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표제어 보고 동의어 고르기


※ 왼쪽 영단어의 동의어를 고르세요.

1. cast about ⓐ bring about ⓑ abstain from ⓒ hunt ⓓ adhere to

2. enthusiastic ⓐ infrequent ⓑ lasting ⓒ ardent ⓓ secluded

3. unsophisticated ⓐ leading ⓑ conclusive ⓒ not complex ⓓ living

4. recall ⓐ satisfy ⓑ subdue ⓒ authenticate ⓓ remember

5. loose ⓐ not strict ⓑ typical ⓒ unsafe ⓓ dejected

6. migrate ⓐ utilize ⓑ celebrate ⓒ move around ⓓ organize

7. fragmentary ⓐ hazardous ⓑ serene ⓒ skeptical ⓓ fractional

8. sturdy ⓐ weighty ⓑ discrete ⓒ sophisticated ⓓ strong

9. devastating ⓐ trustworthy ⓑ ruinous ⓒ uncovered ⓓ impervious

10. stunted ⓐ unlike anything in theⓑ aboriginal ⓒ current ⓓ hampered


11. invoke ⓐ conjure ⓑ embed ⓒ hire ⓓ signify

12. correspondingly ⓐ primarily ⓑ exceedingly ⓒ likewise ⓓ honestly

13. specify ⓐ state ⓑ demand ⓒ pore ⓓ pack

14. subterfuge ⓐ trick ⓑ inequality ⓒ chain ⓓ government

15. repudiate ⓐ adopt ⓑ propose ⓒ look into ⓓ reject

16. engrave ⓐ activate ⓑ stuff ⓒ incise ⓓ hire

17. continued ⓐ convincing ⓑ well-to-do ⓒ novel ⓓ ceaseless

18. pore ⓐ predominance ⓑ specialist ⓒ integration ⓓ stare

19. bombard ⓐ assail ⓑ ameliorate ⓒ dangle ⓓ control

20. portrait ⓐ picture ⓑ manner ⓒ genuineness ⓓ question

21. depend on ⓐ rely on ⓑ indicate ⓒ recollect ⓓ live in

22. mature ⓐ get older ⓑ enlarge ⓒ motivate ⓓ interest

23. genuine ⓐ authentic ⓑ unsophisticated ⓒ ruinous ⓓ synchronous

24. contour ⓐ aftermath ⓑ union ⓒ variation ⓓ outline

25. compensate for ⓐ promote ⓑ make amends for ⓒ elucidate ⓓ rapidly expand

26. pillar ⓐ dominance ⓑ creature ⓒ pledge ⓓ column

27. susceptible to ⓐ typical of ⓑ vulnerable to ⓒ bound for ⓓ absorbed in

28. pervasive ⓐ unrivaled ⓑ widespread ⓒ indigenous ⓓ particular

29. unrivaled ⓐ unparalleled ⓑ laborious ⓒ evident ⓓ necessary

30. conclusive ⓐ total ⓑ indigenous ⓒ final ⓓ robust

표제어 보고 동의어 고르기

31. contention ⓐ expansion ⓑ debate ⓒ constitution ⓓ feed

32. comprehensive ⓐ prominent ⓑ relative ⓒ complete ⓓ self-determining

33. investigate ⓐ make use of ⓑ restore ⓒ look into ⓓ postulate

34. substantiate ⓐ make the best use of ⓑ grow up ⓒ designate ⓓ authenticate

35. neglect ⓐ scatter ⓑ recall ⓒ evaluate ⓓ ignore

36. remarkable ⓐ imprecise ⓑ brittle ⓒ prolonged ⓓ notable

37. implausible ⓐ exterior ⓑ hindered ⓒ improbable ⓓ loath

38. ascend ⓐ propose ⓑ mount ⓒ incise ⓓ persevere

39. tentativeness ⓐ hesitation ⓑ control ⓒ phase ⓓ supplement

40. integration ⓐ contention ⓑ decay ⓒ fluctuation ⓓ unification

41. alternate ⓐ interchange ⓑ denote ⓒ overflow ⓓ gaze

42. attempt ⓐ endeavor ⓑ measure ⓒ push ⓓ compel

43. capture ⓐ grab ⓑ demolish ⓒ justify ⓓ underline

44. experimental ⓐ vital ⓑ remote ⓒ tentative ⓓ peaceful

45. vigorous ⓐ traditional ⓑ strong ⓒ uninterrupted ⓓ pertinent

46. afford ⓐ keep out ⓑ allot ⓒ get rid of ⓓ grant

47. impressive ⓐ remarkable ⓑ sturdy ⓒ modern ⓓ prolific

48. replenish ⓐ travel ⓑ scatter ⓒ refill ⓓ endeavor

49. evaluate ⓐ appraise ⓑ refuse ⓒ grow accustomed to ⓓ eradicate

50. embed ⓐ cause a problem for ⓑ mislead ⓒ implant ⓓ advocate

표제어 보고 동의어 고르기

※ 왼쪽 영단어의 동의어를 고르세요.

