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Magnetic switch Test Procedures

For Transducers
Lf the parameters of the transducer are changed before testing it,reset the parameter of

P42 to the default value 1 of manufacturer。

(1) Connect control cables,and then Magnetic switch whether the logic of the

transducer is

Right or not:

P08=1 P09=1

Use N11 to monitor

Manually move the door towards“OPEN”and make sure whether it


Manually move the door towards”CLOSE”and make sure whether it

displays”r”lf  not,pleasechase the seqiemce of phrase A and B of

the Magnetic switch,You should make sure that the logic of the

input signal should be right when doing the operation, lf the

logic is not right,the following test procedures can t be done

(2) Confirm the dire ction of rotation of the motor:

P09=0 FR=3HZ

Press UP+RUN toconfirm the on action,and pressDOWN+RUN to confirm “OFF”


Lf the direction of rotation is not right,please change the sequence of any

two phrasesof U.V.orW.

Set the input signal logic (parameters P43)

The choice of input signal detection mode 2, both by the "A contact input",

or "B input contact".

The scope of the data set 0~31

● Settings

·A contact import = "0": SW (switch) signal in a closed state (for the

terminal level "L"), the detection ON

B contact input = "1": SW (switch) signal in a closed state (terminal

level to "H"), the detection ON

● Set method
0-4bit will transform into a 10-band input.

·X settings will add value for the input data set.

When the case opened ( 4bit )( and closed variable-speed signal 3bit ),
transmission signal for the entry point B,

Data set =(1×16)+(1×8)+(0×4)+(0×2)+(0×1)=24

4bit 3bit 2bit 1bit 0bit

Signal Variable-speed Open-speed Safety Toredcbclose open

close Sensors toreach

Terminal 7 6 5 4 3


bit 4 3 2 1 0

Settings 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1

Value 16 8 4 2 1

Note command signals to open and close the command signal logic can not

be changed. A contact import a fixed value.

(3)After the curve is adjusted,adkist the s;o[[age.

P63=0 p69=2.7 second time

Press these four keys to adjust slippage.lfvalues are not

setnew values,These values are different because the weight and

amplitude of the doors are different.

一、 Operation panel and Terminals of the Transducer

The series of transducers adopt self-contained operation panel.The
parameters can be changed and operations can be done on it
directly. Theoperation panel and terminals can be seen in Fig 1-1

C1-common point of Abnormal Output of the transducer

C2- common point of Door Open Limit Output

C3- common point of Door Closed Limit Output

B1-Normally Output Closcd point of Abnormal Outpug of the Transducor

B2-Normally Closed point of Door Open Limic Output

B3-Normally Closcd point of Door Closed Limit.Output

A1-Normally Open paing of Ahnormal Outpnt of the Transducer

A2-Normal Open point of Door Opcn Limit Output

A3-Output Normal Open point of Door Cloaed Limit


二、Test Procedures
2.1 Checking the connecting cables

Checking the cables to the transducer, the encoder and traveling cables.After making sure they are

correctly connected, switch on the circuit.

2.2 For parameters needed tobe changed and their setting values,pleaserefer to table2-1

Table 2-1 The self-study parameter settings

NO The

parameter name unit Parameter scope setting


The chaice of the running

P08 0~3 1

The signal for the frequency

P09 0~6 3

P51 The number of the motor poles 2/4/6 6

P52 Magnetic swi tch constant 100~999 50

The judging time for overicad

P63 ms 0~999 0

Thejudging time for

P67 ms 0~999 0

The choice for the no arrival

P76 0/1/2 2

The judging time for the

P77 Hz 0.1~10 0.5

Thejudging timefor the

P78 ms 1~999 300
slippage arrival

The substitute choice for

P79 S 0/0.1~10 0.5

The testing frequency for the

d52 Hz 0.5~250 5
door range

参数 值 描述 设置范围 备注

P08 1 Automatic

P09 5 working mode

P08 2 Control-cabnet

P09 4 work mode

P05 10 Basis moment 0~40

P51 6 Motor poles 2,4,6

P52 50 50~999

Theclearance of
P42 1 0,1,2
the set data

Undcr thc user-dcfined mode,any10 paramctcrs can be chosen from parameters in thc

arca of p and 1 where chents oftcn make changes By doing so,datg can be simplificd


The ager-defined parametcrg,Nol-10,can he distribated.The digtributed data will be

read in the non-easy-easu storagc,and will bc sascd evcn in the case of power failarc

The user-defined mode are the U01-u10 which allows user to reail the 10 freqieat;v

ised [arametersinit eortespondingly.

