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Review : CNC Writing and Now we need machines that can write content

Drawing Machine in their own handwriting. Exploring the

concepts of CNC machines, we now adopt the
same technique to develop machines for
Guided By : Prof. Smita Mate [Assistant writing.
Professor. Department of ETC , Jhulelal
Institute of technology Nagpur] 2. Literature Survey
Submitted By : Mr. Shaikh Mohd Ayaz ,
Mr. Tejas Wandhe , Mr. Pratik Gharad , Mr. Mr. R. Augustian Isaac et al. (2013) [1]
Ankit Wankhede presented a homework machine, a
programmed machine used for writing. A
homework-composing machine would work
Abstract like a CNC machine. The machine is chipped
away at at three pivots, which are the axes (X,
Background / Objectives: In a world of Y, and Z). This three-axis motion is controlled
growing technology, humans are depending on by a stepper motor and a servo motor.
machines for their work because robots are Mr. Nur, Shazwany Zamani et al. (2015), [2]
versatile, accurate, reliable, and reduce human The authors have generated cheap
effort. There are different types of machines
handwriting robots based on the
that do the same work as humans.
Methods / Statistical Analysis: We decided fundamentals of CNC. This handwriting robot
to develop a machine that can write and draw consists of a motor driver shield and a stepper
using the computer numerical control (CNC) motor that use the Arduino IDE
concept. The machine is developed based on microcontroller. A servo motor is used for pen
this research concern with controlling a motor
driver shield for pen movement and a rotating movement. In this writing, it is created and
stepper motor with an Arduino Uno uploaded using Inkscape software, and G-
microcontroller. code is produced directly. It has compatibility
Findings: A servo motor is employed for the with the utilised microcontroller for
up and down movement of the pen in the z
controlling motor movement and editing the
axis. Inkscape and G-code were used to
generate drawings and writings. drawing, which is given by Inkscape software.
Applications / Improvements: The proposed
system can prove helpful for different Mr. JuneMd.Mahedi Hasan et al. (2014) [3]
categories of people. Specifically for They presented an approach that would
differently abled people who don’t have any convert human speech into textual matter
talent to draw, we proposed this system to using the x-y plotter. This paper consists of
help them. components such as two stepper motors for
sliding in the x-y direction and a servo motor
being used for the movement of writing
Key words: Smart writing, Drawing material such as a pen or pencil. The
Machine, Arduino UNO commands for the machine were given by the
controller connected via Bluetooth, which are
1. Introduction already converted into G-code form, and there
is an Android application that converts spoken
Technologies such as automatic speech content into G-code and feeds it via Bluetooth
writing machines, TTS, text output from to the CNC machine.
speech, printers, scanners, etc. already exist.
Mr. M. Ramjan Begum et al. (2011) [4] The platform for building electronics projects, and
authors shared an approach to designing a it consists of a programmable circuit board
universal robot to carry out robot writing
and a piece of software. Our project's
tasks. The hardware part consists of the
mechanical design of the robotic arm, the construction is simple and low-cost.
adequate choice of motors, and the electronic
devices to drive the robotic joints. The Hardware and Software Requirements
software part contains the high-level algorithm
that converts the desired word sequence of the Table 1. Software Requirements
target point and the control algorithms that
ultimately make the robot more according to
specification. The writing mechanism is made
by speech recognition techniques. Speech
recognition can be provided either by using a
microphone or by using an Android
Mr. Shani Ranjan et al. (2017) [5] Design and
Development of Dual Axis Control Robot for
Writing Robot Through Speech Recognition". Table 2. Hardware Requirements
The authors present an Arduino Uno and
motor driver ICs, which depend on the
technique for implementation of any text or
image into its two-dimensional plotted text or
image using a 2D plotter CNC machine. A
3D-controlled 2D plotting machine, also
called a CNC plotter machine, uses a pen to
write text or draw images on a solid surface.
The programming language for the CNC
system is G-code. Its function is to tell the
machine to move to various points at the
desired speed, control the spindle speed, and Conclusion
turn on and off at various positions given by
the G-code. The image file is transformed into This paper proposes the design of a smart
G-code using software. Then the code is writing and drawing machine. The aim of our
passed on as input to the microcontroller, system is to build a smart machine that
which runs the motor mechanism as per showcases writing and drawing skills. The
instructions to draw the image. proposed system can prove helpful for
different categories of people. Specifically for
3. Methodology differently abled people who don’t have any
talent to draw, we proposed this system to
A servo motor, used to control its speed, is a help them.
device that can push or rotate objects with
precision. If we want to rotate at some
specific angle or distance, we can use a servo
1. Yousif Mohsin Hasan, Layth Fadhil Shakir,
motor. By using our machine, we can easily Hassan Hamed Naji , “Implementation and
draw any image. This process is commanded Manufacturing of a 3-Axes Plotter Machine by
by the Arduino UNO. It is an open-source Arduino and CNC Shield” 2018 International
Conference on Engineering Technologies and Plotter Machine, International Journal of
their Applications (ICETA), Islamic Emerging Technologies in Engineering
University – ALNajaf – IRAQ, pp 25-29. Research (IJETER) Volume 6, Issue 2,
2. J. Asiya, B. Archana, S. Harish, V. S. February (2018).
Hamsalekha , “Development of Speech to 9. M. Aditi S. Karpagam, B. Nandini, B. S.
Text Machine” International Journal of Murugan, “Automated Writing and Drawing
Research in Engineering, Science and Machine”, International Journal of
Management Volume-3, Issue-1, January- Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
2020, pp. 597-598. ISSN: 2278-0181. ETEDM - 2019 Conference
3. Nur Shazwany Zamani, M.N. Mohammed, Proceedings, Volume 7, Issue 06, pp. 1-3.
Muhammad Irsyad Abdullah, Salah Al- 10. Mahesh Raut, Ganesh Shete, Vipul
Zubaidi, “A New Developed Technique for Shinde, Ashok Suryawanshi, “AUTOMATIC
Handwriting Robot”, 2019 IEEE International MINI CNC MACHINE FOR PCB
Conference on Automatic Control and DRAWING USING ARDUINO”,
Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2019), 29 June International Research Journal of Engineering
2019, Selangor, Malaysia,pp. 264-267. and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06 Issue:
4. Md. Mahedi Hasan, Md. Rokonuzzaman 06 | June 2019, pp.310-313.
Khan, Abu Tayab Noman, Humayun Rashid,
Nawsher Ahmed, SM Taslim Reza, “Design
and Implementation of a Microcontroller
Based Low-Cost Computer Numerical Control
(CNC) Plotter using Motor Driver Controller”,
2019 International Conference on Electrical,
Computer and Communication Engineering
(ECCE), 7-9 February, 2019
5. Ms. M. Ramjan Begum, Mr. S.
Chandramouli, Mr. T. Gowtham, “DESIGN
International Research Journal of
Modernization in Engineering Technology and
Science Volume:02/Issue:03/March- 2020,
6. Mr.R.Augustian Isaac,Asst.professor, Amit
Kumar Singh, Prateekshit Tamta and Gaurav
MACHINE”, Vol-4 Issue-5 2018, IJARIIE-
ISSN(O), pp. 2395-4396 .
7. Shani Ranjan, Mani Rani, Shweta Ranjan,
Manmohan Singh, “Design and
Implementation of low-cost 2D plotter
Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Machine” ,
International Journal of Engineering Research
& Technology (IJERT) Vol. 7 Issue 05, May-
8. Puja Girhe, Shubham Yenkar, Arpita
Chirde, Arduino Based Cost Effective CNC

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