1. cast about ⓐ bring about ⓑ abstain from ⓒ hunt ⓓ adhere to

2. enthusiastic ⓐ infrequent ⓑ lasting ⓒ ardent ⓓ secluded

3. unsophisticated ⓐ leading ⓑ conclusive ⓒ not complex ⓓ living

4. recall ⓐ satisfy ⓑ subdue ⓒ authenticate ⓓ remember

5. loose ⓐ not strict ⓑ typical ⓒ unsafe ⓓ dejected

6. migrate ⓐ utilize ⓑ celebrate ⓒ move around ⓓ organize

7. fragmentary ⓐ hazardous ⓑ serene ⓒ skeptical ⓓ fractional

8. sturdy ⓐ weighty ⓑ discrete ⓒ sophisticated ⓓ strong

9. devastating ⓐ trustworthy ⓑ ruinous ⓒ uncovered ⓓ impervious

10. stunted ⓐ unlike anything in theⓑ aboriginal ⓒ current ⓓ hampered


11. invoke ⓐ conjure ⓑ embed ⓒ hire ⓓ signify

12. correspondingly ⓐ primarily ⓑ exceedingly ⓒ likewise ⓓ honestly

13. specify ⓐ state ⓑ demand ⓒ pore ⓓ pack

14. subterfuge ⓐ trick ⓑ inequality ⓒ chain ⓓ government

15. repudiate ⓐ adopt ⓑ propose ⓒ look into ⓓ reject

16. engrave ⓐ activate ⓑ stuff ⓒ incise ⓓ hire

17. continued ⓐ convincing ⓑ well-to-do ⓒ novel ⓓ ceaseless

18. pore ⓐ predominance ⓑ specialist ⓒ integration ⓓ stare

19. bombard ⓐ assail ⓑ ameliorate ⓒ dangle ⓓ control

20. portrait ⓐ picture ⓑ manner ⓒ genuineness ⓓ question

21. depend on ⓐ rely on ⓑ indicate ⓒ recollect ⓓ live in

22. mature ⓐ get older ⓑ enlarge ⓒ motivate ⓓ interest

23. genuine ⓐ authentic ⓑ unsophisticated ⓒ ruinous ⓓ synchronous

24. contour ⓐ aftermath ⓑ union ⓒ variation ⓓ outline

25. compensate for ⓐ promote ⓑ make amends for ⓒ elucidate ⓓ rapidly expand

26. pillar ⓐ dominance ⓑ creature ⓒ pledge ⓓ column

27. susceptible to ⓐ typical of ⓑ vulnerable to ⓒ bound for ⓓ absorbed in

28. pervasive ⓐ unrivaled ⓑ widespread ⓒ indigenous ⓓ particular

29. unrivaled ⓐ unparalleled ⓑ laborious ⓒ evident ⓓ necessary

30. conclusive ⓐ total ⓑ indigenous ⓒ final ⓓ robust

표제어 보고 동의어 고르기

31. contention ⓐ expansion ⓑ debate ⓒ constitution ⓓ feed

32. comprehensive ⓐ prominent ⓑ relative ⓒ complete ⓓ self-determining

33. investigate ⓐ make use of ⓑ restore ⓒ look into ⓓ postulate

34. substantiate ⓐ make the best use of ⓑ grow up ⓒ designate ⓓ authenticate

35. neglect ⓐ scatter ⓑ recall ⓒ evaluate ⓓ ignore

36. remarkable ⓐ imprecise ⓑ brittle ⓒ prolonged ⓓ notable

37. implausible ⓐ exterior ⓑ hindered ⓒ improbable ⓓ loath

38. ascend ⓐ propose ⓑ mount ⓒ incise ⓓ persevere

39. tentativeness ⓐ hesitation ⓑ control ⓒ phase ⓓ supplement

40. integration ⓐ contention ⓑ decay ⓒ fluctuation ⓓ unification

41. alternate ⓐ interchange ⓑ denote ⓒ overflow ⓓ gaze

42. attempt ⓐ endeavor ⓑ measure ⓒ push ⓓ compel

43. capture ⓐ grab ⓑ demolish ⓒ justify ⓓ underline

44. experimental ⓐ vital ⓑ remote ⓒ tentative ⓓ peaceful

45. vigorous ⓐ traditional ⓑ strong ⓒ uninterrupted ⓓ pertinent

46. afford ⓐ keep out ⓑ allot ⓒ get rid of ⓓ grant

47. impressive ⓐ remarkable ⓑ sturdy ⓒ modern ⓓ prolific

48. replenish ⓐ travel ⓑ scatter ⓒ refill ⓓ endeavor

49. evaluate ⓐ appraise ⓑ refuse ⓒ grow accustomed to ⓓ eradicate

50. embed ⓐ cause a problem for ⓑ mislead ⓒ implant ⓓ advocate

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