2.3The test of the Magnetic switch

Enter into the menu no f the transducer and ob serve the display of the display of the n16。See

figure 2-1 1representing the signal of phase B of the encoder 2 representing the

signal of phase Aof the Magnetic switch

Pull the hanging plate manually,the flickering of the 1 and 2 means that the signals

of phase A and Bdisplay normally,otherwise the encoder is lack of phase and it

isadvisable to change the Magnetic switch

Figure 2-1 the signal

displayofthe transducer

2.4Che self-study of the door width

Setting:P08=1,P09=0,then retum to the original interface

Operation: firstly press the ▲key,thenpresstheRUNkey,andconfirmthedooris



increase the PO5 and set the Fr equal to 3.0: if the door moves the other way

round ,you can exchange two of phases U,V and W arbitranily: then return to the


2.5The adjustment of the running curve

There is certain running curve for the door motor when doing open and closed door actions after the

finishing of the self-study for the door width, but the running curve maybe isn t smooth and steady

enough and some light bump will appear, so the running curve should be adjusted precisely.

The door open adjustment curve can be seen in figure 2-2 The door closed adjustment curve can be

seen in figure2-3

d14=3 d26=14 d27=3

d43=3 d44=3 d48=0.12



三、Repair and maintenance
3.1Regular Maintenance ltems of the Elevator

(a)Regularly inject lithium lubricating grease to the motor bearing.

(b)Wipe guide rails and inject lubrication grease on the surface of them,Check

rollers abrasion loss and change them,if the loss is over 1.55mm

(c)Regularly adjust the timing belt to meet the requirements as shown in Fig3-1

Fig3-1Tightness Requirem ents of the timing Belt

3.2Routine Maintenance ltems。

(a)Make sure that the motor is stable when door closed or open,and without any abnormal


(b)Make sure that fasteners are tightened properly.

Any problems arising from the above procedures should be handled immediately.

Measures and actions should be taken to make sure that the door ekevator works smoothly

Function statement
The function schedule consists of two parts:the parameters of area
P:P01~P79 and the parameters of area D:d00~d53.
The parameters of area P:P01~d79
NO Function title Enactment area The



★P01 The 1 accelerating time 0/0.1~999 0.5

★P02 The 1 decelerating time 0/0.1~999 0.5

★P03 V/F mode 50/60/FF 50

★P04 V/F curve 线 0/1 0

★P05 Moment increasing 0~40 10

★P06 Choice of theelectric 0/1/2/3 2

heat-sensibve function

★P07 Setting the heat-sensitive 0.1~100 3.6


★P08 Chaiceof the runnlnstructions 0~3 1

★P09 The frequency-setting signal 0~6 2

★P10 Stoomode 0/1 0

★P11 Stop frequency 0.5~60 0.5

★P12 TheDC braking time 0/0.1~120 000

★P13 TheDC braking electricallevel 0~100 00

★P14 The maximum output frequency 50~250 50.0

★P15 Base fraquency 45~250 50.0

★P16 Anu-stall due to over current 0/1 1

★P17 Anti-stall due to over voltage 0/1 1

★P18 The1#jumping frequency 0/0.5~250 000

★P19 The2#jumping frequency 0/0.5~250 000

★P20 The3#jumping frequency 0/0.5~250 000

★P21 The width of the jumping 0~10 0


★P22 The function of cumenl 0/0.1~99 0


★P23 Starting mode 0/1/2/3 0

★P24 Choosing the mode of 0/1/2 0

restarting afrer

instantaneous stop

★P25 Stand-by time 0.1~100 0.1

★P26 Choosing the try –out again 0/1/2/3 0

★P27 The times of the re-try-out 1~10 1

★P28 The lower-limit frequency 0.5~250 0.5

★P29 The upper-limit frequency 0.5~250 250

★P30 The choice of the monitor 0/1 0

★P31 Multiplying factor of the 0.1~100 3.0

linear speed

★P32 The maximum outout voltage 0/1~500 0

★P33 OCSelectricallevel 1~200 140

★P34 The carrier wave frequency 0.8~15.0 10

★P35 Chmmunication Station setting 1~31 0.1

★P36 Communication speed 48/96/192 96

★P37 The stop bit 1/2 1

★P38 The panty check 0/1/2 0

★P39 Overtime check 0/0.1~60.0 000

★P40 The waiting timefor sending 1~999 001


NO Function title Enactment area The



★P41 The code 0/1~999 000

★P42 Setting the logic of inputng 0/1/2 0


★P43 The response time of the safety 0~31 0


★P44 The response timeof the 0/1~999 10

arriving signal

★P45 The checking time for the 1~999 10

enooder abnrmity

★P46 The checking time of the 0/0.1~2.0 0


★P47 RY 1 function choice 0/0.1~10 0

★P48 RY 1 function choice 0~7/r0~r7 7

★P49 RY 2 function choice 0~7/r0~r7 4

★P50 RY 3 function choice 0~7/r0~r7 5

★P51 The motor poles 2/4/6 6

★P52 The encoder constant 50~999 50

★P53 0

★P54 1.0

★P55 0.0

★P56 1.0

★P57 0.0

★P58 5.0

★P59 The overtime detection 0.5~250 10.0

frequency 1)

