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The Psychology of Sex and Gender 2nd

Edition Jennifer K. Bosson

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Second Edition
For my parents, Jo-Ellen and Edward.
J. K. B.
For Kate, Kathleen, and my beloved family.
C. E. B.
For Winter and Kelly.
J. A. V.
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Second Edition
Jennifer K. Bosson
University of South Florida
Camille E. Buckner
Marymount University
Joseph A. Vandello
University of South Florida
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Bosson, Jennifer K., author. | Buckner, Camille E., author. |
Vandello, Joseph A., author.
Title: The psychology of sex and gender / Jennifer K. Bosson,
University of South Florida, Camille E. Buckner, Marymount
University, Joseph A. Vandello, University of South Florida.
Description: Second edition. | Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE, [2022] |
Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020031209 | ISBN 9781544393995 (paperback) |
ISBN 9781544394008 (epub) | ISBN 9781544394039 (epub) | ISBN
9781544394015 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Sex (Psychology) | Sex. | Gender identity. |
Interpersonal relations.
Classification: LCC BF692 .B67 2022 | DDC 155.3—dc23
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Cover Designer: Scott Van Atta
Marketing Manager: Victoria Velasquez
About the Authors
Unit I • Foundations
Chapter 1 • Introducing Sex and Gender
Chapter 2 • Studying Sex and Gender
Unit II • Becoming Gendered: Biological and Social Factors
Chapter 3 • The Nature and Nurture of Sex and Gender
Chapter 4 • Gender Development
Unit III • Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Power
Chapter 5 • The Contents and Origins of Gender
Chapter 6 • Power, Sexism, and Discrimination
Unit IV • Cognition, Emotion, and Communication
Chapter 7 • Cognitive Abilities and Aptitudes
Chapter 8 • Language, Communication, and Emotion
Unit V • Sexuality, Relationships, and Work
Chapter 9 • Sexual Orientation and Sexuality
Chapter 10 • Interpersonal Relationships
Chapter 11 • Work and Home
Unit VI • Health and Well-Being
Chapter 12 • Gender and Physical Health
Chapter 13 • Gender and Psychological Health
Chapter 14 • Aggression and Violence
Unit VII • Summary and Reflection
Chapter 15 • Gender Past, Present, and Future
Subject Index
Author Index
About the Authors
Unit I • Foundations
Chapter 1 • Introducing Sex and Gender
Introducing Sex and Gender
How Do We Explain Central Concepts in the Psychology
of Sex and Gender?
Sex and Gender
The Sex and Gender Binaries
Masculinity and Femininity
Gender Identity
Sexual Orientation
What Makes Sex and Gender So Complicated?
Complexity and Change
Ubiquity and Invisibility
How Have Gender Movements Shaped History?
Structures of Power and Inequality
Women’s Movements and the Rise of Feminisms
Women’s Movements
DEBATE: Are Men Overlooked in Feminist
Men’s Movements
Gay Rights Movements
The Transgender Movement
Where Are We Now? Inclusivity and
About This Book
Our (Interdisciplinary) Psychological Approach
Our Challenge to You: Critical Thinking
Chapter 2 • Studying Sex and Gender
Studying Sex and Gender
What Is the Meaning of Difference?
DEBATE: Should Psychologists Study Sex
What Is Science?
The Scientific Method
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Conceptualizing and
Measuring Masculinity and Femininity
What Are the Primary Methods Used in Sex and Gender
Quantitative Research Methods
True Experimental Designs
Ex Post Facto Designs
Correlational Designs
Qualitative Research Methods
Case Studies
Focus Groups
Mixed Methods
How Do We Draw Conclusions From Multiple Studies?
