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)‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬

The Final Touch 2023

Prepared By:
Muhannad Bawaneh
‫أبى نىاف‬/ ‫ مهند بىاػنت‬: ‫إػداد‬
TEXTS READING ONE: PART‫انقسى األل قطغ االسٍتؼاب‬
Read the following texts and answer the questions that follow:
Text 1:Studio schools are pioneering schools which receive funding as well as support from private
businesses, and which seek to encourage young people to undertake a less conventional form of
secondary education. These schools often specialise in one specific area, whilst understanding that the
same broad range of skills and qualifications should be made available to all young people.
One such school has recently opened to educate fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds who have a special
interest in working in the space industry. Students follow a tailor-made curriculum at the school,
including subjects such as Astronomy and Astrophysics. Lessons are a mixture of small-class tutorials,
with projects supervised by leading companies in both the space and technology industries.
Prominent scientists and engineers are brought in as guest lecturers, with students aiming to achieve top
grades in their Maths and Science exams. When they leave school, they will be well-placed to take any
number of different career paths. ‘They don’t have to become astronauts!’ says a spokesperson for the
school. ‘Excellent grades in science and technology subjects can open many doors and lead to a variety
of career opportunities.’
1. What do the underlined pronouns "which" "they" " who" refer to?
2. Find a word in the text which means "to commit / start to do ".
3. Find a word in the text which means " teaching a period of intensive teaching "
4. Write down two subjects that Space school students follow at school.
5. Quote the sentence which shows the role of leading companies in the space &
technology industries in space schools.
6. Quote the sentence which shows the role of prominent scientists and engineers in space schools.
7. Write down two benefits of getting excellent grades in science and technology subjects.
)‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
In England, almost 50% of school leavers go on to higher education. The figure has not always been as
high as this. Twenty years ago, it was closer to 30%, and thirty years before that, it was only about 5%.
Another huge change has been financial. Before 1998 CE, higher education in the UK was completely
free for UK citizens. Since then, tuition fees have been introduced. Most students borrow this money from
the government. They don't have to repay it immediately. Instead, they pay it back slowly out of future earnings.
Despite the high cost, most students choose to study away from home. A recent survey of 17,000 students
revealed that only 7% wanted to stay at home while they studied for their degree. Of course, for most
young people, living away from home means borrowing even more money from the government. So why
don’t students choose to avoid debt by staying at home, where they don't have to pay rent? Most of them
say that they want to move to the university of their choice, rather than the nearest one. Another strong
motive is the desire to live in a new culture. Where do these students live? Many have rooms in halls of
residence, especially in their first year; others rent flats or houses. A lucky minority live in property that
their parents have bought for them. Most of them need to learn to cook, do their own washing and manage
their time and money.
8. What do the underlined pronouns "it" "they " refer to?
9. Find a word in the text which means "costs or charges" mean?
10. Find a word in the text which means "money you owe ".
11. Quote the sentence which shows that most English students choose to study away from home.
12. There are several reasons that make most young people choose to study away from
home. Write down two of these reasons.
13. The writer states three forms of accommodation for students. Write down them.
14. Find a word in the text which is opposite of "majority".
A few years ago, as many as 1,000 schools across the USA started making school years longer by
adding up to ten extra days to the school year or by making each school day longer by half an hour. This
was because it was found that secondary school students in the USA and the UK were spending the least
time at school, with an average school year of 187 days. The typical Jordanian school year is longer
than this. However, none of these are nearly as long as the school year in countries like Japan and South
Korea. South Koreans attend school for 220 days per year, and in Japan, the school year numbers 243 days.
According to a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
students in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea spend the most time studying in the world. They want to
learn as much as they can to ensure excellent exam grades. They go to school for about nine hours,
although this includes optional after-school tuition and activities. They also spend about three hours on
homework every day, which is three times as much as many other countries. Their high academic
achievements do suggest that the longer you study, the better you do in final exams.
In Finland, however, students are usually given less than half an hour of homework per night, and
they attend school for fewer and shorter days than 85% of other developed nations. Despite this, they
achieve top marks in subjects like Maths and Science. In addition, most students also speak at least two,
and often three, languages fluently.
The contradictory views of the study suggest that the number and length of school days is not the only
factor in determining whether students will succeed at school or not.
15. There are two suggested ways to make school years longer in the USA. Write these two ways.
16. Write down the change that has recently taken place in some American schools.
17. The author states three countries which have the longest school years in the world. Write them down.
18. What do the underlined pronouns "they" "which" refer to?
19. Find a word in the text which means "teaching or lessons "
20. Find a word in the text which means " speaking a language very well"
21. Find a word in the text which means "completely different; on different sides of the argument
)‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Two summers ago, I spent five months studying Arabic at the German-Jordanian University near
Madaba. As my father is originally from Jordan, I grew up speaking Arabic as well as German.
However, I had never studied Arabic formally, and when the opportunity came up for me to spend a
year in Jordan studying Arabic, I didn’t hesitate for one moment.
I have relatives in Jordan and they (2) arranged for me to stay with a wonderful family who (3) live
just outside Madaba. I was amazed by the number of international students there, who (4) were not only
from Germany, but from all over the world. Most of them (5) had studied Arabic to a high level. I’m
very familiar with colloquial Arabic, which (6) is what my family speaks and understands.
The Arabic class, in Modern Standard Arabic, was challenging, especially the grammar. Every week, we
had to learn a vocabulary list of around 50 words. We covered many topics. Living with a family helped
to improve my Arabic-speaking skills because, while all the students heard Arabic in the classroom and
streets, I could also practise it (7) at home. I really put my back into it, and I earned an A on the course.
What impressed me most about students in Jordan was their (8) behaviour and their attitude to
studying. All the students who (9) I met appreciated the importance of their university education and the
opportunities it would give them to contribute to their country’s prosperity. They also showed extremely
positive values. Everybody was honest, and people discussed problems rather than getting angry if they
disagreed with each other.
As someone who enjoys delicious food, beautiful places and friendly, hospitable people, studying in
Jordan was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I made many new friends. I also improved
my Arabic speaking, writing and reading skills. My dream is to be fluent in Arabic one day – and as I
intend to return to Jordan as often as I can, I know I’m going to make this dream a reality.
22. The author said that she grew up speaking two languages. Write down the reason.
23. Quote the sentence which shows that the author is used to the informal Arabic.
24. There are many factors helped her to develop her Arabic. Write down two of these factors.
25. According to the writer students in Jordan showed positive values. Write them down.
26. There are three factors made the writer be sure that she was right when decide to study
in Jordan. Write down these three factors.
27. Find a word in the text which means " informal conversations "
28. What do the underlined pronouns refer to?
Our country has a high standard of education. This is mainly due to the fact that the government
considers education a necessity. All schools, from kindergarten to secondary, are the responsibility of
the Ministry of Education (MOE). Pre-school and kindergarten education is optional, followed by ten
years of free, compulsory education. For higher education, students enter university, either for academic
or vocational courses. Students can attend one of ten public universities, or one of nineteen private
universities. A large number of Jordanian students choose to study at these institutions, as well as
foreign students from all over the world. These are undergraduates studying for a first degree, or
postgraduates studying for a Master’s degree, a PhD or a higher diploma. For students who wish to
complete their university studies while working at the same time, it is also possible in some Jordanian
universities to enroll onto online distance learning programed. In the future, this option will become
available in many other universities. The three universities with the most undergraduates are the
University of Jordan in Amman, Yarmouk University in Irbid and Al Balqa Applied University in Salt.
These are all public universities. An example of a newer university is the German-Jordanian University
in Amman, which was set up in 2005 CE. It is a collaboration between the MOHE and Germany’s
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and it follows Germany’s model of education in Applied Sciences.
29. Our country has a high standard of education. Write down the reason for this.
30. There are three main stages of school education in Jordan. Write down these three stages.
31. After students finish secondary education they go on high education where they have two kinds
of education at university, write down these two kinds.
32. Quote the sentence which shows that there are students from different nationalities who study
in Jordanian universities.
33. Why is The German-Jordanian University different from other Jordanian universities?
34. What do the underlined pronoun "it" refer to?
35. Find a word in the text which means "to do several things at the same time".
)‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
A- Do you know if it’s too late to start revising now? No, it’s never too late to start revising! The first
thing I would do is to draw up a revision timetable.
B- Do you mind telling me how I should draw up a timetable? Look at all the subjects you have to do,
and work out when you are going to work on each one. It’s a good idea to change the order of the
subjects in your timetable for each day. Try doing a little English, followed by some Maths, then
Biology, and so on. This way, by changing the focus of your revision, you keep your mind fresh.
C- Do you know whether it’s best to get up early, or to revise late at night? The earlier you start in the
morning, the more beneficial your revision will be, because that’s when you feel most awake and
your memory is at its best. I’d also recommend studying for 30-minute periods, and then taking a
It’s been proved that concentration starts to decrease after half an hour, so frequent breaks will help the
brain to recover and concentration to return.
D- Could you explain what you mean by frequent breaks? By a break, I mean any change of activity
from studying. It could be something as simple as just getting up from your desk and listening to some
music, or walking around for ten minutes.
E- Could you tell me how much exercise I need? Physical activity is very important, of course,
especially when you are studying. Exercise will make a huge difference to the way you feel. The
physical activity will increase your heart rate and, in turn, that will increase your blood circulation.
It also sends more oxygen to the brain, which makes you revise more efficiently!
F- Do you mind giving me some advice about diet? Nutrition is very important. You should try to
eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can. It’s essential not to become dehydrated, so drink
lots of water.

