot, make your back offs a little you're newer/unsure how much to do. Do more
der, OR just bump up weight and go for another top set. parameters as NEEDED to progress.

This isn't enough volume! /this is too much volume!

ou want to add volume to the program, add it AS NEEDED (not as
NTED). Before adding volume, ensure that the reps you are doing are of
H quality first. (good eccentric control, full range of motion, pauses
en applicable etc.) Keep in mind that if you add volume and your
ndation of technique is poor, you will not get the resutlts you think you will.
ou do add volume, add a set or two at a time to an existing exercise in the
gram UP TO 5 total combined sets. If you find you need more than 5 total
on that exercise, add volume in the form of a new exercise.

What are my rest days?

The Program tab

How do I track my weighted calistenics?

your body weight to the weight added. Example: 200 lbs body weight + 45
added = 245 lbs total weight (this is what you would type into the program
n it asks you to notate)

don't care about (insert muscle group)

"how to select exercises" and apply the tools that are described in the
o resources to your desired muscle groups of choice.
e a range of sets to do, how many should I do?

at you can do more volume if you want, and less volume if

e how much to do. Do more sets within the prescribed
DED to progress.
NOTES The Basics pt1

This lists the full selection of exercises that we recommend for This video will talk about the mindset you need
this program. trying new exercises

How to Bias Specific Muscles The Basics pt2
This video breaks down exactly how to find you
Once you understand the basics, you may want to bias certain "best" exercises. Use these resources along wit
muscles to bring up your physique or to improve your movements we provided to get started. This vid
strengtth. Watch the applicable video in my Final Answer future proof this program by picking motions tha
Playlist to assist with that. you.

Core calisthenics movements: Chin-ups, Pull-ups, Dips, Push-ups, Handstand push-ups, Ring push-ups, Reverse rows, Hanging

Shoulders: Handstand push-ups (Variation: BB or DB OHP)

Accessory shoulders for rear/side delts: Upright rows / Lateral raises / Arnold Raises

Hybrid chest/shoulders/upper chest: Decline ring push-ups (Variation: Regular or close grip incline press)

Accessory chest/shoulders/upper chest: Incline cable flies / Guillotine ring push-ups

Chest: Dips OR Weighted deficit push-ups (Variation: Larsen press / Close grip bench)

Accessory chest: Cable flies/DB fly press

Hybrid back/biceps: Weighted chin-ups/Ring chin-ups (Accessory back/biceps: Supinated grip ring rows)

Biceps: EZ bar curls/Cable curls

Back: Weighted pull-ups (Variation: Close grip lat pulldown)

Accessory back: Seal rows/DB rows

Hybrid traps/posterior chain: Block pulls/BB rows

Posterior chain: Stiff legged deadlifts/good mornings/RDLs

Posterior chain accessory: Hyperextensions/GHR/Single leg RDLs

Quads: Heel elevated squats/Hack squats

Quads accessory: Split squats/leg extensions

Abs: Hanging leg raises/knee raises

Abs accessory: Decline bench/GHR sit-ups

Forearms: Reverse curls/finger curls

Triceps: Diamond push-ups/bodyweight triceps extensions

Triceps accessories: Triceps pushdowns/Lying triceps extensions (skull-crushers)

Neck: Extensions/Flexions

Calves: Standing calf raises/Seated calf raises

The Basics pt1

bout the mindset you need to have when


The Basics pt2

own exactly how to find your personal

e these resources along with the
vided to get started. This video will help you
gram by picking motions that vibe best with

ups, Reverse rows, Hanging leg raises, Bodyweight triceps extensions.

Progression Models

This program ONLY uses progression models that are simple and easy to understand. If you aren't familiar with them please cli

Cluster Sets

There are four types of cluster sets that this program references. You can find them broken
This is the split, I recommend that you run it using the first
progression option most of the time. But if you want to/need to
spice your training up, I gave y'all the option of using cool I recommend only doing 1 isolation per muscle
workouts. Use the "Progresions Explained" tab for more a newer lifter, and picking the least amount of v
details about them. Use cluster sets sparingly, and DO NOT prescribed for most lifts. This program is written
solely use cluster sets every time you have the option to. Once intermediate/advanced fella in mind, but you ca
or twice per workout for a few weeks works best. program if you follow these tips!.

