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galun-layi road construction

summary report
This project is one of the regional government projects for the development
programme of rural areas in the region. The project is planned by the Somali
Regional State Road Bureau for the purpose of to connect Galun Kebele with
Dawa zone Lay town. The project also connects intermediate villages which
are found along the road corridor such as Haloya, Dadartu and Korobo
kebeles. Moreover, the plan targeted to create access road for transportation
of farmers livestock, agricultural products and mining products as well as for
the development of life style of the society.

Accordingly, the SRS Road Bureau and the contractor Ahmed Mohamud
General Construction have signed an agreement on May, 2020 G.C for the
construction of this project. In line with this, the contract agreement has been
amended two times until this reporting period. the 1st contract amendment
has made on September, 2020G.C and the 2nd amendment was on June 26,
2023G.C after the work is suspended from January 15, 2021 up to June 25,
2023 G.C.

Based on the 2nd contract amendment the total project contract amount is
492,451,382.3ETB including VAT and the completion time of the project
extended up to August 28,2025G.C.

The total to date accomplishment of the work up to march 31, 2024 is

117,602,589.71ETB with VAT or 23.88% of the total project and the
monthly progress is 12,858,918.0ETB or 3%.

Generally, this monthly report covers the overall project progress, physical
and financial performance evaluation vs work plan and detail work executed
status. Furthermore, this report includes man power status, machinery status,
next month plan, problem encountered and other pertinent clues.

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