36. Quote the sentence which shows the first step to start revising.
37. Write down the advantage of changing the focus of your revision.
38. What does the underlined pronoun "you" refer to ?
39. The earlier you start in the morning, the more beneficial your revision will be. Write down
two reasons for this.
40. Frequent breaks during help the brain in two ways. Write them down.
41. The article recommends some activities during the breaks, write down two of them.
42. There are many advantages of physical exercise, write down two of them.
It is said that the best way to acquire a language is to immerse yourself in it , and that’s what we offer at
Extreme English: total immersion. You will stay in one of our beautiful apartments. You’ll hear and
speak English all day long. You can either join a small group of other students of a similar level, or
request a ‘tailor-made’ course. For example, you may require a course in academic English to prepare
you for undergraduate or postgraduate studies, or a vocational course to help you with your career.
Either way, you will live and work together as a family.
In the mornings, after breakfast, one or more of our trained and experienced teachers will arrive, and
you will have three hours of intensive tuition. Then, after enjoying lunch together around the table,
you’ll visit local places of interest, go shopping, take part in sports, etc. In the evenings, there will be a
choice of cultural activities, for example the theatre or a concert, or you may prefer to relax at home and
chat (in English, naturally!). Whatever you do, your teachers will be with you, acting as guides, tutors
and friends. Some people just come for a week, and they are usually amazed by how much progress
they make in such a short time. Others come for two, three, even four weeks. It’s up to you. You can be
sure of one thing – we’ll do our very best to give you a first-class experience and send you home
thinking and dreaming in English!
43. Quote the sentence which shows the best way to acquire a language.
44. There are two benefits of staying in one of their beautiful apartments. Write down them.
45. What does the underlined pronoun "it" refer to?
46. The program includes several activities after lunch. Write down two of these activities.
47. The text says that students will be living "as a family". Give two examples that illustrate this.
48. In the evenings, there will be a choice of several activities. Write down two of them.
49. During the program teachers play several roles. Write down these roles.
Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East. This is largely due to the country’s
commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority. Advances in education, economic conditions,
sanitation, clean water, diet and housing have made our community healthier. In 2012 CE, 98 per cent
of Jordanian children were fully immunised, thanks to immunisation teams that had been working
towards this goal for several years. Although the country has been focusing mainly on improving its
primary healthcare facilities, it has not neglected its advanced medical facilities. The reputation of
Jordanian doctors has spread in the region, and now many more patients come to Jordan for open heart
surgery. In Jordan, the open heart surgery programme started in 1970 CE in Amman.
The life expectancy figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful. In 1965 CE, the
average Jordanian's life expectancy was age 50. In 2012 CE, this average life expectancy had risen to
According to UNICEF statistics, between 1981 CE and 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant mortality rates declined
more rapidly than anywhere else in the world – from 70 deaths per 1,000 births in 1981 CE to only 32
deaths per 1,000 births in 2014 CE. The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare
system, have been contributing factors to Jordan’s healthy population growth, which will result in a
strong work force with economic benefits for the whole country.
50. 98 per cent of Jordanian children were fully immunised. Write down the key to this success.
51. Quote the sentence which shows that Jordanian doctors are well-known as experts.
52. The Jordan's healthcare system is successful. Write two pieces of evidence which prove that.
53. Jordan’s healthy population growth has been achieved due to two factors. Write them down.
54. What does the underlined pronoun "This" refer to?
55. Find a phrase in the text which means "the length of time that a person is expected to live"
56. "The most valuable thing in life is health. There is no mean for life without good health."
Express your point of view regarding to this idea.
The Arab world has many famous chemists in its history, but the person who is known as the founder of
chemistry is probably Jabir ibn Hayyan. He is most well known for the beginning of the production of
sulphuric acid. He also built a set of scales which changed the way in which chemists weighed items in a
laboratory: his scales could weigh items over 6,000 times smaller than a kilogram.
Ali ibn Nafi ’ is also known as ‘Ziryab’ (or ‘Blackbird’, because of his beautiful voice). He was a gifted
pupil of a famous musician from Baghdad, and it was his talent for music that led him to Cordoba in the
ninth century CE. He was the guest of the Umayyad ruler there. He is the person who established the first
music school in the world in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, teaching musical harmony and composition. He
revolutionised musical theory, and is also the person who introduced the oud to Europe.
Fatima al-Fihri was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. She used her father’s inheritance to build a
learning centre in Fez, Morocco. This learning centre became Morocco’s top university, and it is where
many students from all over the world come to study. Moreover, it was Fatima’s sister, Mariam, who
supervised the building of the Andalus Mosque, which was not far from the learning centre.
Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist, musician and astronomer – a true
polymath. He made ground-breaking discoveries in many of these fields, but it is probably his work in
arithmetic and Geometry that has made him most famous.
57. Quote the sentence which shows that Al- Kindi was a polymath.
58. Write down two achievements of Jabir ibn Hayyan.
59. What does the underlined word " there " refer to?
60. What does the underlined word " inheritance " mean?
61. Fatima al-Fihri invest her money in a good way. What did she do?
62. Give evidence which shows that Ziryab made ground-breaking achievements in music.
63. From India to Spain, the brilliant civilisation of Islam flourished. Express your point of view.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Ten-year-old Adeeb al-Balooshi, from Dubai, is going to travel to seven countries on a tour which has
been organised and funded by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad, Crown Prince of Dubai. The boy
caught Sheikh Hamdan’s attention with his invention – a prosthetic limb for his father. The Sheikh has
taken a special interest in the boy, and hopes the tour that he is sponsoring for Adeeb will give the
young inventor more self-confdence and inspire other young Emirati inventors.
Adeeb got the idea for a special kind of prosthetic leg while he was at the beach with his family. His
father, who wears an artificial leg, could not swim in the sea as he could not risk getting his leg wet.
This inspired Adeeb to invent a waterproof prosthetic leg. Adeeb is going to visit the USA, France,
the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Germany, where he will be staying with relatives. However,
while he is in Germany, Adeeb will not be spending all his time sightseeing. He will be working with
a specialist doctor to build the appendage. He will also be attending a course on prosthetics and
learning about different kinds of medical apparatus.
Adeeb has invented several other devices, including a tiny cleaning robot and a heart monitor,
which is attached to a car seat belt. In the case of an emergency, rescue services and the driver’s
family will be automatically connected with the driver through this special checking device. He has
also invented a fireproof helmet. This special equipment, which has a built-in camera system, will
rescue workers in emergencies. It is for these reasons that Adeeb rightly deserves his reputation as one
of the youngest inventors in the world.
64. Sheikh Hamdan interested in helping Adeeb so he offered Adeeb the gift of a world tour. Justify.
65. How did Adeeb get his inspiration for a waterproof prosthetic leg?
66. Write down two things Adeeb will do while staying in Germany.
67. What does the underlined suffix -proof mean?
68. Write down the purpose of the in-car heart monitor.
69. Quote the sentence which shows that Adeeb has the right to be one of the youngest inventors in the world.
70. "Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity" write your point of view.
Scientists have successfully invented a prosthetic hand with a sense of touch. It is an exciting new
invention, which they plan to develop. It is possible that, in the not-too-distant future, similar artificial
arms and legs will have taken the place of today’s prosthetic limbs.
Dennis Sorensen, a 39-year-old from Denmark, was the first person to try out the new invention. After
losing his left hand in an accident, he had been using a standard prosthetic hand for nine years. The
new hand, which was developed by Swiss and Italian scientists, was a huge improvement. With it,
Sorensen could not only pick up and manipulate objects, but he could also feel them. ‘When I held an
object, I could feel if it was soft or hard, round or square,’ he explained. He said that the sensations
were almost the same as the ones he felt with his other hand.
Unfortunately, Sorensen was only taking part in trials, and the equipment is not ready for general use
yet. He was only allowed to wear it for a month, for safety reasons. So now he has his old artificial
hand back. However, he hopes that soon he will be wearing the new type of hand again. He is
looking forward to the time when similar artificial limbs are available for the thousands of people
who need them. He will have helped to transform their lives.
71. Write down the main difference between the new invented a prosthetic hand and standard one.
72. Write down three activities that can be done with the new invented a prosthetic hand.
73. Sorensen was only allowed to wear the new invented hand for a month. Justify.
74. What does the underlined pronoun "they" refer to?
75. What does the underlined word "prosthetic" mean?
76. According to the text , write down two hopes of Dennis Sorensen.
77. Suggest two new inventions in the future.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Everyone knows that the internet connects people, but now it does more than that – it connects objects too.
These days computers often communicate with each other; for example, your TV automatically downloads
your TV show, or your 'sat nave' system tells you where you are. This is known as the 'Internet of Things',
and there is a lot more to come. In just a few years' time, experts say that billions of machines will be
connected to each other and to the internet. As a consequence, computers will increasingly run our lives for
us. For example, your fridge will know when you need more milk and add it to your online shopping list ;
your windows will close if it is likely to rain; your watch will record your heart rate and email your doctor;
and your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get some exercise!
Many people are excited about the 'Internet of things'. For them, a dream is coming true. They say that
our lives will be easier and more comfortable. However, others are not so sure. They want to keep control
of their own lives and their own things. In addition, they wonder what would happen if criminals managed
to access their passwords and security settings. The dream could easily become a nightmare.
78. There are many examples of "Internet of Things" mentioned in the text. Write down two of them.
79. Find a word that means "speak to"
80. What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
81. The author suggests a ways in which the "Internet of Things" help you keep fit. Write it down.
82. Quote the sentence which shows that the internet will likely connect a numerous machines.
83. Some people are excited about the future, Write your justification according to the article.
84. The author suggests some examples of the computers advances. Imagine two other advances.
Many classrooms now use a whiteboard as a computer screen. As a consequence, teachers can show
websites on the board in front of the class. Teachers can then use the internet to show educational programs,
play educational games, music, recordings of language, and so on. In some countries, tablet computers are
available for students to use in class. Therefore, students can use the tablets to do tasks such as showing
photographs, researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams. Tablets are ideal for pair
and group work. Teachers can perhaps ask their students to start writing a blog (an online diary); either
about their own lives or as if they were someone famous. They can also create a website for the class.
Students can contribute to the website, so for example they can post work, photos and messages.
Most young people communicate through social media, by which they send each other photos and messages
via the internet. Some students like to send messages that are under 140 letters for anyone to read. We all
like to send emails, don't we? Email exchanges are very useful in the classroom. Teachers can ask students
to email what they have learnt to students of a similar age at another school. They could even email students
in another country. As a result, students can then share information and help each other with tasks.
Another way of communicating with other schools is through talking to people over the computer. Most
computers have cameras, so you can also see the people you are talking to.
85. Write down two uses of internet in class by teachers.
86. There are many uses of tablet computers in class. Write down two of these uses.
87. Quote the sentence which shows that students prefer to send short messages.
88. What does the underlined pronoun " which " refer to?
89. Write down the skill that student will gain and use in the future.
90. The presentation states some advantages of email exchanges between students. Write them down.
91. Find an item in the text which means " speak to ".

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
How to make a sales pitch 1. Do your research: Don't come away from a sales pitch wishing you had been
better prepared. It is essential to know everything about your product. Do you know when it was developed,
and where it is produced? You also need to know who the target market is – for example, the age group or
income of the people who might buy it . Not only that, you should know all about the competition – that is,
similar products on the market. Why is your product superior to others and why does it have better value? In
addition, you should know exactly which people you are speaking to, and what their needs are. For example,
if they represent a middle-class department store in a humble neighbourhood, be ready to explain why your
particular product would suit customers who do not have lots of money. What makes your product perfect
for them? Most of all, you need to believe in what you’re selling, and the best way to do that is to use it ! 2.
Prepare and practise: Plan your presentation carefully, not just what you will say, but how you will say it.
Will you read it word by word, use notes or memorise it ? Whatever you decide, it is always a
good idea to have a list of your main points, in case something interrupts you, or you simply freeze with
nerves (it happens!).Then practise it, if possible in front of colleagues. Make changes and practise it again. 3.
Be professional: Keep your presentation short and simple. Start with some friendly comments. For example,
thank your hosts for allowing you to speak to them, and compliment their company. Remember to speak
slowly and clearly. It is important to appear confident (even if you’re nervous!). While you’re speaking,
don’t keep your head down. Instead, look round the room and make eye contact with your audience. Smile!
When you’ve finished speaking, invite questions. If you don’t know the answers, don’t pretend! Thank the
questioner and promise to find out the answer (and do it!).Finally, have a summary of your presentation
ready to hand out at the end of the session.
92. There are some steps that you should do to make a successful sales pitch. Write two of them.
93. The author suggests the best way to believe in what you’re selling, mention it.
94. During presentation there may be some obstacles. Write down two of them.
95. The article states some advice to prepare and practise well. Write down two pieces of advice.
96. Quote the sentence which shows what you do If you don’t know the answer of any question.
97. Find a word in the text that means " a large shop that sells many different types of things"
98. What do the underlined pronoun" it " refer to?

