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City of North Canton, Director of Administration Position Search and Recommendation for Hire Prepared for: Stephan Wilder, Mayor of North Canton Prepared by: Michael Kimble, Director of Human Resources, Board of Stark County Commissioners; ‘Melissa Owens, City of North Canton, Council Member Ward 3; Interview Committee Member; and Jami Swain, Director of Human Resources & Culture, Walsh University; Interview Committee Member Date: May 8, 2024 INTRODUCTION The City of North Canton employs a Director of Administration to oversee and guide the activities of the City’s service and safety departments and special projects. Additionally, the Director of Administration is responsible for ensuring that the City’s goals and objectives are achieved in a timely, efficient and professional manor. In recent years this position was filled by Patrick DeOrio, Mr. DeOrio was hired under the previous mayor, David Held and continued to serve under Mayor Wilder's administration until March of this year. It is important to note that the Director of Administration is an appointed position that serves at the pleasure of the Mayor. In the interest of fairness, Mayor Wilder sought the services of neutral third-parties to conduct the search for a new Director of Administration. Mayor Wilder assembled a committee comprised of Michael Kimble, Director of Human Resources for the Board of Stark County Commissioners; Melissa Owens, City of North Canton Council Member, Ward 3; and Jami Swain, Director of Human Resources & Culture at Walsh University to carry out this task. SEARCH PROCESS AND CANDIDATES The Director of Administration position was posted on the City of North Canton’s Job Opportunities webpage as well as various job posting websites. The City accepted applicants (online application, cover-letter and resume) from April 1* through April 15%, Once the search was closed, applications were initially screened by Kelly Hart, City of North Canton, Administrative Human Resource Specialist. Five (5) candidates possessing the basic qualifications of the position were identified and forwarded to Michael Kimble for a phone interview. 1|Page INTERVIEW PROCESS On May 18" and 19%, Michael Kimble conducted phone interviews with the candidates. Phone interview questions were aimed at assessing the candidates’ motivation for pursuing the position as well as the candidates’ general professional experience and how that experience might position them for success as the Director of Administration. As a result of phone interviews, two (2) candidates were eliminated from contention, ‘The remaining three (3) finalists included: Education Level Recent Work History Scott Haws MBA (Walsh) Plain Township Trustee (2010-Present) Former Senior Manager and Director of Project, Management, Independence Pet Group (2019- 2024) Ben Young ‘MPA (Pending, OU) _ | Public Policy Analyst and IT Systems Manager, City of North Canton (2023-Present) Director of Legislative Affairs/Clerk of Council i (2020-2024) Eee Catherine Farina | MPA (Pending, OSU) | Interim Director of Administration and current Deputy Director of Administration, City of North Canton (2018-Present) Administration Project Manager, City of North Canton (2017-2018) In-person interviews were scheduled with each candidate to take place at Farrell Hall on the campus of Walsh University. Mr. Haws and Mr. Young interviewed on Friday, April 26% and Ms. Farina interviewed on Wednesday, May 15. Interview questions were comprised by the interview committee to gauge the knowledge, skills and abilities of the candidates on a broad range of topics covering workplace culture, employee recognition; teamwork; experience working with collective bargaining units; initiatives and goals; strengths and weaknesses; and approaches and philosophies related to management and leadership. ASSESSMENT OF CANDIDATES Each candidate presented exceptional strengths individual to their own experience. Avery brief summary is provided below explaining the overall impression made by each candidate on the interview committee. Scott Haws—Mr. Haws exhibited a wealth of management knowledge and experience with his time working in private industry as well as his tenure as a Plain Township Trustee. Collaboration and workplace culture are two areas that Mr. Haws seemed to show the most interest. Mr. Haws often took excessive amounts of 2|Page time in answering questions which inhibited the interview committee from giving full consideration to other questions. Relatedlly, some of his responses veered away from the question being asked. When asked about vacating his Plain Township Trustee seat if he were awarded this position, Mr. Haws replied that he would, but gave various reasons why he did not think he should have to and he believed that finishing his current term could be a potential compromise, Ben Young—Of all the candidates interviewed, Mr. Young was the most impressive in terms of growth potential. Mr. Young presents as a very intelligent and analytical person, Mr. Young indicated that his analytical nature has been challenging as he is sometimes perceived as lacking emotion. Itis very clear that Mr, Young holds an affinity for public service, particularly the safety services. Mr. Young has a sound textbook understanding of management principles. Unfortunately, at this stage in his career, he has not had the opportunity to manage a large number of employees. ‘The general impression of the committee was that the responsibility required of this position may be too much, too soon for Mr. Young at this time. Catherine Farina—Ms. Farina is the most experienced manager of the candidates. Her experience comes from both the private and public sector having worked in a broad range of disciplines including Human Resource Management (FedEx), Operations Management (Life Care), Project Management (North Canton) and most recently with her time as the Deputy Director of Administration. Itis very clear that Ms. Farina takes a great sense of pride in the processes and policies that she has created during her time with North Canton, Ms. Farina also has formed relationships with the collective bargaining units in the City and has experience dealing with grievances and negotiations. The general consensus of the committee was that Ms, Farina presents as a professional, well-spoken, experienced leader capable of taking on the responsibilities and duties of the Director of Administration role. FINAL RECOMMENDATION Without reservation, this Committee unanimously recommends Ms. Catherine Farina for the Director of Administration position with the City of North Canton, 3|Page FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION During the interviews with the internal candidates, Ben Young and Catherine Farina, both candidates spoke of the immense responsibility inherent to the Director of Administration position by having to supervise both the public service operations and public safety forces. In many cities, these roles are distinct from each other with a Public Service Director and a separate Public Safety Director. Conveniently, it would appear that Ms. Farina is perfectly suited for the Public Service Director role while Ben Young is suited for the Public Safety Director. The committee mentions this simply for your consideration should the City seek to alter operations if the duties and responsibilities on the Director of Administrations prove to be overwhelming or, if the City sought to create promotional opportunities while potentially creating efficiencies in services provided. Respectfully Submitted by, Mikhael Kimble Encl. Search and Interview Materials 4|Page

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