Effect Sizes
Overlap and Variance
Beyond Overall Effect Sizes
What Are Some Biases Common in Sex and Gender
Identifying the Research Question
Designing the Study and Collecting Data
Interpreting and Communicating the Results
How Do We Address Challenges in Sex and Gender
Guidelines for Gender-Fair Research
Guidelines for More Inclusive Research
Unit II • Becoming Gendered: Biological and Social Factors
Chapter 3 • The Nature and Nurture of Sex and Gender
The Nature and Nurture of Sex and Gender
Nature Versus Nurture or Nature and Nurture?
Gene-by-Environment Interactions
The Microbiome
How Do Nature and Nurture Shape Sex Differentiation?
Typical Sex Differentiation
Chromosomes and Genes
Hormones and Anatomy
Intersex Conditions
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Unlocking Genetic and
Hormonal Contributions to Sex
Chromosomes and Genes
Hormones and Anatomy
DEBATE: Should Intersex Individuals Be Allowed to
Compete in Athletic Competitions?
How Do Nature and Nurture Shape Sex Assignment
and Gender Identity?
Optimal Sex
Gender Identity
Gender Confirmation Procedures
What Do Sex Differences in Brain Structure Reveal?
Sex Differences in the Brain
Equating the Brain With “Nature”
Neuroscience or Neurosexism?
How Do Theories of Sex Differences Account for Nature
and Nurture?
Evolutionary Psychology
Biosocial Constructionist Theory
Chapter 4 • Gender Development
Gender Development
How Central Are Sex and Gender in Early
What Are the Major Theoretical Approaches to Gender
Social Learning Theories and Sources of
Parents and Siblings
Teachers and Peers
DEBATE: Should Toys Be Marketed as Gender
Cognitive Theories
Cognitive-Developmental Theory
Gender Schema Theory
Developmental Intergroup Theory
Gender Self-Socialization Model
Evaluating Social Learning and Cognitive Theories
What Are the Experiences of Gender-Nonconforming
Biological and Social Contributions to Gender
Nonconforming Identities and Milestones
How Do Sex and Gender Shape Development in
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood?
Puberty and the Transition to Young Adulthood
Relationships With Parents
Friendship, Dating, and Social Networking
Gendered Self-Views Across Time and Cultures
How Do Sex and Gender Shape Development in Middle
and Late Adulthood?
Cultural Ideals of Womanhood and Manhood
Gendered Self-Views
Women’s Gender Advantage?
The Double Standard of Aging
Unit III • Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Power
Chapter 5 • The Contents and Origins of Gender
The Contents and Origins of Gender Stereotypes
What Are the Contents and Structure of Gender
Communion and Agency
The Stereotype Content Model
The Women-Are-Wonderful Effect
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Think Manager–Think
Subgroups and Intersectionality
Transgender Stereotypes
Sexual Orientation Stereotypes
Where Do Gender Stereotypes Come From?
Evolutionary Psychology
Social Role Theory
Biosocial Constructionist Theory
What Are Some Consequences of Gender Stereotyping?
Penalizing Gender Role Violators
Confirming Negative Stereotypes
Are Gender Stereotypes Accurate?
DEBATE: Are Gender Stereotypes Accurate?
Challenges: Defining “Reality” and Accuracy
Cognitive Stereotypes
Personality Stereotypes
Nonverbal and Verbal Communication Stereotypes
Stereotypes Across Multiple Domains
So How Universal Are Gender Stereotypes, Really?
Chapter 6 • Power, Sexism, and Discrimination
Power, Sexism, and Discrimination
How Do Power and Privilege Relate to Sex and Gender?
Patriarchal and Matriarchal Social Structures
Structural Versus Dyadic Power
Ways of Exerting Power
Resource Control
Cultural Ideologies
Intersectionality, Double Jeopardy, and Invisibility
What Is Sexism, and Why Does It Persist?
Ambivalent Sexism Toward Women
Ambivalent Attitudes Toward Men
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Measuring Gender Role
and Sexist Attitudes
Social Dominance and System Justification
Why Do Sexist Attitudes Matter?
DEBATE: Do Men Experience Sexism?
What Is Gender Discrimination?