/Answers ‫اجابات القطع‬

1. Which =Studio schools /who fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds/ they = students
2. Undertake 3. Tutorials
4. Astronomy and Astrophysics
5. Lessons are a mixture of small-class tutorials, with projects supervised by leading companies in both the space and
technology industries.
6. Prominent scientists and engineers are brought in as guest lecturers, with students aiming to achieve top grades in their Maths and
Science exams.
7. Excellent grades in subjects can open many doors and lead to a variety of career opportunities.’
8. "it"= money / "they "=Most students
9. Fees 10. Debt
11. Despite the high cost, most students choose to study away from home.
12. They want to move to the university of their choice, and the desire to live in a new culture.
13. rooms in halls of residence, others rent flats or houses. a property that their parents have bought for them.
14. minority
15. adding up to ten extra days to the school year or making each school day longer by half an hour.
16. making school years longer 17. Japan, Indonesia and South Korea
18. They = students / which = homework 20. Fluently
19. Tuition 21. Contradictory
22. Arabic and German.
23. I’m very familiar with colloquial Arabic, which is what my family speaks and understands.
24. Every week, we had to learn a vocabulary list of around 50 words. / Living with a family/
25. Everybody was honest, and people discussed problems rather than getting angry if they disagreed with each other.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
26. delicious food, beautiful places and friendly, hospitable people,
27. colloquial
28. they (2) relatives/ who (3) a wonderful family/ who (4) them (5) international students/ which (6) colloquial Arabic/ their (8) who (9) students
29. due to the fact that the government considers education a necessity.
30. kindergarten to secondary and compulsory education
31. academic or vocational
32. A large number of Jordanian students choose to study at these institutions, as well as foreign students from all over the world.
33. it follows Germany’s model of education in Applied Sciences.
34. the German- Jordanian University
35. compulsory
36. The first thing I would do is to draw up a revision timetable.
37. This way, by changing the focus of your revision, you keep your mind fresh.
38. The reader
39. because that’s when you feel most awake and your memory is at its best.
40. frequent breaks will help the brain to recover and concentration to return.
41. getting up from your desk and listening to some music, or walking around for ten minutes
42. Exercise will make a huge difference to the way you feel. /The physical activity will
increase your hear t rate/It also sends more oxygen to the brain.
43. It is said that the best way to acquire a language is to immersion.
44. You’ll hear and speak English all day long
45. a language
46. you’ll visit local places of interest, go shopping, take part in sports,
47. they eat and socialise together.
48. there will be a choice of cultural activities, or you may prefer to relax at home and chat
49. guides, tutors and friends
50. immunisation teams that had been working towards this goal for several years.
51. The reputation of Jordanian doctors has spread in the region\
52. In 1965 CE, the average Jordanian's life expectancy was age 50. In 2012 CE, this average life expectancy had risen to
73.5. between 1981 CE and 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant mortality rates declined more rapidly than anywhere else in the
53. The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system
54. Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East
55. life expectancy
56. I think without good health there is no taste for life.
57. Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist, musician and astronomer – a true polymath.
58. the production of sulphuric acid a set of scales the founder of chemistry
59. Cordoba
60. money or things that you get from someone after they die
61. to build a learning centre in Fez, Morocco.
62. He established the first music school in the world in Cordoba, Al-Andalus/He revolutionised musical theory, and is also the
person who introduced the oud to Europe.
63. I think Islam was leading the way in the world, showing how great a civilisation it was at that time.
64. to give the young inventor more self-confdence and inspire other young Emirati inventors.
65. He got the inspiration when he was at the beach with his family. His father couldn’t swim because
66. he couldn’t risk getting his prosthetic leg wet.
67. He will be working with a doctor to build his new invention of the waterproof prosthetic leg, as well as attending a course to
find out more about prosthetics.
68. It means ‘to provide protection against’
69. In the case of an emergency, rescue services and the driver’s family will be automatically connected with the driver
through this special checking device
70. It is for these reasons that Adeeb rightly deserves his reputation as one of the youngest inventors in the world.
71. I think doctors love people because they want to help to make them better or keep them well.
72. a sense of touch 74. for safety reasons
73. picking up , manipulating and feeling objects 75. Scientists
76. an artificial body part
77. he hopes that soon he will be wearing the new type of hand again. He is looking forward to the time when similar artificial
limbs are available for the thousands of people who need them.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
78. your TV automatically downloads your TV show, or your 'sat nave'
79. communicate 80. internet
81. your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get some exercise!
82. experts say that billions of machines will be connected to each other and to the internet.
83. For them, a dream is coming true. They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable.
84. Self driving cars / robots that do the housework.
85. to show educational programs, to play educational games, to play music, to play recordings of language.
86. showing photographs, researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams
87. Some students like to send messages that are under 140 letters for anyone to read
88. social media 89. to summrise quickily
90. students can then share information and help each other with tasks.
91. communicate
92. Do your research/ Prepare and practise Be professional 93. The best way to do that is to use it
94. something interrupts you, or you simply freeze with nerves
95. Plan your presentation carefully /have a list of your main points /practise it
96. Thank the questioner and promise to find out the answer (and do it!).
97. Department store 98. Product
Derivation & Vocabulary TWO: PART‫ اًنؼًَأاالشتقاق‬:‫انقسى انثًَا‬
Choose the correct item to complete the following sentences.
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined body idioms:
1. I’m too nervous to do a parachute jump. I think that I’ll get cold feet at the last minute.
a. remain cheerful b. tell someone about something worrying you c. lose confidence
2. If you’ve got a problem, talk to someone about it. It helps to get it out off your chest.
a. tell someone about something worrying you b. remain cheerful c. lose confidence
3. I’m not sure if it’ll be warm enough to have a barbecue. We’ll have to play it by ear.
a. deal with a situation as it develops b. remain cheerful c. lose confidence
4. I don’t think I’d be a very good accountant. I don’t really have a head for figures.
a. have a natural mental ability for maths b. lose confidence c. remain cheerful
5. Even if things are difficult for you, always keep your chin up, everything will be normal soon.
a. remain cheerful b. tell someone about something worrying you c. lose confidence
6. I really put my back into studying English, and I earned an A on the course.
a. put a lot of effort into b. lose confidence c. have a head for figures d. remain cheerful

correct. the with idioms body underlined misused the Replace‫استثذل يصطهخ جسذ انخطأ تانصٍذ خ‬
7. I’m nervous to do a parachute jump. I think that I’ll get it out off your chest at the last minute.
a. get cold feet b. have a head for figures c. play it by ear d. keep your chin up
8. If you’ve got a problem, talk to someone about it. It helps to play it by ear.
a. get it out off your chest b. have a head for figures c. get cold feet d. keep your chin up
9. I’m not sure if it’ll be warm enough to have a barbecue. We’ll have to have a head for figures.
a. Play it by ear b. have a head for figures c. get it out off your chest d. keep your chin up
10. Even if things are difficult for you, always put your back into everything will be normal soon.
a. keep your chin up b. have a head for figures c. get it out off your chest d. get cold feet
11. I don’t think I’d be a very good accountant. I don’t really get cold feet.
a. have a head for figures b. keep your chin up c. play it by ear d. get cold feet
12. I really keep your chin up studying English, and I earned an A on the course.
a. put my back into b. get it out off my chest c. play it by ear d. get cold feet

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
13. You should study.....................................if you’re interested in learning about the legal system.
a. Law b. Linguistics c. physics d. history
14. Studying.....................................lets me focus on my love of language in an analytical way.
a. Linguistics b. law c. physics d. history
15. Maths has always been my strongest subject, and I feel that by studying …… I can use my
strengths to solve practical problems.
a. Physics b. law c. linguistics d. history a subject that I’ve always been interested in. Learning about ancient and
modern civilisations is fascinating.
a. History b. law c. physics d. linguistics
17. Economics and the global market have always interested me, so I chose ………………………
a. Banking and Finance b. Linguistics c. physicsd. history
18. Kareem's parents….......a large number of ideas with their relatives.
a. share b. research c. present d. create
19. Students can use the tablets to show photo and.................information.
a. share b. research c. Present d. create
20. We should..............information to young people in an interesting way.
a. Present b. share c. research d. create
21. Students can...........a website for the classroom.
a. create b. research c. Present d. share
22. Students the website by posting their work and photos.
a. Contribute b. research c. share d. create
23. Make sure that you always turn on your.........................settings.
a. Privacy b. Share c. Present d. create
24. Today, I am going to.........a talk about how you can use technology in Jordanian classrooms.
a. give b. social c. Email d. tablet
25. Most young people communicate to send each other photos and
a. Social b. give c. Email d. tablet
26. We all like to send emails, don’t we?..................exchanges are very useful in the classroom.
a. Email b. social c. give d. tablet
27. In 2010 CE, the was produced.
a. tablet b. social c. Email d. give
28. Scientists developed the computer................In 1958 CE.
a. chip b. settings c. navigation d. floppy
29. In 1971 CE, the............disk was invented to be able to share information between computers.
a. floppy b. settings c. navigation d. chip
30. Satellite...........system a system of computers and satellites that tells you where something is.
Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
a. navigation b. settings c. chip d. floppy
31. What would happen if criminals managed to access their passwords and security.............?
a. Settings b. Chip c. navigation d. floppy
What do the underlined colour idioms mean?‫خظ تذتّ يا ي ُؼى وا‬
32. We’ve got the green light to go ahead with our project!
a. Permission b. in the act of doing something wrong c. unexpectedly.
33. Luckily, the police arrived and the thief was caught red-handed.
a. in the act of doing something wrong b. Permission c. unexpectedly.
34. I was shocked when I heard the news. It came completely out of the blue.
a. unexpectedly b. in the act of doing something wrong c. Permission .
35. Nobody goes to the new private sports club. The building is a white elephant.
a. useless possession. b. feel angry c. feel sad.
36. Seeing red doesn’t have any positive effects on your health.
a. feel angry . b. useless possession c. feel sad.
37. It is normal from time to time to feel a blue.
a. feel sad. b. feel angry c. useless possession.
38. We’ve got go ahead with our project!
a. green light b. red-handed c. out of the blue d. white elephant
39. Luckily, the police arrived and the thief was caught ……………….
a. red-handed b. green light c. out of the blue d. white elephant
40. I was shocked when I heard the news. It came completely ……………….
a. out of the blue b. red-handed c. green light d. white elephant
41. Nobody goes to the new private sports club. The building is a ……………….
a. white elephant b. red-handed c. out of the blue d. green light
42..........................doesn’t have any positive effects on your health.
a. Seeing red b. green light c. out of the blue d. white elephant
43. It is normal from time to time to ……………… .
a. feel a blue b. Seeing red c. out of the blue d. green light
44. At a surgery in London, 70 per cent of patients chose the.....................remedy.
a. Herbal b. complementary c. force d. white elephant
45. Several medical conditions may be treated using..................medicine
a. complementary b. force c. Herbal d. white elephant
46. The life....................figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful.
a. expectancy b. complementary c. herbal d. white elephant
47. In 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant....................rates declined more rapidly than anywhere else in the world.
a. Mortality b. force c. Herbal d. white elephant
48. Our healthy population growth results in a strong work.............with economic benefits for the
Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
a. force b. complementary c. herbal d. white elephant
49. My grandfather his fingers, so he sometimes finds it difficult to write.
a. arthritis b. allergies c. Immunization d. ailments nuts and milk are becoming more common.
a. allergies b. arthritis c. immunisation d. ailments
51. Many serious diseases can be prevented by...................., which helps the body to build antibodies.
a. immunisation b. allergies c. arthritis d. ailments
52. Headaches and colds are common................................., especially in winter.
a. ailments b. allergies c. immunisation d. arthritis
53. If you have a......................, the best thing to do is take some medicine and rest somewhere quiet.
a. migraine b. allergies c. arthritis d. ailments
54. Doctors look at the.........................before they decide how to treat the patient.
a. symptoms b. medical trials c. a coma d. Pills
55. Before doctors prescribe drugs to patients, scientists make sure the drugs are safe.
a. Medical trials b. symptoms c. a coma d. Pills
56. After Ali’s accident, he lay in........................for two weeks.
a. a coma b. medical trials c. symptoms d. Pills
57. My grandfather has to take a lot of medicine – he takes six different........................every day.
a. Pills b. medical trials c. a coma d. symptoms
58. A good way to.........................with is to relax and get some exercises.
a. cope b. bounce c. focus d. know
59. I hope the patient will.........................back to good health very soon.
a. bounce b. cope c. focus d. know
60. Studying linguistic lets me.........................on my love of language in an analytic way.
a. focus b. bounce c. cope d. know
61. Fatima plans to........................several courses on prosthetic.
a. attend b. catch c. taken. d. spend
62. Brilliant students always.....................their teachers' attention with their remarkable answers.
a. catch b. attend c. taken. d. spend
63. The Sheikh has..........................a special interest in the boy.
a. taken b. catch c.. attend d. spend
64. Adeeb isn’t going to.........................all his time sightseeing.
a. spend b. catch c. taken. d. attend
65. Adeeb has..............the idea for a special prosthetic leg when he was at the beach with his
a. got b. catch c. taken. d. spend
66. My father teaches Maths. He’s a ..................................... .
Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
a. Mathematician b. physician c. Arithmetic d. Polymath
67. You must not take in medicine without consulting a ........................................ .
a. physician b. Mathematician c. Arithmetic d. Polymath
68. We learn about shapes, lines and angles when we study ........................................ .
a. Geometry b. physician c. Mathematician d. Polymath
69. Mr. Shahin is a true..........................., working in all kinds of creative and scientific fields.
a. Polymath b. physician c. Arithmetic d. Mathematician
70. Ramzi is very good with numbers and calculations. He always scores high in .............................
a. Arithmetic b. physician c. Geometry d. Polymath
71. someone who thinks and writes about the meaning of life.
a. philosopher b. physician c. Arithmetic d. Mathematician
72. In hot countries, an important source of energy.
a. power b. friendly c. farms d. renewable
73. ‘Green’ projects are environmentally ..................................... .
a. friendly b. power c. farms d. renewable
74. Wind..............................are an example of renewable energy.
a. farms b. friendly c. power d. renewable
75. Wind farms are an example
a. renewable b. friendly c. farms d. power
76. If a city recycles everything and doesn’t throw anything away, it is zero- ..............................
a. Waste b. footprint c. neutral d. free
77. We burn carbon whenever we use oil, coal or gas. This is known as our carbon .....................
a. Waste b. footprint c. neutral d. free
78. If we replace as much carbon as we burn, we are carbon- ..................................... .
a. footprint b. Waste c. neutral d. free
79. A place where no cars are allowed is a, and it is environmentally friendly.
a. free b. footprint c. neutral d. Waste
80. When people talk about.....................growth, they can mean either an improvement in the
average standard of living, or an increase in the value of a country’s products.
a. Economic b. Negative c. Carbon d. Public
81. Pollution has some serious..............effects on the environment, such as the death of wildlife.
a. Negative b. Economic c. Carbon d. Public
82. We can all work hard to reduce our.......footprint by living a more environmentally-friendly
a. Carbon b. Negative c. Economic d. Public

