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Anécdota (Speaking) AA2-EV01

Hi! Good day

My name is José David Orellano Cárdenas. I am going to talk about my life before and during
March 2020; in other words, what was my daily routine during this period.

Before Pandemic

What were you doing before March 2020?

Before March 2020, I was studying; I entered school last month. In January, I visited my grandma.

What projects were you working on?

I was working and saving to buy a computer and bicycle. I wanted to achieve it before November.
My mother told me that with a little effort, I was capable.

What activities were you doing?

My daily routine activities were:

I woke up at 9:00 am because I studied in the afternoon.

I went to school and was at the school from 12:15 pm until 6:45 pm.

I did part of my homework in the evening and the rest in the morning.

I watched TV at 9 pm and went to bed at 10 pm.

I played with my friends in front of my house every weekend.

What were you studying?

I was studying at the middle school as I was beginning my electricity classes and was learning to
make circuits.

What sports were you playing?

I liked to play soccer. However, I was beginning to play basketball lately.

During Pandemic

Who were you spending your free time with?

I was spending my free time with my parents. They accompanied me all the time, that is to say, in
my free time, with my homework, routine, etc.

When the Pandemic began, although the OMS said we needed to keep our distance, I told my
mother we had to be together.

What were you doing for fun?

I began to like drawing and painting and had a lot of fun. Furthermore, in my neighborhood, we
didn´t think about the pandemic; therefore, I played with my friends and also had fun watching
Math classes on YouTube, and when I had virtual meetings, I met with my classmates and sent

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