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Pediatrics pee·dee·a·triks Pediatrics
Neonate nee-oh-nayt Neonate
Neonatology nee-oh-nay-tah-luh-jee Neonatology
Neonatologist nee-oh-nay-tah-luh-jis Neonatologist
Pediatrician pee-dee-uh-tri-shn Pediatrician
Embryo em-bree-oh Embryo
Fetus fee-tuhs Fetus
Infant in-funt Infant
Toddler tod-lur Toddler
Adolescent add-duh-leh-snt Adolescent
Teenager tee-nay-jr Teenager
Vaccination vak-suh-nay-shn Vaccination
Immunization i-myoo-nuh-zay-shn Immunization
Developmental dee-veh-lup-men-tl Developmental
Milestones mile-stownz Milestones
Colic kah-luhk Colic
Rash rash Rash
Erythema eh-ruh-thee-muh Erythema
Lead led Lead Poisoning
Poisoning poy-zuh-ning
Endotoxin en-do-tok-sn Endotoxin
Croup kroop Croup
Stridor stry-dr Stridor
Dehydration dee-hai-dray-shn Dehydration

Depression duh-preh-shuhn Depression

Suicide soo-uh-side Suicide

Enuresis eh-nyur-ee-sis Enuresis

Conjunctivitis kuhn-junk-tuh-vai-tuhs Conjunctivitis

Otitis oh-tie-tuhs Otitis Media

Media mee-dee-uh
Anorexia a-nr-ek-see-uh Anorexia

Cachexia kuh-kek-see-uh Cachexia

Malnutrition mal-noo-tri-shn Malnutrition

Cerebral sr-ee-bruhl Cerebral Palsy

Palsy pawl-zee
Vitamin vai-tuh-muhn Vitamin Deficiency
Deficiency duh-fi-shuhn-see
Autism aw-ti-zuhm Autism Spectrum Disorder
Spectrum spek-truhm
Disorder dis-or-dr
Attention uh-ten-shuhn Attention Deficit
Deficit deh-fuh-sit Hyperactivity Disorder
Hyperactivity hai-pr-ak-ti-vuh-tee
Disorder dis-or-dr
Dyslexia dis-slek-see-uh Dyslexia

Temper tem-pr Temper, Tantrum

Tantrum tan-truhm
Practice Reading Sentences

1. The neonate is showing signs of dehydration - dry skin, dark urine, and weakness.

2. Our pediatric doctor will assess the infant's developmental milestones such as rolling over,
sitting up, and first steps.

3. His pink eye, a common term for conjunctivitis, should be treated with proper antibiotic

4. We need to monitor the adolescent for signs of malnutrition that may include poor appetite,
weakness, and lack of concentration.

5. The teenager is due for their vaccination and must schedule an appointment.

6. A neonatologist specializes in neonatology which refers to the medical treatment of newborn


7. The pediatrician saw that the child has breathing problems and is now treating her for

8. Colic can be distressing for both the infant and parents since the child may have intense
crying fits.

9. The rash is characterized by erythema and itching.

10. Lead poisoning can have long-term developmental effects including learning difficulties and
hearing loss.

11. Endotoxin exposure can lead to serious complications such as septic shock and respiratory

12. The child has a history of otitis media which presents as inflammation in the middle ear.

13. We need to address the dehydration in the toddler by giving fluids.

14. The adolescent is showing signs of depression and has reported poor appetite, low interest
in activities, and antisocial behavior.

15. Cachexia is a sign of extreme weight loss and weakness, especially in people with serious

16. The embryo becomes a fetus by the end of the first trimester.

17. Developmental milestones include smiling for the first time to waving “bye-bye.”

18. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects focus and activity levels in
children, often needing specialized care.
19. The pediatrician recommends immunization for all children such as hepatitis A, tetanus,
and many more.

20. The toddler seems to be experiencing enuresis at night.

21. The teenager is at risk for vitamin deficiency and already shows signs of fatigue, weight
loss, and muscle weakness.

22. Autism Spectrum Disorder requires early intervention and often presents as delayed
language skills, inattentive behavior, and unusual emotional reactions.

23. The pediatrician assessed for signs of malnutrition including reduced appetite, tiredness,
and poor concentration.

24. Cerebral palsy can affect movement and posture due to an injury in the brain.

25. Dyslexia makes it hard for some people to read and spell words correctly.

26. The neonate requires close monitoring for any signs of infection since it is less than four
weeks old.

27. Her suicide attempt was linked to her battle with anorexia, which she had described as an
intense fear of weight gain and a skewed perception of body image.

28. Croup often presents with stridor and barking cough which is seen as noisy breathing and a
narrowed airway.

29. The adolescent is experiencing temper tantrums where he has whining, kicking, and hitting

30. The pediatrician recommended immediate vaccination for the toddler despite his fear of

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