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
83. If we take.....................transport more often, there will be fewer cars on the roads.
a. Public b. Negative c. Carbon d. Economic
84. Hospitals need to dispose of a lot of....................waste, and it should be carefully managed.
a. Biological. b. Negative c. Carbon d. Public
85. The need for more effective......................planning is evident when we consider modern
a. urban b. Negative c. Carbon d. Public
86. I need to organise my time better. I think I’ll......................a timetable.
a. draw up b. do c. make d. difference
87. If you want to lose weight, you should......................exercise every day.
a. do b. draw up c. make d. difference
88. The deadline is tomorrow, and you haven’t done anything yet! You really must..............a start.
a. make b. do c. draw up d. difference
89. If you send money to charity, you will make a lot of lives.
a. Difference b. do c. make d. draw up
90. I need to organise my time better. I think I’ll........................a schedule.
a. write b. do c. make d. difference
91. If you want to lose weight, you should every day.
a. keep b. do c. make d. difference
92. You look tired. Why don’t you take a.......................?
a. break b. do c. make d. difference
93. I used to eat too much junk food, but now I have a much healthier …………….
a. diet b. beneficial c. dehydration d. circulation
94. It’ take regular breaks when revising.
a. beneficial b. diet c. dehydration d. circulation
95. It’s important to drink a lot of water in order to avoid ………………………..
a. dehydration b. beneficial c. diet d. circulation
96. Don’t sit still for too long – move around frequently to increase your ………………………
a. circulation b. beneficial c. dehydration d. diet
97. Zainab listens to music while she’s working. It helps her …………………………
a. concentration b. beneficial c. dehydration d. circulation
98. Adnan never forgets anything! He’s got an amazing …………………………….
a. memory b. beneficial c. dehydration d. circulation
99. After Nasser completes his first degree, he’s hoping to do
a. postgraduate b. academic c. undergraduate d. vocational

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
100. Mariam is an excellent student. She gets top marks in.......................subjects like History, Arabic and
a. academic b. postgraduate c. undergraduate d. vocational
101. My brother has just left school. Now he’s a university ……………………………...
a. undergraduate b. academic c. postgraduate d. vocational
102. My cousin is an electrician. Instead of going to university, he did a..............course at a local training
a. vocational b. academic c. undergraduate d. postgraduate
103. When you talk about business and try to do a deal, you ......................................
a. negotiate b. prepared c. track record d. conflict
104. When you are ready for something, you are............................................for it.
a. prepared b. negotiate c. track record d. conflict
105. When you can prove that you have experience, you have a .......................................
a. Track record b. prepared c. negotiate d. conflict
106. When two sides disagree and argue, there is ....................................
a. conflict b. prepared c. track record d. negotiate
107. When each side changes their position a little so that they can agree, they have managed to ............
a. compromise b. prepared c. track record d. conflict
108. When you stay calm and take your time, you are being .......................................
a. patient b. prepared c. track record d. conflict
109. Be very careful when you answer the questions, and try not to.........................a mistake.
a. make b. cause c. join d. shake
110. Before the serious discussion starts, we always..................small talk ; it’s often about the
a. make b. cause c. join d. shake
111. Nasser has applied to..........................the company where his father works.
a. join b. cause c. make d. shake
112. In business, when you meet someone for the first time, it’s polite to.........................hands .
a. shake b. cause c. join d. make
113. After the talk, there will be a chance for you to …… questions about anything you don’t
a. ask b. earn c. cause d. deal
114. By working hard, you will.........................the respect of your boss.
a. earn b. ask c. cause d. deal
115. If you are polite, you won’t.........................offence or upset anybody.
a. cause b. earn c. ask d. deal

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
116. When you talk about business and try to do a........................, you negotiate.
a. deal b. earn c. cause d. ask
Verb ‫انفؼم‬ Adjective ‫انصفح‬ Adverb ‫انظرف‬ Noun ‫االسى‬
ate/ise/ize/fy ‫اقصر ٍخار‬ ive/ous/ant/ent/al/ic/ble Ly ion/ment/ness/nce/ncy/
succeed ful/less/ed/ing ty ism/ist/ian /
.1 ‫ فاػم‬+ ..… 1. Be(is /are/was/were) …… .1 …… , ‫ًج هح‬ 1...............of
2. ‫ فاػم‬+ ly ….. 2. Be + ly/so/very/well …… 2. has/have/had … v3 2. ‫ ' اسى‬s …….
3. to + ……. Be more/less …… -be ……. V3/ving 3. ‫اًنهكٍح ضًائر‬My/their/
4. Modal(must/would/wi 3. …… ‫اسى‬ .3 ‫ فؼم‬+ ‫………يفؼٕل ّت‬ your/our/his/her
Can /could/may /migh …….
Shall/should ….…… 4. ‫………صفح‬
5. Do/did/does ‫……فاػم‬ 5. ‫جر درف‬of/with/for/about …...
6. The/a/an/some/any …..
Choose the suitable item from those given below to complete each of the following
1. It is...........that the population will keep on increasing, and by 2050 CE it will be about 11.5 million.
A. expected B. expect C. expectancy D. expectantly
2. I have a high...............of myself and the students I teach.
A. expectation B. expected C. expect D. expectantly
3. Many receive their results very soon.
A. expect B. expected C. expectancy D. expectantly
4. People all over the world are able to read and..........Jordanian Arts.
A. appreciate .B. appreciation C. appreciated

5. The researchers …… that not everyone’s personal circumstances make it possible to live without worry.
A. appreciate .B. appreciation C. appreciated
6. Thank you for your help, I
A. appreciate .B. appreciation C. appreciated
7. In our exam, we had to...........a text from Arabic into English.
A. translate B. translated C. translation
8. Nada made a ……… presentation at a seminar in Irbid last month.
A. successful B. success C. succeed D. successfully
9. Communication skills improve your chances other problem-solving tasks.
A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully
10. If you work hard, I’m sure you will …………....
A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
11. Zainab listens to music while she’s working. It helps her ………. .
A. concentration B. concentrate C. concentrated

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
12. Don’t talk to the driver. He must ………………

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
A. concentrate B. concentration C. concentrated
13. Don’t sit still for too long – move around frequently to increase your ……………..
A. circulation B. circulated C. circulate
14. How quickly does blood..........................round the body?
A. circulate B. circulated C. circulation
15. I now consider homoeopathy to be a...........option for many different conditions, including anxiety.
A. viable B. viability C. viably
16. If the meeting could be successful, it is ……...
A. viable B. viability C. viably
17. My first trip to China was not very……….
A. successful B. success C. succeed D. successfully
18. Education in Finland is more.............than many other countries.
A. successful B. success C. succeed D. successfully
19. This essay is predicting some.....................advances by the year 2100 CE.
A. medical B. medicine C. medically
20. You must not take in..............without consulting a physician.
A. medicine B. medical C. medically
21. Ibn Sina wrote....................................textbooks.
A. medical B. medicine C. medically
22..............., people hang decorations for holidays.
A. Traditionally B. Traditional C. Tradition
23. The recycling project has been …. carried out in my school.
A. successfully B. success C. succeed D. successful
24. My students have …… passed the final exams.
A. successfully B. success C. succeed D. successful
25. Tamer' English helped him get a good job earlier than his colleagues
A. fluency B. fluent C. fluently
26. Mr. Muhannad is speaking in front of people.
A. fluent B. fluently C. fluency
27. Anita wasn’t able to speak Arabic................till she was 20.
A. fluently B. fluent C. fluency
28. The young man’s parents want him to fish with a more.............partner.
A. productive B. production C. produce
29. What have 3D printers been used to.................?
A. produce B. productive C. production
Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
30. The Middle East is famous for the.....................of olive oil.
A. production B. produced C. produce
31. Have you seen Nasser’s..............of postcards? He’s got hundreds!
A. collection B. collective C. collect
32. When we go on school trips, we always learn new things because they are ……….. .
A. educational B. educate C. education
33. I will be going to university to continue my................
A. education B. educate C. educational
34. Do you think the wheel was the most important.....................ever?
A. invention B. invented C. invent
35. Scientists proved that exercise is good for …….
A. concentration B. concentrate C. concentrated
36. My father bought our house with an...........from his grandfather.
A. inheritance B. inherited C. inherit
37. Scholars have discovered an.........document from the 12th century.
A. original B. originally C. origin


A. Choose the suitable verb form from those given below to complete each of the following
Tense ‫انسٍي‬ Keywords‫انذالنح‬
1.had + v3 After/ Before/ because/ by + ‫ياًض‬
2.was/were + Ving When /while
3.V2 ‫ ٔا‬didn’t + v1 last/ ago/ yesterday/ ‫ ياًض تارٌخ‬/ was, were +Ving/ had+v3
the previous decade / ancient times / in the past +Ving now/ at the moment/ ‫! اير ًج هح‬
5. ‫ =يفرد‬V1s/doesn’t +v1 always/usually/ sometimes/ often/ every day, year
‫ =ًج غ‬V1/don’t +v1 ‫يا فً دنٍم ػهى اي زٍي اخر‬
6. has/have+ v3 just /yet/already/recently/ lately/ never/ ever

1. By 2007, people.............................smartphones.
A. hadn't used B. haven't used C. use
2. After I...............from university, I bought a house.
A. had graduated B. have graduated C.graduate

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
3. By the time I went to the Roman Theatre, I..................the museum.
A. had visited B. visit C. have visited
4. We repaired the computer because it...........................working.
A. had stopped B. stops C. has stopped
5. Before the Internet was invented, nobody..........of online shopping.
A. had dreamt B. dreams C. has dreamt
6. While I..................last night, an earthquake happened.
B. was sleeping B. sleep C. am sleeping
7. The games when the teacher phoned.
i. were playing B. was playing C. play
8. Mohammad had checked his emails before
A. started B. is starting C. starts D. had started
9. Mahmoud was walking home when the rain ……………..
A. started B. is starting C. starts
10. Our teacher ……………. us about the dangers of the Internet yesterday.
A. told B. tell C. has told
11. The light through the curtains… awake last night.
A. kept B. keep C. keeps
12. Brazil.................................the World Cup in 1990.
A. won B. win C. wins
13. They..................................Petra a year ago, they went last month.
A. didn't go B. don’t go C. doesn’t go
14. Call me later! I.............lunch with my parents.
A. am having B. was having C. had
15. The students.................................the final exam at the moment.
A. are doing doing C. were doing
16. I.....................................the match live now.
A. am watching B. is watching C. was watching)
17. Don’t talk loudly! Your father..................He is so exhausted.
A. is sleeping B. was sleeping C. sleeps
18. Students in at the age of 6.
A. start 2.starts C. started
19. Most in cities.
A. don't like B. doesn’t like C. didn’t like
20. Our English teacher always.......................on time.
A. arrives B. arrived C. arrive
21. I the newspaper headlines, but I don’t always read the articles.
A. Look B. looks c. looked
22. Our team..............................any goal yet.
A. hasn’t scored B. doesn’t score C. has scored
Past perfect continuous had been + ving After /before /by + ‫ياًض‬
since /for + ‫( ياًض‬v2/was/were)
Present perfect continuous has/have been + ving since/ for + ‫يضارع‬

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
23. The ground was wet. It..........................for two days.
A. had been raining B. has been raining C. are raining
24. The ground is wet. It...........................for two days.
A. has been raining B. had been raining C. have been raining
25. The students …… football since 9 a.m. They were very tired.
A. had been playing B. have been playing C. has been playing
26. The since 9 a.m. They are very tired.
A. have been playing B. had been playing C. has been playing
27. Hind...........................very hard for several weeks before she did her final exams.
A. had been working B. have been working C. has been working
28. My mother lost her purse yesterday. the market.
A. had been shopping B. have been shopping C. has been shopping
29. The the garden for two hours.
A. had been playing B. is playing C. has been playing
30. Aws started studying at 5 p.m. It’s 10 p.m., and he’s still studying.
A. Aws has been studying since 5 p.m. C. Aws had been studying since 5 p.m.
B. Aws has been studying at 5 p.m. D. Aws is studying since 5 p.m.
, and then = before
31. Mohammad checked his emails, and then he started work.
a. Mohammad had checked his emails before he started work.
b. Mohammad had checked his emails after he started work.
c. Mohammad checked his emails before he had started work.
d. Mohammad had started work before he checked his emails.
32. Mohammad checked his emails, and then he started work.
a. Before Mohammad started work , he had checked his emails.
b. Mohammad had checked his emails after he started work.
c. Mohammad checked his emails before he had started work.
d. Mohammad had started work before he checked his emails.

last/ ago/ yesterday/ ‫ياًض تارٌخ‬

1.was/were + v3
Passive always/usually/ sometimes/ often/ every day, year + v3
33. An introductory grammar of Jordanian Sign 2004 CE.
A. was published B. are published C. is published D. were published
34. A lot of research into the language.....................................every year.
A. is done B. are done C. was done D. were done
35. 75% of Jordan’s Iraq, the USA, India and Saudi Arabia.
A. are exported B. is exported C. was exported D. were exported