Rest Days

Full Body 1, Back and Bi's 1, Rest x 2, Full Body 2, Back and
Biceps, Rest x2. You can add a conditioning session on your
second rest day as desired, but make sure that it is
RESTORATIVE and doesn't take away from your weight

Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using

Full Body 1 Option #1 Option #2 Progression Option # 1 Rest
Upper Body (superset these two exercises)

OR Dumbbell
Press of Dynamic
Choice (Chest Double
or Shoudler) Progression —- 3 - 4 sets 6 - 10 reps 2-3 mins

25-30 Rep
(Rest Pause a
25 -30 Rep Set 35 Rep Goal if
with a weight Using 3 Sets,
Rep Goal you can get for 45 Reps if
Arnold Raises System about 20 reps) 3 - 4 sets Using 4 sets —-

Lower Body (any squat exercise leaves the option of pausing, using a tempo etc)

Heel Elevated Super Squats

Squat of (20 Reps done
Choice (SSB, rest pause
Reverse SSB, Dynamic style with your
Front, or High Double 10-12 Rep
Bar) Progression Max) 3 - 4 Sets 6 - 12 reps 2-3 mins
Ham Curl of
Choice OR
Extensions 30 Reps if
OR Glute using 2 sets,
Biased Split Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 Reps if
Squat System (Beatdown) 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 90 sec - 3 min
Bodybuilding (Superset Abs With Any Other Bodybuilding Exercises) (pick different
motions than you did earlier in the workout when applicable) (optionally include neck
work as a superset with anything if desired)

Chest Press
of Choice OR
Close Grip/
Close Grip Double Cluster Sets
Larsen Press Progression (PT Test) 2 - 4 Sets 12-20 Reps 2-3 min

30 Reps if
Tricep using 2 sets,
Pushdown of Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 Reps if
Choice System (Classic) 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 2-3 min
Lying Triceps
Extension of 30 Reps if
Choice (skip using 2 sets,
this if you're a Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 Reps if
new lifter) System (Classic) 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 2-3 min
Superset with
anything when
possible (you
can also
Leg Raises sandwich sets
(hanging or between
done on a dip Rep Goal Cluster Sets exercises for
station) System (PT Test) 4 - 5 Sets 50 total reps active rest)

oing 1 isolation per muscle group if you're Also this goes without saying, but I will say it anyway! Fully
icking the least amount of volume that is utilize your calisthenics variations! Swap and incorporate
lifts. This program is written with the barbell exercises when needed, but in the spirit of the
ced fella in mind, but you can also run this program, use the calisthenics exercises liberally. (Dark BOM
w these tips!. Enjoyers will pick all Barbell Exercises)

Back and Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using

Biceps 1
Welcome Option
to Back#1and Biceps
#2 - Open
and CloseOption #1
Each workout Rest
with a band
curl/pressdown warm-up to get the elbows ready to work)

Pull-Ups OR
Lat Pulldown
(vary your Dynamic
grips as Double Cluster Sets
needed) Progression (PT Test) 3 - 4 Sets 6 - 12 Reps 2-3 mins

35 total reps if
Lateral Raises using 3 sets,
OR Upright Rep Goal Cluster Sets 45 if using 4 Super Set
Rows System (The Classic) 3 - 4 Sets sets W/Pullups

Isolation of Rep Goal
Choice System —- 2 - 3 Sets 8 - 12 Reps 90 sec - 2 min
35-45 Rep set with
Widowmaker anything when
(Rest Pause a possible (you
40 Rep Set can also
with a weight 50 total reps if sandwich sets
Calves you can get for using 4 sets, between
Isolation of Rep Goal about 20-25 60 if using 5 exercises for
Choice System reps) 4-5 Sets sets active rest)

Ring Inverted
Rows OR Seal
Row of Double
Choice Progression --- 2 - 4 Sets 12 - 20 Reps 2 min
Reverse Grip
Curl of Double
Choice Progression --- 2 - 3 Sets 10 - 15 Reps 2 min
set with
anything when
possible (you
can also
35 reps if using sandwich sets
Forearm 3 sets, 45 if between
Isolation of Rep Goal using 4 sets, exercises for
Choice System —- 3 - 5 Sets 55 if using sets active rest)
Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using
Full Body 2 Option #1 Option #2 Progression Option # 1 Rest
Upper Body