★P60 The overtime detection 0.5~250 50.0

frequency 2

★P61 The overloading detection 0.1~100 1.2

cunrent 1

★P62 The overloading detection 0.1~100 1.2

cunrent 2

★P63 The ratio of adjudging time for 0/1~999 0

the overloading detectian

★P64 The ratio of acljudging 0~100 50.0

frequencytor the

sandwiching(low speed)

★P65 The rato of adjudging frequency 0~100 70.0

for the sandwching (high speed)

★P66 The switching time of the 0.5~250 5.0

sandwiching adjudgement

★P67 The adjudging time of the 0/1~999 0

sandwiching detection

★P68 The starting confimation time 100~999 200

★P69 The compuisory acton trme for 0/0.1~500 0.0

the aboomal

cpen-actionadjudging time

★P70 The compuisory acton tme for the 0/0.1~500 0.0

abnomal open-action)

★P71 The open-amving keeping time 0.0~10 0.0

for the abnomal open-action

★P72 Repeating the open-amving 0.0~10 3.0


★P73 Repeating the close-amving 0.0~10 3.0


★P74 “S”accelerating and 0/1/2 0

decelerating function

★P75 Being opening/ciosed stopping 0/1 0


★P76 No arriving signal choice 0/1/2 2

★P77 The adjudging frequency of the 0.1~10 0.5

slippage arnval

★P78 The adjudging tlme of the 1~999 300

slippage arrival

★P79 The substitute choice of the 0/0.1~10 0.5

slippage open-arrival

Note(1)refers to pararaeters that can be changcd when operation.

Note(2)ParameterP53~58(dosab;c),mcans the manufacturer de fault,which can’t bochangcrl.

Note(3)Communication parameterP3~40,Plcasc cut the power after sctting the data

The scting valaeg will be digplayed after the posser reget.

NO Function title Enactment area

d02 arrived at the location($) 0~100 0

d03 Location gear open 1(%) 0~100 1.5

d04 Location gear open 2($) 0~100 16

d05 Location gear open 3(%) 0~100 50

d06 Location gear open4(%) 0~100 70

d07 Location gear open5(%) 0~100 85

d08 Arrive at the locationopen(%) 0~100 100

d09 Location gear close 1(%) 0~100 95

d10 Location gear close 2(%) 0~100 75

d111 Location gear close 3(%) 0~100 55

d12 Location gear close 4(%) 0~100 15

d13 Location gear close 5(%) 0~100 5

To maintain the frequency of

d14 0·0.5~250 2
arrival close(HZ)

d15 open requency 1(Hz) 0·0.5~250 6

d16 open requency 2(Hz) 0·0.5~250 25

d17 open requency 3(Hz) 0·0.5~250 25

d18 open requency 4(Hz) 0·0.5~250 25

d19 open requency 5(Hz) 0·0.5~250 25.2

d20 open requency 6(Hz) 0·0.5~250 5

d21 To maintain the frequency of 0·0.5~250 3

arrival open(Hz)

d22 close requency 1(Hz) 0·0.5~250 15

d23 close requency 2(Hz) 0·0.5~250 18

d24 close requency 3(Hz) 0·0.5~250 18

d25 close requency 4(Hz) 0·0.5~250 18

d26 close requency 5(Hz) 0·0.5~250 5

d27 close requency 6(Hz) 0·0.5~250 2

d28 Deceleration time open 1 sec. 0·0.1~999 0.5

d29 Deceleration time open2 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d30 Deceleration time open3 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d31 Deceleration time open4 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d32 Deceleration time open5 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d33 Deceleration time open6 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d34 Deceleration time close1sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d35 Deceleration time close2sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

NO Function title Enactment area 出厂数据

d36 Deceleration time close3 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d37 Deceleration time close4 sec 0·0.1~999 0.5

d38 Deceleration time close5 sec 0·0.1~999 1.2

d39 Deceleration time close6 sec 0·0.1~999 0.6

Maintain the current opening

d40 0.0~100 0.5

Maintain the current close5 hours

d41 0.0~100 0.5
On / off action to maintain cease
d42 0·0.1~999 0
second time sec

Openarrivedstandby to maintain
d43 0.5~250 0.5

Close arrived standby to maintain

d44 0.5~250 0.5

Open arrived maintain standby

d45 0.0~10 0.5

d46 0.0~10 0.5

SW moves to start the timer

d47 0.0~3.0 0

d48 Open slowdown timer(sec) 0.0~3.0 0

d49 Closure began action timer(sec) 0.0~3.0 0

d50 Closure slowdown timer(sec) 0.0~3.0 0


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