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
36. 98% of Jordanian 2008 CE by the immunization teams.
A. were immunized B. was immunized C. are immunized D. is exported
Passive Has /have + v3 = has /have been +v3
37. Our teacher has just marked our exams. The passive form of this sentence is:
A. Our exams have just been marked by our teacher. B. Our teacher has just been marked by our exams.
C. Our exams has just been marked by our teacher. D. Our exams had just been marked by our teacher.
38. My mother has taught me to read.
A. I have been taught to read by my mother. C. I was taught to read by my mother.
B. I am taught to read by my mother. D. I had been taught to read by my mother.
1.wil + v1 think/ hope/ probably /maybe/ perhaps /next tonight/ Tomorrow /
2.will + be + Ving still/ this time/ 6‫بانساػت وقج‬p.m/7 a.m ‫ فخرة‬future/ the In ‫حاريخ مسخقبم‬
3.will + have+ v3 by the end/ by + ‫ مسخقبم‬/ by the time + ‫مضارع‬ /in Soon ‫زمنيت‬ going to + v1 ‫حنبىؤ مبني ػهى دنيم او خطط مسخقبهت حم حرحيبها‬ Within ‫فخرة زمنيت‬
39. I think, everything.......................fine in the end.
A. will be B. is going to C. was going to
40. Dennis hopes that soon he.........................the new type of hand again.
A. will wear B. wears C. has worn
41. It is probably that all aspects of everyday life...............on a computer program.
A. will rely B. relies C. has relied
42. It will still......................................this evening.
A. be raining B. rain C. have rained D. will be raining
43. This time tomorrow, we...............because of finishing our exams.
A. will be celebrating B. celebrate C.have celebrated
44. At about 7 p.m. tomorrow, I..............................the news.
A. will be watching B. watch C. is watching
45. Soon we.......................................packing for our holiday.
A. will be B. are going to C. will have
46. The ordered the end of the week.
A. won't have arrived B. don’t arrive C. doesn’t arrive
47. By 2021, for ten years.
A. will have lived B. will live C. live
48. We’re late! By the time we get to the station, the train ………….
A. will have gone B. go C. is going to
49. Look at the black sky! It..............................soon!
A. is going to rain B. will rain C. rains
50. Ayman has broken his leg. It.............a long time to get better in the future.
A. is going to take B. will take C. takes
51. Nawaf intends to go to university and study Archaeology.
A. Nawaf is planning to go to university and study Archaeology.
B. Nawaf is planned to go to university and study Archaeology.
C. Nawaf plan to go to university and study Archaeology

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
I think you should = If I were you, I would
52. I think you should do some research.

a. If I were you, I would do some research. b. If I am you, I would do some research.

c. If I were you, I will do some research. d. If I am you, I will do some research.

B. Choose the suitable item from those given below to complete each of the following
53. You should only connect.........................people you know well on social media.
A. With/to B. on C. out D. in
54. People should know.........................the dangers of using Internet incorrectly.
A. about B. on C. out D. in
55. Make sure that you always turn.........................your privacy settings.
A. on B. to C. out D. in
56. Don’t give..........................personal information on the Internet.
A. out B. on C. to D. in
57. Be careful when you fill.........................a form on the Internet.(to/ about, on/out/in)
A. in B. on C. out D. to
58. I regret …………… to bed late last night. A. going B. go C. to go
59. Do you mind …… why the sky sometimes looks red? A. explaining B. explain C. to
60. We had the computer repaired because it had stopped................A. working B. work C. to
61. Are you planning …………… shopping tomorrow? A. to go B. go C. going
62. I intend …………….. medicine at university. A. to study B. study C. studying
63. I hope ……………. well in my exams this year. A. to do B. do C. doing
64. I want …………. to another country next year. A. to move B. move C. moving
65. We’re going to Aqaba again ………… the summer. A. in B. at C. on
The causative ( had) + object‫ به مفؼىل‬+ (V 3)
1. I had my phone …… after I dropped it. A. repaired B. repairing C. repair
2. I had my photo in front of Buckingham Palace …… A. taken B. had taken C. taking D. took
3. I had an email to my friend ……. before I started work. A. written B. wrote C. had written
4. I asked someone to repair the computer. The correct causative form of the sentence
above is:
A. I had the computer repaired. B. I had repaired the computer.
C. I have the computer repaired. D. The computer had been repaired.
66. We had the computer.........................because it had stopped working.
A. repaired B. repairing C. repair D. had repaired
don’t have to necessary not ‫ٍغ ر ضٔر ري‬

Bawaneh Muhannad by: Prepared )AbuNawaf( )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
allowed not mustn’t )‫ٍغ ر يًٕس ح (ًُٕيع‬

67. It isn’t necessary to switch off the screen.

A. You don’t have to switch off the screen. B. You must switch off the screen.
C. You have to switch off the screen. D. You mustn’t switch off the screen.
68. You are not allowed to touch this machine.
A. You mustn’t touch this machine. B. You can touch this machine.
C. You don’t have to touch this machine. D. You must touch this machine.
69. Aws was walking home when the rain started. It was very heavy, so he........have got very wet
a. must b. can’t c. might d. may
70. Perhaps Issa’s phone is broken.
A. Issa’s phone may be broken. B. Issa’s phone must be broken.
C. Issa’s phone mustn’t be broken. D. Issa’s phone can't be broken.
1.used to + v1 4.was/were + used to + Ving/‫اسم‬/‫ضمير‬ is/are + used to + Ving/‫اسم‬/‫ضمير‬
2.didn’t + use to+ v1 5.wasn’t /weren’t + used to +Ving/‫اسم‬/‫ضمير‬ 8.isn’t /aren’t + used to+ Ving/‫اسم‬/‫ضمير‬
3.Did ‫ فاػم‬use to+ 6.was/were+‫ فاػم‬+ used to + Ving/‫اسم‬/‫?ضمير‬‫ فاػم‬+ used to + Ving/‫اسم‬/‫? ضمير‬
71. We needed warm clothes when we went to London. We..............................the cold weather.
A. weren’t used to B. aren’t used to C. didn’t use to
72. Rashed..............go swimming every morning, but now he doesn’t.
A. used to B. is used to C. was used to
73. Please slow down. I..................walking so fast!
A. am not used to B. didn’t use to C. wasn’t used to
74. Did with your dad every weekend?
A. use to go B. used to go C. use to going D. used to going
75. Most Jordanians......................the hot weather that we have in summer.
A. are used to B. used to C. were used to D. use to
76. Salma has been practising the oud really hard and she …… playing it now.
A. is used to B. used to C. was used to D. use to
77. Are Jordan yet? You’ve been here for a month.
A. used to living B. use to living C. used to live D. use to live
78. 9. I didn’t..................English when I lived in Jordan.
A. use to speak B. used to speaking C. used to speak D. use to speaking

It is normal for ‫اسى‬/‫ ًٍض ر‬to V1 ……………

I to used ‫َات ِة نهًُف‬ V1 + ing …………
‫مفرد‬ am to used is
‫جمغ‬ are used to
79. It is normal for my parents to eat fresh vegetables.
a. My parents are used to eating fresh vegetables. c. My parents are used to eat fresh vegetables.
b. My parents were used to eating fresh vegetables. d. My parents used to eat fresh vegetables.
80. It is normal for me to walk fast.
a. I am used to walking fast. c. I am used to walk fast.
Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
b. I was used to walking fast. D. I used to walk fast.
81. It isn't normal for my brother to play in the park with his friends.
a. My brother isn’t used to playing in the park with his friends.
b. My brother isn’t used to play in the park with his friends.
c. My brother is used to playing in the park with his friends.
d. My brother is used to play in the park with his friends.
82. It isn't normal for most Jordanians to go to Aqaba in summer due to the hot weather.
a. Most Jordanians aren’t used to going to Aqaba in summer due to the hot weather.
b. Most Jordanians are used to going to Aqaba in summer due to the hot weather.
c. Most Jordanians weren’t used to going to Aqaba in summer due to the hot weather.
83. My brother isn’t used to choosing his clothes.
A. It is normal my brother to choose his clothes.
B. It isn’t normal my brother to choosing his clothes.
C. It isn’t normal my brother to choose his clothes.
pronouns Relative ‫ًض ائر إنصم‬
which ‫نغير انؼاقم‬ who ‫نهؼاقم‬ when ‫نهسمان‬ That ‫بدون‬ ‫ زمان او مكان‬which… + ‫فؼم‬
which In‫ نهطريقت‬where ‫ نهمكان‬whose ‫نهمهكيت‬ ‫فاصهت‬ ‫زمان او مكان‬which + ‫فاػم‬+ ‫ فؼم‬/‫حرف جر‬
84. The stars and planets are things...........................astronomers' study.
A. which B. when C. where D. who
85. Economics is the study of the is produced and used.
A. in which B. when C. where D. who
86. A chemist is a in a laboratory.
A. who B. when C. where D. which
87. There are also about twenty-three stables................horses may have been kept.
A. where B. when C. which D. who
88. It was the month of Ramadan...........Ibn Sina died, in June 1037 CE.
A. when B. which C. where D. who
89. He's the man............................daughter I met in Jordan.
A. whose B. who's C. where D. who
90. The Sahara Desert, in Africa, is very hot.
A. which B. when C. where D. who
91. I really love the new Chinese restaurant,.............we went to last night.
A. which B. when C. where D. who
92. Are there any jobs................train young people while they are working?
A. which B. when C. where D. who
93. There were remote areas of the country …… people had been without access to electricity.
A. whose B. when C. where D. who
94. It was Queen Rania..............opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
A. who B. when C. where D. whose
95. Ibn Bassal was a writer, a scientist and an engineer …… lived in Al-Andalus in the eleventh century CE.
A. who B. when C. where D. which

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
96. The Masdar university ……. students are fully committed to finding solutions to the world’s energy
problems is located in Abu Dhabi.
A. whose B. when C. where D. which
Cleft sentences
The person Who ‫تاًق انًجهح‬ ‫االسى انؼاقم‬
was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬
The thing which/that ‫تاًق انًجهح‬ was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬
‫ٍغ ر ػاقم‬
The event
The city Where ‫تاًق انًجهح‬ was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫اًنكاٌ تذٌٔ درف انجر‬in
The country
The year/period When ‫تاًق انًجهح‬ was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫انسياٌ تذٌٔ درف انجر‬in
The century
97. Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE .
a. The person who opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE was Queen Rania.
b. The person which opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE was Queen Rania.
c. The person when opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE was Queen Rania.
d. The person where opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE was Queen Rania.

98. Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.

a. The thing that Al-Jazari invented in the twelfth century was the mechanical clock.
b. The thing where Al-Jazari invented in the twelfth century was the mechanical clock.
c. The thing that invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century was Al-Jazari.
d. The thing that Al-Jazari invented in the mechanical clock was the twelfth century.
99. Huda won the prize for Art last year.
a. The prize that Huda won last year was for Art.
b. The prize that Huda won for Art was last year.
c. The prize that Huda won the prize for Art last year was the prize.
d. The prize that won for Art last year was Huda.
100. The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012 CE.
a. The event that took place in London in 2012 CE was the Olympic Games.
b. The event that the Olympic Games took place in 2012 CE was in London.
c. The event who took place in London in 2012 CE was the Olympic Games.
d. The event that the Olympic Games took place in London was in 2012 CE.
101. Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE .
a. The year when Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan was 2007 CE.
b. The year when Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan was in 2007 CE.
c. The year which Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan was 2007 CE.
d. The year where Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan was 2007 CE.
102. Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.
a. The period when Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock was the twelfth century.
b. The period which Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock was the twelfth century
c. The period when invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century was Al-Jazari.
d. The period when Al-Jazari invented in the mechanical clock was in the twelfth century.
103. The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012 CE.
a. The city where the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE was London.
b. The city where the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE was in London.
c. The city where the Olympic Games were held in London was 2012 CE.
d. The city which the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE was London.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
104. Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory in Iraq.
a. The country where Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was Iraq.
b. The country where Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was in Iraq.
c. The country where Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in Iraq was a laboratory.
d. The country which Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was Iraq.

Cleft sentences
was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫اسى ٍغ ر ػاقم‬ That ‫تاًق انًجهح‬

was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫اسى يكٌا ٔا زياٌ يغ درف انجر‬ That ‫تاًق انًجهح‬
was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫اسى ػاقم‬ Who ‫تاًق انًجهح‬
was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫اسى يكاٌ تذٌٔ درف جر‬ Where ‫تاًق انًجهح‬
was/is ‫دسة زٍي انًجهح‬ ‫اسى زياٌ تذٌٔ درف جر‬ When ‫تاًق انًجهح‬

105. Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
a. It was Queen Rania who opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
b. It was Queen Rania which opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
c. It was Queen Rania when opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
d. It was Queen Rania where opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE.
106. Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.
a. It was Al-Jazari who invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.
b. It was the mechanical clock who Al-Jazari invented in the twelfth century.
c. It was the twelfth century who Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock.
d. It was in the twelfth century who Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock.
107. The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012 CE.
a. It was in London that the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE.
b. It was London that the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE.
c. It was in London where the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE.
d. It was the 2012 CE where the Olympic Games were held in London.
108. The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012 CE.
a. It was London that the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE.
b. It was in 2012 CE when the Olympic Games were held in London.
c. It was in London where the Olympic Games were held in 2012 CE.
d. It was in 2012 CE that the Olympic Games were held in London.
109. Al-Kindi is especially famous for his work in geometry.
a. It is for his work in geometry that Al-Kindi is especially famous.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
b. It is for his work in geometry when Al-Kindi is especially famous.
c. It is for his work in geometry who Al-Kindi is especially famous.
d. It is for his work in geometry where Al-Kindi is especially famous.