Upper Chest Dynamic

Biased Press Double
Of Choice Progression — 2 - 4 Sets 8 - 12 reps 2 - 4 mins

Lower Body

Hip Hinge OR Dynamic

Shrug Of Double
Choice Progression —- 2 - 4 Sets 5 - 12 reps 2 - 4 min

Bodybuilding (Superset Abs With Any Other Bodybuilding Exercises) (optionally

include neck work as a superset with anything if desired)

Tricep 30 reps if using

Pressdown of Rep Goal two sets, 40 if
Choice System —- 2 - 3 sets using 3 sets 90 sec
Ham Curl of
Choice OR
OR QUAD 30 reps if using
Biased Split Rep Goal two sets, 40 if
Squat System —- 2 - 3 sets using 3 sets 2 min

Shoulder OR
Chest Press
of Choice 30 reps if using
(calisthenics Rep Goal two sets, 40 if
or barbell) System —- 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 90 sec
Superset with
45 reps if using bodybuilding
Ab Isolation Rep Goal Cluster Sets 4sets, 55 if exercise when
of Choice System (The Classic) 4 - 5 sets using 5 sets possible
Back and Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using
Biceps 2 Close
Open and Option
with#2 Progression Option
a band curl/pressdown #1
warm-up Rest
to get the elbows
ready to work)

Inverted Row
with arm Dynamic
posted on Double
bench or rack Progression --- 3 - 4 Sets 8 - 15 reps 2-3 mins

35 total reps if
Side Delt using 3 sets,
Isolation of Rep Goal 45 if using 4
Choice System --- 3 - 4 Sets sets 90 sec
30 total reps if
Reverse Grip using 2 sets,
Curl of Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 if using 3
Choice System (The Classic) 2 - 3 Sets sets 90 sec - 2 min
set with
anything when
possible (you
can also
50 total reps if sandwich sets
Calves using 4 sets, between
Isolation of Rep Goal Cluster Sets 60 if using 5 exercises for
Choice System (Beatdown) 4-5 Sets sets active rest)

Double Cluster Sets
Chin-Ups Progression (PT Test) 2 - 4 Sets 12 - 20 Reps 2 min
30 total reps if
Biceps using 2 sets,
Isolation of Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 if using 3
Choice System (The Classic) 2 - 3 Sets sets 2 min
Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using
Full Body 1 Option #1 Option #2 Progression Option # 1 Rest
Upper Body (superset these two exercises)
DB Bench Double
Press Progression —- 3 - 4 sets 6 - 10 reps 2-3 mins

25-30 Rep
(Rest Pause a
25 -30 Rep Set 35 Rep Goal if
with a weight Using 3 Sets,
Rep Goal you can get for 45 Reps if
Arnold Raises System about 20 reps) 3 - 4 sets Using 4 sets —-

Lower Body (any squat exercise leaves the option of pausing, using a tempo etc)

Super Squats
(20 Reps done
rest pause
Dynamic style with your
Heel Elevated Double 10-12 Rep
SSB Squat Progression Max) 3 - 4 Sets 6 - 12 reps 2-3 mins
30 Reps if
using 2 sets,
Leg Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 Reps if
Extensions System (Beatdown) 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 90 sec - 3 min

Bodybuilding (Superset Abs With Any Other Bodybuilding Exercises) (pick different
motions than you did earlier in the workout when applicable) (optionally include neck
work as a superset with anything if desired)

Weighted Double Cluster Sets

Pushups Progression (PT Test) 2 - 4 Sets 12-20 Reps 2-3 min

30 Reps if
using 2 sets,
Dual Rope Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 Reps if
Pushdowns System (Classic) 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 2-3 min
30 Reps if
using 2 sets,
Lying DB Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 Reps if
Extensions System (Classic) 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 2-3 min
Superset with
anything when
possible (you
can also
sandwich sets
Hanging Leg Rep Goal Cluster Sets exercises for
Raises System (PT Test) 4 - 5 Sets 50 total reps active rest)
Back and Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using
Biceps 1 Option #1 Option #2 Progression
Welcome to Back and Biceps Day - Open and CloseOption #1
Each workout Rest
with a band
curl/pressdown warm-up to get the elbows ready to work)
Wide Grip Double Cluster Sets
Pull-Ups Progression (PT Test) 3 - 4 Sets 6 - 12 Reps 2-3 mins

35 total reps if
using 3 sets,
Rep Goal Cluster Sets 45 if using 4 Super Set
Upright Rows System (The Classic) 3 - 4 Sets sets W/Pullups

