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Study Skills Group Post -Test

Hello Wildcats! This is a quick little quiz, so that we can [gure out how much you have
learned from group. Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability :)

- Miss Amanda & Miss Hassena Switch account

Not shared

What is your ID #?

Your answer

I believe it is important to plan out how I'm going to study

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Why is it important to learn about study skills?

Because our teachers told us to

Because the longer you study, the better student you will be, no matter how you do it

Because it makes studying worth your time

Because then nobody will question if you are smart

The three main types of learning styles are...

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

Active, Inactive, Semi-active

Productive, Interactive, Understanding

I know 'multi-tasking'...

Is great because I can get multiple things done at once

Only works with certain activities like texting and watching a movie at the same time

Is not effective for getting all my work done

Is possible because I can divide my attention and focus on different things

What are some ways to manage your time?

Having the television on in the background to keep you entertained

Keeping a daily planner (ex: Warner's school planner, Google calendar) even if you
don't check it

Leave studying until the night before, so it's extra fresh in your mind

Prioritizing which class needs more work and more time studying

When I feel stressed about school...

I emotionally shut down

I get overwhelmed and I don't touch my homework at all

I try to hang out with my friends, watch TV, play videogames, etc. and forget about
my stress

I still try my best and get some work done

A way to stay organized is by...

Checking a daily planner regularly (ex: Warner's school planner, Google calendar)

Leaving loose papers in my backpack

Studying where I can no matter where it is (ex: loud spaces, car, cafeteria)

Having a cluttered notebook/binder

When I take a test...

I just hope for the best

I know I can rely on my studying that I did before the test

I'm surprised that I have a test, oops!

I get really nervous and my brain doesn't work anymore

I try to answer as quickly as I can, so I can be done with it

On a scale of 1-5, how do you feel about study skills and participating in group?

1 2 3 4 5

Great! I am con[dent in my
Awful! I don't want to be here
success and enjoy the group

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