Reported speech " Subject ‫فاػم‬ Verb ‫فؼم‬ Complement ‫"تًك هح‬
Subject ‫ فاػم‬said they ‫ُتسل انفاػم زي يا ْٕ اال‬ ‫يضارع‬ ‫ياًض‬
We ‫ياًض‬ ‫ياًض تاو‬
I he/she
am / 'm = was have / 've = had can = could must = had to
is / 's = was has= had may=might v2 = had + v3
are / 're = were v1 = v2 will / 'll = would didn’t + v1= hadnt+ v3
was / were= had been don’t = didn't doesn't = didn't
This = that Now = then Yesterday = the day before

110. "I have lived in Amman for six years."

a. Sami said I have lived in Amman for six years."

b. Sami said he had lived in Amman for six years."
c. Sami said she had lived in Amman for six years."
d. Sami said he has lived in Amman for six years."

111. "We will be working very hard this time in 2021."

a. The teacher said they would be working very hard that time in 2021.
b. The teacher said they will be working very hard this time in 2021
c. The teacher said we will be working very hard this time in 2021
d. The teacher said We would be working very hard this time in 2021

112. "The students are having lunch now."

a. Samira said the students were having lunch then.
b. Samira said the students are having lunch then.
c. Samira said she was having lunch then.
d. Samira said the students were having lunch now.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
113. "The play started when I arrived."
A. Ali said the play had started when he had arrived.
B. Ali said the play has started when I had arrived.
C. Ali said the play start when he arrived.
D. Ali said the play was starting when I had arrived.

The comparative and superlative …… than as.2 .…‫صفت مجردة‬as.… 3.the..................est/most/least
.4 ‫نفي‬as .…‫صفت مجردة‬as.… many ‫اسم جمغ مؼدود‬as.… much ‫اسم غير مؼدود‬as.…
fewer.7‫اسم جمغ مؼدود‬.… Than less.8‫اسم غير مؼدود‬Than.…

114. Japanese academic achievements do suggest that …… you study, the better you do in exams.
A. the longer B. longer C. the longest D. as long
115. The bus is late. We’ll have to wait a little …………
A. long B. longest C. longer D. longer than
116. Portuguese children have to go to school for...............than children in Japan.
A. longer B. long C. longest
117. My new shoes are.................than my old ones.
A. less comfortable B. comfortable C. least comfortable
118. Ordinary newspapers are..................than the electronic ones.
A. more acceptable B. acceptable C. as acceptable
119. Neither Maths nor Science is...................Law.
A. The most popular B. more popular C. as popular as
120. None of Arab countries are nearly..............the school year in countries like Japan and South Korea.
A. as long as B. longer C. the longest D. long
121. In Jordan, children don’t start school English children.
A. late B. later C. latest
122.................thing in the menu is orange juice.
A. The least expensive B. The less expensive C. The expensive
123. Portuguese and Turkish children have the.....................compulsory schooling.
A. most B. more C.much
124. English is …… language I have ever learnt.
A. the most popular B. more popular than C. as popular as
125. The ……….. thing in the menu is orange juice. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. cheap
126. Physics isn’t ……………….. Biology. A. as popular as B. more popular C. less popular
127. Not..............people applied for Law in 2014 CE as in the previous year.
A. as many B. as much C. fewer D. less

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
128. There isn't................information on the website as there is in the book.
A. as much B. as many C. fewer D. less
129. Students don’t like doing Music and Art they like doing English.
A. much B. many C. fewer D. less
130. There is................information on the website than there is in the book.
A. less B. much C. fewer D. many
131. In Finland, students attend school for...........and shorter days than 85% of other developed
A. fewer B. much C. many D. less

Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the one before it.
as + not be + A ‫صفح ٌٕطهح‬more be + B B as ‫صفح ٌٕطهح‬A than
less be + A ‫صفح ٌٕطهح‬more be + B B than ‫صفح ٌٕطهح‬A than
132. Watching sports on T.V isn’t as interesting as Watching sports live.
a. Watching sports live is more interesting than watching sports on T.V.
b. Watching sports live is less interesting than watching sports on T.V.
c. Watching sports live is as interesting as watching sports on T.V.
d. Watching sports live is the most interesting than watching sports on T.V.
133. My new shoes aren’t as comfortable as my old ones.
A. My new shoes are less comfortable than my old ones.
B. My old shoes are less comfortable than my new ones.
C. My new shoes are more comfortable than my old ones.
134. Ordinary newspapers are less acceptable than the electronic ones.
A. Ordinary newspapers aren’t as acceptable as the electronic ones.
B. Ordinary newspapers are more acceptable than the electronic ones.
C. Electronic newspapers aren’t as acceptable as the ordinary ones.
135. Walking fast is less strenuous than running fast.
a. Running fast is more strenuous than Walking fast.
b. Walking fast is as strenuous as running fast.
c. Running fast isn’t as strenuous as Walking fast.
d. Running fast is less strenuous than Walking fast.
136. Travelling by a plane is more expensive than travelling by a train. ٍٍ‫صخ اجاتت‬
a. Travelling by a train is less expensive than travelling by a plane.
b. Travelling by a train isn’t as expensive as travelling by a plane.
c. Travelling by a plane is as expensive as travelling by a train.
d. Travelling by a train is more expensive than travelling by a plane.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
longer = shorter earlier = later
137. Portuguese students have to go to school for longer than Japanese students.
a. Japanese students have to go to school for shorter than Portuguese students.
b. Japanese students have to go to school for longer than Portuguese students.
c. Portuguese students have to go to school for as long as Japanese students.
d. Portuguese students don’t have to go to school for as long as Japanese students.
138. Jordanian children can leave school one year earlier than British children.
a. British children can leave school one year later than Jordanian children.
b. British children can leave school one year earlier than Jordanian children.
c. Jordanian children can leave school one year later than British children.
d. Jordanian children can leave school one as early as British children.
less‫اسم غير مؼدود‬As ……. much as = than
The cheapest = the least expensive
139. There's less information on the website than there is in the book.
a. There isn’t as much information on the website as there is in the book.
b. There is more information on the website than there is in the book.
c. There isn’t as many information on the website as there is in the book.
d. There is as much information on the website as there is in the book.
140. Nawaf doesn’t eat as much food as Muhammad does.
a. Muhammad eats more food than Nawaf does.
b. Nawaf eats more food than Muhammad does.
c. Muhammad eats as many food as Nawaf does.
d. Muhammad eats less food than Nawaf does.
141. Nawaf doesn’t eat as much food as Muhammad does.
a. Nawaf eats less food than Muhammad does.
b. Muhammad eats as many food as Nawaf does.
c. Muhammad doesn’t eat as food as Nawaf does.
d. Nawaf eats more food than Muhammad does.
142. The cheapest thing in the menu is orange juice.
a. The least expensive thing in the menu is orange juice.
b. The most expensive thing in the menu is orange juice.
c. The less expensive thing in the menu is orange juice.
d. The more expensive thing in the menu is orange juice.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Neither A nor B is as ‫ ٌٕطهح صفح‬as C A and B + are less ‫ ٌٕطهح صفح‬than C.

Neither A nor B is as ‫ ٌٕطهح صفح‬as C A and B + are more ‫ ٌٕطهح صفح‬than C.

143. Neither Medicine nor Dentistry is as popular as Law.

a. Law is more popular than Medicine and Dentistry.
b. Law is less popular than Medicine and Dentistry.
c. Law isn’t as popular as Medicine and Dentistry.
d. Medicine is more popular than Law and Dentistry.
144. Neither Medicine nor Dentistry is as popular as Law.
a. Medicine and Dentistry are less popular than Law.
b. Medicine and Dentistry is less popular than Law.
c. Medicine and Dentistry are as popular as Law.
d. Medicine is more popular than Law and Dentistry.

Indirect .Wh 1 + ‫ فؼهًساػذ‬+ ‫فاػم‬ ? ‫مقدمت‬Wh + ‫ فاػم‬+ ‫فؼم مساػد‬ ?

Questions 2.Wh +do+ ‫ فاػم‬+ V1 ..................? ‫مقدمت‬Wh + ‫فاػم‬+ V1 ?
Wh- 3.Wh +does+ ‫ فاػم‬+ V1 ..................? ‫مقدمت‬Wh + ‫فاػم‬+ s V1+ ?
questions 4. Wh +did+ ‫ فاػم‬+ V1 ..................? ‫مقدمت‬Wh + ‫فاػم‬V2+ ?

145. What can I do on the day before the exam?

a. Could you tell me what I can do on the day before the exam?
b. Could you tell me what I can do on the day before the exam.
c. Could you tell me what can I do on the day before the exam?
d. Could you tell me I can what do on the day before the exam?
146. Why do the clouds sometimes look black?
a. Do you mind explaining Why the clouds sometimes look black?
b. Do you mind explaining Why do the clouds sometimes look black?
c. Do you mind explaining if do the clouds sometimes look black?
d. Do you mind explaining if the clouds sometimes look black?

147. Why does the sky sometimes look red?

a. Do you mind explaining Why the sky sometimes looks red?
b. Do you mind explaining Why does the sky sometimes look red?
c. Do you mind explaining Why does the sky sometimes looks red?
d. Do you mind explaining Why the sky sometimes looks red.
148. What did you most enjoy about the degree?
a. Could you tell me What you most enjoyed about the degree?
b. Could you tell me What you most enjoyed about the degree.
c. Could you tell me What did you most enjoy about the degree?
d. Could you tell me What you most enjoy about the degree?

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬

1.Modal + you+ V1..............? Do you mind + Ving..................?

2.Please + V1 ……………….. Do you mind + Ving..................?
149. Can you suggest a healthy breakfast?

a.Do you mind suggesting a healthy breakfast?

b.Do you mind suggest a healthy breakfast?
C. Do you mind suggesting a healthy breakfast.
d.Do you mind suggest a healthy breakfast.
150. Please tell me where you found that information.
a. Do you mind telling me where you found that information?
b. Do you mind telling me where you found that information.
c. Do you mind to tell me where you found that information?.
d. Do you mind to tell me where you found that information.

Indirect Questions .1 ‫ فؼم يساػذ‬+ ‫فاػم‬ ? ‫مقدمت‬If(whether) + ‫فاػم‬+ ‫? فؼم مساػد‬.…

Yes/ No questions 2.Do+ ‫ فاػم‬+ V1 ..................? ‫مقدمت‬If + ‫فاػم‬+ V1 ?
3.Does+ ‫ فاػم‬+ V1 ..................? ‫مقدمت‬If + ‫فاػم‬+ s V1+ ?
4.Did+ ‫ فاػم‬+ V1 ..................? ‫مقدمت‬If + ‫فاػم‬V2+ ?
151. Can we take water into the exam?

a. Do you know if we can take water into the exam?

b.Do you know if Can we take water into the exam?
c. Do you know Can we take water into the exam?
d.Do you know if we can take water into the exam.

152. Do we take water into the exam or not?

a. Do you know whether we take water into the exam or not?
b. Do you know whether we take water into the exam or not.
c. Do you know we take water into the exam or not?
d. Do you know whether do we take water into the exam or not?
153. Does the sky sometimes look red?

a. I wonder if the sky sometimes looks red.

b. I wonder Does the sky sometimes look red?
c. I wonder if the sky sometimes look red?
d. I wonder if the sky sometimes looks red?

154. Did you discover this amazing news easily?

a. I wonder if you discovered this amazing news easily.
b. I wonder if you discovered this amazing news easily?
c. I wonder if you discover this amazing news easily.
d. I wonder if did you discover this amazing news easily.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Impersonal Passive
‫فاػم‬ ‫فؼم انراي‬ That ‫ فاػم‬+ ‫فؼم‬
‫فاػم تؼذ‬ V1/V1s is/are +V3
‫َ تذٕل‬
am/ is/ are /was /were be
V2 was / were +V3 V1/ V1 s/ will+ V1/V2 v1
that have/has + v3 has/ have been V3 to‫ انى‬Was /were have been
V2 have V3
‫افؼال انراي‬ Know knew known think thought thought claim claimed claimed
say said said believe believed believed reportreported reported

155. Experts think that people will live on Mars in 2050.

a. People are thought to live on Mars in 2050.
b. People were thought to live on Mars in 2050.
c. People have been thought to live on Mars in 2050.
d. People are thought that will live on Mars in 2050.

