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Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for

dimensionality reduc on and classifica on tasks. It seeks to find a linear combina on of features that
best separates or discriminates between classes in a dataset. LDA is par cularly useful when dealing
with mul class classifica on problems where the classes are well-separated and normally

**Key Concepts of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA):**

1. **Dimensionality Reduc on:** LDA reduces the dimensionality of the feature space by projec ng
the data onto a lower-dimensional subspace while preserving class discrimina on. It achieves this by
maximizing the between-class sca er and minimizing the within-class sca er.

2. **Linear Combina on:** LDA finds a linear combina on of features that best separates the
classes. This linear combina on is represented by a vector called the discriminant func on.

3. **Maximizing Class Separability:** LDA aims to maximize the ra o of between-class sca er to

within-class sca er, which effec vely maximizes the separability between classes while minimizing
the overlap within classes.

4. **Eigenvalue Decomposi on:** The computa on of LDA involves performing eigenvalue

decomposi on on the covariance matrix of the data to obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
These eigenvectors represent the direc ons (discriminant axes) along which the data has the most
variance and are used to transform the data.

**Linear Discriminant Analysis Workflow:**

1. **Data Prepara on:** Gather a labeled dataset containing features and corresponding class

2. **Data Preprocessing:** Standardize the features (subtract the mean and divide by the standard
devia on) to ensure that they have a mean of 0 and a standard devia on of 1. This step is crucial for
LDA as it involves calcula ng the covariance matrix.

3. **Compute Class Means:** Calculate the mean feature vectors for each class in the dataset.

4. **Compute Sca er Matrices:** Compute the within-class sca er matrix (SW) and the between-
class sca er matrix (SB) using the class means and feature vectors.

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5. **Compute Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues:** Perform eigenvalue decomposi on on the matrix
SW^(-1) * SB to obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

6. **Select Discriminant Axes:** Select the top k eigenvectors corresponding to the largest
eigenvalues to form the projec on matrix W. These eigenvectors represent the direc ons along
which the data is maximally separated.

7. **Transform the Data:** Project the original data onto the subspace spanned by the selected
discriminant axes using the projec on matrix W.

8. **Classifica on:** A er dimensionality reduc on, apply a classifier (e.g., logis c regression,
support vector machines) to the transformed data for classifica on tasks.

**Applica ons of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA):**

- Face recogni on and image classifica on.

- Biometric iden fica on systems.

- Medical diagnos cs.

- Text classifica on.

- Financial fraud detec on.

LDA is widely used in various fields for its ability to reduce dimensionality while preserving class
discrimina on, making it par cularly effec ve in classifica on tasks where the classes are well-
separated. However, it may not perform well when the classes are highly overlapping or when the
data is not normally distributed.

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