4º Primaria - Unit 1 - Test - Richmond

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NAME: _______________________________


1. Describe the following photos using a verb and a noun.

Play a musical instrument ___________________ __________________

___________________ __________________ _________________

2. Choose the correct adjective.

a) Paul is very active / kind. He is always playing football!
b) Heber is quite messy / serious. He never smiles!
c) Gian is naughty / clever. Our teacher is always angry with him.
d) Paolo is shy / outgoing, because he likes to speak with everyone.
e) Ale is funny / tidy. I love his jokes, I can’t stop laughing.

3. Complete with the question words:

Who What When Where Which Why How

NAME: _______________________________


a) ________________ do you live? I live in Tres Cantos.

b) _________________ are you crying? Because I’m sad.

c) __________________ colour is the dress? It is blue.

d) __________________ is your sister? It’s Camila.

e) _________________ often do you go to Madrid? I go once a month.

f) __________________ is your birthday? It’s in August.

g) _________________ is your favourite colour? It’s red.

5. Write about people.









NAME: _______________________________


5. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the present simple.

Meg ________1 (be) a very active person and she's really fit. She's mad about tennis. She

___________2 (practise) a lot and she's a fantastic player! I _________ 3 (not play) because I

_________4 terrible at sport, but I _________ 5 (love) to see her play tennis. I _________ 6 (go)

to the tennis club to watch her.

6. Complete with the present continuous.

a) I _____________________ (play) chess with my dad.

b) He _____________________ (not/do) his homework.

c) We ______________________ (dance).

d) She ______________________ (sit) at my computer.

e) You _______________________ (not/listen) to music.

f) I _____________________ (not/wash) my dog.

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