Overt Discrimination and Microaggressions
Global Gender Discrimination in Education and
How Can We Resist and Reduce Gender
Employment Nondiscrimination: It’s the Law
Confronting Gender Discrimination: Individual
Resisting Gender Discrimination: Collective Action
Being an Ally
Unit IV • Cognition, Emotion, and Communication
Chapter 7 • Cognitive Abilities and Aptitudes
Cognitive Abilities and Aptitudes
What Is Cognitive Ability?
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Measuring the Brain
From Phrenology to fMRI
Sex Differences in General Mental Ability
What Are the Sex Differences and Similarities in
Cognitive Abilities?
Verbal Performance
Vocabulary and Verbal Fluency
Reading and Writing
Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Performance
Visual-Spatial Performance
Mental Rotation
Spatial Perception and Visualization
Spatial Location Memory
Sex Differences in the Variability of Cognitive
How Do Individual Differences and Context Influence
Cognitive Performance?
Culture, Race, and Educational Access
Math Anxiety
Achievement Motivation and Sensitivity to
How Do Sex and Gender Relate to Outcomes in School
and STEM Fields?
Education and School Performance
Cultural Influences
Home and Classroom Dynamics
DEBATE: Do Children Fare Better in Single-Sex
Sex, Gender, and STEM Fields
Interests, Values, and Expectations
Gendered Family Responsibilities
Chapter 8 • Language, Communication, and Emotion
Language, Communication, and Emotion
How Do Gender-Related Words Influence Social
Gendered Features of Language
The Generic Masculine
Grammatical Gender
Diminutives and Gender Labels
The Influence of Gendered Language on
What Roles Do Sex and Gender Play in Verbal
Sex Differences in How People Communicate
Who Talks More?
Who Interrupts More?
Sex Differences in What People Communicate
Social Media
Beyond Sex Differences: Intersectionality in
Verbal Communication: What’s the Big Picture?
What Roles Do Sex and Gender Play in Nonverbal
Smiling and Eye Contact
Personal Space and Touch
Body Posture and Gait
Nonverbal Communication: What’s the Big Picture?
How Do Sex and Gender Shape the Experience,
Expression, and Identification of Emotions?
Emotional Experience and Expression
DEBATE: Are Women More Emotional Than Men?
Nature and Nurture
Display Rules
Encoding and Decoding Accuracy
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Understanding Empathy,
From Darwin to Mirror Neurons
Unit V • Sexuality, Relationships, and Work
Chapter 9 • Sexual Orientation and Sexuality
Sexual Orientation and Sexuality
How Do Understandings of Sexuality and Sexual
Orientation Differ Across Time and Culture?
JOURNEY OF RESEARCH: Sexual Orientation
Change Efforts
What Is Sexual Orientation?
Sexual Identity
Motivation: Desire and Love
Sexual Behavior
Complexity of Sexual Orientation
How Does Sexual Orientation Develop?
Phase Models of Sexual Identity Development
Milestone and Narrative Models of Sexual Minority
Identity Development
Why Do People Differ in Sexual Orientation?
Biological Theories
Evolutionary Theories
The Integrative Approach
Evaluation of Theories
How Do Sex and Gender Contribute to the Experience
of Sexuality?
Sexual Behavior, Attitudes, and Brain Activity
DEBATE: Do Men Have a Stronger Sex Drive Than
Orgasm Frequency and Sexual Satisfaction
Sexual Fluidity
How Does Sexuality Change Over the Life Course?
Sexual Trajectories
The Medicalization of Sexual Changes
Chapter 10 • Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal Relationships
What Roles Do Sex and Gender Play in Social Networks
and Friendships?
Social Networks and Friendships
Friendship Intimacy
Cross-Sex Friendships
Hookups and Friends With Benefits
LGBTQ+ Friendships
What Roles Do Sex and Gender Play in Interpersonal
Mate Preferences: Similarities and Differences
Mate Selection: Whom Do We Choose?