Rep Goal
Cable Curls System —- 2 - 3 Sets 8 - 12 Reps 90 sec - 2 min
35-45 Rep set with
Widowmaker anything when
(Rest Pause a possible (you
40 Rep Set can also
with a weight 50 total reps if sandwich sets
you can get for using 4 sets, between
Seated Calf Rep Goal about 20-25 60 if using 5 exercises for
Rasies System reps) 4-5 Sets sets active rest)

DB Seal Rows Progression --- 2 - 4 Sets 12 - 20 Reps 2 min

Fat Grip Double

Reverse Curl Progression --- 2 - 3 Sets 10 - 15 Reps 2 min
Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using
Full Body 2 Option #1 Option #2 Progression Option # 1 Rest
Upper Body
Ring Push- Double
Ups Progression — 2 - 4 Sets 8 - 12 reps 2 - 4 mins

Lower Body

Paused RDL Progression —- 2 - 4 Sets 5 - 12 reps 2 - 4 min

Bodybuilding (Superset Abs With Any Other Bodybuilding Exercises) (optionally

include neck work as a superset with anything if desired)

30 reps if using
Dual Rop Rep Goal two sets, 40 if
Pushdown System —- 2 - 3 sets using 3 sets 90 sec

30 reps if using
Seated Leg Rep Goal two sets, 40 if
Curl System —- 2 - 3 sets using 3 sets 2 min

30 reps if using
Handstand Rep Goal two sets, 40 if
Push-Ups System —- 2 - 3 Sets using 3 sets 90 sec
Superset with
45 reps if using bodybuilding
Rep Goal Cluster Sets 4sets, 55 if exercise when
GHD Sit-Ups System (The Classic) 4 - 5 sets using 5 sets possible
Back and Progression Progression Sets/Reps if Using
Biceps 2 Option #1 Option #2 Progression Option
Open and Close Each workout with a band curl/pressdown #1
warm-up Rest
to get the elbows
ready to work)
DB Row Progression --- 3 - 4 Sets 8 - 15 reps 2-3 mins

35 total reps if
using 3 sets,
Rep Goal 45 if using 4
Lateral Raises System --- 3 - 4 Sets sets 90 sec
30 total reps if
Ez Bar using 2 sets,
Reverse Grip Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 if using 3
Curl System (The Classic) 2 - 3 Sets sets 90 sec - 2 min
set with
anything when
possible (you
can also
50 total reps if sandwich sets
using 4 sets, between
Seated Calf Rep Goal Cluster Sets 60 if using 5 exercises for
Raises System (Beatdown) 4-5 Sets sets active rest)

Double Cluster Sets
Chin-Ups Progression (PT Test) 2 - 4 Sets 12 - 20 Reps 2 min
30 total reps if
Biceps using 2 sets,
Isolation of Rep Goal Cluster Sets 40 if using 3
Choice System (The Classic) 2 - 3 Sets sets 2 min

Use this Tab to keep a log of your training day to day/week to

week in any way that makes sense to you,. (the reps, weights,
and exercises that you used) You can also use a pen and
notebook and go old fashioned.
These are for fellas that like staying in
great shape - or want to get into good
shape for the first time. Do them after your
weights later in the day, or on a rest day

5,6,7 EMOM (add a rep to each every minute till

you can't or time is up)

Every minute, on the minute for 5-10 minutes (click the link for the definition): 5 Pull-ups, 6 leg raises, 7 push-ups OR 5 Inverted

30/60 Interval Training

30 Second Sprint on Air Bike/Jump Rope, 60

second cruising pace (remove 3 seconds from
rest pace each interval (5-7 intervals)


10 Push-ups + 10 Inverted Rows as many

supersets as possible in x amount of time (3-6
minutes) OR 5 Dips + 5 Pull-ups under the
same parameters


rows, push press, front squats, back squats,

BTN Press, rest 15 sec. start with 8-12 reps,
and subtract a rep from each exercise every
complex till you get to 1. (@135 lbs)

For time

Run through 10 lunges each leg, 10 leg raises,

20 Push-ups, 20 squats, 10 Inverted Rows, 15
dips. Increase in reps when you shave 10% off
your time
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
8 8
10 10
12 12
15 15
20 20


1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
8 8
10 10
12 12
15 15
20 20


1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
8 8
10 10
12 12
15 15
20 20
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
8 8
10 10
12 12
15 15
20 20


1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
8 8
10 10
12 12
15 15
20 20


1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
8 8
10 10
12 12
15 15
20 20



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