156. People believe that doing exercise reduces the risk of diseases.
a. Doing exercise is believed to reduce the risk of diseases.
b. Doing exercise are believed to reduce the risk of diseases.
c. Doing exercise is believed that reduces the risk of diseases.
d. Doing exercise is believed to reduces the risk of diseases.

157. People thought that the earth was flat.

a. The earth was thought to be flat.

b. The earth were thought to be flat.
c. The earth is thought to be flat.
d. The earth has been thought to be flat.

158. Linguists have claimed that learning languages is good.

a. Learning languages has been claimed to be good.

b. Learning languages have been claimed to be good.
c. Learning languages was claimed to be good.
d. Learning languages is claimed to be good.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬

‫فاػم‬ ‫فؼم انراي‬ That ‫ فاػم‬+ ‫فؼم‬

V1/V1s is +V3 ْٕ ‫زي يا‬

V2 was +V3
It V2 used to be + v3
have/has + v3 has been V3
159. People believe that doing exercise reduces the risk of diseases.
a. It is believed that doing exercise reduces the risk of diseases.
b. It was believed that doing exercise reduces the risk of diseases.
c. It has been believed that doing exercise reduces the risk of diseases.
d. It is believed to reduce the risk of diseases.

160. People thought that the earth was flat.

a. It was thought that the earth was flat.

b. It were thought that the earth was flat.
c. It was thought to be flat.
d. It is thought that the earth was flat.

161. People used to think that the earth was flat.

a. It used to be thought that the earth was flat.

b. It were used to be thought that the earth was flat.
c. It was used to be thought to be flat.
d. It is used to be thought that the earth was flat.

162. Linguists have claimed that learning languages is good.

a. It has been claimed that learning languages is good.

c. It is claimed that learning languages is good.
c. It was claimed that learning languages is good.
d. It has claimed that learning languages is good.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Wish / If only
only If ‫فاػم‬ Past perfect (had + v3) didn’t /v2 late/was/were ‫دنٍم ػهى ياًض‬
‫فاػم‬wish ‫فاػم‬ (hadn’t + v3) /could /regret/feel/last/yesterday/ago
only If ‫فاػم‬ Past Simple (v2)/ (didn’t + v1) ‫يا فٍش دنٍم ػاًناًض‬
‫فاػم‬wish ‫فاػم‬ were / could + v1/ would +v1
163. I wish scientists.....................of a way to prevent flu!
A. would think B. will think C. had thought
164. Our flat is very small. If only a big house.
A. lived B. had lived C. live
165. Jaber isn’t old enough to drive a car. He wishes he......................older.
A. were B. is C. had been
166. I want to go out this afternoon, but I don’t feel well. If only I.............a headache.
A. didn’t have B. don’t have C. hadn’t had
167. Nawaf does not understand Chinese. If only he............Chinese.
A. could speak B. can speak C. speak
168. I couldn’t understand anything. If only I.................Chinese!
A. had studied B. study C. studied
169. I regret the deal now. I wish we …………... it. A. hadn’t done B. had done C. don’t do
170. I wish I ……………. all this when I started out in business. A. had known B. knew C. knew
171. It was too hot to go to the beach yesterday. If only it...........cooler.
A. had been B. hadn’t been C. were
172. I feel ill. I wish I ………. so many sweets! A. hadn’t eaten B. had eaten C. don’t eat
173. I wish I.....................these shoes. They hurt my feet.
A. hadn’t bought B. had bought C. bought
174. We’re late. If only we …………... the earlier bus.A. had caught B.hadn’t caught C. catch
175. Ibrahim was right and I was wrong. I wish him.
A. had listened B. listen C. hadn’t listened
Wish To express wishes about the present that are impossible or unlikely to
If only + Past Simple happen.
Wish + Past perfect To express regrets about the past
If only + had + v3

1. I wish I knew the answer. This sentence indicates…………..

a. wishes about the present that are impossible or likely to happen
b. wishes about the past that are impossible or likely to happen
c. wishes about the past that are impossible or unlikely to happen
d. wishes about the present that are impossible or unlikely to happen
2. I wish I had known the answer when the teacher asked me. This sentence indicates ……..
a. regrets about the past
b. regrets about the present
c. wishes about the past
d. wishes about the present

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
If only / wish
1. Am/is/are = weren’t V1/v1s = didn’t + v1 Should have = had
2. Am not /isn’t /aren’t = were Don’t /doesn’t + v1 = v2 regret Ving = hadn’t + v3
3. Was/ were = hadn’t been V2 = hadn’t + v3
4.wasn’t /weren’t = had been Didn’t +v1 = had v3
176. Huda is aggressive with kids.

a. If only Huda weren’t aggressive with kids

b. If only Huda were aggressive with kids
c. If only Huda had been aggressive with kids
d. If only Huda has been aggressive with kids
177. Hani wasn’t ready for the exams when I met him.

a. I wish Hani had been ready for the exams when I met him.
b. I wish Hani hadn’t been ready for the exams when I met him.
c. I wish Hani weren’t ready for the exams when I met him.
d. I wish Hani wasn’t ready for the exams when I met him.

178. Jaber isn’t old enough to drive a car.

a. I wish Jaber were old enough to drive a car.

b. I wish Jaber weren’t old enough to drive a car.
c. I wish Jaber had been old enough to drive a car.
d. I wish Jaber hadn’t been old enough to drive a car.
179. The students were lazy before the exams.
a. If only the students hadn’t been lazy before the exams.
b. If only the students were lazy before the exams.
c. If only the students weren’t lazy before the exams.
d. If only the students had been lazy before the exams.
180. Hamodeh spends his time on video games.
a. If only Hamodeh didn’t spend his time on video games.
b. If only Hamodeh doesn’t spend his time on video games.
c. If only Hamodeh hadn’t spent his time on video games.
d. If only Hamodeh had spent his time on video games.

181. My cousins don’t live near here.

a. I wish my cousins lived near here.
c. I wish my cousins hadn’t lived near here.
b. I wish my cousins didn’t live near here.
d. I wish my cousins don’t live near here.
182. I bought these shoes because they hurt my feet.
a. I wish I hadn’t bought these shoes because they hurt my feet.
b. I wish I had bought these shoes because they hurt my feet.
c. I wish I haven’t bought these shoes because they hurt my feet.
d. I wish I have bought these shoes because they hurt my feet.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
183. I didn’t learn to play any sports when I was at school.
a. I wish I had learnt to play any sports when I was at school.
b. I wish I had learnt to play any sports when I was at school.
c. I wish I learned to play any sports when I was at school.
d. I wish I didn’t learn to play any sports when I was at school.
184. Nader shouldn't have been careless with his essay.
a. Nader wishes he hadn’t been careless with his essay.
b. Nader wishes he had been careless with his essay.
c. Nader wishes he shouldn’t have been careless with his essay.
d. Nader wishes he should have been careless with his essay.
185. Nader should have been more careful with his essay. He didn’t get a good mark.
e. Nader wishes he had been more careful with his essay. He didn’t get a good
f. Nader wishes he hadn’t been more careful with his essay. He didn’t get a good mark.
g. Nader wishes he shouldn’t have been more careful with his essay. He didn’t get a good mark.
h. Nader wishes he should have been more careful with his essay. He didn’t get a good mark.

186. Samia regrets being angry at breakfast time.

a. If only Samia hadn’t been angry at breakfast time.
b. If only Samia had been angry at breakfast time.
c. If only Samia were angry at breakfast time.
d. If only Samia weren’t angry at breakfast time.
187. I regret going to bed late last night.
A. .I wish I hadn’t gone to bed late last night.
B. .I wish I had gone to bed late last night.
C. .I wish I hadn’t gone to bed earlier last night.

188. I regret going to bed late last night.

A. . I wish I had gone to bed earlier last night.
B. . I wish I hadn’t gone to bed late last night.
C. .I wish I hadn’t gone to bed earlier last night.
D. .I wish I had gone to bed late last night.

Functions ‫انهغىيت انىظائف‬

showing cause ‫سبب‬ because / as / since / because of, / due to

showing result ‫نخيجت‬ therefore /so / as a result, /because of that, / consequently

1. We couldn’t go to the stadium because / as / since there weren’t any tickets left.

The language function of the use of “because ” : A. showing cause B. Giving Advice C. showing result

2. She worked hard; as a result, / because of that, / consequently, she did very well in her exams.

The language function of the use of “because of that ” : A. showing result B. showing cause

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Writing skills: Useful language for reports
1. Introduction
The aim of this report is to … / This report examines … / In this report, […] will be examined.
2. Reporting information
- There is /There are more than - Almost three-quarters of the population are regular users of
- The number of […] has declined/increased since [date].
3. Conclusion/Recommendations
It appears that / This results in / It is recommended that / The best course of action would be to
1. The aim of this report is to provide information concerning participation in the arts in London.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
B. An introduction B. A conclusion C. A recommendation D. A reporting information
2. This report examines the free-time activities that [your town] has to offer.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. An introduction B. A recommendation C. A conclusion D. A reporting information
3. In this report, we will look at the countries that Jordan trades with and what goods it exports and
imports. The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. An introduction B. A conclusion C. A recommendation D. A reporting information
4. The number of healthcare services has been increasing rapidly over the past years.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. A reporting information B. A conclusion C. A recommendation D. An introduction
5. There is much or little to do in our town.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. A reporting information B. A conclusion C. An introduction D. A recommendation
6. Almost three-quarters of the population are regular users of online shopping.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. A reporting information B. A recommendation C. A conclusion D. An introduction
7. It appears that, it might be a good idea to get funding to make some arts activities.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. A recommendation B. A reporting information C. An introduction D. An opposition
8. This results in a strong work force with economic benefits for the whole country.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. A conclusion B. A reporting information C. An introduction D. An opposition
9. The best course of action would be to know the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. A conclusion B. An opposition C. An introduction D. A reporting information
10. It is recommended that we should fund some arts activities a lot cheaper to do.
The above sentence in a report represents one of the following:
A. a recommendation B. An opposition C. An introduction D. A reporting information

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
devices Rhetorical ‫األٔد اخ األدٍتح‬
:Simile ّ‫انتشٍث‬
- Some robots will look and sound very like humans, because technology will have advanced a great deal.
- Treatment and medicines will taste as delicious as real food.
:Metaphor ‫اًنجاز‬/ ‫االستؼارج‬
-The world will be at your fingertips.
:Onomatopoeia ‫اًنذاكاج ان ٕصٍتح‬
-Everywhere we go we will hear the constant buzz and hum of technology.
:Personification ‫ تشٍخ ص‬/‫تجٍس ذ‬
-Our computers and mobile phones will take care of us, by telling us when to wake up, eat and sleep.

1. Some robots will look and sound very like humans, because technology will have advanced a great deal.
is: sentence above the in device Rhetorical The ‫األداج األدٍتح انًستخذيح فً انًجهح أػاِل‬
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Onomatopoeia d. Personification
2. Treatment and medicines will taste as delicious as real food.
is: sentence above the in device Rhetorical The ‫األداج األدٍتح انًستخذيح فً انًجهح أػاِل‬
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Onomatopoeia d. Personification
3. The world will be at your fingertips.
is: sentence above the in device Rhetorical The ‫األداج األدٍتح انًستخذيح فً انًجهح أػاِل‬
a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Onomatopoeia d. Personification
4. Everywhere we go we will hear the constant buzz and hum of technology.
is: sentence above the in device Rhetorical The ‫األداج األدٍتح انًستخذيح فً انًجهح أػاِل‬
a. Onomatopoeia b. Metaphor c. Simile d. Personification
5. Our computers and mobile phones will take care of us, by telling us when to wake up, eat and sleep.
is: sentence above the in device Rhetorical The ‫األداج األدٍتح انًستخذيح فً انًجهح أػاِل‬
a. Personification b. Metaphor c. Onomatopoeia d. Simile
6. Your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get some exercise!
a. Personification b. Metaphor c. Onomatopoeia d. Simile
Opposition Consequence
However/Despite/Although/Whereas/ in spite of /conversely In this way, As a consequence,
On the one hand/On the other hand / /on the contrary/ Therefore, As a result, consequently
1. Although the Internet of things sounds exciting, we should be careful.
The function of the underlined item " Although " is:
a. opposition b. Addition c. consequence
2. Lights will go off automatically. In this way, we will save
energy. The function of the underlined item " In this way " is:
a. consequence b. opposition c. Addition