Dating Relationships
Dating Scripts and Paternalistic Chivalry
Love and Romance
What Is the Nature of Marriage—Past and Present?
A Brief Social History of Marriage
Contemporary Marriage-Like Relationships
The Changing American Family
Arranged Versus Autonomous Marriages
Polygyny and Polyandry
Consensual Nonmonogamy and Polyamory
What Roles Do Sex and Gender Play in Committed
Happy Relationships: Equity and Love
Making Decisions
Dividing Labor and Childcare
Showing Love
Relationship Struggles: Jealousy and Conflict
Dealing With Conflict
DEBATE: Did Women and Men Evolve Different
Jealousy Reactions?
Separation and Divorce
What Roles Do Sex and Gender Play in Parenting and
Family Relationships?
Parent to Parent: Gender and Parental
Parent to Child: Gender and Caring for Children
Chapter 11 • Work and Home
Work and Home
How Have Work and Home Labor Divisions Changed?
How Do People Divide Housework and Childcare at
Trends and Inequities
Who Does What?
Predictors of the Division of Domestic Labor
Time Availability
Relative Income
Gender Role Ideology
Maternal Gatekeeping
How Does Gender Operate in the Workplace?
Gender and Leadership
Glass Ceilings, Glass Cliffs, Glass Escalators, and
Sticky Floors
Workplace Bias Based on Sex
Bias Against Women
Bias Against Men
Workplace Bias Based on Sexual Orientation,
Gender Identity, Race, and Disability Status
How Can We Explain the Gender Wage Gap?
What Is the Gender Wage Gap?
DEBATE: Is the Gender Wage Gap a Myth?
Possible Explanations for the Gender Wage Gap
Education and Occupational Segregation
Occupational Feminization
Salary Negotiation
Relocations and Career Interruptions
Conclusions About the Gender Wage Gap
How Do Work and Family Roles Interact?
Conflict to Work–Life Enrichment
Balance, Conflict, and Enrichment
Flexible Work and Family Leave Policies
Unit VI • Health and Well-Being
Chapter 12 • Gender and Physical Health
Gender and Physical Health
How Have Understandings of Health and Longevity
Changed Over Time?
Changes in Life Expectancy
Mortality (Death) and Morbidity (Sickness)
DEBATE: Do Women or Men Experience Better
Physical Health?
Detailed Chapter-Level Changes
Chapter 1 Introducing Sex and Gender
Added new scholarship on symbolic representation and visibility
of dominant and subordinate groups in the “Structures of Power
and Inequality” section.
Updated examples of current gender events and controversies
from around the world (e.g., recognition of nonbinary and third
gender statuses on legal documents; impacts of the #MeToo
movement; inclusion of girls and transgender children in the Boy
Scouts of America; backlash against gender studies and gender
equality movements in Europe).
Added new sidebars on sexual mistreatment (“The #MeToo
Movement”) and psychology’s need for greater diversity (“Is
Psychology Research WEIRD?”).
Added inclusive terminology (Latinx, nonbinary, genderqueer,
gender fluid).
Increased coverage of sociocultural diversity (e.g., controversies
surrounding use of “Latinx” as a gender-neutral term;
predominance of White men in the Promise Keepers).
Added new intersectionality content (e.g., steps for adopting
intersectional perspectives; description of second-wave
Chapter 2 Studying Sex and Gender
Added a new sidebar on the debate about psychological sex
differences versus similarities (“Do Many Small Sex Differences
Make a Big Difference?”).
Updated the debate on “Should Psychologists Study Sex
Updated coverage of current events related to sex and gender
(e.g., the 2019 ban on transgender individuals serving in the
U.S. military).
Added new terminology (variance, person-by-treatment
Added new scholarship on going beyond the binary to the
“Guidelines for Gender-Fair Research” and expanded content
into a new subsection on “Guidelines for More Inclusive
Added cross-cultural and non-U.S. content (e.g., life expectancy
around the world; sex differences in burnout among Norwegian
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

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