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
vitae curriculum of Headings )C.V(‫عناوين السيرة ال>اتية‬
1. Name - Tareq Hakim / Hisham Khatib
2. Contact details - 5 North Street, Ajloun /// 22 East Way, Irbid
3. Work experience - 2009–2012: shop assistant at a chemist’s
- 2012–2014: reporter for Medicine Today
- 2014–now: editor at a scientific journal
- 2010–now: Sales Representative for a large pharmaceutical company
4. Qualifications and - Degree in Chemistry (graduated 2008);
- Certificate in Journalism (2011)
- Degree in Physics(graduated 2009)
5. Skills and - Captain of school basketball team; Voluntary work for a charity
that helps elderly people
- I won Salesperson of theYear Award in 2013 CE.
6. Personal attributes - I am a conscientious worker and I am very enthusiastic about
working in pharmaceuticals.
- I am a very competent worker. I am also adaptable.
7. Reference - Osama Hayek, Chemistry teacher at my secondary school
- Samira Rahhal, the director in my current job

1. Tareq Hakim
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Name B. Contact details C. Work experience D. Qualifications and training
2. 5 North Street, Ajloun
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Contact details B. Name C. Work experience D. Qualifications and training
3. 2009–2012: shop assistant at a chemist’s
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Work experience B. Contact details C. Name D. Qualifications and training
4. Degree in Chemistry (graduated 2008);
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Qualifications and training B. Contact details C. Work experience D. Name
5. Captain of school basketball team
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Skills and achievements B. Contact details C. Work experience D. Name
6. I am a very competent worker. I am also adaptable.
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Personal attributes B. Name C. Work experience D. Qualifications and training
7. Osama Hayek, Chemistry teacher at my secondary school
In curriculum vitae , the above given information about Tareq represents one of the following headings.
A. Reference B. Contact details C. Name D. Qualifications and training

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
clauses If ‫ًج م انشرط‬
If( ‫ ٕن‬/ٌ‫ ( )ا‬as long as ‫ (طاًنا‬that (provided ‫شرٌطح ٌأ‬/ ‫ ( ) تشرط‬unless ‫ ( ) يا نى‬if even ‫ (دتى ٕن‬when( ‫ػذيا‬
ُ (
Type If + ‫ جمغ فاػم‬+ are/ V1/don’t + V1 ‫ جمغ فاػم‬+ are/ V1/don’t + V1 always/ usually/
0 sometimes / ‫ثىابج‬
If + ‫ مفرد فاػم‬+ is/ V1s /doesn’t + V1 ‫ مفرد فاػم‬+ is/ V1s /doesn’t + V1
Type 1 If + ‫ جمغ فاػم‬+ are/ V1/don’t + V1 Tomorrow/
‫ فاػم‬+ will/can + V1
If + ‫ مفرد فاػم‬+ is/ V1s /doesn’t + V1 next/soon
Type 2 If + ‫فاػم‬+ were/V2/didn’t + V1 ‫ فاػم‬+ would + V1

Type 3 If + ‫فاػم‬+ had/hadn’t + V3 ‫ فاػم‬+ would/could/might + have+ V3

189. If you heat water to 100°C, it ………………….... .

A. boil B. boils C. boiled
190. When you..................water to 100°C, it boils.
a. heat b. heated c. heats
191. Babies...............usually happy unless they’re hungry or cold.
B. would be B. were C. are
192. During Ramadan, we eat when the sun …………….
B. set B. had set C. sets
193. If, they die.
b. hadn’t irrigate b. didn’t irrigate c. don’t irrigate
194. It...................unless the clouds are black.
c. don’t rain b. doesn’t rain c. didn’t rain
195. Do you usually go home or meet your friends when school..................?
A. finishes B. finished C. finish
196. I will help you with your homework, as long as with mine!
A. help B. helped C. had helped D. helps
197. If Omar..........his driving test this afternoon, he won't have his own car.
A. Passes B. pass C. had passed
198. I will take the job offer if it..................part-time.
A. is B. will be C. was D. had been
199. Provided that it................., we will have a picnic next week.
d. doesn’t rain b. don’t rain c. didn’t rain
200. Our team won't celebrate if they.................the match.
e. don’t win B. didn’t win C. hadn’t won
201. When you arrive at the station next Saturday, we..........there to meet you.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
A. would be B. are C. will be
202. Your new computer will last a long time as long as you..............careful with it.
f. are B. will be C. would be
203. Nasser..........out with us tomorrow unless he has to help his father.
A. come B. will come C. would come
204. our favourite restaurant on Friday unless it’s closed.
g. will go B. would go C. would have gone
205. You will not pass your exams unless you......................hard.
h. studies B. study C. studied
206. If I were you, I....................some research.
A. do B. will do C. would do
207. If, I would send a text message.
A. am B. were C. had been D. have been
208. If Ali............his own computer, he wouldn’t need to use his friend’s computer.
i. have B. has C. had had D. had
209. What would happen if access their passwords and security settings?
j. had managed B. managed C. manage
210. If they.......................well, they would be very dangerous.
k. didn’t go B. don’t go C. hadn’t gone
211. If Huda..................ill yesterday, she wouldn’t have missed the exam.
l. wasn’t B. hadn’t been C. hasn’t been D. isn’t
212. I.........................that opportunity if I hadn't done the work experience first.
m. wouldn't have B. wouldn't have had C. won't have
213. I wouldn't have had much money last year if I.................that job!
n. hadn't had B. haven't had C. didn't have
214. If you.......................the prize, how would you have spent the money?
o. had won B. win C. won
215. Provided that everyone................hard, we would have passed our exams.
p. had worked B. worked C. works

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
‫ٍص اغح انًجم ٍي اُنٕع انثانث‬
216. Saeed left his camera at home, so he wasn’t able to take pictures of the parade.
A. If Saeed hadn't left his camera at home, he could have been able to take pictures of the parade.
B. If Saeed had left his camera at home, he could have been able to take pictures of the parade.
C. If Saeed hadn't left his camera at home, he couldn’t have been able to take pictures of the parade.
D. If Saeed had left his camera at home, he couldn’t have been able to take pictures of the parade.

217. I had a headache yesterday, and I didn’t do well in the Maths test.
A. If I hadn't had a headache yesterday, I might have done well in the Maths test.
B. If I had had a headache yesterday, I might have done well in the Maths test.
C. If I hadn't had a headache yesterday, I might not have done well in the Maths test.
D. If I had had a headache yesterday, I might not have done well in the Maths test.
218. I didn’t arrive on time , so I was confused.
A. If I had arrived on time, I couldn’t have been confused.
B. If I hadn’t arrived on time, I couldn’t have been confused.
C. If I had arrived on time, I could have been confused.
D. If I hadn’t arrived on time, I could have been confused.
219. You were so bright. That’s how I noticed you in the crowd.
A. If you hadn't been so bright, I might not have noticed you in the crowd.
B. If you had been so bright, I might have noticed you in the crowd.
C. If you had been so bright, I might not have noticed you in the crowd.
D. If you hadn't been so bright, I might have noticed you in the crowd.

‫اخٍتار اداج انشرط انًُاسثح‬

220. (When/ Unless/ even If) heat water to 100°C, it boils.
221. You will not pass your exams (unless / as long as / if) study hard.
222. (If / Unless/ even if) do not water the plants, they will die.
223. Your new computer will last a long time … (as long as / even if / Unless) you are careful with it.
224. We have to go to school, (even if / when / If)...............we’re tired
225. Ice cream melts (when/ even if / unless) gets warm.
226. Babies are usually happy (unless / when / if).............................they’re hungry or cold.

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
advice Giving ‫إػطاء اُنصائخ‬
1. You should If I were you, I would
2. You shouldn’t If I were you, I wouldn’t
3. You ought to Why don’t you …….?
4. It would be a good idea for you to You could
227. You should do some research.
a. If I were you, I would do some research.
b. If I am you, I would do some research.
c. If I were you, I will do some research.
d. If I am you, I will do some research.
228. You shouldn’t look too casual.
a. If I were you, I wouldn’t look too casual.
b. If I am you, I wouldn’t look too casual.
c. If I were you, I would look too casual.
d. If I am you, I will look too casual.
229. You ought to get some work experience.
A. Why don’t you get some work experience?
B. Why don’t you getting some work experience?
C. Why do you get some work experience?
D. Why don’t you get some work experience.
230. It would be a good idea for you to make a list of questions.
A. You could make a list of questions.
B. You couldn’t make a list of questions.
C . If I were you, I wouldn’t make a list of questions.
D. You can't make a list of questions.
231. Before you find a full-time job, ………. consider doing voluntary work?
A. why don’t you B. if I were you C. you could
232........................................., I’d find out about training courses.
A. if I were you B. you could C. why don’t you
233. As you have a Geology degree, a course in Land Surveying and become a surveyor.
A. you could B. if I were you C. why don’t you

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
Punctuation ‫انترقٍى‬
? ‫ب ٌثذأ‬when /why/what/ how
do/ does/ didhas/ have/ had/ is/are/was/ were/ will/would/can/could ‫يساػذ فؼم ٔا‬
. ‫ًف ٌَٓاح انًجمٔانفقراخ‬

, ‫تفصم االفكار داخم انًجهح ٌٔتث ّؼ درف‬letter small

! ًَٓ ‫ًجهح اير ٔا‬

Choose the correctly punctuated sentences:

1. The person who is known as the ……. of chemistry is probably Jabir ibn Hayyan……

A) founder / . B) fuonder / . C) founder / ? D) founder / ,

2. Who established the first music school teaching musical...................and composition….

A) harmony / ? B) harmuny/ ? C) harmony/ . D) harmony / ,
3. He ……….. musical theory……and is also the person who introduced the oud to Europe.
A) revolutionised / , B) revolutionised / ? C) revolutionised / . D) revoltionised / ,
4. Fatima al-Fihri was the daughter of a ……. businessman….
A) wealthy / . B) wealthy / ? C) weelthy / . D) wealthy / ,
5. She used her father’s ……. to build a learning centre in Fez…… Morocco.
A) inheritance / , B) inheritance / ? C) inheritance / . D) inhiritance / ,
6. Al-Kindi was a ……….. , philosopher, mathematician......chemist, musician and astronomer – a true
polymath. A) physician / , B) physician / . C) physician / ? D) phisician / ,
7. Al-Kindi was a physician ,.........., mathematician, chemist, musician and astronomer – a true
polymath…. A) philosopher /. B) philosopher / ? C) philosobher / . D) philosopher / ,
8. Al-Kindi was a physician….philosopher,..............., chemist, musician and astronomer – a true
polymath. A) , / mathematician, B) ? / mathematician C) . / mathematician
9. Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician….. chemist, musician and..................a true
polymath. A) , / astronomer B) . / astronomer C) ? / astronomer
10. Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician…. .chemist, musician and astronomer– a true
……….. . A) , / polymath B) . / polymath C) ? / polymath D. , / polymeth
11. He made ground-breaking discoveries in many of these fields…… but it is probably his work in
arithmetic and..............that has made him most famous.
A) , / Geometry B) . / Geometry C) , / Geomatry D. ? / Geometry
12. Is Al-Kindi probably most famous for his work in ……… and Geometry….
A) arithmetic / ? B) arithmetic / . C) arithmetic/, D. arithmetik / ?

Prepared by: Muhannad Bawaneh )‫ مهند بواعنه (أبو نواف‬:‫إعداد‬
13. Jordan is rich in potash and phosphate…. and the extraction industry for one of the
largest in the world.
A) , / minerals B) , / menerals C) ? / minerals D. . / minerals
14. Jordan is rich in potash and phosphate, and the...........industry for these minerals is one of the
largest in the world…….
A) extraction / . B) extraktion / . C) extraction /, D. extraction / ?
15. Not surprisingly…… two of Jordan’s largest exports are chemicals and ……...
A) , / fertilisers B) . / fertilisers C) ? / fertilisers D. , / fertelisers
16.................and other industries represent 30% of Jordan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 75% of
Jordan’s pharmaceuticals are exported….. .
A) Pharmaceuticals / . B) Pharmaceutecals / . C) Pharmaceuticals /, D. Pharmaceuticals / ?
17. Pharmaceuticals and other industries represent 30% of Jordan’s Gross ……… Product (GDP)……
and 75% of Jordan’s pharmaceuticals are exported.
A) Domestic / , B) Domestic / . C) Domestec /, D. Domestic / ?
18. However, the …….(65%) of the economy is dominated by services.........mostly travel and tourism.
A) majority / , B) majority / . C) majurity /, D. majority / ?
19. However … the majority (65%) of the economy services, mostly travel and tourism.
A) , / dominated B) , / domenated C) ? / dominated D. . / dominated
20. Jordan does not have large oil or gas …… ……
A) reserves / . B) reserves / , C) riserves /. D. reserves / ?
21. Jordan signed a free trade …………. with Egypt.....Morocco and Tunisia in 2004 CE.
A) agrement / , B) agreement / , C) agreement /. D. agreement / ?

a ‫مالحظت جميغ االجاباث‬

‫ربي يىفقكم ويفرحنا بنجاحكم وانمؼدل انؼاني‬

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